Peters, Emrys Lloyd and Stella M. Peters (MS 447)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Manuscript Contents Peters, Emrys Lloyd and Stella M. Peters (MS 447)

Photographs of Cyrenaica, Bedouin in black and white.

3 albums of photographs and loose photographs. Various sizes

Most of the photographs are unlabelled so they have been described. Where written identification exists, it is noted by quotation marks.

Some photographs are numbered; these numbers have been noted.

See also negatives at MS 448/15

Presented by Brian Peters, Aug. 2006.

BOC  The Bedouin of Cyrenaica; by Emrys L. Peters

 /1 [Cyrenaica Bedouin]. 1 album containing black and white photographs attached to pp. 1-41; pp. 42-6 blank. Red plastic boards. 34 x 38 cm. 35 loose photographs were inserted between some pp. of the album. These have been filed separately. Various sizes

 /1 9 photographs attached to p. 1. 8 x 11 cm

 /1 Landscape with tents to left and right. S32 [see MS 447/1/1/1]

 /2 Landscape with shrubs and trees in middle distance, possible village. A/13

 /3 Rocky landscape with low hills in background. F/27

 /4 Landscape with small oasis, tents, and possible village. A/22

 /5 Landscape with salt sea? T35

 /6 Landscape with line of shrubs in middle distance. A/11

 /7 ‘Our tent in the camp’: landscape with tents and shrubs in middle distance. A/16

 /8 ‘Our tent in the camp’: line of 5 tents in scrubby landscape. D7A

 /9 4 pack horses with Bedouin to right and Bedouin with goat to left in landscape with line of tents in the distance and corner of tent in the foreground. E/5 [see also MS 447/5/13]

  /1/1/10 Loose photographs inserted before p. 1. 21 photographs. 8 x 11 cm unless stated otherwise. Filed separately

 .1 Scrubby landscape with line of tents in middle distance

 .2 Sandy landscape with 2 Bedouin and 1 horse and line of tents in distance. P5A

 .3 3 tents in sandy landscape. P14A

 .4 3 tents in landscape with Bedouin standing in front of the nearest. H/17

 .5 Camp of tents, Bedouin and horses in rocky landscape. H/30 [see also MS 447/9/9]

 .6 3 tents in landscape. F/32 [see MS 447/1/9/2]

 .7 Corner fixings of a tent with Bedouin and horses in background. E7

 .8 Tent fixings of poles and rope with animals in background. G/16 [see MS 447/1/11/1]

 .9 Rope and pole tent fixings. G/17 [see MS 447/1/11/3, MS 447/9/15]

.10 Tent with animals in left background. G/18 [see MS 447/1/42/4]

.11 Tent in sandy landscape. P10A

.12 Tent openings supported by poles and rope. G/9

.13 Interior tent roof decoration. L5 [see MS 447/1/13/3]

.14 Large tent. T22 [see MS 447/1/8/3]

.15 2 Bedouin adjusting ropes of tent with another tent in background. 14 x 19 cm [see MS 447/1/9/1] [filed at MS 448]

.16 Tent in landscape with horse and Bedouin in right foreground. 16.5 x 21.5 cm [see MS 447/9/7] [filed at MS 448]

.17 ‘Our mother grinding corn’: with child and another woman in the background. 9.5 x 15 cm [see MS 447/1/6/5]

.18 Two Bedouin boys holding a mule and two camels loaded with water bottles with a young camel suckling one of the camels and another camel in the background. 24 x 30 cm [filed at MS 448]

 /1/1/10.19 Brush huts, Green Mountains from a distance. I10A [see MS 447/1/10/4, MS 447/9/3]

.20 Brush huts, Green Mountains. I9A

.21 Another copy of MS 447/1/1/10. 12 x 16 cm. 20

 /2 8 photographs attached to p. 2. 8 x 11 cm unless stated otherwise

 /1 Cultivation in a rocky landscape. K3

 /2 Cultivation in a valley. M/27

 /3 Cultivation in a high plateau. I2A

 /4 Patches of cultivation in a shrubby landscape. L24

 /5 Patches of cultivation in a rock strewn shrubby landscape. K18

 /6 Cultivation in a valley with 3 tents to the left. L34 [see MS 447/4/9; see also MS 447/5/7]

 /7 Closer image of MS 447/1/2/6. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /8 Terraced cultivation in a rocky valley. 12 x 16.5 cm [see MS 447/4/8]

 /3 8 photographs attached to p. 3. 8 x 11 cm unless stated otherwise

 /1 Herd of sheep and goats with tent in left hand corner. E33 [see also MS 447/5/3; see also MS 447/1/40/7]

 /2 Similar to MS 447/1/3/1 with children. E29

 /3 Sheep and goats being herded by a Bedouin. D12A

 /4 Tent sheltering animals with more tents in the background. 9 x 14 cm

 /5 Sheep being herded by a Bedouin man and 2 boys. D13A. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /6 Distant herd and a boy in a rocky landscape. F/23 [see also MS 447/5/20]

 /7 Animals sheltering in the shade of a tree. I21A [see also MS 447/4/24-5]

 /8 Grazing sheep. D11A

/1/4 7 photographs attached to p. 4. Various sizes

 /1 Camels grazing with 2 crouched and loaded. 12 x 16.5 cm. F28 [see MS 447/3/1/19; see also MS 447/3/1/20]

 /2 Caravan? of camels with two ridden horses and dogs. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /3 Crouched camels in a desert landscape. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /4 Four people walking behind a laden camel in rocky landscape: ‘S.M. Peters’. 8.5 x 11 cm. K6 [see MS 447/3/1; see also MS 447/1/33/8]

 /5 Head of a camel with house in the background. 8.5 x 11 cm. R36

 /6 ‘Camel market – Tarhura’: crowd of Bedouin and 3 camels. 7 x 10 cm

 /7 Three Bedouin walking with three laden camels and on the right another group and a packhorse. 8.5 x 11 cm. I7A [see also MS 447/4/26]

 /5 5 photographs attached to p. 5. Various sizes

 /1 ‘Our first tent’: tent in foreground with herd of sheep and goats in the background. 12 x 16.5 cm [see MS 447/1/42/3; MS 447/9/10-11]

 /2 ‘The Sheikh who lived in our camp’. 14.5 x 9 cm

 /3 Storm clouds over rocky landscape. 9.5 x 14.5 cm

 /4 7 camels and a Bedouin in rocky landscape. 9.5 x 15 cm

 /5 ‘Thyba – a little Chann? I hope your eyes will be able to penetrate the shadow’. 14.5 x 9.5 cm

 /6 6 photographs attached to p. 6. Various sizes

 /1 ‘S. Peters’ seated in front of tent holding a milk churn goat skin. 12 x 16 cm

 /2 ‘Our son – Sherif, the little boy who might come home with us’. 9.5 x 14 cm

 /3 ‘Our sister spinning wool: the odd looking foot has wool wrapped around it’. 9.5 x 15 cm

 /4 Head of an elderly Bedouin. 7.5 x 9.5 cm

 /5 Another copy of MS 447/1/1/10.17. 8.5 x 13.5 cm

/1/6/6 Letter of Tribunale (court). 11.5 x 16 cm

 /7 Loose photograph inserted p. 6 – Reverse of letter of tribunale (court) held by a boy. 11.5 x 16 cm

 /7 6 photographs attached to p. 7. Various sizes

 /1 Camp site with 5 tents. 9.5 x 14 cm

 /2 Line of 5 tents with people and animals. 12 x 16.5 cm. H/30

 /3 Camels walking across desert herded by a Bedouin. 12.5 x 19 cm [see MS 447/1/25/1; MS 447/3/42/1]

 /4 Line of 3 tents with animals in a rocky landscape. 8 x 11 cm. D4A

 /5 3 tents under cloudy sky with 1 person. 8.5 x 11 cm. 14 [see also MS 447/1/1/10.3; MS 447/9/12]

 /6 Line of 5 tents with horse in foreground. 11.5 x 16.5 cm

 /8 7 photographs attached to p. 8. 8 x 11 cm unless stated otherwise

 /1 Tent with sheep and goats in the background. 12 x 16.5 cm. G.5

 /2 Tent. E.2

 /3 Large tent. T.21 [see MS 447/1/1/10.14]

 /4 Tent. 11.5 x 16.5 cm

 /5 Tent with white outercover. T.24

 /6 Tent in sandy landscape. 110

 /7 Bedouin knocking in a tent peg. A/32

 /9 5 photographs attached to p. 9. Various sizes

 /1 Women setting up a tent. 12 x 16.5 cm. T13/14 [see MS 447/1/1/10.15; plate 2 in BOC]

 /2 3 tents in a line. 12 x 16.5 cm. F32 [see MS 447/1/1/10.6]

 /3 Tent with Bedouin on right side. 8 x 11 cm. F33

 /4 Tent beside small tree with Bedouin sitting in front. 12 x 16 cm. F.37

/1/9/5 Tent with Bedouin sitting in front. 8 x 11 cm [see also MS 447/9/13]. F34

/10 4 photographs attached to p. 10. 12 x 16.5 cm unless stated otherwise

 /1 Brush hut with woman standing in front and tent behind. 8 x 11 cm. I27A [see MS 447/9/1]

 /2 ‘Tent with foliage sides’: another copy of MS 447/1/10/1 without the woman [see MS 447/9/2]

 /3 Brush surrounding a tent in rocky landscape

 /4 ‘Khus’: another copy of MS 447/1/1/10.19 [see MS 447/9/3]

/11 4 photographs attached to p. 11. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /1 Another copy of MS 447/1/1/10.8. G/16

 /2 Tent fixings. G/10 [see MS 447/9/14]

 /3 Another copy of MS 447/1/1/10.9. G/11 [see MS 447/1/11/3]

 /4 Interior tent decoration. G13

/12 6 photographs attached to p. 12. Various sizes

 /1 Interior decoration, rugs and sleeping mats. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /2 Interior supports, linings and rugs. 11.5 x 16.5 cm

 /3 Interior decorations and supports. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /4 Interior pole roof support: ‘Hajat’. 8.5 x 11 cm. T38

 /5 Interior roof decoration. 8.5 x 11 cm. 329

 /6 Interior rope supports. 8.5 x 11 cm. T36 [see also MS 447/9/16]

/13 5 photographs attached to p. 13. 12 x 16.5 cm unless stated otherwise

 /1 ‘Jabber and kraba’: head of pole interior roof support. G.14

 /2 ‘Interior of summer tent showing the cotton patches’

 /3 Another copy of MS 447/1/1/10.13

 /4 ‘Interior of summer tent showing the cotton patches’

 /5 ‘Marrat al-Aid’: interior roof decoration. 8 x 11 cm

 /1/14 6 photographs attached to p. 14. Various sizes

 /1 Gathering sheep for shearing. 12 x 16.5 cm. H/10 [see MS 447/3/47/5]

 /2 Men shearing sheep inside a tent. 8.5 x 11 cm. H/12

 /3 Men shearing sheep inside a tent. 8.5 x 11 cm. H/4 [see MS 447/3/47/6]

 /4 Men shearing sheep inside a tent with a pile of fleeces on the right. 12 x 16.5 cm. H/14 [see MS 447/3/47/7]

 /5 Men taking a break from shearing inside a tent with a sheep and fleeces. 12 x 16.5 cm. H/8 [see MS 447/3/47/8]

 /6 Similar to MS 447/1/14/3. 8.5 x 11 cm. H/5

/15 5 photographs attached to p. 15. Various sizes

 /1 Woman spinning using her foot. 12 x 16 cm [see MS 447/6/20]

 /2 Woman spinning with a spindle. 11 x 8.5 cm. C/28 [see also MS 447/6/4-7]

 /3 Woman spinning using her foot. 11 x 8.5 cm. I18A [see MS 447/6/2]

 /4 Another copy of MS 447/1/6/3. 8 x 11 cm

 /5 Women spinning and relaxing in front of a tent with children and brushwood. 8.5 x 11 cm. C/12 [see MS 447/1/39/3; see also MS 447/3/1/25, MS 447/3/42/14]

/16 5 photographs attached to p. 16. Various sizes

 /1 Weaving loom and cloth. 12 x 16.5 cm [see MS 447/1/16/2]

 /2 Woman weaving at loom. 12 x 16.5 cm [see MS 447/1/16/1]

 /3 Woman weaving cloth at loom. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /4 Women weaving on long looms. 8.5 x 11 cm. N.4 [see also MS 447/6/15, 21-2]

 /5 ‘Carpet strip being woven’ and carpets in heaps. 8 x 11 cm. Q37

/17 4 photographs attached to p. 17. Various sizes

 /1 ‘Carpet strip being woven’ inside tent. 16.5 x 12 cm. G30

  /1/17/2 Same carpet strip as MS 447/1/17/1 viewed from the side. 8 x 11 cm. G31 [see also MS 447/6/11]

 /3 ‘One woman weaving, another preparing to make bread’. 8 x 11 cm

 /4 ‘Women taking tea beside a loom’: viewed lengthwise inside a tent. 11 x 8.5 cm. P3A

/18 7 photographs attached to p. 18. 8 x 11 cm unless stated otherwise

 /1 ‘Our well’. 9 x 14.5 cm

 /2 Adult and 2 children collecting water in jerry cans with a donkey

 /3 Similar to MS 447/1/18/2. G/3

 /4 Man drawing water at a well, sheep drinking, a boy and a camel approaching, with a herd of animals in the background. 9.5 x 14 cm

 /5 Adult and child loading a donkey with water-filled jerry cans at a well. G/1

 /6 Two adults filling jerry cans at a well, with donkey drinking and 5 camels in the background. 9 x 14 cm. 120

 /7 Adult walking away with a donkey carrying water-filled jerry cans. G/4

/19 3 photographs attached to p. 19. 11.5 x 16.5 cm

 /1 Pond of water in scrubby landscape. H.20

 /2 Collecting water in jerry cans from a pool. H18

 /3 Three adults carrying cans of water back to camp. H21

/20 7 photographs attached to p. 20. 8.5 x 11 cm unless stated otherwise

 /1 Man ploughing with a camel and another casting seed. R26

 /2 Man casting seed from a basket. R24 [see MS 447/3/42-3]

 /3 Man ploughing with a camel and another ploughing with a donkey in the background. R19

 /4 Man ploughing with a donkey. R22 [see MS 447/3/43]

 /5 A plough beside a tent. 8.5 x 7.5 cm

  /1/20/6 Man ploughing with a camel. R17

 /7 Man standing behind a plough pulled by a camel. R21

/21 6 photographs attached to p. 21. Various sizes

 /1 Earth-covered mounds of harvested grain. 12.5 x 16 cm. R6 [see also MS 447/3/1/5-8]

 /2 A mound opened to expose the grain. 12 x 16 cm [see MS 447/3/1/9]

 /3 Three Bedouin bagging up the grain recovered from the mounds. 12 x 16 cm

 /4 Four Bedouin putting grain into bags. 8 x 11 cm. R9

 /5 Landscape of earth-mounds covering grain. 8.5 x 11 cm. R10

 /6 Two Bedouin looking at a recently made earth-mound. 8.5 x 10.5 cm

/22 5 photographs attached to p. 22. Various sizes

 /1 Two grinding stones. 9.5 x 15 cm [see MS 447/10/11]

 /2 Stella Peters milling grain. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /3 Two women and a child cooking in a tent beside a grain mill. 8.5 x 11 cm. I16A

 /4 Stella Peters seated at a grain mill. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /5 Woman working the grain mill stones inside a tent. 8.5 x 11 cm. K19

/23 4 photographs attached to p. 23. Various sizes

 /1 ‘Collecting brushwood for fuel’. 16.5 x 11.5 cm [see MS 447/3/47/11]

 /2 Woman carrying brushwood on her back to the camp. 12 x 16.5 cm. F36 [see MS 447/3/47/10]

 /3 A cooking oven in the ground. 9.5 x 14 cm. 24

 /4 Woman and child making a cooking fire in front of a tent beside a pile of brushwood. 11.5 x 16 cm. A/9 [see also MS 447/1/39/6]

/24 4 photographs attached to p. 24. 12 x 16.5 cm unless stated otherwise

  /1/24/1 Flock of sheep with 2 children in the background. F/14 [see MS 447/3/47/12; see also MS 447/3/47/13]

 /2 Family milking sheep. F/17 [see MS 447/3/47/15]

 /3 Women and children with sheep and a milk bowl. 8 x 11 cm. F/18

 /4 Women and children walking back to camp with bowls of milk. F/19 [see MS 447/3/47/16]

/25 6 photographs attached to p. 25. 11.5 x 16 cm unless stated otherwise

 /1 Another copy of MS 447/1/7/3. S5 [see MS 447/3/42/2]

 /2 Men and women walking behind a camel through sandy landscape [see MS 447/3/46/8]

 /3 Women loading a camel with many cloth-wrapped parcels lying around before tents. 8.5 x 11 cm. S26 [see MS 447/3/1/21; see also MS 447/1/25/5]

 /4 Women standing amongst parcels on the ground. S24

 /5 Similar copy of MS 447/1/25/3 [see MS 447/3/1/21]

 /6 Line of tents with parcels scattered in the foreground. S/8 [see also MS 447/3/42/4]

/26 6 photographs attached to p. 26. 11.5 x 16 cm unless stated otherwise

 /1 Chief mounted on a horse. R/10

 /2 Chief holding a rifle mounted on a horse before a tent

 /3 Chief mounted on a horse in open landscape. 8 x 11 cm

 /4 Man mounted on a horse talking to 2 others in rocky landscape. 8.5 x 11 cm. K5

 /5 Man racing his horse before a line of tents. H25 [see also MS 447/3/47/17-18]

 /6 Man racing his horse while aiming a rifle in front of tents

/27 3 photographs attached to p. 27. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /1 Man holding a rifle and mounted on a horse racing past a crowd of spectators [see also MS 447/1/42/7]

  /1/27/2 Three men with rifles on their backs riding on horses in a sandy landscape [see MS 447/3/1/15]

 /3 Six men walking and one riding on a donkey across the landscape. H/16 [see MS 447/3/1/22]

/28 3 photographs attached to p. 28. Various sizes

 /1 Two girls leading horses up a hillside, one carrying a water container on her head. 12 x 16.5 cm [see also MS 447/2/11/2]

 /2 A married woman returning from the well. 11 x 8.5 cm. M/36 [see plate 8 of BOC]

 /3 ‘Gredib’: another copy of MS 447/1/28/2. 16.5 x 12 cm

/29 4 photographs attached to p. 29. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /1 Men holding a meeting in the shade of a tree; a legal case is being heard. 26 [see also MS 447/3/47/19; plate 12 of BOC]

 /2 Close up version of MS 447/1/29/1

 /3 Different view of the same meeting MS 447/1/29/1

 /4 Men holding a meeting inside a tent [see also MS 447/3/47/20]

/30 8 photographs attached to p. 30. 8 x 11 cm unless stated otherwise

 /1 Men and boys at prayer near the camp. 11.5 x 16 cm [see also MS 447/3/22/3; MS 447/3/46]

 /2 Women and children gathering for prayer near camp [see MS 447/3/45]

 /3 Women and children gathering for prayer near camp [see also MS 447/3/22]

 /4 Men at prayer near trees. M/8 [see MS 447/3/23]

 /5 Similar to MS 447/1/30/4. M3A

 /6 Men standing and bowing in prayer. M/5A [see MS 447/3/24]

 /7 Men prostrating in prayer. M/4A [see MS 447/3/25]

 /8 Men and women meeting for greetings near trees. M/12 [see MS 447/3/21]

 /1/31 5 photographs attached to p. 31. Various sizes

 /1 A shrine in rocky landscape. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /2 Tools held in safe-keeping at a tomb. 8.5 x 11 cm. M/15 [see MS 447/3/19]

 /3 Entrance to rock enclosed tomb with tools. 8.5 x 11 cm. M/20

 /4 Tools held in safe-keeping at a tomb. 8 x 11 cm. L37 [see MS 447/3/18]

 /5 Man boiling a kettle of water beside a rug in the countryside. 16 x 11.5 cm

/32 6 photographs attached to p. 32. Various sizes

 /1 Woman sitting on the sand with tents in the background. 16.5 x 12 cm [see MS 447/3/1/1]

 /2 Two women digging a hole in the sand. 12 x 16 cm [see MS 447/3/42/15; see also MS 447/3/46/2]

 /3 Man holding a sieve. 11 x 8 cm. J14 [see also MS 447/3/10-13]

 /4 Back view of man holding a sieve while another handles a pot. 11 x 8 cm. J8 [see also MS 447/3/10-13]

 /5 Men and boys socialising under a tree. 8.5 x 11 cm. J3

 /6 Men and boys meeting in the shade of a tree. 8.5 x 11 cm. J28 [see MS 447/3/9.1]

/33 8 photographs attached to p. 33. 8.5 x 11 cm

 /1 Gathering of women in rock and shrub landscape. K.20 [see MS 447/3/8]

 /2 Similar to MS 447/1/33/1, 3-4. K22

 /3 Similar to MS 447/1/33/1-2, 4. K23 [see MS 447/3/6]

 /4 Similar to MS 447/1/33/1-3. K24 [see MS 447/3/7]

 /5 Two women carrying water cans and grain baskets. K4 [see MS 447/3/2/1]

 /6 Men walking and resting among trees and shrubs. K27 [see MS 447/3/3]

 /7 Men collecting supplies from shrubs. K21

  /1/33/8 Men with a camel walking through brushwood. K7 [see also MS 447/1/4/4; MS 447/3/1]

/34 4 photographs attached to p. 34. Various sizes

 /1 Group of women with a horse: bridal procession? 11.5 x 16 cm [see MS 447/3/1/23]

 /2 Camel loaded with a ceremonial chair for bride. 12 x 16 cm. U28 [see MS 447/3/37; MS 447/3/42/17-19]

 /3 Women gathered to install bride on the camel for the bridal procession; men looking on at right. 10.5 x 16 cm. U31 [see MS 447/3/36]

 /4 Women gathered round the camel with bride hidden in the bridal chair. 10.5 x 16 cm. U32 [see MS 447/3/35]

/35 4 photographs attached to p. 35. Various sizes

 /1 Bride is taken to the nuptial tent, hidden under a canopy. 12.5 x 18 cm [see MS 447/1/35/5; MS 47/3/33; plate 5 of BOC]

 /2 The camel carrying the bride is stopped with 3 men holding rifles kneeling before the camel. 10.5 x 16 cm. U35 [see MS 447/3/32]

 /3 Men surrounding the bride? 9 x 14 cm [see MS 447/3/28; MS 447/3/42/21-22]

 /4 Men gathered round the bride? 10.5 x 16 cm. U37 [see MS 447/3/27]

 /5 Loose photograph inserted p. 35 – another copy of MS 447/1/35/1. 12.5 X 18 cm [filed separately]

/36 4 photographs attached to p. 36. Various sizes

 /1 ‘Panah dog’: dog in left foreground with line of tents in the background. 12 x 16.5 cm [see also MS 447/9/17-18]

 /2 Men sitting inside a tent. 9 x 13.5 cm. 20

 /3 Close up of men sitting inside a tent. 11.5 x 16.5 cm

 /4 Distant view of men sitting in a tent. 11.5 x 16 cm [see also MS 447/9/19]

/37 1 photograph attached to p. 37 – An old Sheikh meditating on a verse from the Koran painted on a board. 12 x 16.5 cm [plate 11 of BOC]

 /1/38 5 photographs attached to p. 38. Various sizes

 /1 Man mounted on a horse with rifle over his shoulder. 16.5 x 11.5 cm. O/24

 /2 Man mounted on a horse with rifle slung across the front of his body. 10.5 x 8 cm

 /3 Woman spinning wool. 16.5 x 11.5 cm

 /4 Woman wearing striped headdress spinning wool. 8.5 x 11 cm. S.37

 /5 Woman wearing striped headdress weaving at a loom. 8.5 x 11 cm. S35

/39 6 photographs attached to p. 39. Various sizes

 /1 Woman and child in front of a tent draped with washing. 12 x 16.5 cm [see MS 447/3/46/7; see also MS 447/3/1/24]

 /2 Girl with child on her back and a pot at her feet in front of a tent. 16 x 12 cm

 /3 Another copy of MS 447/1/15/5. 11.5 x 16 cm [see also MS 447/3/1/25; MS 447/3/42/14]

 /4 Woman and 2 children sitting in front of a tent. 8 x 11 cm. H/29

 /5 Man and boy sitting in front of a tent. 8 x 11 cm. C/9

 /6 Boy watching a fire catch light before tent. 8 x 11 cm. H18 [see also MS 447/1/23/4]

/40 7 photographs attached to p. 40. Various sizes

 /1 Tent in scrubby landscape with herd of sheep and goats behind on a hill. 12 x 16.5 cm. D3A [see MS 447/3/46/4; see also MS 447/3/46/5-6]

 /2 Boy serving glasses of tea to his family inside the tent. 11.5 x 16.5 cm. E27

 /3 Woman spinning wool inside tent with 3 children playing around her. 12 x 16 cm. D16A [see also MS 447/6/24-5]

 /4 Woman using a mortar and pestle beside her cooking fire with 2 children. 12 x 16.5 cm. E24

 /5 Two children playing. 11 x 8 cm. E37

  /1/40/6 Child playing with grain in a tray with mother and 2 children in background. 8 x 11 cm. E22 [see also MS 447/1/40/4]

 /7 Two Bedouin with herd of sheep and goats in background and tent to the left. 8 x 11 cm. E30 [see also MS 447/1/3/2; MS 447/3/47/21]

/41 4 photographs attached to p. 41. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /1 A polygamous household moving to a new campsite. J.30 [see plate 4 of BOC]

 /2 Two camels walking away led by a boy with a donkey and rider in front

 /3 Four men sitting in a tent; 2 of them sewing. B21

 /4 Four men and a boy treating a camel which is lying on the ground on its side with a large tent in the background [see also MS 447/3/1/3-4]

/42 Loose photographs inserted in the back cover of the album. 12 photographs. Various sizes. Filed separately

 /1 Group approaching camp on foot and 1 riding a camel with a donkey to the right and tents in the background. 8 x 11 cm. H/33 [see also MS 447/3/30]

 /2 Sandy landscape with 6 tents and people standing around in the background. 9 x 13.5 cm

 /3 Another copy of MS 447/1/5/1. 9 x 14.5 [see MS 447/9/10-11]

 /4 Another copy of MS 447/1/1/10.10. 14 x 19 cm [filed at MS 448]

 /5 Head and shoulders portrait of a Bedouin man. 16 x 11.5 cm

 /6 Arabic dedication on back of a portrait of a man wearing western dress: ‘To Stella and Emrys from Mohammed Kadik [he lived in Tripoli and worked for Shell]. 15.5 x 11 cm on a mount 23 x 18 cm [filed at MS 448]

 /7 Bedouin horse race meeting. 19.5 x 24.5 cm [see MS 447/1/27/1] [filed at MS 448]

 /8 Colour photograph of a family with a camel allowing the camel calf to suckle. 12 x 15.5 cm on mount 17 x 22 cm [filed at MS 448]

  /1/42/9 Colour photograph of open sided tent in shrub landscape with family. 12 x 16.5 cm on mount 17 x 22 cm [filed at MS 448]

/10 Colour photograph of a group of men dragging a camel along the ground. 12 x 16 cm on mount 17 x 22 cm [filed at MS 448]

/11 Colour photograph of landscape with a tent and shrubs in the middle distance. 12 x 16.5 on mount 17 x 22 cm [filed at MS 448]

/12 Colour photograph of woman sitting in front of tent spinning wool. 12 x 16.5 cm on mount 17 x 22 cm [filed at MS 448]

 /2 Bedouin portraits. 1 album containing black and white photographs attached to pp. 1-23; pp. 8-19, 24-40 blank. Blue plastic boards. 29 x 26 cm. 6 loose photographs were inserted between some pp. of the album. These have been filed separately. Various sizes

 /1 Full face head of an elderly man wearing a beard, moustache, white turban and woollen cloak. Attached to p. 1. 21.5 x 16 cm. B/9

 /1 Three young men wearing takkiyas, moustaches and formal Arab dress standing in front of a stage set. Inserted before p. 1. 9 x 6.5 cm

 /2 Semi profile head of an elderly man wearing beard, moustache, and turban. Inserted before p. 1. 18 x 13 cm [see also plate 10 of BOC]

 /2 Full face head of an elderly man wearing beard, moustache, white turban and woollen cloak. 16 x 12 cm. B/13

 /3 Semi profile head of an elderly man wearing beard, moustache and black takkiya. Attached to p. 3. 20.5 x 12.5 cm

 /1 Another copy of MS 447/2/3. Inserted before p. 3. 18 x 12.5 cm

 /2 Ibid.

 /4 Profile head of a man wearing beard, moustache, white turban and wrapped in a woollen blanket. Attached to p. 4. 16 x 11.5 cm

 /5 Semi profile head of an elderly man wearing a beard, moustache and white turban with a woollen blanket round his shoulders. Attached to p. 5. 21 x 16 cm. N/17

/2/5/1 Another copy of MS 447/2/3. Inserted before p. 5. 18 x 12.5 cm

 /2 Ibid.

 /6 Profile head and shoulders of middle-aged man wearing beard, moustache, white turban and a white kaftan. Attached to p. 6. 16 x 12 cm. B/26 [see MS 447/2/7/3]

 /7 3 photographs attached to p. 7. 11 x 8.5 cm

 /1 Full face head of an elderly man wearing beard, moustache, a black takkiya with a white cloth draped over lower left chin. M/26

 /2 Profile head of an elderly man wearing beard, moustache, a white woollen takkiya affixed with a black band and a collared shirt. K33

 /3 Full face head and shoulders of MS 447/2/6. B25

 /8-/9 Blank pages]

/10 Full face head and shoulders of a young man wearing a small moustache, black takkiya with head and shoulders wrapped in a white woollen cloak. Attached to p. 10. 21.5 x 16 cm

/11 2 photographs attached to p. 11. Various sizes

 /1 Full face head of a young woman wearing brown and chin henna, and an elaborately dyed and woven head scarf. 11.5 x 8.5 cm. M/37

 /2 Similar copy of ms 447/1/28/1. 8.5 x 10.5 cm. M/33

/12 Full face of a boy seated and wearing a white takkiya, striped shirt and wrapped in a white woollen blanket. Attached to p. 12. 16 x 11.5 cm

/13 Profile of a young girl standing in a rocky landscape wearing a dark coloured patterned dress, bracelets and anklets, and bare headed. Attached to p. 13. 15.5 x 11.5 cm

/14 Profile of a young boy seated on a mat wearing a black takkiya, shirt and trousers, and holding a teapot above a tray on which sit 5 glasses part filled with tea, with a cooking fire on foreground right. Attached to p. 14. 16 x 21 cm. I25

/15 Front view of ms 447/2/14 but with the teapot sitting on the tray with the glasses and cooking fire on the left. Attached to p. 15. 16 x 11.5 cm [see MS 447/3/1/30]

 /2/16 3 photographs attached to p. 16. Various sizes

 /1 Full face of a young girl smiling, seated, and wearing a white head-scarf and a striped kaftan. 16 x 11.5 cm

 /2 Full face of a man seated and wearing a turban and wrapped in a woollen blanket. 10.5 x 8 cm. A/26

 /3 Full face of a man seated and wearing a white takkiya, white scarf, striped shirt with a blanket wrapped round his shoulders. 10.5 x 8 cm. A/28

/17 3 photographs attached to p. 17. Various sizes

 /1 Full face head of a boy smiling with stained teeth and wearing a white takkiya. 16 x 12 cm [see also MS 447/2/17/2-3]

 /2 Full length of MS 447/2/17/1 wearing a kaftan and supporting 2 posts. 10.5 x 8 cm. L23

 /3 Full face of MS 447/2/17/1 seated. 10.5 x 8 cm. L16

/18 Full face head and shoulders of an elderly man wearing a beard, moustache, white turban and wrapped in a woollen blanket. Attached to p. 18. 16.5 x 11.5 cm

/19 4 photographs attached to p. 19. 11 x 8.5 cm unless stated otherwise

 /1 Full face head of a man wearing a moustache, white takkiya and a white scarf wrapped round head and neck. 16.5 x 11.5 cm [see also MS 447/2/19/2]

 /2 Full face head and shoulders of MS 447/2/19/1 wearing in addition a dark woollen jacket and striped undershirt. O21

 /3 Full face head of a man wearing a small moustache and wrapped in a white woollen blanket. S.18

 /4 Full face head of a man smiling and wearing a moustache, takkiya and wrapped in a white woollen blanket. S16

/20 Full face head and shoulders of a man wearing a moustache, decorated takkiya, shirt, decorated vest jacket and wrapped in a woollen blanket. Attached to p. 20. 16.5 x 12 cm. E28

 /1 Similar copy of MS 447/2/20 looking slightly to the right. Attached to p. 20. 11 x 8 cm. E36

 /2/21 View down an arcade through a series of stone arches along a matting floor laid on sand. Attached to p. 21. 12 x 16.5 cm [see MS 447/8/11-12]

/22 Tent in rocky landscape after rain with puddles on the ground and houses and animals in the background. Attached to p. 22. 11.5 x 16 cm [see MS 447/9/8]

/23 3 photographs attached to p. 23. 11 x 8.5 cm

 /1 Full face and upper body of a man wearing a moustache, white takkiya, shirt and sleeveless sweater with harness draped over his shoulders. O46

 /2 Full face head of young man wearing a moustache, black takkiya, shirt and jacket with stained teeth. R12 [see also MS 447/2/23/3]

 /3 Similar to MS 447/2/23/2 with a full smile. R11, O45

 /3 [Bedouins of Cyrenaica]. 1 album containing black and white photographs attached to leaves 1-47. Brown cloth boards. 21.5 x 27 cm. Loose photographs were inserted between some of the pages of the album. These have been filed separately. Various sizes

 /1 ‘The dead woman’s tent being moved to a new site – the old one was not blessed.’ Attached to leaf 1. 11.5 x 16.5 cm. O47 [see MS 447/1/11/4; see also MS 447/1/33/8]

34 loose photographs inserted before leaf 1. Various sizes. Filed separately

 /1 Another copy of MS 447/1/32/1. 11 x 8.5 cm. O36

 /2 Camel suckling a baby camel. 8.5 x 11 cm

 /3 Similar to MS 447/1/41/4 with camel in right foreground. 8.5 x 11 cm [see MS 447/3/1]

 /4 Similar to MS 447/3/1/3. 8.5 x 11 cm

 /5 Earth covered mounds of harvested grain. 11.5 x 16 cm [see also MS 447/1/21/1]

 /6 Another copy of MS 447/3/1/5. 8 x 10.5 cm

 /7 Similar to MS 447/3/1/5. 8.5 x 11 cm

 /8 Similar to MS 447/3/1/5. 8.5 x 11 cm

 /9 Another copy of MS 447/1/21/2. 8.5 x 11 cm

  /3/1/10 A man leaning on an earth covered mound of grain. 8.5 x 11 cm

/11 ‘The Benghazi telephone line’ near a camp. 10 x 14.5 cm

/12 Men holding a meeting inside a tent with 2 horses outside. 12 x 16.5 cm. I27 [see MS 447/3/39]

/13 Two Bedouin standing beside 2 saddled horses. 8.5 x 11 cm

/14 Three Bedouin each holding a saddled horse. 8.5 x 11 cm

/15 Another copy of MS 447/1/27/2. 8.5 x 11 cm

/16 Three horsemen riding towards the camera. 8.5 x 11 cm

/17 Men carrying rifles leading horses. 8.5 x 11 cm

/18 Man holding his saddled horse. 8.5 x 11 cm

/19 Another copy of MS 447/1/4/1. 8 x 11 cm. F/28

/20 Similar to MS 447/1/4/1. 8 x 11 cm. F/29

/21 Another copy of MS 447/1/25/5. 8.5 x 11 cm. S25 [see also MS 447/1/25/3]

/22 Another copy of MS 447/1/27/3. 8.5 x 11 cm. H.16

/23 Another copy of MS 447/1/34/1. 12 x 17 cm. I.34

/24 Similar copy of MS 447/1/39/1. 8 x 11 cm. A/4 [see also  MS 447/3/46/7]

/25 Similar copy of MS 447/1/39/3. 12 x 16.5 cm [see MS 447/3/42/14; see also MS 447/1/5/5]

/26 Two children outside a tent on the left and a herd of sheep and goats to the right. 12 x 16 cm [see MS 447/3/42/15]

/27 Black sheep and a woman in front of a tent. 11.5 x 16 cm

/28 Bare earth landscape with tents, brushwood and Bedouin in the background. 11.5 x 16 cm [see MS 447/5/15]

/29 Women and children gathered round a small tent. 8.5 x 11 cm. H27 [see MS 447/3/34]

/30 Another copy of MS 447/2/15. 14 x 9 cm

/31 Same boy as in MS 447/3/1/30 standing beside a house entrance, stone and half jerry can. 8 x 11 cm. L21

  /3/1/32 Close up copy of MS 447/3/1/12 without horse on the right. 12 x 16 cm

/33 Gathering of people standing on a hill beside a tent looking down at a line of tents with 2 donkeys in the foreground. 12 x 16 cm. E14 [see MS 447/3/42/5]

/34 View from a hill of scrubby landscape and tents. 12 x 16.5 cm

 /2 ‘The bowls of food laid on the ground in readiness’. Attached to leaf 2. 8.5 x 11 cm. O49

 /1 Another copy of MS 447/1/33/5 inserted before leaf 2. 12 x 16 cm. O48 [filed separately]

 /3 ‘The men have gathered in the shade of a carob tree’. Attached to leaf 3. 12 x 16.5 cm. O50 [see MS 447/1/33/6]

 /4 ‘Bowls of food being carried to the assembled men’. 2 photographs attached to leaf 4. 8.5 x 11.5 cm

 .1 Two men carrying bowls above their heads. O51

 .2 One man with a bowl on his head talking to a group of men

 /5 ‘Gatherings of men who have come to the funeral feast’. 2 photographs attached to leaf 5. 8.5 x 11 cm

 .1 Gathering of men on rocky hillside with donkey in foreground. O52

 .2 Smaller gathering of men on the hillside

 /6 ‘At a funeral the women perform the death dance; one is taking a handful of ashes before joining the circle’. Attached to leaf 6. 12 x 16.5 cm. O55 [see MS 447/1/33/3]

 /7 ‘She throws the ashes over her head. They all move around scratching their faces with their fingernails.’ Attached to leaf 7. 12 x 16.5 cm [see MS 447/1/33/4]

 /1 Group of women similar to MS 447/3/7. Inserted before leaf 7. 8.5 x 11 cm. K10, O53 [filed separately]

 /2 Distant similar view of MS 447/3/7, with tent guy ropes in the foreground. 8.5 x 11 cm. K8, O54 [filed separately]

 /8 ‘Some of the horses and donkeys which have brought the men to the funeral feast are seen in the background’. Attached to leaf 8. 12 x 16.5 cm [Another copy of MS 447/1/33/1]

/3/9 ‘He pretends to stick a sword first into his stomach and then into his eye – a very obvious fake.’ 2 photographs attached to leaf 9. 8.5 x 11 cm

 .1 Similar copy of MS 447/1/32/6. O56 [see also MS 447/1/32/3-6]

 .2 Man standing before a crowd under a tree [see also MS 447/1/32/3-6]

 /1 The illusionist stands before his audience with kettle on the ground. Inserted before leaf 9. 11 x 8.5 cm J26 [filed separately]

/10 ‘Close up of the ‘Darwīsh’’. 2 photographs attached to leaf 10. 11 x 8.5 cm [see also MS 447/1/32/3-6, MS 447/3/11-13]

 .1 Man holding a sieve? before 3 people squatting on the ground with a kettle in the middle. O57

 .2 Man holding a sieve? with 2 men squatting on the ground with donkey in the background

 /1 Out of focus photograph of the Darwīsh holding a sieve? Inserted before leaf 10. 8.5 x 11 cm. J.13, O59 [filed separately]

 /2 The Darwīsh holding a sieve? Inserted before leaf 10. 8 x 11 cm. J12, O58 [filed separately]

/11 ‘The Darwīsh harangues his audience’. 2 photographs attached to leaf 11. 8.5 x 11 cm [see also MS 447/1/32/3-6, MS 447/3/10, 12-13]

 .1 Man holding a sieve? talking to a group of men sitting in the shade of a tree

 .2 Man holding a sieve? gesticulating to men sitting under a tree

/12 ‘The men watch amused but not impressed’. 2 photographs attached to leaf 12. 8.5 x 11 cm [see also MS 447/1/32/3-6, MS 447/3/10-11, 13]

 .1 Man holding a sieve? performs before a group of men

 .2 Man holding a sieve? performs before a group of men

/13 ‘While tea is being brewed a ‘Darwīsh’ begins to perform’. 2 photographs attached to leaf 13. 8.5 x 11 cm [see also MS 447/1/32/3-6, MS 447/3/10-12]

 .1 Distant view of men gathered in shade of a tree

  /3/13.2 The gathered crowd of men watch the man with a sieve?

/14 ‘Waiting to be allotted their places’. Attached to leaf 14. 12 x 16.5 cm. O59

/15 ‘The midday meal is brought along’: group of men sitting in the shade of a tree. Attached to leaf 15. 8.5 x 11 cm. O60

 /1 Men sitting under a tree. Inserted before leaf 15. 8.5 x 11 cm. I32A [filed separately]

/16 ‘A close up of the gathering’. Attached to leaf 16. 12 x 16.5 cm. O61

/17 ‘A gathering of men at the feast of Marābūt sitting in the shade of a carob tree – Howl Sidi Abdul Mowla’. Attached to leaf 17. 8.5 x 11 cm. O62

/18 ‘A plough and a grindstone left for safekeeping inside a Marabut’s tomb’. Attached to leaf 18. 12 x 16.5 cm. O53 [see MS 447/1/31/4]

 /1 The tomb comprised of large stones and rocks holding tools. Inserted before leaf 18. 8.5 x 11 cm. M/19 [see also MS 447/1/31/24] [filed separately]

/19 ‘Reading the ‘fatah’ in front of a Marabut’s tomb’. Attached to leaf 19. 12 x 16 cm O64 [see MS 447/1/31/2]

/20 ‘A horse display in honour of the feast’. 2 photographs attached to leaf 20. 8.5 x 11 cm. O65

 .1 Landscape with a horse in the distance and spectators to each side [see also MS 447/3/22/9]

 .2 Landscape with horseman riding towards the camera and spectators on each side

/21 ‘Mabrūk al’Aīd – wishing each other a happy feast, one man prepares a fire’. Attached to leaf 21. 11.5 x 16 cm. O66 [see MS 447/1/30/8, MS 447/3/22/2, 8]

/22 ‘Listening to the Fiot reading’. Attached to leaf 22. 12 x 16.5 cm. O67 [see also MS 447/1/30/3]

9 photographs inserted before leaf 22. 8 x 11 cm [filed separately]

 /1 Another copy of MS 447/3/22. M/9, O72

 /2 Another copy of MS 447/3/21. M11, O75

 /3 Similar copy of MS 447/1/30/1. O70 [see MS 447/3/46]

  /3/22/4 Similar copy of MS 447/3/26. M29, O69

 /5 Men and women gathering for feast celebrations. M3, O71

 /6 Men and women gathering for feast celebrations with another group on the right. M/14, O67

 /7 Men and women gathering for feast celebrations. M7/A, O73

 /8 Similar copy of MS 447/3/21. M/10, O74

 /9 Similar copy of MS 447/3/20.1. M/16, O68

/23 ‘Praying at the Aid el Laham (feast of the meat) near Zawiat al Arqūb, 1950’. Attached to leaf 23. 12 x 16.5 cm. O68 [see MS 447/1/30/4]

/24 Praying at the ‘Aid el Laham’, on the left of the photograph, Moslem graves. Attached to leaf 24. 12 x 16.5 cm. O69 [see MS 447/1/30/6]

/25 ‘Praying at the ‘Aid el Laham’’. Attached to leaf 25. 12 x 16 cm. O70 [see MS 447/1/30/7]

/26 ‘Praying at the ‘Aid el Laham’’. Attached to leaf 26. 12 x 16.5 cm. O71 [see MS 447/3/22/4]

/27 ‘The pace is increased – one comes forward and shoots over her head’. Attached to leaf 27. 11.5 x 16 cm. O72 [see MS 447/1/35/4]

/28 ‘During the celebrations a young girl comes out to dance, the young men clap and chant in unison’. Attached to leaf 28. 11.5 x 16 cm. O73 [see MS 447/1/35/3; MS 447/3/42/21-2]

/29 ‘The bride enters the wedding tent and the young man on the camel goes round it seven times’. Attached to leaf 29. 12 x 16 cm. O74

/30 ‘The bride is taken to her tent, this time without a carmūd’. Attached to leaf 30. 12 x 16.5 cm. O75 [see also MS 447/1/42/1]

/31 ‘This young man who sits in front of the bride is a close relative of the groom.’ Attached to leaf 31. 12 x 16.5 cm. O76

/32 ‘Young men stop the camel, repeat love ditties and fire’. Attached to leaf 32. 12 x 16 cm. O77 [see MS 447/1/35/2

/33 ‘The camel is led by a woman singing’. Attached to leaf 33. 11.5 x 16 cm. O78 [see MS 447/1/35/1, 5]

  /3/34 ‘The bridal tent being erected a little distance from the camp in another wedding. Attached to leaf 34. 12 x 16 cm. O79 [see MS 447/3/1/29]

/35 ‘The bride begins her ride to the wedding tent’. Attached to leaf 35. 12 x 16.5 cm. O80 [see MS 447/1/34/4]

/36 ‘The bride comes out of one of the tents attended by the women and children and enters the carmūd’. Attached to leaf 36. 11.5 x 16 cm. O81 [see MS 447/1/34/3]

/37 ‘The bridal camel bearing the Carmūd’. Attached to leaf 37. 12 x 16.5 cm [see MS 447/1/34/2]

/38 ‘Same again’. Attached to leaf 38. 16 x 11.5 cm. O82 [see MS 447/3/42/20; see also MS 447/1/34/2, MS 447/3/37]

/39 ‘Men waiting with rifles ready for wedding celebrations to begin’. Attached to leaf 39. 12 x 16 cm. O83 [see MS 447/3/1/12]

/40 ‘Ploughing – za, za, carmud an aiyun sūd’. Attached to leaf 40. 11.5 x 16.5 cm

/41 ‘More ploughing’. 2 photographs attached to leaf 41. 8.5 x 11 cm

 .1 Man ploughing with a camel which he threatens with a stick

 .2 Man ploughing with a camel

/42 ‘The sower’. Attached to leaf 42. 12 x 16.5 cm [see MS 447/1/20/2]

22 loose photographs inserted before leaf 42. Various sizes [filed separately]

 /1 Man ploughing with a camel. 8.5 x 11 cm. R15

 /2 Another copy of MS 447/1/25/1. 8 x 11 cm. 55 [see MS 447/1/7/3]

 /3 Man walking behind 4 camels with more in the distance. 8.5 x 11 cm. S4

 /4 Parcels scattered on the ground with tents in background right and woman background left. 8.5 x 11 cm. S7 [see also MS 447/1/25/4-6]

 /5 Another copy of MS 447/3/1/33. 8 x 11 cm. E17

 /6 Men gathered on  a hillside with tent in left corner. 8 x 11 cm. E.10

  /3/42/7 Group of men on a hillside between tents. 8 x 11 cm. E12

 /8 Similar copy of MS 447/3/42/5. 8 x 11 cm. E18

 /9 Similar copy of MS 447/3/42/7. 8 x 11 cm. E11

/10 Two men walking across open ground. 8 x 11 cm

/11 Sheep and a man in front of tents. 8 x 11 cm. C/4

/12 Tent with a woman on the left collecting brushwood. 8 x 11 cm. O13

/13 Two children’s heads in front of tent door. 8 x 11 cm. C/16 [see also MS 447/3/46/1]

/14 Another copy of MS 447/3/1/25. 8 x 11 cm. C/13 [see also MS 447/1/15/5, 1/39/3]

/15 Another copy of MS 447/3/1/26. 8 x 11 cm. C/7 [see also MS 447/3/46/2]

/16 Another copy of MS 447/1/32/2. 8.5 x 11 cm. O28, O76

/17 Another copy of MS 447/1/34/2. 12.5 x 17 cm. I29

/18 Another copy of MS 447/1/34/2. 12.5 x 17 cm, U28

/19 Another copy of MS 447/1/34/2. 14 x 18.5 cm

/20 Another copy of MS 447/3/38. 17 x 12.5 cm. U30

/21 Another copy of MS 447/1/35/3. 14 x 18 cm. U36 [see MS 447/3/28]

/22 Another copy of MS 447/1/35/3. 14 x 18 cm [see MS 447/3/28]

/43 ‘The sower’. 2 photographs attached to leaf 43. 8.5 x 11 cm [see also MS 447/1/20/1-2]

 .1 Man casting grain seed on right hand side of field

 .2 Two men casting grain seed

/44 ‘A poor man ploughing’. Attached to leaf 44. 12 x 16 cm [see MS 447/1/20/4]

/45 ‘Greeting each other at Aid el Laham’. Attached to leaf 45. 12 x 16 cm [see MS 447/1/30/2]

/46 ‘Praying at the Aid al Laham in the desert, Būjderia, 1948’. Attached to leaf 46. 11.5 x 16 cm [see MS 447/3/22/3; see also MS 447/1/30/1]


9 photographs inserted before leaf 46. 8 x 11 cm unless stated otherwise [filed separately]

 /1 Entrance to a tent showing top of a child’s head. C/15 [see also MS 447/3/42/13]

 /2 Similar copy of MS 447/3/1/26. C8 [see also MS 447/3/1/26; MS 447/3/42/15]

 /3 Girl standing amongst scrub with a house in left background. A/35

 /4 Another copy of MS 447/1/40/1. D/3A [see also MS 447/3/46/5-6]

 /5 Tent on scrubby hillside with child sitting in the doorway and woman carrying brushwood. D26A [see MS 447/3/46/6; see also MS 447/1/40/1; MS 447/3/46/4]

 /6 Another copy of MS 447/3/46/5. 12 x 16.5 cm. D26A [see MS 447/3/46/5; see also MS 447/1/40/1; MS 447/3/46/4; MS 447/3/47/23-5]

 /7 Another copy of MS 447/1/39/1. A/3 [see also MS 447/3/1/24]

 /8 Another copy of MS 447/1/25/2. S22

 /9 Man walking behind a small herd of camels. S3

/47 [Leaf 47 is blank]

25 photographs inserted before leaf 47. 8 x 11 cm [filed separately]

 /1 Flock of sheep grazing on rock-strewn and scrubby pasture. D21A

 /2 Flock of sheep being driven into the distance by a shepherd. F/25

 /3 Landscape with woman chopping brush in left hand corner. F/35

 /4 A tent and line of vegetation in mid distance of an arid landscape. A/37

 /5 Another copy of MS 447/1/14/1. H/10

 /6 Another copy of MS 447/1/14/3

 /7 Another copy of MS 447/1/14/4. H/14

  /3/47/8 Another copy of MS 447/1/14/5. H/8

 /9 Men shearing sheep inside a tent. H/7

/10 Another copy of MS 447/1/23/2. 11 x 8 cm. F/36

/11 A more distant copy of MS 447/1/23/1. A/36

/12 Another copy of MS 447/1/24/1. F/14

/13 Similar copy of MS 447/3/47/12. F/15

/14 Landscape with flock of sheep in the background. G/22

/15 Another copy of MS 447/1/24/2. F/17

/16 Another copy of MS 447/1/24/4. F/19

/17 A saddled horse held by a Bedouin in front of tents with men and boys around, one holding a rifle. H/24 [see also MS 447/1/26/5]

/18 Horse and rider racing across the landscape. H/23

/19 Similar copy of MS 447/1/29/1. L11

/20 Similar copy of MS 447/1/29/4. L3

/21 Similar copy of MS 447/1/40/7. E31

/22 Tent and flock of sheep in MS 447/3/47/21. E28

/23 Tent on hillside in a scrubby landscape. D25A [see also MS 447/3/46/5-6]

/24 Woman carrying brushwood back to the tent. D29A [see also MS 447/3/46/5-6]

/25 Similar copy of MS 447/3/47/24 with a child. D27A

 /4 Ecology, Cyrenaica. 1 envelope containing 32 photographs. 8 x 11 cm. Title of envelope only retained. 14 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

 /1 Sandy landscape with tent on far left. O39

 /2 Landscape with shrubs and grasses in foreground with a line of houses and hills in the far distance. N18

 /3 Similar copy of MS 447/4/2. N.19

 /4 Grassland with low trees, shrubs and hills in the background. L29 [see MS 447/5/11; see also MS 447/4/27]

/4/5 Shrub landscape. L27 [see MS 447/5/9; see also MS 447/5/10]

 /6 Landscape of low hills dotted with shrubs. L32 [see also MS 447/5/5-6]

 /7 View over low hills dotted with trees and shrubs. M29

 /8 Another copy of MS 447/1/2/8. M30

 /9 Another copy of MS 447/1/2/6. L33 [see also MS 447/5/7]

/10 Landscape of pasture and low shrubs with a tent. M32

/11 Arid landscape dotted with low shrubs and hills in the background. B/20

/12 Rocky landscape with low shrubs and hills in the background. D/5A

/13 Sheep flocks grazing in shrubby landscape. D6A

/14 Sheep flocks grazing on shrubby hillside with tent on the left. D9A

/15 Rocky scrubby landscape with grazing sheep. D18A

/16 Rocky scrubby landscape. D19A

/17 Sheep grazing in rock-strewn, scrubby landscape. D20A

/18 Landscape of low shrubs with a tent to the right and sheep on a track in the distance. D23A

/19 Sheep proceeding along a track in middle distance surrounded by landscape of low rocks and shrubs. D24A

/20 View of an encampment of tents amid landscape of low shrubs and poor pasture. D30A

/21 Another copy of MS 447/4/20. D31A

/22 Sheep and horses grazing in the distance. D32A

/23 Landscape of pasture and low trees with hills behind. D36A

/24 Another copy of MS 447/1/3/7. I19A

/25 Another copy of MS 447/1/3/7. I20A

/26 Group travelling with a packhorse similar to MS 447/1/4/7. I6A

/27 Similar copy of MS 447/4/4. I22A

 /4/28 Grasses and low trees. I23A

/29 View of hillside with trees in the foreground and pasture in background left. I29A

/30 Camels lying in the desert. T5 [see MS 447/5/12]

/31 Landscape dotted with heaps of rocks/brushwood? R31

/32 Circular depression in the ground possibly for storing grain with a pile of rocks in the background

 /5 Ecology, desert scenery, Jebel scenery, Cyrenaica. 1 envelope containing 27 photographs. 8 x 11 cm. Title of envelope only retained. 14 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

 /1 A tree with a tent in its shade. I34A

 /2 Similar to MS 447/3/47/24. D28A

 /3 Similar to MS 447/1/3/1. E32

 /4 Shepherd with flock of sheep and tent on the left. D.34 [see also MS 447/1/40/7]. E34

 /5 Similar copy of MS 447/4/6. L30

 /6 Another copy of MS 447/4/6. L31

 /7 Similar copy of MS 447/4/9. L36 [see also MS 447/1/2/6]

 /8 Cultivation in terraces down a valley between shrub-covered hills. M128

 /9 Another copy of MS 447/4/5. L26 [see also MS 447/5/9]

/10 Similar copy of MS 447/5/9. L25 [see also MS 447/5/9]

/11 Another copy of MS 447/4/4. L28

/12 Another copy of MS 447/4/30. T.7

/13 Similar copy of MS 447/1/1/9. E6

/14 Another copy of MS 447/1/1/1. S33

/15 Another copy of MS 447/3/1/28. A/19

/16 ‘Our tent in the camp’

/17 Stubbly grass landscape with clouds

/18 Camels grazing to right of a tent. E/3

 /5/19 Two women walking towards donkeys on the right. E/4

/20 Similar copy of MS 447/1/3/6. F/24

/21 Flock of sheep in the middle distance of flat landscape. G/25

/22 Flock of sheep on the horizon. F/13

/23 Distant tent with animals and possessions in a flat landscape. R5

/24 Flocks of sheep on the horizon. F/20

/25 Closer view of flocks of sheep on the horizon. F/21

/26 Flocks of sheep and goats with a shepherd. F/22

/27 Sheep and goats with a shepherd. F/26

 /6 Weaving, spinning, looms, Cyrenaica. 1 envelope containing 26 photographs. Various sizes. Title of envelope only retained. 14 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

 /1 Looking down on a long loom being worked by three people. 6.5 x 9 cm [see also MS 447/6/26]

 /2 Another copy of MS 447/1/15/3. 11 x 8.5 cm. I17A

 /3 Woman with floral shawl and hoop earrings, spinning. 11 x 8.5 cm. I14A

 /4 Woman as in MS 447/1/15/2 holding spindle near the ground. 11 x 8 cm. C/25

 /5 Similar copy of MS 447/6/5. 11 x 8 cm. C26

 /6 Woman as in MS 447/1/15/2 holding spindle upright. 11 x 8 cm. C/27

 /7 Similar copy of MS 447/6/6. 11 x 8 cm. C/29

 /8 Women sitting on a mat besides the remains of a fire? 11 x 8 cm. C/18

 /9 Woman sitting on a mat. 11 x 8 cm. C/17

/10 Two long looms with white warp threads. 11 x 8 cm. N7

/11 Close up of loom in MS 447/1/17/2. 8 x 11 cm. G/32

/12 Three women working on the looms in MS 447/6/10 with goat in the foreground. 8.5 x 11 cm. N15

 /6/13 Sieve beside a rock with two women working a long loom on the right. 6.5 x 9 cm

/14 Woman holding a pole at the end of a loom. 6.5 x 9 cm

/15 Similar copy of MS 447/1/16/4. 11 x 8 cm. N10

/16 Two looms as in MS 447/6/10 pegged to the ground outside a house with men and women sitting on the porch. 8 x 11 cm. N11

/17 Similar copy of MS 447/6/16 but with women working the looms. 8 x 11 cm. N13

/18 Partial copy of MS 447/1/16/4. 11 x 8 cm. N5

/19 Sideways view of MS 447/6/17. 8.5 x 11 cm. N12

/20 Another copy of MS 447/1/15/1. 8.5 x 11 cm. K12

/21 Loom with black warps and white warps on right side. 11 x 8 cm. N6 [see also MS 447/1/16/4; MS 447/6/15, 18]

/22 Another copy of MS 447/6/21 with woman working the loom. 11 x 8 cm. N8

/23 Woman weaving on a loom threaded with white warps. 8.5 x 11 cm. N14

/24 Similar copy of MS 447/1/40/3. 8 x 11 cm. D17A

/25 Same woman and setting as in MS 447/6/24, spinning thread, but without the children. 8 x 11 cm. D14A

/26 Close up of woman sitting with children on a long loom. 6.5 x 9 cm [see also MS 447/6/1]

 /7 Villages, Cyrenaica. 1 envelope containing 8 photographs. 8.5 x 11 cm. Title of envelope only retained. 14 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

 /1 External view of village walls, houses and mosque. R37

 /2 External view of village walls and house roofs. R32

 /3 View of mud brick village houses. N20

 /4 View of mud brick houses in village street. R29

 /5 Street view of village houses. R30

 /6 Street with whitewashed houses, trees and people after rain. R28

/7/7 Similar view to MS 447/7/6. R27

 /8 Camel crouched beside a mud brick wall with a chicken pecking nearby. R34

 /8 Oases, Angila, Cyrenaica. 1 envelope containing 16 photographs. 8.5 x 11 cm. Title of envelope only retained. 13.5 x 11 cm. Handwritten

 /1 Distant view of an oasis in the desert. Q15

 /2 Distant view of oasis in the desert with scattered palm trees. Q39

 /3 Distant view of an oasis in the desert with houses to the right and a palm tree in the middle. Q40

 /4 Sandy landscape with some grasses and palm trees. Q25

 /5 Palm trees amidst vegetation with houses to the left and in the background. K31

 /6 A settlement with sand dune and mud walls in the foreground, houses and palm trees in the background. Q36

 /7 An oasis settlement of mud brick walls and palm trees. Q37

 /8 Women outside the mud brick walls of an oasis village with palm fronds. Q36

 /9 Mud brick houses with conical roofs and a small palm in the right foreground. Q19

/10 Track leading to conical roofed houses and a brushwood fence on the right. Q18

/11 Another copy of MS 447/2/21. Q20

/12 Another copy of MS 447/2/21 and MS 447/8/11. Q21

/13 Wooden doorway in a stone and mud wall with a semicircular stone door frame. Q33

/14 Two doorways similar to MS 447/8/13. Q35

/15 View down a street in the oasis village. Q34

/16 Shrine in the desert with small palm trees around. Q22

 /9 Tents, Cyrenaica. 1 envelope containing 33 photographs. Various sizes. Title of envelope only retained. 14 x 10.5 cm. Handwritten

/9/1 Another copy of MS 447/1/10/1. 8.5 x 11 cm. I26A

 /2 Another copy of MS 447/1/10/2. 8.5 x 11 cm. I24A

 /3 Another copy of MS 447/1/10/4. 8.5 x 11 cm. I11A

 /4 Another copy of MS 447/1/10/3. 8.5 x 11 cm. K17

 /5 Brush tent built beneath a tree. 8.5 x 11 cm. I12A

 /6 Tent with a loom half in and half out of the tent and a pile of brushwood to the side. 11.5 x 16 cm

 /7 Another copy of MS 447/1/1/10.16. 9.5 x 14 cm

 /8 Another copy of MS 447/2/22. 8.5 x 11 cm. R33

 /9 Tent to the left with rocky foreground, horses and another tent in the background. 8 x 11 cm. H/29 [see also MS 447/1/1/10.5]

/10 Another copy of MS 447/1/5/1. 9.5 x 14.5 cm [see MS 447/1/42/3]

/11 Another copy of MS 447/1/5/1. 9.5 x 14.5 cm [see MS 447/1/42/3]

/12 Similar copy of MS 447/1/1/10.3 without the tent to the right. 8 x 11 cm. P15A [see also MS 447/1/7/5]

/13 Similar copy of MS 447/1/9/5 with figure standing to the left of the tent and taken from further away. 8 x 11 cm. F/31

/14 Another copy of MS 447/1/11/2. 8 x 11 cm. G/10

/15 Another copy of MS 447/1/11/3. 8 x 11 cm. g/11 [see MS 447/1/1/10.9]

/16 Tent interior rope supports and decoration. 8.5 x 11 cm. T37 [see also MS 447/1/12/6]

/17 Another copy of MS 447/1/36/1. 8 x 11 cm. T32

/18 Another copy of MS 447/1/36/1. 8 x 11 cm. T33

/19 Similar copy of MS 447/1/36/4 taken from further away with a horse to the right side. 8.5 x 11 cm. T8

/20 Line of tents in middle distance in sparsely grass-tufted landscape. 8.5 x 11 cm. G/24

/21 Camp in the middle distance with a horse gazing to the left. 8.5 x 11 cm. S31

 /9/22 Camp of six tents in middle distance with two figures in a rocky landscape. 8 x 11 cm. B/17

/23 Line of four tents with a horse and a dog in front camped in a rocky, and scrubby landscape. 8.5 x 11 cm. B/19

/24 Two tents in a sparsely grassed landscape with animals grazing in the background. 8 x 11 cm. G/8

/25 Line of tents in a sandy landscape. 8 x 11 cm. Q8

/26 Line of three tents in a sandy landscape. 8 x 11 cm. O12

/27 Tents to each side with men and women, a camel and a donkey strolling between them. 8 x 11 cm. H/34

/28 Tent opened at the sides with a herd of animals in the background. 8 x 11 cm. G/6

/29 Group of tents with sheep in the foreground. 9.5 x 14 cm

/30 Tent with side lifted and a large group of men sitting inside. 8 x 10 cm. T28

/31 Another copy of MS 447/9/30. T26

/32 Another copy of MS 447/9/30. T27

/33 Tent with the side half opened and a woman sitting in front. 8 x 11 cm. Q10

/10 Miscellaneous collection of 25 photographs. Various sizes

 /1 Man standing in a sandy landscape. 6.5 x 9.5 cm

 /2 Wooden plough on sand. 8.5 x 11 cm. S.14

 /3 ‘Trumpet saddle’. 8.5 x 11 cm. S13

 /4 ‘Camel riding saddle’. 8.5 x 11 cm. S11

 /5 Similar copy of MS 447/10/4. 8.5 x 11 cm. S10

 /6 Woman weaving a basket. 8.5 x 11 cm. Q17

 /7 Group of men seated inside a tent. 8 x 11 cm. B/14

 /8 Women riding two camels followed by three walking children and a man each leading a saddled horse in a hilly, rock-strewn landscape. 8.5 x 11 cm. J32

 /9 Group photograph of men and boys. 11.5 x 16 cm

/10/10 Photograph of a much larger group of men and boys. 12 x 16.5 cm

/11 Another copy of MS 447/1/22/1. 9 x 15 cm

/12 Profile of a man wearing a moustache and white turban. 11 x 8 cm. B/6

/13 Boy with a crouched camel. 11 x 7.5 cm

/14 ‘A well at Gardhata, April 1947’. 10 x 10 cm

/15 ‘Modern Senussi well’: 17.5 x 21.5 cm. 32 [filed at MS 448]

/16 ‘Senussi irrigation well’. 17.5 x 21.5 cm. 31 [filed at MS 448]

/17 Same well as MS 447/10/16 with an ox and boy drawing water. 17 x 21.5 cm. 35 [filed at MS 448]

/18 Same well as MS 447/10/15. 17.5 x 21.5 cm. 33 [filed at MS 448]

/19 Same well as MS 447/10/15 taken from the other side showing a grove of palm trees. 17.5 x 22 cm. 34 [filed at MS 448]

/20 Distant view of a well surrounded by cultivation and palm trees. 22.5 x 22.5 cm. 6 [filed at MS 448]

/21 Princess Margaret with the King of Libya. 14 x 9 cm

/22 ‘Mosque of Karamanli, Tripoli’. 20.5 x 26.5 cm [filed at MS 448]

/23 Interior of the ‘Mosque of Karamanli, Tripoli’. 21 x 26.5 cm [filed at MS 448]

/24 The minbar in the Karamanli Mosque. 22.5 x 18 cm [filed at MS 448]

/25 ‘Native dwellings – B.Cy.’ 11.5 x 17 cm [filed at MS 448]

/11 [Negatives. Some of which may be matched by developed photographs held in MS 447-8 and MS 438]

 /1 35 negatives labelled F, Jilqaf filed in Lewis Newcombe Ltd photograph envelope. 7 x 28 cm

 /2 36 negatives labelled J, Darsa filed in Lewis Newcombe Ltd photograph envelope. 7 x 28 cm

 /3 35 negatives labelled L, Darsa filed in Lewis Newcombe Ltd photograph envelope. 7 x 28 cm

 /4 17 negatives labelled N filed in Lewis Newcombe Ltd photograph envelope. 7 x 28 cm

 /5 34 negatives labelled O, Madhkur filed in Lewis Newcombe Ltd photograph envelope. 7 x 28 cm

 /6 33 negatives labelled Q, Anjala filed in Lewis Newcombe Ltd photograph envelope. 7 x 28 cm

 /7 34 negatives labelled T, Maghesba and Ajadabiya filed in Lewis Newcombe Ltd photograph envelope. 7 x 28 cm

 /8 15 negatives labelled U, Cyrenaica wedding filed in Tellyan photograph envelope. 6.5 x 23.5 cm

 /9 ‘The spread of Sanusi order’: map of Libya, Egypt, Niger, Chad and Sudan. 1 negative. 9.5 x 11.5 cm