Gold Coast (MS 203)

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Native law and customs: [reports from District Commissioners to the Colonial Office]. 1906-8

7 pts. 33 x 19.5 cm


1-4 stamped on leaf 1: C.O. 18807 … Recd 25 May 08 – 6-7 inscribed on leaf 1: Enclosure 1[-2] in Gold Coast No. 314 of 24th June 1908 and stamped: C.O. 24770 … Recd 10 Jul 08; accompanied by printed and completed form: Gold Coast. No. 314. 24th June 1908. Governor Sir John Rodger, KCMG to the Right Honourable The Earl of Crewe … Subject: Laws and customs of West African native communities – further reports on. (3 enclosures)

Contents :

/1 By Dr J. Lunn, Acting District Commissioner, Volta River District

/2 By J. Alex. Williams Esq., District Commissioner, Prampram District. [Prampram, 8th February 1907]

/3 By W.P. Michelin Esq., District Commissioner, Sekondi District

/4 By A.W. Thompson Esq., District Commissioner, Dixcove District [26 July 1906]

/5 By J.T. Furley, District Commissioner, Tarkwa Disrict

/6 … Ashanti, by Captain C.H. Armitage, Acting Chief Commissioner

/7 … Tarkwa (Wassau) District, by John Maxwell Esq., Provincial Commissioner. [Ada, 11th April 1908]