Williamson, Robert Wood and Campbell, M. (MS 166)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Williamson, Robert Wood and Campbell, M. (MS 166)

Bibiliographical material in classified form and List of headings on [folder] covers in drawers, [by Miss Campbell].

76 drawers (of folders); 52 leaves, 44 leaves.

Wanting: drawers 73 and 76.

List of headings in drawer 1; two versions (44 and 52 leaves).

A1, Strangers & guests (16 files)

A2, Character: old people, women (5 files)

B3, Clans (13 files)

C4, Samoan genealogies (7 files)

C5, Genealogies and lists for other islands (19 files)

C6, Kings and great chiefs (9 files + 10 [4 leaves])

D7, Chiefs power, insignia, pt. 1 (6 files + 7 guide sheets [3 leaves])

D8, Insignia, pt 2 (12 files)

E9, Sacred persons, 1 (4 files + 5 [2 leaves])

E10, Sacred persons, 2 (20 files and ‘Old MS taken from that on Sanctity of Chiefs’)

F11, Ranks of society (6 files)

G12, Gods, 1: classes, dying god, etc. (24 files)

G13, Gods, 2: deified men, totems, home, food, servants of gods, etc. (11 files)

G14, Gods: Islands A-H (9 files)

G15, Gods:Islands I-P (7 files)

G16, Gods: Samoa (5 files)

G17, Gods:Islands R-W (10 files)

H18, Soul, 1: immortality, origin of death, spirits returning, dreams, etc. (11 files)

H19, Soul, 2: passage to other world (12 files)

H20, Soul 3: life in other world, punishment, etc., paradise, hades, etc., food, etc. (9 files)

H21, Gods of the dead, etc. (15 files)

I22, Priests, priestesses and sorcerers (11 files and 12 [2 leaves])

K23, Sacred trees and plants, 1: general notes, trees, etc. A-B (5 files)

K24, Sacred trees and plants, 2: C-Y; also notes on pillars (7 files)

K25, Sacred stones, feathers, shells, trumpets, sanctuaries, etc. (8 files)

K26, Sacred animals, bird & fish, etc. (13 files)

K27, Head: skull, hair, beard, eyes; bones and nails (11 files)

K28, Image-making: ark of God, symbols of divinity; great images: images of family gods, etc. (7 files)

K29, Images, 2: not worshipped, etc., connected with boundaries, dead chiefs, etc., writing charts, communicating news, etc. (8 files)

K30, Canoes, cloth, colours, drums, etc. (10 files)

K31, Tabu (15 files)

L32, Food, 1: fasting, meals, eating, cooking, etc. (11 files + 12-26 [gatherings of loose leaves])

L33, Food 2: food supply, tribute, etc., distribution, etc. (17 files)

L34, Offerings, cannibalism (10 files)

L35, Human sacrifice (16 files)

L36, Feasts and food offering ceremonies (26 files)

M37, Birth, 1: delivery, midwife, cord, taboos, presents, dedication to god, nursing, etc. (18 files)

M38, Birth, 2: firstborn, infanticide, etc., naming child, adoption, illegitimate children, etc. (10 files)

M39, Initiation, seclusion, ear-piercing, etc., incision (17 files)

M40, Tattooing, 1: origin, reason for operation, etc. (19 files)

M41, Tattooing, 2: description of the tattooing, circles, plant designs, etc. (7 files)

N42, Unmarried: virginity, etc., sister, etc., sister’s son, etc. (15 files)

N43, Selection of bride, etc.: exogamy, kinship, etc., wife’s sister, etc., cousins (15 files)

N44, Betrothal, wooing, child marriage, wedding ceremonies, etc. (12 files)

N45, Polyandry, polygamy, lending wives, adultery, divorce, widows and orphans (10 files)

O46, War, 1: persons safe in war, praying men, warriors, declaring war, enlistments, etc., alliances, etc. (10 files)

047, War, 2: weapons, forts, etc., ceremonies & proceedings before & during battle, fighting, name of enemy, etc. (12 files)

O48, War, 3: defeated party, prisoners, slain, peace-making, etc. (8 files)

P49, Areas: groups A-R, and groups of which we know little (10 files)

P50, Areas: S-W (5 files)

P51, Areas: Samoa (7 files)

P52, Offices of State: chief’s council, orator councils, orators related to chiefs, oratory, priests (6 files)

P53, Tribute (labour) and communal work, justice, trial by ordeal, etc., oaths, crime, theft, murder (7 files)

P54, Fono and laws (13 files)

P55, Mats: names, titles, granting titles, taking away titles, etc. (8 files)

P56, Land: common property, private property (7 files)

P57, Wills: one heir to title and property, inheritance, succession & election, etc. (7 files)

P58, Heir brother, sister, sister’s son, inheritance by women, adopted children, etc., inheritance of rank, land (9 files)

Q59, Building new temples or houses: sacred houses, houses of chiefs and priests, assembly houses (12 files)

Q60, Dwelling-houses: villages, householders related to chief, sleeping (6 files)

Q61, Dancing, entertainment, poetry, games (6 files)

R62, Burial-places, altars, Marae graves (19 files)

R63, Funeral ceremonies, etc. (general), mourning (23 files)

R64, Making new Marae, Maras taboo, seat in Marae, etc. (8 files)

R65, Coffins, dressing corpse, embalming, etc., position, guardians of dead, etc. (7 files)

R66, Funeral ceremonies, special accounts (16 files)

S67, Illness (12 files)

S68, Sorcery, etc. (3 files)

S69, Legends, etc., legend-keepers, prayers, curses, consultation, etc., divination, possession, inspiration (20 files)

T70, Sky, sun, moon, stars, year, months, days (17 files)

T71, Earth, earthquake, volcanoes, fire, sea, fishing, flood, rain, rainbow, winds, thunder & lightning, echo (14 files)

T72, Origin of world, origin of man, first man (9 files)

T73, Origin and migrations (29 folders)

T74, Kava (& palm wine, etc.) (19 files)

V75, Areoi society, etc. (11 and Areoi notes by M.C., 1921 [66 ;s])

X76, History, suicide, etc. (16 folders)