Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Congres International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnogiques A62 CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DES SCIENCES ANTHROPOLOGIQUES ET ETHNOGIQUES. 1912-34; 1937-9 (A62 – 05 of 06)

Correspondence, papers, and minutes relating to the establishment of the International Congress, 1912-34; and to the first Congress in 1934, and its relationship to the IIA, 1937-9.

196/    1932-4. Correspondence with delegates and others, A-Z

  1    Académie des Sciences USSR, Musée d’Anthropologie et d’Ethnographie, Leningrad, 19 Nov.1933 – expresses thanks for invitation; hopes to participate (tp.)

  2    -JLM to Académie des Sciences USSR, 28 Mar. 1934 – wishes to receive names of delegates soon; no reply received to official invitation (tp., annotated by JLM); letter retyped and sent, 3 Apr.; no Delegates were appointed

  3    Australian National Research Council, Sydney, 8 Jan. 1934 – no invitation to Congress received; outlines Council’s anthropological activities (tp.); R.W. Firth appointed as Delegate

  4    – JLM to Australian National Research Council, 20 Feb. – much regrets no invitation received by the Council; their work valued highly; hopes they will be represented; would value their help in arranging Australian representation on the Permanent Council (autogr. carbon)

  5    Henry Balfour (HB), [Apr. 1933] – regrets cannot attend preliminary conference in Basle; sets out his views on broad coverage of the proposed Congress (autogr.)

  6    – JLM to HB, 28 June – on secretary to HB’s Technology Section (autogr. carbon)

  7    – HB to JLM, 2 Aug. – ibid. (autogr.)

  8    – JLM to HB, 30 Aug. – Trevor Thomas has accepted post (autogr. carbon)

  9    Prof. J.M. de Barandiaran (JM de B), Laboratorio de Etnologiá, Vitoria, 20 July 1934 – much regrets he cannot attend meeting of the Permanent Council; comments on proposals for the Council. 3 leaves (in Spanish; autogr.)

 10    – JLM to JM de B, 24 July – thanks him for his comments; regrets he cannot attend Congress (in French; tpc., annotated by JLM)

 11    JLM to C.M. Barbeau, National Museum of Canada, Ottawa, 23 Sep. 1933 – hopes he will accept invitation to be one of the National Secretaries for Canada; has written in more detail to I.F. McIlwraith (tpc.)

 12    – C.M. Barbeau to JLM, 16 Nov. – will discuss matter with McIlwraith (tp.); both were National Secretaries for Canada

 13    Prof. A. Basler, Bord des Lahn, 12 Oct. 1932 – unable to attend; discusses ethnographic physiology. 5 pp. (in German; autogr.)

 14    [Blagden].  Dr C. Otto Blagden (Delegate, School of Oriental Studies, University of London)(COB) to JLM, 30 June 1933 – reports H.L. Shuttleworth willing to help with section on Religion; regrets too busy to serve on Executive Committee (autogr.)

 15    – JLM to COB, 1 July – regrets he is unable to serve on Executive Committee (tpc.)

 16    – Ibid., 17 Dec. – on the Huxley Lecture and dinner for 1934 (autogr. carbon)

 17    Ibid., 25 Sep. 1934 – on refund of Sir Aurel Stein’s expenses in preparing slides for his Huxley Lecture; and on map sent for exhibition (tpc.)

 18    – Ibid., 26 Sep. – reports on resolutions of the Executive Committee; wishes to keep Congress Office until Proceedings is published (tp.)

 19    – Ibid., 9 Oct. – full texts of some papers enclosed; abstracts included in Proceedings; Munro’s Ainu bear film, authorised for showing, could not be found; Council to be informed (tp.)

 20    [Boas].  Prof. Franz Boas to JLM, 21 Sep. 1934 – glad to serve on the Committee for the study of circum-polar cultures; careful study of Alaskan archaeology, north of the Alaskan peninsula required (tp.)

 21    – JLM to  Prof. Boas, 4 Oct. – acknowledges letter of 21 Sept. (tpc.)

 22    [Brøgger].  JLM to Dr A.W. Brøgger (AWB), 6 July 1933 – sends list of Permanent Council; reports on prehistoric congress, the Basle meeting, and common ground between prehistorians and ethnologists (tpc.)

 23    – AWB to JLM, 6 Dec. – Norwegian Committee for the Oslo International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences considered the Conseil Permanent should meet in a country not previously selected, Frankfurt a. M. was proposed; hopes to receive Congress archives on his next visit; inquires about Egyptian Government resolution (tp.)

 24    – JLM to AWB, 9 Dec. – Congress archives sent to Oslo ‘long ago’; any still held at Society of Antiquaries are ready for him; agrees Frankfurt a. M. a suitable venue for the Conseil Permanent; suggested meeting during session of Congrès international in 1934 so that representatives could be better acquainted and discuss over-lapping subjects; hopes delegates of one congress will attend the other; no reply received from Egyptian Government; suggests the Oslo Congress should induce the Norwegian Government to take it up; would show the resolution has full international support (see A65/3/22; 65/9). 3 pp. (autogr. carbon; pp. 1-2 on verso of /23 above)

 25    [Bunak].  JLM to Prof. V. Bunak (VB), Institute of Anthropology, Moscow University, 28 July 1933 – sends information on Congress and hopes Russian colleagues will be well represented (tpc.)

 26    – VB to JLM, 15 Nov. – has sent a list of institutions and well known anthropologists; no single body represents them all

 27    Ibid., 27 Mar. 1934 – no letter received since his of 15 Nov.; official invitation sent from British Foreign Office and the Embassy in Leningrad; anxious to have Russian representation (tpc.)

 28    – VB to Miss M.L. Tildesley (MLT), 3 June – document on British Committee for the Standardization of Anthropometric Technique to be published in Russian; a branch in the USSR has approved of all his colleagues; asks for a personal invitation to Congress from her and an official request from the Congress Bureau (tp. copy)

 29    – MLT to JLM, 12 June – encloses copy of Prof. Bunak’s letter; will send personal invitation; asks about official invitation; very desirable that he should attend (tp., with autogr. note by MLT)

 30    – JLM to British Ambassador, Moscow, 5 July – explains steps taken to obtain Prof. Bunak’s attendance; hopes he will support invitation (tpc.)

 31    – VB to JLM, 20 July – thanks him for invitation; regrets he cannot attend; ask to be kept informed of developments (tp.)

 32    – (Sir) Stephen Gaselee, Foreign Office to JLM, 25 July – Consul in Moscow instructed to grant a visa to VB (tp.)

 33    Gerhard Buní, Archäologisches Institut des Deutschen Reiches, Römisch-Germanische Kommission, Frankfurt a. M. to JLM, 3 Nov. 1933 – thanks him for invitation; regrets he cannot attend (in German; tp.)

 34    [Currelly].  JLM to – Currelly, 23 Sep. 1933 – sends invitation to Congress; hopes Dominions will be well represented (tpc.)

 35    [Deonna]. JLM to Prof. W. Deonna, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Genève, 12 Sep. 1933 – sends details of Congress; outlines origins of the new Congress; hopes he can attend (in French; autogr. carbon)

 36    – Prof. Deonna to JLM, 10 Oct. – thanks him for the information; he was Secretary in Geneva of the old Congress in 1912; sends his best wishes (in French; tp.)

 37    [Eerde]. Dr J.C. van Eerde, K. Vereeniging Koloniaal Instituut, Afdeeling Volkenkunde, Amsterdam to JLM, 3 July 1933 – gives subject for discussion desired by Dutch ethnologists (tp.)

 38    – JLM to Dr van Eerde, 8 July – proposed subject sent to sections; hopes Dutch members will take part in discussion (tpc.)

 39    [Elliot Smith]. JLM to Prof. Sir Grafton Elliot Smith (GES), [7 June 1933] – glad to hear he will be able to help; hopes he will undertake Chairmanship of the Section, Aa, Anatomy and Physical Anthropology; negotiating with University College for accommodation; Prof. D. Waterston, St Andrews has offered to help; suggests him as Section Secretary (tpc.)

 40    – GES to JLM, 9 June – expects to be fit enough to undertake Chairmanship; would welcome Prof. Waterston’s help; easier to have Secretary in own department; Dr S. Zuckerman (SZ), at present in USA, would be admirable (tp.; annotated by JLM)

 41    – JLM to GES, 13 June – delighted to hear he will be Chairman; glad to know Prof. H.A. Harris will take his place if necessary; suggests Prof. Waterston should help at present as SZ is overseas; glad to know meetings of his Section may be in his Dept.; necessity of staffing possible concurrent sessions (autogr. carbon)

 42    – GES to JLM, 1 July – SZ glad to undertake Secretaryship; will return to London for Congress (autogr.)

 43    – JLM to GES, 6 July – thanks him for his letter of 1 July; notes most of the work will be over by the time the Congress meets; has had preliminary talk with Prof. Harris; mentions Dutch proposal (tpc.)

 44    – JLM to Prof. Harris, 6 July – SZ to help with Congress next year; asks about help from Drs Matthew Young and G.M. Morant (tpc.)

 45    – Ibid.  JLM to SZ, 6 July – glad to know he will act as Section Secretary on his return next year; meanwhile a secretary in London is necessary; hopes he will make Congress known among American colleagues (tpc.)

 46    – Ibid.  JLM to Prof. Harris, [- July] – has heard from SZ; asks if he has a Section Secretary in London yet; Executive Committee has drawn up suggestions for the Sections (autogr. carbon)

 47    – JLM to GES, 13 Apr. 1934 – glad to hear he is better; has had full report on Section from Prof. Harris; in some doubt about placing of Dr B.S. Guha’s paper on the Indian Census; he needs a subsidy from the Indian Government if he is to come; outlines difficulties (autogr. carbon); see also /244 below

 48    GES to JLM, 18 Apr. – in complete agreement over Dr Guha’s paper; hopes to be active now; asks him to second his nomination of Prof. Shinji Nishimura for Fellowship (autogr.)

 49    JLM to GES, 4 May – glad to second his nomination of Prof. Nishimura; outlines opening events; papers still arriving; Prof. H.J. Fleure willing to help with racial and regional questions (tpc.)

 50    – GES to JLM, 17 July – SZ has returned from USA; thinks he should take up Secretaryship of Section; he will participate in opening discussion; he, [GES], proposes to give an address of welcome (autogr. in an other hand; signed by GES)

 51    – JLM to Dr Matthew Young (Section Secretary), 20 July – informs him of papers received etc.; SZ now in London; hopes SZ will not entirely displace him (tpc.)

 52    – Ibid.  Dr Young to JLM, 21 July – has dealt with abstract proofs; notes difficulty with one abstract; willing to stand down if GES wishes to replace him with SZ (autogr.)

 53    – JLM to GES, 21 July – SZ’s return too late to insert his name as Section Secretary; would not wish to displace Dr Young who has done all the work; SZ could discuss work of the Section with either himself, JLM, or Dr Young (tpc.)

 54    [Fischer].  JLM to Prof. Eugen Fischer (EF), Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut für Anthropologie, Berlin-Dahlem, 22 Sep. 1933 – encloses announcements; outlines present position; probably necessary to break down Section A, Anatomy and Physical Anthropology; hopes he will send suggestions (tpc. annotated by JLM)

 55    – EF to JLM, 25 Oct. – will urge two other German societies to send representatives; as Rector of Berlin University will bring its greetings; majority of colleagues welcome the Congress; much regrets troublesome political issues; will see some colleagues attend (in German; tp., annotated by JLM)

 56    – JLM to EF, 27 Oct. – German complaint received; copy enclosed; copies to be sent to German members of Permanent Council; sends also copy of the invitation in German; as German circular definitely sent cannot understand the complaint; Prof. K.T. Preuss and others named were friendly in earlier negotiations; British Committee will not reply but leaves matter to the German Permanent Council members (autogr. carbon); see also /70,72;197/ below

 57    – EF to JLM, {c. 10 Dec.] – the other business with the Museum people; letter following (in German; autogr. pc.)

 58    – EF to JLM, 27 May 1934 – some younger colleagues will attend with help from the Ministry; comments on the British Committee for the Standardization of Anthropometric Technique (in German; tp.)

 59    JLM to EF, 10 June – acknowledges letter; grateful for introduction to Prof. H. Münter; separate memo on Standardization enclosed (/60 below) (tpc.)

 60    – Ibid., 10 June – sets out problems of standardization; MLT as RAI representative on IIA; RAI desire for international co-operation; International Federation of Eugenic Organizations considered the question in 1930; intervention of Prof. F. Frassetto in 1932 and at the New York meeting of the Eugenic Organizations; time set aside at Congress for discussion of matter. 3 pp. (tpc.)

 61    Foreign Office (FO), (Sir) Stephen Gaselee, Under Secretary of State to JLM, 18 Apr. 1933 – on forthcoming congress and official approval if held in London (tpc., annotated by SG)

 62    – JLM to FO, 12 May – describes result of Basle conference; inclusive coverage agreed; wish to co-operate with Americanist Congress over dates in 1934; offer to hold Congress in London now made; British Organizing Committee established; would be grateful for public recognition by the Government and advice on a Royal patron, possibly Prince of Wales; assured of a reception at University College and the Wellcome Museum (tpc.)

 63    – FO, 19 May – prepared to send invitations through official channels; will approach Government Hospitality Fund; Prince of Wales likely to refuse Presidency; suggestion of Duke of Athlone an excellent one (tp., annotated by SG)

 64    – JLM, 21 May – new Congress compliments the Prehistoric Congress, unlikely to be another in London for many years; suggests best minister to receive Congress would be Secretary of State for India, the Colonies or the Dominions (tpc.)

 65    – FO, 1 June – thinks it likely permission will be given for government hospitality one evening; must leave question of Cabinet Minister to receive guests until later (tp.)

 66    – JLM, 15 July – sends revised proof of invitation; will send invitations with addressed envelopes for circulation to academies and other institutions abroad; inquires about procedures for government invitations and if Whitaker’s Almanac is inclusive (autogr. carbon)

 67    – FO, 25 July – Whitaker’s Almanac may be taken as complete; may wish to consider inclusion of less important countries; mentions procedure for foreign governments and extra copies (tp.)

 68    JLM, 3 Nov. – invitations sent; delay due to difficulties with the Spanish version; encloses formal letter on points to be considered by foreign governments; invitations to learned societies and universities sent direct (autogr. carbon)

 69    – FO, 15 Nov. – queries the inclusion of countries of minor importance; some territories outside FO and under India or Colonial Office; have heard of the refusal of Germans to attend (tp.)

 70    – JLM, 17 Nov. – while not wishing to give needless trouble do wish invitations to go to smaller states, good work being done in some; should send delegates if not representatives on Permanent Council; circular in Spanish being sent to Spain and all Spanish speaking countries; German translating the circular is a Councillor but ‘suspected of not being quite Aryan’; had to vouch for him to go to Basle (autogr. Carbon); see also /56 above and /72 below

 71    – FO, 5 Dec. – invitations being distributed; requests extra copies (tp.); RAI, 11 Dec. – 30 copies of English, French, German and Spanish circulars and 30 copies of statutes sent (not retained)

 72    – JLM, 14 Dec. – Duke of York has agreed to be Patron; hopes it is not too late to include information in official letters; dates of opening and closing meetings noted; as special attention will be paid to the recent Indian census suggests the Secretary of State for India would be appropriate minister for the Government reception; through Prof. E. Fischer the difficulties of Berlin colleagues had been settled (autogr. carbon); see also /56, 70 above

 73    – FO, 21 Dec. – too late to include Patron’s name in FO’s regular despatches; will consult India Office later about Secretary of State representing the Government at reception (tp.)

 74    – JLM, 4 Apr. 1934 – inquires about Government Hospitality Committee’s intentions; difficult to make some programme arrangements without details (autogr. carbon)

 75    – FO, 7 Apr. – willing to write to Duke of York’s Secretary but will wait to hear his reply to the Earl of Onslow; will then again approach Government Hospitality Committee (tp., annotated by JLM)

 76    JLM, [4 May] – asks him to inform Turkish Ambassador that Prof. Sevket Aziz as government representative is welcome; he was at Basle meeting and on Permanent Council; now have official confirmation on opening meeting; asks if government reception may be announced without name of minister attending; draft programme enclosed; Danish colleagues say Iceland is entitled to separate representation; representation agreed in other similar cases (autogr. carbon)

 77    – FO, 8 May – on Minister to receive guests at Government reception (tp.)

 78    – FO, 14 May – German document returned; having difficulty about Minister for reception (tp.)

 79    – FO, 17 May – Rt Hon. J.H. Thomas, Minister of the Dominions to receive guests (tp.); similar letter to the Earl of Onslow not retained; letter of 30 May on time of reception not retained

 80    – JLM, 5 July – notes problems of visas for some foreign colleagues (tpc.)

 81    – JLM, 9 Aug. – next Congress to be held in Copenhagen in 1938 (tpc.)

 82    [Fraipont]. Prof. Charles Fraipont (CF), Université de Liège to Prof. H.V. Vallois, 14 Apr. 1933 – has not received a personal invitation to Congress; it was not possible to be at Basle meeting; without abandoning IIA believes it possible to assist the Congress; better to have one Congress and not two; notes further points; if he is on Permanent Council wishes to be for his country above all (in French; autogr.)

 83    – JLM, 11 June – sends details of Basle meeting; consults him on Belgian colleagues and institutions (in French; tpc.)

 84    – CF, [c. 18 Dec.] – some printed matter received; notes with surprise his French colleagues name him as a member of the Conseil Permanent in L’Anthropologie his name is omitted from the English prospectus; under such conditions his age and position do not permit him to assist; realises omission may be an error (in French; autogr.; annotated by JLM)

 85    – JLM, 19 May 1934 – invited to the Congress and nominated a member of the Permanent Council; much regrets the late invitation; explains as Belgium was not represented at  Basle it was necessary to wait for a reply to the invitation to the Belgium Government (in French; autogr. carbon)

 86    CF, 22 May – accepts invitation to serve on Permanent Council; proposes Prof. Joseph Halkin as a Belgian representative (in French; autogr.); see also /248 below

 87    [Frassetto]. JLM to Prof.  Fabio Frassetto (FF), University of Bologna, 15 May 1934 – understands a committee under his presidency is undertaking the standardization of anthropometric techniques at the invitation of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations (IFEO); asks a number of questions about his Committee (tpc.)

 88    – Ibid. – draft by JLM (autogr.)

 89    – FF, 21 May – notes his Committee was not founded by the IFEO; relations with it remain friendly (in Italian; tp.)

 90    – JLM, 8 June – glad to have his assurance about his Committee (SAS); explains his information came from his letter to Sir Arthur Keith of 30 Jan. 1933 (see /90.1 below)(autogr. carbon)

 90.1    – FF to Sir Arthur Keith, 30 Jan. 1933 – on the meeting  of the 3rd International Congress of Eugenics in New York and the establishment of his committee on the standardization of anthropometric techniques. 3 pp. (in Italian; tp.)

 91    – FF, [27 July 1934] – regrets unable to attend Congress; sending text of his communication to be read for him (in Italian; tp., annotated by FF)

 92    – JLM, 14 Aug. – his communication has still not arrived; regrets he was not able to take part in the standardization discussions (tpc.)

 93    – FF, 22 Aug. – sent his communication by express post; will send duplicate; encloses SAS report (in Italian; tp.)

 94    – ‘Rapporti del S.A.S. con  le altre organizzazioni internazionali e programma di azione’ by FF. 6 leaves (annotated by JLM)

 95    – JLM to MLT, 28 Aug. – encloses FF’s letter; no communication received; asks for advice on his statements and his claim of priority for SAS; asks whether Dr T.L. Woo is in England now; requires his advice on the claim of another Chinese to be a representative (tp.); attached note the Dr Woo had written to JLM not retained

 96    – FF, 16 Feb. 1935 – asks why communication was not printed in Compte rendu (in Italian; autogr. pc.)

 97    – JLM, 22 Feb. – following his inability to attend no communication had been received; therefore title only was printed (autogr. carbon)

 98    [Frazer]. JLM to Sir James Frazer, OM, FBA, 24 June 1933 – sends information on Congress and asks for his support; asks if he will accept nomination as Chairman of the Section for Religions and kindred subjects; informs him that Dr A.C. Haddon and Prof. C.G. Seligman have accepted chairmanships (autogr. carbon)

 99    – Lady Frazer to JLM, 3 July – Sir James has resigned all offices owing to his sight; he is undergoing his 6th operation; hopes to attend Congress as a member; suggests names for chairmanship and secretary; hopes he will promote T. Besterman’s Frazer bibliography (autogr.)

100    – JLM, 6 July – sends sympathy and good wishes to Sir James; thanks her for suggestions (tp.)

101    [Fuller]. A.W.F. Fuller to JLM, 28 July – encloses his subscription; did not loan any of his collection; does not approve of steps taken by Exhibition Sub-Committee; exhibition could have been a great feature of Congress (autogr.)

102    – JLM, 12 Aug. – regrets his disappointment with the Exhibition; difficult to do more due to limited space (autogr. carbon)

103    [Geyer]. Dr Eberhard Geyer, Anthropologisches Institut Universität Wien, to JLM, 17 May 1934 – discusses advisability of including race issues at Congress; though desirable considers it would be impossible to prevent politics coming into discussions; advises against placing it on the agenda (tp., annotated by JLM)

104    [Heye]. JLM to Dr George G. Heye (GGH), Chairman and Director, Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, New York, 12 Sep. 1933 – sends papers and invitation; new Congress will maintain friendly relations with Americanist Congress; asks for suggestions (autogr. carbon)

105    – GGH, 10 Oct. 1933 – will do what he can to further friendly relations (tp., annotated by JLM)

106    [Hodson]. Prof. T.C. Hodson to the Earl of Onslow, 27 Feb. 1934 – accepts Vice-Presidency and invitation to lecture on the Indian Census (autogr., annotated by ? recipient)

107    – JLM, 3 Mar. – Earl of Onslow away; hopes he has accepted Vice-Presidency and invitation to lecture; gives details of plans (autogr. carbon)

108    [Hoyos Sáinz]. Prof. Luis de Hoyos Sáinz, Madrid to JLM, 29 Aug. 1934 – on the papers he read and publication (in French; autogr.)

109    [Hrdlička]. Prof. Ales Hrdlička to JLM, 6 Nov. 1933 – glad to join Congress; regrets cannot do anything special for physical anthropology; may be able to attend (tp.)

110    – HGB to JLM, 17 Nov. – returns above letter; thinks AH has a grievance that physical anthropology is not more prominent; suggests JLM should write outlining wide range of subjects in this section (tp.)

111    [Humphrey]. J. Humphrey to JLM, 1 Aug. 1934 – encloses leaflet, ‘Human nature’; outlines views (autogr.)

112    – ‘Human nature’ by J. Humphrey, [4] pp.; Freedom, No. 52, Aug. 1934

113    [India. Dept. of Education, Simla]. JLM, 4 May 1934 – asks if B.S. Guha and Rai Sarat Chandra Roy Bahadur could be given leave of absence to attend Congress (tpc.); B.S. Guha read a paper

114    [James]. JLM to Prof. E.O. James (EOJ), Chairman, Section G, Religions, 9 Sep. 1934 – encloses letter from Pater W. Schmidt (see /203-7 below); asks if he thinks he has grounds for complaint about Prof. John Murphy’s (JM) paper, ‘High gods among low races’ (see Compte-rendu, p. 300); did not hear paper; cannot express an opinion (autogr. carbon)

115    – EOJ, 10 Sep. thinks Pater Schmidt is under a misapprehension; JM’s criticisms were convincing he thought; the theory was criticised not credentials; prepared to write to Schmidt to assure him his reputation is sufficiently established to stand adverse criticism (autogr.)

116    JLM, 13 Sep. – has given the substance of his reply to Schmidt; suggests he looks at the full text of JM’s paper to see if there was anything offensive; paper a frank statement of difficulties felt; time given for Schmidt to reply; he may have had difficulty in following JM’s Scottish accent; unfortunately incident entangled with Congress’s preference for Copenhagen to Vienna for next venue (autogr. carbon)

117    – JM to EOJ, 18 Sep. – regrets trouble caused by his paper; willing that he should write along lines suggested; nothing personal or disrespectful was intended; thinks he resents a straight forward challenge; he referred to his profession of faith as a scientist and he criticised Schmidt in the same sense (autogr.)

118    – EOJ, 28 Sep. – regrets delay in sending JM’s letter due to sudden death of his mother (autogr.)

119    – EOJ, 13 Oct. – affair seems at an end; thinks incident was an after thought; Schmidt seemed amused at the time (autogr.)

120    [Jessel]. JLM to N.C. Jessel, 10 Sep. 1934 – $2 acknowledged; notes cost of Compte-rendu (tp.); and envelope (with stamps) returned from Nice

121    [Koppers]. Prof. Wilhelm Koppers (WK), Institut für Völkerkunde der Universität Wien to JLM, 8 Oct. 1933 – thanks him for his letter of 26 Sep. [not held]; makes suggestions for subject divisions; notes Vatican representative, Prof. Pater W. Schmidt is not on Permanent Council, suggests appointment to Comité d’Honneur [he was not appointed]; also suggests Prof. E. Oberhummer [he was appointed] (in German; autogr.); rough translation attached

122    – Ibid., 22 Jan. 1934 – proposes to invite the International Congress of Americanists and forthcoming Congress to Vienna in 1938; decisions to be made at  London meetings (in German; autogr. pc.); rough translation attached

123    – JLM, 28 Feb. – thanks him for his friendly note of 22 Jan.; has delayed reply hoping to give a more precise answer to his invitation; at Basle meeting, Dr Thomas Thomsen raised the possibility of the 1938 meeting in Copenhagen; nothing formal as yet; a meeting of the two Congresses in Vienna would be very popular (autogr. carbon)

124    – WK, 6 Mar. – no reply to invitation; requests information; has obtained authorisation for 1938 Congress in Vienna; proposes subject of his own lecture; Prof. L. Walk and Dr Hugo Bernatzik also offer lectures for the forthcoming Congress (in German; autogr.); rough translation attached

125    – JLM, 10 Mar. – apologises for long delay in replying to his letters; still waiting for many governments to nominate representatives before publishing Conseil permanent list; organisation of sections delayed by Prof. Elliot Smith’s illness; difficulty in obtaining information on  Americanist Congress in Seville but have decided to establish an American sub-section; comments on WK’s proposal  for a General Ethnography section; waiting for reply from the Vatican before putting Pater Schmidt on any list; notes again invitation for the 1938 meeting in Vienna and possibility of Copenhagen; informs him confidentially of Dr J. Zollschan’s proposal for a Rassen Kongress, gives his own views and asks for WK’s. 4 pp. (autogr. carbon)

126    – WK, 12 Mar. – acknowledges his last two letters; hopes to write further on Austrian invitation; replies again in confidence to his inquiring about Dr Zollschan’s proposal; agrees with JLM’s views and sets out his own (in German; autogr.) rough translation attached

127    JLM, 26 Mar. – most grateful for his advice; Dr Zollschan (JZ), has had full opportunities of discussing his proposal in London, Oxford, and Cambridge, and at the RAI; JZ informed he is free to offer a paper about his project [no paper was presented by JZ who attended the Congress]; he must submit his proposals in writing if he wishes Congress to take any action; outlines his views on handling the Rassentheorie (autogr. carbon)

128    – WK, 18 Apr. – has spoken to colleagues on the race question; fear in some circumstances matter could become unpleasant, German colleagues are not completely free on the matter and it would be painful for the British as hosts; considers question will be ‘dissipated’ by the 1938 Congress (in German; autogr.); rough translation attached

129    – JLM, 26 Apr. – question discussed at Executive Committee; while not wishing to include any subject considered provocative, there are questions where a free and frank discussion might be welcome; makes some proposals; sends advance copy of programme pages giving hotel prices etc. (autogr. carbon)

130    – WK, 13 May – asks about Japanese committee members; Japanese in Vienna propose Dr Masao Oka for ethnology (in German; autogr.); rough translation attached

131    – JLM, 18 May – thanks him for his suggestion for Japanese representation; have already received the names of four Japanese representatives; hopes Dr Oka will attend Congress [he did so and presented a paper] (autogr.)

132    – Ibid., 25 May – has heard from Prof. Prince N. Trubetskoy; wishes his ‘school’ to be represented; proposes to send Dr Alexander Issatchenko [see Compte-rendu, pp. 324-5 for his paper]; asks if he has information on the nature and academic standing of the school (tpc.)

133    – WK, 28 May – Prince Trubetskoy is a well-known Slav scholar and is primarily a philologist but also interested in cultural and related subjects (in German; autogr.); rough translation attached

134    – JLM, 21 June – has just received formal notification from Dr Thomas Thomsen that he will bring a Danish invitation for the 1938 Congress; outcome of a conversation at the Basle meeting; no reason why two invitations should not be received, Congress would then decide (autogr. carbon)

135    – WK, 21 June – has heard Prof. Al. Gass, Zagreb will take part in Congress; gives subject of his paper; will send his fee via Paris [Prof. Gass is not listed as a participant](in German; autogr.); rough translation attached

136    Ibid., 25 June – agrees Congress should decide between two offers; expects  Austrian invitation to follow (in German; autogr.); rough translation attached

137    – JLM, 27 June – looks forward to hearing the Austrian government’s response (autogr. carbon)

138    [Krämer]. Prof. Augustin Krämer, Stuttgart to JLM, 8 May 1933 – thanks him for report on Basle meeting; thinks a separate congress for ethnology preferable but wishes him success for Congress next year (autogr. pc.)

139    [Krause]. Prof. Fritz Krause (FK), Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig to JLM, 21 June 1933 – sends manuscript of his report on the Basle conference as prepared for the Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde news sheet; asks for JLM to check it is factually correct (in German; tp.); rough translation attached

140    – JLM, 24 June – thanks for his courtesy in sending the report, has nothing to suggest or alter; grateful for the way he accepted the Basle decision though it was not what he had hoped; gives Congress dates and outlines plans for separate sections; glad to receive suggestions from him (tpc.)

141    – Ibid., 23 Sep. – sends first circular; comments on sections and subjects that should be discussed; meeting of Council could be arranged but not easy to bring large numbers together; hopes he will feel that if the British Committee keeps members informed it may be trusted to take the best advice obtained by correspondence; receiving every assistance from the Foreign Office and other Ministries (tpc.)

142    – FK, 9 Oct. – thanks him for his appointment to the Conseil permanent; agrees that names suggested as representatives for countries not represented at Basle should be circulated to Council and that a winter meeting is unnecessary; will consult with other ethnologists on proposals for discussion (in German; tp.); rough translation attached

143    – Ibid., 9 Nov. – declares his intention of being present; requests a complete programme; lists subjects of special interest; arranging for fee to be sent (in German; autogr.); rough translation attached

144    – JLM, 16 Dec. – thanks him for his letter of 9 Oct.; it would be of great assistance to receive his list of subjects suitable for discussion; suggestions being received from other countries; much help being received from government departments and learned societies; asks his advice on best moment to publish announcements in the foreign press; hope to arrange excursions to Oxford, Liverpool, etc. to see their collections after the Congress (autogr. carbon)

145    FK, 9 Jan. 1934 – after consultation with colleagues, lists sections for consideration; hopes to settle his membership soon; German participation likely to be weak owing to ‘hard economic conditions’, suggests end of March (Easter) as appropriate for world press notice; glad to hear of support and the Royal Patron (in German; tp.); rough translation attached

146    – JLM, 20 Jan. – grateful for his letter of 9 Jan. and to know preparations are in principle along ‘the lines you desire’; officers of the sections decided on joint sessions for subjects of general interest; sends circular of provisional arrangements; discusses problems of over-lapping subjects; his proposals have been sent to section officers; would like names and addresses of foreign colleagues qualified to take part in discussions; will be put in touch with the relevant section officer (autogr. carbon)

147    – List of FK’s publications. 5 leaves (tp.)

148    [Le Gros Clark]. JLM to Prof. (Sir Wilfrid) E. Le Gros Clark (LeGC), Anatomical Dept., St Thomas’s Hospital, 20 May 1933 – asks if he will accept nomination as a National Secretary; outlines intended duties (tpc.)

149    -LeGC, 22 May – much regrets he cannot accept; departmental duties and research work are too heavy (autogr.)

150    – JLM, 3 June – sorry he cannot accept; MLT has agreed to act (tpc.)

151    [League of Nations, Geneva, International Bureau Section]. League of Nations (LN) to Prof. Ernst Stähelin, Basle, 12 July 1933 – informs him of Bulletin on international organisations; asks for details of Basle ‘congress’ (in French; tp., annotated by FS)

152    – JLM, 18 July – replies to above letter; sends papers  explaining the origin of the new Congress; will send official communications in due course (autogr. carbon)

153    – LN, 20 July – thanks him for information; will send number of Bulletin containing it (tp.)

154    – Ibid., 5 Sep. – requests information for Handbook (tp.)

155    – JLM, 13 Sep. – sends further information (autogr. carbon)

156    – LN, 29 Aug. 1934 – willing to publish information; asks for details (tp., annotated by JLM); RAI reply, 4 Sep., promising details not retained

157    – RAI, 17 Sep. – lists of members of Permanent Council, Delegates, etc. and Handbook sent (tpc.)

158    JLM, 9 Oct. – sends date of next International Congress of Americanists in Seville, Apr. 1935 (for 1934) (tpc.)

159    [Lenoir]. Prof. C.G. Seligman to JLM, 14 Nov. 1934 – encloses letter from Lenoir; asks advice about reply; feels cannot express opinion on his difficulties with Prof. P. Rivet (tp.)

160    – Raymond Lenoir, Paris, 11 Nov. – expresses surprise at receiving manuscript of his ‘La nage comme institution sociale’ from Rivet; read at the Congress (see Compte-rendu, pp. 285-6); cannot understand his attitude (in French; autogr.)

161    – Ibid., 13 Feb. 1935 – has received Compte-rendu; notes appearance of his paper but absence of Rivet’s ‘Poésie comme institution sociale’ (in French; autogr.)

162    [Leningrad]. JLM to Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, 28 Sep. 1933 – sends invitation; informs him of representation of each country on Permanent Council and of National Secretaries (autogr. carbon)

163    – Institute of Experimental Medicine of USSR, Leningrad, 20 Apr. 1934 – interested in work of Congress; hopes to participate (tp.)

164    [Malinowski]. JLM to Bronislaw Malinowski, 28 June 1933 – invites him to be Chairman of language section; its inclusion promised at Basle meeting (autogr. carbon, annotated by JLM); note dated 4 July records Malinowski will be in South Africa in 1934 but will give ‘important help’; see also /7/10 above

165    [Marett]. JLM to R.R. Marett, 20 Jan. 1934 – his proposal for an anthropological bibliography considered by Executive Committee; felt to be too large a matter to attempt before Congress; suggested matter should be considered; invited to address Congress with an ‘historical retrospect of this whole group of sciences’; suggests date for address (autogr. carbon)

166    – RRM, 22 Jan. – accepts invitation; comments on collection of bibliographical material; prefers to address Congress as a whole (tp.); see Compte-rendu, pp. 39-53 for address; see also /3-/162/2 passim.

167    – JLM, 24 Jan. – outlines options for his address; should not be longer than one hour; summary required by May (autogr. carbon)

168    [Mendes Corrêa]. Prof. A.A. Mendes Corrêa, Universidade do Porto, 12 Apr. 1933 – owing to illness in his family regrets he cannot attend Basle meeting; supports new Congress; hopes agreement with IIA may be reached; proposes cordial relationship between Congress, institutes, societies etc. and concentration of efforts to make a successful Congress (in French; tp.)

169    – JLM, 22 May – sends minutes of Basle meeting; before founding new Congress extended contacts with IIA forced them to conclude the IIA would not alter its organization;; hopes he will help new Congress with his experience in selecting colleagues for National Secretaries and Permanent Council (in French; tpc.)

170    – AAMC, 10 Aug. – names colleagues for positions; looking forward to Congress and meeting him (in French; autogr.)

171    [Mexico]. RAI to Mexican Legation, London, 16 Aug. 1934 – no further publications; copies of Handbook sent; will send Compte-rendu when published (tpc.)

172    [Moscow]. JLM to Narkompos (Commission for Education), Moscow, 28 Sep. 1933 – official invitation sent; hopes many Russians may be able to give reports on their work (autogr. carbon)

173    [Nordman]. C.A. Nordman, Helsingfors, 17 Oct. 1933 -lists organizations and individuals likely to be interested (autogr.)

174    [Obst]. Prof. Erich Obst, Hannover, 30 Oct. 1933 – thanks him for his invitation; cannot commit himself yet as he takes students away during summer; also plans to go to southern Africa (in German; tp.)

175    – JLM, 27 Mar. 1934 – informs him of preparations; suggests bringing some of his students to Congress as Associate Members; hopes his African visit was valuable (tpc.)

176    – Prof. Obst, 28 Mar. – regrets cannot attend; will be in southern Africa at end of July (in German; tp.)

177    Oxford University. Committee for Anthropology.  T.K. Penniman, 3 Mar. 1933 – forwards resolution adopted by the Committee supporting inclusion of all branches of the subject in the new Congress (tpc., annotated by T.K. Penniman)

178    [Panhuys]. L.C. van Panhuys, The Hague, 11 Aug. 1934 – refrained from informing Congress of his work for the Congress to be held in Leiden in 1916; RRM suggests a reference could be made in the Compte-rendu; encloses suggested paragraph (autogr.)

179    RRM to JLM, 13 Aug. – refers to early plans for Congress [commenced in 1912]; was Organizing Secretary; mentions financial contributions; had nothing to do with old Congrès (autogr.); see /3 above

180    [Pasquale]. Prof. Nunzio Pasquale, Volturara Irpina, Provincia di Avellino, 7 May 1933 – wishes to join Congress; offers paper (in Italian; autogr., annotated by JLM)

181    – JLM, 8 June – acknowledges letter of 7 May (in French; tpc.)

182    – Prof. Nunzio Pasquale, 24 June – gives his support for the Congress; requests help in obtaining Honorary Degree from Oxford University (in Italian; autogr.)

183    – JLM, 8 July – pleased to receive his favourable opinion especially from eminent scholars; regrets he cannot assist him to obtain the desired degree (in French; tpc.)

184    – Prof. Nunzio Pasquale, 21 Nov. – gives report of himself and his views; encloses 3 documents (in Italian; autogr.)

185    – ‘Ordine degli Artisti ed Intelletuali’, Palermo – 3 documents enclosed in /184 above (2 autogr., one tpc.)

186    – JLM to Vice-Chancellor, University of Oxford, 16 Dec. – forwards letter from Pasquale as requested; explains Pasquale hoped he, JLM, could obtain him an Honorary Degree (autogr. carbon)

187    [Petersen]. Prof. Hans Petersen, Anatomische Anstalt, Universität Würzburg, 20 Apr. 1933 – on subjects for discussion (in German; tp.; annotated by JLM)

188    [Pettazzoni]. Prof. R. Pettazzoni, Rome (Comité d’Honneur), 3 Sep. 1934 – has been travelling since Congress; has just received note about his contribution (see Compte-rendu, pp. 294-5); wishes to make some modifications; thanks him for all the friendliness; asks for an exchange of his journal with the JRAI (in French; autogr.)

189    [Pitt-Rivers]. G.H.L. Pitt-Rivers, International Union for the Scientific Investigation of Population Problems, London, 24 Oct. 1933 – has received details of Congress as a Fellow; no invitation sent to International Union.  Union may be organizing a congress on population at about the same time (tp.)

190    JLM, 28 Oct. – explains first invitations sent for which mechanically addressed envelopes were available; specially addressed invitations sent a little later; his President, Sir Charles Close accepted invitation to be Chairman of the demography section; withdrew when he found the Berlin meeting of the International Union would take up his time; International Union has not joined to Joint Committee which convened the Basle meeting (autogr. carbon)

191    [Pospišil]. Prof. František Pospišil, Museum Moraviae, Brno, 3 Nov. 1934 – grateful for his re-election to the Permanent Council; encloses two abstracts for publication (see Compte-rendu, pp. 233-4, 234-5); requests co-option on to Council for Scientific Films (tp.)

192    [Preuss]. JLM, 24 Oct. 1933 – ‘grieved’ to see his signature on a letter of protest from Berlin; signators apparently believing no German version of the invitation was sent; encloses a copy of which 1000 copies were printed; sent to all German speaking countries; much regrets if he did not receive one (autogr. carbon); see also /197/1 below

193    – Prof. K. Th. Preuss, Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin, 31 Oct. – much regrets cannot now take part in Congress; relations between two countries have changed; ‘notorious brown book has appeared in England’; Germany branded as a second class country; refers to invitation in German; hard decision to sign protest; his friendly letter most welcome; now able to make his adjustments to the matter (in German; tp.); rough translation attached; Prof. Preuss attended the Congress

194    – Ibid., 3 Sep. 1934 – inquires whether he requires his paper for the Compte-rendu (in German; tp.); rough translation attached; see Compte-rendu, p. 240

195    [Radcliffe-Brown]. JLM to Prof. A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, University of Sydney, 13 July 1933 – sends Congress papers; asks about Australian representation (tp., annotated by JLM); see also /9/32 above

196    [Roy]. Rai Bahadur Sarat Chandra Roy (SCR), Editor, Man in India, Ranchi, 18 Mar. 1934 – would like to attend Congress; can only do so if he is a government delegate (tp.)

197    – JLM, 4 May – Government of India being approached for facilities to allow his participation; preliminary programme being sent (tpc.)

198    – SCR, 12 July – unable to attend Congress; is publishing a celebratory issue of Man in India; will send 20 copies for distribution (tp.)

199    Ibid., 20 Sep. – has received no acknowledgement of 20 copies of Man in India or literature, abstracts etc. (autogr.)

200    – JLM, 8 Oct. – official report and Compte-rendu at the printers; will be sent when available; abstracts and Handbook only given to members present; now being sent; copies of Man in India much appreciated (tpc.)

201    [Royal Society]. JLM to Royal Society, 18 Dec. 1933 – sends details of Congress; invited to send representatives; asks that the Congress may be recognised as a scientific society for the importation of films free of customs duty (autogr. carbon)

202    Science Museum, London, 8 Jan. 1935 – asks for a copy of the Compte-rendu to be presented (tp.)

203    [Schmidt]. JLM to Prof. Revd Pater W. Schmidt (WS), Vienna, 22 May 1933 – sends report of Basle meeting; regrets he was not able to be present; Prof. W. Koppers explained his views; asks for advice on proper course for obtaining Vatican State representation (tpc.)

204    – WS, 10 Aug. – (in German; tp.)

205    – JLM, 12 Sep. – ‘much distressed’ that he feels obliged to complain of discourtesy in Section G, Religions; has written to Prof. E.O. James, Chairman; will obtain full text of Prof. Murphy’s paper; to give all available time to you Prof. James did not participate in the discussions; it did not imply support for Prof. Murphy; comments on difficulty of following a strong Scottish accent; forceful style of argument may have seemed more hostile than intended; he may not have understood fully WS’s argument; hopes he will accept that no personal discourtesy was intended or reflection on his distinguished career (autogr. carbon); see also /196/114-19

206    – WS, Rome, 6 Oct. – regrets having sent letter of 10 Aug. (/204 above); has received his kind letter and Prof. James’s; matter now cleared up; has never experienced the ‘Scotch genius in discussion’ but should have thought of it; sends apologies for the trouble he has caused (in English; autogr.)

207    – JLM, 2 Nov. – thanks him for letter and his acceptance of his, JLM’s, explanation (autogr. carbon)

208    [Škerlj]. Dr Bozo Škerlj (BS), Ljubljana, 9 Jan. 1934 – hopes to attend; sends cheque; hopes there will be no difficulty with it (in German; tp., annotated by JLM)

209    JLM, [?Feb.] – encloses preliminary programme; will see which topics for discussion he offered in his letter, 9 Jan. fall within subjects to be covered; time given to papers also noted (tpc.)

210    – BS, 16 May – has had no reply to letter of 9 Jan.; mentions the programme (in German; tp.)

211    – JLM, 24 May – regrets letter of 9 Jan. not answered (see /209 above); notes time limit; will write when he hears from Anthropological Section (autogr. carbon)

212    – BS, 8 Sep. – (in German; tp.)

213    – BS, 14 Oct. – (in German; tp.)

214    [Speiser]. JLM to Dr Felix Speiser, Basle, 28 Dec. 1933 – refers to his kindness at the Basle meeting; informs him of preparations for Congress (autogr. carbon); see also /140 above

215    [Thomsen]. Prof. Thomas Thomsen (TT), Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen to JLM, 12 May 1934 – has heard Icelandic Government is grateful for invitation but regrets cannot send a representative; hopes Congress will meet in Denmark in 1938; will represent museum in London (tp.)

216    – JLM, 17 May – thanks him for the information about Iceland; regrets there will be no representative; grateful for the trouble he is taking over 1938 Congress; informs him of the offer from Dr W. Koppers, Vienna; asks if he may inform the latter of the Danish proposal (autogr. carbon)

217    – TT, 1 June – grateful to be informed of Austrian offer; official Danish offer likely; sees no reason why Dr Koppers should not be informed; proposes subject for his paper (tp.)

218    – JLM, 10 June – will inform Dr Koppers of position; his paper on 17th century ethnographical collections most welcome; will ask British Museum to bring together early specimens from Cook’s and others’ expeditions (autogr. carbon)

219    [Tildesley; see also /15/1-68 above]. JLM to MLT, 1 June 1933 – with TAJ meeting A.H. Brodrick; agree he should be asked to be joint General Secretary; will consult Prof. Karl Pearson; asks for help with names and addresses for first circular (autogr. carbon)

220    – MLT, [-June] – thinks Prof. Pearson should give an address and be Chairman, Anatomy and Physical Anthropology section (autogr. pc.)

221    – MLT, [-June] – has dined with the Brodericks; thinks he will agree to serve as joint General Secretary; both interested in films (autogr. pc.)

222    – MLT, [-June] – suggests Prof. Sir Grafton Elliot Smith should be asked to be Chairman, Anatomy and Physical Anthropology section; with Prof. H.A. Harris as Secretary (autogr.)

223    – MLT, 14 June – asks for advice on the etymology of orthodontia; comments on difficulty of the right choice of chairmen etc. 4 pp. (autogr.)

224    – MLT, 10 July – on Canadian anthropologists. 3pp. (autogr.)

225    – MLT, 12 July – on South African anthropologists. 10 pp. (autogr.)

226    – MLT, 1 Sep. – on Norwegian anthropologists. 4 pp. (autogr.)

227    – JLM, 4 Sep. – thanks her for her letter of 1 Sep.; comments on the Palestine skeleton (autogr. carbon)

228    – MLT, 8 Sep. – on Siamese anthropologists (tp.)

229    – MLT, 4 Dec. – on Japanese anthropologists (tp.)

230    – MLT, 2 Jan. 1934 – discussed standardization committee with Prof. Vallois; also appointment of French second national secretary (tp.)

231    – MLT, 3 Jan. – asks for his advice on standardization article for Man (autogr.)

232    – JLM, 4 Jan. – returns standardization article; asks if subject will be submitted to Congress; wishes the French would come to decisions on representation and papers for submission; asks about Prof. Fraipont (see also /82-6 above); also availability of Royal College of Surgeon’s collection (autogr. carbon)

233    – MLT, 5 Jan. – gives information on hospitality offered by the Royal College; and position of standardization committee and the eugenists. 3 leaves (tp.)

234    – JLM, 24 Jan. – comments on Prof. Fraipont and Belgian representation; and visit to the Royal College; suggests the sponsors of her standardization committee should ask Congress to take over the committee; comments on difficulties and advantages; hopes one of the London officers may continue in office until next Congress. 4 pp. (autogr. carbon)

235    – MLT, 26 Jan. – reports discussion on Norwegian representation; thinks the standardization committee should transfer to the Congress (tp.)

236    JLM, 29 Jan. – has asked Dr K. Wagner to be Norwegian National Secretary; comments on transfer of standardization committee; has mentioned committee to Prof. H.A. Harris; paper offered by Prof. Frassetto (autogr. carbon)

237    – MLT, 27 Mar. – on Dr Matthew Young’s request for a committee room (autogr.)

238    – JLM, [c.29 Mar.] – committee room reserved; notes other activities on 4 Aug. including Closing Session; on procedure for the standardization committee; thinks it should subdivide from main committee; includes copy of letter to Prof. H.A. Harris outlining procedures and advantages of a sub-committee. 3 pp. (autogr. carbon)

239    – MLT, [29 Mar.] – International Committee for the Standardization of the Technique of Physical Anthropology – report by Chairman-Convener, MLT (mimeo., annotated by JLM)

240    – MLT, 4 Apr. – thanks him for promising a committee room; gives reasons for wishing standardization to be included in ordinary morning programmes; agrees its organization should be a separate committee; refers to publication of general statement. 3 leaves (tp.) (see Man, No. 109, June 1934)

241    – JLM, 6 Apr. – outlines ways of obtaining more time for her topic; agrees it is one of the most important to be considered (autogr. carbon)

242    – MLT, 9 Apr. – suggests Portuguese physical anthropologists for invitation; thanks him for suggesting ways of obtaining time for discussion; if the section is sub-divided suggests Prof. H.J. Fleure as Chairman and Dr G.M. Morant, Secretary; Royal College work suffers with too much standardization work; prefers not to be secretary. 4 pp. (autogr.)

243    – MLT, 11 Apr. – has seen Prof. Sir Grafton Elliot-Smith; reports:  is feeling better; will take charge of Section; would object to sub-division; he felt physical anthropology needed a broad basis but if too crowded agreed to two sections meeting simultaneously; asked about Dr J. Zollschan’s proposals; wonders whether he should include ‘race question’ in his address; has been asked by Prof. Frassetto to join his committee; is meeting Prof. Seligman. 8 pp. (autogr.)

244    – JLM, 13 Apr. – in view of her talk with Prof. Elliot Smith, Executive Committee discussed draft programme with Prof. Harris; has written to the former concerning principle:  should Congress refuse discussion where work is below standard, or accord facilities for inferior work; mentions Prof. Harris’s views on Dr Guha’s paper (see also /47-8 above) (autogr. carbon)

245    JLM, 13 Apr. – has read Prof. Frassetto’s ‘story’; notes most important items; makes suggestions for clarifying the misconceptions about New York meeting (autogr. carbon)

246    – MLT, 16 Apr. – much regrets she missed the Executive Committee (see /244 above); comments on Prof. Harris’s proposals; outlines plans for standardization discussions; would like to discuss Prof. Frassetto with him. 7 pp. (autogr.)

247    – JLM. 17 Apr. – it would be helpful if she discussed the anatomy section with Prof. Elliot Smith; she could mention that the Netherlands National Secretary thinks racial anthropology could be discussed (see /243 above); asks about a Hungarian correspondent; no reply to his letters; notes her programme for standardization. 4 pp. (autogr. carbon)

248    – MLT, 7 May – encloses extract from Prof. Vallois on Prof. Fraipont; saw Fraipont in Liège who is furious at omission of Belgium committee; gives his views on Fraipont’s standing as a physical anthropologist; MLT asks for Fraipont to be conciliated. 6 pp. (autogr.); see also /82-6 above

249    – MLT, 10 May – asks if the enclosed letter to Prof. Frassetto will ‘do’ (see /251 below) (autogr.)

250    – FF to Sir Arthur Keith (AK), 30 Jan. 1933 – extract from letter (see /90.1 below); MLT adds AK refused invitation to collaborate; FF continued to use AK’s name (tpc.)

251    – MLT – draft letter to Prof. Frassetto on his committee and relationship with the International Federation of Eugenics Organizations; attached note by JLM: wrote … 15.5.34 (autogr.); see /87 above

252    – MLT, 26 May – on Prof. Rüdin and standardization committee; asks for copies of FF’s letters (autogr. pc.)

253    – J.G. Kastratí to JLM, 6 June – on FF’s piece in Italian papers (autogr.)

254    – MLT, 6 June – on GES and FF (autogr.)

255    – MLT, 4 July – sends cutting of FF’s piece; assumes too late to quote (autogr. pc.)

256    – MLT, [6 July] – Prof. J. Weninger agrees to cooperate; he is on FF’s committee; G. Montandon also agrees to cooperate with standardization committee (autogr. pc.)

257    JLM, 9 July – glad to know Prof. Weninger will cooperate; has not heard from Prof. E. Fischer but he wishes cooperation; wishes more copies were available of the Man article: ‘The International Committee for Standardization of the Technique of Physical Anthropology: a general statement of aims and methods’, Man, No. 109, June 1934; comments on availability of committee rooms (autogr. carbon)

258    – MLT, 7 Aug. – encloses copy of letter from ENF; he wishes to write something on the Congress for Nature (autogr.)

259    – ENF to MLT, 6 Aug. (copy)

260    – JLM, 8 Aug. – always sends his contributions to Nature to the Editor on principle; hopes she is satisfied with the work of her Committee; comments on Eugenics Federation proposal (autogr. carbon)

261    – JLM, 10 Sep. – has received FF’s paper; will not publish it as it has already been printed (see /94 above); FF considers his prior claim has been overlooked; thinks FF probably misunderstood situation at the New York Congress; feels an acknowledgement of FF’s efforts appropriate at some stage (autogr. carbon); see also /95 above

262    – MLT, 2 Nov. – sends report of her Committee including her views of FF’s claims; could make into two articles; asks JLM’s opinion (autogr.)

263    – JLM, 3 Nov. – gives his first impressions; wonders if FF is ‘important enough to be discussed publicly’; if she feels a reply is necessary suggests she should send her article to him for publication in SAS, failing that to Scientia; comments on position if both refuse to publish; matter should go to RAI Council if she thinks FF’s statements damage the RAI; does not want an Anglo-Italian controversy; best policy to let matters drop and concentrate on standardization  in her own Committee. 4 pp. (autogr. carbon)

264    [Todd]. T. Wingate Todd (TWT), Laboratory of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio to JLM, 27 Apr. 1933 – regrets he was unable to reply before the Basle meeting; hopes new congress will be established; believes in a unified approach to subject (tp.)

265    – JLM, 28 May – sends papers on Congress; grateful for his support (tpc.)

266    – TWT, 20 June – glad Congress will be an integrated one; if US financial situation improves hopes to be present (tp.); TWT did not attend

267    [Union Academique Internationale, Brussels]. JLM to the Union, [Sep. 1933] – sends invitation to Congress; requests help in contacting other organisations which may wish to attend (in French; autogr. carbon)

268    [Vallois]. Prof. H.V. Vallois, Toulouse (HVV), to JLM, 8 Aug. 1933 – finds some inaccuracies in the proof of the preliminary notice of the Congress; comments on the sections; suggests two sections for physical anthropology; will discuss French national secretaries with Prof. Paul Rivet; understands Prof. C. Fraipont has accepted for Belgium; mentions Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch interests and subjects for discussion, and standardisation of methods (in French; tp. with autogr. corrections)

269    – JLM to HVV, 11 Aug. – corrections will be made to the invitation notice; comments on his suggestion for physical anthropology; has had no response as yet from Prof. Fraipont; wishes to consult him on the value of a reunion of the Conseil permanent (in French; autogr. carbon)

270    – HVV to JLM, 19 Aug. – refers to the programme arrangements, Prof. Fraipont and lack of response from Spain and Portugal; discusses reunion of the Conseil permanent (in French; autogr., annotated by JLM)

271    – – 12 Sep. – has heard from Portugal and Spain; outlines information received; matter of Belgium remains, hopes to hear from Prof. Fraipont (in French; tp.)

272    – JLM to HVV, 22 Sep. thanks him for all his help; does not now think it necessary to convene the Conseil permanent to confirm nominations for the Comité d’Organisation; reports Congress has been assured of a Royal patron, and the government has offered diplomatic assistance (in French; tp.)

273    – MLT to JLM, 6 Feb. 1934 – reports on her letter to HVV on the delay in individuals joining the Congress and submitting papers; quotes from his reply and his views on standardisation (both in French)(tp. with extensive annotation by MLT, pencil note by JLM)

274    – JLM to HVV, 17 Feb. – sends latest information for Anthropologie at Prof. Raymond Vaufrey’s request; comments on numbers joining the Congress; mentions Royal patron, Huxley Memorial Lecture, discussion on the ethnological results of the Census of India, Prof. J.B.S. Haldane’s paper, and the Royal College of Surgeons offer of a reception (in French; autogr. carbon)

275    HVV to JLM, 30 Mar. – reports on meeting Prof. Fraipont in Liège; he was astonished at the omission of Belgium’s name from the printed list of countries at the foundation of the Congress; mentioned that JLM had written some time ago; refers to Basle meeting and the IIA (in French; autogr.)

276    – JLM to HVV, 3 Apr. – thanks him for his report on meeting Prof. Fraipont; reports on consultation over other countries, apart from Belgium, that were not represented at Basle and steps taken to ensure their representation; gives details of difficulties with Prof. Fraipont; mentions IIA (autogr. carbon)

277    – HVV to JLM, 19 Apr. – reports on the situation in Belgium and Prof. Fraipont’s position (in French; tp.)

278    [Valšík]. Dr J.A. Valšík, Prague to JLM, 25 Oct. 1934 – asks if his paper will be published (see Compte-rendu, pp. 93-4) (tp.)

279    [Verneau]. Prof. René Verneau, Institut de Paléontologie humaine, Paris to JLM, 20 Oct. 1933 – thanks him for his nomination to the Comité d’Honneur; regrets his great age prevents his active participation; hopes to be able to complete his great work, Les anciens habitants de l’Archipel Canarien (autogr. pc.)

280    [Vuia]. Prof. Romulus Vuia (RV), Muzeul Etnografic si Parcul National, Cluj, România to JLM, 15 May 1934 – note by JLM to Executive Committee file see /186/3 above

281    – RV to A.C. Haddon, 29 May – sends paper, may be shortened if necessary; makes suggestions for a European ethnography section; mentions his lantern slides and Romanian representation on the Permanent Council (tp.)

282    – RV to JLM, 29 May – reports no chair of anthropology in Romania; he holds the chair of ethnography at Cluj University; professors of medicine and anatomy interested in physical anthropology; pleased his suggestions for teaching and general questions will come before the Executive Committee; makes suggestions for a European section; mentions lantern slides for his two lectures (tp.)

283    – JLM to RV, 5 June – thanks him for his suggestion for a European section; at present it is placed under General Ethnography; if sufficient papers, as in African and American ethnography, are received a separate section will be formed; will inform Customs of his slides; grateful for his suggestions for the Permanent Council (tpc.)

284    – RV to JLM, 15 July – expands further on his interest on limits of ethnography and teaching, and a section for European ethnography (tp.)

285    JLM to RV, 20 July – his two proposals will be brought before the Permanent Council; hopes he will have no difficulty in bringing his slides through customs (tpc.)

286    [Watkins]. RAI to Westminster Bank, Westbourne Grove, W2, 11 Aug. 1934 – on O.F. Watkins’ dividend warrants left at the Congress; packet returned from his Kent address (tpc.)

287    – Westminster Bank to RAI, 13 Aug. – asks for warrants and any other later communications to be sent to them (tpc.); similar correspondence with the Westminster Bank, High Street, Oxford not retained

288    [Westermann]. Prof. D. Westermann (DW), Internationales Institut für afrikanische Sprachen und Kulturen, Berlin-Südende to RAI, 29 Dec. 1933 – sends his subscription; is interested in the African section; surprised invitation is in English and French and not German; hopes German members will be welcomed (in German; tp.)

289    – JLM to DW, 8 Jan. 1934 – Treasurer has asked him to reply about the invitations; under the Statutes the official language is French; for convenience they were translated into German, Spanish and English; he should have received a copy of the German translation; explains further conveniences for foreign friends; Congress is fully international and all are welcome; most cordial help has been received from the German representatives on the Permanent Council; regrets any misapprehension he may have had (autogr. carbon)

290    [Young].  MLT to Dr Matthew Young (MY), Institute of Anatomy, University College London, 27 Mar. 1934 – on standardisation of the technique of physical anthropology section (tpc.)