Rattray, Robert Sutherland, “collection” (MS 101)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Rattray, Robert Sutherland, “collection” (MS 101)

Adonten stool; Nkoranza; Banda; Konfo Anotchi: papers to be dealt with. [c. 1919-25]

8 papers in 1 folder. 33 x 20 cm.

Handwritten and typewritten.

The folder has been discarded. The title only has been retained. 18 x 14 cm.

Lantern slides held in the Photographic Collection.

Presented from the estate of the late Dr Rattray, 1938.

/1 Okonfo Anotchi; wonders of Anotchi; few of his wonders; the waning of Denkyira kingdom. 4 leaves. Typewritten

/2 [Enquiry into the formation of the Adonten Division]; by C. Furness Smith, Acting Crown Counsel, 24th March 1925. 42 leaves. Typewritten


1 What is the tribal organization of the Adonten Abrempon of Kumasi?

2 What are the native tribunals among the Adonten, who are the persons presiding over such tribunals, what are the customary amounts for oaths and what appeals and to whom if any are allowed by native customary laws?

3 What stools are subordinate to the Head Stool and what are the titles of the chiefs on such subordinate stools, giving a list of each town or village?

4 What is the relative position of the Head Stool and the Stools of Amakom and Antoa, and whether such position has undergone any change since the Ashanti administration of 1902?

5 What is the constitution and organization of the Adonten a) in peace, b) at war, names (with literal English meaning when possible) of all officers (including Chief and Queen Mother, their order of precedence, functions and mutual relation?

6 The office of chief

7 Oaths a) form, b) origin with explanation, c) penalties

8 Jurisdiction before the passing of the Ashanti Native Jurisdiction Ordinance, and under what power did the chiefs exercise such jurisdiction and the enforcement of their decisions

9 System of land tenure, alienation, inheritance, has the Head Stool any control over the disposal of land by subordinate stools?

10 Does the Head Stool receive tribute or recognition of any kind from a) subordinate stools?

11 Relation of the head of the Adonten Abrempon with the Amanhene of Ashanti i.e. has the Head Adonten Chief the powers and jurisdicition of an Omanhene?

12 Any other matter or thing which may arise in the course of the enquiry which may be of general interest or to which no particular term of reference is made

/3 Notes on history of Nkoranza; by H.J. Hobbs, Ag.CNPA. 5 leaves. Handwritten

/4 Wam history; by Chas. E. Osei. 4 leaves. Handwritten

/5 Notes on Abease history; H.J. Hobbs, Acting Commissioner NPA, 1919; written by H. Kontright. 2 leaves. Handwritten

/6 The history of Old Wam delivered from Mansin, the Queen Mother and elders therein on the 19th day of November 1925; by Mansinhin Kojo Jabaa; writer and witness to marks Richard Charles Aimoh, 20 November 1925. 4 leaves. Handwritten

/7 Notes on history of Banda; by T.E. Fell, Commissioner W.P. Ashanti; written by H. Kontright. 5 leaves. Handwritten

/8 Notes on the history of Mo; by H.J. Hobbs, Ag.PC, 1919. 2 leaves, illus. Handwritten