RAI. Journal (A25)

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A25/        RAI. Journal

Reports of referees on papers ‘proposed to be read before the Institute’ covering the following queries: I – As to reading: (1) Do you recommend the paper to be read? (2) Do you recommend any omission in the reading of it? (a) As merely general observations? (b) As unnecessarily controversial? (c) For any other reason? – II – As to publication: (1) Does the paper contain: (a) New facts? (b) New views on the bearing of admitted facts? (c) Apparently well-founded correction of important errors as to the matter of fact? (2) Do you recommend it to be printed? (a) At length? (b) In abstract? (c) With any omission or alteration? If so, please mark it in pencil (3) Does it require illustration? If so to what extent? (4) Have you any further suggestions for the guidance of the Editor of the Journal? 28 Mar. 1893 – 12 May 1938. See also A9 for record of date of receipt, etc.

See also report by A.P. Maudslay on Sir Herbert Gibson’s Notes on the Indian tribes of the Paraguayan and Bolivian Chaco. [1922] in MS 33

Honorary Editors of the JRAI:

No editors were named until 1922

1922-5        H.S. Harrison
1925-34        H.J. Braunholtz
1935-7        R.U. Sayce
1938-46        Miss E.J. Lindgren
1947-52        M. Fortes
1953-5        J.C. Trevor
1956-65        G.W.B. Huntingford

The JRAI ceased publication with Vol. 65, 1965 and was superseded by Man, NS, Vol. 1, 1966.

 1/    1893 – Mar. 1925

1    Abbot, W.J. Lewis. Classification of the British Stone Age.    Reginald A. Smith    9 Nov. 1909
2    Ibid.    Henry Balfour    8 Dec. 1909
3    Ibid. Tasmanian implements    Ibid.    18 Feb. 1921
4    Abercromby, John. The prehistoric pottery of the Canary Islands and its makers    H.J.E. Peake    23 Oct. 1914
5    Ibid. Plastic art in the Grand Canary    H.S. Harrison    19 May 1915
6    Adhikari, Aghor nath (?). Birth customs in …; not published     T.C. Hodson    3 Feb. 1914
7    Anderson, J.H. Method of estimating cubic capacity of skulls. Proportionate contents of the skull    (Sir) Arthur Keith    6 Apr. 1910
8    Andrew, Mrs T.H. Racial characteristics in the south west of England; published as The ‘Cornish fisherman type’, Man, Sep. 1921, no. 83    H.J. Fleure    25 May 1921
9    Armstrong, Leslie. Report on excavation of Tray Cliff cave, Castleton    Sir W. Boyd Dawkins    14 Mar. 1923
10    Ashby, T. Excavations in Malta in 1914    W. Gowland    14 May 1915
11    Ashmead, A. Huacan potteries of pre-Columbian Peru    C.G. Seligman    5 Feb. 1907
12    Astley, H.J.D. Cup and ring markings    W. Ridgeway    4 Nov. 1900
13    Aston, W.G. Japanese onomatopes and the origin of language    A.H. Keane    28 Mar. 1893
14    Ibid. Religious ceremonies connected with house building in Japan    W. Gowland    18 May 1911
15    Balfour, H. Fire-making with a sawing thong    H.S. Harrison    14 May 1914
16    Ibid. Origin of stencilling    T.A. Joyce    12 Nov. 1924
17    Barnes, H. Notes on the Wa-Nyanja tribe of Nyasaland    H.S. Stannus    22 Mar. 1922
18    Barrett, -. Folk tales from British East Africa    A. Werner    9 Nov. 1909
19    Barton, C.J.T. Juxon. Notes on the Suk tribe of Kenia    C.G. Seligman    10 Dec. 1920
20    Ibid. Kipsikis or Lumbwa tribes of Kenya Colony    Sir H.H. Johnstone    8 Mar. 1922
21    Barton, F.R. Some Papuan children’s games    A.C. Haddon    15 Jan. 1908
22    Ibid. Tattooing in south eastern New Guinea    H.S. Harrison    3 Oct. 1917
23    Basedow, H. Notes of the natives of Bathurst Island; Burial customs, north Flinders Ranges, South Australia    J. Edge-Partington    3 Dec. 1912
24    Ibid. Aboriginal rock carvings of great antiquity in South Australia    Ibid.    16 Apr. 1913
25    Basur, F. The origin of magic; not published    R.R. Marett    15 Oct. 1913
26    Bates, Daisy. Notes on some south western Australian dialects    S.H. Ray    24 Oct. 1912
27    Beasley, H. Some Polynesian cuttle fish baits; attached: letter from referee dated 15 July (autogr.)     J. Edge-Partington    9 July 1920
28    No author named. Items gathered from Basuto; not published    R. Durand    4 May 1910
29    Beddoe, John. A last contribution to the ethnology of Scotland    W.L.H. Duckworth    29 Apr. 1908
30    Bennett, F.J. Coldrum monument and exploration, 1910; Report on human remains found by F.J. Bennett and A. Keith    S. Hazzledine Warren    31 July 1912
31    Berry, R.J., Robertson, A.W.D. and Büchner, L.W.G. The craniometry of the Tasmanian Aboriginal    F.G. Parsons    29 Sep. 1913
32    Boas, F. Some ethnological problems in Canada    E.S. Hartland    2 Feb. 1910
33    Bradley, R.N. The Semitic sub-stratum in English    D.S. Margoliouth    4 June 1913
34    Ibid. The language of the pre-Aryans    S.H. Ray    29 Oct. 1913
35    Bramley, Percy B. River life and people in northern India    Sir Herbert H. Risley    30 May 1911
36    Brewster, A.A. Circumcision in Noikoro Noemalu and [Mboumbudho]    W.H.R. Rivers    14 July 1919
37    Broom, R. A contribution to the craniology of the yellow skinned races of South Africa    F.G. Parsons    7 Dec. 1922
38    Brown, A.R. [Radcliffe]. Three tribes of Western Australia    A.C. Haddon    31 July 1912
39    Ibid. Relationship and marriage in Australian tribes    Ibid.    4 Mar. 1914
40    Ibid. Notes on the social organisation of Australian tribes. Part I    Ibid.    3 Oct. 1917
41    Ibid. Ibid. Part II    W.H.R. Rivers    8 Mar. 1922
42    Brown, G. The conceptual theory of the origin of totemism    Ibid.     16 Feb. 1911
43    Brown, J.T. Circumcision rites of the Becwana tribes    C.G. Seligman    17 Feb. 1921
44    Brown, R. Grant. The Tamans of the upper Chindwin, Burma    T.C. Hodson    16 Feb. 1911
45    Ibid. The Toungbyôn festival, Burma    M. Longworth Dames    15 Nov. 1915
46    Browne, G. St J. Orde. Physical peculiarities of the minor tribes of Mount Kenya    Sir H.H. Johnston    2 Feb. 1916
47    Brownlee, J. The possibility of analysing race mixtures; attached: letter from referee dated 5 Nov. (autogr.)    G. Udny Yule    27 Oct. 1910
48    Ibid.    J. Beddoe    10 Nov. 1910
49    Bryce, -. Mound builders of North America    H. Balfour    4 Nov. 1908
50    Ibid. Archaeological remains of western Canada    D.I. Bushnell    19 Nov. 1908
51    Buckland, Miss A.W. Four as a sacred number    E.W. Brabrook    7 Nov. 1893
52    Buxton, L. Dudley. A preliminary study of Greek weaving and textile fabrics in Cyprus    T.A. Joyce    24 Feb. 1915
53    Ibid. The anthropology of Cyprus    (Sir) Arthur Keith    14 Apr. 1920
54    Campbell, Wm Dugald. A description of certain phallic articles of the Australian Aborigines    W.H.R. Rivers    24 May 1921
55    Chamberlain, A.F. The Chinook jargon; attached: note from secretary and letter from referee dated 9 Nov. 1910 (autogr.)    S.H. Ray    27 Oct. 1910
56    Chamberlain, Basil Hall. Two funeral urns from Loochoo    E.B. Tylor    7 Nov. 1893
57    Chambers, D. Neolithic flint cameos; not published    R.A. Smith    25 June 1913
58    Champion, A.M. The Atharaka    T.A. Joyce    22 Nov. 1911
59    Childe, V. Gordon. Schipenitz pottery designs    (Sir) J.L. Myres    7 Feb. 1923
60    Chinnery, E.W.P. and Beaver, W.H. The Thaw or Thaw Shiango or Geweta Shiango; published as ‘Notes on the initiation ceremonies of the Koko, Papua’, JRAI, vol. 45, 1915, pp. 69-78    A.C. Haddon    26 May 1915
61    Chinnery, E.W.P. Ancient pottery and stonework in New Guinea    C.G. Seligman    5 Nov. 1919
62    Cholmeley, Major. Notes on the Sudanese in Uganda    Ibid.    17 June 1919
63    Clark, W.E. Le Gros. On a series of ancient Eskimo skulls from Greenland    W.L.H. Duckworth    14 Apr. 1920
64    Collyer, H.C. On discs; not published    R.A. Smith    19 July 1912
65    Compton, R.H. New Caledonian cats’ cradles    A.C. Haddon    15 Jan. 1919
66    Conway, R.S. Offerings to the Venetic goddess Rehtia    W. Ridgeway    8 Dec. 1915
67    Cook, W.H. On the discovery of a human skeleton in a brickearth deposit in the valley of the river Medway at Halling, Kent, with an account of the human remains by (Sir) Arthur Keith    F.G. Parsons    24 June 1913
68    Coxhead, J.C.C. The native tribes of North east Rhodesia    T.A. Joyce    15 Oct. 1913
69    Crooke, W. Rajputs and Mahrattas    M. Longworth Dames    9 Nov. 1909
70    Ibid. Stability of caste    T.C. Hodson    31 Mar. 1914
71    Cummington, M.E. The discovery of a skeleton and ‘drinking cup’ at Avebury    R.A. Smith    24 July 1912
72    Czaplicka, M.A. Arctic hysteria    Henry Balfour    9 Dec. 1913
73    Ibid. The history and ethnology of central Asia    A.C. Haddon    3 Dec. 1919
74    Davey, J.B. and Stannus, H.S. The initiation ceremony for boys among the Yeo of Nyassaland; published as by Stannus, H.S. and Davey, J.B.    T.A. Joyce    8 Jan. 1913
75    Del Mar, F. The use of Maori weapons; not published    Henry Balfour    14 Sep. 1923
76    Dennett, R.E. On Yoruba religion    N.W. Thomas    4 Nov. 1900
77    Ibid. The English of the powers at the back of the Bairlli seasons; not published    C.G. Seligman    7 June 1916
78    Ibid. A few notes on Grimmshaw in Nigeria; not published    S.H. Ray    6 Mar. 1918
79    Despott, G. Excavations in Malta; not published    H.J.E. Peake    19 Oct. 1921
80    Donald, J.R. Ice and implements; not published    R.A. Smith    28 Feb. 1912
81    Dorman, S.S. The Masarwas and their language; not published    A. Werner    30 Sep. 1914
82    Driberg, J.H. Rainmaking among the Luango    C.G. Seligman    12 Feb. 1919
83    Duckworth, W.L.H. Cave exploration at Gibraltar in September 1910    (Sir) Arthur Keith    29 Mar. 1911
84    Ibid. Cave exploration at Gibraltar 1911    Ibid.    15 May 1912
85    Dundas, Hon. C. The organisation and laws of some Bantu tribes in E. Africa    A. Werner    20 May 1914
86    Ibid. Bantu tribes    T.A. Joyce    17 Feb. 1921
87    Dundas, Hon. K. Notes on the tribes of the Wawanga District file; not published    (Sir) J.G. Frazer    9 Nov. 1909
88    Ibid. The Wawanga    T.A. Joyce    24 Oct. 1912
89    Durham, M. Edith. Montenegrin manners and customs    T.A. Joyce    3 Mar. 1908
90    Ibid. Notes on High Albania and its customs in 1908    (Sir) A.J. Evans    2 Mar. 1910
91    Ibid. Some south Slav customs as shown in Serbian ballads and by Serbian authors    H.S. Harrison    25 Sep. 1917
92    Enock, C.R. The Euphratean origin of man; not published    H.J.E. Peake    18 Oct. 1922
93    Evans, I.H.N. Folk stories of the Tenpassuk and Tuaran districts of British North Borneo    A.C. Haddon    31 Jan. 1912
94    Ibid. Notes on the religious beliefs etc. of the Dusuns of the Tuaran and Tenpessuk districts, British North Borneo; not published    Ibid.    17 Apr. 1912
95    Ibid. The Orang Dusun of British North Borneo    C.G. Seligman    17 Apr. 1917
96    Ibid. Some Sakai beliefs and customs; not published    W.W. Skeat    20 June 1917
97    Fawcett, E.F. Colter, the Irish giant; not published    Prof. Cunningham    4 Nov. 1900
98    Fison, Revd L. Some points of connection between the Laibai, Kaurarega and Gudang languages    E.B. Tylor    7 Nov. 1893
99    Fleure, Prof. H.J. A comparison of an ancient and surviving type of man; not published    F.C. Shrubsall    12 Mar. 1920
100    Ibid. Racial characteristics in Europe; not published    (Sir) A.J. Keith    25 Apr. 1917
101    Ibid. Anthropology and our older histories    Ibid.    10 Apr. 1918
102    Friere-Marreco, B. Hair and eye colour of 591 children of school age in Surrey; not published    J. Gray    4 Nov. 1900
103    Ibid. Catalogue of Nicobar collection, The Mayer Museum, Liverpool; not published; correspondence attached    E.H. Man    12 Nov. 1909
  .1    Referee to RAI, 15 Nov. 1909 (autogr.)        
  .2    Ibid.        
104    Ibid.    A.R[adcliffe] Brown    18 Nov. 1909
105    Foulkes, H.D. Augass grammar; not published    Sir H.H. Johnston    22 Nov. 1911
106    Fox, C.G. Beliefs and tales of San Cristoval; not published    S.H. Ray    6 July 1914
107    Ibid. Social organisation in San Cristoval; not published    W.H.R. Rivers    19 Dec. 1918
108    Frazer, Sir J.G., Grover, P. and Achariya, K.R. Milk customs of the Todas; published as by Frazer, Sir J. and Achariya, K.R.    Ibid.    11 Dec. 1918
109    Garbutt, H.W. Witchcraft in Nyasa Yao; not published    R.A. Durand    14 Oct. 1910
110    Garrett, T.H. The natives of the eastern portion of Borneo and of Java (preliminary note)    J. Gray    6 Nov. 1911
111    Ghurye, G.S. Dual organisation in India; no recommendation form; referee’s letter only    A.C. Haddon    3 Dec. 1922
112    Gladstone, R.J. Description of the human cranium dredged from the bed of the River Trent, and a comparison of this with ancient and modern British skulls    A. Keith    20 Apr. 1921
113    Godin, P. Louis de croissance    A. Thomson    25 June 1913
114    Gray, J. Memoir on the pigmentation survey of Scotland; no recommendation form; referee’s letter only, 16 Dec. 1907    D.J. Cunningham    16 Dec. 1907
115    Gregory, J.C. The dragon myth; not published; correspondence attached:    D.J. Cunningham    16 Dec. 1907
  .1    Referee to RAI, 25 Jan. 1922 [sic] (autogr.)        
116    Ibid. From myth to metaphor; not published    E.S. Hartland    20 Apr. 1921
117    Greenwell, Canon, and Gatty, R.A. The pit dwellings at Holderness    W.B. Dawkins    28 Oct. 1909
118    Griffiths, I. The Welsh and Scandinavian friends …; not published. Correspondence attached:    A.L. Lewis    2 Nov. 1909
  .1    From Myvanwy Rhys, daughter of A.L. Lewis, 13 Nov. 1909        
119    Grimble, (Sir) A. From birth to death in the Gilbert Islands    W.H.R. Rivers    17 Feb. 1921
120    Ibid. The canoes of the Gilbert Islands    A.C. Haddon    18 Oct. 1922
121    Grist, C.J. Some Dewlish eoliths    S.H. Warren    13 Jan. 1910
122    Gurdon, Lt. Col. Systems of relationships of the hill tribes of Assam; not published. Correspondence attached:    W.H.R. Rivers    5 Nov. 1919
  .1    Referee to RAI, [19 Nov. 1919]        
123    Hansen, Søren. On the physical anthropology of the Faero Islanders    W. Ridgeway    9 July 1912
124    Harrington, J.P. Some practical suggestions as to the reading and study of languages; not published    S.H. Ray    22 Nov. 1911
125    Harrison, C. Queen Charlotte Islands and their original inhabitants; not published    T.A. Joyce    16 Mar. 1921
126    Ibid. The Haidas; not published    Ibid.    17 Oct. 1923
127    Hart-Davis, M. Notes on the customs of the Ga tribe; not published; correspondence attached:    R.E. Dennett    10 Nov. 1909
  .1    Referee to RAI, 10 Nov. 1909 (autogr.)        
128    Ibid. Ibid.    C. Partridge    24 Nov. 1909
129    Hartland, E.S. Evidential value of the historical traditions of B & B; not published    T.C. Hodson    27 Sep. 1913
130    Hasluck, F.W. Heterodox tribes of Asia Minor, Parts I & II    R.M. Dawkins    22 June 1921
131    Hasluck, Mrs M. The evil eye and its exorcism in Western Macedonia; not published    M.E. Durham    23 May 1922
132    Ibid. The evil eye of Western Macedonia; not published    Ibid.    18 Oct. 1922
133    Hayes, J.W. Deneholes    G. Clench    4 Nov. 1900
134    Ibid. The red hills and pottery manufacture; not published    C.H. Read    9 Nov. 1909
135    Ibid. Irish manuscripts and other evidence concerning the use of rough and smooth stones within historic times; not published    H.J.E. Peake    10 Oct. 1918
136    Ibid. Tumuli and their builders; not published    Ibid.    17 Oct. 1923
137    Heard, W.B. Notes on the Yezidis    M. Longworth Dames    25 Nov. 1910
138    Heber, A.R. Some observations on the people of the Lesser Tibet; not published    W.H.R. Rivers    24 May 1921
139    Herskovits, M.J. Some property concepts and marriage customs of the Vandau; not published    C.G. Seligman    13 June 1923
140    Hildburgh, W.L. Sinhalese magic    M. Longworth Dames    14 Apr. 1908
141    Ibid. Tibetan and Burmese amulets    H. Balfour    14 July 1909
142    Ibid. Some Japanese minor magical practices connected with propagation and infancy of children; not published    T.C. Hodson    22 Apr. 1914
143    Hill-Tout, C. Report on the ethnology of the Okanagan; not published    E. Sidney Hartland    30 Oct. 1909
144    Hobley, C.W. Kikuyu customs and beliefs    W.S. Routledge    14 Oct. 1910
145    Ibid. Further researches into Kikuyu and Kamba religious beliefs and customs    T.A. Joyce    12 Oct. 1911
146    Hocart, A.M. On the meaning of Kalou and the origin of Fijian temples    W.H.R. Rivers    31 July 1912
147    Ibid. (1) The Fijian custom of Tauvu; (2) Fijian heralds and envoys    Sir E. im Thurn    29 Jan. 1913
148    Ibid. A lesson in chronology; not published    (Sir) A. Keith    13 Feb. 1919
149    Ibid. Outlines of Rotuman grammar    S.H. Ray    18 June 1919
150    Ibid. Anthropological notes from Eddystone Island; not published    Ibid.     7 Jan. 1920
151    Ibid. Witchcraft and medicine in Eddystone Island; not published    C.G. Seligman    12 May 1920
152    Hogarth, D.G. Recent Hittite research    (Sir) J.L. Myres    30 Oct. 1909
153    (1) Hollis, A.C. Genealogies of the Masai; not published; (2) Dundas, K.R. Notes on the tribes of the Baringo District; not published    (Sir) J.G. Frazer    9 Nov. 1909
154    Holmes, H. A preliminary study of the Namau language; not published    S.H. Ray    9 Jan. 1912
155    Hornell, J. Horns in Madeiran superstition    W.H. Hildburgh    7 Oct. 1924
156    Ibid. The blow guns of South India; published as South Indian blow-guns, boomerangs, and crossbows, in 1924    H. Balfour    10 Sep. 1923
157    Howorth, H.H. Buddhism in the Pacific; published 1921; correspondence attached:    B.G. Corney    10 Mar. 1920
  .1    Referee to RAI, 29 Mar. 1920 (autogr.)        
158    Ibid. Ibid.     M. Longworth Dames    30 Mar. 1920
159    Hoyland, J. (?) Malagasy folklore; not published    (Sir) J.G. Frazer    3 Oct. 1917
160    Hunt, W. Decline of the Pacific Islanders; not published    J. Edge-Partington    7 Jan. 1913
161    Hunt, W. Man’s comparatively naked skin; not published    F.G. Parsons    17 Feb. 1915
162    Ibid. Psychology of native conversions; not published    Carveth Read    14 May 1919
163    Ibid. Natural morality of the savage; not published    A.C. Haddon    5 June 1919
164    Ibid. Some thoughts on the question of arrested development; not published    F.C. Shrubsall    17 Feb. 1921
165    Huntingford, G.W.B. Notes on the ‘Ikony of Mt Elgon, Kenya Colony; not published    C.N. Hobley    17 Oct. 1923
166    Hutton, J.H. The leopard men of the Naga Hills; not published    J. Shakespear    7 Jan. 1920
167    Ibid. Carved monoliths at Dimapus and an Angami Naga ceremony    T.C. Hodson    7 Dec. 1921
168    Ibid. The meaning and method of the erection of monoliths by the Naga tribes    Ibid.    3 May 1922
169    Ibid. Carved monoliths of Jamuguri, Assam    Ibid.    18 Oct. 1922
170    Ibid. The use of stone in the Naga Hills; not published    H. Balfour    7 May 1924
171    Irving, A. Some recent work in post glacial geology and anthropology, with its bearing on the question of ‘pre-boulder-clay man’; published 1914    S.H. Warren    29 Jan. 1913
172    Ivanitzky, N. La question de la descendance maternelle et paternelle chez les indigenes de l’Australia; not published    C.G. Seligman    30 Nov. 1915
173    Ivens, W.G. Native stories from Illawa, Solomon Islands; not published    S.H. Ray    9 Jan. 1917
174    [not allocated]        
175    [author not given]. Jujus and jujuism; not published    T.A. Joyce    2 Apr. 1913
176    Jetté, J. Geographical names of the T’Ena; not published    A.H. Keane    17 June 1908
177    Jenness, D. Papuan cats’ cradles    H. Balfour    17 Feb. 1920
178    Johnson, F. Initiation ceremony of boys, Wayo; not published    H.S. Stannus    7 Feb. 1923
179    Johnston, T.C. The solution of the mystery of the Aztec; not published    A.P. Maudslay    9 Nov. 1909
180    Jones, D. The pronunciation and lithography of the Chindan language; not published    A. Werner    9 Dec. 1910
181    Jones, N. On the implement bearing deposits of Taungs and Tiger Kloaf in the Cape Province of South Africa    H. Balfour    14 Apr. 1920
182    Ibid. Initiation rites among the Matabele    C.G. Seligman    17 Feb. 1921
183    Ibid. On the paleolithic deposits of Sawmills, Rhodesia; published 1924    H. Balfour    28 June 1923
184    Jones, F.W. Flaked stones on central Australian tablelands; not published    Ibid.    6 Mar. 1924
185    Ibid. The ordered arrangement of stones present in certain parts of Australia    Ibid.    Ibid.
186    Joyce, T.A. Prehistoric antiquities from the Antilles, in the British Museum; not published    A.P. Maudslay    15 Jan. 1908
187    Ibid. Notes on the physical anthropology of Chinese Turkestan    (Sir) Arthur Keith    11 Nov. 1912
188    Ibid. and Leys, N.M. Notes on the physical characters of some E. African peoples; published as Note on a series of physical measurements from East Africa    F.G. Parsons    8 Jan. 1913
189    Ibid. Yerha Maté    H. Balfour    1 July 1921
190    Ibid. The Paquecha of ancient Peru; published as The Paccha of ancient Peru    Ibid.    22 Feb. 1922
191    Keith, (Sir) A. Human osteological remains; not published    W. Wright    23 June 1909
192    Ibid. On certain physical characters of the negroes of the Congo Free State and Nigeria    A. Thompson    7 Oct. 1910
193    Ibid., and Sinclair G. Neanderthal man in Malta    H.J.E. Peake    7 May 1924
194    Knowles, F.H.S. The correlation between the interorbital width and the other measures and indices of the human skull    W. Wright    13 Apr. 1911
195    Ibid. The glenoid fossa in the Roman skull; not published    F.G. Parsons    22 Apr. 1914
196    Knowles, W.J. On the antiquity of man in Ireland    B. Windle    30 Apr. 1913
197    Kroeber, A.L. Classifications system of relationships        
198    Ibid. Proof of heredity in mental traits; not published    W.L.H. Duckworth    22 Apr. 1914
199    Ibid. Ibid.     G.U. Yule    6 May 1914
200    Ibid., and Holt, C. Masks and moieties as a culture complex    A.C. Haddon    10 Dec. 1920
201    Laggard, N. Finger grips; not published    H. Balfour    5 Apr. 1916
202    Landtmann, G. The magic of the Kiwai Papuans in warfare    C.G. Seligman    11 Oct. 1916
203    Latcham, R.E. The ethnology of the Auracanos    J. Holditch    4 Nov. 1908
204    Lawrence, A.E. and Hewitt, J. Some aspects of spirit worship amongst the Milano of Sarawak    R. Shelford    15 Jan. 1908
205    Lewis, A.L. Some prehistoric antiquities in central France; published as, On some megalithic remains in the neighbourhood of Autun (Sâone et Loire), France, with some observations on lines of standing stones in other places    W. Gowland    4 Feb. 1908
206    Ibid. Some stone circles in Ireland    W. Gowland    22 Jan. 1909
207    Ibid. Some dolmens of France of peculiar type    H. Balfour    23 Feb. 1910
208    Ibid. The menhirs of Madagascar    H.J.E. Peake    19 Apr. 1917
209    Long, R.C.E. Maya and Christian chronology    T.A. Joyce    9 Apr. 1923
210    Lowe, W. The tropics and pigment    A. Keith    3 Feb. 1913
211    Lyons, A.P. Notes on the Gogodana tribe of Western Papua; not published    A.C. Haddon    12 Feb. 1919
212    Ibid. Animistic and other spiritualistic beliefs of the Bina tribe    Ibid.    20 Oct. 1920
213    McConnell, R.C. Lugwari tribe of Central Africa    C.G. Seligman    10 Dec. 1924
214    MacDonald, A. Anthropology of … man; not published    (Sir) E. im Thurn    16 Apr. 1908
215    Ibid. Anthropometry of soldiers; not published    (Sir) A. Keith    13 Nov. 1918
216    Maclean, J.W. Blackport social organization; not published    W.H.R. Rivers    23 Feb. 1910
217    MacMichael, (Sir), H.A. Notes on the ethnography, history and language of the Zaghawa, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan    C.G. Seligman    14 Oct. 1910
218    MacRitchie, D. The Kayak in N.W. Europe    T.A. Joyce    13 Mar. 1912
219    Malcolm, L.W.G. Notes on birth, marriage and death ceremonies and on the cult of the Eyāp    E. Torday    15 Oct. 1922
220    Malinowski, B. Baloma, the spirit of the dead    C.G. Seligman    11 Oct. 1916
221    Markham, Sir C. List of tribes of the valley of the Amazon    T.W. Whiffen    6 Apr. 1910
222    Mathews, J. The origin of Australian phratries; correspondence attached:    (Sir) A. Lang    27 Apr. 1909
  .1    Referee to RAI, 2 Apr. 1909 (autogr.)        
223    Mazumdar, B.C. The Alikh religion of the Kumblupalias; not published    E. Thurston    25 Oct. 1911
224    Migeod, W.H. Observations on the physique of the Mendi nation; not published    F.C. Parsons    20 June 1917
225    Ibid. Ngala and its dead language    N.W. Thomas    18 Oct. 1922
226    Moir, J. Reid, and Keith, (Sir) A. An account of the discovery and character        
227    Moir, J. Reid. The evolution of the earliest palaeoliths from rostro-carinate instruments    H. Balfour    5 Jan. 1916
228    Ibid. A piece of humanly shaped wood from the Cromer forest bed; published in Man, vol. 17    H.J.E. Peake    19 Apr. 1917
229    Ibid. Some human and animal bones, flint implements etc., found in two ancient occupation-levels in a small valley near Ipswich    S.H. Warren     21 June 1917
230    Ibid. On the occurrence of humanly fashioned flints etc., in the middle glacial gravel at Ipswich    H. Balfour    15 Jan. 1919
231    Ibid. On an early Chellian-paleolithic workshop-site in the Pliocene forest-bed of Cromer, Norfolk    R.A. Smith    5 Jan. 1921
232    Ibid. The Pleistocene deposits and their contained palaeoliths flint implements at Foxhall Road, Ipswich    H.J.E. Peake    5 June
233    Ibid. Further discoveries of early Chellean flint implements in the Cromer forest-bed in Norfolk; correspondence attached:    H. Balfour    11 Mar. 1925
  .1    Referee to RAI, nd (autogr.)         
234    Murphy, J.H.B. The Kitui Akamba; attached: letter from referee, nd (autogr.)    C.W. Hobley     6 Feb. 1924
235    Murray, G.W. Hasan and the princess    M. Longworth Dames    29 Sep. 1913
236    Ibid. The Nilotic languages    S.H. Ray     2 Dec. 1919
237    Ibid. The Ababda    C.G. Seligman    18 Oct. 1922
238    Murray, M. Royal marriages and matrilineal descent    Ibid.    20 Oct. 1915
239    Myers, C.S. and Tucker, A.W. Contribution to the anthropology of the Sudan    J. Gray    9 Nov. 1909
240    O’Brien, A. The Mahommedan saints of the Indus Valley; published as The Mahommedan saints of the western Punjab    M. Longworth Dames    20 June 1911
241    O’Sullivan, H. Dinka laws: published 1910    E.S. Hartland    4 Nov. 1908
242    Palmer, H.R. A history of Kano    T.A. Joyce    14 Apr. 1908
243    Palmer, L.S. Some early British remains from a Mendip cave    H.J.E. Peake    10 Nov. 1920
244    Pannikar, K.M. Religion and magic of the Nāyar life    H. Balfour     25 June 1918
245    Ibid. Some aspects of Nāyar life    H. Balfour    25 June 1918
246    Parsons, E.C. A narrative of the Ten’a Anvik, Alaska; not published; correspondence attached:     A.C. Haddon    17 June 1920
  .1    Draft letter from A.C. Haddon        
247    Parsons, F.G. The Rothwell crania    J. Gray    2 Dec. 1909
248    Ibid. On some Saxon bones from Folkestone    Sir Arthur Keith    25 Nov. 1910
249    Ibid. On some Bronze Age and Jutish bones from Broadstairs, with type contours of all Bronze Age skulls in the Royal College of Surgeons museum     Ibid.     8 Jan. 1913
250    Parsons, F.G. and Seligman, C.G. The Cheddar man    Ibid.    30 Sep. 1914
251    Parsons, F.G. The colour index of the British Isles    F.C. Shrubsall     2 Feb. 1920
252    Ibid. Long barrow race and its relationship to the modern inhabitants of London    Ibid.    
253    Parsons, F.G. and Bradbrooke, W. The anthropology of the Chiltern Hills    H.J. Fleure    6 Oct. 1921
254    Parsons, F.G. The brachycephalic skull    F.C. Shrubsall    6 Nov. 1923
255    Patten, C.J. Cranium of an adolescent chimpanzee; not published    Sir Arthur Keith    3 May 1911
256    Peake, H.J.E. and Horton, E.A. Saxon graveyard at E. Shefford, Berks; not published    Ibid.    29 Oct. 1913
257    Peake, H.J.E. The first siege of Troy    A.C. Haddon    10 Dec. 1915
258    Ibid. The Finnic question and some Baltic problems    F.C. Shrubsall    2 Dec. 1919
259    Perry, W.J. The orientation of the dead in Indonesia    Walter W. Skeat     15 Oct. 1913
260    Petrie, W.M.F. Links of north and south    M. Murray    25 Apr. 1917
261    Philipps, J.E.T. The Nabinge; not published    E. Torday    10 Mar. 1920
262    Phillipson, J.H. The Gallas; not published    A. Werner    20 May 1914
263    Pitt Rivers, G. Some problems on mental anthropology and the problem of civilization; not published    A.C. Haddon    14 Mar. 1923
264    Price, W.R. The Aboriginal tribes of S.E. China; not published    H. Balfour    10 Jan. 1923
265    Purcell, H.B. Rites and customs of Australian Aborigines; not published    A.C. Haddon    5 June 1893
266    Ibid. Ibid.; not published but read at the meeting of the Anthropological Institute 12 Dec. 1893    (Sir) E.W. Brabrook    7 Nov. 1893
267    Ibid. Manners, customs and rites of some Australian Aborigines; not published    J.G. Garson     13 Nov. 1893
268    Rakowski, R.F. On a collection of Neolithic axes and celts from the Welle Basin    H. Balfour    11 Feb. 1920
269    Rattray, R.S. The ironworkers of Akpafu    C.G. Seligman    11 July 1916
270    Ray, S.H. The languages of Papua    Sir Everard im Thurn     18 Dec. 1919
271    Read, C. No paternity    T.A. Joyce     6 Mar. 1918
272    Reid, R.W. Description of Kayak in Anthropological Museum, Aberdeen University     Ibid.     13 Mar. 1912
273    Ibid. and Mulligan, J.H. The relation of cranial capacity to intelligence    F.C. Shrubsall    28 Jan. 1923
274    Ibid. Relation between stature, head length and head breadth of 847 natives [of N.E. Scotland] and Anthropometric comparison between natives of N.E. Scotland and inhabitants of Norway and Sweden    Ibid.    23 June 1924
275    Rivers, W.H.R. Totemism    C.G. Seligman    12 May 1909
276    Ibid. Descent and ceremonial in Ambrim    Ibid.    24 Sep. 1914
277    Rose, H.A. Shastric ideas on betrothal; published as Hindu betrothal observations in the Punjab    W. Crooke    11 Dec. 1907
278    Ibid. Muhammadan marriage observances in the Punjab; not published    M. Longworth Dames    8 Dec. 1915
279    Ibid. Ancient Hindu Royal marriage customs    Ibid.    11 Oct. 1916
280    Rose, H.J. Celestial and terrestrial orientation of the dead    H.J. Fleure    16 Mar. 1921
281    Roth, H.L. Moccasins and their quill work    H. Balfour    13 May 1908
282    Ibid. Oriental steelyards and bismars    Ibid.    13 Mar. 1912
283    Ibid. Some Tatu notes from the Pacific    A.C. Haddon    6 Oct. 1921
284    Roth, W.E. Technological notes of the Pomeroon District; not published    J. Edge-Partington    4 Nov. 1908
285    Ibid. Technological notes from the Pomeroon District, British Guiana (part iii) (open work basketry, traps and some remaining fans)    A.C. Haddon    14 Oct. 1910
286    Ibid. Some technological notes from the Pomeroon District, British Guiana (part iv)    Ibid.    17 Apr. 1912
287    Roy, B.S.C. Magic and witchcraft in the Chota-Nagpur plateau    T.C. Hodson    3 Feb. 1915
288    Ruggeri, V.G. Were the Predynastic Egyptians Libyans or Ethiopians? Published in Man, 1916, no. 55    C.G. Seligman    17 Feb. 1915
289    Ibid. A sketch of Italian anthropology    Ibid.    12 Feb. 1918
290    Sagar, N.J.W. Notes on the history, religion and customs of the Nubas of Southern Kordofan; not published; correspondence attached:    C.G. Seligman    16 Mar. 1911
  .1    Referee to RAI, 19 Apr. 1911. 3 leaves (tp.)        
291    Sanderson, G.M. Native games of central Africa    T.C. Hodson    27 Sep. 1913
292    Ibid. Relationships among the Wayao    H.S. Stannus    12 May 1920
293    Ibid. Chi-Henga proverbs: not published    Ibid.    20 Oct. 1920
294    Ibid. The relationship systems of the Wagonda and Wahenga tribes, Nyasaland    W.H.R. Rivers    22 Feb. 1922
295    Sapir, E. Social organization of the West coast tribes; not published    T.A. Joyce    3 Mar. 1915
296    Saville, W.J.V. Grammar of the Mailu language    S.H. Ray    22 Nov. 1911
297    Schuller, R. The Huaxteca Indians; not published    T.A. Joyce    30 July 1924
298    Seligman, Mrs B.Z. A devil ceremony of the peasant Sinhalese    W.L. Hildburgh     18 Nov. 1908
299    Seligman, C.G. Classification of the natives of British New Guinea    J. Edge-Partington    9 Nov. 1909
300    Ibid. The physical characters of the Nubas of Kordofan    T.A. Joyce    13 Dec. 1910
301    Ibid. Some aspects of the Hamitic problem in the Anglo Egyptian Sudan    Ibid.    29 Sep. 1913
302    Ibid. Bird chariots and socketed celts in Europe and China    Ibid.    15 June 1920
303    Ibid. The older Palaeolithic age in Egypt    H. Balfour     25 May 1921
304    Shakespear, J. The Kuki-Lushai clans    T.C. Hodson    14 Jan. 1909
305    Ibid. The ironworkers of Manipur    Ibid.    14 July 1909
306    Skene, R. Arab and Swahili customs    W. Ridgeway     5 Apr. 1916
307    Skinner, H.D. Origin and relationship of Hani, Tewhatewha and Pouwhenua; published as: The two handed clubs of the Maoris    H. Balfour    9 Oct. 1928
308.1    Smith, F. Some aspects of Palaeolithic relics in North Britain and Ireland; not published    S.H. Warren    26 Feb. 1913
308.2    Ibid. Ibid. not published    R. Smith    2 Apr. 1913
309    Smith, R. Notes by a nationalist in the South Seas; not published    J. Edge-Partington    18 Nov. 1908
310    Smith, R.A. Flint finds in connection with sand    H.S. Harrison    9 Dec. 1914
311    Somerville, B.T. Prehistoric stone monuments in the Outer Hebrides    A.L. Lewis    12 Apr. 1911
312    Spranger, J.A. The festival of San Zopito and the Ox at Loreto Aprutino    E.S. Hartland    5 Jan. 1921
313    Stannus, H.S. Tattoos among the natives of Nyasaland; not published    T.A. Joyce    19 May 1915
314    Stefanson, V. Eskimo words of possible historical significance; not published    S.H. Ray    15 Oct. 1913
315    Stigand, C.H. Notes on the natives of N.E. Rhodesia and Portuguese Zambesia: their arts, customs and modes of subsistence    T.A. Joyce    2 May 1906
316    Ibid. Customs of war of the natives in the neighbourhood of Fort Manning, Nyasaland    H. Johnston    5 Jan. 1908
317    Stone, E.H. Stonehenge, notes on the midsummer sunrise; published in Man    H. Balfour    11 Jan. 1922
318    Ibid. Ibid.    B.T. Somerville    20 Jan. 1922
319    Strong, W.M. The Maisin language    S.H. Ray    31 May 1911
320    Ibid. Some personal experiences in British New Guinea    C.G. Seligman    9 Dec. 1919
321    Sykes, (Sir) P.M. Persian tattooing; published in Man, 1910, no. 94    H. Balfour    4 Nov. 1908
  .1    Ibid. Persian musical instruments; published in Man, 1910, no. 94    Ibid.     Ibid.
322    ? Swedish expedition of 1907 to Patagonia etc.; not published    T.A. Joyce    31 July 1912
323    Talbot, P.A. The Buduma of Lake Chad    Ibid.    21 June 1911
324    Thomas, N.W. Some Ibo burial ceremonies    C.G. Seligman    8 Mar. 1916
325    Ibid. Ashanti and Baule gold weights    H. Balfour     8 Oct. 1919
326    Ibid. Edo burial customs    A.C. Haddon    10 Mar. 1920
327    Ibid. Birth and marriage customs of the Edo speaking peoples    Ibid.     20 Apr. 1921
328    Ibid. A week in West Africa; not published    E. Torday     19 Oct. 1921
329    Ibid. The periplus of Hanno; not published    Ibid.    8 Feb. 1922
330    Ibid. Ibid.; not published    (Sir) J.L. Myres    16 Feb. 1922
331    Thomson, A. Man’s nasal index    F.G. Parsons     11 Jan. 1922
332    Torday, E. Cultural difference among the various branches of the Batel    T.A. Joyce    20 Apr. 1921
333    Tremearne, A.J.N. Notes on some Nigerian tribal marks    E. Torday    20 Jan. 1911
334    Ibid. Notes on Nigerian head hunters; published as Notes on the Kagoro and other Nigerian head hunters    N. W. Thomas    17 May 1910
335    Ibid. Bori beliefs and ceremonies    C.G. Seligman    13 Jan. 1915
336    Trevenen, J. Cooke’s voyage to the Pacific Ocean    Sir Everard im Thurn     17 Mar. 1915
337    Upward, A. The magical siege of Troy; not published    T.C. Hodson    3 Feb. 1914
338    Ibid. Ibid.; not published    R. R. Marett    1 Apr. 1914
339    Veblen, T. The mutation theory, the blonde race and the Aryan culture    J. Gray     25 Nov. 1910
340    Ibid. Ibid.    A.C. Haddon    9 Dec. 1910
341    Waddell, L.A. (1) The Tibetan house demons; (2) Ancient Indian charms; published 1895    (Sir) E.B. Tylor    8 Dec. 1893
342    Wallace, C.M. Negro melodies from Virginia and the southern states of America; not published    C. S. Myers    1 May 1912
343    Warren, S.H. The classification of the prehistoric remains of eastern Essex    Sir Arthur Keith    13 Apr. 1911
344    Ibid. The experimental investigation of flint fracture and problems of early man    W. J. Sollas    10 Dec. 1913
345    Ibid. A stone axe factory at Graig-Iwya, Penmaenmawr    H. J. E. Peake    23 Dec. 1919
346    Ibid. Excavations on the stone axe factory of Graig-Iwya, Penmaenmawr    H.S. Harrison    21 June 1921
347    Webster, H. Totem clans and secret associations in Australia and Melanesia; not published    W.H.R. Rivers     9 Jan. 1912
348    Weeks, J.H. Notes on the Bangala; published as Anthropological notes on the Bangala of the Upper Congo River    T.A. Joyce    7 June 1910
349    Werner, A. The Bantu coast tribes of the B.E. Africa Protectorate    Ibid.    4 Mar. 1914
350    Whatmough, J. Rehtia. The Venetic goddess of healing    W. Ridgeway     3 Oct. 1921
351    Wheeler, G.C. Notes on the Telei speech of the Solomon Islands; not published    S.H. Ray    4 May 1910
352    White, S.A. The natives of the Everard Ranges; not published    C.G. Seligman    5 Nov. 1919
353    Whyte, D. Notes on the height and weight of the Hokla, of the Kwangtun Province of S. China    J. Gray    9 June 1910
354    Williams, F.E. The Pairama ceremony in the Purari Delta, Papua    C.G. Seligman    17 Oct. 1923
355    Williams, H.L. Ethnology of the Gypsies; not published    W. Crooke     28 Feb. 1912
356    Williamson, R.W. Some unrecorded customs of the Mekeo people of British New Guinea    H. Balfour    2 Apr. 1913
357    Willoughby, W.C. Initiations ceremony of the Becwana    E.S. Hartland    18 Nov. 1908
358    Witts, J.W. and Rolleston, Prof. Opening of West Knoll (West Jump) long barrow in Cran (?) lane wood; not published    H.J.E. Peake    21 May 1914
359    Zammit, G.I. and Singer, C. Representations of the human form of Neolithic origin from the islands of Malta and Gozo    C.G. Seligman    7 Nov. 1917
360    Zeltner, Fr. de. Les Touareg du sud    Ibid.    18 Mar. 1914

  2/    1924-34

    1    Abraham, R.C. The Bolewa and Jukons of Nigeria; not published    C.G. Seligman    15 Oct. 1930
    2    Aitken, R. Temperament in native American religions; not published    Ibid.    9 Apr. 1930
    3    Allen, R. The story of Mbega, parts I-III; not published; correspondence attached:    A. Werner     11 Jan. 1934
   .1    Author’s brother, W.C. Allen, to RAI        
   .2    Referee to RAI        
    4    Arundell, R.D.H. (1) The clans of the people of Bukoba. (2) Ceremonies attending the death of the chief and the induction of his successor in Kiziba; appears not to have been published; correspondence attached:    C.G. Seligman    10 Oct. 1933
   .1    Author to RAI, 15 Sep. 1933        
   .2    Suggestions to the Editor concerning Arundell’s paper by referee, 18 Oct. (tp. with autogr. correction by referee)         
   .3    RAI to author, 14 Dec. (tpc.)         
    5    Asboe, W. Social functions in Lahoul, Western Thibet    C.E.A.W. Oldham    12 Oct. 1932
    6    Basedow, H. Subincision and kindred rites of the Australian Aboriginal    Sir Arthur Keith    3 Nov. 1926
    7    Bartlett, M.W. and Mood, H.L. Some notes on the Angoni of Nyasaland; not published    H.S. Stannus    11 Nov. 1931
    8    Barnes, H.B. Iron smelting among the British Association-Ushi    T.A. Joyce    7 Apr. 1925
    9    Bennett, M.M. The faithful Dalleburra of North Queensland    A.C. Haddon    19 Oct. 1927
  10    Besterman, G.T. The belief in re-birth among the natives of Africa (including Madagascar); not published    E. Torday    3 Apr. 1930
  11    Blackman, W. The Karin and Karineh    C.G. Seligman    8 Oct. 1924
  12    Blackwood, B. Colour top; published as Racial differences in skin-colour as recorded by the colour top    L.H. Dudley Buxton    18 June 1927
  13    Bonnerjea, B. A batch of modern customs as illustrative of primitive magic; not published; correspondence attached:    W.L. Hildburgh    18 Oct. 1927
   .1    Referee to RAI, 24 Oct. 1927; see also A25/2/14        
  14    Ibid. (1) Ibid.; not published; (2) Anthropophagy and human sacrifice; not published; correspondence attached: see also A25/2/13.1    A.C. Haddon    9 Jan. 1928
  15    Ibid. Stone implements from … Virginia; not published; correspondence attached:     T.A. Joyce    14 Sep. 1933
   .1    Referee to RAI, nd        
   .2    RAI to author, 14 Dec. 1933 (tpc.)        
  16    Ibid. Reminiscences of a Cheyenne Indian; not published; correspondence attached:    R. Aitken    10 Oct. 1934
   .1    RAI to author, 11 Nov. 1934 (tpc.)        
  17    Bonser, W. The significance of colours in ancient and mediaeval magic; not published    W.L. Hildburgh     7 Apr. 1925
  18    Bose, J.K. Dual organization in Assam; not published; correspondence attached:    J.H. Hutton     14 June 1933
   .1    Author to RAI, 21 Feb. 1934 (autogr.)         
   .2    RAI to author, 14 Mar. 1934 (tpc.)        
  19    Bowen, E.G. Anthropological types and tuberculosis; published as On phthisis in relation to race-type and social environment in Wales; correspondence attached:    F.C. Shrubsall     9 Dec. 1927
   .1    Cummins, C.B. to Myres, (Sir) J.L., 23 Feb. 1932 (autogr.)        
  20    Brelsford, W.V. Lubambo: a description of a Baila custom; correspondence attached:    J.H. Driberg    12 Oct. 1932
   .1    Author to RAI, 6 Aug. 1932 (tp., autogr.)        
   .2    RAI to author, 10 Nov. 1932 (tpc.)        
   .3    Author to RAI, 17 Dec. 1932        
  21    Brooke, F.A. The Irish forms of society and of marriage; not published    B. Z. Seligman     6 June 1928
  22    Ibid. A possible explanation of the Australian marriage classes and the evolution of marriage; not published; correspondence attached:    Ibid.    23 July 1931
   .1    RAI to author (tpc.)        
  23    Ibid. The hide of the hundred; not published    H.J.E. Peake    12 Apr. 1932
  24    Brown, A.R. Radcliffe. The rainbow serpent myth in Australia    A.C. Haddon    9 Jan. 1925
  25    Brown, E. Hehe grandparents and grandchildren; not published    B. Z. Seligman    5 Apr. 1933
  26    Brownlee, F. The circumcision ceremony in Fingoland; not published    E. Torday    6 Dec. 1928
  27    Brunner, A.F. Stanton Drew megaliths; not published; correspondence attached:     M. C. Burkitt    8 Nov. 1933
   .1    Author to RAI, 14 Oct. 1933 (autogr.)        
   .2    RAI to author, 14 Dec. (tpc.)        
  28    Buxton, L.H.D. The inhabitants of Inner Mongolia; not published    Sir Arthur Keith    6 Feb. 1924
  29    Ibid. Excavations at Kish; not published; correspondence attached:     Ibid.    8 Jan. 1930
   .1    Referee to RAI, 9 Jan. 1930 (autogr.)        
  30    Buxton, L.H.D. and Morant, G.M. The essential craniological technique    G. Elliot Smith     12 Oct. 1932
  31    Chadwick, N.K. Notes on Polynesian myths    A.C. Haddon    15 Oct. 1930
  32    Childe, V.G. The forest of cultures of Northern Europe, a study in evolution and diffusion    H.J.E. Peake    12 Nov. 1930
  33    Chombacides, G. Prehistoric civilizations: not published; correspondence attached:    (Sir) J.L. Myres     7 Dec. 1932
   .1    RAI to author        
  34    Collins, W.F. The mirro-black and quicksilver patinas of certain Chinese bronzes    C.G. Seligman    8 Feb. 1933
  35    Collum, V.C.C. Report on Sir Robert Mond excavation at Tressé/Allé couverte with sculptured human breasts etc.; not published; correspondence attached:    V. Gordon Childe     6 Dec. 1933
   .1    Referee to RAI, 3 Jan. 1934 (autogr.)         
  36    Ibid. Excavation at Tressé; not published; correspondence attached:    W.J.H. Smith (first referred to W.J. Hempsay    8 Mar. 1934
  .1    Author to RAI, 22 Feb. 1934 (tp.)        
  .2    Referee to RAI, 1 Mar. (tp.)        
  .3    Ibid. 8 Mar. (autogr.)         
  .4    RAI to author, 13 Apr. (tpc.)        
  .5    Author to RAI, 14 Apr. (tp.)        
  .6    Author to RAI, 1 May (autogr.)        
  .7    RAI to author, 6 June (tpc.)        
  .8    Author to RAI, 11 May (pc.)        
  .9    Author to RAI, 15 May (tp.)        
 .10    RAI to author, 6 June (tpc.)        
  37    Cooper, R.E. Daktas-people with a tail from E. Bhutan; correspondence attached:    F.J. Richards     11 Jan. 1933
   .1    RAI to author, 4 Apr. 1933 (tpc.)        
  38    Culwick, A.T. A method of studying changes in primitive marriage    B. Z. Seligman    10 Oct. 1934
  39    Cunnington, R.H. Prehistoric stone circles and other geometric figures in Great Britain    (Sir) J.L. Myres    25 Feb. 1930
  40    Ibid. Ibid.; not published; correspondence attached:     B. T. Somerville    12 Mar. 1930
   .1    Referee to RAI, 19 Mar. 1930 (autogr.)        
  41    Darby, G.E. and Gates, R.R. Blood-groups and physiognomy of British Columbia coastal Indians    L.H. Dudley Buxton    10 May 1933
  42    Davidson, D.S. Archaeological problems of Northern Australia; published 1935    R.W. Firth     8 Nov. 1933
  43    Ibid. Australian throwing sticks, throwing clubs and boomerangs; not published; correspondence attached:    H. Balfour    10 Oct. 1934
   .1    Author to RAI, 12 Sep. 1934 (autogr.)        
   .2    RAI to author (tpc.)        
  44    Davies, A. Re-survey of the morphology of the nose; published as Re-survey of the morphology of the nose in relation to climate; related correspondence, prior to submission [17 Jan. 1931]:    F.G. Parsons  12 Feb. 1931
   .1    (Sir) J.L. Myres to author, thanks him for sending his thesis and suggests he submits it to JRAI (copy)        
   .2    Referee to RAI, 16 Feb. 1931 (autogr.)        
   .3    McKenzie, D. to RAI, 12 Mar. (autogr.)        
   .4    H.J. Fleure to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 16 Mar. (autogr.)        
   .5    Sir Arthur Keith to RAI, 13 May (autogr.)        
  45    Ibid. Re-survey of the morphology of the nose of the different races of mankind in relation to the environment; correspondence attached:    M. Young    15 May 1931
   .1    Referee to editor, Man, 1 June 1931 (autogr.)        
   .2    Referee to RAI, 1 June (autogr.)        
   .3    (Sir) J.L. Myres to RAI, 3 June (autogr.)        
   .4    Ibid. to H.J. Fleure, 3 June (autogr.)         
   .5    H.J. Fleure to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 10 June (autogr.)        
  46    Ibid. Re-survey of the morphology of the nose; correspondence attached:    C.G. Seligman    23 July 1931
   .1    Referee to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 13 Sep. 1931. 4 leaves (tp.)        
   .2    (Sir) J.L. Myres to H.J. Fleure, 16 Sep. (autogr.)        
  47    Davies, O. Ancient mines in southern Macedonia    W.L. Hildburgh    21 Mar. 1931
  48    Ibid. Ibid.    (Sir) J.L. Myres    15 Aug. 1931
  49    Davis, A. The distribution of blood groups and its bearing on the concept of race; not published; related correspondence prior to submission:    R. Ruggles Gates     22 Mar. 1934
   .1    Lancelot Hogben to V. Gordon Childe, asking if a Ph.D student’s thesis could be printed based on his (Hogben’s) lecture notes, 5 Mar. 1934 (tp.)        
   .2    (Sir) J.L. Myres to L. Hogben, 8 Mar. (autogr.)        
   .3    L. Hogben to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 13 Mar. (tp.)        
   .4    RAI to L. Hogben (tpc.)        
  50    Dawson, W.R. Mummification in Australia and in America    H. Balfour    19 Nov. 1927
  51    Deacon, A.B. The regulation of marriage in Ambrym; published posthumously; no referee’s form but a recommendation (autogr.)     A.C. Haddon    16 Nov. 1927
  52    Dicke, B.H. Some Bantu widowships etc.; not published    J.H. Driberg    1 Dec. 1929
  53    Digby, A. Shark’s tooth weapons of Oceania; their technology and possible diffusion; not published; correspondence attached:    H. Balfour    10 Oct. 1934
   .1    RAI to author        
  54    Dingwall, E.J. Notes on artificial cranial deformation: a contribution to the study of ethnic mutilations; not published; correspondence attached:    Sir Arthur Keith    21 Nov. 1929
   .1    Referee to RAI [21 Nov. 1929]        
   .2    G. Elliot Smith to E. N. Fallaize, 11 Feb. 1930 (tp.)        
  55    Dombrain, H.A.A. Phallic veneration in ancient Britain; not published    C. Fox    12 Apr. 1934
   .1    E. Dombrain (daughter) to RAI, 25 Mar. 1934 (autogr.)        
   .2    Referee to RAI, 13 Apr. (tp.)        
   .3    RAI to E. Dombrain, 9 May (tpc.)        
  56    Dryer, T.F. Stone implements of the Flovis Bad man; referee’s form filed; not published; correspondence attached:    G. Elliot Smith    24 Nov. 1932
   .1    Author to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 5 Nov. 1932 (autogr.)        
   .2    Referee to RAI, 24 Nov. (tp.)        
   .3    (Sir) J.L. Myres to author, 10 Dec. (autogr.)        
   .4    Ibid. to RAI, 10 Dec. (autogr.)        
   .5    L.H. Dudley Buxton to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 15 Dec. (tp.)        
   .6    M. C. Burkitt to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 19 Dec. (tp.)        
   .7    RAI to author, 27 Jan. 1933 (tpc.)        
  57    Durham, M.E. Whence comes the fear of ghosts; not published; correspondence attached:    W. Ivens    11 Nov. 1931
   .1    RAI to author, 9 Dec. 1931 (tpc.)        
  58    Edgar, E.H. Coiffure of the Litang    Walter W. Skeat    9 Mar. 1926
  59    Emley, E.D. The Turkana of Kolosia District    J.H. Driberg    9 Feb. 1927
  60    Erskine, G.S. Races of Honduras; not published    T.A. Joyce    22 June 1927
  61    Ibid. Ibid. not published    H. Balfour    15 Feb. 1928
  62    Evans, I.H.N. Schebesta on the sacerdo-therapy of the Semangs; correspondence attached:    C.O. Blagden    15 May 1929
   .1    Author to JRAI, ? Mar. 1929        
  63    Evans-Pritchard, (Sir), E.E. The social function of obscenity    C.G. Seligman    15 Jan. 1929
  64    Ibid. Zande corporation of witch doctors    Ibid.    13 Apr. 1932
  65    Fane, R.P. Shinto    C.G. Seligman    6 Oct. 1930
  66    Firth, (Sir) R.W. Economics of the Maori; not published     B. Malinowski    23 June 1925
  67    Ibid. Economic psychology of the Maori    Ibid.    7 Oct. 1925
  68    Ibid. Marriage and the classificatory system of relationship    Ibid.    19 Dec. 1929
  69    Forde, C.D. The use of green stone in Brittany; not published; correspondence attached:    H.J. Fleure    15 Apr. 1928
   .1    Referee to H. J. Braunholtz, 21 Apr. 1928 (tp.)        
  70    Ibid. The use of green stone in the megalithic culture of Brittany    T.D. Kendrick    9 Mar. 1928
  71    Ibid. Ibid.     W.T. Gordon    1 June 1928
  72    Ibid. On the use of greenstone in Brittany    H.J. Fleure    17 Oct. 1929
  73    Fosbrooke, H.A. Some aspects of the Kimwani fishing culture    H. J. Braunholtz    2 Nov. 1932
  74    Fox, D.S. Further notes on the Masai of Kenya colony    L.S.B. Leakey    29 Nov. 1930
  75    Fry, H.K. Notes on the tribes of Western Central Australia and Australian marriage rules    R. Piddington    8 Feb. 1933
  76    Ibid. Ibid.; not published; correspondence attached:    R.W. Firth     5 Apr. 1933
   .1    RAI to author (tpc.)        
  77    Fulton, G.R. The psycho-genesis of religion; not published    B. Malinowski    9 Feb. 1927
  78    Gair, G.R. Geographical influence and race movements; not published; correspondence attached:    H.J. Fleure    6 May 1931
   .1    Author to H. J. Braunholtz, 28 Apr. 1931 (tp.)        
   .2    Referee to RAI, [6 May 1931]        
  79    Gardner, Father. Excavations in a Wilton industry at Gokomere Fort Victoria, S. Rhodesia    H. Balfour    9 Jan. 1928
  80    Gargas, S. Illegitimate children in the Netherlands; not published; correspondence attached:    F.C. Shrubsall    4 June 1930
   .1    RAI to author, 15 Oct. 1930 (tpc.)        
  81    Garrod, D.A.E., Miss Bate, and Turville Petre. A new Mesolithic industry: the Natufian of Palestine; published under Garrod, D.A.E. only    J.D. Harrison    22 June 1932
  82    Gaskell, G.A. The perfectly natural sterility of girls in the Trobriand Isles; not published; correspondence attached:    C.G. Seligman    29 July 1931
   .1    RAI to author, 31 July 1931 (tpc.)        
  83    Gates, R.R. Amerindian crosses in Canada    F.C. Shrubsall    15 Feb. 1928
  84    Gordon, D.F. Some terra cottas from Sari Dhere    F.J. Richards    14 Oct. 1931
  85    Greig, E.T. Human sacrifice in the Bible; not published; correspondence attached:    A.M. Hocart    3 Dec. 1930
   .1    (Sir) J.L. Myres to S.A. Cook, 3 Dec. 1930 (autogr.)        
   .2    S.A. Cook to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 5 Dec. 1930 (autogr.)        
  86    Haffenden, Wilson-, J.R. Notes on the Borroro Fulani    C.G. Seligman    29 Apr. 1927
  87    Hambly, W.D. The preservation of local types of weapons and other objects in West Australia; not published    H. Balfour    13 Feb. 1929
  88    Ibid. Tribal initiation in Angola; not published; correspondence attached:    E. W. Smith    8 Mar. 1933
   .1    Author to RAI, 7 Feb. 1933 (tp.)        
   .2    Referee to RAI         
   .3    RAI to author        
  89    Ibid. (1) Medicine men of the Ovimbundu and Vachokue tribes; (2) Fulani whipping ceremony; neither published; correspondence attached:    J.H. Driberg    14 June 1993
   .1    RAI to author, 12 Oct. 1933 (tpc.)        
   .2    Author to RAI, 7 Oct. 1934 (autogr.)        
   .3    RAI to author, 11 Nov. (tpc.)        
  90    Hanslow, J.A. The Masai; not published; correspondence attached:    Ibid.     10 Oct. 1934
   .1    Author to JRAI, 13 Sep. 1934 (tp.)        
   .2    RAI to author, 11 Nov. (tpc.)        
  91    Hanson, E. The vanishing culture of the Atacama desert of Chilea; not published    H. J. Braunholtz    5 Apr. 1927
  92    Harris, P.G. Agricultural and pastoral implements of the peoples of the Argungu districts; published in Man, 1931    C.G. Seligman    15 Feb. 1928
  93    Ibid. Notes on the Yauri; correspondence attached:    E. Torday    16 Jan. 1930
   .1    H.R. Palmer to RAI, 7 Oct. 1929        
   .2    E. Torday to RAI (nd)        
  94    Ibid. Some notes on drums and musical instruments seen in Sokoto Province; correspondence attached:    H. Balfour    12 Mar. 1930
   .1    Referee to RAI, 28 Apr. 1930 (autogr.)         
   .2    RAI to author, 18 Nov. 1931 (tpc.)         
  95    Harrison, H.S. Flint tranchets in the Solomon Islands and elsewhere    T.D. Kendrick    11 Nov. 1931
  96    Herskovits, M.J. Wari in the New World; not published    H. J. Braunholtz    14 Jan. 1932
  97    Hilden, K. Some aspects of physical anthropology in Finland; not published    H.J. Fleure    7 Dec. 1934
  98    Hall, W.O. Preliminary observations on the physical anthropology of the Veddahs of Ceylon; not published; correspondence attached:    C.G. Seligman    13 Apr. 1932
   .1    Referee to RAI [13 Apr. 1932](tp.)         
  99    Ibid. Ibid.; correspondence attached:    L.H. Dudley Buxton    11 Jan. 1933
   .1    RAI to Prof. Wright, 9 Feb. 1933 (tpc.)        
100    Hocart, A.M. The canoe and the Bonito in Eddystone Island    R.W. Firth    10 Oct. 1934
101    Hodgson, A.G.O. Hunting customs of the Wandamba    C.G. Seligman    3 Mar. 1926
102    Ibid. Notes on the Achewa and Angoni of the Dowa district; correspondence attached:    H.S. Stannus    9 Dec. 1931
   .1    C.G. Seligman to RAI, 16 Nov. 1931 (tp.)        
   .2    Ibid. to author, 16 Nov. 1931 (tpc.)         
   .3    RAI to author, 26 Jan. 1932 (tpc.)        
   .4    Author to RAI, 10 Sep. (tp.)        
   .5    RAI to Prof. Seligman, 19 Nov. (tpc.)        
   .6    C.G. Seligman to RAI, 29 Nov. (autogr.)        
   .7    RAI to author, 8 Dec. (tpc.)        
   .8    Author to RAI, 3 Mar. 1933 (autogr.)        
   .9    RAI to author, 7 Apr. (tpc.)        
103    Ibid. Ibid.    Ibid.    12 Oct. 1932
104    Hogbin, I. The belief in immortality etc. at Ongtong, Java; not published    W.G. Ivens    4 Dec. 1929
105    Ibid. The unity of the tribe of Ongton, Java; not published    A.M. Hocart     15 Oct. 1930
106    Hornell, J. The archaeology of Gorgona Island, S. America    T.A. Joyce    18 Oct. 1926
107    Ibid. String figures from Sierra Leone and Liberia    A.C. Haddon    5 Dec. 1928
108    Ibid. String figures of British New Guinea; not published     K. Rishbeth    17 Oct. 1929
109    Hostos, A. de. The prehistory of the Antilles; not published    T.A. Joyce    6 Dec. 1928
110    Huntingford, G.W.B. Miscellaneous records of the Nandi and Kony tribes    C.W. Hobley    9 Feb. 1927
111    Ibid. Notes on the Kifkorom dialect; not published    Ibid.    11 May 1927
112    Ibid. Modern hunters: some account of the Kamelilo Kapchepkendi di Dorobo; not published    Ibid.    19 Oct. 1927
113    Ibid. The ceremonial breaking of weapons and utensils: a note on the Adrirunma tribe of Kenya Colony; not published    L.W.G. Malcolm     1 Mar. 1931
114    Ibid. The prehistoric archaeology of Kenya Colony; not published; correspondence attached:    H.S. Harrison    16 Apr. 1931
   .1    O.G.S. Crawford to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 5 Mar. 1931 (autogr.)        
   .2    (Sir) J.L. Myres to O.G.S. Crawford, 7 Mar. (autogr.); (Sir) J.L. Myres refers to the forthcoming Congrés international on prehistoric and protohistoric sciences and the Congrés international on anthropological and ethnological sciences; see also A62/20-168        
   .3    R. Austin to RAI, 22 Mar. 1931 (tp.)        
   .4    RAI to R. Austin, 8 May (tpc.)        
   .5    R. Austin to RAI, 9 May (tp.)        
115    Ibid. Ancient agriculture; not published; correspondence attached:    H.J.E. Peake    14 Oct. 1931
   .1    Author to RAI, 19 Aug. 1931 (autogr.)        
   .2    RAI to author, 18 Nov. (tpc.)        
   .3    Author to RAI, 1 Jan. 1932 (autogr.)        
   .4    RAI to author, 4 Feb. (tpc.)        
   .5    RAI to O.G.S. Crawford, 4 Feb. (tpc.)        
116    Ibid. The Nandi people; not published    C.W. Hobley    14 June 1933
117    Ivens, W.G. Flints in the South East Solomon Islands    T.D. Kendrick    11 Nov. 1931
118    Ibid. The diversity of culture in Melanesia; correspondence attached:    A.C. Haddon    11 Jan. 1933
   .1    Referee to RAI, 14 Feb. 1933 (autogr.)        
   .2    Author to RAI, 4 Apr. (autogr.)        
   .3    RAI to referee, 7 Apr. (tpc.)        
   .4    Referee to RAI, 9 Apr. (autogr.)         
119    Jones, H.E.K. New light on an old problem; not published; correspondence attached:    M. C. Burkitt    8 Jan. 1933
   .1    Referee to RAI, nd (autogr.)        
   .2    ? to H.E.K. Jones, 13 Oct. 1932 (autogr.)        
120    Joyce, T.A. Physical anthropology of the Pamirs    A.C. Haddon    12 Nov. 1925
121    Ibid. Forehead ornaments from the Solomon Islands    H. Balfour    6 Feb. 1935
122    Junod, H.A. La seconde école de circoncision chez les British Association-Khaha; correspondence attached:    E. Torday    23 Oct. 1928
   .1    E. W. Smith to RAI, nd (autogr.)        
123    Keith, Sir A. Human skulls from the Farim basin    F.C. Shrubsall    18 Apr. 1928
124    Kennet, B.L.A. The Afoshi dancers of Kabba division; correspondence attached:    C.G. Seligman    8 Jan. 1931
   .1    RAI to author, 14 Dec. 1931 (tpc.)        
   .2    Author’s wife to RAI, nd        
125    Kirby, P.R. The flute ensembles of South Africa    H. Balfour    8 Feb. 1933
126    Kroeber, A.L. Arrow release distributions    Ibid.    8 June 1926
127    Laidler, P.W. The magic medicine of the Hottentots; not published    H.S. Stannus    10 Oct. 1926
128    Latcham, R.E. The totemism of the ancient Andean peoples    T.A. Joyce    19 Jan. 1927
129    Layard, J.W. The Menggi of the Malekula    A.C. Haddon    10 Oct. 1927
130    Ibid. Malekula    C.G. Seligman    15 Oct. 1930
131    Ibid. Shamanism    Ibid.    12 Nov. 1930
132    Leakey, L.S.B. A new classification of the bow and arrow in Africa    H.S. Harrison    13 Oct. 1926
133    Ibid. Kikuyu problem of the initiation of girls; no referee’s report; correspondence attached:        [13 Mar. 1931]
   .1    (Sir) J.L. Myres to E. W. Smith, 13 Mar. 1931 (autogr. carbon)         
   .2    E. W. Smith to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 18 Mar.        
134    Liu, C.H. The dog-ancestor story of the Aboriginal tribes of Southern China    C.G. Seligman    11 May 1932
135    Lodge, O. The Djamutra: some marriage customs in the villages around Tetovo in Serbia; not published; correspondence attached:    M.E. Durham     19 June 1934
   .1    RAI to Prof. James, 11 Oct. 1934        
   .2    E.O. James to RAI, nd        
136    Lothrop, K.S. Sculptured fragments from Palenque    T.A. Joyce    6 June 1928
137    Ibid. Aboriginal navigation off the west coast of South America; correspondence attached:    J. Hornell    18 Jan. 1932
   .1    Referee to RAI, 20 Jan. 1932 (tp.)        
   .2    Referee’s suggestions, 3 leaves, nd (tp.)        
   .3    RAI to author, 26 Feb.        
   .4    Author to RAI, 4 Apr. 3 leaves (autogr.)        
   .5    Referee to JRAI, 30 Apr. (autogr.)        
137a    Lowe, C. van Riet. The stone huts of Vechtrop    H. Balfour    9 Feb. 1927
138    Lucas, A. On the nature of the colour of pottery, with special reference to that of ancient Egypt    (Sir) J.L. Myres    18 Jan. 1929
139    Mackay, E. Painted pottery in modern Sind    F.J. Richards    4 Dec. 1929
140    Magura, S.S. Early Slavonic pottery dug up at Kiselivka Hill, Kiev; no referee’s report; correspondence attached:    E.H. Minns    18 Jan. 1934
   .1    E.H. Minns to RAI, 18 Jan. 1934 (autogr.)        
   .2    Ibid. 11 Aug. Ibid.        
   .3    Ibid. 1 Nov. Ibid.        
141    Mahalanobis, P.C. A statistical study of certain anthropometric measurements from Sweden; not published    M.L. Tildesley     5 Jan. 1930
142    Ibid. Tests and measurements of groups divergence; not published    Ibid.    8 Jan. 1930
143    Malinowski, B. Lunar and seasonal calendar in the Trobriands    C.G. Seligman    9 Mar. 1927
144    Marin, G. Somali games    C.G. Seligman    16 Nov. 1930
145    Mead, M. The role of the individual in Samoan culture    B. Malinowski    2 Nov. 1927
146    Ibid. The Tshi relationship systems; correspondence attached:    B. Z. Seligman    5 Dec. 1928
   .1    Author to RAI        
147    Ibid. An investigation of the thoughts of primitive children; correspondence attached:    Ibid.    13 Apr. 1932
   .1    Referee to RAI        
148    Moir, J. Reid. Palaeolithic implements from Palestine; correspondence attached:    (Sir) J.L. Myres    12 Nov. 1930
   .1    Referee to RAI, 12 Nov. 1930 (autogr.)        
   .2    Author to RAI, 14 Nov. (autogr.)        
149    Montagu, M.F.A. The tarsian hypothesis and the descent of man; read but not published    Sir Arthur Keith    13 Mar. 1929
150    Montmorency, J.E.G. de. Custodian of tradition    R. R. Marett    10 Mar. 1927
151    Morey, R. Aspects of Swazi initiation; not published    E. W. Smith    7 Nov. 1934
   .1    RAI to author, 7 Dec. 1934        
152    Munday, E. A report on the human geography of the Chimsali district, Avemba Province; not published; correspondence attached:    Ibid.    14 Oct. 1931
   .1    RAI to Prof. Chadwick, 3 Feb. 1932 (tpc.)        
   .2    H.M. Chadwick to RAI (autogr.)        
153    Ibid. Chilamba (language of the Bahamba)    Ibid.    Ibid.
154    Murray, M.A. Female fertility figures; correspondence attached:    (Sir) J.L. Myres    11 Oct. 1932
   .1    Referee’s report, 8 Oct. 1932        
155    Ibid. Ibid.    C.G. Seligman    12 Oct. 1932
156    Murray, S.W. The northern Beja    C.G. Seligman    6 Apr. 1927
157    Nadel, S.F. Experimental anthropology    Ibid.    31 Jan. 1934
158    Nash, T.A.M. Rock paintings near Kondoa Irangi    Ibid.    6 June 1928
159    Nicholson, S. Social organization of the Malas; correspondence attached:    F.J. Richards                   27 July 1925
   .1    Referee’s suggestions, 6 Oct. 1925 (autogr.)        
160    Noone, H.V. The group of instruments commonly called burins or gravers and their classification; correspondence attached:    H. Balfour    11 Jan. 1933
  .1    M. C. Burkitt to RAI        
161    Ibid. Ibid.    C.F.C. Hawkes    8 Mar. 1933
162    Ibid. Ibid.     H.S. Harrison     7 Feb. 1934
163    Nordman, C.A. The cultures and peoples of prehistoric Finland    V. Gordon Childe    7 Dec. 1932
164    Paget, G.W. Some drawings of men and women made by children of certain non-European races    C.G. Seligman    15 Oct. 1930
165    Palmer, H.R. Sudanese manuscripts of the 17th century; not published    Ibid.    17 Apr. 1929
166    Peake, H.J.E. and Fleure, H.J. Megaliths and beakers    V. Gordon Childe    4 Dec. 1929
167    Peele, W.C. The dangers and disadvantages of averages; not published; correspondence attached:    G.M. Morant     14 June 1933
   .1    RAI to author        
168    Philpot, R. Makumba, the Bauchi tribal god; not published; no referee’s form; correspondence attached:    –    12 Apr. 1934
   .1    RAI to author, 12 Apr. 1934 (tpc.)        
169    Pitt-Rivers, G.H. Ava Island: ethnographic and sociological features of a South sea pagan society    S.H. Ray    17 Nov. 1925
170    Pott, H. Biotypical characteristics in finger prints; not published    C.G. Seligman    9 Apr. 1930
171    Ibid. Ibid. Ibid.     R. Ruggles Gates    14 May 1930
172    Ponossov, W.V. Civilization prehistorique de la Manchourie orientale; not published    L.H. Dudley Buxton    11 Dec. 1934
173    Porteus, S.D. Psychological interpretation of Australian Aboriginal customs; not published; correspondence attached:    J.C. Flugel    13 Mar. 1929
   .1    Sir Arthur Keith to RAI, 15 Feb. 1929 (autogr.)        
174    Ibid. Ibid.; not published paper by Dr S.D. Porteous    B. Malinowski    15 May 1929
175    Preston, J.H. Excavations in Lanford, Wiltshire; not published    H.J.E. Peake    15 May 1929
176    Radcliffe-Brown, A.R. Notes on Totemism in eastern Australia    C.G. Seligman    17 Apr. 1929
177    Raff, M. Folklore notes from New Hebrides left among the papers of the late Revd M. Raff; not published; correspondence attached:    A.C. Haddon    11 Jan. 1933
   .1    Referee’s remarks, 28 Jan. 1933 (autogr.)        
   .2    H. Coote Lake to RAI, 14 Feb. (autogr.)        
   .3    RAI to Miss B.M. Blackwood, 16 Feb. (tpc.)        
178    Ramaswamy, S.V. The Kuruvikkarans of South India and the Lambadies; not published; correspondence attached:    F.J. Richards     7 July 1932
   .1    RAI to author, 21 July 1932 (tpc.)        
179    Ramsey, W. Enstatic changes of level and the neolithieum; not published     H.J. Fleure    3 Mar. 1926
180    Reade, M. The Santal people of India; not published; correspondence attached:    C.E.A.W. Oldham    12 Oct. 1932
   .1    RAI to author, 10 Nov. 1932 (tpc.)         
181    Rickard, T.A. Iron in antiquity; not published    V.G. Childe    2 Nov. 1928
182    Ibid. The knowledge and use of iron among the South Sea Islanders    H.S. Harrison    20 Jan. 1932
183    Ibid. The nomenclature of copper and its alloys    H.J.E. Peake    12 Oct. 1932
184    Ibid. The early knowledge of iron and copper among the Indians of the NW coast of America; not published; see also 185    (Sir) J.L. Myres    7 Dec. 1932 Ibid. The use of native copper by the Indigenes of N. America; correspondence attached:    H.S. Harrison    10 Oct. 1934
  .1    author to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 21 June 1934 (autogr.)        
  .2    RAI to author, 15 Jan. 1935 (tp.)        
186    Robinson, A. Notes and sketches of Bazumi effende; not published    C.G. Seligman    11 Mar. 1931
187    Ibid. The Gallas in ancient and mediaeval history; not published; correspondence attached:    J.H. Driberg    12 Apr. 1934
  .1    author to RAI, 15 Mar. 1934 (autogr.)        
188    Roheim, G. Hungarian calendar customs    C.G. Seligman    12 Nov. 1925
189    Ibid. Dying gods and puberty Ceremonies    B. Malinowski 9 May 1928
190    Ibid. Ibid    J.C. Flugel    4 July 1928
191    Ibid. Women and their life in Central Australia    C.G. Seligman 12 Oct. 1932
192    Rozprym, F. Eyebrows and eyelashes in man; correspondence attached:    F.C. Shrubsall  11 Jan. 1933
  .1    author to RAI, 21 Nov. 1932            
193    Ibid. Ibid; correspondence attached:    R. Ruggles-Gates    8 Feb. 1933
  .1    referee to RAI, 9 Feb. 1933        
  .2    R. Ruggles-Gates to H.J. Braunholtz, 19 Nov. 1934        
194    Sachs, C. Le mouvement comme Racine des styles artistiques; not published    H. Balfour    11 Dec. 1934
195    Schwarz, E.H.L. The Hottentots; not published    F.C. Shrubsall    13 Jan. 1927
196    Seligman, B.Z. The origin of the 6 class system; not published    B. Malinowski    19 Oct. 1927
197    Ibid. Assymetry in descent with special reference to Pentecost    Ibid    4 July 1928
198    Ibid. Incest and descent and their influence on social organization    Ibid    18 Jan. 1929
199    Ibid and Seligman, C.G. The Bari    T.A. Joyce    23 Oct. 1928
200    Setons, S. Native customs performed in connection with the accession of the title of Attah Idah; not published; correspondence attached:    C.G. Seligman    11 May 927
  .1    referee to RAI, unsigned (tp.)        
201    Silva Correia, A.C.G. de. Les indices Robustesse chez les Mahrattes de l’Inde portugaise; no referee’s form; correspondence only: RAI to Prof. Fleure, 23 Nov. 1934 (tp. with autogr. notes by HJF); papers by Prof. T. Aranzadi, Prof. S. Alcobe and Prof. G.P. Frets also sent to referee:    H.J. Fleure    23 Nov.1934
  .1    Report on these papers from HJF, nd; summarized in C.R.Cong.int.sci.anthrop .ethnol., 1934        
202    Smith, D. and Spier, L. The dot and circle design in North America; not published    T.A. Joyce    11 Nov. 1925
203    Shackleton, E.R. The Merrille or Gelubba; not published; correspondence attached:    J.H. Driberg    10 Oct. 1933
  .1    C.W. Hobley to E.W. Smith, 6 Sept. 1933 (autogr.)        
  .2    E.W. Smith to RAI        
  .3    RAI to author        
204    Ibid. Ibid; not published; correspondence attached:    (Sir) E.E. Evans- Pritchard    7 Nov. 1934
  .1    author to RAI, 3 Oct. 1934 (autogr.)        
  .2    RAI to author, 18 Dec. (tpc.)        
205    Sharpe, H.B. Lesser known tribes of Kenya Colony; not published    C.W. Hobley    13 Oct. 1926
206    Shropshire, D. Native development in Southern Rhodesia; not published    H.A. Stayt    12 Feb. 1931
207    Sollas, W.J. The Chancelade skull    (Sir) W.E. le Gros Clark    10 Mar. 1927
208    Ibid. The sagittal section of the human skull; correspondence attached:    F.G. Parsons    9 Mar. 1932
  .1    author to RAI, 17 Feb. 1932 (autogr.)        
209    Ibid. Ibid, Part II    Ibid    18 June 1933
210    Stayt, H.A. The Balemba    E.W. Smith    16 Apr. 1931
211    Stibbe, E.P. The cephalic index of certain South African tribes; not published; correspondence attached:    F.C. Shrubsall    15 June 1927
  .1    author to RAI, 26 May 1927 (autogr.)        
  .2    author to Editor of Man, 4 Mar. 1931(autogr.)        
212    Suomenen, Y.K. Physical anthropological research in Finland    Ibid    9 Dec. 1927
213    Tello, J. Las inter-relaciones de las diversas culturas del Peru; no referee’s form; correspondence only:    T.A. Joyce    [18 Dec. 1934],
  .1    RAI to Mrs B. Aitken requesting translation of the paper, 18 Dec. 1934 (tpc.); papers by Coletre and K. Sapper also sent to referee; none published        
  .2    Mrs B. Aitken to RAI, 16 Jan. 1937 (autogr.)        
214    Thomas B. Among some unknown tribes of South Arabia    C.G. Seligman    28 Nov. 1928
215    Ibid. Anthropological observations in S. Arabia; not published    Ibid    14 Oct. 1931
216    Thomas, E.S. The throwing knife in Africa; not published    Ibid    9 Jan. 1925
217    Ibid. A comparison of some North African and south Spanish prehistoric drawings; correspondence attached:    M.C. Burkitt    14 Apr. 1926
  .1    referee’s comments, 20 Apr. 1926 (autogr.)        
218    Thomson, F. The dugong hunters of Cape York    C.G. Seligman 8 Mar. 1933
219    Torday, E. Western Bantu religion: published as Dualism in Western Bantu religion and social organization    Ibid.    20 Mar. 1928
220    Trevor, T.G. Some observations on the relics of pre-European culture in Rhodesia and South Africa    H.J. Braunholtz    4 June 1930
221    Tucker, A.N. Children’s games and songs in the southern Sudan    C.G. Seligman    10 Nov. 1931
222    Unwin, J.D. Pre-nuptial chastity and worship of gods; not published    B.Z. Seligman    29 Mar. 1930
223    Ibid. Ibid; not published    B. Malinowski    3 Apr. 1930
224    Vigor, R.H. The customs and beliefs of the people of Arawe; not published; correspondence attached:    A.C. Haddon    11 May 1932
   .1    RAI to author, 8 June 1932 (tpc.)        
225    Wales, H.G.Q. Siamese theory and ritual connected with pregnancy, birth and infancy    C.O. Blagden    4 July 1933
226    Walker, F.N. Inherited characteristics revealed in childbirth; not published; correspondence attached:    R. Ruggles-Gates    7 Mar. 1934
  .1    referee to RAI, 8 Mar. 1934 (autogr.)        
  .2    RAI to Prof. R.A. Fisher, 15 Mar. (tpc.)        
  .3    R.A. Fisher to RAI, 19 Mar. (autogr.)        
  .4    RAI to author, 13 Apr. (tpc.)        
227    Ward, Ida. No referee’s form; correspondence only: Alan H. Gardiner to RAI, 28 Dec. 1934 (autogr.); papers by Prof. Ching Chi Young, Prof. van Ginneken, also sent to referee; none published    A.H. Gardiner    28 Dec. 1934
228    Warren, S.H. and others. An early Mesolithic site at Broxbourne; paper read, 7 Nov. 1933    T.D. Kendrick    14 June 1933
229    Wayland, E.J. Notes on the Baamba    J.H. Driberg    17 Oct. 1929
230    Ibid. Preliminary studies of the tribes of Karamoja; correspondence attached:    C.G. Seligman    12 Nov. 1930
  .1    referee’s report, 15 Jan. 1931 (autogr.)        
231    Ibid and Burkitt, M.C. The Magosian culture of Uganda    H.S. Harrison    11 May 1932
232    Webster, G.W. Customs and beliefs of the Fulane; not published    C.G. Seligman    11 May 1927
233    Wedgewood, C.H. Death and social status in Melanesia    Ibid    19 Oct. 1927
234    Whelan, B. Flint industry in the raised beach in Ireland    H.S. Harrison    12 Mar. 1930
235    Wild, T.P. Stone age pottery from the Gold Coast and Ashanti    R.S. Rattray    10 May 1933
236    Williams, F.E. Plant emblems among the Orokaiva    C.G. Seligman    16 Oct. 1925
237    Ibid. Rain making on the River Morehead    A.C. Haddon    9 Dec. 1928
238    Ibid. Papuan petrographs    Ibid    12 Nov. 1930
239    Ibid. Sex affiliation and its implications    C.G. Seligman    14 Oct. 1931
240    Ibid. Cable from Papuan Govt requesting permission to publish Wellcome Essay: Wellcome Gold medal for Anthropological Research, 1933, awarded to F.E. Williams        
241    Wilson, G.E.H. Deductions from the remains of an old agricultural system in Uhehe; not published; correspondence attached:    (Sir) J.L. Myres    4 July 1928
  .1    E. Torday to RAI, 18 Oct. 1930 (autogr.)        
  .2    author to RAI, 23 Nov. (autogr.)        
  .3    Ibid, 9 Feb. 1931 (autogr.)        
242    Wooley, G.C. Murut basket work; not Published    A.C. Haddon    11 Mar. 1925
243    Young, T.C. Tribal intermixture in Northern Nyasaland; correspondence attached:    H.S. Stannus    12 Oct. 1932
  .1    RAI to author, 10 Nov. 1932 (tpc.)        
244    Zejmo-Zejmis’s, S. Anthropologische zusammensetsung de von Dr W.E. Muehlmann; not published; correspondence attached:    G.M. Morant    9 May 1934
  .1    M.L. Tildesley to C.O. Blagden, commenting on the above paper, 7 May (autogr.)        
  .2    Prof. Jan. Czekanowski to RAI, 2 May (tp.)        
245    Ibid. Ibid; not published; correspondence attached:    H.J. Fleure    6 June 1934
  .1    referee to H.J. Braunholtz, 22 Sept. (autogr.)        
 .2    RAI to Prof. Jan Czekanowski, 15 Oct. (tpc.)        

  3/ 12 Oct. 1932-12 May 1938

  1    Amer, M. The excavations of the Egyptian University in the prehistoric site at Maadi near Cairo; published 1936; correspondence attached:    G. Caton Thompson    12 Oct. 1932
 .1    RAI to author, 8 Dec. 1932 (tpc.)        
 .2    author to RAI, 18 Dec. (autogr.)        
 .3    RAI to author, 29 Apr. 1936 (tpc.)        
 .4    author to RAI, 21 May (autogr.)        
  2    Arkell, A.J. 1) Some Tuareg ornaments and their connections with India; 2) Forms of the Talhakim and the Tanaghilit as adapted from the Tuareg by various West African tribes; correspondence attached:    F.R. Rodd    5 June 1935
 .1    referee to RAI, 20 June 1935 (autogr.)        
 .2    Ibid, 24 June (autogr.)        
 .3    RAI to author, 25 June (tpc.)        
 .4    author to RAI, 26 June (autogr.)        
 .5    RAI to author, 5 July (tpc.)        
 .6    author to RAI, 10 July (autogr.)        
 .7    Civil secretary’s office, Khartoum to author, 22 July (tpc.)        
 .8    author to RAI, 5 Aug. (autogr.)        
  3    Armstrong, A.L. Jones, N. and Maufe, H.B. The antiquity of man in Rhodesia    D.A.E. Garrod    8 Dec. 1936
  4    Arundell, R.D.H. Rock paintings in Burkoba District; correspondence attached:    H.J. Braunholtz    10 Oct. 1935
 .1    author to H. Balfour, 14 July 1933 (autogr.)        
 .2    Ibid, 3 Aug. (autogr.)        
 .3    Ibid, 31 Aug. (autogr.)        
 .4    Ibid, 4 Sept. (autogr.) including 3 photographs        
 .5    Ibid, 6 Oct. (autogr.)        
 .6    Ibid to RAI, 16 Oct. (autogr.)        
  5    Asboe, W. Agricultural methods in Lahoul, Western Tibet; no document present; published in Man, May 1937, No. 90; correspondence attached:    Lee Shuttleworth    ? May 1934
 .1    RAI to C. Otto Blagden, 17 Dec. 1936        
 .2    C. Otto Blagden to RAI, 18 Dec.        
  6    Ashley-Montagu, M.F. The medio- frontal suture and the problem of metopism in the primates    G.M. Morant    13 Feb. 1936
  7    Barnes, A.S. A criterion of human workmanship on flaked tools of flint applied to flints from below the crag and to eoliths from the Kent plateau; not published; correspondence attached: D.A. Garrod 13 Oct. 1937
 .1    author to RAI, 9 July 1937 (autogr.)        
 .2    referee to (Prof. Sir) R.W. Firth, 13 Nov. (autogr.)        
 .3    RAI to author, 16 Dec. (tpc.)        
 .4    author to RAI, 18 Dec. (autogr.)        
 .5    author to RAI, 5 Jan. 1938 (autogr.) enclosing:        
.5.1  author’s reply to referees sugges¬tions, 5 Jan. (autogr.)        
.5.2  author’s revised diagram, 5 Jan.        
.5.3  comments by the author on the report of the referee (nd)        
 .6    RAI to referee, 14 Jan. (tpc.)        
 .7    referee to (Prof. Sir) R.W. Firth, 21 Jan. (autogr.)        
 .8    RAI to author, 23 Feb. (tpc.)        
 .9    author to RAI, 27 Feb. (autogr.)        
.10    Dr E.J. Lindgren (EJL) Editor, JRAI to author, 11 Apr. (tpc.)        
.11    author to EJL, 14 Apr. (autogr.)        
.12    EJL to author, 21 Apr. (tpc.)        
.13    author to EJL, 2 May (autogr.)        
.14    EJL to author, 14 May (tpc.)        
.15    RAI to EJL, 7 Oct. (autogr.)        
.16    S. Hazzledine Warren to (Prof. Sir) R.W. Firth, 13 Nov. (autogr.)        
.17    EJL to author, 9 Dec. (tpc.)        
.18    author to EJL, 10 Dec. (autogr.)        
.19    EJL to author, 12 Jan. 1939 (tpc.)        
.20    author to EJL, 23 Jan. (autogr. postcard)        
.21    author to EJL, 27 May (autogr.)        
.22    EJL to RAI, 29 May (tpc.)        
.23    author to EJL, 1 June (autogr.)        
.24    G. Caton Thompson to RAI, 1 June (autogr.)        
.25    author to G. Caton Thompson, 10 June (autogr.)        
.26    author to EJL, 20 June (autogr.)        
.27    EJL to author, 21 June (tpc.)        
.28    EJL to author, 16 Dec. (tpc.)        
.29    author to EJL, 19 Dec. (autogr.)        
.30    EJL to author, 22 Dec. (tpc.)        
.31    EJL to author, 15 Feb. 1940 (tpc.)        
.32    author to EJL, 16 Feb. (autogr.)        
.33    proposed list of contents of JRAI, Vol. LXIX, part II, 1939 (autogr. note by EJL)        
.34    EJL to referee, 15 Apr. (tpc.)        
.35    referee to EJL, 20 Apr. (autogr.)        
.36    EJL to lawyers, Kimber, Bull, Howland, Clappe & Co., 24 Apr. (tpc.)        
.37    EJL to lawyers, ibid, 25 Apr. (tpc.)        
.38    EJL to author, 27 Apr. (autogr.)        
.39    EJL to author, revised version of, 27 Apr. (tpc.)        
.40    lawyers to EJL, 26 Apr. (autogr.)        
.41    EJL to lawyers, 29 Apr. (tpc.)        
.42    author to EJL, 1 May (autogr.)        
  8    Baumgartel, E. Die Galliermekropole von Filottrano; published as the Gaulish necropolis of Filottrano in the Ancona Museum; correspondence attached:    (Sir) J.L. Myres    6 May 1936
 .1    Christopher F.C. Hawkes to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 13 June 1936 (autogr.)        
 .2    Raymond W. Firth to (Sir) J.L. Myres, 21 June 1936 (autogr.)        
 .3    C.G. Seligman to J.L. Myres, 15 June (autogr.)        
 .4    Ibid (query)    to H.S. Harrison, 15 June (tpc.)        
 .5    J.L. Myres to C.G. Seligman, 19 June (autogr.)        
 .6    J.H. de Navarro to RAI, 8 Aug. (autogr.)        
 .7    Paul Jacobsthal to RAI, 20 Sept. (autogr.)        
 .8    note to D.R. Maclver, 9 Oct.        
 .9    D.R. MacIver to R.W. Firth, 26 Oct. (autogr.)        
  9    Baumgartel, E. Die Galliermekropole von Filottrano; correspondence attached:    D.R. MacIver    10 Nov. 1936
 .1    RAI to D.R. MacIver (tp. with autogr. reply at foot)        
10    Beasley, H.G. Notes on red feather money    H.S. Harrison    23 Mar. 1936
11    Bell, F.A. Sokapana: a Melanesian secret    R.W. Firth    7 Nov. 1934
12    Bijlmer, H.J.T. The relation of blood groups to race and some particulars of the South West Pacific    R. Ruggles Gates    10 Oct. 1934
13    Brelsford, W.V. History and customs of the Basala; correspondence attached:    E.W. Smith        5 Dec. 1933
 .1    RAI to author, 11 Jan. 1934 (tpc.)        
 .2    author to RAI, 1 Apr. (autogr.)        
14    Bridges, M.L. Superstitions and legends of the Ona or Shilcnum, a tribe which once inhabited the greater part of the main island of Tierra del Fuego; not published; no referee’s form; corres¬pondence attached:    E.O. James    10 Oct. 1935
 .1    E.O. James for Folk-lore Society to RAI, 14 Oct. 1935 (autogr.)        
15    Brown, F.E. Hehe grandmothers; no referee’s report; letter to the RAI from the author present; published 1935        6 Sept. 1933
16    Chadwick, N.K. Shamanism among the Tatars of Central Asia    C.G. Seligman    4 Dec. 1935
17    Ibid. The spiritual ideas and experiences of the Tatars of Central Asia    ibid    ibid
18    Ibid. Poetic inspiration and the trance of the seer; not published; corres-pondence attached:    ibid    12 Jan. 1938
 .1    author to RAI, 19 Dec. 1937 (autogr.)        
19    Clifford, G.M. The Igala chiefdom; correspondence attached:    C.G. Seligman    6 Mar. 1935
 .1    the Acting Secretary, Secretary’s Office, Northern Provinces, Kaduna, Nigeria to RAI, 18 Sept. 1934 (autogr.)        
 .2    referee to RAI, 10 Dec. 1935 (autogr.)         
 .3    RAI to referee, 11 Dec. (autogr.)        
 .4    author to referee, 14 Feb. 1936 (autogr.)        
 .5    referee to RAI, 31 Mar. 1936 (autogr.) including reference to 19.4; and following 3 letters:        
 .6    author to referee, 27 Mar. 1935 (autogr.)        
 .7    referee to author, 28 Mar. 1935 (tpc.)        
 .8    author to referee, 11 Nov. 1935 (autogr.)        
20    Codrington, K. de B. The use of counter-irritants in the Indian Deccan; correspondence attached:    C.G. Seligman    9 Oct. 1935
 .1    F.J. Richards to author, 19 Dec. 1934 (autogr.)        
21    Collum, V.C.C. Caliciform beakers in the megalithic monuments of the southern Morbihan, Brittany, and their associated objects; not published; no referees form; correspondence attached: H.J.E. Peake 30 Apr. 1936
 .1    author to RAI submitting article, 25 Apr. 1936 (autogr.)        
 .2    RAI to referee, 30 Apr. (tpc.)        
 .3    referee to RAI, 1 May (autogr.)        
 .4    RAI to J.M. de Navarro, 6 May (autogr.)        
 .5    J.M. de Navarro to RAI, 17 May (autogr.)        
 .6    RAI to V.G. Childe, 12 June (autogr.)        
 .7    V.G. Childe to RAI, 15 June (autogr.)        
 .8    RAI to author, 20 June (tpc.)        
22    Daniel, F. Stone images of Esiye- Ajasse district, published as Stone figures of Esie, Ilorin Province, Nigeria, [1937]; correspondence attached:    H.J. Braunholtz    11 Apr. 1934
 .1    author to RAI, 12 Mar. 1934 (autogr.)        
23    Daniel, G.H. Changes in the racial character of the population of the Llandebie District    G.M. Morant    2 Nov. 1936
24    Darlington, H.S. The meaning of couvade; not published: correspondence attached:    W.R. Dawson    7 Oct. 1936
 .1    referee to RAI, 10 Oct. (autogr.)        
 .2    RAI to author, 5 Nov. (tpc.)        
25    Dreyer, T.D. The orientation of the Florisbad skull; not published; correspondence attached:    W.E. le Gros Clark    12 Oct. 1938
 .1    referee’s report to RAI, 12 Oct. 1938 (autogr.)        
26    Dunlop, M. France in the Bronze age; not published; correspondence attached:    V.G. Childe    6 Apr. 1938
 .1    referee’s report, 6 Apr. 1938 (autogr.)        
 .2    E.J. Lindgren to RAI, 13 May (autogr.)        
27    Earthy, D. Plants and their uses in Gaza, Portuguese East Africa; not published; correspondence attached:    A. Richards    6 Nov. 1935
 .1    referee to RAI, 7 Nov. 1935 (autogr.)        
 .2    RAI to author, 8 Nov. (tpc.)        
28    Elwin, V. The functional character of Baiga mythology; not published; correspondence attached:    F.J. Richards    7 Oct. 1936
 .1    author to RAI        
29    Fisher, R.A. The coefficient of racial likeness; correspondence attached:    L.H. Dudley Buxton    9 Oct. 1935
 .1    RAI to author, 8 Apr. 1936 (tpc.)        
 .2    referee’s notes to RAI, nd (tp.)        
 .3    author to RAI, 15 Apr. (autogr.)        
30    Fleure, Prof. H.J. A report on the anthropometric survey of the Isle of Man    G.M. Morant    31 Mar. 1936
31    Fortes, M. Communal fishing and fishing magic in the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast    C.G. Seligman    21 Oct. 1935
32    Fuchs, V.E. and Dyson, W. The Elmolo; correspondence attached:    ibid    12 June 1936
 .1    author to RAI, 2 June 1936 (autogr.)        
 .2    H.J. Braunholtz to author, 15 Oct. (autogr.)        
 .3    author to H.J. Braunholtz, 16 Oct. (autogr.)        
 .4    H.J. Braunholtz to author, 21 Oct. (autogr.)        
 .5    author to H.J. Braunholtz, 22 Oct. (autogr.)        
33    Goddard, R.H. Burragurra on Devils Rock; not published    W.E.H. Stanner    9 Feb. 1937
34    Gordon, D.H. The rock paintings and microliths of the Raigath State; not published; correspondence attached:    M.C. Burkitt    9 Oct. 1935
 .1    referee to RAI, 10 Oct. 1935 (autogr.)        
 .2    RAI to author, 7 Nov. (tpc.)        
 .3    author to RAI, 11 Nov. (autogr.)        
 .4    RAI to author, 22 Nov. (tpc.)        
35    Griffiths, J.B. Glimpses of a Nyika tribe    J.H. Driberg    9 May 1934
36    Harris, P.G. Notes on Dakarkari peoples of Dabai Emirate, Sokoto Province, Nigeria, West Africa: correspondence attached:    C.K. Meek    12 Apr. 1934
 .1    referee to RAI, 15 May 1934 (autogr.)        
 .2    author to RAI, 10 Feb. 1937 (autogr.)        
 .3    RAI to author, 3 Apr. (tpc.)        
37    Henry, J. Integration in a simple society; correspondence attached:    R.W. Firth    11 Mar. 1936
 .1    author to RAI, 11 Feb. 1936 (autogr.)        
 .2    RAI to author, 5 Nov. (tpc.)        
 .3    author to RAI, 26 Jan. 1937 (autogr.)        
 .4    RAI to author, 9 Apr. (tpc.)        
38    Herskovits, M.J. The Ashanti Ntoro, a re-examination; correspondence attached:    R.S. Rattray    6 Feb. 1935
 .1    author to H.J. Braunholtz, 26 Mar. 1935 (autogr.)        
 .2    ibid Prof. J.L. Myres, 26 Mar (autogr.)        
 .3    J.L. Myres to author, 9 Apr. (autogr.)        
 .4    RAI to International Institute of African Languages and Culture, 16 Apr. (tpc.)        
 .5    acknowledgement of above, 17 Apr. (tp.)        
39    Ibid. ibid; correspondence attached:    B.Z. Seligman    15 May 1935
 .1    referee to R.U. Sayce, 21 June 1935        
 .2    referee’s notes on 39 to RAI, 21 June (tp.)        
 .3    RAI to author, 22 July (tpc.)        
 .4    author to RAI, 12 Aug.        
 .5    tpc. of original article (autogr. corrections by author). 14 pages        
40    Hocart, A.M. Fishing in Eddystone Island; correspondence attached:    J. Hornell    8 Apr. 19:36
 .1    RAI to author, 6 May 1936 (tpc.)        
41    Hogbin, H.I. Social reaction to crime    R.W. Firth    9 Oct. 1935
42    Iyer, A.K. The Swastika; not published; correspondence attached:    W.L. Hildburgh    6 Nov. 1935
 .1    RAI to author, 5 Dec. 1935        
43    Koritschoner, Hans. Ituga; not published    B.Z. Seligman    6 May 1936
44    Ibid. Ngoma Ya Sheitani    C.G Seligman    6 May 1936
45    Lambert, L. The folk-lore and religious ideas of the Indians of Guiana; not published; correspondence attached:    J. Williams    6 Feb. 1935
 .1    author to RAI, 31 Jan. 1935 (autogr.)        
 .2    referee to RAI, 11 Feb. (autogr.)        
 .3    RAI to author, 12 Mar. (tpc.)        
46    Lancaster, G. Tentative chronology of the Aba-Ngoni. genealogy of their chiefs, and notes; correspondence attached:    C.G. Seligman    15 May 1935
 .1    referee to RAI, 28 May 1935 (autogr.)        
 .2    RAI to author, 5 June (autogr.)        
47    Lazarus, D.M. A description of preparation for and of the marriage parade at Levenenwa Island, Ongtong Java; not published; correspondence attached:    R.W. Firth    6 Mar. 1935
 .1    RAI to H.G. Beasley, 12 Apr. 1935        
48    Lothrop, S.K. Gold and silver from southern Peru and Bolivia; corres¬pondence attached:    T.A. Joyce    13 Feb. 196
 .1    RAI to author, 3 June 1937 (tpc.)        
 .2    author to RAI, 20 July (autogr.)        
 .3    RAI to author, 14 Oct. (tpc.)        
49    Marston, A.T. Report on the Swanscombe skull; correspondence attached:    G.M. Morant    12 June 1936
 .1    author to RAI, 21 May 1936 (autogr.)        
 .2    referee’s report to RAI, 4 Oct. (autogr.)        
 .3    tpc. of an article by author titled: Argument on the Piltdown canine and mandible – to be inserted in the Swanscombe skull report in the place of previously submitted argument, 10 Oct. 1936 (autogr.). 17 pages        
 .4    Henry Dewey to Raymond W. Firth, 15 Oct. (autogr.)        
 .5    ibid.    5 Nov. (autogr.)        
 .6    report by Henry Dewey to RAI, 6 Nov. (autogr.)        
50    Moir, J. Reid. The age of the pre-crag flint implements    M.C. Burkitt    6 Mar. 1935
51    Moneykyrle, R. Persecutory tendencies in group psychology; correspondence attached:    J.C. Flugel    6 Mar. 1935
 .1    RAI to author, 12 Apr. 1935 (tpc.)        
52    Morant, G.M. Contribution to the physical anthropology of the Swat and Hunza Valleys    C.G. Seligman    4 Dec. 1935
53    Ibid. The craniology of Ireland    H.S. Harrison    6 May 1936
54    Nadel, S.F. Gunnu, a fertility cult of the Nupe; correspondence attached:    Ibid.    9 Oct. 1935
 .1    RAI to author, 7 Nov. 1935 (tpc.)        
 .2    author to RAI, 3 Dec. (autogr.)        
55    Phillipps, W.J. An introduction to Maori pounding implements; not published    C.B. Humphries    5 June 1935
56    Ibid. ibid; not published    R.W. Firth    9 Oct. 1935
57    Ibid. Maori designs; correspondence attached:    ibid    ibid
 .1    RAI to author, 5 Dec. 1935 (tpc.)        
58    Reck, Hans. Olduvai; not published: correspondence attached:    H.J. Fleure    10 Nov. 1932
 .1    referee’s report to H.J. Braunholtz, JRAI, 30 Dec. 1932 (autogr.)        
59    Rickard, T.A. The  nomenclature of archaeology; not published; correspondence attached:    V. Gordon Childe    13 Feb. 1936
 .1    RAI to author (tpc.)        
60    Roberts, J.G. Totemism and sexuality among the south eastern Bantu; no referees report; correspondence attached:    none    23 Sept. 1937
 .1    RAI to author, 15 Oct. 1937 (tpc.)        
61    Rolleston, I.H.O. The Watumbatu; not published; correspondence attached:    Sir C. Hollis    7 Oct. 1936
 .1    J.H. Driberg (for author) to T.A. Joyce, 14 Aug. 1936 (autogr.)        
 .2    RAI to J.H. Driberg, 5 Oct. (tpc.)        
 .3    referee to RAI, 11 Oct. (autogr.)        
62    Ross A. The origin of language; not published; correspondence attached:    C. Otto Blagden    7 Dec. 1934
 .1    E.O. James to J.L. Myres, 28 Nov. 1934(autogr.)        
 .2    RAI to Prof. E.O. James, 6 Feb. 1935 (tpc.)        
63    Rowe, W. Page. A study of geometrical drawings from the New Hebrides    A.C. Haddon    6 Nov. 1935
64    Shanklin, W.M. The anthropology of the Rwala Bedouins    C.G. Seligman    7 Nov. 1935
65    Shaw, W.B.K. Notes on the Libyan Desert archaeology; not published; correspondence attached:    ibid    7 Nov. 1934
 .1    author to JRAI, 24 Oct. 1934 (autogr.)        
 .2    author to JRAI, 25 May 1935 (autogr.)        
 .3    author to RAI, 2 June (autogr.)        
 .4    RAI to author, 6 June (tpc.)        
66    Shropshire, D. Some dances of the Wamanyika tribe, the Wabarwe tribe and Watewe tribe; not published    C.G. Seligman    6 Mar. 1935
67    Singer, K. Notes on some early Japanese fecundity symbols; not published; correspondence attached:    W.L. Hildburgh    12 May 1938
 .1    Edward Rosenbaum to RAI, 20 Apr. 1938 (autogr.)        
 .2    note to accompany W.L. Hildburgh’s report., 20 May (autogr. by referee)        
 .3    referee’s report, 20 May (autogr.)        
 .4    referee’s report (tp. copy)        
 .5    author to J.L. Myres, 6 June 1938 (autogr.)        
 .6    Editor, JRAI (EJL) to E. Rosenbaum, 20 June (tpc.)        
 .7    EJL to J.L. Myres, 30 June (autogr.)        
 .8    J.L. Myres to EJL, 1 July (autogr.)         
 .9    RAI to author, 1 July (tpc.)        
.10    J.L. Myres to RAI, 1 July (autogr.)        
.11    RAI to author        
68    Slater, F. Picture writing of Australian Aborigines, also Maori teaching the mysteries of life and death; not published; correspondence attached:    W.E.H. Stanner    9 Feb. 1937
 .1    author to RAI, 15 Dec. 1936 (autogr.). 4pp.        
 .2    RAI to author, 4 Mar. 1937 (tpc.)        
69    Steiner, F.B. The Kayak and the Turks; no referees report; not published; correspondence attached:    J. Hornell    5 July 1937
 .1    RAI to referee, 4 Nov. (tpc.)        
 .2    referee to RAI, 8 Nov. (autogr.)        
70    Stevenson, H.N.C. Feasting and meat-division among Zahau Chins of Burma; correspondence attached:    J.H. Hutton    10 Feb. 1937
 .1    author to R.W. Firth, nd (autogr.)        
71    Taylor, Prof. Griffith. The zones and strata theory: a biological classification of races; not published; correspondence attached:    H.J. Fleure    11 Apr. 1935
 .1    R.R. Marett to RAI, 20 Mar. 1935 (autogr.)        
 .2    referee’s report to RAI, [11 Apr.]        
 .3    RAI to R.R. Marett, 17 Oct.        
72    Thompson, J.E. 16th and 17th century reports on the Chol Mayas; not published; correspondence attached:    H.J. Braunholtz    8 Feb. 1938
 .1    RAI to author, 14 June 1938 (tpc.)        
73    Thomson, D.F. Notes on some bone and stone implements from N. Queensland    C.G. Seligman    9 Jan. 1935
74    Wayland, E.J. Rifts, rivers, rains and early man in Uganda    G. Caton-Thompson    10 Oct. 1934
75    Weidenreich, Franz. On the relation of Sinanthropus pekinensis to Pithecanthropus javanthropus and Rhodesian man    G.M. Morant    ? May 1937
76    Wild, R.P. Agona-Swedru: funerary equipment from the Gold Coast; correspondence attached:    H.J. Braunholtz    11 Feb. 1935
 .1    author to H.J. Braunholtz, 10 Jan. 1934 (autogr.)        
77    Wilson, Godfrey. African conventions: a study of the Nyakusa ceremonies of burial; not. published; correspondence attached:    E.W. Smith    4 Mar. 1937
 .1    JRAI to RAI, 7 Sept. 1938        
78    Wolff, Werner. Le de’chiffrement des hieroglyphes Maya et la traduction de quelques tableaux d’hierogl.yphes; not published; correspondence attached:    R.C.E. Long    13 Oct. 1937
 .1    author to C.G. Seligman, 23 May 1937 (tp.)        
 .2    C.G. Seligman to author, 27 May (tpc.)        
 .3    author to C.G. Seligman, 1 June (tp.)        
 .4    RAI to author, 4 Nov. (tpc.)        
79    Wright, L.W.S. The Vele magic of the south Solomon W. Ivens 13 Oct. 1937

 4/ Supplement: 9 Jan. 1923 -8 Dec. 1938

  1    G.W.B. Huntingford, An Inventory of the Antiquities of the Northern Nandi  T.A. Joyce  9 Jan. 1923
  2    Yasushi M. Ishida, A Symbolic Method of Recording String Figures  James Hornell  12 July 1936
  3    P.G. Harris, The Kebbi Fishermen, Sokoto Province, Nigeria  C.G. Seligman  10 Jan. 1937
  4    A.L. Kroeber, Basic and Secondary Patterns of Social Structures  Raymond Firth  9 Feb. 1937
  5    Norah K. Chadwick, The Distribution of Oral Literature in the Old World  H. Coote Lake  15 Oct. 1937
  6    G. Irving Hallowell, The Spirits of the Dead in Saltiaux Life and Thought  C.G. Seligman  31 Oct. 1938
  7    F.B. Macrae, Evidence of the Stone Age in the Eastern Province of Northern Rhodesia  A. Leslie Armstrong  5 Dec. 1938
  8    Frederica da Laguna, Eskimo and Tena Lamps and Cooking Pots [see Paterson’s letter in Fagg MSS, p. 8]  T.T. Paterson