Unwin, Joseph Daniel (MS 157)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Unwin, Joseph Daniel (MS 157)

Culture, classical studies, economics, family welfare and sexual matters in various societies: notes, drafts and papers. c. 1913-34

177 folders numbered 1-112, 151-215. 29 x 22 cm

Folder no. 1 inscribed ‘Sex and culture, 5 packets’, title only retained, 10 x 11.5 cm. The condition of the folders was poor and provided only the information of the number and title of each folder, so they have been discarded. The folders were numbered 1-68, 80-112, 151-215 and each was titled exactly as catalogued. Folders 69-79 were numbered, untitled and empty. Folders 113-150 did not exist.

Various papers. Various sizes. 28.5 x 22.5 cm unless stated otherwise.

Handwritten, printed and typewritten. Handwritten unless stated otherwise.

Presented by an unknown source.

/1 Loyalty Islanders. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Loyalty Islands: [notes using authorities] A. Cheyne, E. Hadfield and S.H. Ray. 12 leaves

/2 The Loyalty Islands: [MS with notes from MS 157/1/1]. 9 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Loyalty-diviners, one nuptial, chiefs, sickness, social. 8 leaves, text verso leaves 4 and 8

/2 Tannese. 1 folder containing 6 papers

/1 Tanna (New Hebrides): [notes using authorities] A. Cheyne, W. Gray, S.H. Ray, C.B. Humphreys, F. Speiser, R. Steel and A.C.P. Watt. 13 leaves

/2 [Divinity called Uhgen]. 1 p.

/3 Tanna – A.C.P. Watt. 2 pp.

/4 Tanna – [notes from] C.B. Humphreys, W. Gray, S.H. Ray. 7 pp., p. 4 blank. 16 x 23.5 cm

/5 Loyalty Islands, Tanna, Caroline Island: [notes from Andrew Cheyne]. 1 p.

/6 Tanna – New Hebrides: [MS with notes from MS 157/2/1]. 7 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 New Britons. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 New Britain (Bismarck Archipelago): [notes using authorities] G. Brown, B. Banks, W. Powell and H.H. Romilly. 13 leaves

/2 Northern Melanesia, New Britain, government, marriage, religion, sickness. 13 pp., pp. 2, 4, 10, 12 blank. 16 x 23.5 cm

/3 Bismarck Archipelago: [MS with notes from MS 157/3/1]. 12 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Northern Melanesia. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 S.E. Soc. Is. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 Ulawa and Mala (Solomon Islands): [notes using authorities] R.H. Codrington, F. Coombe, A.I. Hopkins, W.G. Ivens. 21 leaves

/2 [Notes from] W.G. Ivens ‘A dictionary of the language of Säa and Ulawa, Southern Solomon Islands’, Oxford, 1929. 2 pp. 25 x 20.5 cm

/3 Scraps on Ulawa and Mala. 14 leaves, text on verso leaf 1

/4 LI’OA – ‘ghosts of power’ … 6 leaves

/5 Ulawa and Mala: [MS with notes from MS 157/4/1]. 17 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 Banks Islanders. 1 folder containing 7 papers

/1 Banks’ Islands: [notes using authorities] R.H. Codrington, S. Palmer, F. Coombe and W.H.R. Rivers. 25 leaves

/2 ‘These are, or chisis, VUI …’. 20 pp., pp. 2, 4, 6, 8, 14 blank

/3 ‘Nor is Hocart any more comfortable …’ 2 leaves

/4 Banks Islanders and Northern New Hebrides, (Leper, Aurora and Pentecost). 6 leaves

/5 Southern Melanesia. 5 leaves, numbered 3-7, wanting 1-2. 26 x 20.5 cm

/6 Southern Melanesia. 4 leaves. 25 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/7 Banks Islands: [MS with notes from MS 157/5/1]. 4 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 Fijians. 1 folder containing 9 papers

/1 Fiji: [notes using authorities] D. Blyth, R.H. Codrington, W. Deane, L. Fison, D. Hazlewood, A.M. Hocart, A.B. Foster, W.H.R. Rivers, P. Rougier, B. Thomson, T. Williams. 39 leaves, numbered 1-28, 28A, 29-30, 30A, 30B, 31-6

/2 Fiji: [another set of notes using D. Blyth, W. Deane, L. Fison, D. Hazlewood, A.M. Hocart, W.H.R. Rivers, P. Rougier, B. Thomson, P. Williams]. 35 leaves and verso leaf 21

/3 Eastern Melanesia – Fiji: [notes]. 21 pp., pp. 2, 20 blank. 16 x 23.5 cm

/4 [References from Man]. 2 leaves

/5 [List of references]. 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/6 Fiji: land tenure, relationship, organisation. 8 leaves

/7 Edward Westermarck: history of human marriage on Fiji. 7 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/8 Eastern Melanesia, Fiji. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/9 Fiji: [MS with notes from MS 157/6/1-2]. 17 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/7 Trobriand Is. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 Trobriand Islands: [notes using authority] B. Malinowski. 20 leaves

/2 [Further notes using authority B. Malinowski]. 12 leaves and verso leaf 4. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-10, 12), 16 x 22 cm (leaf 11)

/3 [Trobriand Islands]: prenuptial, marriage and post nuptial, social organisation, chiefs, magic, sickness, death. 16 leaves

/4 The Trobriands: [MS with notes from MS 157/7/1-2]. 12 leaves

/8 Kiwai Papuans. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Kiwai – Landtmann: [notes]. 10 leaves

/2 Kiwai Papuans of B.N.G.: [notes]. 6 leaves

/9 Mafulu: [notes]. 7 leaves

/10 Purari: [notes]. 10 leaves

/11 Koita: [notes]. 7 leaves

/12 Mailu: [notes]. 7 leaves

/13 Orakaiva: [notes]. 7 leaves

/14 Shilluk. 1 folder containing 8 papers

/1 The Shilluk: [notes using authorities] C.G. Seligman, B. Struck, H.C. Jackson, P. Munro, D. Westermann, Count Gleichen, P.W. Hoffman]. 8 leaves

/2 ‘Hulo-net shrines of Nyalsang? …’ 1 p. 22.5 x 15 cm

/3 Shilluk: [notes using authorities] D. Westermann, C.G. Seligman, Count Gleichen, B. Struck, J. ?etterick, H.C. Jackson. 4 leaves and verso leaf 3. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/4 Dr D.S. Oyler dies in Illinois. 1 newspaper cutting. 20 x 5 cm. Printed

/5 D.S. Oyler to J.D. Unwin, 20 June 1930 – has finished first section and almost the second section; preparing information Unwin requested; would like to read work Unwin is preparing. 1 p. 28 x 21.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 Ibid., 25 June 1930 – has finished the answers to Unwin’s questions; hopes to receive published results. 1 p. 28 x 21.5 cm. Typewritten

/7 [The Shilluk]: section I-V. 17 leaves. 28 x 21.5 cm. Typewritten

/8 A questionnaire concerning the beliefs and customs of uncivilised peoples; from J.D. Unwin. 10 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Mimeographed

/15 Dinka. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 The Dinka: [notes using authorities] C.G. Seligman, H. O’Sullivan and S.L. Cummins. 6 leaves

/2 Dinka: [further notes]. 6 pp., p. 2 blank. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/16 Lango. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 The Lango: [notes using authority] J.H. Driberg. 7 leaves

/2 Lango: [further notes using authority J.H. Driberg]. 4 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-3), 9 x 22.5 cm (leaf 4)

/3 The Lango: Nilotic, marriage, religion sickness. 9 pp., p. 8 blank. 16 x 23.5 cm

/17 Bakitara. 1 folder containing 6 papers

/1 Bakitara: [notes using authorities] J. Roscoe, H.H. Johnston. 11 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-10), 10.5 x 22.5 cm (leaf 11)

/2 Baganda, Bakitara, Banyoro: [notes]. 10 leaves and verso leaf 10

/3 The Bakitara. 13 leaves

/4 [List of quotes]. 1 p. 22 x 28.5 cm

/5 Bakitara priests. 3 leaves

/6 Banyoro. 3 leaves. 25 x 20 cm

/18 Baganda. 1 folder containing 9 papers

/1 Baganda: [notes using authorities] J. Roscoe, H.H. Johnston, C.T. Wilson and R.W. Felkin. 17 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-16), 11 x 22.5 cm (leaf 17)

/2 Ancestor worship Banyankole, Bakitara, Baganda. 1 p.

/3 A comparison between the Banyankole, Bakitara and Baganda (ancestor worship excluded). 9 leaves and verso leaf 4

/4 [Quotes from C.T. Wilson and R.W. Felkin]. 1 p.

/5 [Quotes from J. Roscoe]. 2 pp.

/6 [Quotes from H.H. Johnston]. 1 p.

/7 Kabaka. 1 p. 22 x 28.5 cm

/8 The Baganda. 17 leaves

/9 Baganda: great nation of Uganda. 4 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/19 Banyankole. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 Banyankole: [notes using authorities] J. Roscoe and J.A. Meldon. 11 leaves

/2 Bahima and Banyankole: [notes using authorities] J. Roscoe, J.A. Meldon and J.A. Cunningham. 15 leaves

/3 The Banyankole: [notes using authority] J. Roscoe. 4 leaves

/4 Bahima. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/20 Akikuyu. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 Akikuyu: [notes using authorities] W.S. and K. Routledge, H.R. Tate, P.P. Cayzac, C. Dundas, R. Crowther. 8 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-6, 8), 19 x 22.5 cm (leaf 7)

/2 The Akikuyu: authorities W.C. and K. Routledge, C.W. Hobley, H.R. Tate, P. Cayzac, C. Dundas. 7 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-3, 5-7), 6 x 22.5 cm (leaf 4)

/3 Akamba, Akikuyu. 1 p.

/4 Akikuyu, marriage, religion. 3 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/21 Akamba. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 Akamba: [notes using authorities] G. Lindblom, C.W. Hobley, C. Dundas. 18 leaves and verso leaf 17. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-14, 16-18), 7.5 x 22.5 cm (leaf 15)

/2 The Akamba: [notes using authorities] C.W. Hobley, Lindblom, Dundas. 7 leaves

/3 The Akamba: [notes using authorities] G. Lindblom, C.W. Hobley, C. Dundas. 8 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-6, 8), 18.5 x 22.5 cm (leaf 7)

/4 Akamba and Wakamba. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/22 Nandi. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 Nandi: [notes using authorities] A.C. Hollis, G.W.B. Huntingford. 9 leaves

/2 The Nandi: [notes using authorities] A.C. Hollis, G.W.B. Huntingford. 5 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-4), 14 x 22.5 cm (leaf 5)

/3 ‘G.W.B. Huntingford – further notes on some names for God …’ 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/4 Nandi; [notes]. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/5 [Nandi]: social organisation, kinship, marriage, religion, chiefs. 7 leaves

/23 Masai. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 Masai: [notes using authorities] J. Thomson, S.L. and H. Hinde, A.C. Hollis. 10 leaves

/2 The Masai: [notes using authorities] S.L. and H. Hinde, J. Thomson, A.C. Hollis. 6 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-5), 7.5 x 22.5 cm (leaf 6)

/3 Masai. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/4 The Masai: [notes using authorities] A.C. Hollis, J. Thomson, S.L. and H. Hind. 5 leaves

/24 Wayao. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Wayao: [notes using authorities] J. MacDonald, A. Hetherwick, H.H. Johnston, A. Werner, C.H. Stigand, H.S. Stannus. 23 leaves

/2 Lake Nyasa, raos, Nyangas. 4 pp. 16 x 23.5 cm

/3 The Wayao: [notes using authorities] H.S. Stannus, A. Hetherwick, H.H. Johnston, A. Werner, M. Sanderson, D. MacDonald, C.H. Stigand. 7 leaves

/25 Nyanja. 1 folder containing 8 papers

/1 Nyanja: [notes using authorities] L.T. Moggridge, H.H. Johnston, A. Werner, R.S. Rattray, H.S. Stannus, A. Hetherwick. 7 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-6), 15.5 x 22.5 cm (leaf 7)

/2 [List of subjects]. 1 slip. 11 x 8.5 cm

/3 Tribes … British Central Africa. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/4 [Notes on tribes]. 2 pp. 29 x 22.5 cm

/5 Notes on Mulungu. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 ‘Property of dead man …’ 1 p.

/7 ‘Generic name for God is Mulungu …’ 2 pp

/8 The Nyanja: [notes using authorities] R.S. Rattray, L.T. Moggridge, A. Hetherwick, H.H. Johnston, A. Werner, H.S. Stannus. 4 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-2), 12.5 x 22.5 cm (leaf 3), 4.5 x 22 cm (leaf 4)

/26 Awemba. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 The Awemba: [notes using authorities] C. Gouldsbury, J.H. West Sheane, J.C.C. Coxhead. 4 leaves

/2 Awemba of N. Rhodesia, marriage, religion, sickness. 7 pp. 16 x 23.5 cm

/3 ‘Chiti muksulu …’ 2 leaves

/27 Baila. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 The Ila-speaking peoples. 6 leaves

/2 Ila-speaking peoples of N. Rhodesia. 11 pp., p. 10 blank. 16 x 23.5 cm

/3 J.D. Unwin to E.W. Smith, 1 Feb. 1929 – asks explanation of ‘constant entreaty’ among the Baila; relations between sexes more regulated among Baluba than Ba-ila; mwabwabwa erected for everyone or noted individuals. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm

/4 E.W. Smith to J.D. Unwin, 14 Sep. [1929] – has been ill; mislaid letter and card from Unwin; requests repeat of questions. 2 pp. 20.5 x 15 cm

/5 Ibid., 19 Oct. [1929] – quoted phrase is by old man Shikanzwa praying for rain by entreaty; believes sex regulation more strict among Baluba but may have changed over last 50 years; circle of sticks round graves of notable people but not all grow. 3 pp. 20.5 x 15 cm

/28 Baronja. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 ‘Chief is magical being…’ 10 leaves

/2 Chonga, marriage, religion. 7 pp., p. 2 blank. 16 x 23.5 cm

/29 Amazulu. 1 folder containing 10 papers

/1 Zulu. 13 pp., pp. 4, 8 blank

/2 [Miscellaneous notes]. 4 leaves

/3 [Notes and references]. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm

/4 Unkulunkulu. 1 p. 29 x 22.5 cm

/5 Postcard to J.D. Unwin, 23 Feb. 1931 – addresses of F.H. Dutton and J.Y. Gibson. 2 pp. 9 x 11.5 cm

/6 Zulu: [list of reference authorities]. 1 p. 23.5 x 16 cm

/7 Story of Zulus: [notes]. 1 p. 20.5 x 25.5 cm

/8 Ama-Xosen and Ama-Zulu. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/9 A questionnaire concerning the beliefs and customs of uncivilized peoples; from J.D. Unwin. 10 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Mimeographed

/10 Answers to questionnaire concerning beliefs and cultures of uncivilized peoples, by Prof. D.J. Unwin; by J.Y. Gibson, 13 Dec. 1929. 16 leaves. 23 x 18 cm

/30 Basuto. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 ‘Basutos called themselves Bakwana …’ 7 leaves and verso leaves 1-2, 6

/2 Basutos: [list of authorities]. 1 p. 16 x 22 cm

/3 Basutos, Zulus. 1 p. 22.5 x 17.5 cm

/4 Replies to questionnaire; by F.H. Dutton, 27 Feb. 1930. 25 leaves. 33 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten [see also MS 157/29/9]

/31 Ibibio. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Ibibio: [notes]. 4 leaves

/2 Ibibio: [notes using authorities] P.A. Talbot. 7 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-6), 9 x 22.5 cm (leaf 7)

/32 Yoruba. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Yoruba speaking peoples of slave coast: [notes using authorities] A.B. Ellis, S. Johnson, P.A. Talbot, M. Kingsley, R.E. Dennett. 24 leaves. 29 x 22.5 cm

/2 The Yoruba: [notes using authorities] P.A. Talbot, R.E. Dennett. 9 leaves

/3 Yoruba: habitat – the Western Provinces of South Nigeria. 7 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/33 Dahomies. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Dahomey: [notes using authorities] W. Bosman, A. Dalzel, J. Duncan, A.B. Ellis, J.E. Forbes, J.A. Skertchly. 9 leaves

/2 ‘Vodu=Ishi Bohsum – Vonuoa Orisha. 8 leaves

/3 Ewe speaking peoples of slave coast. 26 leaves. 29 x 22.5 cm

/34 Ashanti. 1 folder containing 7 papers

/1 Ishi-speaking, Ellis. 6 leaves

/2 Priest: okomfo, obosum, etc. 2 leaves

/3 Notes from J. Depuis … 1 p.

/4 ‘On priests who appear superhuman …’ 15 leaves. 28.5 x 22 cm (leaves 1-14), 12 x 22 cm (leaf 15)

/5 The Ishi speaking peoples of Gold Coast: [notes using authorities] A.B. Ellis, R.S. Rattray, A. Ffoulkes, R.M. Connolly, C.H. Harper, T.E. Bowdich, B. Cruikshank, J. Beecham, J.G. Christaller. 10 leaves

/6 Ideas of soul. 17 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/7 ‘Doctor called in if household magic fails …’ 10 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-9), 13.5 x 22.5 cm (leaf 10)

/35 Tlingit. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 The Tlingit Indians. 8 leaves

/2 Tlingit: social. 8 leaves

/3 Tlingits. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/4 Tlingit: [notes using authorities] W.H. Ball, A. Krause, I. Petroff, H.J. Holmtag, F. Bras, J.R. Swanton, H.H. Bancroft, G.H. von Langsdraft, L.F. Shotridge. 4 leaves and verso leaf 3. 16 x 23.5 cm

/5 The Tlingit Indians. 7 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/36 Haida. 1 folder containing 6 papers

/1 The Haida: [notes using authorities] J.R. Swanton, F. Poole, C. Harrison, G.M. Dawson, F. Boas. 12 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm

/2 Haida: [notes]. 7 pp., p. 4 blank. 16 x 23.5 cm

/3 Haidas. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/4 M.A. Harrison to J.D. Unwin, 21 Aug. 1929 – suggests writing to Mr H. Edenshaw for answers to questions. 2 leaves. 16.5 x 12.5 cm

/5 [J.D. Unwin to H. Edenshaw, nd] – draft of letter requesting help with information on inhabitants of Queen Charlotte Islands; encloses questionnaire; requests translation of terms. 1 p. 29 x 22.5 cm

/6 ‘Henry Edenshaw as translations useful in C.F. Newcombe …’ 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/37 Thompson. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 The Thompson Indians. 5 leaves

/2 Thompson Indians: [notes using authorities] G.M. Dawson, F. Boas, J. Teit. 3 leaves and verso leaf 3. 16 x 23.5 cm

/38 Shuswap. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Salish sub tribe: Shuswap: [notes using authority] J. Teit. 9 pp., pp. 4, 8 blank. 16 x 23.5 cm

/2 The Shuswap. 5 leaves

/39 Lillooet. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Sub tribe of Salish: stlatlumh, Lilloets: [notes using authorities] J. Teit, C. Hill Tout. 4 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/2 The Lillooet Indians. 6 leaves

/40 Coast Salish. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 Coast Salish: [notes]. 1 p.

/2 Salish. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/3 [Salish: bibliographical notes]. 2 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/4 The Salish of the Coast. 7 leaves

/41 Klallam. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 The Klallam: [notes using authorities] E. Gunther, G. Gibbs, M. Eells. 8 leaves

/2 Marriage. 2 leaves

/3 Omens. 1 p.

/4 Klallam: social. 2 leaves

/5 Klallam: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/42 Nez Percés. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Nez Percés of Salish origin. 4 leaves

/2 Nez Percés: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/43 Dene. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Dene: [notes]. 6 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-5), 17 x 22.5 cm (leaf 6)

/2 Dene: [bibliography]. 2 pp. 12 x 16 cm

/3 Dene: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/44 Ojibwa. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 Ojibwa: [notes]. 6 leaves

/2 Ojibwa, Chippewa: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/3 The Chippewa [i], 2, 4 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Chippeways and Ojibways. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm

/45 Blackfeet. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Blackfoot: [notes using authority] G. Catlin. 5 leaves

/2 Sik sika including Blackfoot: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/46 Arapaho. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Arapaho: [notes]. 5 leaves

/2 Arapaho: [notes using authority] A.L. Kroeber [Bull.Amer.Mus.Nat.Hist XVIII, 1902-7]. 9 leaves

/3 Arapaho: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/47 Iroquois. 1 folder containing 6 papers

/1 [Iroquois: notes]. 5 leaves

/2 The Iroquois. [i], 3, 9 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/3 Cherokee: [bibliography]. 1 p. 11 x 16 cm

/4 Huron, Cherokee, Iroquois. 2 leaves. 23 x 16 cm

/5 Iroquois. 6 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten (leaf 6)

/6 Iroquois, Huron, Wyandot, Cherokee. 4 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/48 Dakota. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 Dakota: [notes]. 5 leaves

/2 [Dakota: notes]. 5 leaves

/3 Dakota: [bibliography]. 2 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/4 The Dakota. [iii], 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/49 Omaha. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 Omaha: [notes using authority] J.O. Dorsey. 13 leaves and verso leaf 12

/2 Omaha: [bibliography]. 2 leaves. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/3 Omahas: [notes]. 6 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/4 The Omaha. [ii], 7, 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/50 Hidatsa. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 The Hidatsa: [notes using authorities] Washington Matthews, E.S. Curtis. 7 leaves

/2 Minnetarees or Hidatsas. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/3 Hidatsa or Minnetaree: [bibliography]. 2 leaves. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/4 Hidatsa agriculture … 1 p. 11.5 x 16 cm

/51 Mandan. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 The Mandans: [notes using authorities] G.F. Hill, H.J. Spinder, R.H. Lowie, E.S. Curtis, J.O. Dorsey. 14 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm

/2 Mandans. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/3 Mandan: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/52 Crow. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 The Crows: [notes using authorities] R.H. Lowie, E.S. Curtis, A.A. Goldenweiser. 10 leaves

/2 Crow powers. 6 leaves

/3 Crow Indians (Siouan). 7 leaves

/4 Crows and Upsankas. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/5 Crow: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/53 Winnebago. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 The Winnebago (Siouan): [notes using authority] Paul Radin. 7 leaves

/2 Winnebagoes. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/3 Winnebago: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/54 Hopi. 1 folder containing 10 papers

/1 Hopi: [notes using authority] J.W. Fewkes. 11 leaves

/2 Hopi: [notes]. 13 leaves

/3 [Pueblo Indians: notes using authority]. A.F. Bandelier. 3 leaves

/4 Pueblo Indians: [notes using authority] A.F. Bandelier. 2 leaves

/5 Hopi or Moquii [bibliography]. 1 p. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/6 Shoshoni: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/7 Shoshones, Hopi. [ii], 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/8 The Shoshones. [ii], 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/9 The Pueblo. [ii] leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/10 Hopi, Sia, Pueblo, Zuni: [bibliographies]. 11 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/55 Zuni. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Zuni: [notes]. 7 leaves

/2 Zuni: [bibliography]. 2 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/3 Zuni: [notes]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/56 Sia. 1 folder containing 1 paper

/1 The Sia (Pueblos): [notes using authority] H.C. Stevenson. 2 leaves

/57 Navaho. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Navaho: [notes using authority] E.S. Curtis. 6 leaves

/2 Navaho: [bibliography]. 2 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/58 Apache. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Apache: [notes using authority] E.S. Curtis. 4 leaves

/2 Apaches and Navahoes. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/3 Apache: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/59 Chickasaw. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Chickasaw: [notes]. 6 leaves

/2 Chicasa, Chickasaw: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/60 Creek. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Creek: [notes]. 9 leaves

/2 Creek, Maskoki: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/61 Natchez. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Natchez: [notes]. 12 leaves

/2 Natchez: [bibliography]. 2 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/62 Pima. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Pima: [notes]. 8 leaves and verso leaves 1, 4

/2 Pima: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/63 Aztecs. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 Aztecs: [notes using authorities] F.S. Clavigero; H.H. Bancroft, J. de Acosta. 13 leaves and verso leaf 2

/2 Mexico: [notes using authorities] L. Spence, E.B. Tylor, Z. Nuttall, H.H. Bancroft. 8 leaves

/3 Aztecs: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/4 Mexico: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/5 The Aztecs. [ii], 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/64 Maori. 1 folder containing 11 papers

/1 Maori: [draft]. 43 leaves

/2 Maori: [notes using authorities] G.F. Angas, E. Best, W. Brown, R.E.M. Campbell, W. Colenso, W.H. Goldie, W.E. Gudgeon, A. Hamilton, T.G. Hammond, H. Hongi, F.E. Maning, J.S. Polack, E. Shortland, R. Taylor, E. Tregear, H.W. Williams. 9 leaves

/3 Maori: [notes using authority] E. Tregear. 4 leaves

/4 Tuahu: [notes using authority] E.W. Downes. 1 p.

/5 Marriage. 4 pp., p. 2 blank. 28.5 x 22.5 cm

/6 ‘Atua mani …’: [further notes]. 22 leaves and verso leaves 2, 7, 11

/7 ‘Introduction …’: [notes using authority] E. Best. 14 leaves

/8 Maori: [bibliography]. 2 pp. 16 x 23.5 cm

/9 British Museum references: [bibliography]. 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/10 [Reference notes]. 2 slips. 6 x 13 cm

/11 [References]. 1 p. 14 x 16 cm

/65 Tongans. 1 folder containing 10 papers

/1 Tonga: [draft]. 30 leaves

/2 Tongan temples and marae and priests. 12 leaves

/3 Criticism of Moulton. 2 leaves

/4 Gods: otua … 7 leaves

/5 Tonga: [notes using authorities] A. Carroll, B.E.V. Collacott, E.S. Farmer, B.G. Mahony, M.W. Mariner, J.E. Moulton, B. Thomson, G. Vason, R.W. Williamson, W. Wilson. 18 leaves

/6 Tonga: Edward Westermarck, The history of human marriage: on Tonga. [i], 4 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/7 Tonga: [bibliography]. 2 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/8 ‘Because the plan is yours, therefore it is fine …’ 2 pp. 23 x 16 cm

/9 [References]. 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/10 [References]. 4 slips. 7.5 x 8.5 (slip 1), 6 x 13 cm (slips 2-4)

/66 Samoans. 1 folder containing 14 papers

/1 Samoa: [draft]. 18 leaves

/2 Marae in Samoe. 1 p.

/3 From Schultz: [notes]. 1 p.

/4 [Bibliography]. 1 p.

/5 Samoa: [notes]. 10 leaves and verso leaves 3-4

/6 Introduction …: [notes]. 8 leaves

/7 Temples and priests. 6 leaves

/8 Sea-captains … 3 leaves

/9 [Burial and death]. 5 leaves

/10 Samoa: [bibliography], sickness, religion, marriage, government. 5 leaves. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/11 Consult Turner …: [notes]. 1 envelope. 9 x 14.5 cm

/12 taila-aitu-o-ainja priests of families … 1 p. 27 x 21 cm

/13 [References]. 7 slips. 6 x 13.5 cm (slips 1-6), 14 x 13.5 cm (slip 7)

/14 Samoa: the nuptial. 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/67 Tahitians. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 Tahiti: [notes using authorities] S.P. Smith, J.L. Young, T. Salmon, T. Henry, F.W. Christian, J. Cook, J. Hawkesworth. 46 leaves

/2 Tahiti: [draft]. 34 leaves

/3 Polynesia from Hale. 34 leaves

/4 [References]. 2 slips. 6 x 13 cm (slip 1), 8 x 19 cm (slip 2)

/5 [Bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/68 Gilbert Islands. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Gilbert Islands otherwise known as Kingsmill or Line Islands: [draft using authorities] H.S. Cooper, A. Featherman, G.A. Grimble, L. Gulick, H. Hale, P.R. Parkinson, G. Turner, T. Tutuila, C. Wilkes, C.M. Woodford. 15 leaves

/2 Gilbert Islanders: [notes]. 10 leaves and verso leaves 3-6, 8

/3 Gilbert Is or Kingsmill: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/69-79 These folders were numbered, but untitled and empty. Not retained

/80 [Untitled]. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Yukaghir organisation. 2 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 Koryak organisation. 2 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/81 Melanesia general. 1 folder containing 23 papers

/1 Melanesia: [draft]. 25 leaves

/2 The Melanesians: [introduction] and notes. 4 leaves

/3 Melanesia: the altar. 2 leaves

/4 A comparison between New Britain and Samoa. 1 p. 29 x 22.5 cm

/5 Melanesia: exogamous classes. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten and handwritten

/6 Melanesia. 5 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/7 Central Melanesia. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/8 Ambrym. 2 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/9 New Hebrides. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten with handwritten annotations

/10 Lepers Island, Aurna and Pentecost. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/11 Anaityum. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/12 Erromanga. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/13 Central Melanesia: Solomon group: [notes using authorities] R.H. Codrington, W.H.R. Rivers, H.B. Guppy, B.T. Somerville, F. Elton, C.E. Fox, A. Penny, G. Brown. 10 leaves

/14 New Georgia: [notes using authority] B.T. Somerville. 2 pp. 14.5 x 10 cm

/15 San Cristoval. 4 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/16 Figona [and] Adaro. 6 leaves

/17 Tikopia. 5 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm (leaf 1), 25.5 x 20 cm (leaf 2), 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 3-5). Typewritten (leaf 1)

/18 Northern New Hebrides. 8 leaves

/19 Hocart and Rivers: [notes]. 2 pp. 16 x 23.5 cm

/20 Melanesian history. 2 leaves

/21 San Cristoval, Solomons. 2 leaves. 10.5 x 17.5 cm

/22 San Cristoval: to procure a bride. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/23 [References]. 1 p. 22 x 14.5 cm

/82 Torres Straits and New Guinea. 1 folder containing 7 papers

/1 Western Torres Straits: [notes using authorities] A.C. Haddon, Cambridge Anthropological Expedition. 15 leaves

/2 Western Islands. 1 p.

/3 Eastern Torres Straits: [notes using authorities] Cambridge Anthropological Expedition, Hunt. 7 leaves

/4 Ipi tribes of gulf. 1 p.

/5 Torres Straits. 3 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/6 New Guinea, In Kiwai, Toaripi, Central N.G., South Eastern N.G., Dutch and German N.G. 8 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/7 New Guinea: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/83 West Africa general. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 The sources for the ethnography of Northern Nigeria. 1 p.

/2 Notes on the sources for the ethnography of Southern Nigeria. 4 leaves

/3 Southern Nigeria, Northern Nigeria, Senegambia, Ivory Coast, Congo and Angola: [notes]. 8 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm

/4 Nigeria, Congo: [bibliographies]. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/5 Southern Nigeria: [notes]. 16 pp., map, bibliography. 16 pp. [pp. 7, 9, 13 blank]. 16 x 23.5 cm

/84 East and Central Africa general. 1 folder containing 14 papers

/1 East and Central Africa. 5 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/2 East and Central Africa: [bibliography]. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 African sky gods: Eastern. 2 leaves. 28 x 22 cm

/4 Akikuyu, Kamondo, Dinka … 3 leaves. 28.5 x 23 cm

/5 Ba Huana: [notes using authorities] E. Torday, T.A. Joyce. 4 leaves

/6 Bambala: [notes using authorities] E. Torday, T.A. Joyce. 4 leaves

/7 Bayaka: [notes using authorities] E. Torday, T.A. Joyce. 3 leaves

/8 The Basabei: [notes using authority] J. Roscoe. 8 leaves

/9 The Bateso: [notes using authority] J. Roscoe. 12 leaves. 28.5 x 22 cm (leaves 1-5), 25.5 x 20 cm (leaf 6)

/10 The Bagesu: [notes using authority] J. Roscoe. 6 leaves. 28.5 x 22 cm (leaves 1-11), 25.5 x 20.5 cm (leaf 12)

/11 The Busoya: [notes using authorities] J. Roscoe, A.M. Condon. 10 leaves. 28.5 x 22 cm (leaves 1-9), 25.5 x 20.5 cm (leaf 10)

/12 The Didinga: [notes using authority] J.A. Driberg. 2 leaves

/13 The Nilotic Kavirondo: [notes using authorities] J. Roscoe, G.A.S. Northcote. 3 leaves

/14 The Wagogo: [notes using authority] H. Cole. 3 leaves

/85 South Africa general. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 South Africa: [bibliography]. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/2 South Africa: Herero, Ovambo, Bantu. 5 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/86 American Indian general. 1 folder containing 9 papers

/1 North American Indians. 9 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 Algonquin family, Athapascan family … [listings using authority] J.W. Powell. 17 leaves

/3 Ghost dancers: [notes using authority] J. Mooney. 4 leaves

/4 American Indian: [notes]. 4 leaves and verso leaf 1. 16 x 23.5 cm

/5 Information fuller concerning: [listings of families]. 12 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/6 American Indian: [notes]. 1 p.

/7 Guardian spirits. 1 p.

/8 The red man in life and literature: leading article. London, The Times, 1928. pp. 945-6. The Times Literary Supplement, no. 1401, 6 Dec. 1928

/9 Linguistic families of American Indians north of Mexico; by J.W. Powell. [np, nd]. 1 map in colour. 56 x 48 cm [filed in map cabinet]

/87 Ahts – Bellacoola, Kwakiutl, Tsimshian. 1 folder containing 10 papers

/1 The Ahts. 2 leaves

/2 The Kwakiutl. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Kwakiutl: [notes]. 2 leaves

/4 Guardian spirits. 6 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm

/5 Tsimshian. 3 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/6 F. Boas: [bibliography]. 2 pp. 16 x 23.5 cm

/7 Nootka. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/8 Bellacoola. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/9 Kwakiutl. 2 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/10 Athapascans: [bibliography]. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/88 Cheyenne – Ottawa – Cree – Delaware – Pottawattamies (Algonquians). 1 folder containing 11 papers

/1 Algonkins. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm

/2 Algonkins: [[notes using authority] ?B.C. Brierton? 3 leaves

/3 Menommie: [[notes using authorities] W.J. Hoffman, A. Skinner. 6 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm (leaf 1), 25.5 x 20.5 cm (leaf 2), 28.5 x 22 cm (leaves 3-6)

/4 The Cree. 5 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 The Algonquins. 6 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 Potawatomies: [notes using authority] W.H. Keating. 1 p.

/7 Algonkin: [notes using authorities] T. Michelson, L. James. 2 leaves, map

/8 Algonquins. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/9 Ottawa: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/10 Cheyenne: [notes using authorities] J. Mooney, E.S. Curtis. 5 leaves

/11 Cheyenne Indians: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/89 Pawnee (California). 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 The Pawnee. 5 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Californian Indians. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Pawnee: [bibliography]. 2 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/4 California: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/5 Alexander Lesser Levirate and fraternal polyandry among the Pawnees. Man 1930, no. 78. 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/90 Miscellaneous Siouan. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Grand divisions, confederates tribes, Sioux: [listing and bibliographies]. 4 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm

/2 Sioux, Omaha …: [notes on miscellaneous tribes]. 7 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/3 [The Siouan Indians: notes using authorities] W.J. McGee, W.H. Keating, J.O. Dorsey. 3 leaves

/91 South America. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 South America. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm

/2 Central America: guardian spirits. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm

/3 The Araucanians (Chili). 5 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 South America: [notes]. 4 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm

/5 South America: [bibliography]. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/92 Eskimo. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 The Eskimo. 9 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Eskimo: [draft]. 6 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/93 Mohave, Seri, Seminoles. 1 folder containing 7 papers

/1 Mohave: [notes using authority] B.S. Curtis. 4 leaves. 28.5 x 22 cm (leaves 1-3), 25.5 x 20.5 cm (leaf 4)

/2 Mohave: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/3 The Seri Indians: [notes using authority] W.J. McGee. 3 leaves

/4 Gulf Indians (following Morgan). 9 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/5 Gulf Indians: [bibliography]. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 The Seminoles of Florida: [notes using authority] C. MacCauley. 2 leaves

/7 Choctaw: [notes using authority] J.R. Swanton. 3 leaves. 16 x 23.5 cm (leaf 1), 28.5 x 22 cm (leaves 2-3)

/94 Hawaii, Sandwich Islands. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Hawaii: [notes using authorities] D. Tyerman and G. Bennet. 3 leaves

/2 Hawaii: [bibliography]. 2 pp. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/95 Marquesan Islands. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 Marquesas Islands. 1 p.

/2 Marquesas: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/3 A questionnaire concerning the beliefs and customs of uncivilised peoples; J.D. Unwin. 10 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 [Answers to MS 157/95/3]: Section I, Section II. 6 leaves, verso of leaves 4-6, numbered 1-8. 32.5 x 20 cm

/5 [Further answers]. 1 p. 26.5 x 15 cm

/96 Futuna, Ellice Is., Caroline Is., Heron Is. 1 folder containing 9 papers

/1 Futuna: [notes using authority] S. Percy Smith. 2 leaves

/2 Caroline Islands. 2 leaves

/3 Caroline Islands: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/4 Hervey and Cook Is.: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/5 Niue and Savage Island: [notes using authority] E. Percy Smith. 2 leaves

/6 [List of islands]. 1 p. 14 x 14 cm

/7 Ellice Is.: [notes]. 5 leaves

/8 Ellice Is.: [bibliography]. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/9 [Bibliography]. 2 slips. 6 x 13 cm

/97 Diffusion; children of the sun. 1 folder containing 10 papers

/1 Mana: [notes using authorities] Hocart and Perry. 1 p.

/2 Notes on the diffusion of culture: [notes using authorities] G. Elliot Smith, H.J. Spinden. 8 leaves

/3 Diffusion. 4 leaves. 29 x 22.5 cm

/4 G. Elliot Smith, Human history: [notes]. 3 leaves

/5 Andaman Islanders. 1 p. 29 x 22.5 cm

/6 Notes extracted from the Children of the sun. 9 leaves

/7 Perry, children of the Sun, Melanesia. 2 pp. 16 x 23.5 cm

/8 Solomons, Perry, Children of the Sun. 1 p.

/9 Banks Islands, Children of the Sun. 2 leaves

/10 W.J. Perry, Children of the Sun. 4 pp., p. 2 blank

/98 Definition of religion; magic; sacrifice. 1 folder containing 24 papers

/1 Note on a definition of religion. 4 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 [Note on a definition of religion: draft]. 3 leaves

/3 Note on the definition of religion. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/4 ‘Frazer on euhemerism …’ 1 p.

/5 Religion: [note on Tregear]. 1 p. 14.5 x 11 cm

/6 Hocart – Mana again. 1 p.

/7 Frazer on Magic in Malinowski’s Argonauts. 1 p. 22 x 13 cm

/8 ‘The religion or superstition of the Mani …’ 1 slip. 6 x 13 cm

/9 Note on the definition of religion. 1 p.

/10 ‘It is difficult and indeed impossible …’ 1 p. 28.5 x 19 cm

/11 Decadence. 10 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/12 ‘What is religion?’ 1 p. 22 x 14 cm

/13 ‘Civilised peoples exist in Mana …’ 1 p.

/14 Definition of religion. [i], 5 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten and handwritten

/15 Leuber, Psychol. study of the divided definition into three groups. 1 p.

/16 ‘Definitions of religion …’ 2 leaves

/17 ‘J.H. Leuber, A psychological study of religion …’ 2 leaves

/18 Magic and religion. [i], 6 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten and handwritten

/19 ‘Gods can and do die …’ 1 slip. 6 x 13 cm

/20 Culture. 1 p. 29 x 22.5 cm

/21 ‘The idea of mana …’ 1 p. 26 x 20 cm

/22 Sacrifice. 1 p. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/23 Taboo. 1 p. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/24 Witchcraft and witches. 1 newspaper cutting. London, The Times, 20/9/30

/99 Theologies, religion. 1 folder containing 31 papers

/1 L.R. Farnell, Greek hero cults …: [notes]. 2 leaves

/2 Create Gods. 2 pp. 16 x 23.5 cm

/3 Origin and primitive ancestor worship. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/4 Animalism: [notes using authority] R.R. Marett. 2 leaves. 28 x 22 cm

/5 ‘Among uncivilised peoples …’: [draft]. 8 leaves and verso leaf 8

/6 Development of religion. [i], 6 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/7 Conception of god. 3 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten and handwritten

/8 Origin of religion. 8 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/9 Minum definition – belief in spiritual beings – animism. 3 leaves

/10 Frazer on totemism. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm

/11 Primitive culture: [bibliography]. 3 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm

/12 Totemism and totemic belief. [i], 5 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/13 Theory of animism: [draft]. 4 leaves

/14 The magic art, Vol. I. 6 leaves. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/15 The magic art, Vol. II. 6 leaves. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/16 Lectures on the early history of the kinship, J.G. Frazer. 1 p. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/17 Mana, etc. 15 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/18 Wakanda. 5 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/19 Manito. 1 p. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/20 Tamanos. 1 p. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/21 Hubert and Mauss. 1 p. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten and handwritten

/22 Orenda. 8 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/23 Yek. 1 p. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/24 Dynamism. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/25 ‘White men were …’ 1 slip. 7.5 x 13 cm

/26 ‘The constitution of the native mind …’ 1 slip. 8 x 19 cm

/27 Individual invention. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/28 Prowess? and chiefs. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/29 Development of religion: [notes using authority] T.D. Kendrick. 1 p.

/30 Native brains. 6 leaves and slips. Various sizes

/31 Native brains: [notes]. 4 pp. 16 x 23.5 cm

/100 [Title missing]. 1 folder containing 7 papers

/1 Frazer on Strehlow: letter from Spencer 10 March 1908. 1 p. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 ‘Three Croad principles are involved …’ 2 leaves

/3 For evaluation of anth. data see MacDonald Africana. 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/4 Exclusion of Australians. 2 leaves

/5 [Note on Tahiti]. 1 slip. 8 x 19 cm

/6 ‘For a completely mistaken view of Fijian religion …’ 1 slip. 6 x 13 cm

/7 ‘Max Muller in Anthropological religion …’ 1 slip. 6 x 13 cm

/101 Definitions: marriage etc. 1 folder containing 8 papers

/1 Definitions. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 Definition of marriage. 3 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten and handwritten

/3 Definitions I. 1 p. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/4 [Another copy of MS 157/101/4]

/5 [Bibliography]. 1 p. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/6 Mother-right: [notes using authority] Rivers. 5 leaves. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten and mimeographed

/7 Alexander Lesser. Levirate and fraternal polyandry among the Pawnees. 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/102 Theory – marriage, family, etc. 1 folder containing 9 papers

/1 Evolution of marriage. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Origin of marriage. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Evolution of the family. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Frazer on exogamy. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 Origin of exogamy. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 Group marriage in S.E. Australia. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 Sexual communism (Indonesia). 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/8 Promiscuity. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/9 Relics or summaries of promiscuity. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/103 [Title missing][Marriage and family]. 1 folder containing 14 papers

/1 Brother and sister avoidance. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/2 Mother-in-law avoidance. 9 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/3 Ignorance of real cause of procreation. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/4 Frazer on Levirate. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm

/5 Cross cousin marriages. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm

/6 Matrilocal marriage. 11 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/7 Sororal polygymy. 2 leaves

/8 Sororate. 2 leaves

/9 Clan brother rights. 1 p.

/10 Levirate. 1 p.

/11 Polygamy, divorce and adultery. 2 leaves

/12 ‘When a man and a woman in native …’ 1 p.

/13 Primitive marriage. 10 leaves

/14 Mother-right. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/104 [Title missing][Classification systems]. 1 folder containing 9 papers

/1 Classification. 10 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/2 Classification system. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/3 Classification system of relationship. 2 leaves. 29 x 22.5 cm

/4 Class terms. 2 leaves

/5 Exogamy. 5 pp., p. 4 blank. 16.5 x 23.5 cm

/6 Men marrying grandmothers. 1 p. 16 x 11.5 cm

/7 Dual organisation. 1 p. 14 x 13.5 cm

/8 Class sys. of rel. 2 leaves. 23 x 16 cm

/9 ‘There is no reason to think …’ 1 slip. 6 x 13 cm

/105 Modern definitions. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 Social science. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 King. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 ‘Socialism nothing but an opinion …’ 2 leaves

/4 The national crisis and voluntary service; [by] The National Council of Social Service. London, 29 Dec. 1931 [Handwritten note by Unwin]: ‘Typical maudlin meaningless nonsense’. 1 p. Printed

/106 Central Australia. 1 folder containing 15 papers

/1 Central tribes. 2 pp. 23 x 16 cm

/2 Mara nation: [draft]. [i], 5 leaves

/3 Mara nation: Gournditch – Mara – moieties krokitch, Kaputch. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Central Australia: [bibliography]. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 Central and North Central tribes. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 Arunta nation. 1 p.

/7 Arunta: totemism. 8 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/8 Headman. 7 leaves

/9 Names: from stage of development. 2 leaves

/10 The Arunta. 12 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/11 Warramunga: marriage. 1 p.

/12 Warramunga: totemism. 5 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/13 Binbinga, Anula and Mara: marriage. 1 p.

/14 Binbinga, Anula and Mara: [moieties]. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/15 Mara: totemism. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/107 South and South East Australia. 1 folder containing 13 papers

/1 Urabunna: totemism. 4 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Yandairunga (Yendakarangu). 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Dieri: totemism. 5 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 The Dieyerie. 1 p.

/5 Other South Eastern tribes. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 Darling River tribes. 2 leaves

/7 Yuin. 4 leaves. 28.5 x 22 cm (leaves 1-3), handwritten, 26 x 20.5 cm (leaf 4), typewritten

/8 Wotjobaluk. 4 leaves

/9 Wotjobaluk: anomalous class system and female descent. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/10 Kurnai. 6 leaves

/11 Kurnai: tribes with neither exogamous classes nor totem clans. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/12 Chepara. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/13 Coast of South Australia: Yerkla – Mining, Narrang-Go, Narranyeri, Buandik. 10 leaves. 28.5 x 22 cm (leaves 1-2, 4, 6, 8-10), handwritten, 26 x 20.5 cm; (leaves 3, 5, 7), typewritten

/108 North East Australia. 1 folder containing 11 papers

/1 Wiradjuri, Kamilaroi, and Wollaroi. 6 leaves

/2 Kamilaroi, Wiradjuri, Wongibon, Kuinmurburn, Kongulu. 7 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Queensland. 5 leaves

/4 Four sub-classes and male descent. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 Euahlayi tribe. 6 leaves

/6 Murray River tribes. 8 leaves

/7 Two classes and female descent. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/8 Kulin. 3 leaves

/9 Two classes and female descent: Kulin, Wurunjurri. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/10 North East Australia. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/11 North Eastern Australia: four sub-classes and female descent. 4 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/109 North West Australia. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 North West Australia. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 West Australia. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/110 Australia – gen. Tasmanians. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Tasmanians. 2 leaves

/2 High gods. 2 pp. 23 x 16 cm

/3 General beliefs. 4 leaves

/111 Experimental charts. 1 folder containing 11 charts and papers

/1 Table of evidence: pre-nuptial chastity and the worship of gods. 2 leaves. 56 x 19 cm. Typewritten

/2 [Magic, spirits and relations between the sexes tabled by societies]. 3 charts. 22 x 29 cm

/3 Table of native terms. [i], 7 tables. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Pre-nuptial chastity and the worship of gods; by J.D. Unwin, October 1929. 18 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten; [see also MS 157/111/5]

/5 The chart of evidence: appendix I. [i], 5 charts. 27 x 20 cm. Typewritten; [see also MS 157/111/4]

/6 One nuptial. 1 p.

/7 The relations between the sexes. 1 p.

/8 Westermarck on pre-nuptial chastity. 8 leaves

/9 Introduction [to an essay, untitled, first line]: ‘During the past few years there have been expressed many doubts and uncertainties concerning the present and future state of Great Britain …’, 1926. 17 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten with handwritten annotations

/10 [Essay with first lines]: ‘My object in these pages is to demonstrate that marriage as a life long association …’, 1926. 24 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten with handwritten annotations

/11 [Charts listing tribes under headings: affliction, treatment, rainmaking, spirits of departed, power in universe, marriage]. 14 charts. 20.5 x 39.5 cm. Printed with handwritten annotations [Filed separately in existing order]

/112 Bibliographies. 1 folder containing 9 papers

/1 An enquiry into the relation between sexual opportunity and cultural condition among uncivilised peoples: summary; by J.D. Unwin, 1931. 4 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 [List of tribes]. 1 p. 28.5 x 21 cm

/3 Bibliography: primitive family. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Bibliography: primitive religion and evolution of culture. 4 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 List of general works on primitive culture which have been studied in detail prior to the proposed research. 4 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 Bibliography: races of men etc. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/7 Extra bibliographical notes. 3 leaves

/8 Tentative bibliographies on which a start would be made: [divided into tribal areas]. 31 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten and handwritten

/9 Record of education: [J.D. Unwin]. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/113-/150 These folders did not exist, and are assumed to be either unused or missing

/151 Sumerians. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 F. Pelagaud, Article on the jurisdiction of the time of the kings of Ur, Babyloniaca, III, 83 sq. 1 p. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/2 [Carbon copy of MS 157/151/1]

/3 [Translation from French to English of MS 157/151/1-2]. 2 leaves. 23 x 17.5 cm

/152 Babylonians to 20th cent. BC. 1 folder containing 19 papers

/1 Position of women under the code of Khammurabi; prepared for J.D. Unwin by Nottingham International University Society, [nd]. [i], 3 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Chronology of Babylonia (Delaporte). 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Bibliography: Babylonia and Assyria. [i], 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 The Babylonians (down to the Kassite conquest, c. 3100-1900): draft. [i], 21 leaves. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten with handwritten notes.

.1 Notes, page 1 of draft. 1 slip. 6 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.2 Notes, page 2 of draft. 1 slip. 7 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.3 Notes, page 3 of draft. 1 slip. 8.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.4 Notes, page 4 of draft. 1 slip. 5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.5 Notes, page 5 of draft. 1 slip. 5.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.6 Notes, page 6 of draft. 1 slip. 8 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.7 Notes, page 10 of draft. 1 slip. 6 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.8 Notes, page 11 of draft. 1 slip. 7 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.9 Notes, page 12 of draft. 1 slip. 4.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.10 Notes, page 13 of draft. 1 slip. 3.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.11 Notes, page 14 of draft. 1 slip. 3 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.12 Notes, page 15 of draft. 1 slip. 4 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.13 Notes, page 17 of draft. 1 slip. 4 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/1 [Another copy of MS 157/152/4 with some handwritten note variations]

.1-.13 [Copies of MS 157/152/4.1-.12]

.14 Notes, page 20 of draft. 1 slip. 4.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 Babylonia: ancestor worship. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/6 Ekimmu and Utukku. 1 p.

/7 Jastrow, Religious belief in Babylonia and Assyria. 1 p. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/8 Babylonian conception of God. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/9 Hammurabi code. 2 leaves. 26.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/10 Babylonia and Assyria. [i], 19 leaves. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/11 [List of references]. 1 p. 22 x 14 cm

/12 Chronology of the 1st Dy. Babylon. 3 leaves. 28 x 16.5 cm (leaves 1-2), 14.5 x 16.5 cm (leaf 3)

/13 Dates. 1 p. 15 x 22 cm

/14 First Dy. Sumer-elu 2225. 1 p.

/15 ‘In 30th year defeated Elam …’ 1 p. 16.5 x 11.5 cm

/16 Hammurabi’s correspondence. 11 leaves

/17 The Babylonians (to the Kassite conquest): draft of essential matters, 1926. [i], 6 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/18 Herodotus [and] temple women. 5 leaves

/19 [References]. 2 slips. 6 x 13 cm

/153 Hittites. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/154 Assyrians. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 The Assyrians: draft copy, 1926. 10 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten with handwritten annotations

.1 Notes, page 2 of draft. 1 slip. 13 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.2 Notes, page 3 of draft. 1 slip. 7 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.3 Notes, page 4 of draft. 1 slip. 6.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.4 Notes, page 7 of draft. 1 slip. 10 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.5 Notes, page 8 of draft. 1 slip. 6 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.6 Notes, page 9 of draft. 1 slip. 6.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 [Carbon copy of MS 157/154/1]

.1-.6 [Carbon copy of MS 157/154/1.1-.6]

/3 An Assyrian law code, Morris Jastrow, JAOS, xii. 3 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Assyrian conception of God. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/155 Neo Babylonians. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/156 Hebrews. 1 folder containing 1 paper

/1 Sadica, Baal, polygamy, Leviante, position of wife, adultery in the Bible, adultery, divorce, Israelite parental authority, Israelite conception of God, St Paul. 12 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/157 Egyptians. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Egyptian ideas of marriage (from first to twenty-sixth dynasty); prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 3 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Chronology of Egyptian dynasties (Breasted). 1 p. 26 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/3 Egypt (ancient). 4 leaves, bibl. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/158 Cretans. 1 folder containing 1 paper

/1 Neolithic, Chalcholithic, Bronze. 1 chart. 20.5 x 26.5 cm

/159 Chinese. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 Arthur Waley to J.D. Unwin, 20 Dec. [1934] – discusses Chinese civilizations as portrayed in Sex and culture; deistic Chinese and sexual regulation; Tien; Mongols were not civilized and discusses their rites and customs; tenggri; Himmel; heaven; failure to define ritualistic. 4 pp. 29 x 22.5 cm

/2 J.D. Unwin to A. Waley, 30 Dec. 1934 – discusses use of ‘civilised’; explains appraisal of evidence; Mongol society; energetic societies are stratified; miao of China; tilo, t’ien and tenggri; universal process; discusses shortcomings of the end analysis. 4 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 A. Waley to J.D. Unwin, 15 Jan. [1935] – Mongol tribes; story of Chingiz; Chinese tightening of sexual relations; would like to meet and discuss the book. 2 pp. 29 x 22.5 cm

/4 Bibliography: China and Japan. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 Bibliography: India. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/160 Achaeans. 1 folder containing 9 papers

/1 The Achaeans: draft, 1926. [i], 10 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten with handwritten annotations

.1 Notes, page 1 of draft. 14 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.2 [Notes], page 2. 1 slip. 12.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.3 [Notes], page 3. 1 slip. 13 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.4 [Notes], page 4. 1 slip. 7 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.5 [Notes], page 5. 1 slip. 7 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.6 [Notes], page 6. 1 slip. 7 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.7 [Notes], page 7. 1 slip. 6.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 [Carbon copy of MS 157/160/1]

.1-.7 [Carbon copies of MS 157/160/1.1-.7]

/3 Life in Homeric Tyre; A.J.D. Unwin. Title p. 4 ‘Life in Homeric times; H.E.E. Howson’. 4 pp. 24 x 19 cm

/4 ‘It is the poems of Homer …’ 1 p. 26.5 x 20.5 cm

/5 Homer: [notes]. 4 leaves. 27 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 Life in Homeric age; T.D. Seymour: [notes]. 2 leaves. 27 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.1 [Carbon copy of MS 157/160/6]

/7 The world of Homer; A. Lang: [notes]. 2 leaves. 27 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.1 [Carbon copy of MS 157/160/7]

/8 Woman – her position and influence in ancient Greece and Rome; J. Donaldson: [notes]. 1 p. 27 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.1 [Carbon copy of MS 157/160/8]

/9 The rise of the Greek epic; G. Murray: [notes]. 1 p. 27 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.1 [Carbon copy of MS 157/160/9]

/161 Hellenic religion. 1 folder containing 11 papers

/1 Greek religion; A.J.D. Unwin. 4 pp. 24 x 19 cm

/2 Greek religion, II; A.J.D. Unwin. 4 pp. 24 x 19 cm

/3 The religion of Plato, 1925. [i], 7 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/4 Hellenistic philosophers, 1925. [i], 6 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/5 Platonism. 6 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/6 Stoicism. 13 leaves, illus. 27.5 x 22 cm

/7 Greek religion; prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 3 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/8 Sources of Plato’s religion; prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 3 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/9 Greek: [list of references]. 3 leaves. 23 x 16 cm

/10 G.R. in general. 6 leaves. 28.5 x 22 cm

/11 Zeus: [notes]. 7 leaves. 28.5 x 22 cm

/162 Dorians, Spartans. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Pelopennesian war 432-422; A.J.D. Unwin. 2 leaves, chart. 24 x 19 cm

/2 Argos in Greek history; A.J.D. Unwin. 3 pp. 24 x 19 cm

/3 Greek history: Sparta and her constitution; A.J.D. Unwin. 2 leaves. 24 x 19 cm

/163 Ionians, Athenians. 1 folder containing 24 papers

/1 Greek: Thucydides, siege and battle descriptions. 9 leaves. 27.5 x 22 cm

/2 Plato-Gorgias; A.J.D. Unwin. 5 leaves. 27.5 x 22 cm

/3 Chronology of the Greek Common-wealth; Zimmern. 4 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Greece: literary, social and political; P.G.B. (preparatory to Oxford, 1913). 10 leaves. 27.5 x 22 cm

/5 Greek sculpture. 18 leaves

/6 Demosthenes: rhetorical devices. 2 leaves. 28 x 22 cm

/7 Athens: public finance. 7 leaves. 28 x 22 cm

/8 Greek education; A.J.D. Unwin. 6 leaves. 24 x 19 cm

/9 Athenian law; A.J.D. Unwin. 5 leaves. 24 x 19 cm

/10 Divorce in ancient Greece; prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 2 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/11 Greece: bibliography. [i], 6 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/12 ‘His main object is not the union of two beings …’ 11 leaves numbered pp. 1-12, leaves 13-17. 22.5 x 17.5 cm

/13 [References]. 2 leaves. 23 x 16 cm

/14 Athenian marriage. 2 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/15 ‘In Athens a wife has less than brother or sister …’: [notes]. 2 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.1 [Carbon copy of MS 157/163/15]

/16 Beauchet: [notes]. 4 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.1 [Carbon copy of MS 157/163/16]

/17 Glotz, La Solidarité de la famille dans le droit criminal en Grèce. 1 p. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.1 [Carbon copy of MS 157/163/17]

/18 [Bibliography]. 1 p. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/19 The ? process … introduction to phatry. 3 pp. 26.5 x 20.5 cm

/20 The Ionian Greeks: draft of consecutive notes. 18 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten with handwritten annotations

.1 Notes, page 2 of draft. 1 slip. 13 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.2 Notes, page 3 of draft. 1 slip. 8 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.3 Notes, page 4 of draft. 1 slip. 15.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.4 Notes, page 5 of draft. 1 slip. 7 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.5 Notes, page 6 of draft. 1 slip. 16 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.6 Notes, page 7 of draft. 1 slip. 16.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.7 Notes, page 9 of draft. 1 slip. 10 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.8 Notes, page 10 of draft. 1 slip. 9.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.9 Notes, page 12 of draft. 1 slip. 11 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.10 Notes, page 13 of draft. 1 slip. 14 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.11 Page 15. 1 slip. 7 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.12 Note 1, page 15. 1 p. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.13 Notes, page 16 of draft. 1 p. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.14 Notes, page 17 of draft. 1 p. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/21 [Carbon copy of MS 157/163/20]

.1-.14 [Carbon copies of MS 157/163/20.1-.14]

/22 Extra notes on Ionian Greeks. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/23 Ionian Greeks. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/24 ‘The pictures we possess of the heroic monarchy …’ 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/164 Persians. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 Persia (ancient). [i], 3 leaves, bibl. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Persia. 4 leaves. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/3 Iranian ancestor worship. 1 p. 16 x 21 cm

/4 Recent work on Persia and Persian art; W. Heffer & Sons. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Printed

/5 A brief history of Persia: long line of great rulers from Cyrus the Great to the Pahlavi dynasty; by Brigadier-General Sir Percy Sykes. pp. v-vi. London, The Times, 5 Jan. 1934. 58.5 x 42.5 cm. Printed

/165 Macedonians. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Chronology of the Seleucid dynasty (Mahaffy). 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Chronology of the Ptolemaic dynasty (Mahaffy). 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 The Antigonid dynasty (Mahaffy). 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/166 Sassanids. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/167 Arabs. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 Arabia: before Mohammed. 2 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Marriage customs of the Carthaginians: marriage in early Arabia; prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 2 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Chronology of Islam conquests (Butler). 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/168 Moors. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/169 Jews. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 W. Emery Barnes to J.D. Unwin, 18 Oct. 1934 – encloses notes on subject of Unwin letter,13 Oct.; elected Fellow Emeritus at Peterhouse; dinner at High Table; enjoyed meetings with Unwin. 1 p. 18 x 11.5 cm

/2 Sexual morality: [notes by W. Emery Barnes]. 8 leaves. 20 x 16 cm

/3 Chronology of Hebrew Kingdom (after the division). 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/170 Roman sex. 1 folder containing 18 papers

/1 ‘Early Rome was peopled by two separate ethnic units …’: [draft], 29 leaves, numbered 1-4, 20-28, 28-43, missing leaves 5-19. 26.5 x 21 cm (leaves 1-4, 20-22), 26 x 20.5 cm (leaves 23-43). Typewritten with handwritten annotations

.1 Notes, page 1 of draft. 14 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.2 Notes, page 2 of draft. 11 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.3 Notes, page 3 of draft. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.4 Notes, page 4 of draft. 9 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.5 Notes, page 20 of draft. 9 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.6 Notes, page 21 of draft. 14 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.7 Notes, page 22 of draft. 15.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.8 Note 2, [page 24 of draft]. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 [List of references]. 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/3 Notes on uses and twelve tables: draft. [i], 12 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 [Carbon copy of MS 157/170/3]. [i], 11 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/5 [List of references]. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm

/6 ‘In the first and most vigorous period of Roman history …’: [draft]. 10 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/7 Note 2, page 24 of draft, 1928. [i], 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm

/8 Rome – first period. 3 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/9 Rome – second period. 3 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/10 Rome – third period. 2 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/11 Mommsen: [list of references]. 1 p. 20.5 x 13 cm

/12 Marriage. 4 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/13 Confarreatio. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/14 Coemptio. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/15 Usus. 1 p. 26.5 x 21 cm

/16 Potestas and manus. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/17 Termination of marriage. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/18 Progress of law. 4 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/171 Roman republic to 150 BC. 1 folder containing 13 papers

/1 ‘Houses – inaulae – large square blocks of tenement houses …’ 5 leaves, plans. 27.5 x 22 cm

/2 Bibliography: Rome. [i], 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Roman ancestor worship. 1 p. 16 x 23.5 cm

/4 Kingship: [references]. 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/5 Roman: [references]. 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/6 Rome: use in addition Mommsen, Becker, Lecky. 22 leaves. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten with handwritten p. [i]

.1 Notes, page 1 of draft. 1 p. 13.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.2 Notes, page 2 of draft. 1 slip. 10.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.3 Notes, page 3 of draft. 1 p. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.4 Notes, page 4 of draft. 1 slip. 9 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.5 Notes, page 5 of draft. 1 slip. 12.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.6 Notes, page 6 of draft. 1 slip. 5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.7 Notes, page 7 of draft. 1 slip. 5.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.8 Notes, page 8 of draft. 1 slip. 9.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.9 Notes, page 9 of draft. 1 slip. 11.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.10 Notes, page 10 of draft. 1 p. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.11 Notes, page 11 of draft. 1 slip. 8.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.12 Notes, page 12 of draft. 1 slip. 8.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.13 Notes, page 13 of draft. 1 slip. 9.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.14 Notes, page 14 of draft. 1 slip. 14.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.15 Notes, page 15 of draft. 1 slip. 4.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.16 Notes, page 16 of draft. 1 slip. 3.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.17 Notes, page 18 of draft. 1 slip. 4.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.18 Notes, page 19 of draft. 1 slip. 3.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.19 Notes, page 20 of draft. 1 slip. 9.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.20 Notes, page 21 of draft. 1 p. 14 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.21 Notes, page 22 of draft. 1 p. 16 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/7 Down to 500 BC, Latin League. 3 leaves. 23 x 16 cm

/8 R. religion in general. 1 p.

/9 Numa. 4 leaves

/10 Family religion. 2 leaves

/11 On the threshold: survivals. 3 leaves

/12 Second century. 2 leaves

/13 Third century. 1 p.

/172 Rome 150 BC – 150 AD. 1 folder containing 9 papers

/1 Roman inscriptions. 4 leaves. 28 x 21.5 cm (leaves 1, 3-4), 29.5 x 21 cm (leaf 2)

/2 Terence – grammatical and verbal. 4 leaves. 28 x 21.5 cm

/3 Political and social Rome. 18 leaves. 28 x 22 cm

/4 Slavery among the ancients; A.J.D. Unwin. 4 pp. 24 x 19 cm

/5 The philosophy of Lucretius. 4 pp. 24 x 19 cm

/6 Roman health gods, etc. 1 p.

/7 Water and water gods. 1 p.

/8 Consult: [list of references]. 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/9 Rome: chronological table. 2 leaves. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/173 Roman Empire: Antonius to Diocletian. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 ‘Regular sacrifices, then the spirit of the dead …’: draft. Leaves 5-19. Leaves 1-4 missing. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

.1 Notes, page 5 of draft. 1 p. 12 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.2 Notes, page 6 of draft. 1 slip. 5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.3 Notes, page 7 of draft. 1 slip. 9 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.4 Notes, page 8 of draft. 1 slip. 10 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.5 Notes, page 9 of draft. 1 p. 17 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.6 Notes, page 10 of draft. 1 p. 27 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.7 Notes, page 11 of draft. 1 slip. 8.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.8 Notes, page 12 of draft. 1 slip. 8.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.9 Notes, page 13 of draft. 1 slip. 9.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.10 Notes, page 14 of draft. 1 p. 14.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.11 Notes, page 15 of draft. 1 slip. 4.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.12 Notes, page 16 of draft. 1 slip. 3 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.13 Notes, page 18 of draft. 1 slip. 4.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

.14 Notes, page 19 of draft. 1 slip. 3.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 ‘Muirhead says of the Lex Julia that it was …’ Leaves 23-4, 24a-b, 25-43. Leaves 1-22 missing. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 [List of emperors]. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/174 Roman Empire: Diocletian onwards. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Early Roman fathers. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Rome and Christianity. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/175 Later Roman Empire. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/176 Turks. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/177 Tartars. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/178 Mongols. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/179 Teutons. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 Bibliography: Teutons

/2 Teutonic customs: fourth and fifth centuries. [i], 15 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 [Carbon copy of MS 157/179/2]

/4 Visigoths. 1 slip. 9 x 20.5 cm

/5 W. Heffer & Sons Ltd: [book list]. 1 p. 20.5 x 16.5 cm. Typewritten

/180 Franks. 1 folder containing 3 papers

/1 The Reformation. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 The Franks: separation and divorce. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 France, P. Viollet, Histoire du droit civil français, Paris, 1893. 5 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/181 Anglo-Saxon, Sex regulations. 1 folder containing 15 papers

/1 Marriage, Pollock and Maitland. 7 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Anglo-Saxon marriage. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Marital authority, Pollock and Maitland. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Husband and wife, marital authority. 4 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 ‘The customs of the Teutonic peoples …’ 16 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 Inheritage, Pollock and Maitland. 4 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/7 English church and monastic history. 5 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/8 Parental authority, Pollock and Maitland. 4 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/9 Ancient laws and institutes of England, B. Thorpe. 14 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/10 Family. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/11 The Anglo-Saxons: separation and divorce. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/12 English marriage, early. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/13 Sep. for 19th century Chupp. 2 pp. 25.5 x 20 cm

/14 Bibliography of Anglo-Saxon and English law. 25.5 x 20 cm

/15 [List of references]. 2 pp. 22.5 x 16 cm

/182 Anglo-Saxons. 1 folder containing 19 papers

/1 History of England. 9 leaves

/2 Central army. 1 p.

/3 Sex off. 2 leaves

/4 Social ranks. 4 leaves

/5 Early English trade and industry. 6 leaves

/6 Early English crafts. 3 leaves

/7 Early English architecture. 4 leaves

/8 England art, etc. 7 leaves

/9 Conversion of England. 5 leaves

/10 English church. 4 leaves

/11 Saxon Gods. 2 leaves

/12 England – Anglo Saxon period: [bibliography]. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/13 Teutonic peoples. 1 p. 23 x 16 cm

/14 Miracles. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/15 History. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/16 [List of references]. 1 p.

/17 The date of St Patrick; by the Rev. John Roche Ardill. 3rd issue rev. Dublin, Church of Ireland Publ. Co., 1932. 19 pp. 18 x 12 cm. Printed

/18 Guide to the ruins and excavations of the Royal Abbey of Shaftesbury; J. Wilson Claridge. Shaftesbury, Pearson & Sons, [nd]. 4 pp. 22 x 14 cm. Printed

/19 Kings of Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, Kent. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/183 Danes. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/184 Normans. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/185 Monachism. 1 folder containing 6 papers

/1 Monks. 11 leaves. 28 x 22 cm. Handwritten

/2 Monasticism. 5 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 The Christian clergy. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Monasticism; prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 3 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 The atonement; prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 3 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 Reincarnation; prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 3 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/186 English sex: beginnings to 1550. 1 folder containing 6 papers

/1 Rel. sex. 3 leaves

/2 Church marriage. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 England – 2nd period. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Church, H.M. Chadwick. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 1066-1534, position of women. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 [List of references]. 1 p. 22 x 16 cm

/187 English sex: beginnings to 1950 [sic]. 1 folder containing 6 papers

/1 Reformation, English. 6 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 England. 3rd period. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Marriage and family relations from Reformation. 2 pp. 22.5 x 10.5 cm

/4 Elizabeth. 1 p. 27 x 22 cm

/5 1837-1895, position of women. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 1534-1837, position of women. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/188 England – 1350. 1 folder containing 22 papers

/1 XI cent. architecture. 2 leaves

/2 11 cent. ships. 4 leaves

/3 Language, 11th cent. 1 p.

/4 Normans into Saxon England. 3 leaves

/5 Books. 1 p.

/6 12th cent. literature. 2 leaves

/7 12th cent. architecture. 2 leaves

/8 12th cent. ships. 3 leaves

/9 Guilds. 1 p.

/10 12th cent. legal forms. 5 leaves

/11 England 12th cent. 7 leaves

/12 13th cent. 12 leaves

/13 England 14th cent. 15 leaves

/14 Norman monasteries. 4 leaves

/15 14th cent. wool. 3 leaves

/16 XIV cent rise of English merchants. 1 p.

/17 1066-1216 manors. 1 p.

/18 Normans. 4 leaves

/19 [Subject headings]. 1 p.

/20 Bibliography: Church history. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/21 [Bibliography]: England – middle ages. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/22 [Reference]. 1 p. 13 x 20 cm

/189 England 1350-1650. 1 folder containing 27 papers

/1 17th cent. 3 leaves

/2 16th cent. 5 leaves

/3 England 15th cent. 8 leaves

/4 Wars of the Roses. 3 leaves

/5 XVI labour conditions. 3 leaves

/6 Poor law XVI cent. 2 leaves

/7 Energy. 1 p.

/8 Wool. 1 p.

/9 Tudor machinery. 16 cent. 4 leaves

/10 Trade energy. 7 leaves

/11 Misteries and guilds. 1 p.

/12 The break up of the manor. 11 leaves

/13 Aristocracy, Henry VIII. 1 p.

/14 Industrial evolution. 1 p.

/15 Land tenure. 6 leaves

/16 Industrial? growth? 10 leaves

/17 Envoies. 1 p.

/18 Historians. 1 p.

/19 Council. 1 p.

/20 15th cent. classes. 1 p.

/21 14th cent. classes. 1 p.

/22 [List of references]. 1 p.

/23 Early villages. 1 p.

/24 Guilds. 1 p.

/25 Enclosure. 1 p.

/26 England 3rd period: [bibliography]. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/27 England 4th period: [bibliography]. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/190 England 1650-1950. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 Modern metaphysics. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Modern history. 12 leaves. 27.5 x 22 cm

/3 Tendance of the dead in modern society. 2 pp. 20.5 x 12.5 cm

/4 18th cent. 6 leaves

/191 Psychology, climate, energy. 1 folder containing 23 papers

/1 Mothers and sons; prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 3 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Hereditary genius and motherhood; prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 2 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Illegitimate sons; prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 2 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Primitive man and civilized man; by R.U. Sayce. Milan, 1935. (Offprint from Scientia, Jan. 1935) pp. 53-62. 24 x 15.5 cm. Printed

/5 Truro Diocesan Gazette, [Feb. 1935], pp. 19-30. [Includes article A note on the liturgical colour sequence]. 25 x 18.5 cm. Printed

/6 Child psychology: [bibliography]. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/7 ‘My object in these pages is to demonstrate that marriage as a life long association between one man and one woman …’: [draft]. 15 leaves. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/8 Evolution of ideas. 3 pp. 16 x 23.5 cm

/9 The enquiry: sexual opportunity and cultural condition: [notes]. 8 leaves

/10 Social anthropology. 2 pp. 16 x 23.5 cm

/11 Sociology and psychology. 5 pp., p. 4 blank. 23 x 16 cm

/12 Civilisation, climate and the human will; Frazer. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/13 Environment. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/14 Psychology. 2 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/15 Introductory lectures on psycho-analysis; by Prof. Sigm. Freud. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/16 The mind of primitive man; by Franz Boas. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/17 Instinct and the unconscious; by W.H.R. Rivers. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/18 Psychology of the unconscious; by Dr C.G. Jung. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/19 Our social heritage; by Graham Wallas. 1 p. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/20 Social psychology; William McDougall. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/21 Character and the unconscious. 3 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/22 Instinct and experience; Lloyd Morgan. 4 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/23 Directed thinking. 2 leaves

/192 Biology. 1 folder containing 11 papers

/1 ‘Probably the land bridge between Australia and South East Asia broke down in the Mesozoic age …’: [notes under headings – origins, channel, destruction, difficulty, etc.]. 7 leaves

/2 Biologists. 2 leaves

/3 Loose phaseology. 2 leaves

/4 Biology. 1 p.

/5 The luminous woman: a doctor’s theory from our own correspondent. London, The Times, 5 May 1934. 1 newspaper cutting. 23.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/6 The native brain: is size a true guide?: reasons for stunted growth; by L.S.B. Leakey. London, The Times, 13 Dec.? 1 newspaper cutting. 45.5 x 7 cm. Printed

/7 The new note in Science: Sir Charles Sherrington’s expression of opinion in his recent lecture on the brain … [np, nd]. 1 newspaper cutting. 21.5 x 7 cm. Printed

/8 The progress of science: cinematographic research: Dr Canti’s films. London, The Times, 1927. 1 newspaper cutting. 54.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/9 New race of ape-man: found in Congo by missionary [Dr Leonard Vandenbergh], [np], Daily Herald, 16 Sep. 1920. 1 newspaper cutting. 21 x 5 cm. Printed

/10 The native brain: observations in Kenya: a comparison with Europeans; H.L. Gordon. London, The Times, 8 Dec. 1933. 1 newspaper cutting. 47 x 7 cm. Printed

/11 Living with half a brain: brilliant feat of surgery: some startling facts: no medical change detectable; by our medical correspondent. [London, The Times, 1933?]. 1 newspaper cutting. 34 x 6 cm. Printed

/193 Matter. 1 folder containing 19 papers

/1 Matter: notes. 17 leaves

/2 Science. 2 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaf 1), 16 x 22.5 cm (leaf 2)

/3 Proton. 2 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaf 1), 16 x 22.5 cm (leaf 2)

/4 Energy. 1 p.

/5 Radio-activity. 1 p.

/6 X rays. 1 p.

/7 Gamma rays. 1 p.

/8 V rays. 1 p.

/9 Atoms. 7 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-6), 20.5 x 22.5 cm (leaf 7). Handwritten

/10 Electrons. 5 leaves

/11 Molecules. 1 p.

/12 Biochemistry. 1 p., diagr.

/13 Colloid. 1 p.

/14 Isotope. 1 p.

/15 Beta particle. 1 p.

/16 XVIII century. 1 p.

/17 Nineteenth century. 1 p.

/18 Quantum. 1 p.

/19 Elements. 1 p.

/194 Science, rationalism, romanticism. 1 folder containing 16 papers

/1 Indeterminacy. 2 leaves

/2 Scientist, rationalist. 1 p.

/3 Necessity. 1 p.

/4 Against determinism as conceived with Jeans in ‘One new background of Science’. [i], 10 leaves

/5 Durability. 1 p.

/6 Cultivate scale. 1 p.

/7 Arrival. 4 leaves

/8 Fluid, etc. 1 p.

/9 Continue. 2 leaves

/10 ‘Commenting on the suggestion that crime may run backwards …’ 2 leaves

/11 [Bibliography]. 1 p. 13 x 13 cm

/12 [Reference notes]. 3 pp. 23 x 16 cm

/13 Theories of the universe: Sir James Jeans’ doubts. London, The Times, 10 May 1932. 1 newspaper cutting. 47 x 6 cm. Printed

/14 The ‘Legends’ of Greece. 1 newspaper cutting. 44 x 7 cm

/15 The Universe: paradoxes of relativity; by H.F. Hallet. London, The Times, 31 May 1932. 1 newspaper cutting. 30 x 6 cm. Printed

/16 Hesperopithecus. [London, The Times], 25 Nov. 1928. 1 newspaper cutting. 32 x 7 cm. Printed

/195 Nebulae and stars. 1 folder containing 19 papers

/1 XYZ. 10 leaves

/2 [Planetary systems]. 4 leaves

/3 [Reference notes]. 4 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/4 Break up of the Universe. 1 p.

/5 Law of entropy. 4 leaves

/6 Evolution. 1 p.

/7 Value of scientific calculations. 5 leaves

/8 Space and time. 4 leaves

/9 Relativity. 1 p.

/10 Universal process: notes. 3 leaves

/11 Time. 9 leaves

/12 Fields. 1 p.

/13 Scientific queries. 1 p.

/14 Laws. 1 p.

/15 Nebulae. 4 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-3), 21.5 x 22.5 cm (leaf 4)

/16 Energy. 5 leaves

/17 Earth. 4 leaves

/18 Stars. 4 leaves

/19 Argument: [contents list of essays numbered 1-8]. Missing essays 1 and 8. 1 p.

/1 ‘It is in fashion to judge things by their size …’, numbered 2. 4 leaves

/2 ‘Idea of unique earth unpopular …’, numbered 3. 4 leaves

/3 Planets, numbered 4. 7 leaves

/4 ‘Solar system cannot have been born …’, numbered 5. 5 leaves

/5 Solar system in unique position, numbered 6. 1 p.

/6 Galactic system is unique, numbered 7. 3 leaves

/196 Money: definitions, etc. 1 folder containing 17 papers

/1 Money. 5 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-4), 13 x 20 cm (leaf 5)

/2 Capital. 3 leaves

/3 Credit. 3 leaves

/4 Taxes. 2 leaves

/5 Commodities. 5 leaves

/6 Marx. 6 leaves

/7 What is wanted in a banker’s system. 1 p.

/8 Interest and exchange. 1 p.

/9 Distribution and production. 2 leaves

/10 Slavery. 1 p.

/11 Stock jobbing. 1 p.

/12 Budget. 1 p.

/13 Italian debt. 1 p.

/14 Economic superstition. 3 leaves

/15 Work and employment. 1 p.

/16 Economic. 1 p.

/17 Unwritten law. 1 p.

/197 Unused

/198 Banking etc. 1 folder containing 11 papers

/1 Bank definition and principles. 6 leaves

/2 Deposit banking. 23 leaves. 28.5 x 22.5 cm (leaves 1-6, 8-23), 14.5 x 22 cm (leaf 7)

/3 Currency. 8 leaves

/4 B of E history. 2 leaves

/5 Old dogs. 1 p.

/6 Early Continental banks. 1 p.

/7 German deposit. 1 p.

/8 American system. 1 p.

/9 Taxes. 1 p.

/10 Invisible exports. 1 p.

/11 A preliminary book list concerning certain historico-banking questions. 2 pp.

/199 Credit, banking. 1 folder containing 11 papers

/1 Banking history. 1 p.

/2 B of E history. 2 leaves

/3 Bank of England. 5 leaves

/4 An Act of 1826. 2 leaves

/5 Early nineteenth century: three systems. 2 leaves

/6 Deposit banking. 1 p.

/7 Note issue in America. 1 p.

/8 German system. 1 p.

/9 Currency crises. 1 p.

/10 Gold. 1 p.

/11 Credit and note issue. 5 leaves

/200 Accepting houses, bills, etc. 1 folder containing 4 papers

/1 Accepting houses. 8 leaves

/2 Discount houses. 2 leaves

/3 Bills. 3 leaves

/4 Discount. 1 p.

/201 Companies. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/202 Modern opinions [on] sex regs. 1 folder containing 18 papers

/1 Christian marriage; by His Holiness Pope Pius XI. London, Catholic Truth Society, 1931. [ii], 67 pp. 18.5 x 12.5 cm. Printed

/2 Law Revision Committee: fourth interim report presented by the Lord High Chancellor to Parliament by command of His Majesty, December 1934. London, His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1934. 13 pp. 24.5 x 15.5 cm. Printed

/3 Marriage and divorce laws; prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 4 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Bishops and birth control: Cardinal Bourne’s protest. London, The Times, 6 Oct. 1930. 1 newspaper cutting. 20.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/5 Why men fall: [review of Mr E.D. Cuming’s writings]. [London, The Times], 6 Feb. 1926. 1 newspaper cutting. 37.5 x 7 cm. Printed

/6 The marriage of Sir W. Davison: official statements; by W.F. Geikie-Cobb. [London, The Times, 20 June 1929]. 1 newspaper cutting. 16 x 6 cm. Printed

/7 The church and divorce: Archdeacon Charles on mistakes in St Mark. [London, The Times], 11 July 1927. 1 newspaper cutting. 24 x 6 cm. Printed

/8 Marriage and divorce: Roman Catholic doctrine; by M. Canon Howlett. London, The Times, 16 Nov. 1927. 1 newspaper cutting. 49.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/9 Marriage and birth control: position of divorced persons. . [London, The Times, 31 May 1932]. 1 newspaper cutting. 33 x 6 cm. Printed

/10 Italian women of to-day: new activities: changes of the century. [np, The Observer], 24 Nov. 1926. 1 newspaper cutting. 30 x 6.5 cm. Printed

/11 Italy and divorce: steps against abuse of passport system. [np, nd], 1 newspaper cutting. 8.5 x 6.5 cm. Printed

/12 Modern churchmen’s conference: birth control and divorce. [np, nd], 1 newspaper cutting. 33 x 6 cm. Printed

/13 The science of marriage: [review of] The book of marriage: a new interpretation by twenty-four leaders of contemporary thought; arranged and edited by Count Hermann Keyserling. London, The Times Literary Supplement, Feb. ? 1 newspaper cutting. 45.5 x 14 cm. Printed

/14 Divorce law reform: I, Its opponents; by the Earl of Birkenhead. . [np], The Evening ?, 12 May 1925. 1 newspaper cutting. 45 x 14 cm. Printed [attached to MS 157/202/15]

/15 Divorce law reform: II, Practical proposals; by the Earl of Birkenhead. . [np, nd]. 1 newspaper cutting. 42 x 14 cm. Printed [attached to MS 157/202/14]

/16 Divorce law reform: III, The reason for action; by the Earl of Birkenhead. . [np, nd]. 1 newspaper cutting. 43.5 x 14 cm. Printed

/17 Soviet marriage code shelved: women’s condemnation. [London, The Times, ? Dec. ?]. 1 newspaper cutting. 43 x 6 cm. Printed

/18 Women: [notes]. 2 leaves. 27.5 x 22 cm. Handwritten

/203 Christian sex regs. 1 folder containing 6 papers

/1 Notes on Christian marriage. [i], 25 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 [Carbon copy of MS 157/203/1]

/3 The English. [i], 16 leaves. 26 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 [List of references]. 2 pp. 23 x 16 cm. Handwritten

/5 The unity of the church. St Ervan, Truro Diocesan Gazette, March 1935, pp. 29-39. 24.5 x 18.5 cm. Printed

/6 Christian marriage. St Ervan, Truro Diocesan Gazette, August 1931, pp. 105-6. 24.5 x 18.5 cm. Printed

/204 Modern tendencies, pol. and econ. 1 folder containing 34 papers

/1 Notes on the fallacies of socialism written hurriedly for completion, April 1925. 11 leaves. 28 x 22 cm

/2 Modern opinions. 1 p.

/3 Socialist League: draft constitution. London, 1932. 4 pp. 18.5 x 10.5 cm. Printed

/4 Stalinism on trial: setbacks to five years plan: discontent among the peasants. [np, nd], pp. 13-14. 1 newspaper cutting. 59.5 x 9 cm. Printed

/5 Glimpses of Russia: the life in common; by Theodore Dreiser. [London, The Times], 8 May 1928, pp. 17-18. 1 newspaper cutting. 60 x 7.5 cm. Printed

/6 Soviet peasants’ dilemma: order to ‘get rich’: war on well-to-do to continue. London, The Times. 20 May 1933. 1 newspaper cutting. 26 x 6 cm. Printed

/7 Russia today: the failure of communism: rebuilding private enterprise; by W. Moore Ede. [np, nd]. 1 newspaper cutting. 46 x 7 cm. Printed

/8 Real values in Russia: the chaotic ‘plan’: a desperate peasantry. London, The Times, 11 Feb. 19?, pp. 15-16. 1 newspaper cutting. 60 x 9 cm. Printed

/9 Bank failures in United States: system criticised: country’s holding of gold. ?, The Guardian, 12 Dec. 1932. 1 newspaper cutting. 29.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/10 Soviet lottery loan: 10 per cent interest or prizes for all. London, The Times, 5 May 1933. 1 newspaper cutting. 16 x 6 cm. Printed

/11 Strange devices. London, The Times, 5 Sep. 1931. 1 newspaper cutting. 60 x 14 cm. Printed

/12 Mr Coolidge on the war: an armistice day speech: armaments and debts. London, The Times, 12 Nov. 1928. 1 newspaper cutting. 58.5 x 18.5 cm. Printed

/13 US unemployment crisis: 12, 700, 000 by January. [np], Guardian, 1 Dec. 1932. 1 newspaper cutting. 8.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/14 Chicago: the reformers’ task: gang tyranny. London, The Times, 9 July 1930. 1 newspaper cutting. 60 x 9 cm. Printed

/15 Economic problems in America. London, The Times, 26 Aug. 1925. 1 newspaper cutting. 60 x 14 cm. Printed [attached to MS 157/204/16]

/16 Export or starve. [np, nd]. 1 newspaper cutting. 61.5 x 7 cm. Printed. [attached to MS 157/204/15]

/17 Youth’s problems of faith: effects of the war. [London, The Times], 26 Aug. 1925. 1 newspaper cutting. 26.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/18 Sentiment: its place in religion. [London, The Times], 19 ? 1925. 1 newspaper cutting. 43 x 6 cm. Printed

/19 Life after death: belief in immortality: the effect on conduct; by William Brown. 1 newspaper cutting. 39 x 7 cm. Printed

/20 Semi-paganism: religion of civilization. [London, The Times], 7 May 1927. 1 newspaper cutting. 47 x 6 cm. Printed

/21 Church doctrine: Bishop’s appeal to primate: ‘Spiritual presence’ in bread and wine. London, The Times, 23 July ? 1 newspaper cutting. 39 x 6 cm. Printed

/22 Wesleyans and the episcopacy: admiral’s outspoken speech: the Birmingham trouble. [np, nd]. 1 newspaper cutting. 19.5 x 6.5 cm. Printed

/23 ‘Ferocity in the Psalms’: Dean Ingle and the Bible: Old Testament not for to-day: no historical value in ‘Jonah’. [np], Morning Post, 4 Sep. 1934. 1 newspaper cutting. 30 x 14 cm. Printed

/24 US faces black winter: nearly one in six on relief: annual cost of £300,000,000. London, Daily Telegraph, 4 Sep. 1934, p. 9. 1 newspaper cutting. 22 x 6.5 cm. Printed

/25 Sir H. Wood’s hoax: masquerade as ‘Paul Klenovsky’: brilliant young man who died. [np], Morning Post, 5 Sep. 1934. 1 newspaper cutting. 29 x 6.5 cm. Printed

/26 This year’s superstition; by Callisthenes. [np, nd]. 1 newspaper cutting. 26 x 7 cm. Printed

/27 Organising for progress: Mr Joad’s new federation; by C.E.M. Joad. [np], The Manchester Guardian, [nd]. 1 newspaper cutting. 50 .5 x 6 cm. Printed

/28 The Christian revolution. [np], The Church Times, 27 Oct. 1933. 1 newspaper cutting. 37 x 21 cm. Printed

/29 An experiment in prohibition [and] Thinking aloud. London, The Times, 21 Oct. 1926. 1 newspaper cutting. 58 x 21.5 cm. Printed

/30 Socialism: the new phase. London, The Times, 6 May 1933. 1 newspaper cutting. 60 x 14 cm. Printed

/31 Professional failures: book-learning and character; by E.D. Cuming. [np, nd]. 1 newspaper cutting. 43 x 6 cm. Printed

/32 Teachers and politics; by F. Montague. [London, The Times, nd]. 1 newspaper cutting. 21 x 6 cm. Printed

/33 The legal poor: another year of difficulty: change in London. London, The Times, 28 Dec. 1934. 1 newspaper cutting. 46.5 x 18.5 cm. Printed

/34 The Church of England and the slum problem; by G.W. Currie. London, [1934]. 3 pp. 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Printed

/205 Modern tendencies apert. The law. 1 folder containing 20 papers

/1 J.J. Mallon, The British Association of Residential Settlements to Warden, [J.D. Unwin?], 24 May 1934 – enclosed 2 documents on Hire Purchase; Mr Watkins has drafted Bill for next Parliamentary ballot; view of Heads of the Settlements on provision of the Bill. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 Memorandum on the Hire Purchase Bill. 4 leaves. 33 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/3 The Hire Purchase Bill. 7 leaves. 33 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/4 British Association of Residential Settlements: warden’s meeting 12th January 1935. 1 p. 33 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/5 How to obtain monies from insurance companies and societies which are legally due to poor families; by W.E. Mashford. 3 leaves. 33 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/6 Industrial assurance versus Post Office Savings Bank; by British Association of Residential Settlements. 2 leaves. 33 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/7 W.J. Rice to Mr Compton, West Ham Guardians, 12 Mar. 1935 – requests advice for sister who has never worked or been insured; cares for invalid mother; now on Relief and unable to sign on at Labour Exchange; at present no Relief available unless she signs on the Labour Exchange; Managers at Exchange suggest she make a false statement. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/8 W.W. Cotton, The Plaistow Congregational Church to Secretary, London Council for Voluntary Occupation during unemployment, 17 Apr. 1935 – analyses case of sister of W.J. Rice; sister can work and family already receiving relief allowances; family attitude has no sense of responsibility or gratitude. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/9 Benjamin Musgrave, Secretary, London Council for Voluntary Occupation to Dr J.D. Unwin,24 Apr. 1935 – reply to letter of 23rd; Mr Atkinson to see Poor Man’s lawyer; attaches report of case from Stratford. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/10 The new estates in England. 15 leaves. 33 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/11 An appeal on behalf of Pettit Farm settlement, Dagenham, and especially for work among young people, 1933; by Wyndham Deedes. 4 pp. 20.5 x 13 cm. Printed

/12 Rehousing of the poorer families; by James P. Orr. London, The Times, 20 May 1933. 1 newspaper cutting. 14 x 6 cm. Printed

/13 The meter ramp: eight shillings a year – is there profit in that? [np], The Star, 4 July 1932. 1 newspaper cutting. 16 x 6 cm. Printed

/14 Lancashire family budgets: a comparison with the official cost-of-living index: the unemployed and the minimum. [np], Manchester Guardian, 9 Jan. 1934. 1 newspaper cutting. 42 x 12 cm. Printed

/15 1832-1932: [one hundred years since a Royal Commission was appointed to study system of Poor Law relief …]. London, The Times, 15 Aug. 1932. 1 newspaper cutting. 62 x 14 cm. Printed

/16 The legal poor: from old system to new: stages in evolution. London, The Times, 28 Dec. 1933. 1 newspaper cutting. 60 x 19 cm. Printed

/17 Unemployment: Sir H. Betterton and ‘encouraging signs’. London, The Times, 19 May 1933. 1 newspaper cutting. 60 x 18.5 cm. Printed

/18 A world’s council: the nations in London: progress or throw-back?: civilization at the cross-ways: one road – and the other!; by J.L. Garvin. London, The Observer, 11 June 1933. 1 newspaper cutting. 43 x 22 cm. Printed

/19 The physical minimum. [np], Manchester Guardian, 9 Jan. 1934. 1 newspaper cutting. 62.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/20 A tour with a purpose: II – among French outcasts: the Marseilles slums. London, The Times, 17 June 1933, pp. 13-14. 1 newspaper cutting. 60 x 7.5 cm. Printed

/206 Population. 1 folder containing 7 papers

/1 The Cambridge Housing Society: [fundraising pamphlet]. 3 pp., illus. 28.5 x 22 cm. Printed

/2 ‘Planning for millions who will never be born’: Professor Carr-Saunder’s criticisms: schemes that ignore the coming fall in population. [np, Manchester Guardian, 10 Jan. 1934]. 1 newspaper cutting. 24.5 x 18 cm. Printed

/3 Security and population: French national problems: high death. London, The Times, 25 Aug. 1925. 1 newspaper cutting. 59 x 7 cm. Printed

/4 Populations of the world: an international inquiry; by Bernard Mallet. London, The Times, nd. 1 newspaper cutting. 29.5 x 18.5 cm. Printed

/5 A decrease of population. London, The Times, 11 June 1927. 1 newspaper cutting. 37 x 7 cm. Printed

/6 Falling birth-rate: effect in tax-paying classes: ‘faulty allowances for children’; by Leonard Darwin et al. London, The Times, [nd.] 1 newspaper cutting. 36 x 7 cm. Printed

/7 The falling birth-rate. [London, The Times], 24 Jan. 1927. 1 newspaper cutting. 35.5 x 7 cm. Printed

/207 Dutch. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/208 Spaniards. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/209 Prussians. 1 folder containing 1 paper

/1 Prussia. 1 p.

/210 Portuguese. 1 folder containing 0 papers

/211 N.W. 1 folder containing 12 papers

/1 Joan M. Crafer to J.D. Unwin, 18 Jan. 1934 – been busy; returning paper; hopes handwriting legible. 2 pp. 17.5 x 13 cm

/2 [J.D. Unwin to J.M. Crafer, nd] – treatment by Relieving Officers of families of men imprisoned for debt; requests details; requests answers to question and basis for statements; requests nature of area from which information gathered; concentrates on unskilled workers. 2 leaves. 26.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/3 Treatment of families of men imprisoned for debt by Relieving Officers. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/4 Sex, A, pre-nuptial: [set of 8 questions]. 1 p. 26.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/5 Sex: [answers to MS 157/211/4]. 6 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/6 Sex, B, post-nuptial: [set of 9 questions]. 2 leaves. 26.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/7 Post-nuptial: [answers to MS 157/211/6]. 6 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/8 L.C.C. flats: [questionnaire on electric light, rents, regulations]. 1 p. 26.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/9 L.C.C. flats: [answers to MS 157/211/8]. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/10 G.W., Stafford Street Settlement to [J.D. Unwin, nd] – returns questionnaire and answers; consulted woman who has worked with girls and women; another helper thought questions ‘indelicate’; will be at settlement during August and would welcome visit. 2 pp. 20 x 12.5 cm

/11 Sex, A, pre-nuptial; sex, B, post-nuptial; L.C.C. flats: [questionnaires and answers]. 4 leaves. 26.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/12 Dr J. Unwin, Cambridge House, 131 Camberwell Road, London SE5. 1 envelope. 10 x 22 cm

/212 Italy. 1 folder containing 2 papers

/1 Italy: a pioneer. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Dante. 6 leaves. 28 x 22 cm

/213 Russia. 1 folder containing 5 papers

/1 G. Dr Kozman Keki?, specijalista za nervne boldesti, objashnjeva histerichne pojave kod zena u Dubokoj; [by] A.B. Herenda. [np], Vreme, 17 June 1930. 1 newspaper cutting. 50 x 11.5 cm. Printed

/2 Dr Kuzman Keki? on the Duboka case: [translation of MS 157/213/1]. 3 leaves. 32.5 x 20.5 cm

/3 Neobi?no selo u Homolju, gde zene, na Duhove, padaju u histeric?an zanos; [by] A.B. Herenda. [np], Vreme, 15 June 1930. 1 newspaper cutting. 50 x 11.5 cm. Printed

/4 An interesting pathological epidemic: an unusual village in Homolje, where women, at Whitsuntide, fall into a hysterical trance: [translation of MS 157/213/3]. 5 leaves. 32.5 x 20.5 cm

/5 Husband and wife in Russia; prepared for J.D. Unwin by International University Society. [i], 3 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/214 Sex psychology. 1 folder containing 18 papers

/1 Shame. 4 leaves

/2 Rightness. 1 p.

/3 Courtship. 8 leaves

/4 Effect of super-ego. 1 p.

/5 Masochism. 1 p.

/6 Sadism. 1 p.

/7 Male. 1 p.

/8 Stages in life. 2 leaves

/9 Prostitution. 1 p.

/10 Nakedness. 1 p.

/11 Absolute monogamy. 1 p.

/12 Right reaction. 1 p.

/13 S…? crimes. 1 p.

/14 Incest. 1 p.

/15 Female [and] mother. 6 leaves

/16 Kiss. 2 leaves

/17 Eonism. 4 leaves

/18 Sexual impulse. 6 leaves

/215 Inversion. 1 folder containing 6 papers

/1 Inversion. 7 leaves

/2 Female homosexuality. 3 leaves

/3 Homosexuality. 10 leaves

/4 Freud and Freudians. 3 leaves

/5 Bisexuality. 6 leaves

/6 Antipathy to women. 5 leaves

/216 [Photocopy of catalogued titles by J.D. Unwin held in the Anthropology Library, British Museum]. 1 p. 23.5 x 13 cm. Typewritten