What do Anthropologists do?

While a few anthropology postgraduates go on to work as lecturers or researchers within academia, a significant number are increasingly finding employment in a variety of sectors, ranging from education, […]


Despite economic setbacks, rising concerns about fluctuating oil prices and ecological impacts, the tourism industry is still a fast-growing sector worldwide. Anthropologists have found work in various pockets of the […]


Copyright Hashoo Foundation

Anthropology graduates who enjoy communicating their ideas and working with young people often go on to complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) and pursue a career in teaching. Currently […]


Copyright Photo Arts Magazine

Visual anthropology is a fast-growing specialist area, and attracts many new students each year. The increased use of media technologies for communication and education purposes, business, and political agendas has […]

Knowledge and Skills

Both at undergraduate and at postgraduate level, studying anthropology gives you a unique set of skills for working with people. In today’s gloablised world, gaining a deep understanding of cultural […]


Copyright HPDTCAR

Anthropology is unique amongst the social sciences in its ability to integrate the biological, social and cultural aspects of what it means to be human. The discipline’s holistic approach renders […]


Copyright hatm

Anthropologists can be found working at various levels of government. They may be directly involved in planning and policy-making activities, obtaining jobs in government funding bodies, or senior administrative roles. […]

Development / International Aid

copyright HPDTCAR

The development and international aid sectors involve complex interactions between academics, NGOs, charities, local communities, public and private agencies, donors and government bodies. Anthropologists can find academic posts studying the […]

Cultural Organisations

Copyright Pierre Metivier

Together with teaching anthropology as a university lecturer, one of the more ‘traditional’ career pathways for anthropologists is working in museums. Museum work can encompass a wide variety of different […]


copyright Christopher Schoenbohm

Many students do not immediately associate an anthropology degree with a career in business. Yet increasingly, anthropologists are being recruited by local and international corporations for their specific skills in […]