Stocking, George W. Jr (MS 322)

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Reading the palimpsest of inquiry: Notes and Queries and the history of British social anthropology

2 copies, 2 letters. 28 x 21.5 cm


Huxley Memorial Lecture, Royal Anthropological Institute, St Catherine’s College, Oxford, July 29, 1993

Note: While I don’t object to the citation of this material in a general way, I would prefer THAT IT NOT BE QUOTED FROM, NOR REPRODUCED, NOR REFERENCE BE MADE TO SPECIFIC PASSAGES, since if I had time to prepare a documented version for actual publication I would undoubtedly in the process reconsider and perhaps modify portions of the text.

Presented by Professor George Stocking, February 16, 1993.

Contents :

/1 The text as delivered with title page. [i], 33 leaves

/2 Huxley Lecture draft, March 4 1993. 64 leaves

/3 Letter to Jonathan Benthall from George W. Stocking Jr., February 16, 1994. 1 leaf

/4 Letter to Professor George Stocking from Jonathan Benthall, 24 February 1994. 1 leaf

/5 RAI House memorandum from Jonathan Benthall to Beverley Emery, 25 February 1994. 1 leaf