Anthropology Today Submissions

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Submissions: Notes for contributors
New Online Submission Feature: All refereed submissions (editorials, articles, comments) should be submitted via:
Editor: Gustaaf Houtman
News Editor
Advertising: Dominique Remars, rates, specifications
Copy and press deadlines
Author complimentary copies from Wiley.
Permissions from Wiley: web

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AT publishes original submissions not previously published elsewhere, whether on the web or in print. We do not consider submissions simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.

Topical submissions receive priority, but publication of accepted submissions cannot be guaranteed for any one particular issue.

All major features (i.e. editorials, (review) articles and comments) that are actually published are peer reviewed. However, all submissions will go through an internal selection procedure, and so may be rejected before submitting for peer review if deemed inappropriate for the journal.

Except for calendar items and news, unless otherwise indicated, items submitted for publication are deemed exclusive to Anthropology Today. Please indicate clearly if this is not the case.

Submissions should be written in a clear, accessible way, suitable for a wide international readership, many of whom may not be professional anthropologists. Footnotes and bibliographical entries should be kept to a minimum.

AT reserves the right to edit, revise and condense submissions, as it deems necessary for space, grammatical accuracy and style preference. AT shall, at its sole discretion, have the right to reject submissions or change titles.

For useful guidelines on the ethics of publishing, please visit Wiley.


These should be typically around 2,000-3,000 words. Short articles are preferred.
(Note: AT does not normally accept submissions over 4500 words, including footnotes and bibliography.)

Other substantive submissions

AT also publishes other kinds of submission of shorter length, such as editorials (no more than 1700 words), comments (up to 800 words – longer by invitation only), conference reports (up to 1000 words), reviews of museum exhibitions and ethnographic films, book review articles (though only occasionally and rarely of single books), obituaries and readers letters (up to 200 words). So as to foster debate in AT, comments and letters are particularly encouraged.

Guest editorials on suitable themes are particularly prized (for techniques see for example or Please contact the Editor to discuss topics you might be interested to write on.

News and calendar items

AT news columns provide a free service for the announcement of forthcoming events such as seminars, lectures, films and conferences of anthropological interest. News items should be kept short, and events must take place after the middle of the (even-numbered) month of the issue aimed for (see submission deadlines).

Note that due to budgetary limitation, AnthCal presently does not accept intermediate insertions, updates, or corrections.

Receipt of calendar or news items are not acknowledged.


Illustrations (photos, drawings, documents, cartoons, etc.) are especially welcome. We like to have at least two illustrations per page, i.e. around ten to twelve illustrations per article, plus some extra for choice (the small side column takes more small illustrations). Please number the illustrations and supply matching captions and credits.

If you do not have illustrations of your own, and are unable to get your friends to supply them, you may have to buy rights to illustrations from a photographic agency at cost, or look for possible public domain images over here:

The most striking illustrations qualify for consideration for publication on the cover.

Electronic formats: Note that images produced for the web are not normally suitable. We require high resolution images as separate graphic files (not in Word please!), in the following order of preferred format:
TIFF (we work in TIFF),
EPS (please convert all text to curves and embed whatever fonts are used (we work on a PC) or
JPEG (saves space, but please choose best quality/least compression (otherwise the quality of the image is reduced).
Media: email or ftp (please ask for details)

Originals: if you have to send originals, we prefer photos over negatives or slides. When submitting originals, please indicate which illustrations you wish to be returned to you, and include a self-addressed stamped label or envelope.

(If you are scanning from or taking a picture of a book/magazine page, remember to put a BLACK PAGE behind so that the lettering and images on the other side of the page are not visible. )

Scanning resolution:
photographs: 300 dpi or more
fine art halftones or those containing text or fine lines: 500 dpi
line work (1bit bitmap images): 1270 dpi
NB all resolutions stated are at FINISHED SIZE.

Please do not increase resolution (dpi) in software. The right resolution has to be chosen at the time of taking or scanning a picture.

Reproduction widths: 31, 74, 110, 125 or 151 mm
Scans are calculated in relation to final reproduction size, after any scaling or zooming that might need to be done. To be safe, you may like to scan all final illustrations for press to 151 mm wide.

Ilustrations aimed for reproduction on the front or back-cover need to be suitable for full A4 reproduction (210 mm wide x 297 mm high) after cropping (portrait size photos preferred). The size of the front-cover photo is 300mm wide by 303mm high, with a bleed of 3mm on top, on the right and at the bottom of the photo (to ‘bleed’ implies that you lose 3mm of your photo on those sides). The back-cover photo is bled on top and at the bottom of the photo. Please also supply a detailed caption of up to 300 words.

Clearing Copyright

Before publication can take place, authors must assign copyright of their submissions to the Royal Anthropological Institute by means of our copyright form. One original copy needs to be signed and returned BY MAIL (fax or email is unacceptable) to the RAI, 50 Fitzroy Street, London W1T 5BT, UK. Please keep a duplicate for yourself.

Copyright held by third parties

Authors are themselves responsible for clearing copyrights held by third-parties on illustrations included in their submissions. Authors are advised to clear copyright in good time and to keep copies of their correspondence. Please supply the appropriate credits with every illustration.

Fair use

The safest course is always to get permission from the copyright owner before using copyrighted material. When it is not practical to obtain permission, use of copyrighted material should be avoided unless the doctrine of “fair use” would clearly apply to the situation (to determine whether ‘fair use’ may be claimed see procedures for making fair use determinations.

Requesting copyright from third parties

You may request these by writing to copyright holders as follows:

“I am writing to request non-exclusive rights for The Royal Anthropological Institute, a registered charity, to publish [picture/table/figure XXX] in the academic publication Anthropology Today in any format throughout the world (including without limitation on optical disc, transmission over the internet and other communications networks, and in any other electronic form), and to deal with third parties wishing to reproduce the material in this article.”

Republishing work published in AT

If you wish to republish an article previously published in Anthropology Today, please contact Wiley.

Additional Information for Published Authors

Complimentary copies

As author of all submissions except news and calendar items, you will receive without charge one complimentary copy of Anthropology Today (i.e. in addition to your subscription copy). Unless otherwise indicated, this will be sent to your institutional address. If you wish to have it sent to a different postal address, please this to Anthropology Today WELL BEFORE the print deadline.

Ordering additional author copies

Authors may order extra copies of the issue in which their submission appears at £3 per copy. Copies can only be sent out after payment has been received. You may order additional copies as soon as your submission has been accepted for press. Please complete the following form with your final submission.

Please send all completed order forms and address any queries to:
Craig Gregory, Senior Production Editor, Wiley, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1865 476293; Fax: +44 (0)1865 714591; Email:

How to encourage debate on your submission

Unless you indicate otherwise, items published will include your institutional email address by default.

Anthropology Today encourages debate. If you think one or two named journalists or scholars should have a copy of the issue in which your submission appears, please send their name, email, telephone number and full postal address to this email as soon as possible. The Editor may request individual scholars to send in a letter up to 200 words or a comment of up to 800 words on your published item for publication in a future issue. Online debate facilities are available: see

Where to send your Submissions

Please email all news and calendar items to The News Editor

Please submit all major features (editorials, (review) articles and comments) aiming for peer-review via Editorial Manager.

Please email all other items requiring no peer review (conference reviews, letters, obituaries) to The Editor.


These Notes to Contributors are supplied for informational purposes only and do not represent an agreement of any kind between Anthropology Today and any potential contributor.

Style Sheet for Contributors

We appreciate that constraints of time may make it difficult for you to follow all of these rules, especially if they differ markedly from your standard style. However, it would help us greatly in the editing process if you could adhere to them as far as possible.

In general, use British rather than American style. This affects spellings and also occasionally syntax (e.g. adverb between auxiliary verb and past participle, not before auxiliary verb – ‘has also been’, not ‘also has been’).


Use -ize spellings (recognize, organize) but British spelling of all other words (colour, foetus, archaeology, labelled).
Exceptions: focusing, biased, encyclopedia, medieval, primeval


Recognized ethnic groups e.g. Jews, Gypsies, Travellers, Bedouin, Scheduled Castes but `blacks’, `whites’ except perhaps in historical articles re apartheid in S. Africa.
Note also: `Aboriginal’ = `indigenous Australian’ always has initial cap. (NB noun `Aborigine’ now unacceptable in Australia) but `the aboriginal peoples of China’.

Also, `Western’ when not purely geographical

Titles of books and films should have initial capital and initial capital for any subtitle; otherwise no capitals except for names: The exploration of Southampton Island, Hudson Bay.


1-9 spelt out, figures thereafter, unless followed by weight, measure, percent or million/billion. Avoid figures at start of sentences. Where space allows, use per cent (not %) . Comma in numerals four digits and over (2,040; 25,300).

Units of weight and measure

Spaced, without stops – 1 g, 23 cm, 5 l (litres).


23 April 2000; 24 May-27 June 1984; 1960s; the 30s; 19th century (noun); 19th-century (adjective) – N.B. no superscript for ordinal numbers; c. 1960


Quotes – single outer, double inner; final punctuation outside closing quote unless the quotation forms a finished sentence.

Apostrophe and ‘s’ after final ‘s’ for single syllables – Mauss’s, otherwise apostrophe alone – Stephens’.

Parentheses: avoid double parentheses; if unavoidable (e.g. citation of reference) use [] inside ().


Author Date. Title with only first word and names capitalized. Place of publication: Publisher.

Author Date. Title with only first word and names capitalized. Periodical title, vol., no.: xx-xx.

Salvatore, Armando 1997. Islam and the political discourse of modernity. Reading: Ithaca Press.

Eccel, Chris 1988. Alim and Mujahid in Egypt: Orthodoxy versus subculture, or division of labour? The Muslim World, 78 (3-4): 189-208.