Durham, Mary Edith “collection” (MS 45)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Durham, Mary Edith “collection” (MS 45)

[Folk tales from the Balkans. nd]

Handwritten and typewritten; illustrations

/1 Vuk Vrchevich. National tales & judgements. The murdress mother – – an unfortunate occurrence in about the year 1750 which is still told today in Herzegovina. – Deposition made by a peasant of the Primerje (coastland of the Herzegovina and Bocche di Cattaro) telling how he ‘stopped the bloody circle’, written in 1851. – The bloody circle, a judgment given by the council of good men at Grbljo in the Bocche di Cattaro in 1820 – Busbquius travels, 15.

/2 Mar

/3 The tale of the lonely Han

/4 The return of Prenk Pasha – the wedding – Song when veil is removed – The fox & the partridge – The story of truth & falsehood – The men who feasted for three piastres – The uncle & the nephew – The betrothal

/5 The Hayduks – Why old man Novak turned Hayduk – How Novak sold Childe Gruitz – Marriage of Gruita – Gruitz faithless wife – Marriage of Militch the Bariaktar – The Hayduk’s mother – Son or brother – The wife of Hayduk Vukosav

/6 Selim Bey: the monk’s tale; Stefan (Šcepan) Mali (1768) – The avenging of Bajo – Some Servian ballads – The finding of the head of Prince Lazar – The maiden of Kosovo – The death of the mother of the Jogovitches – The avenging of Batric Perovic about 1700 – The lament of the three captives – The death of the Tivo Dragocic – Miloradovic, envoy from Peter the Great in the month of March 1711 – The fight at Kolšin, 1858

/7 At the grand hotel

/8-/13 [‘True tales from the Balkans’:]

/8 The wailing of Stevo

/9 True tales from the Balkans – contains – dedication – introduction – Told in Montenegro – The wailing of Stevo – A Montenegrin love story – A Montenegrin hero – How Krsto chattered as we went along – The lonely Han

/10 The sphere of influence: an international episode

/11 The tale of the beautiful Rosanda

/12 Blood is thicker than water

/13 A rare vengeance

/14 Divlyi Chovek, a Montenegrin phantasy

/15 Divlyi Chovek, a fantasy of the wilderness

/16 An international episode

/17 The wailing of Stevo

/18 Told in Macedonia. A light that failed

/19 A light that failed [p. 1 missing]

/20 The story of Skenderbeg

/21 Told in Albania. The story of Skenderbeg

/22 Hil: a sketch of the Young Turn regime in Albania

/23 Mar: a tale of old life in high Albania. The call of blood: a tale of high Albania

/24 An Albanian love story: a tale of the harem

/25 The uncle and the nephew. How the three poor men feasted

/26 An Albanian love story: a true tale of the harem

/27 Told in Bosnia. In Bosnia

/28 Because of the Berlin Congress: a true tale dedicated to the drawers of frontiers

/29 Because of the Berlin Congress: told by an Austrian official

/30 Justice: the official’s story

/31 The Hayduks of Sarayevo

/32-/52 Illustrations for True tales of the Balkans

/32 Nyegus. 1905

/33 The old walls of Cattaro; 1900

/34 The kolo dance

/35 [Katatcha]

/36 Milosh Obilich

/37 A Serb warrior

/38 Funeral procession: Montenegro

/39 The Bey’s tower, Rtay, Bosnia. 1906

/40 Dijet Gruitza

/41 Hauling timber for cursed Irene

/42 The castle of Smederevo, 1902

/43 Little Stefan

/44 Skenderbeg’s helmet & the eagle of Albania

/45 Old Rizvan at the mosque

/46 Mahomed II ‘Fatih’. 1451

/47 Jannisary Officer

/48 The Hadja

/49 Gusle

/50 The Bosniak

/51 Carrying hay. Montenegro

/52 The ark, from an embroidery. Prisrendi