Beale, Philip Ormrod “collection” (MS 465)

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The Gambia stone circles: papers relating to the Anglo-Gambian stone circles expedition of 1964-65 held under the auspices of the Royal Anthropological Institute and directed by F.A. Evans and P.O. Beale, followed by papers relating to the project for archaeological research in Senegambia, 1973-74 sponsored by the Royal Ontario Museum and the University of Waterloo.

Map, papers, photographs and publications. Various sizes

Handwritten, printed and typewritten. Entries are typewritten unless stated otherwise.

Presented by Philip O. Beale, 23 June 1997

 /1    The Anglo/Gambian stone circles expedition 1964-5: for the bulletin (to be continued); [by P.O. Beale?]. Bathurst, Gambia High School, [1964?]. 3 leaves. Mimeographed. 33 x 21.5 cm

 /2    The Anglo/Gambian stone circles expedition 1964-5: for the bulletin; [by P.O. Beale?]. Bathurst, Gambia High School, 30 Dec. 1964. 2 leaves. Mimeographed. 33 x 21.5 cm

 /3    The stone circles expedition: first of 2 concluding articles for the bulletin; [by P.O. Beale?]. Bathurst, Gambia High School, [1965?]. 2 leaves. Mimeographed. 33 x 21.5 cm

 /4    The stone circles of The Gambia and The Senegal; [by P.O. Beale]. 5 leaves. 33 x 21.5 cm

 /5    Analysis of bangle found by stone circles expedition for P.O. Beale, no. 250. Dakar, B.R.G.M., 8 May 1965. 1 p. 32 x 22 cm

 /6    The Anglo-Gambian stone circles expedition 1964-65; a report presented to the Prime Minister of The Gambia; by P.O. Beale. Bathurst, The Government Printer, 1966. [iv], 28 pp., maps, phots., plans. Printed. 25 x 17 cm. Manuscript annotations p. 28

 .1    The V stone at Ker Batch. 1 photograph. 10.5 x 11 cm, mounted on a card, 27 x 21.5 cm. Published on the front cover and p. 1 of MS 465/1/6

 /7    F.A. Evans to the Secretary, Royal Anthropological Institute, 14 Mar. 1966 – encloses report MS 465/1/6; more detailed to be produced later; encloses synopsis of the film African Stonehenge; reports findings of excavation of a previous expedition probably Oxford University Expedition under Francis Huxley in 1949; can find no report of such excavations; land utilization map published in Geogr. J., Dec. 1950 and a report on hippopotami; asks for assistance in finding Mr Huxley; seeks to reassure the Gambian Government that the excavations were not the work of treasure hunters. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

 /8    African Stonehenge: [description of a film of the expedition to West Africa in the winter of 1964-65]. 2 pp. Mimeograph. 33 x 20.5 cm

 /9    E. Denny to P. Beale, 14 Feb. 1966 – apologises for not replying to his letter of 18 Nov. [1965]; has been travelling in Cameroons etc.; cannot answer questions as all his books have been sent home to the Channel Islands; only has early books and has little more to say than Beale knows already; suggests Mandikas were the people of the Empire of Ghana who were supposedly Berbers; suggests stone circles in Europe may originally stem from the same NE bronze age agriculture that went west along N. Africa to the Maghreb and then south to the Sudan; Beale’s date of 1500 is late for this connection; suggests he looks at the catalogue of Kiy Manvel’s Library; hopes to meet Beale in Bathurst and learn much more. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20 cm

/10    The Anglo-Gambian stone circles expedition; by Paul Ozanne. In West African Archaeological Newsletter, 4, 1966, pp. 8-18. Ibadan, Institute of African Studies, 1966. Printed. 25 x 20 cm

 .1    The Anglo-Gambian stone circle expedition: individual research reports; by Paul Ozanne. Also published in Research Review 1:2, 1965, pp. 36-40. [Ibadan, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, 1965]. Printed. 25 x 20 cm

 .2    Wassu I: [1 plan] in MS 465/1/10, p. 14. Printed. 20.5 x 25.5 cm

 .3    Wassu VI: [1 plan] in MS 465/1/10, p. 15. Printed. 20.5 x 25.5 cm

 .4    Ker Batch III: [1 plan] in MS 465/1/10, p. 16. Printed. 20.5 x 25.5 cm

 .5    Ker Batch VI: [1 plan] in MS 465/1/10, p. 16. Printed. 20.5 x 25.5 cm

 .6    Ker Batch VI: lyre stone, restored, from west, 20 in MS 465/1/10, p. 18. Printed. 20.5 x 25.5 cm

/11    E.N.R. Fletcher to P.O. Beale, 11 June 1966 – he researches linear measures of ancient metrology; mentions work of Alexander Thom and Flinders Petrie; expounds his thesis of eubits; presents a table of hypothetical digital values, applied to the Gambian circles; in Britain complex stone circles display the same phenomenon; earlier ones are different and may be associated with linear and curvilinear; discusses Strabo’s Geography; asks if Gambian stone circles are 4000 years back and on the caravan route; asks if there is a conical shape or hill near the stone circles. 2 leaves, table. 33.3 x 20.5 cm (leaf 1); 16.5 x 20.5 cm (leaf 2)

/12    Gambian archaeology; by P.O. Beale. [np], 6 July 1966. 2 leaves. Mimeographed. 33 x 20.5 cm

/13    The Gambian stone circles – a modern Arabic letter; [by P.O. Beale, ?1966]. 2 leaves. 33 x 20.5 cm

/14    Sheikh Alhaji Mohammedu Lamin Kemoring to P.O. Beale, July 1966; translated by Alhaji A.M. Jobe, The Gambia – history, literary references, sacred significance and construction of the stones found near Wassu and other places in Gambia; note by Alhaji Jobe; notes by P.O. Beale. 4 leaves. 33 x 20.5 cm

 .1    Another copy. 35 x 22 cm

/15    Cheikh Anta Diop to P.O. Beale, 23 Oct. 1967 – sends findings of carbon dating of the sample sent by Beale; has sent half the sample to the laboratory of Gif-sur-Yvette, Paris for confirmation; requests much information about the megaliths so he can prepare a report of the analysis in the journal Radiocarbone. 1 p. 27 x 21 cm

/16    G. Thilman to P.O. Beale, 7 Nov. 1967 – informs of the dating results by C.A. Diop of the Gambian stone circle sample; requests manner, place and circumstances of the finding of the sample; requests Beale’s article published in J.Hist.Assoc. Nigeria, 1966. 1 p. 27 x 21 cm

/17    The Permanent Secretary on behalf of the Minister of Works and Communications, The Gambia, to Sheikh Anta Diop, 9 Nov. 1967 – Mr Beale informs that Diop’s laboratory has determined a date for the stone circle at Wassu; this strengthens belief that the Gambian stone circles are among the most important monuments in West Africa; expresses gratitude. 1 p. 33 x 20.5 cm

/18    The Gambian stone circles; [by P.O. Beale, 1967?], with note: sent to Inf. Officer 21.11.67. 4 leaves. 33 x 20.5 cm

/19    Gambia: Wasu near Kuntaur 1200 B.P. ± 110; [by P.O. Beale, 1967?], with note: copy sent to Dakar 29.11.67]. 1 p. 33 x 20.5 cm

/20    Longmans, Green & Co Ltd., to P.O. Beale, 29 Dec. 1967 – encloses a set of galley proofs of The stone circles of The Gambia and The Senegal; asks him to make corrections. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/21    The stone circles of The Gambia and The Senegal; by P.O. Beale. [London], Longmans for the Historical Society of Nigeria, 1968. In Tarikh 2:2, 1968, pp. 2-11, illus., plans. Printed. 21.5 x 14 cm

/22    R. Mauny to P.O. Beale, 30 Dec. 1967 – has just returned from Congresses and a visit to Sine with its 900 stones; C.A. Diop told him of the Wassu and the lost caravan of Monod dates; has asked Diop for a second date from Diam-Diam; thinks the circles are not Ghana Empire but related to the Serer or the Diola of Casamance; thinks research should be directed at South Senegal and Portuguese Guinea; lines of poles and forked ones to be found by the Koniagui and in PNG; does not think Mandingoes, Wolof or Fula would be helpful; suggests animists. 2 pp. 27 x 21 cm

/23    Superintendant of Surveys, The Gambia, to P.O. Beale, 9 Jan. 1968 – thanks him for letter and Gambia map with the stone circles site. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/24    Information and Broadcasting Adviser, Government, The Gambia to P.O. Beale, 9 Jan. 1968 – would like two blocks made to keep for publicity material either double or single column; will arrange payment. 1 p. 26.5 x 20.5 cm

/25    Gundolf Seidenspinner, Afrika-Archiv, to P.O. Beale, 9 Feb. 1968 – thanks for letter and information about the stone circles in The Gambia; would like to have a copy of the report; send mint postage stamps. 1 p. 29.5 x 21 cm

/26    B.T. Holmes to P.O. Beale, 3 July 1938 [sic, ie 1968] – visited the stone circle sites and took photos including of nearby hills and mounds; has obtained air photos from the 1956 survey; has a copy of the report but would like copies of other published information and the carbon dates; hopes to return winter 1970-71 and take photographs from a plane of the circles, mounds and possible hill fortifications. 1 p. 27.5 x 21.5 cm

/27    Raymond Mauny to P.O. Beale, 19 July 1968 – reply delayed by trouble from ‘students’ at Centre des Recherches Africaines, Paris; would like a copy of Tarikh with article; thinks Arabic letter interesting but may be only pious Moslem comment; thinks Diop’s dating a bit early; longs for other dates including Diam-Diam. 1 p. 27 x 21 cm

/28    Ibid., 5 Sep. 1968 – sends thanks for copy of Tarikh; the knowledge of stones more complete but lacks sites of villages of Chiefs; find of iron slag is interesting; discusses implications of the C-14 dates; thanks him for address of B.T. Holmes. 1 p. 27 x 21 cm

/29    B.T. Holmes to F.A. Evans, 1 Oct. 1968 – orders copy of the film, ‘African Stonehenge’; referred by P.O. Beale; thinks more archaeological work should take place in The Gambia preceded by air photography; has photos from 10,000 feet; would like some from 1000-2000 feet for more detail; is a business man, not an archaeologist; daughter works at Royal Ontario Museum; suspects bosses of Tyre and trading posts in Mexico may have originated in seaborne traders and invaders from West Africa; explains use of film; on carbon 14 dates; hopes to go to The Gambia in 1970-1. 2 leaves. 28 x 21.5 cm

/30    Joseph J. Laver to P.O. Beale, 8 Oct. 1968 – requests copy of report on Anglo-Gambian expedition to the circles in 1964-5; his studies of ethnic groups of Basse Casamance suggest the Banyun as well as Malinke might be connected to circles. 1 p. 28 x 21.5 cm

/31    F.A. Evans to B.T. Holmes, 18 Oct. 1968 – discusses possible East-West culture migration by sea from Africa to America; spread of iron-working as outlined in P.L. Shinnie’s book Merce and its connection to the origin of the stone circles; questions mythical significance ascribed by others; became interested after serving seven years as District Commissioner in The Gambia; now works for Duke of Edinburgh’s Award as general secretary; hopes he and Beale can help with their researches. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/32    F.A. Evans to Prof. M. Posnansky, 29 Oct. 1968 – will send a copy of the film ‘African Stonehenge’; already shown at several congresses of Africanists; discusses carbon 14 date and iron smelting and implications for migrations and the construction of stone circles; Paul Ozanne has not divulged what he has done with the objects he took on expedition; asks Posnansky to try to find out; Oliver Davies’ book important; would be glad to know if he knows of further Gambian work; asks about Acheulean handaxe from Kenya which he presented to the Accra museum; looks forward to hearing of reception of film. 2 leaves. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/33    B.T. Holmes to F.A. Evans, 14 Feb. 1969 – has received film; is sending notes on parallels with stone circles in Mexico; lists references to La Venta; La Venta currently being excavated by an American team; structures and pyramids in Mexico not unlike the Gambian ‘hills’; language relationships; culture contact through mariners and sailors. 2 leaves. Photocopy. 25.5 x 20 cm

/34    B.T. Holmes to F.A. Evans, 24 Mar. 1969 – sends copy of notes on believing in an early maritime community in the valleys of The Gambia and Senegal; mentions Coe’s book on the Olmec; Gambian similarities to La Venta; monuments in San Lorenzo, Mexico; there may be links between Malinke and Nahuatl; requests another copy of report. 1 p. 28 x 22 cm

/35    F.A. Evans to B.T. Holmes, 31 Mar. 1969 – apologises for misunderstanding over bill for film; will let him know P.O. Beale’s thoughts on Mexican parallels to the Gambian stone circles; has interesting theories from another man about the orientation of stone circles; reviewing a work by Desmond Clark in Portuguese East Africa on Luanda. 1 p. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/36    P.O. Beale to B.T. Holmes, 26 Apr. 1969 – thanks him for monograph ‘Tarshish and Pul’; new idea of Tashish being used in West Africa; only BC dates known in West Africa from the Nok culture in Nigeria; knows little of linguistic parallels between West Africa and Central America; suggests work of David Gamble and J.W.Afr.lang.; suggests using comparison of measurements in the New World and Old World and work of E.N.R. Fletcher and Petrie; climbed a number of hills between Wassu and Charnen but found no evidence of pyramids; may be similar to Silbury Hill; he and Mr Evans found N’Jai Kunda containing largest stones in The Gambia; for information on sites in Senegal suggests contacting Profs. Mauny and Hugold; also Prof. of African History at Birmingham. 2 leaves. 33 x 20.5 cm

37/    Tarshish and Pul: the forgotten achievement (a working hypothesis); by B.T. Holmes, Mar. 1969. [i], 51 leaves. 29 x 23 cm

/38    B.T. Holmes to P.O. Beale, 9 June 1969 – on carbon dates; discusses mounds and pyramids in The Gambia and Mexico, particularly La Venta, Tehuantepec, Hill of Malinche, tomb in Lydia; should test cone-like hills in Gambia. 3 leaves, phot. 28 x 22 cm

 .1    La Venta ‘mound’ or ‘pyramid’ – note human figures by pole on summit – artificial from ground up. 1 photograph. 12 x 8 cm

/39    B.T. Holmes to P.O. Beale, 13 July 1969 – has maps and photographs from 1956 Land Survey; wants air photos from 1000-2000 feet; need to analyse hill soils and iron contents; two small hills near Pakaliba; another hill in road fork out of Georgetown. 1 p. 28 x 21.5 cm

/40    Archaeological research in Senegambia: prospectus, [1973-75]. 10 leaves, bibl., photocopy. 33 x 22 cm. Manuscript annotations

/41    Deric Evans to P.O. Beale, 19 Feb. [1973?] – sending the three reports as discussed by telephone; importance of the stone circles is being realized; will send Descamp’s report. 2 pp. Handwritten. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/42    Account of mission in Gambia (23-28 June 1972); by Cyr Deschamps. [i], 16 les, [5] plans, tables. Photocopy. 30 x 21 cm

/43    Matthew H. Hill to P.O. Beale, 29 Oct. 1973 – project of archaeological reconnaissance in The Gambia by the Royal Ontario Museum and University of Waterloo under the direction of B.T. Holmes; to examine artificial or modified hills and intensive survey of Suttuco or Cantor sites; hopes finds will produce a cultural sequence; a Canadian will start work in January; will be in England en route to Gambia; hopes to meet Beale. 1 p. 28 x 21.5 cm

/44    The Senegambian stone circles; by F.A. Evans, 11 Mar. 1974. [Draft of] article for West Africa with 2 illustrations. 4 leaves. Photocopy. 29.5 x 21 cm

/45    Archaeological explorations in The Gambia, 1974: report to the Canada Council on grant S73-0705; by Matthew H. Hill. 8 leaves. 28 x 21.5 cm

/46    Stone Circles of Senegambia; by Matthew H. Hill, University of Waterloo, [1974?]. 14 leaves. Photocopy. 28.5 x 21.5 cm. Manuscript annotations

/47    Works Superintendant, Public Works Dept., Georgetown, to Keeper of Public Records, Public Record Office, Banjul, 20 May 1974 – attaches a sketch of the Wassu grove of stone circles including a kiosk. 1 p., 1 plan. Photocopy. 26 x 19.5 cm; 21 x 32.5 cm (plan)

/48    A report to the President of the Republic of Gambia, June 1974.
A plan to enclose the stone circles at Wassu and Kerbatch and to develop kiosk, museums and other facilities for visitors; by F.A. Evans, 7 June 1974. [ii], 1-8, 10-11 leaves (missing leaf 9). 29.5 x 21 cm

Appendix I: The Senegal’s policy. 3 leaves
Appendix II: Wassu. 1 plan. 21.5 x 33 cm
Appendix III: Wassu, extension areas. 1 plan. 21.5 x 33 cm
Appendix IV: Kerbatch. 1 plan. 21.5 x 33 cm
Appendix V: Sketch of pergola wall. 1 drawing. 21 x 29.5 cm
Appendix VI: Agreement. 1 p. 29.5 x 21 cm
Appendix VII: Stone circles water supply: a simple water supply lay-out; by C.A. Dawodu. 1 plan. 21 x 29.5 cm
Appendix VIII: Sketch diagram for kiosk, museums at Wassu and Kerbatch. 1 plan. 21.5 x 33 cm
Appendix IX: Preliminary estimates: the Wassu/Kerbatch project; by F.A. Evans, 13 June 1974. 3 leaves. 21 x 29.5 cm

/49    Note on Wassu and Kerbatch stone circle enclosures: plans and revised estimates for kiosk, museums, and walls, fences and water supplies; F.A. Evans, 19 July 1974. 2 leaves

/50    Stonehenges of West Africa; by Deric Evans. From: Country Life, 16 Jan. 1975, pp. 134-5. Printed

Photographs /51-/113

/51    [stone circle], Gambia, c. 1964, no. 4. 8 x 10.5 cm

/52    P.O. Beale [walking towards a stone circle], c. 1964, no. 5. 10.5 x 8 cm

/53    Niani Mari [?], [a standing stone], no. 3. 10.5 x 8 cm

/54    [large standing stone], 1964, no. 6. 10.5 x 8 cm

/55    [stone circle], c. 1964, no. 7. 8 x 10.5 cm

/56    [stone circle], 1964, no. 8. 8 x 10.5 cm

/57    [boys standing in a stone circle], c. 1964, no. 9. 8 x 10.5 cm

/58    [large standing stone with the boys and stone circle in the background], 1964, no. 10. 8 x 10.5 cm

/59    [two standing stones, or one broken into two], 1964, no. 12. 8 x 10.5 cm

/60    [single standing stone], no. 13. 10.5 x 8 cm

/61    [six depressions where stones stood?], no. 14. 10.5 x 8 cm

/62    [large rocks at ground level], no. 16. 8 x 10.5 cm

/63    [large rock at ground level], no. 18. 10.5 x 8 cm

/64    Gambia High School 6th former [searching through bushland with stones in the background], c. 1964, no. 22. 8 x 10.5 cm

/65    [P.O. Beale walking through] Gambian savannah, c. 1964, no. 23. 10.5 x 8 cm

/66    Village well, c. 1964, no. 24. 8 x 10.5 cm

/67    [cattle at the village well], no. 25. 8 x 10.5 cm

/68    P.O. Beale [standing in a stone circle], c. 1964, no. 27. 8 x 10.5 cm

/69    P.O. Beale and dog [between a stone circle and a fallen stone], 1964, no. 28. 8 x 10.5 cm

/70    [boy standing among fallen stones], c. 1964, no. 29. 8 x 10.5 cm

/71    [stone circle], c. 1964, no. 30. 8 x 10.5 cm

/72    Lyre stone possibly represents twins at the funeral of the person buried in the circle, no. 31. 10.5 x 8 cm

/73    [lyre stone at Kerbatch stone circle site], no. 52. 10.5 x 8 cm

/74    P.O. Beale’s school’s messenger, Essa [leaning on a standing stone, surrounded by others], c. 1964, no. 33. 10.5 x 8 cm

/75    [stone circle], c. 1964, no. 34. 8 x 10.5 cm

/76    [buffalo wagon hauling palm fronds?], Gambia, c. 1964, no. 35. 10.5 x  8 cm

/77    [bridge over Gambia river], no. 36. 8 x 10.5 cm

/78    [stone circle], c. 1964, no. 37. 8 x 10.5 cm

/79    South bank of Gambia River, c. 1964, no. 38. 10.5 x 8 cm

/80    Kerbatch 1964, Ozanne’s excavation, no. a. 9 x 12 cm

/81    Wasu, A.H., 1964, Ozanne’s excavation, no. b. 12 x 9 cm

/82    Kerbatch, revetment? Stones, Gambia, 1964, Ozanne’s excavation, no. c. 12 x 9 cm

/83    Njai Kunda: [diagram]. 26 x 20 cm

/84    Wassu VI, Wassu I: [diagram]. 20 x 25 cm [see also MS 465/124]

/85    Wassu: [diagram]. 26 x 20.5 cm

/86    Kerbatch VI [and] Wassu VI: [proof printed photographs]. 20 x 25 cm [see also MS 465/124]

/87    Wasu, circle A, neg. 3: [stone circle], bearing 78º. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/88    Wasu, circle A, neg. 43: sand mounds and bones. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/89    Wasu, circle A, neg. 27: bowl. 26 x 20.5 cm

/90    Wasu, circle A, neg. 28: [bowl]. 26 x 20.5 cm

/91    Wasu, circle A, neg. 69: [two bowls]. 26 x 20.5 cm [see also MS 465/124]

/92    Wasu, circle A, neg. 1: bearing of 85º [stone circle]. 25 x 20.5 cm

/93    Wasu, circle A, neg. 38: trench layout [between stones]. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/94    Wasu, circle A1, neg. 37: buried pillar. 25 x 20.5 cm

/95    Wasu, circle B, neg. 5: bearing 72º [stone circle]. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/96    Wasu, circle B1, neg. 15: [circle of stones, some standing, some part buried]. 26 x 20.5 cm

/97    Wasu, circle C, neg. 6: bearing 80º [stone circle]. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/98    Wasu, circle C1, neg. 16: [stone circle]. 26 x 20.5 cm

/99    Wasu, circle D, neg. 7: bearing 85º [stone circle]. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/100    Wasu, circle D1, neg. 11: bearing 16º [stone circle]. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/101    Outlying stones Wasu E, neg. 19, bearing 97º. 17.5 x 17 cm

/102    Ler-batch: west view diagram]. 26 x 20 cm. [see also MS 465/6 end paper enclosure]

/103    Ker-batch: [north view diagram]. 26 x 20 cm. [see also MS 465/6 end paper enclosure]

/104    Ker-batch site: rough plan of stone circles arrangement. 22 x 20.5 cm. [see also MS 465/6 end paper enclosure]

/105    Kerbatch, circle I, neg. 57: [small stone circle among palms]. 26 x 20.5 cm

/106    Kerbatch, circle II, neg. 59: [small broken stone circle]. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/107    Kerbatch, circle III, neg. 60: [stone circle]. 26 x 20.5 cm

 .1    Another copy of MS 465/107. 11 x 11 cm pasted on mount 26 x 20 cm

/108    Kerbatch, circle IV, neg. 62: [stone circle]. 26 x 20.5 cm

/109    Kerbatch, circle VII, neg. 53: [broken stone circle]. 26 x 20.5 cm

/110    Kerbatch, circle VIII, neg. 48: [stone circle]. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/111    Kerbatch, circle VIII, neg. 64: [stone circles]. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/112    Kerbatch, circle IX, neg. 50: [stone circles]. 25.5 x 20.5 cm

/113    Kerbatch, lyre stone, neg. 47. 26 x 20.5 cm

/114    Ago: the new archaeological magazine, 1:6, Oct. 1970. Bournemouth, The Archaeological Centre, 1970. 33 pp., illus., maps, phots., table, bibl. Special edition: Prehistoric Africa. Printed. 28 x 21 cm

/115    Bibliographie sur la préhistoire et l’archéologie de la Gambie; [by R. Mauny]. 2 leaves. Typewritten. 27 x 21 cm

/116    A propos de la datation des megaliths Sénégambiens; par Karamoko Cissé et Guy Thilmans. Photocopy from: Notes Africaines 117, 1968, pp. 13-17, illus., map, bibl. Printed. 29.5 x 21 cm

/117    Was there ever a golden age in Senegambia?; by F.A. Evans. Photocopy from West Africa, 3351, 19 Oct. 1981. Printed. 29.5 x 21 cm

/118    Early trade and raw materials in South Central Africa; by Brian M. Fagan. From: J.Afr.hist. X:1, 1969, pp. 1-13. Printed. 23.5 x 15.5 cm

/119    James Island: sentinel of the Gambia River. Gambia, The Monuments and Relics Commission, Cultural Archives Department, [nd]. 6 pp., illus., maps, plan, phots. Printed. 21 x 10 cm

/120    Bibliography of the Gambia; by David P. Gamble. Sept. 1958. 36 pp. Mimeographed. 33 x 20 cm

/121    Geographical tableau of West Africa in the Middle Ages according to written sources, tradition and archaeology: megaliths; by R. Mauny. [i], 4, [v] leaves, figs. 39-45. Translated extracts from the Mem.I.F.A.N. 60, 1961, pp. 167-170. Typewritten. 25.5 x 20.5 [p.i], 32.5 x 20.5 cm [pp. 1-4], 25.5 x 20.5 [figs. 39-45]

/122    Report on the excavation of an ancient tomb near Maimimarru on the north bank of the River Gambia [and] Contents of cases, nos. I-IV; by J.H. Ozanne. (Enclosure no. 1 in despatch no. 40 of the 3rd July 1896 of the Travelling Commissioner, North Bank. 4 leaves. Handwritten, photocopy. 37 x 19.5 cm

/123    The Anglo-Gambian stone circles expedition; by Paul Ozanne in Research Review, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, 1:2, 1965, pp. 32-6, 3 plates, bibl. Printed. 24.5 x 21 cm [see also MS 465/84, /124, /91]

/124    The Carthaginian voyage to the West Africa in 500BC together with Sultan Mohammed Bello’s account of the origin of the Fulbe; by H.R. Palmer. Bathurst, Govt. Printer, 1931. [iv], xiii, 32 pp. Printed. 23.5 x 16 cm [Held in the RAI collection of the Anthropology Library, British Museum]

/125    Rapport preliminaire sur la fouille de Ndalane (Sine-Saloum), 27 Novembre 1971 au 14 Janvier 1972; par G. Thilmans et C. Descamps. 7 leaves, 1 diagr. Mimeographed. 27 x 21 cm [see also MS 465/127]

/126    Observations pédologiques sur le site de Ndalane; par B. Kaloga et S. Pereira-Baretto. 4 leaves. Mimeographed. 27 x 21 cm [Annexe to MS 465/126]

/127    Director General, National Centre for Arts and Culture, Banjul, to P.O. Beale, 19 June 2012 – replies to letter with six points concerning the stone circles as declared a UNESCO World Heritage site; their present state and promotion. 1 p. Typewritten. 29.5 x 21 cm

Maps /128-/138. Maps /128-/130 were the ones used by P.O. Beale on his visits to the sites marked ‘X’.

/128    Gambia, sheet 1. Scale 1:125,000 or 1 inch = 1.973 miles. Bathurst, Directorate of Overseas Surveys, edition 2, 1962. (DOS 515, series G6 24). 86.5 x 27 cm

/129    Gambia, sheet 2. Scale 1:125,000 or 1 inch = 1.973 miles. Bathurst, Directorate of Overseas Surveys, edition 2, 1962. (DOS 515, series G6 24). 85 x 44.5 cm

/130    Gambia, sheet 3. Scale 1:125,000 or 1 inch = 1.973 miles. Bathurst, Directorate of Overseas Surveys, edition 2, 1962. (DOS 515, series G6 24). 33.5 x 44.5 cm

/131    Kudong, Gambia 1/50,000, sheet 7. (North D-28, 0-II-SE). [Bathurst], Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 1948. 30 x 25 cm

/132    Fass, Gambia 1/50,000, sheet 7A. (North D-28, 0-II-NE). [Bathurst], Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 1948. 30 x 25 cm

/133    Kuntaur, Gambia 1/50,000, sheet 8. (North D-28, P-I-SW). [Bathurst], Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 1948. 30 x 25 cm

/134    Fass, Gambia 1/50,000, sheet 8A. (North D-28, P-I-NW part of). [Bathurst], Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 1948. 19.5 x 24.5 cm

/135    N’jau land use, Gambia 1:25,000, sheet 7/1. [Bathurst], Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 1959. 33 x 24 cm

/136    Kudang land use, Gambia 1:25,000, sheet 7/11. [Bathurst], Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 1958. 33 x 24.5 cm

/137    Kuntaur land use, Gambia 1:25,000, sheet 8/1. [Bathurst], Directorate of Overseas Surveys, 1959. 32.5 x 24.5 cm

/138    James Island and ruins of Fort James, River Gambia; surveyed and drawn in December 1948 by H.B. Wanless. 1 plan, drawings. 25.5 x 31.5 cm