Im Thurn, Sir Everard Ferdinand (President 1919-20) “collection” (MS 227)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Im Thurn, Sir Everard Ferdinand (President 1919-20) “collection” (MS 227)

Parliamentary and other papers

Various papers. Various sizes

Printed and holograph

Contents :

/1 Correspondence relating to the removal of Mr Pritchard from Tahiti, 1844

/2 Papers relating to Tahiti and to the Leeward, or Society Islands in the Pacific, 1847

/3 Convention between Her Majesty and the King of the Sandwich Islands, 1847

/4 Correspondence relating to the occupation of German Samoa by an expeditionary force from New Zealand, 1915

/5 Correspondence relative to the proceedings of the French at Tahiti 1825-1842

/6 Correspondence on the subject of removal of inhabitants of Pitcairn’s Island to Norfolk Island [Nos. 1-6, papers presented to both Houses of Parliament or to the House of Commons]

/7 Early European voyages in the S.W. Pacific, a lecture delivered to the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, 17 Dec. 1925

/8 Autograph letter signed: G.A.N. Lealand, dated Tonga Tabu, 1848, 5 photostat copies

/9 First contacts of white men & so-called savages, an address

Presented by the Scottish Anthropological and Folklore Society, 8 March 1960