Berndt, Ronald M. and Berndt, Catherine H. (MS 365)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Berndt, Ronald M. and Berndt, Catherine H. (MS 365)

/1 Native labour and welfare in the Northern Territory. First phase: From Aug. 1944 to June 1945, the North-Western central part of the Northern Territory. 1946. [ii], iv, 1-215 pp. Carbon typescript. 25 x 20 cm. Addendum insertions of 1 p. each, pp. 34, 37-8, 40-1, 45, 50, 52, 54, 57, 63, 66, 68, 71, 73, 76, 78, 154. Table insertions p. 53 [3 pp.] and p. 154 [16 pp.]

/2 Native labour and social welfare in the Northern Territory. Second phase: From June 1945 to Apr. 1946, the Upper Northern section of the Northern Territory. 1946. [vi], 217-94 pp. Carbon typescript. 25 x 20 cm. Table inserts pages 249 [5 pp.], 255 [5 pp.], 262 [2 pp.], 275 [10 pp.], 282 [6 pp.], 284 [5 pp.]

/3 Sketch map of the Western Central area of the Northern Territory. 1946. 1 sheet. 35.5 x 42 cm. Manuscript and typescript. With key to tribes in accompanying sketch map. 1 p.

/4 Sketch map of the Upper Northern part of the Northern Territory. 1946. 1 sheet. 30.5 x 46 cm. Manuscript and typescript. With key of map (for part two) showing distribution of tribes mentioned in the main text. 2 pp.

Presented by the authors, 1946