Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Congres International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnogiques A62 CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DES SCIENCES ANTHROPOLOGIQUES ET ETHNOGIQUES. 1912-34; 1937-9 (A62 – 04 of 06)

Correspondence, papers, and minutes relating to the establishment of the International Congress, 1912-34; and to the first Congress in 1934, and its relationship to the IIA, 1937-9.

169/    1933. Provisional Committee

  1    Minutes of the meeting, 2 May 1933 (mimeo.)

  2    Ibid., 2nd copy

  3    Minutes of the meeting, 9 May (mimeo.)

  4    Ibid., 5 copies

  5    Minutes of the meeting, 19 May (mimeo.)

  6    Ibid., 2 copies; 6 June 1933 not held

170/    1933. Fund raising for 1934 Congress

  1    CGS to Dr C.O. Blagden (COB), Hon. Sec., RAI; member of the Executive Co. of the Congress (tp.). 18 Mar. 1933

  2    Sec., University of Edinburgh to COB (tp., autogr. note by COB). 20 Mar.

171/    1933 Conveyance of thanks for the success of the preliminary meeting at Basle, 20-22 May

  1    Draft by JLM of letter to Dr Feliz Speiser (FS) (see 140/1 for details)

  2    JLM to FS (tpc.). 5 May

  3    Draft by JLM of letter to Dr Fritz Hauser (FH).

  4    JLM to FH (tpc.). 5 May

  5    Draft by JLM of letter to the Rector, Basle Univ.

  6    JLM to Rector (tpc.). 5 May

  7    Draft by JLM of letter to M. and Mme Burckhardt Koechlin (BK)

  8    JLM to BK (tpc.). 5 May

172/    1933-4. Executive Committee Minutes

  1    Minutes of the meeting, 24 Oct. 1933 (mimeo.)

  2    Ibid., 14 Dec. 1933 (mimeo.)

  3    Ibid., 18 Jan. 1934 (mimeo., signed)

  4    Ibid., 15 Feb. (mimeo., signed)

  5    Ibid., 15 Mar. (mimeo., signed)

  6    Ibid., 12 Apr. (mimeo., signed)

  7    Ibid., 17 May (mimeo., signed)

  8    Ibid., 28 June (mimeo., signed)

  9    Ibid., 12 July (mimeo., signed)

 10    Ibid., 20 Sep. (mimeo., signed)

Shelved with quartos

173/    1934. Congress circularization lists: names and addresses of individuals and institutions in one sequence under country on 4 x 4¾ in. cards (shoe boxes)

(1) Aden and Malta; (2) Anglo-Egyptian Sudan; (3) Argentina; (4) Australia; (5) Belgium; (6) Bolivia; (7) Brazil; (8) Bulgaria; (9) Chile; (10) China; (11) Columbia; (12) Costa Rica; (13) Cuba; (14) Czechoslovakia; (15) Danzig, Free City of; (16) Denmark; (17) Ecuador; (18) Esthonia; (19) Egypt; (20) Finland; (21) France; (22) French Colonies; (23) Germany and Austria; (24) Great Britain; (25) Greece; (26) Guatemala; (27) Haiti; (28) Holland; (29) Dutch East Indies; (30) Honduras; (31) Hungary; (32) Iceland; (33) Iran; (34) Iraq; (35) Italy; (36) Japan; (37) Latvia; (38) Lithuania; (39) Manchuria; (40) Mexico; (41) Morocco; (42) Norway; (43) Panama; (44) Paraguay; (45) Peru; (46) Poland; (47) Portugal; (48) Romania; (49) Salvador; (50) Siam; (51) Spain; (52) Sweden; (53) Switzerland; (54) Turkey; (55) Uruguay; (56) USA; (57) USSR; (58) Venezuela; (59) Yugoslavia

Attached note found July 1990: Bechuanaland – Borneo – British West Indies – Burma – Canada – Cyprus – Gibraltar – Gold Coast – Hong Kong – India – Irish Free State – Kenya Colony – Malaya – New Zealand – Nigeria – Northern Ireland – Nyasaland – Palestine – Rhodesia – Sierra Leone – Singapore – South Africa destroyed.

174/    Tidsskrifter: list of journals, A – Z. [missing Feb. 1997]

175/    1934. Congress circularization lists: names and addresses of delegates and others, and institutions on 2 ¼ x 3¼ in. cards:

(1) under individuals; (2) under institutions

176-9/    Preliminary meetings and general organisation; section programmes; authors of papers; members’ tickets


176/    Preliminary meetings and general organisation

All the following items are mimeographed unless stated otherwise

  1    Preliminary conference, Basle, 20-2 Apr. 1933 – ‘extracts from correspondence with colleagues unable to attend the conference.’ 11 leaves (mimeo.)

  2    Procès-verbal de la réunion préparatoire de Bâle du 20 au 22 avril 1933. 6 leaves

  3    Hon. Secretary, 30 May 1933 – invitation to membership of the British Organising Committee with an outline of the Basle meeting and the establishment of the Congress

  4    President, Comité d’Organisation, 30 May 1933 – invitation to nominate representatives for the Council of Honour, Permanent Council, and National Secretaries (in French)

  5    Ibid. – variant invitation, 15 Mar. (in French)

  6    President and other officers – invitation to attend Congress or to nominate a representative

  7    Organisation and procedure of the sections – note by JLM: removed 13.7.34 for second edition

  8    General Secretaries – sent to countries with no representative at Basle seeking advice as to nominations

  9    Ibid. – Permanent Council members asked to put their views to the Bureau as well as a list of main questions etc. (in French)

 10    President and other officers, 30 Sep. 1933 – official invitation sent; hope for one or more delegates from the university

 11    General Secretaries, 15 Sep. 1933 – invitation to nominate institutional delegate (in French)

 12    Ibid. (in English)

 13    Assistant Secretary – request for notice of Congress to be displayed

 14    General Secretaries – formal notice sent to institutional representatives

 15    Ibid. – letter of regret that institutional delegate cannot be sent

 16    Ibid. – notification of the forthcoming session of the International Congress of Americanists at Seville and establishment of an American ethnography sub-section at the London Congress

 17    Ibid. – sent to nominees as National Secretaries

 18    Ibid. – sent to government nominees to the Permanent Council

 19    Chairman, American Sub-section – invitation to Congress

 20    Chairman, Section of Ethnography (A.C. Haddon), Oct. 1933 – invitation to Congress

  21-9    not present

 30    Office Secretary, 25 Apr. 1934 – invitation to Congress membership on behalf of E.W. Smith, Chairman, African Section of Ethnography

 31    Secretaries – invitation to attend Executives Committee, 24 Oct. 1933

 32    Assistant Secretary, Adrian Digby – organizations requested to name members likely to be interested (tp.)

33.1-2    Ibid. – on hospitality for visitors from compatriots resident in UK

 34    Chairman, American Sub-section – not retained; duplicate of /19 above, q.v.

 35    General Secretary – details of excursions

 36    President and Chairman, Executive Committee – appeal for offers of hospitality for foreign members (annotated)

 37    Warburg Institute – invitation to visit the Library

 38    Estelle Canziani – invitation to exhibition of Riff pottery, Italian peasant jewellery, etc.

 39    Bryant and May Museum – information on coach transport

 40    Horniman Museum – invitation to visit (tpc.)

 41    General Secretary and British National Secretary – invitation to National Secretaries to discuss organisation

 42    Excursions – some may be cancelled for lack of numbers

 43    Preliminary programme, notice of the Oxford visit, and invitation to dinner at New College – sent to Oxford members (annotated by JLM)

 44    Suggestions for exhibitors – draft (tp.)

 45    Ibid. – variant version

 46    Circulars – language to be used (tpc., annotated by JLM)

 47    Ibid. – variant by individual countries (tpc.)

 48    Provisional programme for the London session. 2 leaves

177/    Section programmes

  1    Organisation and procedure of the sections

  2    Provisional time table for joint discussions – to members of the Executive Committee

  3    All secretaries of sections asked to consider means of securing summaries of joint discussions (tpc.)

  4    Section presidents and secretaries requested not to alter printed time of communications, 31 July 1934 (tp.)

  5    Sheet for summary of remarks made in discussions (annotated by JLM)

  6    Subjects for discussion in the sections: Anthropology: anatomical and physical

  7    Ibid.: Demography and population problems

  8    Ibid.: Ethnography (annotated)

  9    Ibid.: ibid.: African sub-section

 10    Ibid.: ibid.: American sub-section

 11    Ibid.: Languages and writing (printed)

 12    Ibid.: Psychology

 13    Ibid.: Religions

 14    Ibid.: Sociology (tpc., annotated)

 15    Ibid.: Technology: arts and crafts

 16    Names and addresses of preferences for sections: none (tp.)

 17    Ibid.: Anatomy sub-section (tpc.)

 18    Ibid.: Sociology (tpc.)

 19    Ibid.: African aspects of all sections (tp., annotated by JLM)

178/    Authors of papers

  1    General notes for the guidance of authors of papers

  2    Procedures to be followed by secretariat (annotated)

  3    Titles and authors of papers for circulation to section officers (samples): Anatomy. 2 leaves (tpc., annotated by JLM)

  4    Ibid.: Demography (tpc.)

  5    Ibid.: Ethnography. 2 leaves (tp. and tpc., annotated by JLM)

  6    Printed proceedings – authors requested to send summaries before 31 Aug.

179/    1934. Members’ tickets

  1    Invitation to the Inaugural meeting, 30 July 1934

  2    Ticket for reserved seat at the Inaugural meeting

  3    Member’s ticket

  4    Associate’s ticket

180/    1934. Accommodation

  1    Sir Henry Wellcome, Washington, DC to TAJ, 4 June 1934 – regrets impossibility of completing alterations to the auditorium in time; wishes to meet cost of alternative (telegram)

  2    TAJ to JLM, 4 June – encloses telegram; suggests Sir Henry’s offer should be accepted (tp., annotated by JLM)

  3    List of interested societies and associations (tp.)

181/    1934. Guide to Congress, 30 July-4 Aug.

  1    Guide (in French)

  2    Ibid. – 2nd copy

  3    Congress papers submitted to RAI – list of authors with page references to guide

182/    1934. Appointment of official delegates

  1    Académie Royale Serbe, Belgrade – Dr Jovan Erdeljanovitch (tp. and envelope)

  2    Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia – Sir Arthur Keith (printed)

  3    American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston, Mass. – Sir Arthur Keith (illuminated document); and covering letter, 20 May 1934

  4    University of Oxford – Henry Balfour and Leonard H. Dudley Buxton (printed)

  5    République de Pologne, Warsaw – Prof. Jan Czekanowski, Prof. Kazimierz Stolyhwo, and Prof. Stanislaw Poniatowski (tp.)

  6    Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) to RAI, 2 Feb. – regret the terms of their charter prohibit the appointment of a delegate; pleased to put a notice up; inquires about observer status (tp.)

  7    RAI to RIIA, 27 Feb. – question of observer status referred to Executive Committee; hopes those interested will attend as Congress members (tpc.)

  8    Ibid., 19 Mar. – gives Executive Committee’s decisions (tpc.)

  9    Society for Promoting the Study of Religions to RAI, 8 Mar. – pleased to appoint a delegate; inquires if a substitute may attend if the delegate cannot (tp.)

 10    RAI secretary to JLM, 9 Mar. – encloses letter from the Society (/9 above); asks for advice (tp. with long annotation by JLM on suggested solution)

 11    RAI to the Society, 19 Mar. – gives Executive Committee’s decisions (tpc.)

183/    1934. Greetings and letters of thanks

  1    American College of Surgeons, Chicago, 3 May

  2    Archdeacon G.T. Basden, Reigate, 4 Aug.

  3    – Bennatzik, Suorva Porjus, Denmark, 24 July (telegram)

  4    Congrès International des Slavistes (Philologues slaves), Warsaw, 12 July

  5    Deutsche Reichsregierung, Universität Berlin, etc., E. Fischer, Berlin-Dahlem, 20 July

  6    JLM to Dr Eugen Fischer, 24 July – on W. Abel’s communication; and invitation to House of Lords and Huxley dinners (tpc.)

  7    George Washington University, School of Medicine, Washington, DC, 15 June

  8    Dr Friedrich S. Krauss, Vienna to JLM, 4 July (autogr.)

  9    JLM to Dr F.S. Krauss, 9 Sep. – replies to greetings; refers to his son, W.W. Krauss, National Secretary for Sweden (autogr. carbon)

 10    T.F. McIlwraith, University of Toronto, 30 Aug. – on success of congress and inadequacy of Canadian representation (autogr.)

 11    New York University, College of Dentistry, Dept. of Anatomy, M.F. Ashley-Montagu, 11 June – regrets he cannot attend (a delegate)

 12    Dr W. Nussbaum, Berlin, 10 Sep. (autogr.)

 13    Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze i Nuovi Lincei, Città del Vaticano, 24 May (autogr., annotated by JLM)

 14    Major Erik Seidenfaden, Hellerup to JLM, 26 Aug. – summary of paper already presented; thanks JLM for his kindness (autogr.)

 15    Sierra Leone Education Dept., H. Hodgson, 12 June – regrets he cannot attend (tp.)

 16    Université de Louvain, le R.P. Prof. P. Charles, 28 July (autogr.)

184/    1934. Daily Programme, 30 July – 4 Aug.

  1    Signatures of those present at:  Réunion du Conseil Permanent, 30 July. 4 pp.; and covering sheet

  2    Ibid.: Conference  of Delegates, 2 Aug. 2 pp.; and covering sheet

  3    Ibid.: Bureau des Congrès, II Séance, 3 Aug. 1 leaf

  4    Ibid.: National Secretaries,[3 Aug.] 1 leaf

  5    Ibid.: Réunion du Conseil Permanent, 3 Aug. 2 pp.

185/    1934. Inaugural meeting, University College London, 30 July

  1    Address by Prince George [later Duke of Kent] on behalf of the Duke of York [later George VI]. 5 leaves (tpc. annotated by JLM)

  2    Ibid. with preliminary paragraph in French followed by address by Prof. Paul Rivet, French Government delegate (in French). 3 leaves

  3    Greetings from Prof. Giuseppe Sergi, Italian Government delegate, 28 July (telegram)

186/    1934. Conference of delegates to examine proposals submitted to Congress, 2 Aug.

  1    Note for Section secretaries. 1 leaf (tpc.)

  2    Proposal for an autonomous section on biometry and biotypologie signed by Profs. Henri Laugier and Paul Rivet. 1 leaf (in French; autogr.)

  3    Dr Romulus Vuia (RV), Muzeul Etnografic, Cluj to JLM, 15 May – suggests two proposals: domain and limits of ethnography; anthropology in the programmes of schools (tp.)

  4    JLM to RV, 24 May – acknowledges letter; proposals to be put before Executive Committee (autogr. carbon)

  5    Ibid., 28 June – Executive Committee has discussed proposals; considers topics too large for special sections; suggests a reasoned memorandum on one or both to the Congress would be more satisfactory (autogr. carbon)

  6    Proposal forms: summary of remarks (mimeo.) – Prof. Giuseppe Sergi: on the Società Italiana and the meeting in Rome in 1932 (in Italian; autogr.)

  7    Ibid. – Prof. Germano Silva Correia: on introducing anthropology into medical schools, other organisations of higher education, and secondary schools. 2 pp. (in French; autogr.)

  8    Ibid. – Prof. J. Czekanowski: agrees with RV; subject included in Polish universities; difficult to assess position in secondary schools; handbooks include Linné and Blumenbach, Cuvier not yet covered (in French; autogr.)

  9    Ibid. – Prof. Jovan Erdeljanovitch:  subject included in Yugoslavian secondary schools for 3 years; ethnology the preferred term (in German; autogr.)

 10    Ibid. – ibid. (expanded version) 2 leaves (in German and English; tp. and autogr.)

 11    Ibid. – Dr G. Smets (Belgium): wiser to omit term as all specialists demand a place in secondary programmes; shortage of teachers (in French; autogr.)

 12    Ibid. – Prof. Paul Rivet: discussion of terminology unhelpful; difficult to assess position in secondary schools; essential in university courses (in French; autogr.)

See Compte-rendu, pp. 5-7 for further summaries of proposals, /6-12 above

  13    Proposal for documentation centres and popular ethnologie in Museums of Ethnology suggested by Prof. Paul Rivière (autogr.)

  14    JLM to Prof. Rivière, 28 June – his proposal discussed; asks for a memorandum for discussion (autogr. carbon; autogr. note by JLM – no reply, subject not proposed for discussion)

  15    Prof. H.E. Stapleton to JLM, 6 July – willing to present P.C. Biswas’s, Calcutta University paper if he cannot attend (autogr.)

  16    JLM to Prof. Stapleton, 11 July – grateful for his offer over P.C. Biswas; and the report of the Dept. of Anthropology, Calcutta University (tpc.)

187/    1934. Meeting of National Secretaries, 3 Aug.

  1    Notice of meeting signed by JLM and HJB (autogr. by JLM)

188/    1934. Bureau du Congrès. Communications from the Conseil, 31 July and 3 Aug.

  1    African Section resolutions, 1-3 (tp., with annotations)

  2    Ibid., resolution on the appointment of a special advisory committee on ‘legislation affecting the native population of each territory under European rule’. (autogr.)

  3    JLM and A.H. Brodrick to remain as secretaries to ensure continuity (mimeo.)

  4    Proposes confirmation of teaching of anthropology and ethnology (autogr. by JLM)

  5    Section Da, resolution offering congratulations to Federal Government of Australia on their support of the Dept. of Anthropology, University of Sydney (tp., annotated by JLM and another)

  6    Ibid., resolution on urging the Government of India to create a permanent Census of India etc. (tp. annotated by JLM and another)

  7    Ibid. (tpc. annotated)

  8    Ibid. with French translation by JLM (mimeo., and autogr.)

  9    Section Dc, resolution on the place and date of the meeting of the International Congress of Americanists in 1935 signed by TAJ (mimeo., annotated)

 10    Ibid., notes by JLM on problems of venue (autogr.)

 11    Ibid., note by Prof. D.M. Ballesteros Gaibrois (autogr.)

 12    Ibid., resolution chronological continuity (in French; autogr.)

 13    Section Aa, resolution on the use of the term, Aryan, and the need for organised research signed by Prof. Sir Grafton Elliot Smith (tp., annotated)

 14    Ibid. (tpc., annotated)

 15    Ibid. (tpc., annotated by Prof. Sir Grafton Elliot Smith and CGS)

 16    Section F, resolution on the appointment of Government Anthropologists ‘in the administration of native peoples…’ with French translation by JLM (tpc., and autogr.)

 17    Section Dc, resolution on training missionaries and government officers with French translation by JLM (mimeo., and autogr.)

 18    Resolution on ‘the mental aptitudes of the European and the African is … unscientific and unjust’ (mimeo., and autogr.)

 19    Unnamed resolution to be brought to the notice of the Secretary of State for the Colonies etc. (autogr.)

 20    Società Italiana di Antropolgia e Etnologia, Florence, 14 Feb. 1935 – on communication from Prof. Renato Biasutto (in Italian; tp.)

189/    1934. Evening lectures. 1-4 Aug.

  1    List of Chairmen and speakers by JLM (autogr.)

  2    Vote of thanks by L.K. Ananthakrishna Iyer, Wed. (tp., annotated by JLM)

  3    Ibid. by Prof. V. Suk, Fri. (tp., annotated)

  4    Ibid. by Prof. Germano da Silva Correia. 3 leaves (in French; tp.)

190/    1934. Closing session. 4 Aug.

  1    Report of speeches at closing session (tp.)

  2    Prof. William Thalbitzer to TAJ, 22 July – suggests a telegram of congratulations should be sent to Gustav Holm on the 50th anniversary of ‘his discovery of the last pagan Eskimo tribe of Greenland…’ (autogr.)

191/    1934. Exhibitions. 30 July – 4 Aug.

  1    Suggestions for exhibitors (mimeo.)

  2    Regulations by Exhibition Sub-Committee (tpc.)

  3    Catalogue of anthropological and ethnological specimens lent from private collections, 30 July-4 Aug. 8 pp. (printed)

  4    Plan du Collège (University College)(printed)

192/    1934. Dinner at New College, University of Oxford. 4 Aug.

  1    Speech by Lt. Col. G. da Silva Correia (in French; tp., annotated by JLM)

193/    1934. Proposals

  1    Invitation to host the 1938 Congress from the Danish National Council (mimeo.) [See also A62/203/7]

  2    Ibid. from the Austrian government (in German; mimeo.)

  3    Petition from the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations for the transfer of the International Committee for Standardization of the Technique of Physical Anthropology to the Permanent Council of the Congress from the former. 2 leaves (mimeo.) [See also A62/203/2]

  4    Proposal for international research in Arctic ethnology presented by Kai Birket-Smith (mimeo.) [See also A62/203/9]

  5    Proposals for new sections on Education and Morality and Changes of Culture presented by Fritz Krause (mimeo.)

194/    1933-4. Films, scientific specimens and apparatus and customs regulations

  1    JLM to the Chief Inspector of Customs, 15 Dec. 1933 – sets out nature of the Congress; requests copies of customs regulations (autogr. carbon)

  2    Royal Society to Congress Assistant Secretary, 18 Dec. – able to give an opinion but not recognition of the Congress as a scientific body for the free importation of films (tp.)

  3    Ibid. (Sir Henry Dale) to JLM, 22 Dec. – gives more information on the Royal Society’s position (tp.)

  4    Secretary, Custom House to JLM, 26 Jan. 1934 – outlines customs regulations; encloses regulations. 3 pp. (tp.)

  5    Notice by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise to scientific societies (enclosed with /4 above). 3 pp. (printed)

  6    Customs and Excise form: Owner’s declaration (enclosed with /4 above)(printed)

  7    Customs regulations for films and specimens (tp.)

  8    Ibid. prepared by JLM in Handbook format (tpc., annotated by JLM)

  9    British Association – report of their Committee on the Importation of Scientific Specimens and Apparatus. 2 leaves (mimeo.)

 10    JLM to Custom House, 19 Apr. – requests a supply of forms (tpc.)

 11    JLM to Customs – draft of letter for foreign members to be presented at Customs (tp.)

 12    Prof. W. Thalbitzer (WT) to JLM, 17 June – notifies his intention of importing slides and wax roles and asks about customs formalities; also asks for hotel reservation to be made and whether a university pupil may accompany him. 3 pp. (autogr.)

 13    Ibid., 1 July – confirms his intention to import slides etc. 3 pp. (autogr.)

 14    JLM to WT, 2 July – consulted the Executive Committee on his request to bring a student instead of a member of his family; much regrets member of the family must be interpreted strictly; gives Customs requirements for slides etc. (autogr. carbon)

 15    Ibid., 5 July – refers to Customs arrangements; details of day and time for reading his paper to be sent to London address (tpc.)

 16    Mrs Olive McQuillan to Congress, 6 July – will deliver Formosan films (tp.); see also /22 below

 17    International Federation of Eugenic Organisations to Congress, 10 July – notifies Dr Morris Steggerda, Carnegie Institute of Genetics will represent the Carnegie Institution; will bring films of Yucatan jungle inhabitants (tp.)

 18    Royal Institution to JLM, 13 July – outlines their contacts with Customs for the Faraday Centenary. 2 leaves (tp.)

 19    JLM to Royal Institution, 14 July – letter of thanks (tpc.)

 20    Assistant Secretary, Congress to Danish Minister, London – draft letter on films brought over by Dr Thomas Thomsen and their return (autogr. by Adrian Digby); letter sent 8 Aug. (tpc.) not retained

 21    Secretary, Congress to H.R. Purnell, Agent General, South Australia, 4 Aug. – comments on excellent film of the joint expedition of University of Adelaide and the Adelaide Museum; much interest expressed; Congress set up a Permanent Committee to deal with ethnological and anthropological films (tpc.); receipt of film by Agent General not retained, nd

 22    Ibid. to Mrs O.M. McQuillan, 9 Aug. – thanks her for the loan of her Formosan film (tpc.); see also /16 above

 23    Ibid. to Lockwood Stevens, 9 Aug. – thanks him for his help with the film section and his own film on Nepal (tpc.)

 24    Danish Legation, London to Assistant Secretary, Congress, 9 Aug. – confirms films will be forwarded to Copenhagen (tp.)

 25    Assistant Secretary, Congress to Messrs F. Stahlschmidt, London – draft letter:  due to loss of Customs’ receipt Prof. G. Lindblom’s films were not cleared; asks them to arrange for their return to Stockholm (autogr. by Adrian Digby); letter sent 10 Aug. (tpc.) not retained

195/    1934. Rejected papers

  1    List of papers rejected by the Executive Committee (tp., annotated)

  2    B. Acworth to Secretary, Congress, 8 June – wishes to read short paper on bird flight (tp., annotated by JLM)

  3    Ibid., 21 June – encloses abstract (/4 below) (tp.)

  4    ‘Bird flight and the evolution of physical structure’ – abstract (tp.)

  5    List of papers to be presented by Dr Victor Goloubew, École française d’Extrème-Orient, Hanoi (in French; autogr.)

  6    Dr V. Goloubew to Secretary, Congress, 8 Aug. – on the publication of papers by Dr Madeleine Colani and Georges Devereureux (in French; autogr., with autogr. note (in English) by Dr Colani)

  7    ‘Obstetrique des Sedang de Tea Ha’ by Georges Devereureux.  [6] leaves (tpc., corrected and autogr.)

  8    ‘Speech development in the child and in primitive man’ by Douglas Guthrie and George Seth. 11 leaves (tpc., annotated)

  9    Hugh Miller to Secretary, Congress, 14 June – encloses synopsis of paper (see /10 below) (autogr.)

 10    ‘Drift gravels as determinant co-efficients in computing man’s antiquity’ – synopsis by Hugh Miller (tp., annotated by JLM)

 11    Joseph D. Unwin to Secretary, Congress, nd – encloses synopsis of paper (see /12 below) (tp. copy)

 12    ‘Sexual regulations and human behaviour’ – synopsis by J.D. Unwin. 3 leaves (tpc.)

 13    RAI to R.U. Sayce, 20 June – synopsis sent for consideration by his section (tp.)

 14    R.U. Sayce to A.C. Haddon, 27 July – ibid. (autogr., autogr. note by A.C. Haddon)

 15    Ibid. to R.W. Firth, 19 July – ibid.; already considered by Anatomy and Ethnography Sections (tp.)

 16    ‘Psychological effect and significance of the cinema’ by Warren Warcup – synopsis. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 17    ‘Survival in ritual’ by Edward Westermarck. 13 leaves (tp., corrected by the author)