Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Congres International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnogiques A62 CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DES SCIENCES ANTHROPOLOGIQUES ET ETHNOGIQUES. 1912-34; 1937-9 (A62 – 06 of 06)

Correspondence, papers, and minutes relating to the establishment of the International Congress, 1912-34; and to the first Congress in 1934, and its relationship to the IIA, 1937-9.

197/    German complaint

  1    Profs. O. Kümmel, K.T. Preuss, W. Krickeberg, Schachtzabel, H. Baumann, P. Lessing, Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin, 12 Oct. 1933 to the Congress – fifteen years after the end of the international war of conquest against Germany, equal rights are denied to Germany under the so-called Peace of Versailles; revolting campaign of lies against Germany; no German announcement of Congress; the undersigned therefore refuse to participate in the Congress (in German; tp.); see /196/56, 70, 72, 192-4; translation attached

  2    Ibid. (mimeo.) – sent to German members of the Permanent Council to whom the matter was referred

  3    Dr Otto Kümmel, Director, Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin, 20 Apr. 1934 – refers to letter of 11 Apr. 1934 from JLM and A.H. Brodrick, Museum will not be represented because of the unworthy treatment of Germany by the armed powers (in German; tp., annotated by JLM); translation attached

198/    1934. Photograph of delegates at University College London main quadrangle, 30 July 1934 (see Photographic Collection for original; copies, including enlargement in file)

199/    1934. Compte-rendu de la première session, Londres, 1934- proofs of prelims. 32 pp.

200    Copyright of the Compte-rendu, Congrès International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques, Londres, 1934

  1    Warren R. Dawson to Assistant Secretary, RAI, 23 Oct. 1937 – requests permission to reprint Sir Grafton Elliot Smith’s address to Section A of the Congrès in his biography of Elliot Smith (autogr.)

  2    Assistant Secretary, RAI to JLM, 25 Oct. – forwards Dawson’s letter (autogr.)

  3    JLM to W.R. Dawson, 26 Oct. – permission to reprint given (autogr. carbon; very faint)

  4    JLM to (Professor Sir) Raymond W. Firth, RAI Hon Secretary, 1936-9, President 1953-5, 27 Oct. – suggests a formal agreement that copyright rests with the RAI is desirable; asks if a letter from him is sufficient authority for Council to deal with the matter (autogr.)

201/    Supplementary material

  1    19th International Congress of Americanists, Washington, DC, 5-10 Oct. 1914 – provisional programme

  2    Report of the 11th Assembly of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations, Waldhaus Dolder, Zurich, 18-21 July 1934

  3    Troisième centenaire du Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 24-29 June 1935 – 2 copies

  4    Congrès international des Sciences préhistoriques et proto-historiques, deuxième session, Oslo, 1936 – Comité d’Honneur, Conseil permanent etc.

  5    Hon. Sec., RAI to Prof. A.W. Brøgger, President Congrès international (as above) – naming delegates, 27 Feb. 1936

  6    Congrès préhistorique de France, douzième session, Toulouse-Foix, 13-20 Sep. 1936 – circulaire 1

  7    British Speleological Association – advance programme of the 1st annual Speleological Conference and Exhibition, Buxton, 24-27 July 1936

  8    First Speleological Conference and Exhibition – leaflet, 2 copies

  9    Buxton Herald and Visitors’ Gazette, 30 July 1936 – issue covering conference

 10    Ibid., 1 Aug. 1936, pp.5-6 – report of conference

 11    Congrès international d’Histoire des Sciences, 4e session, Prague, 1937 – première circulaire

 12    International Association for Ethnology, 1st Congress, Edinburgh, 14-21 July 1937 – leaflet, 2 copies

 13    League of Nations, Section of International Bureaux, Mar. 1933 – wrapper and contents (annotated by JLM)

 14    [Harms].  Internationaler Protest gegen die Verhinderung der Forschungs-Unternehmungen von Dr Erns[t] Harms aus dem Jahre 1931-1932 (mimeo.)

 15    – Ibid. (photocopy)

 16    – Note by JLM ON Harms’s projected association (autogr.)

 17    – ‘Ein Institut für experimentelle Völkerpsychologie’, Z. Völkerpsychol. Soziol., 6 Jahrgang, Heft 4, Dez. 1930, pp. 491-3

 18    – ‘Psychological aspects on Helsingfors trial’, Folklore, Mar. 1934, pp. 73-6

 19    – ‘Internat. Kongress für Anthropolgie und Ethnologie in London (August 1934), Psyche, 1 Jahrgang, 1934, pp.1-3

202/    1937-9. IIA and the new Congrès

  1    Miles C. Burkitt (MCB) to (Prof. Sir) Raymond W. Firth, FBA (RWF), RAI Hon. Secretary, 1936-9, President, 1953-5, 20 Oct. [1937] – outlines his views on the standing of the IIA and the Congrès and the reasons for his continued interest in the former; suggests a ‘fusion’ between the two (autogr.)

  2    JLM to MCB, 2 Dec. – acknowledges note on the Bucarest meeting of the IIA and the Congrès international d’Anthropologie et d’Archéologie préhistoriques; IIA not recognised by RAI; does not intend to publish note in Man (autogr.)

  3    MCB to RWF, [5 Dec.] – reports JLM’s refusal to publish note on Bucarest meeting; does not want ‘acrimony’ but wishes Council to consider reviewing conduct of the Editor of Man (autogr.)

  4    JLM to RWF, 11 Dec. – notes Council is asked to consider his editorial bias as Editor of Man; much regrets he cannot attend meeting; leaves decision to Council; if Council changes its policy on the IIA will not ‘remain responsible for Man’ (autogr. with annotations by RWF and WBF); Council resolved to take no action; see Council minutes, 14 Dec. 1937, f.318; there are no other references in either Council or Executive Committee minutes

  5    JLM to H.J. Braunholtz, Keeper of Ethnography, British Museum, 30 Oct. 1938 – unable to attend Council on 25 Oct.; asks if MCB explained his relations with the IIA; two congresses confused; proposes note in Man (autogr.); see Man, Jan. 1939, No. 8

  6    H.J. Braunholtz to RWF, 1 Nov. – MCB has explained his views on the IIA but not his statement that he represents the UK; informed JLM that he, RWF, considers the matter is inappropriate for a general discussion by Council (autogr.)

  7    RWF to JLM, 5 Dec. – H.J. Braunholtz has passed his letter to him; as asked at last Executive Committee, wrote to MCB; gives summary of MCB’s views; Istanbul as host of 1939 meeting probably unaware of the rift; suggests a ‘rapprochement’ (tpc.)

  8    XVIIIe Congrès international d’Anthropologie et d’Archeologie préhistoriques, Istanbul, 18-25 Sep. 1939 – brochure; at the Bucarest meeting in 1937 the IIA decided on Istanbul as the next venue, the meeting did not take place but the papers were published. 7pp. (printed)

203/    Addenda 1933-45

 1/    Règlement Général of Congrès International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques; annotated ‘Statutes of the Congress, adopted at Basel, 21-22 April 1933’ (printed)

 2/    1934 Correspondence with International Federation of Eugenic Organisations (IFEO)

  1    Brief note by JLM[?] ‘International Organization for Eugenic Societies / Further Proposals’ (autogr.)

  2    Secretary of IFEO to President, International Congress of Anthropology & Ethnology, [Mar.] – President of Federation, Prof. Ernst Rüdin, will ask that Congress take over work of Standardisation in Anthropometry (tp.)

  3    Prof. Ernst Rüdin to General Secretaries of Congress, 22 Mar. – asks them to bring before Council a petition from IFEO to transfer to auspices of Congress the International Committee for Standardisation of the Technique of Physical Anthropology; explains genesis of this committee. 3 leaves (tp.)

  4    JLM: action taken re Prof. Rüdin’s letter (autogr.)

  5    Copy of A62/203/2/3; ‘For Members of Conseil Permanent’; 2 leaves(tp.)

  6    General Secretary to MLT, 4 Apr. – has now received formal letter signed by Prof. Rüdin [A62/203/2/3]; documents shall be circulated to members of Permanent Council; committee to consider Dr Zollschan’s project will meet 24 Apr.; is reprinting article from ‘Man’, 1932, 193; wonders whether manifesto should be printed in May, June or July. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  7    Secretary of IFEO to President, Permanent Council of Congress, 28 Jul. – invites Permanent Council to maintain membership of IFEO; research committees already working with anthropologists (tp.)

  8    A.H. Brodrick (AHB), General Secretary, to Prof. Rüdin, 28 Aug. – letter [A62/203/2/3] circulated to Council; matter referred to special committee; encloses copy of report of this committee [see A62/203/8/4.1]; adopted by general assembly on 4 Aug.; passed resolution not to accept invitation to membership of IFEO; passed resolution to refer proposition about standardisation to committee. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  3    RRM and Henry Balfour to JLM, 8 Jun. – suggest that Permanent Council of Congress take steps to promote definition of terms (autogr.)

  4    AHB to RRM and Henry Balfour, 31 Aug. – Congress resolution relating to definition of terms invites them, with help of colleagues, to prepare list of synonyms; asks them to consider which members of Congress they wish to invite to collaborate (tpc.)

 .1    Draft of same (autogr.)

  5    Eugène Kagarow [Kagaroff], Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology, Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, to Congress, 12 Jul. – proposes publication of dictionary of anthropological and ethnological terms. 2 pages (autogr.)

  6    General Secretary to Eugène Kagarow, 28 Aug. – letter [A62/203/5] laid before Congress; Council adopted resolution that although such a publication would be useful, Congress unable to take on its preparation (tpc.)

  7    Documents relating to first meeting, London, 30 Jul.–4 Aug 1934

  1    JLM and AHB, 30 May / 15 Jun. – invites recipient to attend meeting of Permanent Council of Congress to be held 30 Jul.; attaches Prof. Rüdin’s letter [A62/203/2/3] (in French; tp.)

  2    Compte rendu of measures taken by Committee of Organisation; refers to letters of invitation and programme (in French; tp. with corrections)

 .1    Copy of same [incorporating corrections] 15 Jun (tpc.)

  3    Agenda for meeting of Permanent Council of Congress, 30 Jul. (in French; tpc.)
 .1    Copy of same (tpc. with autogr. additions)

 .2    Brief note by JLM[?] ‘Interim Report of Exec. Commee’; annotated ‘circulated to all members of Council with the Agenda for 30/7/34 accepted by Council 30/7/34’ (autogr.)

  4    Minutes of first meeting of Permanent Council, 30 Jul. 2 leaves (in French; tpc.)

  5    Minutes of first meeting of Bureau of Congress, 31 Jul. 2 leaves (in French; tpc.)

  6    Election of Vice Presidents; annotated ‘circulated after Meeting of Council 30/7/34’ (tp.)

  7    AHB to non-members of Permanent Council [‘absent members’ crossed through] – sends Proceedings; invites recipients to re-election to Permanent Council; announces next Congress in Copenhagen, 1938 (tp.)

 .1    Note relating to addition to letter of reference to Resolutions; signed by JLM[?] (autogr., 2 hands)

 .2    Copy of 203/7/7 with additional paragraph relating to enclosure of text of Resolutions (tp.)

 .3    Copy of 203/7/7.2 (tpc.)

  8    AHB to members of Permanent Council who were Congress members – informs recipients of invitation to accept re-election to Permanent Council until next session to be held at Copenhagen, 1938; President-elect of Copenhagen Congress to be Prof. Thomas Thomsen of National Museum, Copenhagen; Compte rendu of London session in preparation; encloses some of the Resolutions to be contained in Compte rendu. 2 leaves (tp.)

 .1    Note seeking approval for rough typed copy; accepted; signed by JLM[?] (autogr., 2 hands)

  9    Page proofs of minutes of closing session, 4 Aug. 4 leaves (printed)

 10    Soren Hansen to Secretaries of Congress, 14 Jun. – Th. Thomsen and William Thalbitzer will attend Congress; Mr Thomsen will present invitation to congress in Copenhagen in 1938 (tp.)

 11    Secretary, Services and General Dept., India Office, to Secretary, Congress, 12 Jul. – Government of Kashmir does not propose to send delegate to Congress; nominates Dr Suddeshwar Verma, Professor of Sanskrit, Prince of Wales College, Jammu, as their representative for correspondence (tp.)

 8/    1934 Documents relating to Congress Resolutions

  1    Miss D.G. Brackett, Secretary, International Institute of African Languages & Cultures to Secretary, Congress, 8 Aug. – would like printed copies of the Resolutions; particularly those passed by African section (tp.)

  2    Secretary to Miss Brackett, 10 Aug. – informs her that none of the Resolutions have yet been printed; there will not be any publication until Proceedings are ready; two specifically African resolutions were: 1. Congress stresses importance of examination of methods used in research into mental aptitudes of African peoples; 2. Congress approves principal of anthropological training of missionaries (tpc.)

  3    Acknowledgement of 203/8/2, 11 Aug. (tp.)

  4    General Secretary to S. Gaselee, Foreign Office, 31 Aug. – thanks him for help in bringing about London meeting; the following resolutions intended to be submitted to governments concerned; asks about proper way to address those governments (tpc.)

 .1    Copies of Resolutions; copy of Report of Special Committee. 4 leaves (tpc.; enclosed with 203/8/4)

  5    General Secretary to Prof. T.C. Hodson, 31 Aug. – refers to Resolution of Congress relating to more permanent organisation for census in India, following Hodson’s suggestion; Resolution will be submitted to Government of India; asks for suggestions for best way of supporting formal representation by personal discussion with members of the India Office; is in communication with Sir Edward Gait of India Office; asks for further details. 2 leaves (tpc.)

  6    Ibid. to Sir Edward Gait, 31 Aug. – enquires as to proper course to pursue in regard to Resolution relating to census in India; encloses copy of the Resolution (tpc.)

 .1    Copy of relevant Resolution (tpc.; enclosed with 203/8/6)

  7    Ibid. to Secretary General, International Institute of African Languages & Cultures, [31] Aug. – brings to notice the Resolution relating to methods of investigating mental aptitudes of African peoples; asks advice as to best course to pursue (tpc.)

..8    Ibid. to Secretary, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 31 Aug. – refers to Resolution relating to methods of investigating mental aptitudes of African peoples; asks advice as to how to bring subject to the notice of organisers of survey into condition of native life in Africa (tpc.)

  9    For Secretary of African Research Survey to General Secretary, 1 Sept. – acknowledges letter of 31 Aug.

 10    T.C. Hodson to JLM, 3 Sept. – cannot reply to letter of 31 Aug. (203/8/5) in full due to ill health; will send detailed statement when health permits (autogr.)

 11    General Secretary to CGS, nd, – encloses copies of resolutions relating to investigating mental aptitudes of African peoples and training missionaries in social anthropology (tpc.)

 .1    Copy of relevant resolutions (enclosed with 203/8/11)

 12    CGS to JLM, 3 Sept., – need for a further statement on methods of investigating mental characteristics; refers to tests devised for study of intelligence; suggests candidates who might undertake preliminary investigations 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. additions)

 13    H. Vischer, Secretary, International Institute of African Languages & Cultures to General Secretary, 3 Sept. – thanks him for letter of 31 Aug. which will be laid before Lord Lugard and Executive Council (tp.)

 14    General Secretary to Prof. T.C. Hodson, University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge, 9 Oct. – asks for more detailed memorandum in support of Resolution relating to census in India (tpc.)

 15    AHB to Hon. Secretary, RAI, 9 Oct. – refers to Resolutions relating to: methods of investigating mental aptitudes of African peoples; training of missionaries in social anthropology; establishing university chairs; before communicating these to departments of Government; requests RAI to submit them to Joint Committee for Archaeological Research and Teaching (tpc.)

 16    General Secretary to British members of Permanent Council, 9 Oct. – has written to Hon. Secretary of RAI asking him to lay Resolutions before meeting of Joint Committee (tpc.)

 9/    1934 Documents relating to Circumpolar Research

  1    Prof. Kai Birket-Smith to Members of Permanent Council, 15 June – proposal for International Research in Arctic Ethnology; extract from letter 25 May; plan published by Knud Rasmussen but never realised; now in Rasmussen’s memory proposes to put plan before Congress to have international committee appointed for ethnological work; Prehistoric Congress in Oslo in 1936 might appoint archaeological committee; proposes joint meeting this summer (tpc.)

  2    General Secretary to Prof. Birket-Smith, National Museum, Copenhagen, 28 Aug. – encloses formal copy of resolution passed by general assembly of Congress approving plan of research into arctic peoples and cultures and appointing committee; is sending similar letter to each member of Committee along with a copy of Birket-Smith’s memo on the work of Rasmussen; suggests that each member of the Committee be asked for advice about proper way to interest colleagues in the project and to represent matter for government action (tpc.)

  3    AHB to Profs. F Boas, D. Jenness, F.G. Spech, Bogoras, Kai Donner, Wiklund, Solberg & Thalbitzer, 31 Aug – Congress established a Committee ‘Pour les recherches systematiques sur les peuples et cultures circumpolaires’; Congress invited recipients to serve on Committee (tpc.)

  4    Prof. Birket-Smith to JLM, 2 Sept. – acknowledges letter of 28 Aug.; is going into hospital shortly for operation so will be unable to resume work for a month or two; agrees about asking members for advice; suggests that members should be asked what they think is the most important work in their own countries; asks if JLM has any spare copies of his memo (tp.)

  5    [AHB] to Prof. Birket-Smith, 10 Sept. – best wishes for his health; is sending circular to the Committee with request for advice as to proper way to interest colleagues and represent matter for government action (tpc.)

 .1    AHB to members of Committee, 10 Sept. – informs of Prof. Birket-Smith’s illness; seeks advice as to proper way to interest colleagues and represent matter for government action (tpc.)

  6    Prof. O Solberg, Ethnographical Museum, Oslo, to JLM, 15 Sept. – thanks him for letter of 10 Sept.; informs him that cultural research work in Arctic countries has been going on for many years from Norway; report of some of this work in publication of Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, sent separately [203/9/15]; asks if any chance of Russian assistance as futile to undertake circumpolar work without it; asks if committee has any funds to further research (tp.)

  7    JLM to Prof. Solberg, 18 Sept. – thanks him for letter; glad to hear details of circumpolar research already undertaken; has had no reply from Russia nor any assured income; first business of committee to ascertain what is already being done and where fresh research is needed (autogr. carbon)

  8    William Thalbitzer, Copenhagen, to JLM, 18 Sept. – refers to committee established during Congress ‘for systematic research on circumpolar peoples and cultures’; presumes expeditions will be made to northernmost peoples; comparisons should also be made with southern neighbours; students of these peoples should learn Russian, Danish, Japanese and Chinese; peoples should be examined by same staff; is not sufficiently interested to join the Committee. 2 leaves (tp.)

  9    [JLM] to Prof. Thalbitzer, 20 Sept. – is sorry that Prof. Thalbitzer does not feel prepared to join the Committee; asks him to reconsider; should he still decline, asks if he could suggest someone to take his place (tpc.)

 10    [?] to AHB, 20 Sept. – encloses letter from Prof. Thalbitzer, who sent identical copy to JLM; encloses JLM’s reply [203/8/9]

 11    Diamond Jenness, National Museum of Canada, Ottawa, to JLM, 21 Sept. – glad to serve on Circumpolar Research Committee; refers to difficulty in securing support in Canada for such a project but will sound people out (tp.)

 12    William Thalbitzer to JLM, 27 Sept. – has reconsidered his decision but must still decline to serve on committee; suggests Dr Gudmund Hatt, professor at the University of Copenhagen as substitute; or Dr Birket-Smith (tp.)

 13    Kai Donner, Helsingfors, Finland, to [Secretary], 2 Oct. – accepts invitation to serve on Circumpolar Research Committee; many persons in Finland willing to study in north of Russia and Siberia; important to know the names of the proper persons in Russia (tp.)

 14    [JLM] to William Thalbitzer, 4 Oct. – thanks him for letter [203/9/12] (tpc.)

 15    Fredrik Stang, ‘Report on the Activities of the Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture in the Years 1923-1926’, 1928, booklet, 37 pages (printed) [referred to in 203/9/6]

 16    ‘Publications’, The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, Oslo, 1934, booklet, 37 pages (printed)

 10/    1934 Documents relating to Congress Film Committee

  1    John N. McArthur to TAJ, 25 Aug. – refers to article in Times, 6 Aug., regarding film of anthropological interest; offers film of Caraja Indians on River Araguaya, Central Brazil; if sub-standard film of no interest, may be able to get in touch with standard film on similar subject (tp.)

  2    AHB to Prof. Blom, AHB, F. Krause, W. Krauss, P. Rivet, S. Sergi, 28 Aug. – general assembly of Congress established permanent Committee for scientific films; invited recipients to accept membership; encloses copy of minutes of first meeting of Committee (tpc.)

 .1    Minutes of first meeting of scientific films Committee, 2 leaves (tpc.)

  3    H.J. Braunholtz to JLM, 1 Sept., – TAJ being unwell wishes enclosed letter [203/10/1] to be passed to JLM or AHB; thinks this film should be considered; could house film at British Museum if advisable (tp.)

  4    General Secretary to J.N. McArthur, 3 Sept. – would be glad to arrange opportunity to view his film; asks if he would be willing to exhibit it at RAI; sub-standard film is of interest; would be grateful to hear of any other film on similar subjects; informs that film can be housed at British Museum (tpc.)

  5    Ibid. to H.J. Braunholtz, 3 Sept. –thanks him for McArthur’s letter; thanks him for offer to house film at British Museum (tpc.)

  6    JLM to Dr Krause, 17 Oct. – AHB is abroad; sending Krause’s letter of 10 Oct. to him; congratulates him on prompt action taken in regard to Filmarchiv in Germany (autogr. carbon)

  7    H.J. Braunholtz to JLM, 31 Oct. – encloses two letters relating to films addressed to TAJ who is still sick; letters could be sent to AHB; has suggested that Miss Lindgren give a film talk to RAI (autogr.)

 11/    Final Act of the United Nations Conference for the Establishment of an Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation, London, HMSO, 1945



 1. ‘Report of an international conference, which met on June 4th, 1912, at the invitation of the Royal Anthropological Institute to discuss the following questions relative to a proposed international anthropological congress’. Man, 1912, Item 71, pp.131-4 – motion adopted ‘that a special international committee be named… to communicate with other congresses and existing societies… and to make arrangements for a special session of a general congress of anthropology’.

 2. ‘Anthropological note’ – proposition adopted by the 14th Congrès international d’Anthropologie et d’Archeologie préhistoriques on 14 Sep. 1912 welcoming the proposal for a new congress. Man, 1912, Item 103, p. 192


 3. ‘International congress and Institut international: an interim report of recent negotiations’ by JLM. Man, Feb. 1931, Item 20, pp. 17-20 – on the separation of the old Congrès international from its recent association with the IIA

 4. ‘International congresses, anthropological or prehistoric? A further report of negotiations’ by JLM. Man, Apr. 1931, Item 63, pp. 61-4 – on the future organization of prehistoric studies and the meeting to be convened at Berne on 28 May 1931 by Prof. P. Bosch-Gimpera

 5. ‘International congresses: a third report on negotiations’ by JLM. Man, May 1931, Item 94, pp. 87-90 – includes summary of 1912 proceedings and an agreement to ascertain support for a new international congress of anthropology and ethnology with the survivors of the original committee

 6. ‘Les congrès internationaux et le XVe Congrès international d’Anthropologie et d’Archéologie préhistoriques’. L’Anthropologie, Vol. 41, 1931, pp. 95-110

 7. ‘Prehistoric and archaeological congresses’ by Adolf Mahr, Dublin, Man, June 1931, Item 113, pp. 103-7

 8. ‘The old Congress and the new: a fourth report of negotiations’ by JLM. Man, July 1931, Item 137, pp. 131-4 – on the movement for an independent congress for prehistoric and protohistoric studies and the Berne meeting convened by Prof. P. Bosch-Gimpera; and the agreement of the Society of Antiquaries and the RAI to invite the new international congress to hold its first meeting in London in July or August 1932

 9. ‘Anthropology: national and international’ by JLM (Presidential Address). JRAI, vol. 60, 1931, pp. 17-45 – survey of international congresses, the International Research Council and its International Union, the IIA and its congresses, and alternative proposals for an international organization

10. ‘An International Congress for Anthropology and Ethnology’ by JLM. Man, Jan. 1932, Item 6, pp. 10-12 – on Council’s resolve to contact foreign colleagues by correspondence to obtain their support for an informal conference with a view to establishing a new international congress; proposal that the congress should meet every 4 years; that the International Americanist Congress should be consulted on the manner of cooperation; and on the extent of support received

11. ‘International congresses for anthropology and ethnology’ by Fritz Krause, Leipzig. Man, Apr. 1932, Item 108, pp. 81-2

12. ‘Congresses, ethnological and anthropological’ by P.W. Schmidt. Man, Apr. 1932, Item 109, p. 83

13. ‘The projected International Congress for Ethnic Sciences’ by JLM. Man, Aug. 1932, Item 230, pp. 196-7

14. ‘The proposed international congress: preliminary conference at Basel, 20, 21, 22 April 1933’ by JLM. Man, Feb. 1933, Item 32, pp. 33-4

15. ‘International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences: preliminary conference at Basle, 20-22 April 1933’. Man, May 1933, Item 84, pp. 77-9

16. ‘Ibid.: meeting of the British Organizing Committee, 4 July 1933’ by JLM. Man, Aug. 1933, Item 133, pp. 130-2

17. ‘Ibid.: London session, 30 July-4 August 1934: a forecast’ by JLM. Man, June 1934, Item 108, pp. 81-3

18. ‘A welcome to the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences’. Man, Aug. 1934, Item 139, p. 113

19. ‘International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences: proceedings of the first session, 30 July-4 August 1934’ by JLM. Man, Sep. 1934, Item 158; and Items 159-74 summaries of addresses and sectional proceedings, pp. 137-52