/1 Albanian literature: an outline of prose, poetry, and drama; by Stuart E. Mann, MA. [viii], 121, [ii] pp. Bernard Quaritch Ltd., 11 Grafton Street, London, W1, 1955. Rough proof W/1699. Corrections and annotations throughout, particularly the pink wrapper.
Presented by the author, 1988
/2 Start, Laura E. The Durham collection of garments and embroideries from Albania and Yugoslavia, with notes by M. Edith Durham. (Bankfield Museum notes, third series, no. 4) q.v. [H6/KF (Bankfield) 9437, 12158]. [ii], 76 pp., frontis., plate, illus, map. Halifax, Halifax Corportation, 1939. Dedication on [i] p.: with much appreciation Edwin & Liria Florance, 10 June 1975.
Presented by S.E. Mann, 1988