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Seminar: John Palmer

Home Events Lecture Seminar: John Palmer

Fighting for indigenous right in northern Argentina

John Palmer

Friday 3 February at 2pm

at the Royal Anthropological Institute

John Palmer (DPhil, Oxon) is a social anthropologist who has lived among the Wichí of northern Argentina since 1998. His life is the subject of the multi-prizewinning documentary, ‘El etnógrafo’. On his 1st visit to the UK in 10 years, he will talk about his work with the Wichí, accompanying them in their continuing struggles for legal recognition of their indigenous rights.

This talk marks the presentation of the RAI Lucy Mair Marsh Medal in Applied Anthropology, awarded ‘to honour excellence in the application of anthropology to the relief of poverty and distress, and to the active recognition of human dignity’ (which John had been awarded in absentia in 2009).  

This event is free, but tickets must be booked. To book tickets please go to https://johnpalmer.eventbrite.co.uk