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Joint seminar with the Anglo-Turkish Society

Wednesday 20 February 2019 at 6.00pm

at the Royal Anthropological Institute

Speaker: Prof Ian Hodder

The Curious Case of Çatalhöyük

Çatalhöyük was a very large Neolithic and Chalcolithic proto-city settlement in southern Anatolia, which existed from approximately 7500 BC to 5700 BC, and flourished around 7000 BC. In July 2012, it was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Çatalhöyük is a very rare example of a well-preserved Neolithic settlement and has been considered one of the key sites for understanding human prehistory for some decades. The site is exceptional for its substantial size and great longevity of the settlement, its distinctive layout of back-to-back houses with roof access, the presence of a large assemblage of features including wall paintings and reliefs representing the symbolic world of the inhabitants. On the basis of the extensively documented research at the site, the above features make it the most significant human settlement documenting early settled agricultural life of a Neolithic community.

Join us with Ian Hodder who leads the Çatalhöyük Research Project, shedding light on the development of one of the world’s earliest societies, the social and economic organization of the settlement, and the transformation from hunting and gathering to agriculture and civilization.

Booking essential: https://ian-hodder-lecture.eventbrite.co.uk

Contact: contact@angloturkishsociety.org.uk

Location : Royal Anthropological Institute
50 Fitzroy Street
United Kingdom