Keith, Sir Arthur, “collection” (MS 440)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Keith, Sir Arthur, “collection” (MS 440)

[Human nature: research notes on the mental and moral qualities of man]. 1827-1952.

Notes and jottings, papers, publications. Various sizes.

Handwritten, printed and typewritten.

The material in sections MS 440/1-/10, /12-/13, /15-/32 was presented in magazines used as loose scrapbooks with pages interleaved with notes and references arranged by subject and each bearing a title and contents list. The magazine issues have been discarded as they were irrelevant to the MS material and in poor condition, but the titles and contents lists attached to them have been retained.

Sir Arthur Keith wrote a series of articles in The Literary Guide and Rationalist review in which he refers to his ‘portfolios’, each with a particular title, and containing compartments each labelled with a particular subject. These ‘portfolios’ appear to be the copies of magazines interleaved with collections of notes and slips each bearing a particular title of which this manuscript is comprised. See An anthropologist in retirement by Sir Arthur Keith, VI, Life: its purpose (continued). From The Literary Guide and rationalist review. LVIII: 6 June 1943, pp. 58-60. Filed attached to the title of MS 440/8.

Presented by an unknown donor c. 1950’s.

Contents :

/1 Human evolution

/2 Evolution

/3 Evolution and human nature

/4 Nature

/5 Human nature: abstracts from human nature

/6 Human nature: conscious, subconscious

/7 Miscellaneous

/8 Man’s unique character

/9 Race – Nation

/10 Racial differences in human nature

/11 Civilization

/12 Survival from tribe folio

/13 Genetics hybridity

/14 War

/15 War and peace

/16 Peace

/17 Altruism

/18 Duality of mental characteristics

/19 Mentality, evolution of

/20 Psychology

/21 Psychology

/22 Neurological evidence

/23 Emotions, feelings, passions

/24 Prejudice, mental bias

/25 Instinct

/26 Animal nature

/27 Status

/28 Family instincts and ties

/29 Survivals

/30 Universalism

/31 Episodes, R.P.A. 1948, Johnson 1949

/32 Carlyle

/1 Human evolution. Various papers. Title and contents list. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/1 Darwin. No entries

/2 Galton and K.P. [Karl Pearson]. 10 notes and 23 slips. Various sizes

/1 Galton, ’08 Chap. XXI, Race improvement. 1 note. 11 x 17 cm

/2 Galton, ’08 p. 266 (Chap. XIX) Human faculty (1883). Typewritten. 1 note. 7.5 x 17.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Factor, select. isol. IIIA, 93-94, Pearson. 1 note. 7 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 K.P. Chance death vol. 1, 63, Reproductive selection. 1 note. 9.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/5 K.P. Chance of D. Vol. 1, p. 103, selection. 1 note. 8 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/6 K.P. Vol. IIIA, p. 434 (1924): [notes]. 2 pp. 15.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/7 Karl Pearson, Ann. eugen. 1930, 41, theory of progression. 1 note. 6.5 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/8 K. Pearson, New theory of progressive evol. : [notes]. 2 pp. 14 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/9 KP’s Hux. Lect. JRAI, 1904, 33, p. 179. 1 note. 8 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/10 K.P. Ann. eugen., 1930, 4, p. 1, On a new theory of progressive evolution. 1 note. 8 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/11 23 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 12 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Wallace. 2 notes and 8 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Race, A.R. Wallace, Anthrop. rev. 1864, 2, 158, Darwin position. 1 note. 12 x 13.5 cm

/2 A.R. Wallace, Anthrop. rev. 1864, 2, 158., evol. 1 note. 8.5 x 12 cm

/3 8 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 3 slips

/4 Moderns. 4 notes, 1 newspaper cutting and 17 slips. Various sizes

/1 R.A. Fisher, chap. XI, The social selection of fertility. 1 p. 20 x 16.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Thorndike, Prof. ed. L. Nature, 17/9/1949, p. 474. 1 note. 11.5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/3 Carr, S., 22, Fecundity. 1 note. 8.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 A.H. Schultz, Sc. month. 1932, 34, 360, several hundred monkeys … 1 note. 9 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/5 Mr Robert Briffault: [obituary]. Ts. 15/12/48. 1 newspaper cutting. 12 x 6 cm. Printed

/6 17 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 12 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/5 Antiques. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten

/6 Heads per sq. mile. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Typewritten

/7 Bagehot. 1 note and 34 slips. Various sizes

/1 S.J. Holmes, Science, 1932, 75, 201, evolution. 1 note. 8 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 34 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 18 slips; p. 2, 15 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Spencer and Burke. 1 paper, 1 note and 4 slips. Various sizes

/1 Burke, 5, 364, Man … who prerogative it is … 1 p. 26.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/2 Burke, Morley?, p. 77, family a tribalism. 1 note. 8.5 x 8 cm. Handwritten

/3 4 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 Romanes and Bishop Butler. 4 slips attached to 1 p. Typewritten

/10 Posture. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Typewritten

/11 Marriage. 4 papers, 1 note, 27 slips. Various sizes

/1 Ed. Westermarck, The history of human marriage, 3 vols., origin and dev. of moral ideas: [notes]. 4 leaves. 22 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/2 Ed. Westermarck, Three essays on sex & marriage, Macmillan, 1934: [notes]. 5 pp. 22 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/3 T & E, 4, p. 93: Westermarck’s theory of exog. aversion to the familiar …: [notes]. 1 p. 15 x 17.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 T & E, I, p. 287: Such titles would not by any means …: [notes]. 1 p. 25.5 x 17.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 A.M. Hocart, Inbreeding, JRAI, 1937, 6:3, p. 415: [notes]. 1 p. 9.5 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 27 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 12 slips; p. 2, 15 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/12 Isolation see No Darwin folio. 2 notes and 14 slips. Various sizes

/1 Factor, Prof. Sewall Wright, Genetics, rev. by R.A. Fisher, Eug. Rev. 1931, p. 89 …: 1 note. 8.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Davies, Isol. war, p. 15: 1 note. 9 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/3 14 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 7 slips; p. 2, 7 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/13 Race & mixture. 2 notes and 9 slips. Various sizes

/1 Refr. Comm. on mixed marriage, S. Africa, 1939. 1 note. 9 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Hooton ’39, p. 202, U.S.A. 1 note. 6.5 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/3 9 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 3 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/14 No entries

/15 Statistical. 2 notes and 8 slips. Various sizes

/1 G.M. Morant; Biomet. 1939, 31, p. 72. 1 note. 11 x 17 cm. Typewritten

/2 Data; 52 M2; 4OM2 habitable (Allee, ch. VII). 1 note. 9 x 18 cm. Typewritten

/3 8 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 4 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/16 Brain data. 1 letter, 1 note, 3 graphs and 18 slips. Various sizes

/1 Letter to Sir Arthur Keith from Karl Pearson, 29 June 1925 – pre-fifteenth century syphilis; confused with leprosy; resolve question by excavating bones in leper burial grounds; wants Keith to promote disinterment at Kingcase near Ayr. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/2 Small brained, medium, large. 1 note. 12 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 Boys/girls increase in size of head; Prof. R.J.A. Berry & Dr Porteus. 1 graph. 22 x 17 cm. Handdrawn

/4 [Rough draft of MS 440/1/16/3]. 1 graph. 13.5 x 28.5 cm. Handdrawn

/5 Man, gorilla, chimpanzee, orang, gibbon, semnopithecus. 1 graph. 17 x 22 cm. Printed

/6 18 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 10 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/17 Endocrines. 2 notes. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Zuckerman, S. Hormones and. 1 note. 7.5 x 13.5 cm

/2 Studitskii, Prof. A.N., Nature, 1946, 157, 427. 1 note. 4.5 x 20.5 cm

/18 No entries

/19 Independence, liberty. 4 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 3 slips; p. 2, 1 slip. Handwritten and typewritten

/20 Castes. 2 papers and 16 slips. Various sizes

/1 Initiation outcomes. 1 p. 20.5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Caste Dubois – compare with tribe. 1 p. 18.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 16 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 7 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/21 Patriotism. 5 notes, 2 newspaper cuttings and 19 slips. Various sizes

/1 Adam Smith, pt. VI, sect. 2, ch. 2, p. 334. 1 note. 11 x 19 cm. Typewritten

/2 Patriotism, Lloyd George, Ts 14/7/34, eisteddfod. 1 note. 8 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 Patriotism, 21.8.34, ‘In the spring orders were given …’. 1 note. 6.5 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 24/11/44, ‘Patriotism is the passion …’. 1 note. 9 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 ‘The passion which underlies patriotism …’. 1 note. 8.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/6 ‘Do we want to get rid of patriotism altogether?’ 1 newspaper cutting. 4 x 6.5 cm. Printed

/7 ‘Old and true’ – CCLI, Marquis 1630-1695? 1 newspaper cutting. 6 x 6 cm. Printed

/8 19 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/22 Revenge. 19 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/23 Language. 2 papers, 2 newspaper cuttings, 1 note and 8 slips. Various sizes

/1 John Fraser, Harv. Univ. Hist. of world, 1936. 1 p. 21 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/2 Language: its origins and historical importance, Chap. 8, pp. 324-6, maps. (From Harv.U. Hist of world, 1936). 25 x 17 cm. Printed

/3 English usage; by V.M. Allom, 2/1/43. 1 newspaper cutting. 11.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/4 English usage; by R.A.S. Paget, 31/12/42. 1 newspaper cutting. 15 x 8 cm. Printed

/5 P. Rattray, Ts. 17/8/34, Aryan nation to race. 1 note. 10 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 8 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 4 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/24 Design – purpose. 1 letter, 1 paper, 1 newspaper cutting and 14 slips. Various sizes

/1 Letter to Keith from M. Roberts, 10 Oct. 1923 – discusses meaning, uses and origin of the term teleology; seeks better phrase than evolutionary herniation; limb buds as tumours; sees hormones as quantitative as well as qualitative; pleasantries. 2 pp. 18 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/2 T.H. Huxley’s predestination of evol. force. 1 p. 20.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Process and purpose: [rev. of] Design and purpose; by F. Wood Jones, Ts. Lit. Sup. 1 newspaper cutting. 12.5 x 14 cm. Printed

/4 14 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 7 slips; p. 2, 7 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/25 Domestication. 3 notes and 27 slips. Various sizes

/1 Domestication – ‘under prolonged civilization …’ 1 note. 9 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/2 Domesticity, T. Reid. 1 note. 10.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Swift’s Gulliver, p. 351, domesticity. 1 note. 9 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/4 27 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 16 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/26 Slavery. 1 note and 16 slips. Various sizes

/1 Bondsmen, Lev. 25:44. 1 note. 8 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 16 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 10 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Evolution. Various papers. Title and contents list. 21 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/1 Classification. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten

/2 Abstract of my ‘Man and Ape’, 1900. No entries

/3 Posture. 2 drawings and 5 slips. Various sizes

/1 Pronograde – monkey, No. 1. 1 pen and ink drawing of skeleton and internal organs in colour. 10.5 x 17.5 cm attached to page, 13.5 x 21 cm

/2 Orthograde gibbon, No. 2. 1 pen and ink drawing of skeleton and internal organs in colour. 15 x 8.5 cm attached to page, 21 x 13.5 cm

/3 5 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten

/4 Skull and face factors. 1 p. and 4 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Orbits. 1 p. 21 x 13 cm

/2 4 slips attached to 1 p.

/5 Uro-genital. 1 paper and 8 slips. Various sizes

/1 J.P. Hill, Phil. Trans. 1932, 221 (B), 45.: [notes]. 1 p. 12 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 8 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 3 slips, illus. Handwritten and typewritten

/6-/9 No titles. No entries

/10 Civilization: definitions, history of. 1 paper, 4 notes and 32 slips. Various sizes

/1 Civilization: man of taste & breeding. 2 pp. 14.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Gibbon, Civilization, def. and civiliz… 1 note. 8 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Gibbon, vol. 1, p. 215. 1 note. 7 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/4 Clive Bell, Essentials of civilization. 1 note. 5 x 16.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 Matthew Arnold, civilization – culture. 1 note. 7 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/6 32 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 16 slips; p. 2, 16 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/11-/12 No titles. No entries

/13 Civilization. Definitions, history of. 5 notes and 8 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Old world resemblances: Mexico before Cortez: [list]. 2 pp. 18 x 13.5 cm

/2 Mexico before Cortez, 2: culture. 1 note. 9.5 x 13.5 cm

/3 Civiliz., Childe, Bronze age, 1930. 1 note. 8 x 13.5 cm

/4 Civilizat., End of the early (prepyramid) Mespot. 1 note. 11 x 16 cm

/5 C.W. Bishop, Begin civiliz., E. Asia. 1 note, 2 pp., illus. 10 x 12.5 cm

/6 8 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 4 slips

/14 Progress in civilization. 1 article, 12 notes and 41 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Progress!; by E. Rat Lankester, pp. 733-5. From: Nature, 12 Aug. 1920. 26 x 19 cm. Printed

/2 Bury, J.B., The idea of progress, 1930. 1 note. 9 x 11.5 cm

/3 Ber. Shaw, 33, progress. 1 note. 6 x 14.5 cm

/4 Kant, Idea of universal history on a political plan, 1784. 1 note. 8.5 x 11 cm

/5 A.K. Edin. 19/5/35. 1 note. 7 x 12.5 cm

/6 Saint Simeon, J.B. Bury. 1 note. 7 x 12 cm

/7 Progress, Nat. 1920, 105, 733, Leader. 1 note. 11 x 13.5 cm

/8 H.S. Harrison, JRAI, 1936, 66. 1 note. 6 x 12.5 cm

/9 Human mind seems to wander without guidance … 1 note. 8 x 13.5 cm

/10 Lord Raglan, 1939. How came civilization. 1 note. 9.5 x 15 cm

/11 Civiliz., Caucasian stock … 1 note, 2 pp. 7.5 x 13.5 cm

/12 Nat., 1937, 140, 945, Leader, civiliz. 1 note. 7 x 15 cm

/13 Civilization, Evolution of capital … 1 note. 12 x 11 cm

/14 41 slips attached to 4 pp., p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 9 slips; p. 3, 7 slips; p. 4, 14 slips

/15 Race and culture; nature and culture. 4 notes and 27 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and 2 slips typewritten

/1 Ts, 12/12/42, Curley, Race … 1 note. 15.5 x 13 cm

/2 Times, 12.9.43, racial freedom. 1 note. 16.5 x 12.5 cm

/3 Nationalism and civilizat., Ts 25/8/34. 1 note. 8.5 x 15 cm

/4 John Murphy, Man, 1941, p. 6. 1 note. 10 x 13 cm

/5 27 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 16 slips; p. 2, 11 slips

/16 Clash of culture, tribal. 3 papers, 2 newspaper cuttings, 17 notes and 88 slips. Various sizes

/1 Black & white in the southern states. 2 leaves. 21 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 The South African natives. 1 p. 21 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 R.H. Rivers, 3, Destruction of interest in life. 1 p. 21 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 Diamond Jenness, 1921, Civilization. 1 p. 21 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/5 Disintegration in primitive societies. 1 newspaper cutting. (From Nature 19 July 1924). 11.5 x 9 cm. Printed

/6 Captain A.T. Mahan (The problem of Asia, 1900, p. 98) wrote 36 years ago; by Arnold Wilson. Ts 22/1/36. 1 newspaper cutting. 15.5 x 8 cm. Printed

/7 Race contact, D.F. Thomson, 7/7/38. 1 note. 6.5 x 18 cm. Handwritten

/8 Colonization, Dunbar p. 326. 1 note. 7 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/9 Darwin, Voyage Beagle, chap. X, p. 228. 1 note. 9 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/10 Treatment of natives. 1 note. 10 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/11 Ts. 12/4/45 Lord Lugard. 1 note. 15.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/12 Lord Harley’s African Survey, 1949. 1 note. 9.5 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/13 Ruling natives, Nat. 3/2/21, 717, Leader. 1 note. 10 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/14 Leader, Nat. 1926, 118, 614, Civilis. 1 note. 7.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/15 Nat. 30/10/26, p. 64. Civiliz. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/16 25/4/31, Humphrey Leggett gives evid. before Joint Parliam. Comm. on East-African native land dev. 1 note. 11 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/17 Tanganyika white paper, 1921, Nat. 1922, 110, 593. 1 note. 10.5 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/18 Spectator 27/6/31, 999. B. Malinowski, colour bar. 1 note. 12 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/19 Native treatment. 1 note. 8 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/20 Ts 28/3/42, Prolamet.? 1874, domestication. 1 note. 8.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/21 Colonies, Capt. Mahan, problems of Asia, 1900, p. 8. 1 note. 9.5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/22 Morality … Maine. 1 note. 6.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/23 Sir Chas. Lucan, The partition & coloniz. of Africa, 1922. 1 note. 11 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/24 88 slips attached to 8 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 12 slips; p. 3, 11 slips; p. 4, 10 slips; p. 5, 12 slips; p. 6, 14 slips; p. 7, 9 slips; p. 8, 10 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/17 Pros-cons of civilization. 6 notes and 34 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 W. Reade, p. 361, civiliz. 1 note. 8 x 10.5 cm

/2 p. 331, Our young noblemen are bred … 1 note. 7 x 15 cm

/3 Hawkins East 46. 1 note. 7 x 12.5 cm

/4 Morris Ginsberg, civiliz. 1 note. 8.5 x 11 cm

/5 Civilization, A.K. at Leeds, 1927? 1 note, 2 pp. 8 x 13.5 cm

/6 Bell p. 94. To talk about the good … 1 note, 2 pp. 9 x 13.5 cm

/7 34 slips attached to 3 pp.: p. 1, 12 slips; p. 2, 16 slips; p. 3, 6 slips

/18 Evolution of civilization. 8 notes and 28 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Evol. & civiliz. Man, V, p. 205. 1 note. 17 x 14 cm

/2 The ultimate – Clive Bell, p. 36. 1 note, 2 pp. 9 x 13 cm

/3 M. Arnold ’69, p. 31, civiliz. & evol. 1 note. 10 x 14.5 cm

/4 M. Arnold ’69, p. 159, civiliz. & evol. 1 note. 9 x 14.5 cm

/5 A.S. Mor. Sent. p. 297, civiliz. 1 note. 7 x 10 cm

/6 Civiliz. & evol. 1 note. 9 x 9.5 cm

/7 Galton 1969, 11, 109, civilization. 1 note. 6 x 12 cm

/8 J.H. Robinson. 1 note. 7.5 x 10 cm

/9 28 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 17 slips; p. 2, 11 slips

/19 The civilized mind. 3 notes and 26 slips. Various sizes

/1 Bell, Pleasures of intellect & emotions come 1st. 1 note. 8.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Hume essays II, 323, civiliz. 1 note. 7 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/3 177, To make a living precludes … 1 note. 8 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 26 slips attached to 3 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 12 slips; p. 3, 4 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/20 Civilization in decay. 2 notes and 15 slips. Various sizes

/1 Freud & Einstein, civilization & war. 1 note. 8.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Regoner? civil., B. Shaw 33, p. 28. 1 note. 8.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 15 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 7 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Evolution and human nature. Various papers. Title and contents list. 18 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/1 H.N. the product of evolution. 9 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 4 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 H.N. part of the machinery of evol. 1 note and 5 slips. Various sizes

/1 Human nature has been evolved … 1 note. 7 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 5 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 H.N. instances of kicks against civiliz. 9 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/4 The species is wise. 26 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 12 slips; p. 2, 14 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/5 No title. No entries

/6 Mode of life and goal must be consonant with H.N. 10 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/7 Where civilization uses H.N. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Amity, coop. complex at work. 11 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 Enmity, competition complex at work. 4 notes and 33 slips. Various sizes

/1 Hate in …, tooth for tooth revenge. 1 note. 15 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/2 Evolutionary ladder, rank. 1 note. 11 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Reid, Essays, 1788, 111, p. 11, chap. IV, emulation. 1 note. 9 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/4 Emotions, … 1 note. 6.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/5 33 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 22 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/10 Evolution of non. surviv. qualities. 2 slips attached to 2 pp. Various sizes. Handwritten

/11 Evolution of its driving power, wheels of. 3 notes and 30 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 The place of instinct in social science. 1 note. 16 x 18.5 cm

/2 Reid, Essays on intellect. powers of man, 1785. 1 note. 5.5 x 13 cm

/3 Tribal, Hume, An inquiry concerning human understanding, 1745. 1 note. 5.5 x 15 cm

/4 30 slips attached to 4 pp.: p. 1, 12 slips; p. 2, 11 slips; p. 3, 6 slips; p. 4, 1 slip

/12 Environment as ‘determiner’. 1 note and 5 slips. Various sizes

/1 Carr, S. 22, p. 467, chap. XIX. 1 note. 12.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/2 5 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/13 Mentality of evol. unit, tribes? 1 note and 2 slips. Various sizes

/1 Sacredness of promise … 1 note. 12 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 2 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/14 Moral nature – self v. society. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/15 Where satisfaction of human nature … 1 note. Handwritten

/1 Ts 12/5/44 records death of Mrs Moira Michael … 1 note. 10 x 13 cm

/16 Norms of urge. 1 slip attached to 1 p. Typewritten

/17 Desire for novelty … for repetition. 1 slip attached to 1 p. Typewritten

/18 To Psychol. XXXVII. No entries

/19 Nature- nurture. 1 slip attached to 1 p. Handwritten

/4 Nature. Various papers. Title and contents list. 15 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/1 Definitions and examples also supernatural. 8 papers, 10 notes, and 68 slips. Various sizes

/1 Nature, Corinthians, I, ii, 14. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 Shakespeare on Nature – From a dictionary of quotations. 6 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/3 Huxley on Nature. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/4 Bishop Joseph Butler, 1692-1752. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/5 Darwin on nature. 1 p. 20.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 Nature, Hume, p. 137. 1 p. 23 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/7 T. Reid, III-VIII, p. 595. 1 p. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/8 Nature & powers of protoplasm & organisation. 1 p. 20 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/9 Sherrington, Goethe on nature and on science. 1 note. 13 x 17 cm. Typewritten

/10 Shorter … nature … course of things. 1 note. 14.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/11 A.K., Essay 6, ultimates. 1 note. 11 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/12 Adam Smith, 319, Nature. 1 note. 12.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/13 Grolius Law of Nature. 1 note. 10.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/14 Everyman dictionary of quotations. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/15 L. Stephen on Hobbes, p. 173. 1 note. 7 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/16 Sedgewick ’93, p. 80, Nature. 1 note. 7 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/17 Huxley, Ethics p. 202, Nature. 1 note. 9.5 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/18 Nature, Yielding crops. 1 note. 7 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/19 68 slips attached to 6 pp.: p. 1, 15 slips; p. 2, 13 slips; p. 3, 10 slips; p. 4, 10 slips; p. 5, 10 slips; p. 6, 10 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Evolutionary change in living matter. No entries

/3 Human nature in accordance with missing change of qualities. 5 notes. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Nature, Hobbes, p. 242. 1 note. 14.5 x 13 cm

/2 Nature, Hobbes, N. ed., p. 84. 1 note. 15 x 13 cm

/3 Nature, Hobbes, p. 103, N. ed. 1 note. 9.5 x 13 cm

/4 Nature, Hume 11, p. 237. 1 note. 11 x 13 cm

/5 Nature, Hume 11, p. 223. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm

/4 The conditions under which precivilized man lived. 30 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 14 slips; p. 2, 16 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/5 Cosmos universe control, 5a, Kingdom life, 5b, Earth, life forces. 52 slips attached to 3 pp.: p. 1, 16 slips; p. 2, 18 slips; p. 3, 18 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/6 Development. 5 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/6a Usual, customary. 7 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/6b Heredity, inborn. 13 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 7 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/6c Constitution. 9 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/7 Creator, providence. 2 notes and 28 slips. Various sizes

/1 Nature, Adam Smith, p. 125. 1 note. 12 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/2 Nature, Reid, p. 545. 1 note. 7 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 28 slips attached to 4 pp., p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 10 slips; p. 3, 5 slips; p. 4, 3 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 In contrast to artificial spirit. 1 slip attached to 1 p. Typewritten

/9 Misuse of. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/10 It is natural to think usual ordinary course. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/11 Heart, breast. 5 notes and 10 slips. Various sizes

/1 Heart, Hume, II, p. 226. 1 note. 10 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Heart, Hume, I, p. 274. 1 note. 14 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Heart, Hartmann, II, p. 56. 1 note. 7 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/4 Heart, Boswell’s Johnson Everyman, p. 294. 1 note. 6.5 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/5 Breast, Hume II, p. 228. 1 note. 6 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 10 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/12 Spirit, soul. 1 note and 4 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Spirit, Hobbes, p. 281. 1 note. 11 x 12.5 cm

/2 4 slips attached to 1 p.

/5 Human nature: abstracts from human nature (as Factoria Evol.). Various papers. Title and contents list. 18 x 16.5 cm. Handwritten

/1 Social instinct & family affection. 12 notes and 33 slips. Various sizes

/1 Social instinct. 2 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 10:10:44, man’s social aptitudes. 1 note. 9 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Consciousness of kind. 1 note. 5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Take a chimpanzee community. 1 note. 6 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 Among apes young join groups. 1 note. 6.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 Marais 39, ch. IX, pairing. 1 note. 6 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/7 O.J. of An. IV, 16; Tribal … 1 note. 8 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/8 Tribal, W. Reade, p. 356. 1 note. 9 x 8.5 cm. Handwritten

/9 Burke, Reflections & rev. 1790. 1 note. 8 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/10 Giddings, Cons & kind. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/11 Social structure, Pres. add., A.R. Radcliffe-Brown. 1 note. 9 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/12 Tribal bonds. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/13 33 slips attached to 4 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 14 slips; p. 3, 3 slips; p. 4, 6 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Evolutionary role. 4 notes and 5 slips. Various sizes

/1 Constitution condemned by Plato. 1 note. 9.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/2 Those who are familiar with biological writings … 1 note. 9.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 A group has the following in common with the herd … 1 note. 11 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Government of a group. 1 note. 12 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 5 slips attached to 1 p. Typewritten

/3 Amity complex. 1 note and 2 slips. Various sizes

/1 The manifestation of the amity. 1 note. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 3 slips attached to 2 pp.: P. 1, 2 slips; p. 2, 1 slip. Typewritten

/4 Enmity complex, hatred. 3 notes and 15 slips. Various sizes

/1 The manifestations [sic] of the enmity. 1 note. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 29/10/44, In sorting hatred … 1 note. 11.5 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/3 IX, Hatred, trib. IX. 1 note. 13.5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 15 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/5 Dual code mentality. 1 note, 1 newspaper cutting and 8 slips. Various sizes

/1 Advantageous charact. 1 note. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Political: tribal qualities, 1/8/35. 1 newspaper cutting. 11.5 x 9 cm. Printed

/3 8 slips attached to 1 p. Typewritten and handwritten

/6 To morality. No entries

/7 Parental instinct. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/8 Loyalty. 8 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 Clannishness. 4 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/10 Competitive complex. 1 note and 7 slips. Various sizes

/1 Original sin, Times Preacher 10/11/51. 1 note. 7 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 7 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/11 Leadership. 1 paper, 2 notes, 1 newspaper cutting, and 30 slips. Various sizes

/1 Leadership. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Wavell, Ts. 17/2/41, Tribal. 1 note. 9 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 King Henry V, Tribalism, Act IV, Ac.1. 1 note. 6 x 15.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 J.A. Shender, Times 1934, ‘leader’. 1 newspaper cutting. 5 x 8 cm. Printed

/5 30 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 14 slips; p. 2, 16 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/12 No title. No entries

/13 Fighting complex. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/14 Politics. 5 notes and 18 slips. Various sizes

/1 Democracy and statesmanship. 1 note. 13 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 How is order maintained in a group … 1 note. 10 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Ueber die Methode der Wissenschaftlichen, Nationalism. 1 note. 10 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/4 Burke Morley, p. 521, Hum. var. 1 note. 8.5 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 Burke Morley, p. 220. 1 note. 6 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/6 18 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/15 Race, community consciousness. 6 notes and 16 slips. Various sizes

/1 Race consciousness: race discrimination: race superiority. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Evidence of acquisition of race consc. 1 note. 8.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Ts 30:10:43, West Indies, special corresp., race bar. 1 note. 6 x 16 cm. Typewritten

/4 The principles of sociology, Franklin H. Giddings, 1898. 1 note. 8.5 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/5 Psychology of group consciousness no. ii. 1 note. 6 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 How account for absence of race-conscience no. 8 status? 1 note. 5.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/7 16 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 7 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/16 No title. No entries

/17 Eugenics. 1 paper. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 3/9/44 Pros & cons of eugenics. 3 leaves. 20.5 x 12.5 cm (leaves 1-2); 20.5 x 16 cm (leaf 3)

/6 Human nature: conscious subconscious. Various papers. Title and contents list. 17 x 17 cm. Handwritten

/1 Conscious states. 1 note and 3 slips. Various sizes

/1 W.E. le Gros Clark, New biology, 1945. 1 note. 9.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 3 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 The subconscious. 6 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Self-conscious. 1 slip attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/4 A summary of definitions ‘Human nature’. 14 notes and 17 slips. Various sizes

/1 9:3:44, Essential elements of human nature. 4 leaves. 26 x 20 cm (leaf 1); 33 x 20.5 cm (leaves 2-4). Typewritten

/2 Elements in hum. nat. to be added to type. 1 p. 17.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Elements: to be considered in addition. 1 p. 17.5 x 16.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 More generalities, akisms. 1 p. 21 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 Human nature, Nat. 1941, 198, 351. 1 note. 9 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/6 Instinct. 1 note. 16 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/7 McDoug. 1932. instinct. 1 note. 14 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/8 Webster, temper. 1 note. 10.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/9 Percy to Ames, Ethnological Journal, 1913. 1 note. 11.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/10 It is interesting to compare & explain. 1 note. 10 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/11 Man’s mental aptitudes, RBA 1929. 1 note. 12.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/12 Conscience moral sense. 1 note. 8.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/13 New characters. 1 note. 8.5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/14 Div. of hum. nat. 1 note. 6.5 x 9.5 cm. handwritten

/15 17 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/5 Permanence, plasticity of ‘human nature’. 7 notes and 42 slips. Various sizes

/1 Sigmund Freud: a Marxian essay, by Francis H. Barlett. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 Plasticity of hum. nat. II, 10, 44. 1 note. 6.5 x 16.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Carveth Read, H. Nat. 1 note. 12.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 p. 146. G.V. Plekhanor, In defence of materialism. 1 note. 6.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/5 Emile. Social contract. 1 note. 6 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 p. 190, Domasho pigeons. 1 note. 5.5 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/7 Human Nature, Darwin. 1 note. 6 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/8 42 slips attached to 4 pp.: p. 1, 13 slips; p. 2, 14 slips; p. 3, 10 slips; p. 4, 5 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/6 Pros & cons of human nature. 1 note and 25 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Kames III, 123, hum. nat. 1 note. 6 x 12 cm

/2 25 slips attached to 4 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 8 slips; p. 3, 5 slips; p. 4, 4 slips

/7 Laughing, crying, humour. 10 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 4 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Happiness, unhappiness, sorrow, grief. 5 notes and 40 slips. Various sizes

/1 Schopenhauer on happiness, p. 32. 1 note. 16.5 x 21 cm.. Typewritten

/2 T. Reid, Essay VIII, chap. II. 1 note of 2 pp. 10 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/3 What is the place of happiness. 1 note. 7 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/4 Spinoza, Ethica, Bk. III. 1 note. 7 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/5 Happiness has to be earned. 1 note. 7 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 40 slips attached to 6 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 10 slips; p. 3, 7 slips; p. 4, 7 slips; p. 5, 4 slips; p. 6, 2 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 Attention, interest, care, anxiety, enthusiasm. 1 note and 15 slips. Various sizes

/1 Interest. 1 note. 7 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 15 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/10 Memory: imagination, fancy. 1 note and 10 slips. Various sizes

/1 To think is the same as to imagine. 1 note. 8 x 17 cm. Handwritten

/2 10 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/11 Hope, expectation etc., chance, doubt, probability. 9 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/12 Convictions, beliefs, doubts (see prejudices). 10 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/13 Will, control, patience, toleration, conduct. 1 note and 22 slips. Various sizes

/1 The Will, ch. IX, portrait IV, 1, p. 495, Spencer. 1 note. 8.5 x 19 cm. Typewritten

/2 22 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 12 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/14 Cruelty, etc. 6 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/15 Habit, custom, imitation, tradition. 7 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/16 Character, personality, responsibility, temper, temperament. 2 notes and 48 slips. Various sizes

/1 Character, Wm James to Teachers, p. 184. 1 note. 6 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Cottrell & Kinnier Wilson, J.Neur.psychopath, 1925, July. 1 note. 7.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 48 slips attached to 6 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 10 slips; p. 3, 10 slips; p. 4, 11 slips; p. 5, 3 slips; p. 6, 4 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/17 Wonder, admiration. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/18 See special folio. No entries

/19 Fancy to reality in youth. 1 note. 4 x 18.5 cm. Handwritten

/20 Motivation. 29 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 18 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/21 Ambition. 8 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 4 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/7 Miscellaneous. Various papers. Title and contents list. 11 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/1 Nature – meanings. No entries

/2 Man’s unique characters. 1 note. 10 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 Rationalism & irrationalism. 7 notes and 64 slips. Various sizes

/1 Herbert Spencer, Duncan, p. 366. 1 note. 9 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Wilfrid Trotter, Lancet 1939, 1, 1419. 1 note. 8 x 17 cm. Handwritten

/3 Burke Morley, p. 21, Rationalism. 1 note. 7 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/4 Rationalism. 1 note. 10.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 R.P.A. 1940, 49, W.B. Curry, Schoolmaster, tribal. 1 note. 6 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 Huxley, 1987, 11, 162. 1 note. 7.5 x 15.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 Chesterton quoted G.A. Robertson. 1 note. 6 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/8 64 slips attached to 6 pp.: p. 1, 17 slips; p. 2, 14 slips; p. 3, 13 slips; p. 4, 12 slips; p. 5, 4 slips; p. 6, 4 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/4 Property. 6 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/5 Justice and law. 6 notes and 40 slips. Various sizes

/1 Nuremberg Trial, Ts. Oct. 1st 1946. 1 note. 8 x 17.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Plato – Justice: 1st defin. … interest of the stroop. 1 note. 6.5 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Plato, Cornford, p. 124, justice. 1 note. 6.5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/4 Plato, Bk IV. Cornford, p. 136, justice. 1 note. 10.5 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 Theol., T. Reed. 1 note. 6.5 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 Hume essays, p. 269. Double code. 5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 40 slips attached to 3 pp.: p. 1, 14 slips; p. 2, 17 slips; p. 3, 9 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/6 Governments, their objects. 11 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 7 slips; p. 2, 4 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/7 Church and state. 7 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 3 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/8 Ultimates. 7 notes and 32 slips. Various sizes

/1 Hartmann 3, p. 120, Ultimates. 1 p. 20.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Leader Nat. 1937, 190, 946, Ultimate. 1 note. 8.5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/3 Leon Darwin to AK 1/4/35. The ultimate. 1 note. 7.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 Spinoza, Ultimate, Bidney, p. 338. 1 note. 6 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/5 Artist. Echin. 237, contemplate. – highest. 1 note. 7.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 Reid, IV, 253, 1. 1 note. 6 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 B. Malinowski, Hist. 1924, 114, 274. Ultimate. 1 note. 5.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/8 32 slips attached to 4 pp.: p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 12 slips; p. 3, 5 slips; p. 4, 2 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Man’s unique character: miscellaneous. II. Various papers. Title and contents list. 12.5 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/1 Lists. 3 notes and 4 slips. Various sizes

/1 Mans charact., uniqueness. 1 p. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Human char. cont. 1 note. 8.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 Human: to shape tools: to write. 1 note. 4.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 4 slips attached to 1 p. 7 x 19 cm. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Moral. relig. instruction. 17 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Intellect, creative, idealism. 6 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/4 Evolutionary. 6 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/5 Anatomical & functional. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/9 Race – nation. Various papers. Title and contents list. 18.5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/1 Psychology of racialism. 1 letter, 2 notes and 8 slips. Various sizes

/1 Letter to the Editor The Times from Arthur Keith, 7 Aug. 1934 – use of term ‘Aryan’ by Sir John Simon; Max Muller theory of 1861 on Aryan tongue; recanted after Huxley’s attack in term from Sir G. Elliot Smith’s address; should have withstood Huxley; explicit sense of use of term by Sir John Simon. 1 p. 25.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 Racialism 3:11:44. 1 note. 13.5 x 18.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Racialism 15/2/44. 1 p. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 8 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Definition of race. 3 letters, 6 notes and 15 slips. Various sizes

/1 Letter to AK from M. Roberts, 21 Mar. 1922 – gives meanings of types of races and panhomopic, polyhomopic, oligohomopic; will look for more words; had letter from Hudson who regrets he cannot hear AK lectures; must write cancer paper; AK remarks on evolution are stimulating; discusses cells and endocrinology. 2 pp. 20 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Ibid., 3 Mar. 1922 – terms endiocrite, mesodiacrite, adiacrite for racial description; replies to recent letter on homotypical and polytypical terms; will continue to research terms. 2 pp. 20 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Ibid., 9 Mar. 1922 – explains use of ‘diacritic’; terms for character of Jews; term for stability of racial character; Greek derivations; new words hold newly conquered territories of knowledge; cancer work of Bland Williams and own paper on cancer. 2 pp. 20 x 12.5 cm. handwritten

/4 A race, E.A. Hooton on crime & the man, 1939. 1 p. 21 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 E.A. Grosvenor, 1910, Race. 1 note of 2 pp. 13.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 Race, Prichard 1, 109. 1 note, 8.5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/7 Race, AK v H. Huxley, Times 23/7/36. 1 note. 6 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/8 Mendel’s rules. 1 note. 8.5 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/9 Ashley Montague, race. 1 note. 8.5 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/10 15 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Nation – race. 1 paper, 3 notes, 2 newspaper cuttings and 15 slips. Various sizes

/1 Evolution & race, 15/2/44. 1 p. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Nations are races, 15/2/44. 5 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 Nation, Galton R.G. vol. 2, 128. 1 note. 7 x 14 cm. handwritten

/4 Ripley, Nationality & race, p. 15. 1 note. 10.5 x 10 cm

/5 Prichard, V, p. 453; I shall classify the nations of S. America … 1 note. 8 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 The meaning of ‘race’: to the editor of The Times by Arthur Keith. 1 newspaper cutting. 7 x 6 cm. Printed

/7 Evolution and nations: the German race: to the editor of The Times; by Arthur Keith. From: The Times, 23/7/36. 1 newspaper cutting. 26.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/8 15 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 7 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/4 Nation, definitions, characters. 9 notes and 12 slips. Various sizes

/1 Enumeration & national charac. 3 leaves. 21.5 x 15 cm (leaf 1); 21.5 x 13 cm (leaf 2); 20 x 10.5 cm (leaf 3). Handwritten

/2 Y.B. for omission: [lists of authors and subjects]. 2 pp. 26.5 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/3 [List of countries]. 1 note. 11 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/4 ‘There is a wide range of physical types in every nation …’ 2 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/5 13/12/1937, ‘should use loneliness to illustrate …’ 1 note. 12 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/6 Nation, Jew. Gen. x.32 … 1 note. 6.5 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 Nat. R. Chpt. XIV, Nature of nations. 1 note. 7 x 17 cm. typewritten

/8 ‘When we consider the ties or bonds…’ 1 note. 7 x 18 cm. Typewritten

/9 Nation, Indefinable: McDoug, group p. chapt. VI. 1 note. 6 x 16.5 cm

/10 12 slips attached to 2 pp.: p.1, 4 slips; p. 2, 8 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/5 National psychology. 10 notes and 45 slips. Various sizes

/1 Nationalism Persia, Ts 2/7/35. 1 note. 12 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Bonds. 1 note. 7.5 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Nationalism. 1 note. 10 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Nationalism. NYT 1/1/33. 1 note. 8.5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/5 Nationalism: pros & cons. 1 note. 18 x 7.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 Evolution … in years & months. 1 note. 8 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/7 Nationalism, population, A.M. Carr-Saunders, 1925. 1 note. 7.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/8 Th Roosevelt, Ts 17/3/41. 1 note. 10.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/9 Nat. Rep. chapt. III, patriotism. 1 note. 6.5 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/10 Westermarck XXXIII, vol. 2, nation-tribe. 1 note. 6.5 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/11 45 slips attached to 4 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 10 slips; p. 3, 11 slips; p. 4, 14 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/6 Nation making. 1 paper, 1 note and 14 slips. Various sizes

/1 Nationality of the peace treaties. 7 leaves. 17.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Consider effects of denationalization. 1 note. 6.5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 14 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/7 Race making. 3 notes and 6 slips. Various sizes

/1 Linnaeus, 1735, race varieties & subspecies. 1 note. 13.5 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Marais ’39, p. 19. Doornhock, Mes. Watersberg. 1 note. 7.5 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/3 ?Sergei ?, 1901, zoolog. methods only reliable. 1 note. 10 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 6 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 2 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Nationalism condemned. 2 notes and 10 slips. Various sizes

/1 Cost of nationalism. 1 note. 19.5 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 National, Taylor’s Faust, Goethe. 1 note. 16.5 x 8 cm. Handwritten

/3 10 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 4 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 Nationality. 3 notes and 4 slips. Various sizes

/1 Nationality, 7/11/44, ‘Had overlooked this term…’ 1 note. 12 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Ch. H. Pearson, 1894, National life & character. 1 note. 21 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/3 Nationalism, P. Wanul? Rev. Aug. 34, Dr Seton-Watson. 1 note. 8.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 4 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/10 Empire. 8 notes and 17 slips. Various sizes

/1 ‘An empire consists of two or more lands…’ 2 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Wallas 28, p. 137, Empire. 1 note. 10 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Grigg, Sir Edward. The British Commonwealth. 1 note. 9.5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/4 Ts. 17/10/42, America & war planning empire. 1 note. 6.5 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 JMR 1889, p. 188, Empire. 1 note. 10.5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/6 Nation, Gibbon, vol. 1, p. 39. 1 note. 13 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/7 Rome emp. at people in Trajan, 98-117. 1 note. 6.5 x 17 cm

/8 Rome begins as city state. 1 note. 7 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/9 17 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 8 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/10 Racial differences in human nature. Various papers. Title and contents list. 8.5 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/1 Examples accepted as showing difference. 5 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/2 Differences denied. No entries

/3 Evidence in favour of uniformity. 3 notes. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 ‘All are born members of a family …’ 1 note. 10.5 x 10 cm

/2 Human nature & race. 1 note. 8.5 x 14.5 cm

/3 E & E, Bar, 1939. 4 x 10.5 cm

/4 Doubtful cases. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/5 Savage mentality. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/11 Top SH. B. Civilization. 1 bundle of papers tied together and labelled. Various papers. Title retained. 20 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/1 H.T. Buckle, History of Civiliz. in England, 1857, vol. 1, 1861, vol. 2. 1 p. 21 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Ed Carpenter, Civilization …. its cause and cure. 2 pp. 22.5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/3 The idea of progress, J.B. Bury, 1920, Civilization. 11 pp. 16 x 13.5 cm (pp. 1-4, 7-10); 14.5 x 14.5 cm (pp. 5-6); 18 x 10.5 cm (p. 11). Handwritten

/4 Captain Gullivers IVth voyage. 5 leaves. 21 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/5 Racial crossing and cultural efflorescence; by John Murphy. From: Man No. 2, Jan.-Feb. 1941, pp. 6-10. 28 x 21.5 cm. Printed

/6 Gerald Heard, Source of civiliz. 1935. 1 note. 6 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 Gerald Heard, The source of civilization, 1935. 10 leaves. 25 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/8 Heard, p. 421. 1 note. 5.5 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/9 Palaeontology and humanity; by H.L. Hawkins. From: Nature, Sep. 26, 1936, pp. 534-7. 26.5 x 19 cm. Printed

/10 The decay & restoration of civilization; by Albert Schweitzer. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/11 Carell, Somebody had to write it: the lastest of ?man? from the newest of sciences, must know. 7 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/12 Dr Carrel ponders the nature and the soul of man. From: The New York Times Book Review, 29 Sep. 1935, p. 3. 41.5 x 28.5 cm. Printed

/13 Kurt Hielscher’s Rumania, 1933. 1 note. 14 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/14 Aphorisms. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/15 What he seems from outside. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/16 Grouses contin. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/17 How came civilization, Ld. Raglan, 1939. 4 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/18 Keeping pace with civilization. N.Y.Ts. Jan. 20, 1929. 1 note. 11 x 16 cm. Handwritten

/19 AK 1931, The greatest test for mankind, N.Y. Ts. 8/2/31. 1 note. 9 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/20 AK 1922, Is man still evolving? 1 note. 10 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/21 AK. The riddle of civilization, NYTs. 3 Apr. 1932. 1 note. 9.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/22 Historical cycles; by O.G.S. Crawford. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1933, pp. [iv], 445-59, 2 plates (Publication 3208). From: The Smithsonian rep. 1932. 24 x 15.5 cm. Printed

/12 Survivals from tribe folio. Various papers. Title and contents list. 23 x 15.5 cm. Handwritten

/1 Tribe definitions. 1 paper, 1 note and 4 slips. Various sizes

/1 Essentials & attributes of a human tribe, A.K. 3/2/44. 8 leaves. 21.5 x 12.5 cm (leaves 1-4); 21 x 15 cm (leaves 5-8). Handwritten

/2 Nat. tribes. N. territ., Baldwin Spencer, 1914. 1 note. 8 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 4 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Theories of origin. 1 note and 7 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Hetherwick, 1906, disruption. 1 note. 6.5 x 12 cm

/2 7 slips attached to 1 p.

/3 Survival values. 3 notes and 20 slips. Various sizes

/1 A tribe renders to its members the following services. 1 p. 20.5 x 13 cm.. Handwritten

/2 Dar. p. 932, Moral qualities. 1 note. 9 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/3 Mental qual. Dar. p. 931. 1 note. 6.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 20 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 10 slip. Handwritten and typewritten

/4 Mentality – tribalism. 4 notes and 8 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Tribal complex must be dual. 1 p. 20.5 x 13 cm

/2 Tribal anxiety, fear. 1 note. 11 x 12 cm

/3 Intra tribal anti social undoers. 1 note. 8.5 x 9 cm

/4 Tribal institution. 1 note. 7.5 x 13 cm

/5 B. Malinowski, Nat. 24/6/22, 827. 1 note. 6.5 x 12 cm

/6 8 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 3 slips

/5 Public opinion. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/6 Modern tribalism. 3 notes and 8 slips. Various sizes

/1 B. Butler, Sermon XII p. 153. 1 note. 11 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Ld. Chatfields autobiog. IV., Leadership. 1 note. 10.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 [Subject list]: class … 1 note. 8.5 x 8 cm. Handwritten

/4 8 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 4 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/7 De-tribalism. 5 notes, 1 newspaper cutting and 30 slips. Various sizes

/1 Problems of village life, E.N. Bennett. 1 note. 6 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Tribe, Nature, 1940, 145, p. 192. 1 note. 6 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Detribaling, Mrs M. Palmer. 1 note. 6.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 Detribaling, Hubert G & D 1934. 1 note. 6 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/5 P.H. Rivers ’27, cause of depop. 1 note. 6.5 x 8.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 Depopulation of primitive communities. From: Nature, 21/7/1923. 1 newspaper cutting. 9.5 x 8 cm. Printed

/7 30 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 13 slips; p. 2, 17 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Group theory of evolution. 8 notes and 19 slips. Various sizes

/1 Essentials of mosaic theory. 1 note. 13 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Mosaic theory. 1 note. 10 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 Mosaic, Carpentes. 1 note. 6.5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Hume, J., 411, 80 pp. 1 note. 6.5 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 Folkways p. 12, mosaic, tribal. 1 note. 10 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/6 28/10/44 ‘Am still in doubt …’ 1 note. 10 x 18 cm. Typewritten

/7 Timor, Mendes Correa, 1944, pop. 464,000. 1 note. 7 x 18 cm. Typewritten

/8 India, tribes and clans. 1 note. 6 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/9 19 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 11 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 Land as property. 5 notes and 19 slips. Various sizes

/1 Dr Richard Koebner, Camb. econ. hist. 1941. 1 note. 13.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Land, territory, the property of its tribe. 1 note. 13 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Carr, S., ’22, p. 206. 1 note. 12 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 Land feudalism, Prof. F.M. Stenlore, 1943. 1 note. 6 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/5 Land: studies in the history of the English feudal barony. 1 note. 6.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 19 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 10 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/10 Fear. 6 notes and 29 slips. Various sizes

/1 ‘Fear is a mental and bodily state …’ 2 leaves. 21.5 x 14.5 cm (leaf 1); 9.5 x 13 cm (leaf 2). Handwritten

/2 29/10/44 Fear, protection for self & tribe. 1 note. 6.5 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/3 Diff; p. 18, Fear. 1 note. 6 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 Fear a driving impulse. 1 note. 13 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 ‘To conceive behaviour of a man free of fear …’ 1 note. 8 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/6 ‘To terror, to hope…’ 1 note. 11 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 29 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 14 slips; p. 2, 15 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/11 Courage. 1 note and 18 slips. Various sizes

/1 ‘30/10/44, Courage is the power or ability …’ 1 note. 20 x 8.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 18 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 10 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/12 Anger. 3 notes and 8 slips. Various sizes

/1 30/10/44, Anger. 1 note. 11 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

MS 440

/12/12/2 Anger XI. 1 note. 10 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/3 ‘Anger caused by injury …’ 1 note. 9 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 8 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 4 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/13 Cooperation & competition. 1 paper, 1 newspaper cutting, 1 note and 20 slips. Various sizes

/1 Cooperation as a factor in human evolution. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 J.G. Crowther, Industry & education in Soviet Russia. From: Nature, 1932, p. 527. 1 newspaper cutting. 6.5 x 10 cm. Printed

/3 Competition, origin. Ch IV, p. 86. 1 note. 6 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/4 20 slips attached to 4 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 6 slips; p. 3, 2 slips; p. 4, 3 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/13 Genetics, hybridity. Various papers. Title and contents list. 15.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/1 Genetics. 1 note and 2 slips. Various sizes

/1 Umweldt = peristase. 1 note. 6.5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/2 2 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Hybridity. No entries

/3-/4 No title. No entries

/5 ‘Brachy’ problem. 8 notes, 1 newspaper cutting, and 18 slips. Various sizes

/1 Brachy problem. 3 pp. 20.5 x 12.5 cm (pp. 1-2); 12.5 x 12 cm (p. 3). Handwritten

/2 A.P. Mendes Corrêa, Bull.soc.forlag. 2 pp. 10 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 G.P. Frets, P. Kon. Akad. Welensh. Amster. 2 pp. 12 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/4 Cranial index. 1 note. 8 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 Brachycephaly; Weidenreich, S.W. J.anthrop. 1 note. 13.5 x 17.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 M. Fleming 1922, Brach. probl. 1 note. 10 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/7 Brach problem see Kappers. 9 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/8 R.A. Fisher 1930 p. 117 … favour. 1 note. 6 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/9 M. Botwinnik (U.S.S.R.). 1 newspaper cutting. 7 x 5.5 cm. Printed

/10 18 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/6 Economics. 7 notes, 1 newspaper cutting and 17 slips. Various sizes

/1 Economics, 22/2/44. 3 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Bryce, 1902, cause, econ. 1 note. 13.5 x 17.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Harold S. Laski, Harm. Univ. hist. world, 1936. 1 p. 21 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/4 Bryce, Romans sect., econ. 1 note. 9 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 Storing of food by ?Primulus? 1 note. 11 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/6 Nat. R. chap XIII, Natism and economics. 1 note. 7 x 17 cm. Handwritten

/7 Alex Hamilton, 1793. 1 note. 7.5 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/8 [Map of Europe]: model, Sir Clive Morrison-Bell. NYT, 11/8/29. 1 newspaper cutting. 15 x 31.5 cm. Printed

/9 17 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 7 slips; p. 2, 10 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/7 Data of pops. 1 note, 1 newspaper cutting, 1 chart and 12 slips. Various sizes

/1 Data from Allen: acres per head. 2 leaves. 6 x 14 cm (leaf 1); 20.5 x 16.5 cm (leaf 2). Handwritten

/2 Commonwealth population increases. From: Enig. rev. Jan. 1950. 1 newspaper cutting. 17.5 x 9.5 cm. Printed

/3 [Population compositions]. 1 chart. 14 x 18 cm. Handdrawn

/4 12 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 7 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Colonization. 5 notes and 17 slips. Various sizes

/1 Colonization. 4 leaves. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Ts. Lit. suppl. 30/12/15, Leader. 1 note. 9 x 16 cm. Handwritten

/3 Migration in relation to racial problem. 1 note. 11.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Jeremy Bentham, colony. 1 note. 6 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/5 Colony, emig. see Malthus. 1 note. 6.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/6 17 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 7 slips; p. 2, 10 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 Island peoples. 8 notes and 11 slips. Various sizes

/1 Is. peoples, 26/8/41. 4 pp. 20.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Anc. inhabs. Canaries, E.A. Hooton, 1925. 2 pp. 23 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/3 Island peoples, Hux, 238. 1 p. 11 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/4 W.H.L. Duckworth, Maldive Is., 1913. 1 note. 9.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 J.A.I. 1912, vol. 42, p. 485. 1 note. 11 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/6 L.H. Dudley Buxton, Geo. rev. 1924, 14, 75. 1 note. 7 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/7 Is. fauna, D Journal, Galapagos. 1 note. 5.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/8 Is. people, Maldive. 1 note. 5.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/9 11 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/10 Hair. 2 notes and 24 slips. Various sizes

/1 Rac. anal. blond. 1 note. 14 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Red hair, Sweden, Retz & Furst. 1 note. 8.5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 24 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 13 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/14 Top. Sh. C. War. 1 bundle of papers tied together and labelled. Various papers. Various sizes. Title retained. 6 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/1 Science, war and reconstruction; by Julian Sorell Huxley. pp. 151-8. From: Science, 91: 2355, 1940. 24 x 15 cm. Printed

/2 Causes of the peace failure 1919-1939; by the International Consultative Group of Geneva. pp. 333-70. From: Internat. Conciliation 363, 1940. 20 x 13 cm. Printed

/3 Instruments relating to the permanent court of international justice with an introduction; by Manley O. Hudson [and] To prevent a third world war; by Jan Masaryk. pp. 133-99. From: Internat. conciliation 388, 1943. 20 x 13 cm. Printed

/4 Why war?: ‘open letters’ between Einstein & Freud. Introduction; by Ernst Jackh. London, The New Commonwealth, 1934. 19 pp. (New Commonwealth pamphlets no. 6). 21.5 x 14 cm. Printed

/5 Psychology and the problem of war; by J. Burnett Rae. London, Industrial Christian Fellowship, [1937]. 30 pp. 18.5 x 12 cm. Printed

/6 Science and war; by Sir William Osler. pp. 431-4. From: Nature, 96: 2407, 16 Dec. 1945. 26.5 x 19 cm. Printed

/7 The biological aspects of warfare; by Harry Campbell. London, Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 1918. 44 pp. Reprinted from: The Lancet. 21.5 x 14 cm. Printed

/8 The nature of war and the myth of nature; by M.F. Ashley Montagu. 12 pp. Reprinted from: The Scientific monthly 54, 1942, pp. 342-53. 26 x 18.5 cm. Printed

/9 The social function of religion: an address delivered at the Melbourne University to the University Labour club, Monday, July 22nd, 1940. pp. 297-304. From: The rationalist, June 1943. 22 x 15 cm. Printed

/15 War & peace. Various papers. Title and contents list. 14 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/1 Human pugnacity. 6 notes and 5 slips. Various sizes

/1 Man’s pugnacity. 1 p. 25 x 24.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Collective pugnacity. 1 note. 15 x 18 cm. Typewritten

/3 For a man to be a fighter. 1 note. 12.5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/4 ‘The desires and longings of the individual man …’ 1 note. 9.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 Ts. Lit. Sup. 28/1/50, p. 49. 1 note. 21 x 8.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 Child, sound startles at 2 weeks. 1 note. 8 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/7 5 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 2 slips; p. 2, 3 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Pacifist peoples. 4 notes and 15 slips. Various sizes

/1 P of E 1, 471, peaceful people. 1 note. 11 x 8 cm. Handwritten

/2 Elliot Smith 1927, Human nature. 6 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/3 Pacific peoples E.S. hum. nature pp. 22-28. 1 note. 7 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Davie IV, 46, pacifist people. 1 note. 10 x 8.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 15 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Pugnacious peoples. 2 notes and 15 slips. Various sizes

/1 Rotuma polynes. gentle & kind. 1 note. 7 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Barbarians urged to love of war. 1 note. 6 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/3 Artist pol. 713, courage. 1 note. 5.5 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 15 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/4 Fighting complex. 7 notes and 15 slips. Various sizes

/1 The sword of the Lord & of Gideon …20 x 16.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 War, H-S ask Gulliver, p. 313. 1 p.15.5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/3 Why war, Einstein & Freud, The New Commonwealth, Jan. 1934. 2 pp. 17 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Causes of war. 2 pp. 19.5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/5 Fighting complex. 1 note. 12.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 War, Harry Campbell, Lancet 1918. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/7 P. Carleton, p. 35, Earliest for arms of Susa. 7.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/8 15 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 7 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/5 Causes of war. 3 notes and 8 slips. Various sizes

/1 List of war causes. 1 p. 18 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Alleged cause of war. 1 note. 10.5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/3 Roosevelt, Message to Congress 7/1/43, Ts 8.1.43. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 8 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten

/6 Xtianity & war. 8 notes and 18 slips. Various sizes

/1 Ld Elton, Ts 2/4/40, Letter, war. 6.5 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/2 Deut. 31, 3, Moses giving over to Joshua. 1 note. 7.5 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/3 P. of E., p. 357, Xianity & war (evol.). 1 note. 7 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 Garstang, Solom. p. 185, Arab. 1 note. 5.5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/5 Harold J. Laski, R.P.A. 1961. 1 note. 5.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/6 Ramses III, 387. 1 note. 8 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 Davie, War – religion. 1 note. 7.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/8 Pacific. 1 note. 5.5 x 8 cm. Handwritten

/9 18 slips attached to 3 pp.: p. 1, 7 slips; p. 2, 7 slips; p. 3, 4 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/6a War in service of religion. 3 notes and 3 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Head hunting, J.H. Hutton, JRAI, 1928, 58, 399. 1 note. 7 x 13 cm

/2 Davie, D.C.I., Head hunting, war. 1 note. 5.5 x 9.5 cm

/3 Davie, chap. X, Hum. sacrifice. 1 note. 6.5 x 9.5 cm

/4 3 slips attached to 1 p.

/7 Anthropoidal war = evolution of fierce war. 11 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 7 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/8 War – nature of. 4 notes and 15 slips. Various sizes

/1 Plato on war, BRV, Oxford, p. 165. 1 note. 12 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 W. McDougall, Group mind, 1920. 1 note. 7.5 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/3 Mauss, Concluding … 1 note. 8.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/4 Art of war became complicated. 1 note. 7.5 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/5 15 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 War – origin of. 2 notes and 3 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 ‘The stage was set for war …’ 1 note. 12 x 10 cm

/2 Davie, p. 232. 1 note. 8 x 9 cm

/3 3 slips attached to 1 p.

/10 War & civilization. 3 notes and 4 slips. Various sizes

/1 In memoriam LV. 2 pp. 18 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Ruskin, C.W. Lect. IV, war. 1 note. 7.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Tylor, Anthrop. vol. 2, p. 153, war. 1 note. 6.5 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/4 4 slips attached to 1 p. Typewritten and handwritten

/11 War dates and data. 3 newspaper cuttings and 40 slips. Various sizes

/1 Awkward questions by Germans: a Nazi attempt to reply, Ts 18/7/44. 1 newspaper cutting. 16.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/2 7,354,000 men killed, Times 4/3/19. 1 newspaper cutting. 6 x 7 cm. Printed

/3 Demosthenes: letter to the editor of The Times; by Kathleen Freeman. Ts 8/2/41. 1 newspaper cutting. 7.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/4 40 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 14 slips; p. 2, 26 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/12 Pros & cons of war. 8 notes and 36 slips. Various sizes

/1 Commendations of war, fs. 9. 20 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 ‘If the objective of nationhood…’ 1 note. 11 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 ‘War, bestial, infernal …’ 1 note. 11.5 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/4 Sutherland, chap. XIII, 1898. 1 note. 8 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/5 Buckle, war, chap. 22, England. 1 note. 8 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 P. of E., 1.431. 1 note. 6 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/7 McDoug, Energies. 1 note. 6.5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/8 P. of E’s. 25. 1 note. 5.5 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/9 36 slips attached to 4 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 17 slips; p. 3, 5 slips; p. 4, 4 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/16 Peace. Various papers. Title and contents list. 20 x 18 cm. Handwritten

/1 Conditions which give individual peace. 1 paper and 4 slips. Various sizes

/1 Peace: (I), Individual. 1 p. 17.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 4 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Conditions which give collective peace by reason & justice. 8 notes and 35 slips. Various sizes

/1 Collective peace. 1 p. 15.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 To make peace, Ts letters 26/10/35. 1 note. 6.5 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Remove cause. 1 note. 6.5 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Godwin Malthus 303. 1 note. 5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 Mackvoy? peace, Jnl. hum, Ts. 21/5/35. 1 note. 4.5 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 Hobbes, L. Sheph. 123, Utopie. 1 note. 5 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 ‘Peace can be waged in two ways …’ 1 note. 5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/8 ‘The problem of peace…’ 1 note. 6 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/9 35 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 21 slips; p. 2, 14 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Pacificism as a creed, cloistered peace. 2 notes, 1 newspaper cutting, and 9 slips. Various sizes

/1 Pacificism, Sir Norman Angell, b. 1874. 1 note. 6 x 16 cm. Typewritten

/2 War, L.W. Wetherhead. 1 note. 5 x 18 cm. Handwritten

/3 Glorification of war, Ts 4/1/35. 1 newspaper cutting. 11.5 x 6 cm. Printed

/4 9 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Handwritten

/4 Pacificism & peace, policy pros & cons (see also nos. 10, 11). 4 notes and 17 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Smuts, Ts 12/11/34. 1 note. 8.5 x 14 cm

/2 ‘Expenditure on armament …’ 1 note. 5 x 9 cm

/3 Mussolini (Nat. rep. p. 212). 1 note. 6 x 11 cm

/4 Ts 23/6/32. Perois message to Emperor of Canada 1682. 1 note. 5 x 11.5 cm

/5 ‘Rapid mental readjustment …’ 1 note. 5 x 13.5 cm

/6 17 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 8 slips

/5 Pacificist religions & religious pacificists, conditions necessary. 3 notes and 12 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Duff 73, Buddhism. 1 note. 11 x 9 cm

/2 The program of peace, Joseph Taylor … 1935. 1 note. 6.5 x 13 cm

/3 Religion for peace, Prausdin p. 521. 1 note. 6.5 x 13 cm

/4 12 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 7 slips’ p. 2, 5 slips

/6 Conscientious objectors & men of feminine courage. 1 slip attached to 1 p. 2 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/7 Tribal pacificists. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 National pacifist. 19 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 13 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/9 Peace secured by collective security. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/10 Peace secured by League or treaty or force. 8 notes and 28 slips. Various sizes

/1 ‘There are three ways of obtaining and of keeping the peace …’ 1 note. 11.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 Smuts at Guildhall, Ts 20/10/43. 1 note. 10 x 15 cm. Typewritten

/3 ‘We want peace?’ 1 note. 8 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Causes of peace failure (1919-1939). 1 note. 10.5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/5 Lord Lothian, The ending of Armageddon, 1939. 1 note. 6 x 18 cm. Handwritten

/6 ‘At best a Central authority …’ 1 note. 5 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 Ts 26/8/43, Lionel Curtis letter. 1 note. 6 x 16 cm. Handwritten

/8 Ts, spec. corresp. 20/2/43. 1 note. 7 x 15.5 cm. Handwritten

/9 28 slips attached to 4 pp.: p. 1, 7 slips; p. 2, 8 slips; p. 3, 7 slips; p. 4, 6 slips

/11 Peace secured by armament & disarmament. 1 note and 9 slips. Various sizes

/1 Coulton, p. 45. 1 note. 6.5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/2 9 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/12 Conditions to be stipulated, see also 5. 4 notes and 12 slips. Various sizes

/1 Peace, Ts 21/12/40. 1 note. 9 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/2 ‘For peace these must be national…’ 1 note. 8 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/3 ‘Peace is backed by a love of peace …’ 1 note. 5.5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/4 ‘Peace:- Catholic, Jewish and Protestant …’ 1 note. 5 x 18 cm. Typewritten

/5 12 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/13 Peace, its merits – good effect & incentives. 13 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/14 Peace, its risks & ill effects. 6 notes and 49 slips. Various sizes

/1 War … letter of a Cornish? of Trafalgar Sq. SW3, 12/4/37. 1 note. 7 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/2 Hume I, p. 200, Peace. 1 note. 7 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/3 Ruskin, political economy of art, 1912, p. 349. 1 note. 8 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 Plate IX, 293. 1 note. 6.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/5 Coulton, p. 84, Causes of war, 1956. 5.5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/6 Von Luschan, Univ. race congress, London. 1 note. 5 x 16 cm. Handwritten

/7 49 slips attached to 4 pp.: p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 11 slips; p. 3, 15 slips; p. 4, 12 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/15 Peace by mental change & unicohist? & Freudian blood brother. 4 notes and 21 slips. Various sizes

/1 ‘Behaviour can be changed …’ 1 note. 15 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/2 Dr J. Burnett Rae, Psychology & the problem of war, 1937. 8 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/3 J. Burnett Rae, 1937. 1 note. 6 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 War & peace, Wm. Brown, 1939. 1 note. 6 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/5 21 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 11 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/16 Peace – its environment, education, tradition, justice. 3 notes and 17 slips. Various sizes

/1 Gilbert Murray, 1/XI/34. 1 note. 10. 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 André Maurois, NYT mag. 7/10/34. 1 note. 7 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/3 Peace, Gilbert Murray, Ts 2/9/32. 1 note. 6.5 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/4 17 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/17 Peace, its obstacles & evolutionary factors. 7 notes and 56 slips. Various sizes

/1 War, H.G. Wells, Phoenix 1942. 1 note. 8.5 x 8.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Times 5/7/41 Leader, Federation of Europe. 9 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/3 Peace, Baldwin 1/11/35. 1 note. 8 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/4 Lang (contin.) Ts 13/6/34. 1 note. 16 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/5 Frank H. Simmonds, 1935. 1 note. 6 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 ?Hunzscher? p. 211, of Peace. 1 note. 9 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/7 Davie, p. 232 quotes, war. 1 note. 7 x 8.5 cm. Handwritten

/8 56 slips attached to 5 pp.: p. 1, 12 slips; p. 2, 11 slips; p. 3, 13 slips; p. 4, 15 slips; p. 5, 5 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/18 Peace, periods of. 1 note and 2 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Davie, war, chapt. 11, competition. 1 note. 5.5 x 14.5 cm

/2 2 slips attached to 1 p.

/19 Peace utopias, ideals. 5 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/20 Close seasons. 1 note. 3.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/21 No title. No entries

/22 Literature. 1 slip attached to 1 p. Handwritten

/17 Altruism. Various papers. Title and contents list. 19 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/1 Altruism, definitions, explanations. 5 notes and 17 slips. Various sizes

/1 G.B.S. Alick West; A good man fallen among Fabians, 1950. 1 note. 15 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 ‘Altruism is a desire for life on one code …’ 1 note. 14 x 8.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 ‘Idealism must be based …’ 1 note. 13.5 x 8.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Hume, Benevolence p. 237. 1 note. 7 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/5 H. Camp 63, Altruistic instant justice. 1 note. 6 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 17 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 8 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Altruism, examples. 4 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Charity. 1 note and 2 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 R.R Marett, Hux. lect. 1939, JRAI, 1940, 69, 137. 1 note. 7 x 13 cm

/2 2 slips attached to 1 p.

/4 Idealism, definit., explan. 1 note and 9 slips. Various sizes

/1 Anti Wells. 1 note. 6.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/2 9 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/5 Examples. 1 slip. 1.5 x 7 cm. Handwritten

/6 Evils of the above. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/7 Benefits of the above. No entries

/8 Humanitarianism, D. & E. 4 notes and 11 slips. Various sizes

/1 Desc. 2m, 188. 1 note. 10 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/2 T.H. Green, p. 224, Humanitarian. 1 note. 8 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/3 Humanitarianism, Hoot ’39 p. 276. 1 note. 7.5 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 P. of E. 1, bk II, chap. VIII, Humanity. 1 note. 5.5 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 11 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 Humanism. 2 notes and 2 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Hume essay, 11, 339. 1 note. 6.5 x 10 cm

/2 Hume essays, 11, 349. 1 note. 5.5 x 12.5 cm

/3 2 slips on 1 p.

/10 No title. No entries

/11 Benevolence. 2 notes and 9 slips. Various sizes

/1 Hume essays, vol. 2, morals. 1 note. 10.5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Tribal, Hume – Huxley, p. 231. 1 note. 5.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 9 slips on 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/12 Philanthropy. 3 slips on 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/13 Chivalry. 2 slips on 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/14 Hospitality. 1 slip. 2 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten. Filed on MS 440/17/13

/18 Duality of mental characters. Various papers. Title and contents list. 10 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/1 Definition etc., recognition of dual code. 2 notes and 9 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Sidgwick, p. 320, malevolence. 1 note. 6 x 10.5 cm

/2 J.M. Robertson, 1899, Tribal … duality, p. 6. 1 note. 6 x 14 cm

/3 9 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 4 slips

/2 Examples ? dual codes. 2 notes and 19 slips. Various sizes

/1 Duality, statesmanship, Walter Langdon-Brown. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Tischer?, Plato rep. p. 54. 1 note. 8 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 19 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Men of Jekyll-Hyde type. 2 notes and 18 slips. Various sizes

/1 Duality of human nature … Gibbon … Crusaders. 1 note. 8 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 H.R.L. Sheppard by R. Ellis Roberts 1940, dual personality. 1 note. 6.5 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/3 18 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 7 slips; p. 2, 11 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/4 Recognition of opposite qualities. 1 note and 10 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Duality. 1 note. 6 x 11.5 cm

/2 10 slips attached to 1 p.

/5 Dual godheads. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/6 Intra-personal duality. 1 note and 4 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Machin, ’37, self-strife. 1 note. 6.5 x 10.5 cm

/2 4 slips attached to 1 p.

/7 Unexpected opposites. 1 slip attached to MS 440/18/16/2. 2 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/8 List of opposites. 2 notes and 3 slips. Various sizes

/1 McDoug Emery, chap. XIV, Sentiments. 1 note. 6 x 8 cm. Handwritten

/2 Contrasts. 1 note. 6 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/3 3 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 God – beast. 1 slip attached to MS 440/18/10. 5 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/10 Coaction of desire – adverse. 2 notes attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/11 Explanational. No entries

/19 Mentality, evolution of. Various papers. Title and contents list. 15.5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/1 Anthropoids. 5 notes and 17 slips. Various sizes

/1 Hooton chimp ’42, p. 17. 1 note. 15 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/2 Hooton 42, p. 92, jealousy. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 E & E Dar 134, monkeys. 1 note. 8 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Emotion. 1 note of 2 pp. 6.5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 Hooton ’42, chimp social. 327. 1 note. 6 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/6 17 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 8 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/2-/5 No titles. No entries

/6 Neurological. No entries

/7-/11 No titles. No entries

/12 Intellect & intelligence. 1 slip attached to 1 p. 1.5 x 17 cm. Typewritten

/20 Psychology. Various papers. Title and contents list. 12 x 12 cm. handwritten

/1 Freudism & dreams. No entries

/2 Evol. of ‘instincts’ in child. No entries

/3 Simian reflexes. 2 notes and 1 slip. Various sizes

/1 ‘My film illustrating some features in the development of somatic mobility’. 2 pp. 20 x 13 cm. Typewritten

/2 Myrtle B. McGraw, Amer.J.dis.of child, 1940, 799. 1 note. 10 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 1 slip attached to MS 440/20/4. Handwritten

/4 Greek psychology & modern restatements. 5 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/5 Laughter & ? sense, & psychology of emotions. 1 note and 5 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 S.A. Kinnear Idilson, Ts 18/12/25. 1 note. 8.5 x 13 cm

/2 5 slips attached to 1 p.

/6 Sin, evol. of sense of. 1 slip attached to MS 440/20/5/2. 4 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/7 Evol. of social science. No entries

/8 Behaviour, gestalt, complexes. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/21 Psychology. Various papers. Title and contents list. 13.5 x 12 cm. Typewritten

/1 Dreams. 7 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Freudiansim. 6 notes. Various sizes

/1 Freud, 1924 … Malinowski, Psyche, April 1924. 1 note. 9.5 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 C.S. Myers on Freud, Lancet 1926 (1) 1183. 1 note of 2 pp. 10 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 G. Roheim, Man 1941, 41, 109, hum. nat. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 Aveling p. 33, Freuds underworld. 1 note. 8 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 Wm Brown, Nature, 1945, 156, p. 259. 1 note. 5 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 Crichton-Miller quoted by W. Langdon Brown. 1 note. 5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/3 Personality [crossed out]. No entries

/4 The Unconscious. No entries

/5 Defence mechanisms. 1 slip attached to MS 440/21/7. 2 x 16.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 Self-deception. No entries

/7 Thinking. 18 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 7 slips; p. 2, 11 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Anthropolog. thinking. 4 notes and 1 slip. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 C.G. Seligman, JRAI 1924, 54, 13. 1 note. 10 x 13 cm

/2 C.G. Seligman, JRAI 1932, 62, 193. 1 note. 8 x 11.5 cm

/3 C.G. Seligman, JRAI, 1924, 15, 13. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm

/4 Ernest Jones, Med. 47, JRAI 1924, 54, 47. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm

/5 C.G. Seligman, JRAI 1932, 62, 193 (Hux. lect.). 1 slip attached to MS 440/21/9. 4.5 x 13 cm

/9 Mythological thinking. 1 slip. 3.5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/10 Mind. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/22 Neurological evidence. Various papers. Title and contents list. 6 x 12 cm. Typewritten

/1 Results obtained by surgeons. 1 note and 2 slips. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Behaviour and the frontal lobes; W. Freeman and J.W. Watts. 1 note. 12 x 20 cm

/2 2 slips attached to 1 p.

/2 Results obtained by physicians. 8 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/3 Results obtained by neurologists. 6 notes and 6 slips. Various sizes

/1 Souk, Henry Head, H. Jack lect. 1920. 1 p. 17.5 x 12.5 cm. handwritten

/2 J.Z. Young, New biology, 1945, p. 58. 1 note. 10 x 18 cm. Typewritten

/3 E.D. Adrian, The physical background of perception, 1947. 1 note. 14 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Adrian, Nat. 444. 1 note. 7 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/5 Brain, E.D. Adrian, Nat. 444, 153, 360. 1 note. 8 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/6 Carloa of ? at birth, vol. 1, 1939. 1 note. 6.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/7 6 slips attached to 1 p.

/4 Results obtained by anatomists and biometricians. 1 newspaper cutting and 1 slip. Various sizes

/1 ‘And his conclusions..’ 1 newspaper cutting. 5 x 5.5 cm. Printed

/2 1 slip attached to 1 p. 2 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/23 Emotions, feelings, passions. Various papers. Title and contents list. 21 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/1 Darwin & Locke. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/2 Definitions. 1 note and 4 slips. Various sizes

/1 J.C. Taylor, p. 59. 1 note. 6.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 4 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Classification. 7 notes and 11 slips. Various sizes

/1 Hume. Essays vol. 2, p. 185, passions. 2 pp. 20.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Hobbes, passion. 1 note. 9.5 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/3 Reid, essay III, p. 11, ch VI. 1 note. 8 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/4 Aveling, p. 82, behaviour. 1 note. 7.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/5 Hum. nat., Plato bk VIII. 1 note. 7 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/6 Hume II, 237. There are mental passions. 1 note. 6.5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 T. Reid, Passion makes blood boil. 1 note. 6.5 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/8 11 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/4 No title. No entries

/5 Sentiment. 1 note and 17 slips. Various sizes

/1 Leonard Cox, human nat. 1 note. 7 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/2 17 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 8 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/6 Sympathy, pity. 1 note and 8 slips. Various sizes

/1 Sutherland ’98. 1 note. 8 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/2 8 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/7 Emotions explained … their evolution. 1 note and 32 slips. Various sizes

/1 AK 12/3/44. 1 note. 5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/2 32 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 14 slips; p. 2, 18 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Passions. 7 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 Affection – fellow feeling – friendships. 7 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/10 Feelings. 4 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/11 Excitement, enthusiasm, zeal. 5 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/12 Obsession. No entries

/13 Desire. 2 notes and 19 slips. Various sizes

/1 Spencer; feeling (cont.) I, 481. 1 note. 9.5 x 17.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Hobbes, p. 23 (chapt. VI). 1 note. 6.5 x 17 cm

/3 19 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 8 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/14 Psychology of emotion – passion. 1 note and 5 slips. Various sizes

/1 The hypothalamus, NY 1939, hum. nat. 1 note. 10 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 5 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 3 slips; p. 2, 2 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/15 Pleasure, pain. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/16 No title. No entries

/17 Status emotions. 2 slips attached to verso MS 440/23/15. Various sizes. Handwritten

/18 Curiosity, wonder, interest, surprise. 1 note and 7 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Mander 58, curiosity. 1 note. 7 x 10 cm

/2 7 slips attached to 1 p.

/19-/22 No title. No entries

/23 Love, hatred. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/24 Gratitude. 1 slip attached to MS 440/23/23. 2 x 17 cm. Typewritten

/24 Prejudice, mental bias. Various papers. Title and contents list. 18.5 x 16 cm. Typewritten

/1 Prejudice, bias, definitions and attributes. 1 letter,3 notes and 21 slips. Various sizes

/1 Thomas Nicol to Sir Arthur Keith, 1 Feb. 1945 – applying for Glasgow Chair of Anatomy where he was trained; writing to ask for a reference; encloses list of experience and research; describes war experience at King’s College and domestically; has written papers for J. of Anatomy, and read papers before the Anatomical and Physiological Societies; has assistant from Trinity College, Dublin. 2 pp. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 17/10/44 Prejudice. 1 note. 15 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/3 Prejudice, S. Ox E.D. Injury. 1 note. 8 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 [List of references]. 1 note. 18.5 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 21 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 13 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Tribal prejudices, loyalties, condemnations, etc. 1 paper, 1 newspaper cutting and 19 slips. Various sizes

/1 Prejudice, by leader writer of the Adelaide Advertiser 12/9/31. 1 p. 21 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Racial prejudices: Sir Arthur Keith’s rectorial address. 1 newspaper cutting. From: The Advertiser and Register, 12/9/31. 17 x 6 cm. Attached to verso of MS 440/24/2/1. Printed

/3 19 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Inherited, acquired. 1 note and 5 slips. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Hume on morals, 2, p. 225. 1 note. 6 x 16 cm

/2 5 slips attached to 1 p.

/4 Relation of instinct to bias, to emotions, to taste. 6 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/5 Members of the prejudice family. 4 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/6 In children, parents and family elements. 19 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 13 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/7 Interests, competition and prejudice. 1 note and 12 slips. Various sizes

/1 ‘To engage the attention …’ 1 note. 6.5 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/2 12 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Belief, conviction, custom, convention, tolerance. 18 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 10 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 The place of bias in human nature. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/10 Neurological evidence. 4 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/11 Prejudice and duality. 1 note and 11 slips. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Hume speaks of unprejudiced reason. 1 note. 5 x 18 cm

/2 11 slips attached to 1 p.

/12 Self versus community. 7 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/13 Bias connected with status. 1 slip attached to MS 440/24/14. 1 x 15 cm. Typewritten

/14 Bias connected with altruism and idealism. 9 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/15 Affections: nat. hist. of, values and reflections. 24 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 13 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/16 Utility of instincts: wisdom of species. 3 notes and 26 slips. Various sizes

/1 Burke, Morley? p. 251, prejudice, reflections. 1 note. 9.5 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/2 T. Reid, 1789, Essays, p. 558. 1 note. 6 x 17.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Reid, Essays, 1788, Essay III. 1 note. 8 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 26 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 12 slips; p. 2, 14 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/17 Instincts in animals. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/18 Personal ideas in philos. & science. 15 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/25 Instinct. Various papers. Title and contents list. 17 x 16 cm. Typewritten and handwritten

/1 Definitions. 4 notes and 22 slips. Various sizes

/1 J. Drewer, 1917, instinct. 1 note. 13.5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/2 Instinct, Read, p. 545. 1 note. 7 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 Instinct, Hume, knowledge. 1 note. 5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Instincts, 12/10/44. 1 note. 6 x 16.5 cm. Typewritten

/5 22 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 12 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Enumerations. 8 notes and 30 slips. Various sizes

/1 McDougall, instinct of repulsion. 1 note. 15 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Read’s list p. 545. 1 note. 13 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Simple instincts – hunger, fatigue … 1 note. 6 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Avaling, p. 60, hormonal or purposive psychology, instinct. 1 note. 5 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/5 Ed. Westermarck (Huxley), JRAI, 1936, 66, 223. 1 note. 7 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 James ’99, p. 43, instincts. 1 note. 6 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/7 McDory, S. Psych. 44, instinct. 1 note. 5.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/8 Terman (pschs. Interpret.) 1 note. 6 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/9 30 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 13 slips; p. 2, 17 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 In animals. 1 note and 7 slips. Various sizes

/1 Nat. 1948, 162, 938. 1 note. 6.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 7 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 3 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/4 Evolution of instinct. 2 notes and 12 slips. Various sizes

/1 Dar. misc. p. 69. 1 note. 6.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/2 Psych. I, 493. 1 note. 5.5 x 19 cm. Typewritten

/3 12 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/5 From instinct to intelligence. 1 paper, 4 notes and 16 slips. Various sizes

/1 Mental evolution in animals; by Geo. John Romanes, 1883, with posthumous essay on instinct by Charles Darwin, Darwin on instinct. 1 p. 33 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/2 Instinct, hormi. Psych. & purpos. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/3 Instinct, Sp. Psych. I, 432, chap. V, pt. IV. 1 note. 6 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 Hum. nat. II, 5. 1 note. 5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/5 Hum. nat., rise of cerebrum. 1 note. 6 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 16 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 7 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/6 Condition of instinct in man. 3 notes and 21 slips. Various sizes

/1 Read, p. 547. 1 note. 8.5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Hum. nat., J. Harold Moore. 1 note. 5 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/3 Folkways 45, instinct. 1 note. 5 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/4 21 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 12 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/7 Conditioning and co-ordination of latency. 11 slips attached to 2 pp., p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Disharmonies, frustration, conflict of. 5 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 2 slips; p. 2, 3 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/9 Analysis of instincts, advantages of philosophers’ & authors’ opinions. 15 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 9 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/10 Intuition. 4 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/11 Conviction. No entries

/12 Instinctive actions among savages. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/13 Instinct in the domesticated. 3 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 2 slips; p. 2, 1 slip. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/14 Kinship of instinct to bias, etc., taste. 5 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/15 Mechanism of instinct. 3 notes and 1 slip. Various sizes

/1 Instinct, M. Sergeant, Cox in Sergeant discussion, JAI 1874, 3, p. 84. 1 note. 13 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Darwin, descent p. 102. 1 note. 6 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Sp. Psych. I, 460. 1 note. 7.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/4 1 slips attached to 1 p. 1.5 x 17 cm. Typewritten

/16 Habit, custom, imitation. 5 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 3 slips; p. 2, 2 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/17 For sake of species, evolution, sex. 8 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/18 1 slip attached to MS 440/25/17. 2 x 16.5 cm. Handwritten

/26 Animal nature. Various papers. Title and contents list. 10 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/1 Insects, war. 4 notes and 3 slips. Various sizes

/1 Bees, hunters. 1 note. 13.5 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Thomsons Biology for everyman, 1934, evol. unit. 1 note. 6 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/3 W.M. Wheeler, Social life among the insects, 1923. 1 note. 6 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 W.M. Wheeler, Social life among the insects, 1923. 1 note. 8 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 3 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Duality. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/3 Rank & Leadership. No entries

/4 Social instinct. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/5 Community consc. 1 slip attached to MS 440/26/6. 2.5 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/6 Pugnacity, protection. 8 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/7 Parental. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/8 Miscellan. 4 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/9 Insect war. 4 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/27 Status. Various papers. Title and contents list. 17 x 12 cm. Typewritten

/1 Definitions, etc. 4 notes and 8 slips. Various sizes

/1 Essay X, status. 1 contents list. 14 x 12.5 cm. Typewritten with handwritten annotations

/2 Self-abasement, self-respect, self-command. 1 note. 11 x 21.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Status 14/3/44. 1 note. 8 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Omissions in status. 1 note. 5 x 12 cm. Typewritten

/5 8 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 3 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/2 Anti-brute, pro-angel, dignity. 1 note and 10 slips. Various sizes

/1 Anti-brute dislike, Machin ’37, p. 258. 1 note. 5.5 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 10 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Status in animals. 2 notes and 13 slips. Various sizes

/1 Status, R.M. Yerkes. 1 note. 12 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 T. Reid, Essays on active powers. 1 note. 6 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 16 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 11 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/4 Individual status, psychology. 1 note and 19 slips. Various sizes

/1 XXXII Western respect for self-others. 1 note. 5 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/2 19 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 10 slips; p. 2, 9 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/5 Approbation, by self, by others. 1 note and 11 slips. Various sizes

/1 ‘Can we attribute the role of praise, blame …’ 1 note. 5.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 11 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/6 Search for personal status. 14 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 11 slips; p. 2, 3 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/7 Search for group status. 22 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 14 slips; p. 2, 8 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Examples of national pride & jingoism. 1 slip attached to MS 440/27/9/2. 2 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/9 Self-assertion, self-abnegation. 1 note and 6 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes

/1 McDougall, Evol. J., Brown. 1 note. 5 x 12 cm. Handwritten

/2 6 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/10 Shame, impudence, manners as accessories. 2 notes and 13 slips. Various sizes

/1 Darwin, E.E. p. 349. 1 note. 12 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Darwin, E.E., p. 335. 1 note. 6 x 21.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 13 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 7 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/11 Honour sources of. 1 note. 6.5 x 17.5 cm. Typewritten

/12 Status here-after. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/13 Arrogance of young. 1 note and 1 slip. Various sizes

/1 Rebellious young generation. 1 note. 8.5 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/2 1 slip attached to MS 440/27/14/2. 1 x 10 cm. Typewritten

/14 Development of status in children. 1 note and 5 slips. Various sizes

/1 Alf. Adler, BMJ 1926, 2, 1224. 1 note. 5.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 5 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/15 Status under civilized conditions. 1 slip attached to MS 440/27/16. 1 x 18 cm. Typewritten

/16 Competitive aspects of status. 10 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/17 As factor in ordination. No entries

/18 Comparisons, standards, Hobbes. 4 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/19 Stigma attached to trade etc. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/20 Reverence and worship. 2 slips attached to 1 p. attached to MS 440/27/19. Typewritten

/28 Family instincts & ties. Various papers. Title and contents list. 15 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/1 Father, mother. 1 note and 7 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Havelock Ellis, Man & woman. 1 note. 8 x 20.5 cm

/2 7 slips attached to 1 p.

/2 Mother child – child mother. 12 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Father child and son father. 11 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 6 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/4 Children to parents: family. 2 notes and 13 slips. Various sizes

/1 Sir Wtr. Langdon-Brown, Nat. 1947. 1 note. 9.5 x 14.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Family stakes. 1 note. 8 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 13 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 5 slips; p. 2, 8 slips. Handwritten

/5 Children to each other. No entries

/6 Children together, children & people. No entries

/7 Evolution of child’s reactions. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/8 Male & female character. 5 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/9 Chastity. 4 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/10 Sex, passion, instinct. 16 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 8 slips; p. 2, 8 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/11 Mysteries of sex. 1 note and 2 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 The mothers … a study of the origins of sentiment. 1 note. 10.5 x 15.5 cm

/2 2 slips attached to 1 p.

/12 On birds. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/13 Times of development in children. Various papers. Title and contents list. 8 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/1 Speech. 1 note. Abt, Adler & Bartolme. 8.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 Posture. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/3 Walking. 3 notes. Various sizes

/1 Variot & Goteu. Bull.mem.soc.d’anthrop. 1927, 8, 17. 1 note. 17.5 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 Variot & Goteu. Bull et m. soc.d’anth. 1927, 8, 17. 1 note. 4 x 19 cm. Handwritten

/3 Normal and pathological factors influencing the age at which children start to walk. Cutting from, Paris, 51:337-82, (March 24) 1927. 11 x 10 cm. Printed

/4 Feeling & senses. 2 notes and 7 slips. Various sizes

/1 T. Reid, essays (VI chapt. 5). 1 note. 7.5 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 E. & E. Dar. Chapt. VIII. 1 note. 6 x 8.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 7 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 3 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/5 Self-conscious. No entries

/6 Other conscious: recognition. 4 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/7 Gen. behaviour. 1 note and 6 slips. Various sizes

/1 Lubbock. 1 note. 5.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/2 6 slips attached to 1 p. Handwritten and typewritten

/8 Monkeys and apes. 2 notes. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Marion Hines. 1 note. 13.5 x 17 cm

/2 Marion Hines (contin.). 1 note. 5.5 x 17 cm

/9 Naming. 1 note. Alt, Adler & Bartolme. 5 x 20.5 cm. Handwritten

/10 Interests. 1 slip attached to MS 440/28/13/11. 3 x 11.5 cm. Handwritten

/11 The prime. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/29 Survivals. Various papers. Title and contents list. 10.5 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/1 Lists of. 1 note. Savage survivals, J. Howard Moore. 5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 Of the ape, posterity. 1 slip attached to MS 440/29/3. 3.5 x 9.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Ante-civilized. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten and typewritten

/4 Savage virtues. 1 slip attached to MS 440/29/6. 1 x 17 cm. Typewritten

/5 In woman. 1 slip attached to MS 440/29/6. 2 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/6 In criminals. 1 slips attached to 1 p. 1.5 x 9 cm. Handwritten

/7 AK on survivals. 2 notes. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Persistence of primitive traits. 1 note. 18 x 13 cm

/2 ‘If tribal qualities come out …’ 1 note. 14.5 x 12 cm

/30 Universalism. Various papers. Title and contents list. 17 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/1 Definitions, objectives. 3 notes. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Universalism, Jan. 17, 1952. 1 note. 26 x 21 cm

/2 Universalism, 6/4/44. 1 note. 10 x 20.5 cm

/3 Universalism, Jas. Mill, 2, 277. 1 note. 4 x 17 cm

/2 Pioneers, continental & universal. 1 note and 1 slip. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Objectives. 1 note. 25 x 20.5 cm

/2 1 slip attached to MS 440/30/2/1. 2.5 x 17 cm

/3 Wells, advocacy of. 4 notes and 1 slip. Various sizes

/1 H.G. Wells as advocate of universalism (1866-1946). 1 note. 13.5 x 21 cm. Typewritten

/2 Wells … to universalism. 1 note. 13.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Wells … to get univ. 1 note. 9 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 Wells, Times 28/4/36, groups of principles. 1 note. 6.5 x 19.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 1 slip attached to MS 440/30/4/2. 2 x 16 cm. Typewritten

/4 Evolutionists, biologists, anthropologists as advocates. 1 paper and 2 slips. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Universalism, January 27, 1952. 8 pp. 16.5 x 20.5 cm

/2 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes

/5 Authors & diviners as advocates – poets. 2 notes and 1 slip. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Aldous Huxley, 1938, ends & means. 13 x 20.5 cm

/2 W. Reade, 358, universalism. 8 x 8 cm

/3 1 slip attached to MS 440/30/6/6. 3 x 11.5 cm

/6 Philosophers & scientists as advocates. 5 notes and 8 slips. Various sizes

/1 Universalism, David Hume, Essays and treatises, 1772, vol. 2, p. 249. 1 note. 16.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Wallas ’28, p. 293. 1 note. 9 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/3 Human nature in politics, Graham Wallas, 1908. 1 note. 6 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/4 Sidwick quotes Kant p. 386. 1 note. 8.5 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/5 Adam Smith on benevolence. 1 note. 6 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/6 8 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 4 slips; p. 2, 4 slips. Handwritten

/7 Conditions necessary. 10 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/8 Statesmen as advocates. 1 note and 11 slips. Various sizes

/1 Sir Eric Drummond, Ts 7/7/33. 1 note. 6 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/2 11 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 5 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/9 Cosmopolitan, how to be attained and retained. 8 notes and 13 slips. Various sizes

/1 Cosmopolitanism. 1 note. 10.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Goethe, JOL 25/10/42. 1 note. 9.5 x 16 cm. Handwritten

/3 Tribal, Thos. Browne. 1 note. 10 x 15 cm. Handwritten

/4 Compton (1938) quotes Dr Harold Moulton. 1 note of 2 pp. 9 x 13.5 cm. Handwritten

/5 Manifesto on peace, aims of British men of science. 1 note. 6.5 x 20 cm. Handwritten

/6 Introduction to social psychology. 1 note. 6 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/7 Commenius (in Panegersia). 1 note. 7.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/8 Religion, Grah. Wallas ’28, p. 69. 1 note. 5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/9 13 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 6 slips; p. 2, 7 slips. Handwritten and typewritten

/10 Jewish & other special advocates. 1 note. Universalism – Jewish views of. 12 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/11 Obstacles – past & present. 1 paper and 4 slips. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Universalism, obstacles, pros and cons. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/2 4 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 2 slips; p. 2, 2 slips

/12 Economists. 1 note and 2 slips. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Economists and universalism. 1 note. 13.5 x 20.5 cm

/2 2 slips attached to 1 p.

/13 Gains – claimed. 1 paper and 1 note. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Universalism, obstacles, pros and cons 2. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/2 Universalism, gains. 1 note. 13.5 x 20.5 cm

/14 Losses – alleged, anti-universalists. No entries

/15 Human nature involved. 1 paper and 3 notes. Various sizes

/1 Universalism and human nature. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Universalism and human nature, 2. 1 note. 7 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/3 McDoug., group mind, p. 84. 1 note. 6 x 14 cm. Handwritten

/4 Elliot Smith, Natural man, tribal. 1 note. 8 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/16 Federate schemes – vol. & coercive. 1 paper. 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/1 Schemes for world government. Jan. 1952

/17 Partial leagues, Europe, Amer., Asia. 1 note and 4 slips. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 ‘H.A.L. Fisher and Clarence Streit note that nations …’ 1 note. 12.5 x 20 cm

/2 4 slips attached to 1 p.

/31 Episodes, R.P.A. 1948, Johnson 1949. Various papers. Title and contents list. 17 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/1 References – data. 1 letter, 2 notes and 8 slips. Various sizes

/1 The Rationalist Press Association Ltd to Prof. Sir Arthur Keith, 3 May 1948 – request for article to be published in The Rationalist Annual for 1949. 1 p. 17.5 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 London Library: [reading list]. 1 note. 10.5 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/3 Hume, dialogue: [reading list]. 1 note. 9.5 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 8 slips attached to 1 p.

/2 Stephen & Bryce. 3 notes and 1 slip. Various sizes

/1 An agnostic’s apology, Sir Leslie Stephen Watts, 1931. 1 p. 20 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/2 Essays on free-thinking and plain speaking 1873. 1 p. 15 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/3 … James Bryce, vol. 2, p. 303. 1 note. 11 x 13 cm. Handwritten

/4 1 slip attached to MS 440/31/3. 2 x 17.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Johnson & Trinity. 1 slips attached to 1 p. 3.5 x 18 cm. Typewritten

/4 Johnson – infidels. 1 note and 3 slips. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 ‘March 1776 at Pembroke College. Master Dr Adams had distinguished himself …’ 1 note. 7.5 x 21.5 cm

/2 3 slips attached to 1 p.

/5 Boswell & Hume. 1 paper and 4 slips. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Mossner, Hume & Boswell. 1 paper. 26.5 x 21.5 cm

/2 4 slips attached to 1 p.

/6 Hume & prejudices. 8 notes and 6 slips. Various sizes

/1 End of 1758 Hume to London. 1 p. 13.5 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/2 Mossner. 1 p. 15 x 20.5 cm. Typewritten

/3 Vol. 1, p. 63, Letter to Henry Home. 1 p. 12 x 19.5 cm. Typewritten

/4 The letters of David Hume, edited by J.Y.T. Greig 1932. 1 note. 11.5 x 19 cm. Typewritten

/5 D.H.’s vol. 2, p. 301. 1 note. 10 x 12.5 cm. Handwritten

/6 For Blair. 1 note. 20 x 11 cm. Handwritten

/7 May 1757 to Millar, vol. 2, p. 25. 1 note. 6 x 20 cm. Typewritten

/8 Burton, vol. 1, p. 101. 1 note. 5 x 19 cm. Typewritten

/9 6 slips attached to 1 p. Typewritten

/7 Johnson’s prejudices. 3 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/8 Johnson’s chronology, Carlyle on. 2 notes and 2 slips. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Carlyle’s Johnson. 1 note. 10 x 20.5 cm

/2 Carlyle, on heroes and hero-worship, 1840. 1 note. 5.5 x 20.5 cm

/3 2 slips attached to 1 p.

/9 Hume’s chronology, Carlyle on. 9 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/10 Immortality, religion, Johnson. 5 notes and 6 slips. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Mossner, p. 182. 1 p. 16.5 x 21.5 cm

/2 Vol. 2, p. 318. From: Bath 10/5/76. 1 p. 12.5 x 20 cm

/3 Oct. 1796, vol. 1, p. 377. 1 note. 9 x 21.5 cm

/4 Vol. 1, p. 516. 1 note. 9 x 21.5 cm

/5 Vol. 1, p. 516, Feb. 1775, Macpherson episode. 1 note. 5 x 21.5 cm

/6 6 slips attached to 1 p.

/11 Johnson on Hume & Hume on Johnson. 2 notes and 2 slips. Various sizes. Typewritten

/1 Vol. 1, July 1763, p. 272, Hume’s style. 1 note. 5 x 21.5 cm

/2 Pembroke Col. June 1784. 1 note. 5 x 21.5 cm

/3 2 slips attached to 1 p.

/12 Tolerance & intolerance. 1 note. 7 x 21.5 cm. Typewritten

/1 Everyman, 2, pp. 10-11, April 1776. 1 note.

/13 Hume & Johnson contrasted. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Typewritten

/32 Carlyle. Various papers. Title and contents list. 11.5 x 8 cm. Handwritten

/1 Youth. 17 notes and 3 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Gibbon, Man, vol. 75, 79, 144, 154, 386. 1 p. 21 x 15 cm

/2 1822-38 Wilson. 1 p. 21 x 14.5 cm

/3 Carlyle, 1795 Dev. 1 p. 21 x 15.5 cm

/4 Carlyle Wilson. 1 p. 21 x 15 cm

/5 Wilson – Carlyle (contin.). 1 p. 21 x 14.5 cm

/6 Of Schiller … 1927-32. 1 p. 20.5 x 13 cm

/7 Back to Carlyle, Augustus Ralli 1920. 1 p. 21 x 14 cm

/8 Ralli Carlyle 2. 1 p. 21 x 14.5 cm

/9 1826. 1 p. 21 x 14.5 cm

/10 Hume 1838 lect. 1 p. 21.5 x 9 cm

/11 Macleary, 1809, Dawn of consciousness. 1 p. 15 x 10 cm

/12 Conflict of ideals. 1 p. 15 x 10 cm

/13 Walt 1831 gets to know Stuart Mill. 1 p. 15 x 10 cm

/14 ‘Great decisions have to be taken …’ 1 p. 15 x 10 cm

/15 ?Bent & bias of mural? 1 p. 15 x 10 cm

/16 H. & H.W. 1 p. 15 x 10 cm

/17 ‘Zeal to make proselytes …’ 1 p. 15 x 10 cm

/18 3 slips attached to 1 p.

/2 Search for truth. 2 slips attached to 1 p. Various sizes. Handwritten

/3 Conversion. 1 note and 5 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 T.C. Conversion, Wilson. 1 note. 6.5 x 13.5 cm

/2 5 slips attached to 1 p.

/4 Phrases. 1 slip attached to MS 440/32/5/2. 1.5 x 10 cm. Handwritten

/5 Beliefs. 1 note and 8 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 1829. C to Goethe. 1 note of 2 pp. 13 x 12.5 cm

/2 8 slips attached to 2 pp.: p. 1, 3 slips; p. 2, 5 slips

/6 Religion. 2 notes and 3 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Robt Baillie, Wilson. 1 p. 16.5 x 9 cm

/2 Carlyle Univ. 1 note. 8.5 x 15 cm

/3 3 slips attached to 1 p.

/7 Jane. 1 note and 2 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 1883 Letters & memorials of JWC. 1 note. 12.5 x 10.5 cm

/2 2 slips attached to 1 p.

/8 His ultimates. 1 slip attached to MS 440/32/10/2. 1.5 x 8 cm. Handwritten

/9 Characteristics. 2 notes. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 Leslie Stephen DNB. 1 note. 10 x 12.5 cm

/2 C=Quixote. 1 note. 6.5 x 11 cm

/10 Anti-science. 1 note and 6 slips. Various sizes. Handwritten

/1 C. Science … hero worship … 64. 1 note. 8 x 13 cm

/2 6 slips attached to 1 p.

/33 Publications by Sir Arthur Keith held in the Anthropology Library, British Museum photocopied from the original card catalogue entries of the Royal Anthropological Institute Library. 6 pp. 32 x 19.5 cm. Typewritten

/34 Publications by Sir Arthur Keith held in the Anthropology Library, British Museum printed from the database held by the British Museum on 30 Jan. 2007. 9 pp. 30 x 21 cm. Computerised print out