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The Presidential Address 2020

Professor Dame Sue Black, President of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Engagement at Lancaster University

Forensic Anthropology and the UK Criminal Justice System

Friday 16 October 2020, at 5.30pm (approximately) via Zoom

The lecture will be preceded by the RAI’s AGM.


Forensic anthropologists are expert witnesses who provide professional opinion to the criminal justice system to assist juries (the triers of fact) with their deliberations.  The forensic anthropologist is usually a biological anthropologist or anatomist who has a credible scientific profile and a critical understanding of the limits of their discipline.  They must also be able to communicate this knowledge base to the court through normal every day language that does not diminish the scientific integrity of the concepts under adversarial legal scrutiny.  From the moment the expert becomes involved in a forensic case they must understand the protocols, procedures and requirements of all the actors from the crime scene to the court which will include the police, other scientists, case builders and advocates.  They must adhere to the rules of their regulatory bodies and they must at all times be impartial, honest and trustworthy.  This address will attempt to construct an understanding of the complex landscape in which the forensic anthropologist must work and it will conclude with the pivotal role of the Royal Anthropological Institute as the UK’s professional body for forensic anthropology.

This event will be held on Zoom. To book please go here https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nUKeGNGUSqyNjTo3_3QUOw