Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric A65 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PREHISTORIC AND PROTOHISTORIC SCIENCES (A65 – 01 of 03)

Correspondence, papers and minutes relating to the establishment of the International Congress, 1931-3.

The last pre-war meeting of the Congrès international, d’Anthropologie et d’Archeologie préhistoriques was held in Geneva in 1912. In Oct. 1928 the Institut international d’Anthropologie, Paris, with the consent of the surviving members of the Permanent Committee of the old Congrès, agreed to ‘assure the continuity’ of the old Congrès by convening the 15th Congrès concurrently with its own 4th session in Portugal in Sep. 1930. However at this meeting in Sep. 1930 due to measures taken by the IIA members of the Congrès were deprived of a vote unless they were also members of the IIA. The 15th Congrès was adjourned as a result. A ‘petit comité’ was then set up at Oporto on 27 Sep. comprising the survivors of the Permanent Committee, the Presidents of the IIA and RAI and any co-opted members to consider the relations between the IIA and the Congrès. It met in Paris on 22 Dec. 1930. Sir John Myres, President, RAI maintained the separation of the management of the two organizations was essential. The majority agreed that the Oct. 1928 agreement had been a mistake.

At the International Congress of Archaeology in 1929 at Barcelona a separate development was taking place which resulted in Prof. P. Bosch-Gimpera convening a conference in Berne on 28 May 1931 to consider the future organization of prehistoric studies. It was decided in Berne: (1) to separate prehistoric studies from general anthropology and ethnology; (2) not to re-establish the old pre-war Congrès but to establish a new international Congress of prehistoric studies. The Society of Antiquaries and the RAI decided to invite the new Congress to hold its first meeting in London in July or Aug. 1932;(see Council minutes, 19 May and 9 June 1931, ff. 173-4, 176-7). The demise of the old Congrès also resulted in the establishment of the new Congrès international des Sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques which held its first meeting in London in 1934 under RAI auspices (see Council minutes, 7 July 1931, ff. 180-1 and A62). For the intricacy of the negotiations leading to this new Congress see Man, Nos. 20, 63, 94, 127, 137, Feb., Apr., May-July 1931, and to the informal report to Council by Miss M.L. Tildesley at 65/14/1. See also Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, London, August 1-6, 1932 and Man, Nos. 241-52, Sep. 1932 for an outline by Sir John Myres, a group photograph of members, and summaries including sectional proceedings.


AWB Prof. A.W. Brøgger, Universitetets Oldsaksamlung, Oslo; Joint General Secretary and President-Elect, Second Congress

VGC Prof. V.G. Childe (1892-1957), RAI Librarian, 1925-7, Prof. of Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, 1927-46, later Prof. of Prehistoric European Archaeology and Director, Institute of Archaeology, University of London; Secretary, Organizing Committee

CFCH Christopher F.C. Hawkes, Assistant Keeper, British Museum, later Prof. of European Archaeology, University of Oxford; Secretary, Organizing Committee

IIA Institut international d’Anthropologie, Paris

HSK H.S. Kingsford, Secretary, Society of Antiquaries; Secretary, Organizing Committee

JLM Sir John L. Myres, OBE (1896-1954), Wykeham Prof. of Ancient History, University of Oxford; RAI President, 1928-31, founder and editor of Man; Joint General Secretary and Vice-Chairman, Organizing Committee

CRP Sir Charles R. Peers, FBA, President, Society of Antiquaries; President of the Congress and of the British Organizing Committee

CARR C.A. Ralegh Radford, Inspector of Ancient Monuments for Wales, HM Office of Works; Secretary, Organizing Committee

1/ Pre-Congress papers and Petit Comité correspondence. Jan. 1931-July 1932

1 ‘International Congress and Institut International: an interim report of recent negotiations’ by JLM with covering letter dated 24 Jan. 1931 circulated to RAI Fellows and colleagues world wide inviting opinions on the discussions to separate the Congrès international d’Anthropologie et d’Archeologie préhistoriques from the Institut international d’Anthropologie. 4 pp. – published in Man, Feb. 1931, No. 20

2 ‘International. Congresses, anthropological or prehistoric? a further report of negotiations’ by JLM, Man, Apr. 1931, No. 63. 3 pp. – reports colleagues ‘without exception are in favour of complete separation of the Congrès from the Institut’; he also reports on the forthcoming meeting convened by Prof. Bosch-Gimpera in Berne during May ‘to discuss the future organization of prehistoric studies’

3 ‘Reglement general du Congrès’. 2 leaves (mimeo.) – rules constituting the Congrès international des Sciences préhistoriques et protohistoriques at Berne on 28 May 1931

4 Ibid. (printed)

5 Petit Comité (established Oporto, 27 Sep. 1930). JLM to IIA, 10 Apr. 1931 – encloses two papers on the relations between the Congrès international d’Anthropologie et d’Archeologie préhistoriques and the IIA; hopes they will assist the Petit Comité; has received the opinion of many overseas colleagues, proposes to write to Louis Marin (President, IIA) and a committee member expressing the difficulties of the 10 Oct. 1928 accord on future Congresses; hopes he will find the solution acceptable (draft; autogr.); see also /5/14-21

6 Ibid. Prof. Eugene Pittard to JLM, 27 May – has examined text but cannot sign the document; has already protested against the 1928 accord to which he was not invited; maintains the Congrès had not been convened regularly and the decision taken was invalid (in French; autogr. copy by JLM)

7 Ibid. Prof. R. Verneau to JLM, 6 June – apologises for delay in replying to his letter; opinion has not changed since he signed the 1928 accord; not prepared to disown his signature; has been officially associated with the old Congress since 1912; gives reasons for his views and the relationship with the IIA; regrets their divergence of opinion (in French; autogr. carbon by JLM)

8 Ibid. JLM to Louis Marin, President IIA, 12 Sep. – reports the results of the Petit Comité’s work on relationship between the Congrès international and the IIA; most colleagues consider the administrations should be quite separate; sends signed text; Pittard and Verneau disagreed with decision; thanks him for his help and hospitality (in French; autogr. carbon)

9 Ibid. Text addressed to President, IIA calling for the separation of the two organizations and the resumption of an independent Congress (autogr. by JLM prepared for the printer)

2/ Minutes and papers of the British Organizing Committee, July 1931-Oct. 1932 (shelved with quartos)

1 Letter on behalf of the International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences inviting membership as a Vice-President of the British Organizing Committee, dated 17 July 1931, signed C.R. Peers, President, Society of Antiquaries, J.L. Myres, Past President; Royal Anthropological Institute

2 30 July 1931. Agenda (tpc. annotated by JLM)

3 Ibid. Minutes of the first meeting

4 List of members of the Committee

5 Letter circulated with the minutes of 30 July

6 1 Sep. 1931. Draft agenda with detailed annotations by JLM

7 Ibid. Agenda dated 12 Aug. 1931

8 Ibid. Draft minutes of the Executive Sub-Committee (corrected by JLM)

9 Ibid. Minutes

10 Ibid. Draft English text of the circular of invitation (amended by JLM); see introduction to minutes

11 Ibid. Draft French text (amended)

12 Ibid. First sketch of a programme (autogr. by JLM)

13 Ibid. Circular letter to members of the Council of the International Congress and the Honorary Committee inviting views on the scope of the sections, questions for discussion, and list of those to whom an invitation should be sent (annotated by JLM)

14 Ibid. Circular invitation to attend the meeting of the Conseil permanent in Paris on 16 Oct. 1931, signed CRP and JLM

15 5 Oct. 1931. Agenda

16 Ibid. Minutes

17 Ibid. Ibid (annotated by JLM)

18 Ibid. Circular letter to the National Secretaries asking for co-operation in organizing the first meeting and enclosing a provisional list of sections (see /19), signed VGC and CFCH

19 Ibid. Provisional list of sections

20 26 Oct. 1931. Draft agenda (tpc. annotated by JLM)

21 Ibid. Draft agenda (tpc. annotated)

22 Ibid. Agenda

23 Ibid. Minutes

24 Ibid. List of sections (in French; annotated by JLM); see Minute 4

25 Ibid. Ibid. (in English; annotated by JLM and amended)

26 23 Nov. 1931. Agenda

27 Ibid. Ibid. (annotated by JLM)

28 Ibid. Draft. minutes (amended)

29 Ibid. Minutes

30 Ibid. Draft second circular of invitation from the officers of the Permanent Council (tpc. amended); see Minute 7

31 Ibid. Further draft of second circular (tpc. amended)

32 11 Jan. 1932. Agenda (annotated by JLM)

33 Ibid. Minutes; and extracts from the minutes

34 Ibid. Letter to sectional secretaries, 31 Dec. 1931, signed CARR (tpc.); see Minute 4

35 Ibid. Draft. proposals for Sectional Organization (amended); see Minute 4

36 Ibid. Ibid. (amendments)

37 Ibid. Draft proposals as amended

38 15 Feb. 1932. Agenda

39 Ibid. Minutes

40 Ibid. Announcing postponement of 11 March meeting

41 8 Apr. 1932. Agenda (annotated by JLM)

42 Ibid. Minutes

43 Ibid. Résumé des propositions; see Minute 5

44 Ibid. Excursions (tpc. amended); see Minute 9

45 24 May 1932. Agenda (annotated by JLM)

46 Ibid. Minutes

47 Ibid. Sectional programmes (autogr. by JLM); see Minute 3

48 Ibid. Draft letter appealing for offers of private hospitality (tpc.)

No meeting in June

49 7 July 1932. Agenda (annotated by JLM)

50 Ibid. Minutes (tpc.)

51 Ibid. Sectional procedure: memorandum by JLM; see Minute 2

52 25 July 1932. Agenda (annotated by JLM)

53 Ibid. Extracts from the minutes (tpc.)

54 28 Oct. 1932. Agenda

55 Ibid. Minutes; Editorial Committee appointed to oversee the publication of the Compte rendu

3/ Minutes and papers of the Conseil permanent, Oct. 1931-Aug. 1932 (official letters, minutes, and papers are in French unless noted otherwise; shelved with quartos)

1 16 Oct. 1931. First session. Draft minutes (in English; tpc. corrected); held in Paris

2 Ibid. Draft letter of invitation to countries not represented at Berne (in English); see Minutes paragraph 10

3 Ibid. Notes on the draft minutes by CARR (tpc. with autogr. note by JLM attached); sent to AWB (autogr. note by AWB)

4 Ibid. Covering letter circulated with the minutes, signed HSK and CARR, 18 Dec. 1931

5 Ibid. Minutes with revised list of delegates approved by Council, 9 Oct.

6 1 Aug. 1932. Second session. Letter announcing the date of the second meeting and of invitations sent to governments to appoint official delegates to the Congress, signed AWB and JLM, 25 Apr. (autogr. note by JLM)

7 Ibid. Draft agenda (tpc., autogr. note by JLM)

8 Ibid. Nominations made – explanatory notes not for circulation (in English; tpc.)

9 Ibid. Notes and proposals before Council (in English; tpc.)

10 Ibid. Agenda

11 Ibid. Ibid. (annotated by JLM)

12 Ibid. Minutes of the second session

13 Ibid. Comité d’Honneur (printed); see Agenda 2

14 Ibid. List of members of the Conseil permanent; see Agenda 3

15 Ibid. Appointment of the Organizing Committee (annotated by JLM; printed); see Agenda 4

16 Ibid. Letter from the Congrès de Préhistoriens de 1’Extreme-Orient, signed V. Goloubew , Secretary, Hanoi, 14 Apr. 1932 with proposal on terminology and extracts from letters from J.P. Kleiweg de Zwaan, VGC and P.V. van Stein Callenfels (autogr. note by JLM; tpc.)

17 Ibid. Ibid (mimeo.)

18 Ibid. Proposals on terminology by VGC (annotated by JLM) see Minutes, paragraphs 6-7 (/12 above)

19 Ibid. List of names of official delegates (autogr. correction)

20 3 Aug. 1932. Second session. Minutes of the Bureau, King’s College, London

21 6 Aug. 1932. Second session. Minutes (autogr. note)

22 Ibid. Resolution A appealing to the Egyptian Government to treat prehistoric finds scientifically; see Minute 1 (/21 above) and 65/9 below)

23 Ibid. Ibid. (autogr. annotation by JLM)

24 Ibid. Resolution B (in English) on clarifying the relations between the Aegean area and the Balkan/Danube countries in the neolithic and early bronze age excavations; see Minute 1(/21 above)

25 Ibid. Resolution C: Vocabulaire des termes scientifiques (autogr. annotation by ?VGC); see Minute 1(/21 above)

26 Ibid. Ibid. (annotated by JLM)

27 Ibid. Ibid: Proposition supplementaire du Prof. 1’Abbe Breuil (autogr. notes by JLM and VGC)

28 Ibid. Resolution D: Proposition du Prof. 1’Abbe Breuil on printing for discussion at the Oslo meeting a short account of the classification by the various archaeological schools (autogr. comment by JLM)

29 Ibid. Resolution E on the establishment of a research committee on the study of the civilisation of the Western Mediterranean (autogr. comments by JLM)

4/ Correspondence between Sir John Myres (JLM) Joint General Secretary, C.A. Ralegh Radford (CARR) and H.S. Kingsford (HSK), Secretaires, British Organizing Committee, Aug. 1931- Feb. 1933

1 JLM to CARR, 6 Aug. – draft minutes of 30 July meeting (2/3 above) and Prof. R. Vaufrey’s (French National Secretary) printed version of the procès verbal and reglementation (autogr. carbon)

2 CARR to JLM, 7 Aug. – draft circular in French and the meeting of the Executive Committee (autogr.)

3 CARR to JLM, 10 Aug. – current ‘projects’: the invitation; proofs of the statutes; CFCH and VGC to correspond with foreign colleagues on the sections; proposed meeting of the Conseil permanent; exhibitions, etc. 5 leaves (tp.)

4 Ibid., 17 Aug. – arrangements for next meeting (autogr.)

4.1 JLM to HSK, 19 Aug. – printing of the Congress leaflets and statutes (autogr. carbon)

4.2 HSK to JLM, 21 Aug. – acknowledges letter of 19 Aug. (/4.1 above); on lists of names and pages required for printing; will transfer names to card index (autogr.)

4.3 JLM to HSK, 23 Aug. – further on printing (autogr. carbon)

5 CARR to JLM, 27 Aug. – French circular and the basis of a German one (autogr.)

6 JLM to CARR, 5 Sep. – omission of names from the Council list (autogr.)

7 CARR to JLM, 7 Sep. – draft minutes (/2/6-8 above) and circulars (autogr.)

8 Ibid., 8 Sep. – circulars; VGC to take over correspondence with foreign colleagues over the sections (autogr.)

9 Ibid., 13 Sep. – due to trouble with his eyes cannot attend Institut français meeting or meet foreign archaeologists (autogr.)

10.1 Ibid., 7 Oct. – draft agenda (see /2/20-1), and communications sent; CRP considers Bosch-Gimpera or Boule should preside over the Paris meeting (tp.)

10.2 on verso: JLM to CARR, 8 Oct. – returns drafts; considers CRP as President needs to preside unless some makeshift arrangement is adopted (autogr.)

11 CARR to JLM, 9 Oct. – is having papers duplicated; CRP will be writing about the chairmanship of the Paris meeting (autogr.)

12 JLM to CARR, 10 Oct. – is meeting CRP; sends letter from Vaufrey which needs careful consideration (see /5/211 below); suggests meeting with CFCH (autogr. tpc.)

13 CARR to JLM, 19 Oct. – has discussed outstanding matters with Vaufrey, Dr G. Bersu and Bosch-Gimpera (autogr.)

14 Ibid., 26 Oct. – draft minutes of Paris meeting enclosed (see /3/1-3 above); draft of letter of invitation to serve on the Conseil also enclosed; Vaufrey (member of Conseil) to provide definitive French text; appointment of Soviet representatives (see also /5/52-3)

15 Ibid., 9 Nov. – inquires about correspondence with AWB over minutes; comments on preparation of circulars (autogr.)

16.1 Ibid., 13 Nov. – comments on second circular and booking the hall at Imperial College for Aug. Bank Holiday; is fit again and back in London (tp. with autogr. note by CARR)

16.2 on verso: JLM to CARR, 14 Nov. – reports on forthcoming meetings with Sir Henry Tizard and Sir Hugh Allen; agrees about timing of business meeting; glad he is about again (autogr. carbon)

17 CARR to JLM, 19 Nov. – letter from AWB with enclosures received; invitation letter to be sent to Vaufrey if no alteration required; Bersu (member of Conseil) would like copy of English version; revised version of first circular ready; wishes to consult him about Paris meeting (tp.)

18 JLM to CARR, 20 Nov. – agrees to copies of invitation being sent to Bersu and Vaufrey; Prof. U. Rellini’s (member of Conseil) request is unclear; names of sectional Presidents should be added to printed list; reports on discussions about hall and lecture room reservations; can meet him before seeing CRP (autogr. Carbon recto and verso)

19 CARR to JLM, 28 Nov. – minutes of last meeting enclosed, CRP approves (see 2/28-9 above); second circular delayed due to printer’s error; has replied to Rellini giving reasons for the rejection of some of his suggestions; has written to other members of the Conseil (tp. with autogr. note by JLM); see also /5/54-5

19.1 HSK to JLM, 1 Dec. – Prof. (Sir) Henry lizard reports Imperial College accommodation for meetings not now possible; waiting to hear CARR’ s news (autogr.)

19.2 JLM to HSK, 4 Dec. – regrets Imperial College difficulty; agrees should be handled by CARR; makes further suggestions for meetings (autogr. carbon)

20 CARR to JLM, 9 Dec. – circular in envelopes to be sent for addressing; French text of circular now received; comments on appointment of national representatives; accommodation at Imperial College difficult for sectional morning meetings; CRP trying Westminster School; asks if minutes of last meeting are agreed (see 2/29 above) (tp. with autogr. note by CARR)

21 Ibid., 10 Dec. – notice about oriental subjects to be sent to various journals fur publication (tp.)

22 JLM to CARR, 11 Dec. – returns notice and list of journals; replies to position of national representatives; agrees the minutes of the lost meeting (autogr. carbon)

23 CARR, 11 Dec. – notes Prof. H. Obermaier’s (Conseil member) suggestions; for South American representatives; circular sent to him: minutes duplicated and circulated; Paris minutes in French enclosed; draft of covering letter also enclosed (autogr. note by CARR) (tp.)

24 JLM to CARR, 12 Dec. – French translation of Conseil meeting agreed except for one amendment; Tuesday’s plans altered to suit an American colleague passing through London; nothing received from the printers; President of British Association will be D. Randall Maclver; hopes to secure him for the Congress; arrangements for USA representatives going well (see /6 below) (autogr. carbon)

25 CARR to JLM, 20 Dec. – encloses draft of sectional organization, agenda and covering letter to sectional Presidents; Paris minutes now ready; invitations to Council ready for his signature will be sent (tp. with autogr. notes by CARR and JLM)

26 Ibid., 21 Dec. – formal letters of invitation to serve on Comité d’Honneur and Conseil permanent sent; includes those named in the minutes and others appointed; notes changes in the delegation appointed at Berne (tp.)

27 JLM to CARR, 22 Dec. – returns draft proposals with some additions; thinks Council minutes should be circulated; preparing Discovery article (autogr. carbon)


28 Ibid., 1 Jan. – Council minutes and Organizing Committee agenda received; is asking AWB for his suggestions; notes Prof . A. A. Mendes-Correa’ s suggestions for the Conseil permanent; considers list of principal regional archaeological societies should be drawn up (autogr. carbon recto and verso)

29 CARR to JLM, 14 Jan. – sends letter from Dr Holwerd; also encloses minutes of 11 Jan. meeting and proposals for sections (see /2/33,35 above); also sent to VGC for comments; notes further acceptances for committees (autogr.)

30 Ibid., 20 Jan. – has consulted Vaufrey and returned letter for JLM’s signature; notes further acceptances (autogr.)

31 Ibid., 28 Jan. – will forward Miss G. Caton Thompson’s invitation to VGC who will contact sectional presidents; has written to Sir Arthur Smith Woodward suggesting he contacts Dr P.G.H. Boswell (tp. with autogr. notes by JLM on verso)

32 Ibid., 31 Jan. – copy of second circular enclosed; local secretaries sent sections for comment; to be seen by VGC and CFCH; subject to any JLM amendments will go to Vaufrey and Bersu for translation; prices still under discussion; minutes of Paris meeting circulated (see /3 above) (autogr.)

33 Ibid., 3 Feb. – outlines difficulties with placing Italian representatives on the Comité d’Honneur and the Conseil permanent.; draft letter enclosed (see /34 below) (tp. with autogr. notes by CARR and JLM)

34 Draft letter to Director of Antiquities and Fine Arts in the Italian Ministry of National Education (in French; autogr. amendments by JLM)

35 CARR to JLM, 7 Feb. – sends letter for signature; copies of letters, for AWB enclosed (tp. with autogr. note)

36 JLM to CARR, 8 Feb. – letter for Italians sent to AWB; will write to Prof. R. Vaufrey after hearing from AWB; has discussed plans for invited speakers with Prof. H.J. Fleure and Sidney Smith (autogr. carbon)

37 CARR to JLM, 8 Feb. – letters of invitation to Italians send for JLM’s signature, and letter of invitation to Sir Aurel Stein for the Comité d’Honneur (autogr.)

38 HSK to JLM, 17 Feb. – refers to the LCC’s attitude to finds of ancient implements (autogr.)

39 Ibid., 17 Feb. – reports Bersu suggests Dr W. La Baume should represent the Free State of Danzig (autogr. with autogr. note by JLM)

40 JLM to CARR, 13 Apr. – considers question of the publication of the Congress proceedings and the abstracts (autogr. carbon recto and verso)

41 Ibid., 20 Apr. – reports on the Greek government’s difficulty in funding delegates (autogr. carbon)

42 CARR to JLM, 21 Apr. – reports delays likely in official letter to the Greek government; letter from Foreign Office must go through the British Embassy, Athens; both Prof. A.D. Keramopoullos and Prof. S. Marinatos sent circulars (tp. with autogr. corrections)

43 JLM to CARR, 22 Apr. – Greek government not expected to send representatives; Keramopoullos will send a paper; Fleure wants to ask for papers and requests a list of those attending; comments on membership list and possible submissions (autogr. carbon recto and verso)

44 CARR to JLM, 26 Apr. – has no printed list yet; should show permanent addresses and official positions of members; mentions foreign press(tp. with autogr. note)

45 Ibid., 28 Apr. – discusses question of hospitality and desirability of approaching Fellows of the Society of Antiquaries and RAI before the Foreign Consuls (tp. with autogr. note by JLM)

46 JLM to CARR, 6 May – reports on offers of hospitality; asks about representatives from India; Lord Onslow prepared to write to Sir Samuel Hoare(Foreign Secretary) about Sir John Marshall (autogr. carbon)

47 CARR to JLM, 13 May – discusses question of hospitality and arrangements for a bookstall; CRP will see Sir John Marshall who has accepted a seat on the Council (tp.)

48 JLM to CARR, 15 May – comments on possible plans for hospitality arrangements; will ask Lord Onslow to speak to Sir Samuel Hoare about the embargo on discussions (autogr. carbon)

49 Ibid., 27 May – reports Miss M.L. Tildesley (MLT) has offered hospitality to a physical anthropologist; uncertain about rejection of ‘Symbols of the sun’ by Anne Roes (see also /4/5, /5/169-70 below) (autogr. carbon)

50 CARR to JLM, 27 May – encloses list of Congress papers and draft programme (tp.)

51 Ibid., 30 May – comments on MLT’s offer; Anne Roes’ paper accepted by Committee; inquires about procedures for receipt of papers (tp.)

52 Ibid., 31 May – title of Sir Arthur Keith’s paper received; only 3 papers by one author may be presented (autogr. pc.)

53 JLM to CARR, 31 May – agrees papers must be formally accepted; hopes to see VGC; comments on various papers (autogr. carbon)

54 CARR to JLM, 1 June – will discuss acceptance procedures with VGC; comments on various papers (tp.)

55 Ibid., 8 June – discusses proposed visit to Ongar (tp. with autogr. comments by JLM)

56 Ibid., 8 June – Vaufrey queries name appearing twice on Comité d’Honneur and on Council; asks for JLM’s views (tp. with autogr. comments by JLM)

57 Ibid., 7 July – sends draft agenda for Conseil permanent and comments on nominations; encloses summary of proposition from the first Congress of the Prehistorians of the Far East (tp. with autogr. corrections)

58 Ibid., 7 July – list of papers for Section III returned; refers to hospitality for Prof. and Mme H.V. Vallois

59 Draft by JLM for Sectional procedure, 7 July (autogr.)

60 JLM to CARR, 8 July – makes suggestion for sub-sections; MLT will. offer hospitality to Prof. and Mme Vallois; JLM offers to put up two single people at his hotel (autogr. carbon)

61 CARR to JLM, 22 July – asks for fuller version of Sectional procedure(autogr. with autogr. note by JLM)

62 JLM to HSK, 20 Aug. – reports on an abstract and identification on group photograph; mentions had to leave minutes (autogr. carbon)

63 HSK to JLM, 15 Feb. 1933 – on the publication liabilities of the Proceedings and unsold copies of the Handbook (autogr.)