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A student workshop event:

Mapping the Frontiers of High Finance: Art, Anthropology & the Material Culture of Markets

Saturday 25th April 2015: 10.00- 17.30

Belfast Exposed Gallery - September to October 2013

Since the crisis in 2008, anthropology has established itself as a discipline with something to say about finance, whether it be in the pages of the Financial Times or from within Occupy assemblies. But financial markets and accountancy practices still come across as opaque and esoteric to many undergraduates, postgraduates and early career researchers in anthropology and related disciplines.

The Royal Anthropological Institute has partnered with Brett Scott’s London School of Financial Arts to host a series of workshops for budding ethnographers keen to map out and explore the cultures of high finance.

The workshops – starting on April 25th 2015 – will bring together anthropologists, accountancy scholars, literature scholars, and artists using anthropological concepts and ethnographic methods in their work. The first workshop will explore past, present and possible artistic techniques for visualizing information in capital markets, tracking offshore financial flows, and mapping relatedness among financial elites.

Final Programme

Speaker Biographies

Attendance is free but registration is essential as there are limited spaces available.

Register at mappinghighfinance.eventbrite.co.uk
Info: p.gilbert@sussex.ac.uk

The London School of Financial Arts
Image:  THE MARKET: A project by Mark Curran (@markjcurran)
Belfast Exposed Gallery – September to October 2013 (Installation Image)