Torday, Emil (MS 192)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Torday, Emil (MS 192)

Notes, etc. to ‘African races’. [London, 1930].

3 pts. 24½ cm. x 20 cm.

Typescript, handwritten corrections.

/1 Loose leaves; inserts: clippings from proofs

/2 15 bundles, five with title leaves: Aesthetic sentiments – Batwa moral sentiments – Fulani, regulation of labour – Husband and wife – Bantu under alien rule

/3 18 gatherings, entitled:

/1 Central Sudanic tribes, marital

/2 Batwa

/3 Batwa swamp dwellers

/4 Central Bantu (Forest)

/5 Central Bantu (Prairie)

/6 Eastern Bantu

/7 Southern Bantu

/8 Western Bantu

/9 Bantu under alien rulers

/10 Nilo Hamitic peoples

/11 Nilotic peoples

/12 Equatorial Hybrid tribes

/13 Western Sudanic peoples

/14 Central Sudanic peoples

/15 Fulani

/16-/17 Bushmen

/18 Hottentots.

Material for ‘African races’, published as Division I, no. 4 of Descriptive sociology, edited by H. Spencer, London, 1930