New Directions for Urgent Anthropological Research

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New Directions for Urgent Anthropology Research

September 24-26, 2010
Woolf College, Seminar 6, University of Kent, Canterbury

A seminar reviewing 15 years of research fellowships of the Anthropologists’ Fund for Urgent Anthropological Research. The seminar was funded by a Conference Grant from the British Academy, The RAI and the School of Anthropology and Conservation at University of Kent.

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Welcome Address
Professor Roy Ellen, President RAI and School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of Kent, UK (VIDEO)

Urgency in Anthropology: some history and the aims of the seminar
Dr. Rajindra K. Puri, RAI Urgent Anthropology Committee and School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of Kent, UK (VIDEO)

Anthropology in Amazonia: From Ethnography to Advocacy
Dr. Bartholomew Dean – Department of Anthropology University of Kansas, USA (VIDEO)

Economy, kinship and belief among the Ulwa (Southern Sumu) and Miskitu, Nicaragua
Dr. Mark Jamieson – Department of Anthropology, University of East London, UK (VIDEO)

Archive collections to the descendants of the informants: Research of Nanay Culture as a means of its preserving
Professor Tatiana Bulgakova – Institute of the Peoples of the North Russian State Pedagogical University, St Petersburg, Russia (VIDEO)

From the Horse’s Mouth: perceptions of development from Papua New Guinea
Dr. Emma Gilberthorpe – Lecturer, Development Studies, University of East Anglia, UK (VIDEO) (From the Horse’s Mouth)

Threatening Nutritional Security:  State and Market induced Dietary Change among the Konda Reddis, South India
Dr. Thanuja Mummidi  – Assistant Professor, Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Pondicherry University, India (VIDEO)

Urgent Anthropology in Times of Crisis: A Scientist’s Dilemma in the Aftermath of the Tsunami
Dr. Simron Singh- Institute for Social Ecology, Vienna, Austria

Participatory videos and indigenous mobilization against extractive industries on Palawan Island (The Philippines)
Dr. Dario Novellino – Research Fellow, Centre for Biocultural Diversity, University of Kent, UK (VIDEO) (Voices from the Lost Frontier) (Peru Meets the Philippines)

The impacts of resettlement on identity
Dr. Roxanne Hakim – World Bank, New Delhi (VIDEO)

Anxieties resulting from living in Syria: Local and National Identities of Syrian Orthodox Christians 
Dr. Noriko Sato – Assistant Professor, Pukyong National University, Pusan, South Korea  (VIDEO)

The Impact of Communal Violence and Its Aftermath on Forest-dwelling Communities in North Maluku, Indonesia
Dr. Christopher R. Duncan- Anthropology Department, Arizona State University, USA (VIDEO)

Urgent anthropology and displacement in Northern Sudan
Dr. Rogaia Abusharaf – Georgetown University, Doha, Qatar (VIDEO)

Urgent Matters: an Antipodean perspective on the RAI’s Urgent Anthropology Fellowship Programme 
Professor Veronica Strang – Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland, New Zealand (VIDEO)

Expertise and advocacy as modes of knowledge production
Dr. Stuart Kirsch – Anthropology Department, University of Michigan, USA

From local to global: The role that anthropologists can play in empowering communities and building alliances
Dr. Dario Novellino – Research Fellow, Centre for Biocultural Diversity, University of Kent, UK (VIDEO)


Guest Participants and Discussants:
Dr Laura Appell-Warren, St Marks School, Massachusetts, USA
John Warren, St Marks School, Massachusetts, USA
Dr. Hillary Callan, RAI Director
Professor Roy Ellen, RAI President
Professor Robert Layton, RAI Urgent Anthropology Committee, Durham University
J.P.Louvers, Anthropology, Aberdeen University
Dr. Rajindra K. Puri, RAI Urgent Anthropology Committee, Kent University
Dr. David Shankland, RAI Director (incoming)
Inanc Tekguc, MSc Visual Anthropology, Kent University

Videos were recorded and uploaded by Inanc Tekguc