Man, Edward Horace “collection” (MS 110)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Man, Edward Horace “collection” (MS 110)

Andaman vocabulary. 1, English-Andamanese; 2, Andamanese-English. 18–.

2 parts. (in 25). 32 x 20 cm.


/1 Consists of 3 numbered parts (338 leaves)

/2 Consists of 22 numbered parts (508 leaves)

Grey or buff paper covers; inscribed on white labels: Andaman vocabulary, part 1 … and Andaman vocabulary, part 2. Subtitles of part 1: No. 1, A to F; no. 2, G to R inclusive; no. 3, S to the end.

1/3, numerous notes inserted; 2/9, cover damaged; 2/20-22, not labelled