Anthropology & Photography

Home Publications Anthropology & Photography

ISSN 2397-1754

Anthropology & Photography is an open-access publication series edited by the RAI Photography Committee. Emerging from the international conference of the same name organized by the RAI at the British Museum in 2014, the series will highlight and make available to the widest possible audience the best new work in the field.

We are eager to solicit new contributions from anthropologists and practitioners which could be visual, textual, or somewhere in between.

Guidelines for submission:

Texts should be on average 4-6,000 words (including endnotes and references), with anything up to 30 images. We are interested in the intersections of text and image, and the capacities of the visual to concept anthropological ideas or participate in anthropological debates. We also want to support publications that are primarily visually based and are interested in the potential of the anthropological photo-essay or extended documentary project although there should always be some accompanying text that locates the images in relation to anthropology. Authors/Photographers will be responsible for clearing all image permissions and rights to publication for both their and other’s images. Contributions should be previously unpublished. Authors are welcome to discuss their proposed submission with the editor,

Manuscripts should be submitted to: