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Precarity and the Teaching of Anthropology

Home Events Education Precarity and the Teaching of Anthropology


Tuesday 21 May 2024  at 2.00-4.00pm (BST)

To join us on Zoom, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_y-5JCJVQSluSCz7wfgevZA

Precarity and the Teaching of Anthropology

The webinar is organised by the RAI in collaboration with
the IUAES Commissions (Migration and Education),
the WCAA, SEPHIS and PrecAnthro

It is part of a series of online events prior to the Anthropology and Education Conference.

Coordinator: Vinicius Kauê Ferreira (WCAA & IUAES|Brazil)

Maxime Brami (RAI|Europe)
Rituparna Patgiri
Ana Ivasiuc

The potentially deleterious effects of precarity in the academic workplace, particularly but not only as it impacts upon those who are at the outset of their careers,  are well known. Yet, the effects of precarity over how anthropology is taught have not been properly addressed. In this seminar, three speakers will reflect upon their own experiences and that of their contemporaries, outlining the way the training in anthropology is affected by precarity. We invite colleagues to join in for the discussion as to diagnosing and reflecting upon what may have been tried, and what may be better put in place in the future.