Young, Leslie M. (MS 311)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Young, Leslie M. (MS 311)

[notes on various published papers. 1914-87]

2 folders; card index. Leaves 26.5 x 20 cm (folders); 7.5x 13 cm (cards)

Manuscript and typewritten

Loose leaves

Presented by Mrs J.E. Marshall, 16 Nov. 1987

Contents :

/1 Folder 1

/1 Hebrew

/1 [8 pp.] on History of Maya; by Thorndike, V.1., pp. 340-7

/2 [12 pp.] on Jewish Encyclopaedia, V.5, pp. 178-82

/3 [9 pp.] on The Book of the secrets of Enoch; by W.R. Morfell

/4 [2 pp.] on The Book of Enoch; by R.H. Charles, Book 8

/5 [14 pp.] on Folklore in the Old Testament; by J.G. Frazer, V.1

/2 Indian Mythology

/1 [2 pp.] on Hindu mythology; by W.J. Wilkins, pp. 77-9

/2 [13 pp.] on Folklore in the Old Testament; by J.G. Frazer, pp. 183-93

/3 [3 pp.] on Principles of geology; by C. Lyell, pp. 6-9

/3 Astronomy

/1 [2 pp.] on Atlantis; by I. Donnelly, pp. 29-30

/2 [6 pp.] on The Atlanticus cataclysm; by L. Spence [from] The Atlantis Q. 1:1 (1932), pp. 54-8

/3 [2 pp.] on Some recent contributions to the theory of the motion of the moon [from] Popular sci.rev. 1878, pp. 230-1

/4 Mesopotamian civilizations

/1 [2 pp.] on The early history of Sumer, pp. 5-6

/2 [6 pp.] on Mesopotamia; by L.J. Delaporte, pp. 17-22

/3 [3 pp.] on Gods of the Egyptians; by E.A.W. Bridge, V. 1, pp. 288-90

/4 [9 pp.] on The dawn of civilization; by G.C.C. Maspero, pp. 537-46

/5 [1 p.] on Religions of ancient Babylonians (The Hibbert lecture); by A.H. Sayce, p. 82

/6 [16 pp.] on Folklore of the Old Testament; by J. Frazer, pp. 107-10

/7 [4 pp.] on The dawn of astronomy; by N. Lockyer, pp. 371-5

/8 [4 pp.] on Human history; by E.G. Smith

/9 [13 pp.] on The flood; by H.J. Peake, pp. 50-74

/5 Geology

/1 [44 pp.] on Some remarks on the Atlantis problem; by R.F. Schurff [from] Royal Irish Acad.Proc. 24 (1902), pp. 268-302

/2 [4 pp.] on Atlantis; by G. Donnelly, pp. 46-53

/3 [11 pp.] on Atlantis and the permanency of the Atlantic Ocean; by C. Schurchert [from] Sci.Amer. 83 (1917), pp. 258-9

/4 [3 pp.] on How were the eocenes of England deposited; by J. Starkie-Gardner [from] Popular sci.rev. 1878, pp. 290-3

/5 [7 pp.] on a Journal of Philology 18 (1898) pp. 134-9

/6 [19 pp.] on Folklore in the Old Testament; by J.G. Frazer, pp. 342-61

/7 [2 pp.] on Encyclopaedia Britannica, Art Sahara

/8 [3 pp.] on The antiquity of man; by A. Keith, v. 1, pp. 38-40

/9 [4 pp.] on The antiquity, pp. 342-5

/10 [2 pp.] on BBC radio newsreel, 11 Feb. 1948

/11 [3 pp.] on Elements of geology; by J. Le Conto, pp. 129-31

/12 [25 pp.] on Presidential address, Geological Soc. London [from] Geo.Soc.Q.J. 60 (1904), plates 33-102

/13 [12 pp.] on Swinging sea-level of the ice age; by R.A. Daly [from] Bull.Geol.Soc. of America 40 (1929), pp. 721-34

/14 [1 p.] on The ocean; by J. Murray, pp. 32-4

/15 [6 pp.] on Bermuda during the ice age; by R.W. Sayles [from] Amer.Acad.arts sci. 66, pp. 446-69

/16 [21 pp.] on Atlantis; by P. Termier [from] Smithsonian Inst.A.R. 129:397 (1915), pp. 219-32

/17 [3 pp.] on The midatlantic ridge; by H. Pettersson [from] The Times, 11 Sep. 1948

/18 [3 pp.] on The voyage of the Challenger; by E.W. Thomson, V.2, pp. 288-9

/19 [6 pp.] on Sci.Amer. 28 July 1877, p. 48

/20 [4 pp.] on The geological history of the Atlantic ocean; by J.W. Gregory [from] Geol.Soc.proc. 35 (1929)

/21 [46 pp.] on The ice age; by J. Geikic, pp. 776-815

/22 [8 pp.] on The changing world of the ice age; by R.A. Daly, pp. 34-41

/2 Folder 2

/1 Mexican civilizations

/1 [3 pp.] on Mexican archaeology; by T.A. Joyce, pp. 7-9

/2 [18 pp.] on Maya art; by H.J. Spinden [from] Peabody Mus.amer.arch.ethnol. 6 (1913) pp. 219-31

/3 The history of the Maya; by T. Gann and J.E. Thompson, pp. 4-8

/4 [2 pp.] on Mexican archaeology; by T.A. Joyce, pp. 31-3

/5 [12 pp.] on Native races of the Pacific states of America, v. 3, pp. 58-72; by H.H. Bancroft

/6 [4 pp.] on Mexican archaeology; by T.A. Joyce, pp. 46-9

/7 [18 pp.] on Native races, v.3, pp. 240-65

/8 [2 pp.] on Codex Kingsborough, v.6, pp. 172-5

/9 [4 pp.] on Native races v.3, pp. 70-3

/10 [3 pp.] on Native races v.5, pp. 208-10

/11 [2 pp.] on Native races v.3, pp. 243-8

/12 [4 pp.] on Native races v.5, pp. 273-5

/13 [4 pp.] on Native races pp. 245-7

/14 [2 pp.] on Mexican arch p. 134

/15 [2 pp.] on Native races v.2, pp. 173-4

/16 [10 pp.] on North America of antiquity; by J.T. Short, p. 408, 450-9

/2 Central American civilizations

/1 [5 pp.] on Maya art; by J. Spinden, pp. 170-3

/2 [21 pp.] on The inscriptions of Copan; by S.G. Morley from Carnegie Inst. of Washington Publ. 219, pp. 403-15

/3 [4 pp.] on Mexican archaeology; by T.A. Joyce, pp. 367-71

/4 [2 pp.] on Native races v.3, pp. 759-60

/5 [2 pp.] on Mexican arch pp. 202-3

/6 [2 pp.] on A Maya language; by A.M. Tozzer [from] Peabody Mus.arch.ethnol. 9 (1921), pp. 3-5

/7 [6 pp.] on The origin and history of the Mayas; by M.W. Jakeman, pp. 166-70

/8 [10 pp.] on Maya zodiac at Acanceh; by S. Hagar [from] Amer.anth. 16 (1914), pp. 88-95

/9 [3 pp.] on Native races v.5, pp. 614-6

/10 [8 pp.] on Mexican arch pp. 355-71

/11 [2 pp.] on Native races v.3, pp. 461-4

/12 [3 pp.] on A primer of Maya hieroglyphics; by D.G. Brinton from Pennsylvania Univ. publ. in phil.lit.arch.. 3:2, pp. 46-50

/13 [4 pp.] on Representations of deities on Mayan MSS; by P. Schellhas from Peabody Mus.arch.ethnol. 4:1, pp. 7-9

/14 [7 pp.] on Native races v.5, pp. 159-65

/15 [2 pp.] on Native races v.3, pp. 452-4

/16 [7 pp.] on The correlation of Maya and Christian chronology; by R.C. Long from JRAI 61 (1931), pp. 407-12

/17 [12 pp.] on A primer of Maya hieroglyphics; by D.G. Brinton, pp. 18-19

/18 [10 pp.] on Native races v.3, pp. 42-5

/19 [17 pp.] on Native races v.5, 170-84

/20 [1 p.] on Mexican arch

/21 [2 pp.] on Native races v.2, pp. 637-8

/22 [4 pp.] on Native races v.2, pp. 798-801

/23 [2 pp.] on Evolution of the dragon; by E.G. Smith, pp. 83-5

/24 [2 pp.] on A Scientific American supplement; by A. Le Plongeon, 31 Jan. 1885

/25 [4 pp.] on Native races v.2, pp. 771-3

/26 [7 pp.] on A primer, pp. 9-17

/27 [4 pp.] on A Scientific American supplement; by A. Le Plongeon, 31 Jan. 1885, p. 7572. American archaeology

/28 [24 pp.] on South American archaeology; by T.A. Joyce, pp. 168-92

/29 [21 pp.] on The beginning of civilization in America; by C.N. Lewis from Amer.anth. 49:1, pp. 1-22

/30 [2 pp.] on Native races v.1, pp. 251-2

/3 Card Index

/1 Asia. 266 cards

/2 China. 247 cards

/3 Japan. 4 cards

/4 India. 56 cards

/5 Mesopatamia. 364 cards

/6 Ugarit. 33 cards

/7 Anthropology. 3 cards

/8 Religion and cults. 240 cards

/9 Symbolism. 16 cards

/10 Polynesia. 149 cards

/11 Pacific Islands. 11 cards

/12 Oceania. 9 cards

/13 Haiti. 3 cards

/14 St Vincent. 1 card

/15 Cuba. 1 card

/16 Central America. 180 cards

/17 Mexico. 156 cards

/18 Mesoamerica. 323 cards

/19 South America. 37 cards

/20 Bolivia. 9 cards

/21 Brazil. 2 cards

/22 Columbia. 2 cards

/23 Ecuador. 2 cards

/24 Peru. 7 cards

/25 United States. 17 cards