J.B. Donne Essay Prize on the Anthropology of Art

Home Awards Prizes J.B. Donne Essay Prize on the Anthropology of Art

Biennial – Deadline 15 December 2025 – Prize £700

Entries are invited for the J.B. Donne Essay Prize, offered biennially in memory of the late J.B. Donne. Essays should address some aspect of the anthropology of art, including the visual and performing arts. Word limit: 10,000 words exclusive of footnotes and references. Entrants may be of any nationality. It is likely that the winning essay will be published by the Institute, and essays already offered for publication elsewhere are not eligible. Judges will be appointed by the Institute’s Council, and are under no obligation to award a prize for any given occasion. The prize will be £700. Entries to be submitted in triplicate to the Assistant Director (Administration), Royal Anthropological Institute, 50 Fitzroy Street, London W1T 5BT by 15 December 2025 (email to the Assistant Director (Administration)). It is helpful if entries can be submitted as both hard copy and email attachments. Entries will not be returned to authors.

Past Recipients