Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Anthropological Index A141 ANTHROPOLOGICAL INDEX (A141 06 of 07)

See also A114/16

An Index to Current Periodicals, a quarterly index to articles appearing in journals received in the RAI Library, was first proposed at a Library Committee meeting on 24 Nov. 1961 (see LC/1/1, f.2.) A specimen issue, covering periodicals received between Jan. and Mar. 1962, was distributed in the summer of 1962. The Anthropological Index was then published between 1963 and 1994 in annual volumes, each comprising four quarterly parts and an author index. In 1976 the RAI Library was transferred to the Museum of Mankind by Deed of Gift, and the Index then covered the periodicals taken in the merged library. In the 1980s and 1990s production of the Index was gradually computerised, and the index eventually went live online as the Anthropological Index Online in 1998. Volume 32 (1994) was the last volume to be produced in hard copy. See also A77/16

Editors of Anthropological Index were as follows:
Vol. 1 (1963)–Vol. 14, Part 2 (1976): Brownlee J. Kirkpatrick, Librarian, 1948-76 (BJK)
Vol. 14, Part 3 (1976)–Vol. 17, Part 2 (1979): Judith Higgens (JH)
Vol. 17, Part 3 (1979)-Vol. 20 (1982): Kenneth A. Forrest (KAF)
Vol. 21 (1983)-Vol. 22, Part 3 (1984): Judith Morris (JM)
Vol. 22, Part 4 (1984): JM and David M. Jones (DMJ)
Vol. 23 (1985)-Vol. 24 (1986): DMJ
Vol. 25 (1987)-Vol. 31 (1993): Karen Godden (KG)
Vol. 32 (1994): Hon. Editor David Zeitlyn, Dept. of Social Anthropology, UKC (DZ); Co-Editors Janice Archer (JA) and Damaris Dodds (DD)

The Index was published by various firms over the years: Lithofax Ltd. (1963-65); Smethurst (1967-68); Unwin Brothers Ltd. (1968-71); Mansell Publications (1972-80); L & T Press Ltd. (1980-85); Chameleon Press Ltd., Wandsworth (1985-94). Typesetting was done by Light Touch, Chepstow, from 1988. Printers’ brochures from Unwin Brothers Ltd, Headley Brothers Ltd, The Invicta Press, Ashford, Kent, and Mansell Publications have not been retained. Estimates, invoices and other correspondence from these and other printing firms, 1962-96 (Richard Madley Ltd., London; F.J. Parsons, London; Avon Litho Ltd., Stratford-upon-Avon; Clarke Doble & Brendon Ltd., Devon; The British National Bibliography, London; William Clowes & Sons, Beccles; The Blackmore Press, Shaftesbury; Sasor, London; Henry Ling Ltd., The Dorset Press, Dorchester; G.K. Hall & Co., Boston, Mass.; Olivers Printing Works Ltd., Battle; L & T Press Ltd., Luton; Echo Press Ltd., Loughborough; Norman W. Hardy Printing Group, London; Doppler Press, Brentwood, Essex) has been selectively retained.

Various documents relating to Anthropological Literature, published by the Tozzer Library at Harvard University, have not been retained, viz. photocopies of:

Anthropological Literature – Journals Indexed (to end 1985)
Volume 11 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1989)
Volume 12 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1990)
Volume 13 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1991)
Volume 14 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1992)
Volume 15 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1993)
[Volume 16] List of Journals Indexed (1994)
Series Indexed in Anthropological Literature, May 20, 1998
Journals Currently Reviewed for Indexing by Anthropological Literature, May 20, 1998.
Journals Currently Indexed in Anthropological Literature, June, 1998.

Photocopies of articles, or extracts of articles, as follows, have likewise not been retained:

Margaret Currier, ‘Problems in Anthropological Bibliography’, Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 5 (1976), pp. 18-19

Richard Harris, ‘Will a new way of transcribing make Chinese any less inscrutable?’ The Times, 27 July 1977

David Henige, ‘Taking Arms against a Sea of Scholarship: Serial Bibliographies and Indexes of Interest to African Historians’, History in Africa, vol. 10 (1983), pp. 114-15

Carol Joiner, review of AI in ANSS currents, Vol. 7, no. 1 (May 1992), pp. 3-7

Deborah Lynne Wiley, ‘From Print to Internet … Can the traditional abstracting and indexing service survive?’, Database, December 1994, pp. 18-24

Ellen Sutton and Lori Foulke, ‘Coverage of Anthropology by major electronic indexes: a comparison’, Reference Services Review, vol. 27, no. 2 (1999), pp. 134-57


1 Correspondence etc. 1962-69

2 Advertising 1965-66

3 Correspondence etc. 1970-74

4 Correspondence etc. 1975-79

5 Correspondence etc. 1980

6 Correspondence etc. 1981

7 Correspondence etc. 1982

8 Correspondence etc. 1983

9 Correspondence etc. 1984

10 Correspondence etc. 1985

11 Correspondence etc. 1986

12 Correspondence etc. 1987

13 Correspondence etc. 1988-89

14 Correspondence etc. 1990-94

15 Correspondence etc. 1995-96

16 Correspondence etc. 1997-2001

17 Appeals for Voluntary Subscriptions, 1998 & 1999

18 Funding: British Academy Grants 1973, [1981, 1985]

19 Funding: British Library Board Grants 1975-80

20 Funding: other sources

21 Museum of Mankind Library Committee

22 AI and AIO Sub-Committees

23 Software etc.

24 Retrospective conversion

25 Miscellaneous

Abbreviations – general

AI: Anthropological Index

AIO: Anthropological Index Online

AL: Anthropological Literature [TL publication]

BA: British Academy

BL: British Library

BLB: British Library Board

BM: British Museum

LC: RAI Library Committee

MoM: Museum of Mankind, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum

TL: Tozzer Library, Peabody Museum of Archaeology, Harvard University

UCL: University College London

UKC: University of Kent at Canterbury

Abbreviations – people

JCMB: Jonathan Charles Mackenzie Benthall, RAI Director 1974-2000

HRB: Prof. H. Russell Bernard, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville; chair of Commission on Documentation set up Nov. 1979 under auspices of IUEAS (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences)

DMB: David M. Boston OBE, Director, Horniman Museum 1965-93; RAI Council 1963-6, 1969-72, 1975-7, Vice-President 1972-5, 1977-80

DRB: Dr Don R. Brothwell, Principal Scientific Officer and Head of Anthropology at the British Museum (Natural History) 1961-1974

JB: Joan Burridge, Library Staff May 1970-75; sometime AI Advisory Editor

MC: Max Carocci, AIO indexer and editor (1997-present)

AHC: Anthony H. Christie, RAI Hon. Sec. 1961-70

ADC: Miss A.D. Crews, BL

JD: Prof. John Davis, Head of Dept. of Social Anthropology, UKC

AVSR: Anthony V.S. de Reuck, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1970-73

BD: Dr Brian Durrans, Deputy Keeper, MoM, from 1979

BE: Beverley Emery, Assistant to Hon. Librarian, Library Officer 1983-2002

EE: Edward Evans, Librarian, TL, 1985-88

WBF: W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum, 1967-74; RAI Hon. Sec., 1939-56, Honorary Editor of Man, 1947-65

AG: Audrey Gregson, Librarian, MoM, retired Apr. 1996

RGH: Dr Robin G. Harvey, Chairman of LC 1970-78

JLF: Jean La Fontaine, RAI President 1985-87

ERL: Prof. Sir Edmund R. Leach, FBA (1910-89), President, 1971-5, Council, 1946-67 passim, Vice-President, 1964-6, 1969-70, Chairman, Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee, 1945-9, Chairman, Executive Committee, 1948-55

RL: Prof. Roland Littlewood, RAI President 1994-97

STM: Sheila T. Mackay, Library staff from July 1966; sometime AI Advisory Editor

SM: Sheila Mackie, Librarian, BM Dept. of Ethnography

MML: Malcolm McLeod, Keeper, MoM, 1974-90

CRM: C. Roger Moss, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1973-84

SP: Sara Pimpaneau, Editorial Assistant, appointed Sept. 1995

RMP: Dr Robin M. Price, Chairman, LC, from 1980

MJR: Dr Michael J. Rowlands, Dept. of Anthropology, UCL

NSM: Niel C. Sebag-Montefiore, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1989-2004

JS: Mrs Jill Swart, Secretary to LC from 1979

SW: Sally Williams, Acting Librarian, TL, 1984-85

A141/15/47    JCMB to Mr R.D. Ray, Senior Assistant Manager, National Westminster Bank, 25 Sept. 1995 – encloses some financial notes about projected deficit for current year (photocopy)

.1    Financial report on AI [referred to in A141/15/47] (photocopy)

 48    DD to DZ, 10 Oct. – encloses disk containing Vol. 31, Issue 4; makes some technical points (tp.)

 49    BE to Dr John Mack, 11 Oct. – asks that AI could be promoted at a symposium on 18 Oct. (tpc.)

 50    DD, JA to Sandy [Macmillen], ‘Steve’, nd – list of journals which will no longer be indexed (tp. with autogr. notes)

 51    BE to JCMB, DMB, Peter Gathercole, AG, DZ, 11 Oct. – suggesting journals to be cancelled (photocopy with autogr. notes)

 52    DMB to BE, 23 Oct. – gives his opinion on journals to cancel (autogr. pc)

 53    DD to Ms B. Folan, Journals Marketing, Sage Publications Ltd., 15 Nov. – on journals received for indexing; asks for Journal of Material Culture (tp.)

 54    DD to RL, 15 Nov. – encloses article from Scientific American; points of relevance to AI (tp.) [‘Lost Science in the Third World’, Scientific American, Aug. 1995, pp. 76-83, not retained]

 55    HRB to JCMB, 21 Nov. – possible opportunity for collaboration with TL; Commission on Documentation of IUAES ready to help (fax)

 56    JCMB to RL, DMB, DZ, MJR, NSM, BE, JA, DD – notice of meeting of Management Committee 22 Nov.; agenda (tp.)

 57    22 Nov. – notes of meeting of Management Committee (tp.)

 58    JCMB to Mr Louis Pelosi, Nat West Investments, 22 Nov. – informs him of possibility of cooperation with TL; this conflicts with Fagg Trust’s position; asks whether RAI might proceed along these lines (photocopy)

 59    Louis Pelosi to JCMB, 8 Dec. – states financial priority of Trustees; they cannot advise on matter of negotiation with TL (photocopy)

 60    JCMB to RL, JA, DMB, DD, BE, NSM, DZ, 13 Dec. 1995 – encloses copy of Mr Pelosi’s letter [A141/15/59]; reiterates WBF’s ‘letter of wishes’, which must be respected (tp.)

 61    JCMB to Lynne Schmelz, TL, 22 Dec. – on possible renewal of attempts to cooperate; RAI’s top priority is to recover from production backlog; perhaps ICAES meeting in 1998 a good time to launch new service (email)

 62    HRB to Lynne Schmelz, JCMB, 22 Dec. – on importance of website to publications involving databases (email)

 63    NSM to Council Members, Trustees of WBF Trust, Members of Index Management Committee, 2 Jan. 1996 – on electronic publishing; attaches article on the subject from The Economist (tp.)

.1    Article from The Economist [mentioned in A 141/15/63] (photocopy)

 64    AG to NSM, nd – thanks him for memo; gives her views on electronic publishing; on new systems at the MoM (photocopy)

 65    Notice of meeting of Index Management Committee, 18 Jan; agenda (tp.)

 66    18 Jan. – notes of meeting of Management Committee (tp.)

 67    DD, JA to Eve Wood, Executive Officer, MoM, 22 Jan. – on improving the lighting in AI office (wp)

 68    AG to DZ, 25 Jan. – on new computer system at MoM; her retirement in Apr. 1996 (photocopy)

 69    RL to Sandy Macmillen, 29 Jan. – JCMB on sabbatical; apologises that no reply sent to his letter of 10 July 1995 [A141/15/37.2]; on East European archaeology journals (tp.)

 70    Terry Clifford, Editorial Assistant, American Anthropological Association, to KG, 2 Feb. – offering publication for indexing (tp. with autogr. notes)

 71    DD to Terry Clifford, nd – accepts offer with thanks (tpc.)

 72    6 Mar. – notes of meeting of Management Committee (tp.)

 73    AG to RL, 14 Mar. 1996 – on East European publications; on acquisition policy at MoM. 3 leaves (tp.)

.1    AG to BE, nd – encloses a copy of letter to RL [A141/15/73]; does not expect him to act on it (autogr. note)

 74    Notice of meeting of Index Management Committee, 28 Mar.; agenda (tp. with autogr. notes)

 75    28 Mar. – notes on meeting of Management Committee. 2 leaves (tp.)

 76    JA to DZ, 8 Apr. – on problems arising from printout from disc; thanks him for his help. 2 leaves (wp)

 77    Avril Ross, Technical Services Assistant, Turpin Distribution Services Ltd., to JA, 19 Apr. – encloses reports for number of subscribers to AI for 1995 and 1996 (tp.)

.1    Subscription Sales Analysis by area, 25 Nov. 1995 – 22 Dec. 1995. 5 leaves (printout)

.2    Free and Paid Subscriptions Report, 23 Dec. 1995 – 26 Jan. 1996. 3 leaves (printout)

.3    Subscription Sales Analysis by price, 23 Feb. 1996 – 16 Mar. 1996 (printout)

.4    Subscribers List Jan. 1996 to Dec. 1996. 8 leaves (printout)

 78    JA, DD to [Members of the Management Committee], 3 June – some proposals to be considered by the Committee (tp.)

.1    Proposals for publication schedule [enclosed with A141/15/78]. 3 leaves (tp.)

 79    DZ, 6 June – note for RAI on CD edition of AI; suggestions and pricing. 2 leaves (photocopy)

.1    Notes on costs [enclosed with A141/15/79] (tp.)

 80    Notice of meeting of Index Management Committee, 26 June; agenda (tp. with autogr. notes)

 81    26 June – notes on meeting of Management Committee. 2 leaves (tp.)

 82    Draft report on AI for AGM held 26 June (tp.)

 83    [DZ] to Sir Raymond Firth, 27 June – on usefulness of AI to new students; on important role of AI in publicising East European journals (tp.)

 84    Sir Raymond Firth to DZ, [July 1996?] – agrees re. East European journals; AI more viable if allied with TL (autogr. pc)

 85    STM to JCMB, 16 July – encloses lists of hours worked (photocopy)

.1    Lists of hours worked [enclosed with A141/15/85]. 3 leaves (photocopy)

 86    DD to JCMB, 26 July – encloses draft of subscriptions reminder (tp.)

.1    Subscriptions reminder; explaining delay; giving schedule [enclosed with A141/15/86] (tp.)

 87    DD to Ms B. Folan, 31 July – asks again about Journal of Material Culture [see A141/15/53] (tpc.)

 88    DD, JA to DZ, 16 Aug. – raise a couple of points about subject index and CD-ROM (tpc.)

 89    DZ to DD, JA, 23 Aug. – answers their points (photocopy with autogr. notes)

 90    Michael Hitchcock, University of North London, to [?], 2 Sept. – thanks for samples; library at UNL unlikely to be interested as it does not cover anthropology (photocopy)

 91    Notice postponing meeting of Index Management Committee meeting from 5 Sept. (tp.)

 92    12 Sept. – Production Report; Work in Progress (photocopy)

 93    JCMB to JA, DD, 17 Sept. – encloses copies of Council Agenda for 3 Oct. [see CM/96/3, ff. 270-3]; thanks them for taking part in Council’s decision-making process (tpc.)

 94    BE to RL, 20 Sept. – apologises for not being able to attend Management Committee meeting; raises some points about the importance of the Index (tpc.)

 95    DD to DZ, 21 Sept. – encloses disks for Vol. 32, parts 1 to 4; DMB has suggested showing Council back issues of AI on internet (tpc.)

 96    Ibid., 30 Sept. – on problems with computer files (tpc.)

 97    1 Oct. – notes on Management Committee meeting (tp.)

 98    DZ to Louis Pelosi, 9 Oct. 1996 – adds his support to suggestion that Fagg Trust be asked to continue support, so that AI be made available on the Internet; appends usage statistics for Peoples of the Tropical Rainforest pages (photocopy)

.1    Usage statistics as mentioned in A141/15/98 (tp.)

 99    Louis Pelosi to RL, 30 Oct. – Fagg Trustees very interested in idea of putting AI on Internet; suggests a meeting as soon as possible (photocopy)

100    JCMB to DD, 5 Nov. – on discussions to publish AI on internet; implications for the co-editors; work priorities (tp.)

101    Nov. – ‘Announcement to all Subscribers to “Anthropological Index”’; on replacement of the printed edition by free public-service internet access (photocopy)

102    List of ‘Journals indexed by AL since 1989 & AI since 1992’ to end of 1996. 3 leaves (tp.)

103    List of journals ‘Indexed by AI only since 1992’ to end of 1996. 4 leaves (tp.)

104    List of journals ‘Indexed by AL only [Vols 11-16]’. 5 leaves (tp.)

 16/    Correspondence etc. 1997-2001

  1    [DD] to DZ, 10 Jan. 1997 – updates him on progress; some questions about software; suggests meeting about adapting AI for internet. 2 leaves (tp.)

  2    STM to JCMB, 21 Jan. – on her imminent retirement; on changing needs of AI in terms of Russian and Slavonic languages. 4 leaves (photocopy)

  3    JCMB to STM, 23 Jan. – in response to hers of 21 Jan. [A141/16/2]; on quality of journals she mentions (photocopy)

  4    Edvika Popilskis, Managing Editor, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, to DD, 5 Feb. – asks for information on AI to be included in directory (tp.)

  5    STM to JCMB, 6 Feb. – on quality of journals; other points relating to East European journals; on her successor. 3 leaves (photocopy)

  6    JCMB to Index staff, DZ, 24 Feb. 1997 – agenda for meeting on AI 4 Mar.; no longer a ‘management committee’; points for discussion; budget. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)

  7    24 Feb., flyer for AIO (printout from webpage)

  8    nd, ‘Financial Implications of new proposals for Index’. 2 leaves (photocopy)

  9    BE to JCMB, DZ, 3 Mar. – ‘Points for consideration’ when discussing items from agenda for meeting on 4 Mar. 2 leaves (tp.)

 10    JA to JCMB, DZ, 4 Mar. – comments on agenda paper for meeting on 4 Mar. 2 leaves (tp.)

 11    Minutes of the meeting on AI, 4 Mar. 5 leaves (tp.)

 12    JCMB to DZ, DD, DMB, 5 Mar. – draft application to Wenner-Gren Foundation, for comment. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)

 13    DD to JCMB, 12 Mar. – comments on Wenner-Gren application. 2 leaves (photocopy of autogr.)

 14    Ibid., 18 Mar. – returns notice for Anthropology Today with corrections; notice giving information about internet publication. 2 leaves (fax)

 15    STM to JCMB, 3 Apr. – encloses list of hours worked on AI July 1996 – Mar. 1997. 3 leaves (photocopy)

 16    DD to BE, DZ, JCMB, SP, SM, 28 Apr. – encloses draft of introductory section to AIO; welcomes suggestions for improvement (wp)

.1    Introductory section to AIO [enclosed with A141/16/16]. 6 leaves (printout)

 17    4 Mar. – 6 June 1997 – list of top using sites. 8 leaves (wp)

 18    Marin Marian-Balasa, East European meetings in Ethnomusicology, Bucharest, to DD, Aug. – encloses volume of journal for indexing (autogr.)

 19    Tom Mulak, Journals Marketing & Circulation Director, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, to KG, 1 Oct. – encloses sample copy of International Journal of Historical Archaeology for indexing (tp.)

 20    BE to JCMB, DMB, DZ, 16 Dec. – asks their opinions on cancelling three journals (photocopy with JCMB autogr. notes, 5 Jan. 1998)

 21    BE to JCMB, 17 Dec. 1997 – applications for indexing to be forwarded to her, not to Editor (tp.)

 22    DMB to BE, nd – answers query in A141/16/20 (autogr.)

 23    DZ to BE, 25 Jan. 1998 – ibid. (autogr.)

 24    DZ to SM, JCMB, DD, DMB, BE, 16 Feb. – encloses some AIO usage statistics (photocopy)

.1    Usage statistics as mentioned A141/16/24: highest users; access statistics for 4 Mar. 1997 to 12 Feb. 1998; monthly access statistics for Jan. 1998; monthly access statistics for Feb. 1998. 12 leaves (printout)

 25    DZ to BE, 18 Feb. – on long-term financing (tp.)

 26    BE to DZ, 23 Feb. – encloses list of newsletters, required for circulating information about AIO; on usage statistics; on financing (tpc.)

.1    List of newsletters [enclosed with A141/16/26]. 3 leaves (tp. and autogr.)

 27    Samuel J. Dempsey, Director of Data Acquisition, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, to KG, 20 Feb. – asks for information on AI to be included in directory (photocopy)

 28    BE to Samuel J. Dempsey, 3 Mar. – encloses last published list of journals indexed, dated 1992; informs him that AI is now online (tpc.)

 29    DZ, 14 Mar. – on funding for AI (tp.)

 30    JCMB to DZ, DMB, DD, 18 Mar. – draft report on AIO for Council and WBF Trustees [final draft at CM/2/98, ff. 162-3]. 3 leaves (tp.)

 31    DD to JCMB, nd – refers to her report for Council, 26 Mar. [CM/2/98, f. 164]; on progress in clearing backlog (tp.)

 32    Monique Legentil-Galan, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Meudon, France, to DD, 17 Apr. – seeking information on AI for inclusion in a survey on French journals (tp.)

 33    JCMB to MC, SP, 23 June – thanks them for discussion paper on AIO (tp.)

 34    MC, SP, nd – ‘Ideas and concerns regarding the future of the Anthropological Index Online’ [referred to in A141/16/33]. 5 leaves (wp)

 35    Emily Moss, Editor, AL, to SM, 23 June 1998 – Lynne Schmelz would like a list of journals indexed in AI; could send list of journals indexed in AL in return (email)

 36    Ibid. to DD, nd – asks for list of journals indexed in AI; encloses list of journals indexed by AL [not present] (tp.)

 37    DD to Emily Moss, 10 July – encloses list of journals indexed by AIO; on overlap between AIO and AL; asks for information re. working practice at AL. 2 leaves (tpc.)

.1    List of journals indexed in AI [referred to in A141/16/37]. 49 leaves (tp.)

 38    Emily Moss to DD, 23 July – thanks her for list [A141/16/37.1]; describes working practices at AL. 2 leaves (tp.)

 39    MC to Christine Patel, 2 Nov. – breakdown of hours worked Sept./Oct. (tp.)

 40    DZ to JCMB, nd [post 28 July] – on conference at Williamsburg, Virginia, 28 July; on possibility of billing heavy users – draft letter attached; encloses copy of Lynne Schmelz’s paper on AL. 3 leaves (tp.)

.1    Draft letter for AIO heavy users [enclosed with A141/16/40; see A141/17] (tp.)

.2    Lynne Schmelz, ‘Where do we go from here? Indexing and accessing the literature of anthropology’ [enclosed with A141/16/40]. 22 leaves (photocopy)

 41    JCMB to Nat West Bank, Kingston (for WBF trustees), SM, DD, 29 July – encloses copy of DZ’s paper to be given at Williamsburg conference (tp.)

.1    ‘Anthropological Index Online: Millennial reflections’ [enclosed with A141/16/41]. 8 leaves (photocopy)

 42    JCMB to DZ, SP, MC, 4 Nov. – on funding, including Voluntary Subscriptions [see A141/17]. 2 leaves (tp.)

 43    [MC?], report on meeting with DZ, 26 Nov.

 44    MC, SP to JCMB, 7 Jan. 1999 – enclose draft advertisement for staff member (tpc.)

.1    Draft advertisements as mentioned in A141/16/44. 3 leaves (tp.)

 45    MC, JA to Graeme Were, 23 Feb. 1999 – invite him for interview for post of part-time indexer (tp.) [Similar letters to Aida Cholakovich and Alan Passes not retained]

 46    HRB to JCMB, 2 July – forwards email from Robert Singerman, University of Florida Libraries, enquiring about AI becoming a fee service (email)

 47    Ibid. to Robert Singerman, 2 July – on JCMB; on AIO; on different merits of AL and AI (email)

 48    JCMB to Robert Singerman, 5 July – refers to copies of emails; AIO still free but heavy users being asked to pay voluntary subscription [see A141/17] (tpc.)

 49    MC to DZ, 1 Sept. – on JCMB’s resignation; on keyword list (tp.)

 50    ‘Monthly Transmission Statistics for 153 Day Period’; accesses to AIO 1 May to 30 Sept. 6 leaves (photocopy)

 51    JCMB to Trustees of British Museum, 2 Nov. – informs them about AIO; encloses promotional leaflet [A141/17/5] (tp.)

 52    JCMB to MC, 11 Nov. – includes text for advertisement, to be approved or amended (fax)

 53    DZ to MC, 11 Dec. – on computer issues (photocopy)

 54    Susan Yoder, Director, Integrated Information Services, Research Libraries Group, California, to JCMB, 7 Jan. 2000 – on negotiation with RAI to license AIO (photocopy)

 55    DMB to Richard Cooke, Second Clerk, Committee on Culture, Media & Sport, House of Commons, 25 Mar. – gives information about RAI’s breakthrough into electronic publishing; as DZ is away, he will ask JCMB to send update on AIO for circulation. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 56    JCMB to ibid., 28 Mar. – as DMB suggested, he is outlining progress to date of AIO; encloses promotional leaflet {A141/17/5]. 2 leaves (tp.)

 57    DZ to BE, 19 July – forwards email in praise of AIO (email with autogr. comment)

 58    MC to Hilary Callan, 15 Sept. – includes text for advertisement for translator (wp.)

 59    DZ to Hilary Callan, RAI Director, Gustaaf Houtman, MC, BE, 4 Oct. – on negotiation with Research Libraries Group (photocopy)

 60    DZ to SM, MC, BE, Hilary Callan, 12 Oct. 2000 – encloses letter from editor of AL [Emily Moss]; summarises his reply (tp.)

.1    Emily Moss to DZ, nd – on journals not indexed in AI [enclosed with A141/16/60] (wp)

 61    DZ to Dr Paul Sant-Cassia, 27 Nov. – summary of AIO usage statistics. 4 leaves (email)

 62    Ibid., 28 Nov. – reflections on the usage figures [A141/16/61]; on ‘retrocon’ (email)

 63    MC to BE, 1 June 2001 – encloses report on the editorial policy of AIO; her suggestions would be welcome (tp.)

.1    Report on Indexing Policy etc. [enclosed with A141/16/63]. 5 leaves (tp.)

 64    MC to Hilary Callan, DZ, 2 Aug. – gives notice of meeting on AIO on 3 Oct.; suggests items for agenda (email); Hilary Callan to MC, DZ, Tom Selwyn, 3 Aug. – would like to put agenda on hold for a while (email)

 65    3 Oct. – proposed agenda for meeting on editorial policy; includes director’s discussion paper (tp.)

.1    Discussion paper on editorial policy for AIO [referred to in A141/16/65]; paper draws substantively on earlier paper by MC [A141/16/63.1]. 4 leaves (tp.)

 66    Minutes of a meeting to discuss editorial policy for AIO, 3 Oct. 4 leaves (wp)

66a    BE to Hilary Callan, 3 Oct. – refers to 1973 review of the library [see A17/6/2/2]; 7000 entries indexed per year 1972-74 (autogr. note)

 67    Agenda for meeting 22 May 2002 (wp)

 68    BE to DZ, 28 May – thanks him for notes of meeting [not present]; gives details on workloads over the years (photocopy)

 17/    Appeals for Voluntary Subscriptions, 1998 & 1999

  1    JCMB to ‘Frequent Users’ of AIO, 21 Oct. 1998 – circular letter which informs users of funding crisis; asks whether they would consider a voluntary subscription of approx. £250 or $425 (wp)

  2    Ibid. to DZ, SP, MC, 5 Jan. 1999 – draft letter to Fagg Trustees, for approval; results of two questionnaires, one on low-cost paper edition sent 15 Oct. 1998; the other to ‘Frequent Users’ sent 21 Oct. 1998; includes results of second questionnaire [A141/17/1]. 3 leaves (fax). [Returned questionnaires and email printouts not retained. In addition to those institutions listed on leaf 2, answers were received from Calgary, Wake Forest and Concordia Universities.]

  3    Ibid. to ‘Frequent Institutional Users’ of AI, 29 Mar. 1999 – circular letter which explains funding crisis; asks for voluntary subscription for 2000 of £250 or $400. 2 leaves (wp)
[Replies, not retained, as follows. Institutions sending voluntary subscription to AIO 2000 of £250/$400: Indiana University; Vassar College; Cambridge University (£200); University of Waterloo, Canada; University of California, San Diego; Yale University; Southwest Texas State University; Washington University; Gettysburg College ($100); Rockford College ($25); University of Western Australia; University of Pittsburgh. Institutions requiring invoices for £250/$400: Rice University; San Diego State University; California State University, Northridge; Boston University; University of Florida; ISCA, University of Oxford (£150); University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Københavns Universitet (£50); Monash University, NSW; Macquarie University, Sydney. Institutions which could not afford voluntary subscription for 2000 but would consider budgeting for it in 2001: University of Nebraska; California State University, Chico. Colorado State University was not interested. Southwest Texas State University also asked for an invoice for $440.80 for AIO 2001. Receipts and acknowledgements not retained.]

.1    Draft of A141/17/3. 2 leaves (wp)

  4    JCMB to DZ, MC, JA, BE, 21 Apr. – on new funding scheme; includes draft text for publicity leaflet for voluntary subscriptions scheme. 3 leaves (wp) 

  5    Final version of publicity leaflet (printed)

/18    Funding: British Academy Grant, 1973, [1981, 1985].

     See also A51/30/112 & 124

  1    BJK to Prof. Meyer Fortes, King’s College, Cambridge, 11 Dec. 1972 – refers to application to British Academy; LC would like to include annual author index; is writing to Fellows of BA who are also RAI Fellows; hopes to add his name in support (tp. with autogr. reply). [Similar letters to Dr G.H.S. Bushnell, Prof. J.G.D. Clark, Prof. C. Daryll Forde, Dr Audrey I. Richards, Dr G. Caton Thompson, and Dr J.E.S. Thompson (tpc.) not retained.]

  2    Ibid. to Prof. H.M. Gluckman – similar letter to A141/18/1, with additional commiserations concerning his operation [see A141/3/42] (tpc.)

  3    Ibid. to Dr K.P. Oakley, 12 Dec. – similar letter to A141/18/1 (tpc.)

  4    Replies to A141/18/1 confirming support, from:

.1    Dr G. Caton Thompson, 13 Dec. (autogr. pc)

.2    Dr Audrey I. Richards, 14 Dec. (autogr.)

.3    Prof. M. Gluckman, Dept. of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester, 14 Dec. (tp.)

.4    Prof. Daryll Forde, International African Institute, 15 Dec. (tp.)

.5    Dr K.P. Oakley, 15 Dec. (tp. pc)

.6    Dr G.H.S. Bushnell, Cambridge, 16 Dec. (autogr.)

  5    DMB to the Secretary, BA, 18 Dec. – encloses application on behalf of LC for assistance with publication of annual author index to AI; LC to undertake publicity campaign by circularising 2000 complimentary copies in a bid to increase subscriptions; describes the outstanding collection of periodicals in the RAI library; includes details of the proposed author index. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  6    BJK to Prof. M. Gluckman, 21 Dec. – thanks him for letter of 14 Dec. [A141/18/4.3]; thanks him also for personal letter [A141/3/42] (tpc.)

  7    Ibid. to Prof. Daryll Forde, 21 Dec. – thanks him for letter of 14 Dec. [A141/18/4.4]

  8    J. Eric S. Thompson to BJK, pre-21 Dec. – gives his support for the application (autogr. pc)

  9    Prof. Grahame Clark to BJK, pre-2 Jan. 1973 – gives his support for the application; mentions the BA’s fund for supporting learned periodicals (autogr. pc)

 10    BJK to the Secretary, BA, 2 Jan. – with reference to application, DMB has asked BJK to send the names of Fellows of BA and RAI who have lent their support; has not been able to contact Sir Raymond Firth as he is abroad but she feels sure he would have wished to add his support (tpc.)

 11    Miss Alexandra Wiggin, Assistant Secretary, BA, to DMB, 5 Jan. – thanks him for application; the result will be in May (tp.)

 12    Dr G. Caton-Thompson to BJK, 6 Jan. – could not attend BA meeting but wrote to Mr Allen to include his support; suggests that it might be better to ask for £350 than £250 (autogr. pc)

 13    BJK to Dr G. Caton-Thompson, 9 Jan – thanks him for note on BA application; LC felt that application for modest sum was more likely to succeed (tpc.)

 14    BJK to Prof. Daryll Forde, 19 Jan. – notes some points which may be useful in preparation of his report for BA, in connection with application (tpc.)

 15    D.F. Allen, Secretary, BA, to DMB, 10 May – informs him that RAI has been awarded £400 towards to cost of the annual author index to AI; encloses note on conditions of the award (tp.)

.1    Fact sheet on BA Research Awards 1973 (printed)

 16    DMB to D.F. Allen, 16 May – thanks him for letter of 10 May; slightly apprehensive as to the level of the award; would be pleased to receive the money as soon as convenient (tpc.)

 17    BJK to Prof. Grahame Clark, 17 May – informs him of BA grant; thanks him for support (tpc.).[Similar letter to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 18 May, not retained]

 18    BJK to Dr G. Caton-Thompson, 18 May – ibid., with additional paragraph on publicity campaign; 1750 complimentary copies of Vol. II, Part 1 have been despatched (tpc.)

 19    Ibid. to ERL, 18 May 1973 – informs him about grant and publicity drive; mentions an article on the Library which Prof. Mair is writing for the Times Literary Supplement; BJK has been reading Annual Reports from 1843 onwards to provide a historical framework; some comments on these (tpc.)

 20    ERL to BJK, 21 May – is puzzled about the BA grant; he is a member of the relevant BA Committee; RAI only applied for £250, yet were awarded more; glad to hear about the TLS article (tp.)

 21    BJK to Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard, 21 May – informs him of BA grant of £400, less than requested; hopes that publicity campaign will generate additional revenue; thanks him for support (tpc.) [Similar letter to Dr Audrey I. Richards not retained]

 22    Ibid. to Dr Kenneth Oakley, 21 May – ibid. with additional note on Dr Oakley’s trip to Mauritius (tpc.)

 23    Ibid. to Prof. Max Gluckman, 21 May – ibid. with additional note on Prof. Gluckman’s health (tpc.)

 24    Ibid. to Dr Eric Thompson, 21 May – ibid. with additional note on Prof. Cressman (tpc.) [Similar letter to Dr G.H.S. Bushnell not retained]

 25    Ibid. to ERL, 25 May – thanks him for letter [A141/18/20]; points out that £250 for three years was requested from BA; suggests there has been some misunderstanding on part of BA (tpc.)

 26    Miss Nora M. Myers, Senior Assistant Secretary, BA, to DMB, 26 May – thanks him for letter [A141/18/16]; glad to send cheque for £400 (tp.)

 27    ERL to D.F. Allen, 30 May – Librarian of RAI had understood that an annual grant of £250 for three years had been sought; application was listed as request for £250 only; not sure of reason for confusion; hopes that RAI might apply again in future years (tpc.)

 28    D.F. Allen to ERL, 5 June – his letter of 10 May [A141/18/15] should have explained the position better; the award of £400 is for 1973/74, with the expectation that the RAI would reapply for the two following years (photocopy of tp.)

 29    Prof. Max Gluckman to BJK, 5 June – pleased to hear about grant; on his health (tp.)