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Royal Anthropological Institute / Development Studies Association Tourism Research Seminars


Challenging Tourism Contexts for Innovation and Policy

Prof Chris Cooper, Oxford Brookes University

Monday 12 June 2017 at 5.30 pm

Tourism can be seen as a hostile context for innovation, not only is it characterised by few leaders and many followers, but it is also structurally unsuited to the processes of knowledge transfer and creativity demanded by successful innovation. Yet, to be competitive and resilient in a changing world, both the tourism sector and destinations have an imperative to constantly innovate and develop new products. A particular issue here is innovation to adapt destinations to climate change and a brief Croatian case study is outlined. The session concludes by examining policy options for innovation in tourism.

Chris Cooper holds a bachelors and PhD degree from University College London. He is Professor in the Business Faculty at Oxford Brookes University, UK and co-director of the Centre for International Tourism and Events Research. Before that he was director of the Christel de Haan Tourism Research Centre at Nottingham University, UK and he established the School of Tourism at the University of Queensland in Australia. He was Chair of the UN World Tourism Organization Education Council (2005 – 2007) and was awarded the United Nations Ulysses Medal for contributions to tourism education and policy in 2009. He co-edits Current Issues in Tourism and sits on editorial boards for leading tourism, hospitality and leisure journals. He has authored a number of leading textbooks and is the co-series editor of Channelview’s influential book series ‘Aspects of Tourism’.

This event is free, but tickets must be booked. To book tickets please go to https://tourismcooper.eventbrite.co.uk

Location : Royal Anthropological Institute
50 Fitzroy Street
United Kingdom