Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Anthropological Index A141 ANTHROPOLOGICAL INDEX (A141 07 of 07)

See also A114/16

An Index to Current Periodicals, a quarterly index to articles appearing in journals received in the RAI Library, was first proposed at a Library Committee meeting on 24 Nov. 1961 (see LC/1/1, f.2.) A specimen issue, covering periodicals received between Jan. and Mar. 1962, was distributed in the summer of 1962. The Anthropological Index was then published between 1963 and 1994 in annual volumes, each comprising four quarterly parts and an author index. In 1976 the RAI Library was transferred to the Museum of Mankind by Deed of Gift, and the Index then covered the periodicals taken in the merged library. In the 1980s and 1990s production of the Index was gradually computerised, and the index eventually went live online as the Anthropological Index Online in 1998. Volume 32 (1994) was the last volume to be produced in hard copy. See also A77/16

Editors of Anthropological Index were as follows:
Vol. 1 (1963)–Vol. 14, Part 2 (1976): Brownlee J. Kirkpatrick, Librarian, 1948-76 (BJK)
Vol. 14, Part 3 (1976)–Vol. 17, Part 2 (1979): Judith Higgens (JH)
Vol. 17, Part 3 (1979)-Vol. 20 (1982): Kenneth A. Forrest (KAF)
Vol. 21 (1983)-Vol. 22, Part 3 (1984): Judith Morris (JM)
Vol. 22, Part 4 (1984): JM and David M. Jones (DMJ)
Vol. 23 (1985)-Vol. 24 (1986): DMJ
Vol. 25 (1987)-Vol. 31 (1993): Karen Godden (KG)
Vol. 32 (1994): Hon. Editor David Zeitlyn, Dept. of Social Anthropology, UKC (DZ); Co-Editors Janice Archer (JA) and Damaris Dodds (DD)

The Index was published by various firms over the years: Lithofax Ltd. (1963-65); Smethurst (1967-68); Unwin Brothers Ltd. (1968-71); Mansell Publications (1972-80); L & T Press Ltd. (1980-85); Chameleon Press Ltd., Wandsworth (1985-94). Typesetting was done by Light Touch, Chepstow, from 1988. Printers’ brochures from Unwin Brothers Ltd, Headley Brothers Ltd, The Invicta Press, Ashford, Kent, and Mansell Publications have not been retained. Estimates, invoices and other correspondence from these and other printing firms, 1962-96 (Richard Madley Ltd., London; F.J. Parsons, London; Avon Litho Ltd., Stratford-upon-Avon; Clarke Doble & Brendon Ltd., Devon; The British National Bibliography, London; William Clowes & Sons, Beccles; The Blackmore Press, Shaftesbury; Sasor, London; Henry Ling Ltd., The Dorset Press, Dorchester; G.K. Hall & Co., Boston, Mass.; Olivers Printing Works Ltd., Battle; L & T Press Ltd., Luton; Echo Press Ltd., Loughborough; Norman W. Hardy Printing Group, London; Doppler Press, Brentwood, Essex) has been selectively retained.

Various documents relating to Anthropological Literature, published by the Tozzer Library at Harvard University, have not been retained, viz. photocopies of:

Anthropological Literature – Journals Indexed (to end 1985)
Volume 11 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1989)
Volume 12 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1990)
Volume 13 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1991)
Volume 14 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1992)
Volume 15 Cumulative List of Journals Indexed (1993)
[Volume 16] List of Journals Indexed (1994)
Series Indexed in Anthropological Literature, May 20, 1998
Journals Currently Reviewed for Indexing by Anthropological Literature, May 20, 1998.
Journals Currently Indexed in Anthropological Literature, June, 1998.

Photocopies of articles, or extracts of articles, as follows, have likewise not been retained:

Margaret Currier, ‘Problems in Anthropological Bibliography’, Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 5 (1976), pp. 18-19

Richard Harris, ‘Will a new way of transcribing make Chinese any less inscrutable?’ The Times, 27 July 1977

David Henige, ‘Taking Arms against a Sea of Scholarship: Serial Bibliographies and Indexes of Interest to African Historians’, History in Africa, vol. 10 (1983), pp. 114-15

Carol Joiner, review of AI in ANSS currents, Vol. 7, no. 1 (May 1992), pp. 3-7

Deborah Lynne Wiley, ‘From Print to Internet … Can the traditional abstracting and indexing service survive?’, Database, December 1994, pp. 18-24

Ellen Sutton and Lori Foulke, ‘Coverage of Anthropology by major electronic indexes: a comparison’, Reference Services Review, vol. 27, no. 2 (1999), pp. 134-57


1 Correspondence etc. 1962-69

2 Advertising 1965-66

3 Correspondence etc. 1970-74

4 Correspondence etc. 1975-79

5 Correspondence etc. 1980

6 Correspondence etc. 1981

7 Correspondence etc. 1982

8 Correspondence etc. 1983

9 Correspondence etc. 1984

10 Correspondence etc. 1985

11 Correspondence etc. 1986

12 Correspondence etc. 1987

13 Correspondence etc. 1988-89

14 Correspondence etc. 1990-94

15 Correspondence etc. 1995-96

16 Correspondence etc. 1997-2001

17 Appeals for Voluntary Subscriptions, 1998 & 1999

18 Funding: British Academy Grants 1973, [1981, 1985]

19 Funding: British Library Board Grants 1975-80

20 Funding: other sources

21 Museum of Mankind Library Committee

22 AI and AIO Sub-Committees

23 Software etc.

24 Retrospective conversion

25 Miscellaneous

Abbreviations – general

AI: Anthropological Index

AIO: Anthropological Index Online

AL: Anthropological Literature [TL publication]

BA: British Academy

BL: British Library

BLB: British Library Board

BM: British Museum

LC: RAI Library Committee

MoM: Museum of Mankind, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum

TL: Tozzer Library, Peabody Museum of Archaeology, Harvard University

UCL: University College London

UKC: University of Kent at Canterbury

Abbreviations – people

JCMB: Jonathan Charles Mackenzie Benthall, RAI Director 1974-2000

HRB: Prof. H. Russell Bernard, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville; chair of Commission on Documentation set up Nov. 1979 under auspices of IUEAS (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences)

DMB: David M. Boston OBE, Director, Horniman Museum 1965-93; RAI Council 1963-6, 1969-72, 1975-7, Vice-President 1972-5, 1977-80

DRB: Dr Don R. Brothwell, Principal Scientific Officer and Head of Anthropology at the British Museum (Natural History) 1961-1974

JB: Joan Burridge, Library Staff May 1970-75; sometime AI Advisory Editor

MC: Max Carocci, AIO indexer and editor (1997-present)

AHC: Anthony H. Christie, RAI Hon. Sec. 1961-70

ADC: Miss A.D. Crews, BL

JD: Prof. John Davis, Head of Dept. of Social Anthropology, UKC

AVSR: Anthony V.S. de Reuck, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1970-73

BD: Dr Brian Durrans, Deputy Keeper, MoM, from 1979

BE: Beverley Emery, Assistant to Hon. Librarian, Library Officer 1983-2002

EE: Edward Evans, Librarian, TL, 1985-88

WBF: W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dept. of Ethnography, British Museum, 1967-74; RAI Hon. Sec., 1939-56, Honorary Editor of Man, 1947-65

AG: Audrey Gregson, Librarian, MoM, retired Apr. 1996

RGH: Dr Robin G. Harvey, Chairman of LC 1970-78

JLF: Jean La Fontaine, RAI President 1985-87

ERL: Prof. Sir Edmund R. Leach, FBA (1910-89), President, 1971-5, Council, 1946-67 passim, Vice-President, 1964-6, 1969-70, Chairman, Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee, 1945-9, Chairman, Executive Committee, 1948-55

RL: Prof. Roland Littlewood, RAI President 1994-97

STM: Sheila T. Mackay, Library staff from July 1966; sometime AI Advisory Editor

SM: Sheila Mackie, Librarian, BM Dept. of Ethnography

MML: Malcolm McLeod, Keeper, MoM, 1974-90

CRM: C. Roger Moss, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1973-84

SP: Sara Pimpaneau, Editorial Assistant, appointed Sept. 1995

RMP: Dr Robin M. Price, Chairman, LC, from 1980

MJR: Dr Michael J. Rowlands, Dept. of Anthropology, UCL

NSM: Niel C. Sebag-Montefiore, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1989-2004

JS: Mrs Jill Swart, Secretary to LC from 1979

SW: Sally Williams, Acting Librarian, TL, 1984-85

A141/18/30    DMB to D.F. Allen, 19 June 1973 – ERL has informed him of his letter [A141/18/28]; DMB is grateful for clarification; RAI will submit further applications at the appropriate times (tpc.)

 31    BJK to Prof. Max Gluckman, 4 July – sorry not to have a chance to speak to him at AGM; on his health; LC encouraged to reapply to BA this year (tpc.)

 32    Prof. Max Gluckman to BJK, 14 July – thanks her for letter and good wishes; pleased that LC can reapply to BA (tp.)

 33    DMB to the Secretary, BA, 29 Nov. – encloses application on behalf of LC for assistance with publication of annual author index for second year; LC indebted to BA for award received in May which enable the Library to provide author index to Vol. 10 (1972); encloses details on AI and publicity drive; lists Fellows of BA and RAI who have lent support. 2 leaves (tpc.)

.1    Fact sheet on BA Research Awards (printed)

.2    Application form for BA Research Award (printed)

 34    BJK to Sir Raymond Firth, 30 Nov. – informs him of award made in May; informs him of support from BA Fellows who are also RAI Fellows; Sir Raymond’s wife gave permission for his name to be added to those who supported the application this year (tpc.)

 35    Miss Jane Rabagliati, Assistant Secretary, BA, to DMB, 4 Dec. – thanks him for letter and attached application; points out that AI should be considered as a learned journal rather than as applicant for Research Award; asks for details of subscription and production costs (tp.)

 36    DMB to Jane Rabagliati, 10 Dec. – he indicated in letter of 19 June [A141/18/30] that he would make similar applications in subsequent years; provides information as requested (tpc.)

 37    Jane Rabagliati to DMB, 11 Dec. – explains why it might be useful to change form of the application, which will not thereby be prejudiced in any way (tp.)

 38    Sir Raymond Firth to BJK, 13 Dec. – confirms his support for 1974 application (autogr. pc)

 39    BJK to ERL, 14 Dec. – informs him that LC has submitted second application; tells him of suggestion from BA that AI should be considered as a learned journal [see A141/18/35]; has consulted Prof. Schapera; on the implications of such a change (photocopy of tp.)

 40    [BJK] to DMB, 14 Dec. 1973 – encloses copies of letters, including some relating to BA award (tpc.)

 41    Ibid. to ERL, 21 Mar. 1974 – encloses copies of correspondence concerning BA application [presumably A141/18/35-37]; asks whether change should be brought to the attention of LC (tpc.)

 42    Dr Neville J. Williams, Secretary, BA, to DMB, 13 May – informs him that Research Fund Committee has decided to award £400 to RAI; encloses a note on conditions (tp.)

.1    Fact sheet on BA Research Awards (printed)

 43    DMB to Dr Neville J. Williams, 24 May – thanks him for award of £400, which will enable the issue of author index to Vol. 11 (tpc.)

 44    Nora M. Myers to DMB, 14 June – encloses cheque for £400 (tp.)

 45    DMB to Miss Nora Myers, 25 June – thanks her for letter and cheque (tpc.)

 46    BJK to Prof. M.I. Finley, 22 Nov. – informs him that LC is submitting a final application to BA; asks if she might add his name in support, as Fellow of both BA and RAI (tpc.) [Similar letters to Prof. Ernest Gellner, LSE, and Prof. John Evans, Institute of Archaeology, University of London, not retained]

 47    BJK to Prof. J. Desmond Clark, Dept of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 22 Nov. – similar letter to A141/18/31, with additional paragraph on obtaining his book Kalambo Falls prehistoric site at discount rate (tpc.)

 48    Prof. M.I. Finley to BKJ, 25 Nov. – gives his support to application (tp. pc)

 49    BJK to Prof. M.I. Finley, 28 Nov. – thanks him for his support (tpc.)

 50    Prof. John Evans to BJK, 5 Dec. – gives his support to application (tp.)

 51    Prof. Ernest Gellner to BJK, 10 Dec. – gives his support to application (tp.)

 52    DRB to the Secretary, BA, 12 Dec. 1974 – encloses application on behalf of LC for assistance with publication of annual author index for third year; LC indebted to BA for awards during previous two years, which have enabled the Library to provide author index to Vols. 10-11 (1972-3); encloses details on AI; lists Fellows of BA and RAI who have lent support. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 53    Jane Rabagliati to DRB, 19 Dec. – thanks him for letter of 12 Dec.; BA will notify him of result in May (tp.)

 54    Dr Neville J. Williams to DRB, 5 June 1975 – BA Research Fund Committee has decided to make award of £400 (tp.)

 55    BJK to Dr Neville Williams, 24 June – on behalf of DRB, thanks him for award and for the support over three years (tpc.)

 56    DRB to ibid., 12 July – thanks him for letter of 5 June [A141/18/54]; the awards for three years have been greatly appreciated; thanks to the support of BA the annual author index will be a regular feature of AI (tpc.)

 57    JCMB to Miss R.J. Lambeth, Assistant Secretary, BA, 2 Oct. 1981 – encloses application for grant in support of a learned journal, in respect of AI (photocopy)

.1    Application referred to in A141/18/57. 5 leaves (photocopy)

 58    Application for grant in support of a learned journal, in respect of AI. 4 leaves (photocopy)

.1    JCMB to DMJ, 3 Oct. 1985 – covering note accompanying A141/18/58 (autogr.)

 19/    Funding: British Library Board Grants, 1975-80.

         See also A51/26/2; A51/30/136; A51/31/55; A51/36/9 on BLB grants. NB that as the BLB grants covered both AI and the Photographic Collection, some documents here also concern the latter.

  1    [BE] to JCMB, 25 Aug. 1976 – financial breakdown of BLB grants to AI for 1975-76, 1976-77 (tp. with autogr. notes)

  2    BE to JCMB, 2 Sept. – encloses draft report for BLB grant 1976-77; asks for any comments or amendments (tp. with JCMB autogr. notes)

  3    12 Oct. – report on Photographic Collection (tp.)

  4    c. 24 Nov. 1976 – expenses on ibid. (tp with autogr. notes)

  5    BE to JCMB, 9 Dec. – memo concerning final draft of report for 1976-77, to be submitted to BLB; on some points raised by ADC on same (tp. with JCMB autogr. comment)

  6    BE to DMB, 9 Dec. – ibid.

  7    Ibid. to undisclosed recipient, ibid.

  8    DMB to Dr Harry Hookway, Chief Executive, BLB, 9 Dec. – reports on use made of BLB grant for 1976-77; outlines transfer of RAI library to British Museum; on staff changes; on work undertaken on both AI and Photographic Collection; requests further grant of £7000 to continue this work; includes detailed reports on both AI and Photographic Collection. 8 leaves (tpc.)

.1    Drafts of DMB’s letter [A141/19/8], 3 versions. 5 leaves (tpc. with autogr. notes)

.2    Draft of report on Photographic Collection, included in A141/19/8 (tpc. with autogr. notes)

  9    BLB grant 1976-77, statements of expenditure for AI and Photographic Collection. 2 leaves (tp.)

 10    Statement of costs for AI (tp. with autogr. notes)

 11    P.J. Lane, Secretary, BLB, to DMB, 25 Jan. 1977 – application for renewed grant has been successful; grant of £7000 per annum for two years; possibility of one year’s further extension (tp.)

 12    DMB to P.J. Lane, 16 Feb. – on behalf of RAI accepts generous grant; expresses appreciation (tp.)

 13    Statement of allocation of BLB grant 1977, for LC meeting 6 May [see LC/16/4, Minute 26, f. 134]

 14    15 Mar. 1978 – statement of expenditure and budget, AI and Photographic Collection, for LC meeting to be held on 20 Mar. [see LC/17/3, f, 148] (tp. with autogr. corrections)

.1    Draft of A141/19/14 (tpc. with autogr. notes)

 15    1977-78, draft report on Photographic Collection (autogr.)

 16    Mar. 1977 – Feb. 1978, list of expenditure relating to Photographic Collection (photocopy)

 17    Nov. 1978 – draft insert for BLB letter, on AI (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 18    RGH to Sir Harry Hookway, 8 Dec. 1978 – letter of application for renewal of grant; includes reports on AI and Photographic Collection; includes statement of expenditure of previous grants. 10 leaves (tpc.)

.1    Draft of statement of expenditure [A141/19/18, leaf 10] (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 19    JS to ADC, 8 Dec. 1978 – encloses application [A141/19/18] (tpc.)

 20    Rough draft of report on AI 1977-79. 3 leaves (tp., tpc. and autogr.)

 21    RGH to BLB, nd [late 1978?] – encloses reports on Photographic Collection and AI; mentions ‘concern’ of LC to learn that AL, ‘competitor’ to AI, to be launched early in 1979. 2 leaves (photocopy of draft, tp. and autogr.)

.1    Enclosures with A141/19/21: progress reports on Photographic Collection and AI. 7 leaves (photocopies of drafts, tp. and autogr.)

.2    [1977-79?] – rough draft of report on Photographic Collection. 2 leaves (tp. and autogr.)

 22    L. Bell, Secretary, BLB, to RGH, 22 Jan. 1979 – BLB has decided to extend the grant for one further year; mentions concern about the ‘rival’ publication AL (photocopy)

 23    JS to ADC, 6 Feb. – thanks her for help with application; RGH will send official letter of acceptance and thanks; mentions application to Wenner-Gren fund for Cumulative Author Index (tpc.)

 24    RGH to L. Bell, ibid. – expresses gratitude of behalf of LC for the grant; thanks BLB for concern over the rival publication (tpc.)

 25    JS to ADC, 30 Nov. – on Photographic Collection, particularly: exhibition ‘Observers of Man’; moving Collection to Queen Anne Street; departure of JH; appointment of KAF (tp. with autogr. notes)

 26    ADC to JS, 6 Dec. – response to A141/19/25

 27    KAF, 23 Sept. 1980 – statement on BLB Grant expenditure 1979 & 1980, AI (tpc.)

.1    [Fuller] draft of A141/19/27. 3 leaves (tp.)

20/    Funding: other sources

  1    BJK to AVSR, 21 July 1970 – copy of Wenner-Gren application by AHC attached [not present] (tp. with autogr. comment by AVSR)

.1    Copy of A141/20/1 (tpc. with BJK autogr. note)

  2    BJK to Noneen Purr, 10 Aug. – on Wenner-Gren application; on calculating increased costs (tp. with autogr. notes)

  3    Ibid. to Dr J. Waechter, 24 Aug. – encloses application to Wenner-Gren Foundation for his signature; AVSR has approved it; on revised estimate from Unwin Brothers (tpc.)

  4    J. Waechter and AVSR to Mrs Lita Osmundsen, 28 Aug. – application for a grant to cover printing costs of cumulative author and subject indexes to Volumes 1-5 of index to current periodicals. 2 leaves (tpc) [enclosed with A141/20/3]

.1    Draft of A141/20/4 (tp. with BJK autogr. additions)

  5    BJK to Officers of Standing Committee, 28 Aug. – on application to Wenner-Gren Foundation; wonders whether any funds could be forthcoming to continue production of a cumulative index (tp.)

  6    Christopher D. Dodds, Assistant Director of Research, Wenner-Gren Foundation, 25 Sept. – regrets that the Foundation is unable to help (tp.)

  7    JCMB to CRM, JLF, 12 Feb. 1976 – sounds them out informally about an application to the Esperanza Trust for support of cumulative author index; discusses relative merits of RAI or a specialist publishing firm producing the index; details of the proposed application. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  8    JCMB to Dr Lita Osmundsen, 27 June 1980 – thanks her for letter of 19 June [not held]; encouraging that there is a chance of a grant; answers her questions: on AL, other grants to AI, and on the longer-term future of AI. 2 leaves (photocopy)

21/    Museum of Mankind Library Committee

  1    17 Dec. 1981 – notice of meeting 6 Jan. 1982; agenda; note by JCMB on reorganising of LC; new committee to be chaired by member of MoM staff (tp.)

  2    AG to KAF, 6 Oct. 1982 – encloses notes from last meeting of MoM LC [not present]; list of periodicals KAF suggested for cancellation was discussed; asks for list of all periodicals received by RAI or MoM; next meeting 2 Dec. (tp.)

.1    List of journals recommended for cancellation by KAF, referred to in A141/21/2. 4 leaves (tp.)

.2    Another version of A141/21/2.1. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. notes)

  3    Agenda for meeting 16 Jan. 1986 (photocopy)

  4    Agenda for meeting 18 Apr. 1988 (photocopy)

  5    Minutes of meeting 18 Apr. 2 leaves (photocopy)

.1    Draft of A141/21/5. 2 leaves (tp.)

.2    AG’s notes on meeting 18 Apr. 2 leaves (photocopy of autogr.)

  6    Notice of joint meeting of MoM LC and Index Advisory Group, 10 June; to consider all aspects of Index transfer to TL (tp.)

  7    Agenda for meeting of MoM LC and Index Advisory Group, 11 July. 2 copies (tp. with different autogr. notes)

22/    AI Sub-Committees (variously called Index Sub-Committee, Index Committee, Index Advisory Group)

        See also A17/6/3 for LC documents relating to AI

  1    Notice of first meeting of Index Sub-Committee, 21 Sept. 1979 (tp.)

  2    Agenda for meeting of Index Sub-Committee, 21 Sept. (photocopy)

  3    JH to ‘Sheila’ [STM?], nd, encloses for circulation ahead of meeting 21 Sept. two draft letters aiming to increase sales of Index (photocopy)

.1    Two draft letters referred to in A141/22/3. 2 leaves (photocopies)

  4    Minutes of meeting 21 Sept. 2 leaves (photocopy)

  5    JCMB to Index Sub-Committee, 6 Nov. 1979 – encloses ‘fact sheet’ on AI; on fund raising. 2 leaves (photocopy memo)

.1    Fact sheet referred to in A141/22/5 (printed)

  6    KAF to MJR, 16 Nov. – asks about date for next meeting of Index Sub-Committee (tp.)

  7    Minutes of meeting of Index Sub-Committee, 14 Dec. 2 leaves (photocopy)

  8    KAF to MJR, 30 Jan. 1980 – meeting fixed for 14 Feb.; some matters for agenda

  9    Agenda for meeting of Index Sub-Committee 14 Feb. (photocopy)

 10    Minutes of meeting 14 Feb. (tp.)

.1    Notes on budget 1979/80. 2 leaves (tp.)

 11    Agenda for meeting of Index Sub-Committee, 23 Apr. (photocopy)

 12    Minutes of meeting 23 Apr. 2 leaves (tp.)

.1    Further notes [by KAF?] on meeting of 23 Apr. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 13    KAF to MJR, 3 July – includes draft agenda for meeting of Index Sub-Committee 16 July. 2 leaves (tp.)

 14    Agenda for meeting of Index Sub-Committee, 16 July (photocopy)

.1    List of points to be made in grant applications (item 2a on Agenda A141/22/14) (tp.)

 15    Minutes of meeting 16 July. 2 leaves (tp.)

.1    Notes on budget (item 1a in Minutes A141/22/15) (tp.)

 16    Agenda for meeting 22 Oct. (photocopy)

.1    Notes on item 2b on Agenda [A141/22/16] (tp.)

 17    Minutes of meeting 22 Oct. 2 leaves (tp.)

 18    Memo on AI, 1 Apr. 1981 – on funding; on continuing publication of AI. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 19    Agenda for meeting of Index Sub-Committee 28 May (photocopy)

.1    Notes on budget (item 2 on Agenda, A141/22/19). 2 leaves (tp.)

 20    Notice of meeting of Index Committee 3 Mar. 1983; agenda for same (tp.)

.1    Notes on meeting 3 Mar. (autogr.)

 21    Notice of meeting of Index Committee 19 Apr.; agenda for same (tp.)

.1    Notes on meeting 19 Apr. (autogr.)

 22    Notice of meeting of Index Committee 28 July; agenda for same (tp.)

 23    Minutes of meeting of Index Committee 28 July (tp.)

 24    Notice of meeting of Index Committee 15 Feb. 1984; agenda for same (tp.)

 25    Minutes of meeting of Index Committee 15 Feb.

.1    Notes on budget to 31 Dec. 1983 (tp. with autogr. notes)

.2    Notes on meeting 15 Feb. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 26    Notice of meeting of Index Committee 29 May; agenda for same (tp.)

 27    Notice of meeting of Index Advisory Group 24 Mar. 1986 (tp. memo)

 28    Notice of meeting of Index Advisory Group 9 July (tp. memo)

.1    Notes on meeting 9 July (autogr.)

 29    Notice of meeting of Index Advisory Committee 2 Sept. (tp. memo)

 30    Notice of meeting of Index Committee 22 May 1987 (tp. memo)

23/    Retrospective Conversion

  1    Charles J. Meyers, Senior Program Officer, The Getty Grant Program, to DZ, 22 June 1998 – thanks him for telefax letter of 20 Mar. [not present] on possibility of support for retrospective conversion of some of AI; normally Getty Grant Program does not support works outside of field of art or architectural history; in this case they will make an exception; gives details about application. 2 leaves (photocopy of fax)

  2    JCMB to DZ, 17 July – encloses draft application to Getty Grant Program for comment. 11 leaves (tp.)

  3    Ibid. to BE, 17 July – asks her advice; what is said about WBF Trust could be important (autogr. note)

  4    Ibid., 6 Dec. 1999 – on releasing the archive set of AI 1963-85; on her reluctance to do so; refers to having raised £56,000 (autogr.)

  5    MC to Simon Tanner, Higher Education Digitisation Service, University of Hertfordshire, 17 Dec. – encloses AI’s Manual of style [possibly A141/10/4.1] (tpc.)

  6    BE to Mr Michael Gunn, Academic Microforms, 24 Mar. 2000 – encloses RAI archive set of AI, 1964-5; instructions for microfilming (tpc.)

  7    Ibid. to Simon Tanner, 10 Apr. – has packaged set of AI 1963-82 for collection; includes microfilms of some missing issues (tpc.)

  8    Simon Tanner to DZ, 6 July – encloses an unreadable issue; asks for alternative copy (tp.)

  9    DZ to BE, 10 July – encloses issue returned by Simon Tanner; asks her to send a better original; asks for early lists of journals indexed (tp.)

 10    Simon Tanner to DZ, 10 July – QA queries (tp.)

 11    BE to ibid., 11 July, encloses lists of journals indexed; has sent Simon Tanner a replacement copy (tpc.)

 12    DZ to BE, 12 July – on AI quality checking; missing data (tp.)

 13    BE to DZ, 17 July – answers his queries (tpc.)

 14    Simon Tanner to ibid., 20 July – list of queries. 2 leaves (photocopy with autogr. answers)

 15    Ibid., 11 Aug. – ibid. 4 leaves

 16    Ibid., 18 Aug. 2000 – ibid. 2 leaves

 17    DZ to BE, 28 Aug. – on progress; encloses outstanding queries [presumably A141/24/14, /15, /16] (autogr.)

 18    Ibid., 5 Sept. – encloses penultimate batch of queries (autogr.)

 19    Simon Tanner to [DZ], nd – list of queries. 3 leaves (photocopy with autogr. answers)

 20    DZ to BE, 12 Oct. – final batch of queries. 2 leaves (photocopy with autogr. answers)

 21    Ibid., nd – list of abbreviated journal titles (photocopy with autogr. answers)

 22    Ibid., 29 Nov. – appends ‘absolutely final’ three queries (tp.)

 23    BE to DZ, 6 [Dec.? dated Nov.] – encloses queries with answers appended (tpc.)

 24    Queries (photocopy with autogr. answers) [enclosed with A141/24/23]

24/    Miscellaneous

  1    nd – advertisement for AI (proof)

  2    nd – list of review copies sent (tp.)

  3    nd – points relating to annual author index (tp.)

  4    nd – list of colleges not subscribing [to AI]. 2 leaves (autogr.)

  5    Mar.-Apr. 1964 – Unesco Bulletin for Libraries [advertisement for AI on p. 86] (printed)

  6    STM, nd – notes on transliteration from Cyrillic alphabets (autogr.) [pp. 1 & 2 in Editor’s Manual, pp. 18-19, at A141/10/4.1]

  7    ‘Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet’, from A Chinese-English Dictionary, compiled by David Crook [?], 1978, pp. 956-59 (photocopy)

  8    Antiquity, [Mar. 1979] – advertisement for AI [see A17/6/2/6] (photocopy)

  9    International Bibliography of the Social Sciences: Anthropology, vol. 25 (1979), pp. xv-xxxiii – ‘List of Periodicals consulted’ (photocopy)

 10    The Other Fieldwork: a newsletter for information specialists in Anthropology, Vol. 2, no. 2, Winter 1980 (photocopy)

 11    International Bibliography of the Social Sciences: Anthropology, vol. 30 (1980), pp. xvii-xxix (photocopy)

 12    The Other Fieldwork, Vol. 3, no. 1, Summer 1981 (photocopy)

 13    European Anthropological Newsletter no. 18 (1981) – notice concerning AI (photocopy)

 14    10 Mar. 1983 – comparison between ‘Present system’ and ‘Computer system’. 3 leaves (tp.)

.1    Another version of leaf 1 of A141/25/14 (photocopy)

 15    Aug. 1986 – Periodicals Accession List. 3 leaves (photocopy)

 16    May 1987 – ibid. 3 leaves (photocopy)

 17    Sept. 1987 – ibid. (photocopy)

 18    Nov. 1987 – ibid. 2 leaves (photocopy)

 19    [1988?] – advertisement for AI (printed[?])

 20    [1989] – flyer for AI (photocopy)

 21    1989 – MoM Library Catalogue, includes note on AI (printed)

 22    [1980s?] – ‘List of Periodicals Indexed’ (printout)

 23    nd – circular letter to JRAI subscribers, advertising AI (tp.)

 24    [?] to ‘A’ [AG?], nd – on new computer system in MoM library (autogr.)

 25    Library Association Record, July 1993 – article on WBF’s benefaction to MoM (photocopy of newspaper)

 26    Aug. 1995 – brochure for AI (printed)

 27    Choice, Mar. 1998, pp. 1169-70 – review of AIO (photocopy)

 28    [1998?] – flyer for AIO (printed)

 29    nd [1990s?] – ‘AI Report Draft 1’. 2 leaves

 30    DD to DZ, nd [1990s?] – on computer issues (wp)

 31    [?] to ibid., nd [1990s?] – on Subject Index; on CD-ROM

 32    MC, Aug./Sept. 2000 – ‘Charts and Percentages of the Periodicals Indexed in the Anthropological Index Online in the Year 2000’ (booklet)

 33    Microfiche copy of AL

 34    nd – brochure from Dept. of Typography & Graphic Communication, University of Reading; ideas for re-design of cover and typeface of AI (booklet)