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Joint seminar with the Anglo-Turkish Society

Thursday 13 December 2018 at 6.00pm

at the Royal Anthropological Institute

Speaker: Diana Darke

The Merchant of Syria and his Ottoman ancestors

Diana Darke’s fully illustrated talk will focus on her new book “The Merchant of Syria” and his Ottoman origins. The merchant of the title was a real person whom she knew in his final years. He was a Syrian cloth merchant from Homs, born under the French Mandate in 1921, who died aged 92 during the Syrian war in 2013. The story of his tumultuous life is set against a socio-economic history of the region, looking at how societies survive through war and political turmoil.

Booking essential: https://diana-darke-lecture.eventbrite.co.uk

Contact: contact@angloturkishsociety.org.uk

Location : Royal Anthropological Institute
50 Fitzroy Street
United Kingdom