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Minutes, correspondence and papers. 1953-76.

 12/    1957-60 The Collecting of Folk Music and other Ethnomusicological Material – correspondence and papers

    Manual for Folk Music Collectors was published in 1951 by the IFMC, prepared by MK and A.A. Baké, with a supplement on Ciné-filming by Doris Plaister. At a meeting of Council, 7 Nov. 1957, RWF reported that a revised Manual was ready for publication; see A10/7, f. 28. The revised edition, The Collecting of Folk Music and other Ethnomusicological Material – A Manual for Field Workers, edited by MK, 40 pages, was published in 1958; see A114/12/5.

  1    Manual for Folk Music Collectors, original edition. 30 pages (printed) 2 copies

  2    MK to Miss Anderson, RAI, 27 Feb. 1957 – sends her the draft Manual and accompanying letter; suggests 120 copies of the Manual and 55 copies of the letter; RC will use same letter for members of the Committee (tp. with autogr. notes added)

  3    Ibid.[?] to members of the Committee, nd – MK has prepared following draft; would be grateful for criticisms and suggestions; could she have these by 15 Apr. (autogr.)

  4    [?], RAI, to RWF[?], 28 Feb. – MK has sent her preliminary draft Manual; agreed that RAI would cyclostyle it and send it to Committee members; she will distribute letters and copies of Manual to members of IFMC; criticisms and suggestions to reach MK by 15 Apr. (tpc.)

  5    MK to MWS, 19 June – reminds her that she undertook to get an estimate from IBM for the Manual; necessary to enquire about the cost of 1000 copies of a 32-page booklet; hopes there will be no difficulty about title; loth to accept sub-title which implies that extra-European folk music different from European (tp.)

  6    Ibid., 20 June – Folk Lore Society issuing the remainder of the copies of Handbook of Folk-Lore; has agreed to include a notice of the Manual in Addenda; does she think the enclosed note premature; discusses address given as it is that of her own flat (tp. with autogr. additions)

 .1    Notice of Manual, obtainable from IFMC (tp. with autogr. addition) [enclosed with A79/12/6]

  7    PS to MWS, 21 June – as members of the Committee were asked to make suggestions for renaming of MK’s handbook he sends two suggestions (tp.)

  8    Secretary to the Officers, RAI, to Miss Edeson, 28 June – Hon. Secretary asks her to estimate for the typing of the enclosed manuscript; thanks her for undertaking to pass the manuscript on to Swift Publicity Ltd. to obtain estimated for photographing; estimate required is for 1000 copies of 32-page booklet (tpc.)

  9    MK to MWS, 1 July – suggests as title ‘Manual of Folk Music Collecting with reference to ethnomusicogical studies’; this gives exact description of its purpose; feels that the material must be designated as ‘folk’; no other term covers field of non-art music; term is generally accepted; sending copy of this letter to RWF and RC; meeting of Executive Board of IFMC on 22 Aug. wonders if the matter could be settled by then (tp.)

 10    RWF to MWS, 4 July – attached explains itself (tp.) [not clear what this refers to]

 11    Ibid. to MK, 4 July – does not like her suggested title; he suggests ‘Folk Music Collecting – a manual in ethnomusicology’ which preserves the initiative of IFMC while keeping the relation between folk music and ethnomusicology; they had agreed to be guided by RAI Council; therefore he is writing to MWS and RC in these terms (tpc.) [possibly enclosed with A79/12/10]

 12    Ibid., 5 July – thanks her for letter of 1 July about title; notes that she sent copies to RWF and RC; unless there is another meeting of Committee, title cannot be decided by 22 Aug.; must be decided by entire Committee; has been told that the Manual will be almost twice as long as previous one, i.e. sixty pages (tpc.)

 13    John H. Bostock, Swift Publicity Ltd., to Miss Anderson, RAI, 8 July – sends estimate for printing 1000 copies of brochure, 64 inside pages plus cover: £115 (tp.)

 14    MK to MWS, 8 July – RWF sent copy of his letter to MK [A79/12/11] to MWS; encloses copy of her reply; RWF points out that question of title must go before RAI; asks if there is a chance of a meeting this month; thanks her for enquiries re. estimate; asks for an estimate for booklet the size of the present Manual with title page and cover (tp.)

 15    Ibid. to RWF, 8 July – refers to his proposed title; is less clumsy than hers; thinks it would lead people to expect something other than what the booklet is; not a manual of ethnomusicology, nor addressed to ethnomusicologists but to people who are not experts; thinks her title gives better indication of purpose of the book; asks if both titles could be suggested to RAI; would be glad of decision by 21 Aug. when Executive Board of IFMC meets in Copenhagen (tpc.) [enclosed with A79/12/15]

 16    MWS to MK, 9 July – RWF correct in saying that Committee decided to refer matter of title to Council for final decision; since Council next meets in Oct. not possible to get an answer before Copenhagen meeting; desirable to get advice from Executive Board of IFMC; pool it later with opinion of Council; as for estimate, thinks that prices of the two methods (IBM method and printing) must be compared (tpc.)

 17    Kay Edeson, IBM, to Miss Anderson, RAI, 9 July – estimate for typing of Manual: £20 (tp. with autogr. note)

 18    MK to MWS, 10 July – will seek advice of the Executive Board; as for comparison of the two estimates, hers from the printers was based on old Manual; unwilling to ask for another estimate unless she was fairly sure that they would receive the commission; does not have a spare copy (tp.)

 19    MWS to MK, 18 July – estimate for Manual: £135 for 1000 copies; if MK’s estimate is based on old Manual it is of no value; costs have gone up; manuscript considerably longer; printers often estimate for jobs which they do not in fact do; does not see how Committee can come to a decision without firm printer’s estimate; can let MK have a copy of the cyclostyled manual (tpc.)

 20    MK to MWS, 22 July – £135 is a large sum; sure that printing would be less; details about estimate from Barnicotts (printers); will send completed copy to Barnicotts for firm estimate (tp.)

 21    Secretary to the Officers, RAI, to John H. Bostock, Swift Publicity Ltd., 26 July – thanks him for estimate; may be some time before a decision is reached (tpc.)

 22    MK to MWS, 13 Sept. – placed various suggested titles before Executive Board of IFMC; they suggested another ‘Folk Music Collecting – A Manual for Ethnomusicologists and other Collectors’; hopes it will meet with approval of RAI; is getting another estimate from Barnicotts [printers] (tp. with autogr. additions)

 23    Ibid., 4 Oct. – Barnicotts estimate, on the basis of 48 pages, for 1000 copies: £83; for 2000 copies: £105; as this is lower she thinks it best to give them the order; asks what the next step is; financial arrangements between RAI and IFMC have not been discussed (tp.)

 24    MWS to MK, 8 Oct. – thinks estimate is low; asks how they intend to get the material on 48 pages; asks if Barnicotts sent sample of type or specimen page; next step is to have Committee meeting to come to a decision; RC mentioned meeting just after 7 Nov. when question of title will be brought to Council (tpc.)

 25    MK to MWS, 10 Oct. – type will be the same as the old Manual; would be good to have Committee meeting in a few weeks’ time (tp.)

 26    Secretary to the Officers, RAI, to RWF, 31 Oct. – as name of the Manual will be brought up at Council meeting on 7 Nov. could he nominate a date for Committee to meet as soon after that as possible (tpc.)

 27    RC to MWS, 6 Nov. – presents three suggested titles for RAI’s scrutiny; does not much care for any of them but ‘at least that dirty word has been excised!’ (tp.)

 28    MWS to RWF, 15 Nov. – asks that she, he and WBF meet at RAI to decide in Council’s name on title for Manual; preferably before next Committee meeting on 27 Nov.; suggests day of Milner’s lecture (tpc.)

 29    Ibid. to RC, 22 Nov. – matter of title was raised at meeting of Council on 7 Nov.; decided on ‘The Collection of Musical Materials – A Field Manual for Students of Folk Music and others interested in Ethnomusicology’; could be reported at Committee meeting on 27 Nov. (tpc.)

 30    Manual for collectors of ethnomusicology – preliminary draft for comment, [Nov. 57] (mimeo.)

 31    Ibid. – proposed revisions (mimeo.)

 32    MWS to MK, 6 Dec. – official notification of the title: ‘The Collecting of Folk Music & Other Ethnomusicological Material – A Manual for Field Workers’ (tpc.)

 33    RWF to MWS, 17 Jan. 1958 – on Wenner-Gren Foundation application for a grant towards publication of the Manual (tp.); see Minutes, 14 June 1957

 34    MK to MWS, 20 Jan. – has received sections on cinematography and sound recording from DKR; sends for comment or approval a copy of amended title page and preface (tp. with autogr. note by MWS)

 35    MWS to MK, 18 Feb. – encloses title page marked as discussed; encloses preface by RWF (tpc.)

 36    MK to MWS, 20 Feb. – RWF’s preface delightful; complete copy has gone to Barnicotts for estimate; anxious to get reprint of publications leaflet; wants to include particulars of the new Manual; encloses notice for approval (tp.)

 .1    Description of Manual, obtainable from IFMC [enclosed with A79/12/35; fuller version of that enclosed with A79/12/6]

 37    MWS to MK, 25 Feb. – thinks her description very good; makes some suggestions (tpc.)

 38    MK to MWS, 26 Feb. – encloses letter from Barnicotts which seems satisfactory [not held]; suggests asking them to go ahead with printing; can decide how many copies at proof stage; financial arrangements between IFMC and RAI can be decided later; discusses price; thinks 1000 copies will be sufficient (tp. with autogr. note by MWS)

 39    MWS to MK, 13 Mar. – must find space to acknowledge financial help from Wenner Gren Foundation (tpc.)

 40    Ibid., 11 Apr. – returns proof with some additions; will bring up matter of follow up at Committee meeting on 25 Apr. (tpc.)

 .1    Additions made to galleys. 3 leaves (tpc.) [enclosed with A79/12/39]

 41    MK to MWS, 15 Apr. – MWS’s suggestions very worthwhile; noticed from Minutes of last Committee meeting that it was decided to show chapter on Filming to RAI Film Committee; had forgotten about this; asks her to pass on the enclosed sections; their comments should be sent direct and as soon as possible; asks if MWS is the author of notes on Music of India, Vol. I in Ethnic Folkways Library; if so could she let MK know which items she considers to be genuine folk music (tp.)

 42    Ibid., 23 Apr. – encloses preliminary list for complimentary copies; has not included members of RAI except those who have made contributions or suggestions; will also want about 50 complimentary copies for supporters of IFMC; encloses copy of cover and title page; perhaps they could discuss these on Friday (tp.)

 .1    List of individuals and organisations for complimentary or review copies. 3 leaves (tp.) [enclosed with A79/12/42]

 43    MWS to MK, 24 Apr. – thanks her for proof; is checking the list against people to whom review copies are normally sent; has appointment tomorrow but perhaps they can discuss Manual another time (tpc.)

 44    MK to MWS, 12 May – sends second proof; would be grateful for her opinion of arrangement of matter on cover, title page etc.; note the suggested alterations to MWS’s additions; has had useful notes from Mr. Lindgren of the British Film Institute (tp.)

 45    MWS to MK, 14 May – thanks her for the galley; has made some comments; makes suggestions for arrangement of title page; thinks Committee made mistake in considering 2000 copies; would be happier with 1200 or 1500 (tpc.)

 46    MK to MWS, 10 June – Barnicotts have sent revised estimate; 1500 copies: £105; 1750 copies: £110; 2000 copies: £115 (tp.)

 47    [MWS] to MK, 10 June – in view of revised estimate thinks definitely no more than 1500 copies to be printed (autogr. draft)

 48    MK to MWS, 16 June – final proof has gone to printer; queries about: copyright libraries; complimentary and review copies (list attached); publicity leaflet; trade channels (tp.)

 .1    List of individuals and organisations for complimentary or review copies. 3 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions) [enclosed with A79/12/48; same as A79/12/42.1]

 49    Ibid., 17 June – omitted one question from her letter of 16 June; asks about American price (tp.)

 50    18 June – List of items [for discussion?] (tp. with autogr. notes)

 51    MWS to MK, 19 June – discussing number of complimentary copies; answers queries in letter of 16 June (tpc.)

 52    MK to MWS, 30 June – copies of Manual have arrived; is sending copies to all those on her lists for complimentary or review copies; looks forward to draft of publicity notice (tp.)

 53    List of free copies, nd (autogr. note)

 54    [?] to Mr. Russ, 2 July – about Manual Account (tpc.)

 55    MWS to MK, 3 July – has seen the Manual; thinks it looks very nice; has not found a single error; has sent out complimentary copies and those for review; has not yet thought of publicity leaflet but thinks it should go out in early Oct. (tpc.)

 56    MK to MWS, 30 Oct. – anxious about publicity for Manual; asks if MWS has drafted circular letter (tp. with autogr. note by MWS)

 57    The Alcuin Press, Welwyn Garden City, to RAI, 4 Dec. –sent with proofs of publicity cards (printed)

 .1    Proof of publicity card (printed, with autogr. corrections) [enclosed with A79/12/57]

 .2    Publicity card (printed; incorporating corrections) [enclosed with A79/12/57]

 58    MWS to MK, 19 Mar. 1959 – refers to Minutes (MC/87/2 Minute 2b) that proceeds of sales of Manual to be shared equally between RAI and IFMC, after publishing costs defrayed; nothing said about charges for post; suggests they each deduct 6d for each Manual for postage etc. (tpc.)

 59    MWS to MK, 20 Apr. – has worked out accounts; encloses copy; still £7.17.6 due on publishing costs; asks for cheque for that amount plus half of whatever receipts MK has (tpc.)

 .1    Statement of Account, 20 Apr. (tp. with autogr. corrections) [enclosed with A79/12/59]

 .2    Draft of Statement of Account (autogr.) [enclosed with A79/12/59]

 60    MK to MWS, 22 Apr. – encloses statement of Manual account; encloses cheque (tp.)

 .1 IFMC Statement of Account up to 31 Mar. [enclosed with A79/12/60]

 61    MWS to MK, 31 Dec. – appends report on Manual sales from 21 Apr. to 31 Dec. (tpc.)

 62    MK to MWS, 8 Jan. 1960 – sends cheque for amount due to RAI; attaches statement (tp.)

 .1    IFMC Statement of Account 1 31 Dec. 1959 [enclosed with A79/12/62]

 63    MWS to MK, 12 Jan. – thanks her for statement and cheque; sales not startling but IFMC to be congratulated; is hoping to attend MK’s lecture on Cecil Sharp (tpc.)

 64    12 Jan. – attached cheque to be put in General Account (tpc.) [no recipient; no sender]

 65    [?] to Dr Paul Fejos, Wenner-Gren Foundation, New York, 14 Jan. – informs him that 221 copies of the Manual have been sold to 31 Dec. 1959; there is a small but constant demand (tpc.)

 66    MK to MWS, 14 June – while making out statement of Manual account found that her carbon copy of the statement sent in Apr. 1959 was missing; asks if she could borrow the copy sent to MWS (tp.)

 67    Ibid., 17 June – returns the statement to Mar. 1959; statement to 31 Mar. 1960 shows that IFMC owes RAI £12.3.3; asks if there are any sales by RAI which should be deducted (tp.)

 13/    1962-64 RAI/Galpin Society Survey

  1    JM to KPW, 5 Dec. 1962 – wishes to write to museums to enquire about instruments in their collections; asks if he may say it is on behalf of RAI Ethnomusicology Committee; suggests writing to newspapers; many museums do not have accurate catalogues (tpc.)

  2    Ibid. to AHC, 13 Nov. 1963 – encloses note to go to RAI members for instrument survey; mentions two subjects for colloquia (tpc.)

 .1    Questionnaire seeking information about musical instruments (tpc.) [enclosed with A79/13/2]

  3    Notice about RAI/Galpin Society survey; proposed that someone should visit collections, public and private; photographs to be taken; card filled in for catalogue (tp.)

 .1    Draft of A79/13/3. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

 .2    Card to be filled in for survey [referred to in A79/13/3]

  4    [JM] to Brian [Galpin?], 5 Dec. – cannot attend next meeting [9 Dec.]; asks him to raise matter of card catalogue under ‘Any Other Business’; encloses copy of suggested questionnaire [A79/13/2.1]; encloses a card [A79/13/3.2]; details about the card (tpc.)

  5    Minutes of 120th Meeting of the Committee of the Galpin Society, 9 Dec. – JM’s specimen questionnaire mentioned under ‘Any Other Business’; raised queries and problems; discussion deferred until next meeting (tpc.)

  6    25 Jan. 1964 – Notice of 121st Meeting of the Committee of the Galpin Society, to be held 3 Feb. (tp.)

  7    Descriptions of Duct vessel flute and Angle harp nd (tp. with autogr. additions)

  8    F.W. Galpin, ‘Classification of Instruments of Music’, from Old English Instruments of Music, 2nd edn., London, 1911. 3 leaves (tp.)

14/    1960-78 Miscellaneous ethnomusicology correspondence, papers etc.]
  1    ‘Making a World Catalogue of Music Sources’, – referring to publication of ‘Repertoire International des Sources Musicales’, [München & Duisburg, 1960] (newspaper cutting)

  2    K.J. Speyer, SOAS, to AHC, 11 Mar. 1964 – Dr John Marr of SOAS asked him to see AHC about a list of people who might want a copy of Prof. Brough’s obituary of A.A. Baké; obituary includes bibliography of his writings (autogr.)

  3    Invitation to Colloquium on ‘The Classification and Nomenclature of Musical Instruments’, 19 Mar. [1964]; discussion to be opened by JM (tp. postcard; no recipient]

  4    Rough draft notes on a meeting 19 Mar. 3 leaves (autogr. pencil) [the Colloquium referred to in A79/14/3]

  5    AHC to JM, 22 Mar. – thanks him; it will impress the French at conference in Paris; refers to low numbers; more of the Committee should have attended (autogr.)

  6    [JM] to the Editor of Man [WBF], 19 Apr. – in response to article by Mr. J.S. Boston in Mar.-Apr. issue on iron instruments of the Ibo and the Igala; discusses differences between gongs and bells. 3 pages (tpc.)

  7    Ibid., 23 June – encloses proof; is working on an article on gongs; asks whether there should be a meeting of Committee before the end of the season (tpc.)

  8    List of members of old Committee ‘and of a few more interested parties’, 7 Apr. 1965 – refers to meeting on 18 Mar. (tpc.)

  9    AHC to WBF, 8 Apr. – notice of meeting 14 Apr. to reorganize the Committee, elect representatives, plan future programme (tp. postcard)

 10    Rough draft minutes of meeting 14 Apr. – makes reference to ‘the Montagu Plan’ (autogr. pencil)

 .1    ‘Jeremy Montagu’s suggested scheme’, nd – suggests that international firm be approached to subsidise the Panel to present concerts etc.; reasons for the international element; draft of a letter to a cousin who is director of such a firm. 3 leaves (tp.)[referred to in A79/14/9]

 11    [JM] to Nazir [A. Jairazbhoy], 25 Apr. – took RC’s friend Shiv Chirimar to see African dancers; Chirimar suggested to the musicians that they might do a demonstration for the SOAS society; describes their instruments; will mention it to AHC (tpc.)

 12    Ibid. to AHC, 21 Oct. – asks whether RAI can buy a tape recorder and good speakers; RC and JM trying to persuade Nazir [A. Jairazbhoy] that weekly meetings should be held at Bedford Square; lack of equipment rules out such a move; gives a bad impression to visiting speakers who bring good tapes which cannot be shown properly (tpc.)

 13    JO, SOAS, to JM, 22 Dec. 1968 – sends him old Ethnomusicology Committee/Panel papers; probably of archival interest only but perhaps JM would like to look through them (autogr.)

 14    JB to JM, 23 May 1978 – refers to tape recorder and loudspeaker which belong to Panel; hopes that RAI will do more in field of ethnomusicology in due course, probably at Museum of Mankind; in the meantime asks whether the equipment should be sold or donated (tpc.)

 15    JM to JB, 27 May – would take the tape recorder; unless it is certain that Museum of Mankind has comparable equipment perhaps rash to dispose of the items; hopes to revive the Panel; spoke to John Blacking about it (tpc.)

 16    JB to JM, 23 June – Museum of Mankind well equipped; Horniman Museum would be glad of the equipment as a gift (tp.)

 17    [JM] to AHC, nd – would like to continue discussions on organology; thinks there should be more liaison between BIRS and various bodies; refers to paper at Galpin Society Symposium by Madeau Stewart on work of BBC record archive; she is recording instruments; so is PS; so are others; contact between them would be beneficial; suggested to Miss Stewart that identification of specimens ‘here’ [Horniman Museum?] with sounds recorded would be helpful to students (tpc.)

 18    JM, ‘Deriving Cents almost without Maths’, nd – on calculating cents (units of measure in musical intervals) with a slide rule. 3 leaves (tpc.)

 19    [JM?], ‘Cents or nonsense’, nd – on definition of a cent (tp.)

 20    Lists of names, nd, 8 items (tpc. and autogr.)

15/    1924-27 Correspondence relating to the notes and records of Rev. E. Raff

  1    J.E. Hough, Sales Manager, J.E. Hough Ltd., Edison Bell Works, to Rev. E.M. Raff, 21 Nov. 1924 – have for many years discontinued manufacturing records; on duplicating records; unable to suggest how he might obtain copies of his records (tp.)

  2    English Branch, Artistes’ Dept., The Gramophone Company Ltd., to Rev. E.M. Raff, 12 Dec. – not possible to make a record from cylinder disc he mentions; only way would be to re-record; charges for private recording (tp.)

  3    F.G. Kenyon, [Director], British Museum, to Rev. E.M. Raff, 9 June 1926 – not sure whether he wishes to give or sell his records to Museum; Museum has only a few records (tp.)

  4    T.A. Joyce, Dept. of Ceramics and Ethnography, British Museum to Rev. E.M. Raff, 6 Jul. 1926 – has no collection of gramophone records; prepared to purchase copies of his New Hebrides records; suggests he contact RAI and museums; has not heard of ‘Museum of Voices’ to which he refers (tp.)

 .1    Newspaper clipping announcing ‘Museum of Voices’ in Berlin [attached to A79/15/4]

  5    Mrs Ruth Raff to Sir Everard im Thurn, (RAI President 1919-20), 27 Mar. 1927 – thanks him for letter; expects to return to Australia soon; refers to her late husband’s collected legends and records of native songs; willing to give her time and labour to ensure that the work might not be lost (autogr.)

  6    Sir Everard im Thurn to Mrs Raff, 29 Mar. – will gladly help with her husband’s material which would be of considerable interest; asks for copies of notes and list of places where he collected material; he will make the material available at the RAI; asks for list of musical material. 2 leaves (autogr. draft)

  7    Mrs Ruth Raff to Sir Everard im Thurn, 31 Mar. – will soon be in Edinburgh; will make copies of her husband’s material; discusses the songs which her husband recorded; grateful for help (autogr.)

  8    Sir Everard im Thurn to Mrs Raff, 1 Apr. – would like to see correspondence between Rev. Raff and the British Museum (autogr. draft)

  9    Mrs Ruth Raff to Sir Everard im Thurn, 14 Apr. – in Edinburgh; will begin  preparation of her husband’s collection; information about the recordings; encloses copies of correspondence about the recordings [A79/15/1 & 2]; seeks his advice. 3 pages (autogr.)

 10    Ibid., 8 May – preparation of legends well under way; could take records to British Museum (autogr.)

 11    Ibid., 10 May – will be happy to meet (autogr.)