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Thursday 1 April at 3.00 – 5.00 pm (BST)

Making Deep History: Zeal, Perseverance, and the Time Revolution of 1859

Prof Clive Gamble (University of Southampton)

with Prof Felix Driver (Royal Holloway) as discussant.

This event will take place online on Zoom. Please register for it here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2lBmKc1lRiKyW2h2SthNQQ 

One afternoon in late April 1859, two geologically minded businessmen, John Evans and Joseph Prestwich, found and photographed the proof for great human antiquity. Their evidence — small, hand-held stone tools found in the gravel quarries of the Somme among the bones of ancient animals — shattered the timescale of Genesis and kicked open the door for a time revolution in human history.
Professor Gamble will speak about this crucial year, and his new, highly readable new book, which charts each step from discovery to presentation, reception, consolidation, and widespread acceptance, and considers the impact of their work on the scientific advances of the next 160 years and on our fascination with the shaping power of time.

The flyer, including a launch discount code, can be found here: https://therai.org.uk/images/eventlist/events/Gamble_Making_Deep_History.pdf 

Clive Gamble is Professor Emeritus at the University of Southampton. A former President of the RAI, he has won many awards and prizes for his work, and is currently President of the Prehistoric Society.