Crooke, William (MS 136)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Crooke, William (MS 136)

The folk-beliefs of the Homeric poems.

vii, 370 leaves. 32 x 21 cm

Typewritten with handwritten corrections, annotations and references.

References on reverse of leaves.

Cataloguer’s note: Originally leaves stitched together with string and bound between paper covers, now broken, torn and discarded. Badly fragmented leaves have been reduced to make handling possible without loss of text.

Presented by Mr J.E. Crooke, 11 March 1955.

Contents :

Preface, leaves i-ii

Table of contents, leaves iii-viii

Chapter I: The Homeric gods, leaves 1-98, 1p. note attached to leaf 52

Chapter II: The worship of the Gods, leaves 99-143

Chapter III: The folk-tales of Homer, leaves 144-271

Chapter IV: The underworld, leaves 272-292

Notes – Chapter I-III, leaves 293-322

Notes – Chapter IV, leaves 323-338

List of authorities, leaves 339-350

Index, leaves 351-370