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RAI Blacking Lecture in Ethnomusicology

November 10 @ 5:30 pm

RAI Blacking Lecture in Ethnomusicology


RAI Blacking Lecture in Ethnomusicology

Music, power and patronage – the case of the King’s musicians of Buganda

Dr Peter Cooke

Monday 10 November at 5.30 pm

at the Concert Room, Department of Music, Durham University, Palace Green, Durham DH1 3RL

Musical activities flourished in successive courts of the kingdom of Buganda (Central Uganda) until the abrogation of the kingdom in 1966 and they were clearly one index of the power of the successive kings. This partly autobiographical lecture examines the history, growth, decline and possible revival of courtly music in Buganda as well as the writer’s own journey starting from a musicological interest in the music and moving towards complementary study of the religious, political and social influences on the music. Among the illustrations discussed will be some unique early film footage of the coronation of Kabaka Muteesa II as well as other video and audio recordings.

This event is free, but tickets must be booked.  To book tickets please go to http://petercooke.eventbrite.co.uk.

Location: Concert Room, Department of Music
Durham University
Palace Green

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