Material Culture and Archaeology Film Prize Past Recipients

Home Past Awards Material Culture and Archaeology Film Prize Past Recipients
2019   The Book of the Sea (Aleksei Vakhrushev, Russia, 2018)  
2017   Ever the Land (Sarah Grohnert, New Zealand, 2015)  
  Special Commendation Tracing Roots: A Weaver’s Journey (Ellen Frankenstein, USA, 2015)  
2015   Tyres (Kyaw Myo Lwin, Yangon Film School, Myanmar, 2013) *  
  Special Commendations Cast in India (Natasha Raheja, USA, 2014)  
    Ringtone (Jennifer Deger, Paul Wunungmurra, Australia, 2014) *  
    The Rebirth of Mahadev: Copper Mining in Nepal (Dipesh Kharel, Frode Storaas, Nepal , Norway, 2015)
2013   Brilliant Soil (Jose Luis Figueros Lewis, Sebastian Diaz Aguirre, Ana Paola Rodriguez, Mexico, 2012)  
    Rockerill: Rekindling the Fire (Yves Mora, Belgium, 2011) *  
  Special Commendations Irish Folk Furniture (Tony Donoghue, Ireland, 2012)  
    Anchestral Delicatessen (Gabriel Folgado, Spain, 2012)  
2011   Sifinja – The Iron Bride (Valerie Hänsch, Germany, 2009) *  
  Special Commendations A Film from My Parish (Tony Donoghue, Ireland, 2008)  
    The Stitches Speak (Nina Sabnani, India, 2010)  
    Weaving Worlds (Bennie Klain, USA, 2008)  

2009   Umiaq Skin Boat (Jobie Weetaluktuk, Canada, 2008)  
    Je ne suis pas moi-même (Alba Mora, Anna Santamaria, Spain, 2009) *  
2007   A Life With Slate (Dipesh Kharel, Nepal/Norway, 2006) *  
  Special Commendations The Devil’s Mills (János Tari, Hungary, 2006) *  
    Living Through Things (Anna Waddell, UK, 2005) *  
2005   Singing Pictures – Women Painters of Naya (Lina Fruzzetti, Ákos Östör, Aditi Nath Sarkar, USA, 2005) *  
  Special Commendations Qudad: Re-inventing a Tradition (Caterina Borelli, Yemen/USA, 2004)  
    Masters of the Balafon: The Wood and the Calabash (Les Maîtres du balafon: le bois et la calebasse) (Hugo Zemp, France, 2003)  
    In Search of Hamat’sa: A Tale of Headhunting (Aaron Glass, USA, 2004) *  
    The Veil Unveiled (Regards sur le voile) (Vanessa Langer, Switzerland, 2004) *  
    The Gates of Damascus (Mark Boulus, UK, 2005)  
2003   Cultural Show (Rong Li, China, 2003)  
  Special Commendation Little Waterfall (Joshka Wessels, UK, 2003) *  
2000   Tell me my Charcoal Burner (Sophie Audier, France, 1998)  
  Special Commendation Building Season in Tiébele (Burkina Faso): A Royal Compound in Change (Annemarie Fiedermutz-Laun and Beate Engelbrecht, Germany, 1998)  

1998   Patamban: A Village of Potters, Daily Life and Work of a Family, Michoacán, Mexico (Beate Englebrecht, Germany, 1997)  
  Special Commendation Incidents of Travel in Chichen Itza (Jeffrey Himpele and Quetzil Castenada, USA, 1997)  
1996   no prize awarded  
  Special Commendation Adire – Indigo Textiles among the Yoruba (Thorolf Lipp, Germany, 1996)  
1994   Copper-working in Santa Clara del Cobre, Michoacán, Mexico (Beate Engelbrecht, with special commendation for camerawork: Manfred Krüger, Germany, 1993) *  
1992   Photo Wallahs (David MacDougall and Judith MacDougall, Australia, 1991) *  
1990   And Woman Wove it in a Basket (Bashra Azzouz, Marlene Farnum, Nettie Kuneki, USA, 1989)  

* distributed by the RAI