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Ethnographic Film Series

Organised by the Royal Anthropological Institute’s Film Committee and SOAS Department of Anthropology and Sociology

2 October Wednesday 1 PM, Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS   

Gods and Kings  

Robin Blotnick, Jubilee Films, Garrett Cook, Rachel Lears, 87 mins, 2012, USA

At a festival in a sleepy Guatemalan mountain town, traditional dances are disrupted by an eerie spectacle where horror movie monsters dance beside Maya gods and Cold War dictators. As old and new masqueraders compete for attention in the town center, the audience confronts a strange history that links Guatemala with the US, magic with pop culture, and religion with burlesque entertainment.

Winner Intangible Culture: Music Dance Performance Film Prize, RAI Festival 2013

For further information on the film please contact: RAI Film Officer, Susanne Hammacher, film@therai.org.uk, or Kimberly Chong, SOAS Anthropology Department, kc27@soas.ac.uk

These are public events – all are welcome.