Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric A65 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PREHISTORIC AND PROTOHISTORIC SCIENCES (A65 – 02 of 03)

5/ Correspondence with individual scholars; see /6 below for USA representation

1 JLM to Prof. Dr Walter Andrae, Berlin Lichterfelde, 13 Apr. 1932 – invitation to attend; hopes he will be able to give a paper on his research on prehistoric deposits in Mesopotamia (autogr. carbon)

2 Ibid to Prof. Dr Andersson, Stockholm, 29 Mar. 1932 – invitation to attend; hopes he will give some account of his own work (autogr. carbon)

3 Ibid to Prof. T. Andriesescu, Bucarest (Conseil member), 17 Feb. 1932 – informs him Dr Martin v. Roska has declined to serve as Secretary for Romania on grounds of principle; asks for another nomination (in French: autogr. carbon); see also /5/171-2 below

4 Note by JLM on Dr Martin v. Roska (autogr.)

5 Dr T.J. Arne, Stockholm (Conseil member) to Vaufrey, Paris, 26 Aug. 1931 thanks him for offprint from L’Anthropologie on delegates to Berne meeting; notes omission of several names (in French; autogr.)

6 Note by JLM: ‘America see MacCurdy: – includes also Roos, Cooper, Danforth, Rice, O.G.S. Crawford …’ (autogr.); see 65/6 for US representation

7 F. Balodis, Riga (Conseil member) to JLM, 6 Oct. 1931 – suggests names for national secretary and delegates (in German; autogr.)

8 [Vatican]. Revd Prof. Augustin Bea, Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Vatican, Rome to JLM, 14 Nov. 1931 – refers to Istituto’s excavations in Trans- Jordan; suggests names for delegates; asks for further information (in French; tp.)

9 [Vatican]. Notes by JLM on Revd Fr. Bea’s letter (autogr.)

10 [Vatican]. JLM to Revd Fr. A. Bea, 29 Mar. 1932 – replies to letter of14 Nov. (/8) above); glad to know the Istituto will be represented; requests titles of papers to be presented (autogr. carbon)

11 [Vatican]. JLM to Revd Fr. J.J. O’Rourke, SJ, Pontifico Istituto Biblico, Vatican, 29 Mar. – asks for advice on Vatican representation; an official invitation being sent through the Foreign Office; hopes prehistoric aspects of oriental studies will be represented (autogr. carbon)

12 [Vatican]. Revd Fr. John J. O’Rourke, SJ to JLM, 6 Apr. – Revd Fr. Bea has succeeded him as President of the Istituto; suggests he should write to the Cardinal Secretary of State, Vatican City regarding representation (autogr.)

13 [Vatican]. Revd Fr. A. Bea to JLM, 12 Apr. – Revd Fr. Robert Köppel will represent the Istituto; gives title of his paper to be presented; suggests he should write to the Cardinal Secretary of State as above (in French; tp. with autogr. note by CARR)

13.1 [Vatican]. JLM to Cardinal Eugene Pecelli, Secretary of State, 16 Apr. – encloses documents; seeks his advice on nominations for the various categories of delegates (autogr. carbon)

14 Comte Begouen, Paris (Comité d’Honneur) to JLM, 7 June 1931 – thanks him for his account of the Berne meeting; regrets the outcome of the meeting and the division among scholars; records his view of the division (in French; autogr.)

15 Ibid., 25 June – regrets unjustified attack on the IIA at Berne; glad this has been overcome with the new Congress; will participate in future Congresses now hostility has ceased (tp. circular to delegates attending Berne meeting); on verso : reports on staff changes at IIA including Dr Papillault’s resignation as Secretary-General (in French; autogr.)

16 JLM to le Comte Begouen, 5 July – comments on Berne meeting; has sent L. Marin summaries of correspondence between members of the ‘petit comité’; Pittard failing to recall agreement of 10 Oct. 1928, did not sign statement; only L. Marin and Verneau neither signed nor proposed an alternative; asks for advice in resolving the matter (in French; autogr. carbon)

17 Comte Begouen to JLM, 3 Sep. – comments on Congress as agreed at Berne; not prepared to send his advice on points raised; protests as the use of English when official statements should be in French (in French; autogr.)

18 Ibid., 3 Sep. – has not been involved in the negotiations but concerned to smooth national sensitivities (in French; autogr.)

19 JLM to le Comte Begouen, 7 Sep. – refers to relationship between IIA and the Congress; statement signed by majority of delegates except L. Marin and Verneau; asks for his advice (/16 above) (in French; autogr. carbon)

20 Ibid., 8 Sep. – replies to letter of 3 Sep. (/17 above) in English to emphasise this letter is personal and unofficial; his complaint that the statutes had been broken by the use of English has ‘no foundation whatever’ (autogr. carbon)

21 Ibid., 8 Sep. – official reply to letter of 3 Sep. (/17 above); regrets he is unwilling to assist him in advising on presenting the ‘petit comité’s work to the session; he asked for his impartial advice as he is not a member of the ‘petit comité’; he will address the documents and a short summary of the discussions to the President- of- the IIA (in French; autogr. carbon)

22 Prof . Dr Gerhard Bersu, Archaologisches Institut des Deutschen Reiches, Römisch-Germanische Kommission, Frankfurt a. M. (Conseil member) to JLM, 4 July 1931 – comments on the date of the Congress and of the Conseil permanent; has heard from Miss Caton Thompson (in German; tp.)

23 JLM to Bersu, 28 Aug. – printed invitations will be issued soon; Council to meet in Paris on 16 Oct.; circulating an inquiry, replies wi11 form basis of proposals to be send to each member of the Council; important that members should express ideas and make suggestions; comments on Bersu’s excavations (autogr. tpc.)

24 Prof. G. Bersu to JLM, 6 Sep. – thanks him for his letter of 28 Aug. (/23 above); notes his excavations, cooperation with the Austrians and his colleagues’ work; comments on the meeting of the IIA; cannot attend Paris meeting; gives his address while away (in German; tp. with autogr. notes by JLM and VGC)

25 JLM to Bersu, 20 Sep. – much regrets date of Council meeting is inconvenient to him and his colleagues; with VGC hopes one of his colleagues may be present; if not everything must be made clear by letters before the meeting; his scheme for sections corresponds closely with the British view; VGC collecting suggestions and preparing a report for circulation (autogr. tpc.)

26 Assistant, Römisch-Germanischen Kommission to JLM, 28 Sep. – his letter to Prof. Bersu in Feistritz returned to Frankfurt; Dr W. Unversagt will be going to the Paris meeting (in German; tp.)

27 Prof. P. Bosch-Gimpera, Universidad de Barcelona (Conseil member) to JLM, 30 June 1931 – sends copies of the Berne Conference proceedings of 28 May (/1/9 above) (in French; tp.)

28 JLM to Prof. Bosch-Gimpera, 4 July – hopes to announce the names of those on the British Organizing Committee; when sending the invitations wants to announce names of members of the Comité d’Honneur and the national secretaries; asks for list of those attending for invitations to be sent; printing of the statutes and possibly of the proceedings of the Berne meeting will be met by the RAI guarantee of £50; the Congress will be divided into 4 or 5 sections; asks for his comments (in French; (autogr. carbon)

29 Ibid., 31 July – draft of telegram requesting names and addresses of all his correspondents (autogr.)

30 Prof. P. Bosch-Gimpera to JLM, 31 July – apologies for delay in writing and sending the information required; his wife has been injured in a car accident and he cannot yet return to normal activities; hopes the Congress will be a success; will send information in several days; comments on the printing of the Berne statutes (in French; tp.)

31 JLM to Prof. Bosch-Gimpera, 31 July – reports success of first meeting of the British Organizing Committee (30 July; hopes to circulate invitations soon; has sent a telegram (/29 above) requesting names and addresses and list of correspondents in various countries; wishes to avoid the earlier criticism and propaganda by the IIA; discusses the importance of the sections and their meetings; suggests Oct. meeting of Conseil permanent [in Paris] (in French; autogr. tpc.)

32 Prof. P. Bosch-Gimpera to JLM, 12 Aug. – has sent the lists; considers Paris meeting of Conseil permanent desirable but Oct. date too soon and may be difficult; approves sections; regrets delay in replying (in French; tp.)

33 JLM to Prof. P. Bosch-Gimpera, 19 Aug. – thanks him for his letters and the lists; agrees Oct. date a little early but important questions need discussion; sends sympathy to Mme Bosch-Gimpera (in French; autogr, tpc.)

34 Prof. P. Bosch-Gimpera to JLM, 3 Oct. – regrets delay in replying; looks forward to the Paris meeting; names Spanish delegates on the Conseil permanent (in French; autogr.)

35 Ibid., 8 Oct. – thanks him for his letter of 3 Oct. (/34 above); Congress President not chosen from an earlier Congress; hopes the Conseil permanent will accept Sir Charles Peers; CFCH and CARR arrive in Paris on 15 Oct. to discuss arrangements with Lantier and Vaufrey (in French; autogr. tpc. )

36 Prof. P.G.H. Boswell, FRS to JLM, 4 Aug. 1932 – on L.S.B. Leakey’s paper on the Uganda anthropoids; refers to The Times report on the examination of the grave material by JLM and himself; comments on the success of the Congress (autogr.); see also A47

37 Prof. Marcellin Boule, Director, Institut de Paléontologie humaine, Paris (Comité d’Honneur) to JLM, 9 Sep. 1931 – his Institut pleased to offer hospitality to the Conseil permanent meeting on 16 Oct.; expresses surprise that the invitation had been given without the Director (himself) of the Institut being informed (in French; autogr.)

38 JLM to Prof. M. Boule, 12 Sep. – expresses his sincere regrets that the place of the meeting had been given without his formal permission; he had assumed all the arrangements had been made with R. Vaufrey as the national secretary of the French delegation (in French; autogr. carbon)

39 Prof. J.C. Brash to JLM, 22 May 1931 – University of Birmingham glad to be associated with the Congress; financial support would be small; refers to meeting of the British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teaching and Research (tp.)

40 James H. Breasted, Director, Oriental Institute of Chicago to JLM, 4 Apr. 1932 – has asked H.H. von der Osten to prepare a summary of his results at Alishar to be read by K.S. Sandford at the Congress as well as a summary of the Institute’s Prehistoric Survey of North-eastern Africa; regrets he cannot attend the Congress (tp.)

41 [Ibid] Dr H. Frankfort, Oriental Institute to JLM, 4 Aug. – expresses great concern at Dr von der Osten’s failure to carry out his responsibilities to the Congress; Dr Sandford and himself also represent the Institute and Dr Breasted is being active in the Congress; much regrets the unfortunate impression left by von de Osten’s paper (tp.)

42 Dr Jacques Breuer, Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, Brussels (Conseil member) to JLM, 3 Oct. 1931 – has received first circular; Dr J. Hamal Nandrin refuses appointment to the Conseil permanent; sends names of Belgian delegates (in French; autogr.)

43 Ibid., 30 Nov. – has received a letter from CARR on nominations; Dr Hamal Nandrin has withdrawn his refusal, to serve on Conseil. permanent; refers to Belgium’s difficulties with the IIA in Paris (in French; autogr.)

44 L’Abbé H. Breuil, Paris (Conseil member) to JLM, 4 Sep. 1931 – invitation to 16 Oct. meeting; regrets will be on the way to Peking then; will see or write to Lantier (in French; autogr.)

45 Prof. A.W. Brøgger (AWB), Universitetets Oldsaksamling, Oslo (Joint Secretary General, Conseil permanent) to JLM, 20 June 1931 – requests information on decision at Berne (telegram)

46 JLM to AWB, [20 June] – British invitation to host Congress confirmed(draft telegram; autogr.)

47 AWB to JLM, 11 July – glad to know Congress to be held in London (tp.)

48 Ibid., 3 Sep. – hopes to have a full Norwegian representation at Congress; will be glad to see him in Paris (tp.)

49 Ibid to CARR, 7 Sep. – invitation to Paris meeting of 16 Oct. received; will be present (tp.)

50 JLM to AWB, 9 Nov. – sends minutes of Paris meeting; if he approves R. Vaufrey will translate it into French; also sends draft of a letter they should send as Joint Secretaries to proposed members of the Conseil; discusses method of despatching the letter; no reply yet from the USA or some other countries; will consult the Russian Legation in London about proper procedures there; mentions possible dates for Congress (autogr. carbon)

51 AWB to JLM, 14 Nov. – acknowledges letter of 9 Nov. (/50 above); returns draft with few amendments; agrees with either proposal he adopts for despatching letter; appreciates reasons for Congress date (autogr.)

52 JLM to AWB, 1 Jan. 1932 – asks if he has any suggestions for the Organizing Committee which meets on 11 Jan.; lists names of Portuguese representatives; expects to hear names of American representatives soon; no reply yet from the USSR; has asked their advice on representatives from the Ukraine and Georgia; thinks they should agree if other separate representatives are desired (autogr. carbon)

53 AWB to JLM, 5 Jan. – agrees with nominations; hopes he will be able to contact the Russians (see also /4/14); important that they should participate; has no suggestions for Organizing Committee (autogr.)

54 Prof. Ugo Rellini., Rome (Conseil member) to CARR, 25 Jan. – proposes le Comte David Constantini for the Comité d’Honneur and Prof. N. Puccioni as third national secretary (in French; tp. extract); and extract (in French) from CARR’s reply dated 1 Feb.: informs regulations permit, only two national secretaries; expresses doubts about le Comte Constantini

55 Signor Paribeni, Ministero dell Educazione Nazionale, Roma to R. Vaufrey, 30 Jan. – expresses concern over Italian representation; suggests names and rearrangement of their appointments on the Comité d’Honneur and Conseil permanent (tp.); see also /4/18-19

56 R. Vaufrey to CARR, [early Feb.] – encloses letter from Signor Paribeni (/55 above); possible to appoint Prof. Puccioni to the Conseil; contrary to statutes to appoint le Comte Constantini to Comité d’Honneur; mentions Signor Taramelli; confidential letter received from Signor Pellati on Profs. Puccioni and Rellini (tpc.)

57 JLM to AWB, 5 Feb. – sends correspondence about Italian representation on the Conseil permanent; outlines developments from the nominations at the Paris meeting to the letter from the Italian Ministry; refers to resolution of the difficulty (see /58 below); cannot take responsibility for appointing le Comte Constantini on the Comité d’Honneur as he was refused election at Paris; important not to become involved in Italian political questions; present Congress set up to avoid such issues with the French (autogr. carbon)

58 JLM to Signor Paribeni., 8 Feb. – refers to his letter to R. Vaufrey; anxious to meet the Italian governments wishes for Conseil permanent nominations; wish to accept government nominations; an invitation sent to Prof. Puccioni to serve on the Conseil thus allowing Signor Taramelli to be appointed to the Comité d’Honneur; much regrets that an invitation cannot be sent to le Comte Constantini due to the regulations (tpc.)

59 AWB to JLM, 11 Feb. – letter of 5 Feb. acknowledged (/57 above); entirely agrees with the solution of the Italian problem; has signed letter and forwarded it to Signor Paribeni; agrees a firm line should be taken on political issues (tp.)

60 JLM to AWB, 7 July – reports preparations going according to plan; Organizing Committee has completed the programme; c. 200 communications received; sends enclosures including list of members added to the Conseil permanent; names must be confirmed by the Conseil, and copy of memorandum about sectional procedures; refers to formal invitation to the Congress to meet in Oslo in 1936 (autogr. carbon)

61 AWB to JLM, 12 July – acknowledges letter of 7 July (/60 above); approves Organizing Committee taking decisions on sectional procedures; will be in London on 1 Aug.; preparations ready for the Oslo invitation for 1936 (autogr.)

62 Ibid., 10 Dec. 1933 – has had to change his plans; will now be in London, 8 Jan. (autogr. with autogr. note to HSK on arranging a meeting with VGC and CARR); see /63 verso and recto for text

63 JLM to AWB, 15 Dec. – has arranged meeting with HSK, hopes CARR and VGC, if in London, will be present; as suggested Frankfurt would be a good venue for the Council meeting but June not a good month; suggests members of the Prehistoric Congress might meet during the London session of the new anthropological and ethnological Congress (A62); joint meeting suggested by P.W. Schmidt (see Man, Apr. 1932, No. 109) (autogr. carbon)

64 Ibid., 15 Dec. – reports no reply received from the Egyptian Government in response to the resolution adopted on 6 Aug. 1932 (/3/22 above); suggests the Oslo committee might send an inquiry to be forwarded by the Norwegian Government (postscript to /63 above; autogr. carbon)

65 JLM to CRP [15 Dec.] – informs him of AWB’s arrival ; hopes he will be able to attend meeting; several unresolved points to discuss including Egyptian resolution; outlines his suggestions to AWB on a Norwegian inquiry and possibility of a joint meeting with the anthropological and ethnological Congress (autogr. carbon)

66 AWB to JLM, 18 Dec. – confirms date of arrival and readiness to discuss problems and a joint meeting (tp.)

67 JLM to Dr J. Brøndsted (Conseil member), Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen, 14 May 1932 – nominations for National Secretaries for Denmark not yet received; asks him to discuss matter with Dr K. Friis Johansen; mentions help received from Dr Hans Kjaer, and nominations for Comité d’Honneur (see /109 below) (autogr. carbon)

68 Dr J. Brøndsted to JLM, 20 May – proposes Dr Hans Kjaer as National Secretary; and Dr Chr. Blinkenberg for Comité d’Honneur (autogr. with autogr. note by JLM)

69 Miles C. Burkitt (MCB) (1890-1971), Lecturer, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University to JLM, 2 June [1931] – did not attend Berne meeting; sorry to hear ethnology has been dropped; will report matters to the faculty Board meeting (autogr.)

70 JLM to MCB, 3 July – General Secretary of the British Association not willing to favour a project at variance with Council’s views; in view of the international separation of prehistory from anthropology and ethnology, the proposal is a proper one to make; wishes to know if his strong opinions on the disadvantages of a large conference with numerous sections applies also to the British Association (postscript to letter only; autogr. carbon)

71 MCB to JLM, 28 Feb. 1932 – unhappy about the Congress; has received complaints; seems solely for proto-historians; complains about the omission of certain archaeologists and lack of balance (tp. with autogr. notes by MCB, VGC, CFCH, JLM)

72 JLM to MCB, 29 Feb. – gives detailed reply to his complaints (see /71 above); would be grateful for his help in making the Congress what he wishes (autogr. carbon with autogr. note by JLM)

73 Denis Buxton to JLM, 8 June – has spoken to CARR about Cambridge party visiting him; has earthworks of a Norman castle in garden and pots and sherds from Koszylowce, Romania and Bulgaria (autogr.)

73.1 Dr John Cameron to JLM, 13 June 1932 – sends title of paper he intends to read on human bones in Minorca; Dr Edith M. Guest will give archaeological report; hopes their papers will not clash (autogr.); see also /112.1 below

73.2 JLM to Dr J. Cameron, 19 June – acknowledges letter; wishes to receive an abstract of his paper; will ask sections concerned to avoid clash of papers (autogr. carbon)

73.3 JLM to Miss M.L. Tildesley, 19 June (verso of 73.2) – reports Dr J. Cameron’s offer of paper; hopes it is acceptable; hopes his paper and Dr E.M. Guest’s will not clash (autogr. carbon)

74 JLM to VGC, 8 June 1931 – reports on further progress with Congress planning; hopes he will be one of the secretaries; CRP also suggests CARR and CFCH; has not received the minutes of the Berne meeting from Lantier but has written (autogr. carbon)

75 VGC to JLM, 26 June – not planning to visit London until Aug. but could manage it if urgent; is excavating in Berwickshire; next year could spend most of the spring in London if that would help (autogr.)

76 JLM to VGC, 15 July – has met CRP and HSK; disturbed to find no preliminary invitations sent as arranged; will, now be circulated in the autumn; urges him to attend next meeting, 30 July; thinks invitations should wait until after IIA meeting on 20 Sep. to avoid ‘counter agitation’; Comte Begouen now in charge of IIA, Drs Papillault and Bernard le Pontois having resigned (autogr. carbon)

77 VGC to JLM, 19 July – regrets cannot get away from excavations, and slow progress at Society of Antiquaries; absurd of IIA to expect him to continue negotiating [on its relationship with the Congrès international d’Anthropologie et d’Archéologie préhistoriques]; reports on difficulties at the site; Prof. C. Daryll and Mrs Forde very helpful (autogr.)

78 Ibid., 31 Aug. – concerned the Congress dates will clash with the Bank holiday and make travelling to Oxford or Cambridge difficult; suggests holding Congress a week earlier (autogr. with autogr. note be JLM)

79 Ibid., 8 Sep. – replying to his letter to CFCH who is on a dig; sends list of subjects and copy of secretarial letter; letters to sectional secretaries already sent (autogr.)

80 Ibid., 11 Sep. – reports CARR has seen Sir Stephen Gaselee (SG) at the Foreign Office; outlines the procedures the F8 will adopt in sending the invitations; considers proposals unsatisfactory; thinks Sidney Smith will make an ideal sectional president; sectional presidents not on the Executive Committee should be invited to attend meeting on 5 Oct. (autogr.)

81 JLM to VGC, 11 Sep. – encloses two excellent letters from Prof. G. Bersu (see /22, 24 above); date of Conseil meeting arranged to suit CRP; Bersu’s suggestions about summaries are good; matter for Handbook Committee (autogr. carbon)

82 VGC to JLM, 11 Sep. – acknowledges Bersu’s letters; comments on despatch of circulars; has seen Sidney Smith; encloses copy of aide memoire prepared after seeing the latter (tp.)

83 Ibid., 11 Sep. – desirable to ask sectional presidents not on the Executive Committee to attend meeting on 5 Oct.; has seen Sidney Smith; he considers the outlook of many foreign Orientalists restricted to philology, literary history, etc.; R. Lantier’s suggestion at Berne ‘would work’; subjects and previews to be treated by archaeological methods should be made clear in the title (tpc.)

84 JLM to VGC, c. 12 Sep. – acknowledges letter of 11 Sep. (/80 above); has discussed procedures with SG; will not get further with the FO unless encouraged by him; thinks suggested procedures will provide what is needed; reports R. Vaufrey has not consulted the Director of the Institut de Paleontologie humaine, Paris about the Conseil meeting (see /5/37-8 above) (autogr. carbon)

85 Ibid., 15 Sep. – encloses letter from R.A. Smith who will be present on 5 Oct.; Sidney Smith to discuss President of Section 4; comments further on Foreign Office procedures (see /80, 84 above) (autogr.)

86 Ibid., 30 Oct. – much concerned with proposed name for Section 4; conflicts with the distinction between prehistory and protohistory made at the Berne meeting; sets out his objections; protests formally at the attempt to ‘smuggle’ in a new definition of prehistory (tp.)

87 VGC to Prof. H.J. Fleure (President of Section 2), 31 Jan. 1932 – reports Miss Caton Thompson has offered to produce an exhibition of her Kharga Oasis finds for the Congress including a lecture and tea; seems an opportunity for a joint meeting of Sections 2 and 3,1; asks if he will forgo some of his sectional time-table?; notes Sectional Presidents expected to report on papers offered; thinks all Section 3 papers should go to him direct (tp.)

88 Ibid to JLM, 4 [Mar.] – comments on M.C. Burkitt’s letter (/71 above), hopes the reply was understanding (/72 above); cooperation of geologists should be sought and pollen analysis must have a place; suggests names; stresses importance of work in Anatolia; suggests ‘a splash’ should be made about Mohenjo Daro (autogr.); see also /89, 178-9

89 JLM to VGC, 5 Mar. – acknowledges letter of 4 Mar. (/88 above); Sir John Marshall will be home in the summer; has asked Sidney Smith to write to him; mentions Anatolian matters and letter to Burkitt (autogr. carbon)

90 Ibid., 8 Mar. – met Prof. H.J. Fleure and Sidney Smith to ‘concert’ plans for Section 3; former asks him to reply to his letter (/87 above); wish to regard Miss Caton Thompson’s offer as a joint meeting of Sections 2 and 3; suggests Miss Caton Thompson might be willing to give her paper after the tea, would allow for any other papers (autogr. carbon)

91 Ibid., 23 Mar. – no publicity undertaken yet; must contact foreign press; refers to work of Profs Fleure and Forde; discusses names for secretary to Sidney Smith (autogr. carbon)

92 VGC to JLM, 12 May – discusses help received from the Danes; Section 3,E very congested (tp.)

93 JLM to VGC, 14 May – acknowledges letter of 12 May (/92 above); discusses further Danish representation; Sir Arthur Evans will attend Congress and give a paper; makes suggestion for sectional efficiency (autogr. carbon)

94 VGC to JLM, 16 May – discusses further Danish representation; asks for full. list of programme (autogr. pc.)

95 Ibid., 8 June – reports Secretary, Royal. Society Club, thinks his Committee might take 50 distinguished foreigners as Hon. Members (autogr.)

96 Ibid., [10 June] – sends draft programme and list of foreigners to whom the Royal Society Club might offer Hon. Membership (autogr.)

97 JLM to VGC, 11 July – reports T. Burton brown has offered a note on Mycenaeum wares and exhibit; would like to include it; has added H.V. Vallois’ name to Royal Society Club list; returns programme with suggestions (autogr. carbon)

98 (Prof.) J.G.D. Clark, Editor, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, to JLM, 13 Aug. 1932 – agrees papers read before Section 2 should be reported in Man; has informed CARR and Sidney Smith (autogr. pc.)

99 Ibid., 22 Aug. – only single copies of each summary of Section 2 available on opening day; office arrangements appear to have failed (tp.)

100 D. Dikaios, Cyprus Museum to VGC, 6 July 1932 – glad to know that his paper has been accepted (tp.)

101 JLM to Prof. M. Dunand, Institut archéologique, Beyrouth, 13 Aug. 1932 – regrets delay in thanking him for his contribution; Congress arrangements prevent him from assisting with his, Prof. Dunand’s conference; asks for a summary of his paper, is the only one lacking from Sidney Smith’s section (autogr. carbon)

102 Prof. H.J. Fleure to JLM, 28 Oct. 1931 – pleased to cooperate with him and Sidney Smith; hopes they could have a discussion on swords etc., or evidence of climatic change in the later Bronze Age; dismayed at his leaving Hon. Secretaryship of the British Association; comments on chairmanship matters and as geography examiner next year (autogr.)

103 JLM to Foreign Office, (Sir) Stephen Gaselee, 8 June 1931 – informs him of the Berne meeting on 28 May and its decisions; RAI and the Society of Antiquaries to invite the new Congress to meet in London; asks for advice and help in making the invitation as ‘emphatic and official as possible’ (autogr. carbon)

104 Foreign Office to JLM, 16 June – acknowledges letter of 8 June (/103 above); Gaselee will reply on his return from abroad (tp.)

105 JLM to Foreign Office, 5 July – sends further memorandum; available for an interview if Gaselee thinks it desirable (autogr. carbon)

106 Foreign Office to JLM, 25 Feb. 1932 – willing to send invitations to foreign governments through diplomatic channels; letter he sent to the Moscow Embassy received with request for instructions; normal procedure; further invitations should be sent to the FO for despatch (tp.)

107 JLM to Foreign Office, 27 Feb. – letter to Moscow the only one sent direct; outlines reasons for doing so (autogr. carbon)

108 Dr L. Franz, Prague (Conseil member) to JLM, 2 Aug. 1931 – lists names to whom invitations should be sent (autogr. with autogr. notes)

109 JLM to Dr K. Friis Johansen, Copenhagen (Conseil member), 14 May 1932 – has asked Dr J. Brønsted to discuss with him nominations for Danish National Secretaries (see /67 above) (autogr. carbon)

109.1 Dr K. Friis Johansen to JLM, 23 May – has discussed matter with Dr Brønsted; nominates Dr H. Kjaer; regrets he cannot attend the Congress (autogr.)

109.2 JLM to Dr K. Friis Johansen, 25 May acknowledges Dr Kjaer’s nomination; regrets he cannot attend Congress (autogr. carbon) (on verso of 109.1)

110 Dr Augusto Genin, Mexico to JLM, 23 June 1931 – regrets cannot accept invitation owing to illness (tp.)

111 Dr Goessler, Altertümersammlung, Württ. Landeskunstsammlungen, Stuttgart to JLM, 15 July 1931 – thanks him for the offprint from Man (see 65/1/1 above) (in German; tp.)

112 Hector Greslebin (Conseil member), Buenos Aires to JLM, 7 Mar. 1932 – regrets cannot accept position of National Secretary for Argentina; makes suggestions (in Spanish; tp.)

112.1 Dr Edith M. Guest, University College, London to JLM, nd – suggests she should give a paper on Minorca to Section 3; refers to Dr John Cameron’s paper (autogr.); see also /73.1-3 above

113 G. Lankester Harding (GLH) to JLM, 19 July 1932 (sent by O.H. Myers) – encloses papers of the Cairo meeting of the International Corpus of Egyptian Pottery (see /114-116 below) (tp.)

114 Ibid., Editor (GLH), International Corpus of Egyptian Pottery – minutes of the Cairo meetings on 11 Nov. 1931 and 2 Mar. 1932 (tp.)

115 Ibid – guidelines for contributors to the International. Corpus (tp.)

116 Ibid – specimen card for contributors (printed)

117 JLM to GLH, 21 July – acknowledges papers sent by 0.H. Myers; asks if it would help the Corpus if noted at the Congress; suggests President of Section 3, Sidney Smith could advise on suitable time (autogr. carbon)

118 GLH to JLM, 22 July – grateful for letter of 21 July (/117 above); has seen Sidney Smith who will agree with anything arranged (autogr. with autogr. note by VGC)

119 Sidney Smith to JLM, 29 July – does not know why VGC has sent letter (/118 above) to him; assumes announcement on the Corpus will be made when convenient (autogr.)

120 JLM to H.S. Harrison, 2 Jan. 1932 – on Miss V.C.C. Collum’s work on the Brittany megaliths; has suggested she should read her paper to the RAI first (autogr. carbon)

121 JLM to CFCH, 31 May 1931 – reports the decision of the Berne Conference to establish a new prehistoric sciences Congress; has nominated him a British National Secretary with VGC; decision needed on whether the British invitation should be transferred from the old Congress to the new (autogr. carbon)

122 CFCH to JLM, 3 June – honoured to be nominated a British Secretary; met CRP who expects Society of Antiquaries decision soon; Royal Archaeological Institute would follow Antiquaries lead; would like as much information as possible for his Council (CFCH, Hon. Secretary, Royal Archaeological Institute); gives off the record account of Sidney Smith’s attitude and that of CRP (tp. with long autogr. annotation)

123 CFCH to JLM, 12 June – glad to report the Council of the Royal Archaeological Institute agrees to support the British invitation (tp.)

124 Ibid., 21 Oct. – reports unofficial feeling after the meeting [on 16 Oct. of the Conseil permanent] was favourable; expected palaeontology and palaeolithic sections would work together with quality material not quantity; hopes he could meet D.A. Casey, recently elected FSA, who is leaving for Australia; wants to do anthropological work before he leaves (autogr.)

125 Dr J.H. Holwerda, Director, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden to JLM, 11 Jan. 1932 – for personal reasons prefers not to take part, in the Conseil permanent (in French; tp.)

126 JLM to IIA, 28 June 1931 – RAI Council wishes to withdraw its representative, Miss M.L. Tildesley, from the Commission on Anthropometric Measurements; no report or meetings being held for two years (autogr. carbon)

127 IIA to JLM, 3 July – letter forwarded to Dr Papillault, President of the Commission (in French; tp. pc.)

128 JLM to T.A. Joyce, RAI Hon. Secretary, 1903-13, Vice-President, 1913-17, President, 1931-3, 10 June 1931 – reports Council’s decision about the new prehistoric Congress and the complimentary anthropological and ethnological Congress; asked to confer with him and Prof. C.G. Seligman and to make recommendations; makes suggestions including meeting Prof. Eugen Fischer, Berlin who will be in London (autogr. carbon)

129 Sir Arthur Keith FRS, FRCP (1866-1955), Master of Buckston Brown Research Farm, Royal College of Surgeons; RAI President, 1913-16 to JLM, 19 Apr. 1932 – agrees Miss M.L. Tildesley would be ideal secretary for Section 1, Human palaeontology; reports on Down House Committee (autogr.)

130 JLM to Dr H. Kjaer, Copenhagen (Conseil member, Danish National Secretary), 14 May 1932 – replies to letter to VGC on Danish representation; each country entitled to two Conseil members and two National Secretaries; has written to Dr Brønsted and to Dr Friis Johansen (see /67 and /109); grateful if Danish Congress members would consider further names for the Comité d’Honneur; thanks him for help given in obtaining papers (autogr. carbon)

131 JLM to Dr J.P. Kleiweg de Zwaan (JPKdeZ), Kolonial Instituut, Afdeeling Volkenkunde, Amsterdam (Comité d’Honneur), 3 July 1931 – sends programme of the British Association centenary meeting; informs him of the invitation for the new prehistoric Congress and plans for a complimentary anthropological and ethnological Congress (autogr. carbon)

132 JPKdeZ to JLM, 4 Sep. – lists names to whom first invitations should be sent; names subject for discussion; regrets cannot attend the meeting on 16 Oct. in Paris of the Conseil permanent due to teaching commitments (autogr.)

133 JLM to JPKdeZ, 7 Sep. – acknowledges letter of 4 Sep. (/132 above); explains function of National Secretaries; notes dress necessary for the University of London and Government receptions (autogr. carbon)

134 JPKdeZ to JLM, 30 Dec. – is honoured to be appointed to the Comité d’Honneur; suggests W.J.A. Willems as National Secretary and Dr F.T.K. Bosch and Dr P.V. van Stein Callenfels to represent the Dutch East Indies (autogr.)

135 JLM to Prof. H. Kuhn, Cologne, 15 Aug. 1932 – asks for the summary of his paper read to Section 3 on the origin of the Indo-Germans; required for the Congress archives (autogr. carbon)

136 Miss Winifred Lamb to JLM, 8 Mar. 1932 – puts in a plea for a brief paper on Thermi at the Congress; encloses a resumé of her paper (tp.)

137 JLM to Miss W. Lamb, 17 Mar. (on verso of /136) – delighted to have her paper for the Congress; returns her negatives; mentions Campbell Thompson’s work at Nineveh (autogr. carbon)

138 JLM to Dr Raymond Lantier (RL) (Conseil member and French National Secretary), 6 June 1931 – requests the minutes of the Berne meeting; wishes colleagues to see them and to publish a note in Man (see June 1931, No. 137) (in French; autogr. carbon)

139 RL to JLM, 26 June – glad to know of the forthcoming Congress; will publish minutes of the Berne meeting in Revue archéologique; sends copy of first fascicule of Histoire de 1’art; hopes for an English version (in French; tp.)

140 JLM to RL, 30 July – reports first meeting of the British Organizing Committee that day; discussed dates, activities, sections; also important to discuss questions of organization; have yet to see complete list of Conseil permanent members and national secretaries from Bosch-Gimpera; considers it wise to send invitations after the meeting of the IIA in Sep. 4pp. (in French; autogr. carbon); see also /76, 204

141 RL to JLM, 3 Aug. – July date for Congress convenient; considers discussion of organization important; suggests meeting in Paris in Oct.; agrees with timing of invitations (in French; tp.)

142 JLM to RL, 15 Aug. – acknowledges letter of 3 Aug. (/141 above); agrees with suggestion for a Paris meeting as more practical for colleagues in general; gives dates of CRP’s movements; proposes 16 Oct.; will write to R. Vaufrey (second French National Secretary) to suggest meeting at the Institut de Paléontologie humaine; outlines proposals for a questionnaire for keeping Conseil members informed (in French; autogr. carbon)

143 RL to JLM, 19 Aug. – agrees convenience of date and suggested meeting place; proposal for a questionnaire excellent (in French; autogr.)

144 L.S.B. Leakey to JLM, 11 June 1932 – cannot attend Congress; wishes to contribute to the discussion on the state of present knowledge of fossil man; has already sent paper on stone tools from Oldoway (see Man, Sep. 1932, No. 247); Miss Caton Thompson has promised to read the paper; hopes she will read the second one; asks if his paper on Oldoway could be available in print so that Foreign members could follow the a arguments more closely. 3 leaves (autogr.)

145 Dr Victor Madsen, Director, Geological Survey of Denmark, Copenhagen to JLM, 27 Mar. 1931 – requests information on the Congress (autogr.)

146 Dr A. Mahr, National Museum of Ireland, Dublin (Conseil member, Irish Free State National Secretary) to JLM, 23 July 1931 – refers to Berne meeting; offers his assistance (tp. with autogr. note by JLM)

147 JLM to Dr A. Mahr, 11 Aug. – asks if he would translate the letter of invitation into idiomatic German; thinks an additional section for post Roman times desirable; provision of opportunities for discussing methods and techniques of excavation, and large subjects desirable; would be glad of suggestions and criticisms (autogr. carbon)

148 Mlle E. de Mannville, Paris – note on her interest in Malta and painted pottery (autogr.)

149 Louis Marin, Paris to JLM, 12 June 1931 – hopes they can complete their agreement on the text to submit to the Congress; Berne meeting results good; anticipates good will will overcome sterile past discussions (tp.)

150 Prof. L. Márton, Director, Archaeological Department, Hungarian National Museum, Budapest (Conseil member) to JLM, 9 Sep. 1931 – replies to questionnaire; suggests sections needed and matters for discussion; sends lists of names for invitations (tp. with autogr. note by JLM)

151 JLM to Prof. L. Márton, 10 Nov. – regrets delay in replying to his letter of 9 Sep. (/150 above); record of the Paris meeting of the Council to be sent; gives decisions of the British Organizing Committee on number of sections; refers to his proposals for discussion (autogr. carbon)

152 Prof. A.A. Mendes Correa (AAMC), Universidade do Porto (Conseil member) to JLM, 12 Oct. 1931 – thanks him for the invitation to the Congress and information on the Berne meeting and its relationship with the old Congrès; refers to Portugal’s representation on the Conseil permanent; concerned with R. de Serpa Pinto at absence of Portugal; suggests the Société portugaise d’Anthropologie should nominate representatives. 5 pp. (in French; autogr.)

153 JLM to AAMC, 10 Nov. – thanks him for his letter (/152 above); refers to Portuguese representation; Council agreed a unanimous invitation to Conseil permanent and that he assists in Portuguese nominations; notes Council’s nominations for National Secretary, Prof. de Serpa Pinto and for the Comité d’Honneur (in French; autogr. carbon)

154 AAMC to JLM, 4 Dec. – acknowledges letter of 10 Nov. (/153 above); glad to accept Conseil membership; Prof. de Serpa Pinto to be National Secretary; further suggests Prof. Joaquim Fontes for Conseil and Dr Joaquim Rodriguez dos Santos Junior as a National Secretary (in French; autogr.)

155 Nature to JLM, 23 July 1931 – sends proof of leading article on anthropological Congresses for comment (tp.)

156 JLM to Nature, 28 July – returns proof with some suggestions; hopes to send note on preparations for the Congress (autogr. carbon)

157 Ibid., 30 July- reports first meeting of the British Organizing Committee; hopes to send an account and hopes that it will be published (autogr. carbon)

158 Prof. H. Obermaier, Madrid (Government delegate), 20 Sep. 1931 – regrets he cannot attend meeting of Permanent Council in Paris on 16 Oct. (in French; autogr.)

159 O’Rourke (Vatican) see Bei (autogr. note by JLM)

160 JLM to CRP, 13 Aug. 1932 – acknowledges CRP’s Address; discusses publication of Comptes rendus; sets out requirements and future difficulties; gives estimate of costs (autogr. carbon)

161 CRP to JLM, 15 Aug. – acknowledges his letter of 13 Aug. (/160 above); thinks publication of the Comptes-rendus should not be too modest; suggests he should visit him, CRP, and rest after his ‘labours’ (autogr. pc.)

162 Draft resolutions by Prof. Sir W.M. Flinders Petrie regretting the lack of an institution in London ‘for the historical study of the remains of the great early institutions of the East’ – 2 resolutions (autogr.; the earlier with revisions in another hand; note by JLM: rec. 4.8.32)

163 JLM to J. Reid Moir, 24 Oct. 1931 – regrets to hear from CARR that he wishes his name to be removed from the Organizing Committee; much hopes he will not resign; willing to discuss matters (autogr. carbon)

164 J. Reid Moir to JLM, 27 Oct. – is willing to remain on the Committee ‘solely’ on account of JLM’s appeal (autogr., annotated by JLM)

165 Dr Ugo Rellini, R. Università di Roma (Conseil member) to JLM, 16 Oct. 1931 – notes his views on the sections of the Congress (in French; autogr.); preliminaries of letter missing

166 Ibid., 15 ? 1931 – some dissatisfaction with his suggested nominations; proposes other eminent Italian colleagues (in French; autogr.)

167 Ibid. to CARR, 6 Feb. 1932 – sends proposals for two additional names (in French; autogr. pc.)

168 JLM to Prof. Paul Rivet (French Government delegate), 6 Feb. 1932 – sends preliminary Congress papers; asks for his advice in suggesting nominations for the new world to the Comité d’Honneur etc.; refers to their discussion on the proposed complimentary Congress of ethnology and anthropology (in French; autogr. carbon)

169 Mme Anne Roes, Kleemslede, Holland to [Organizing Committee], 25 Apr.1932 – sends an abstract of her communication; wishes to know if it will be accepted (autogr., autogr. annotation by VGC); see also /4/51 above

170 JLM to Mme Anne Roes, 27 May – informs her that, her communication has been accepted (autogr. carbon)

171 [Dr M.v. Roska, Cluj] VGC to JLM, 20 Mar. 1932 – encloses copy of a letter from M. Roska to Prof. L. Márton, Budapest; confidential document; has sent copies to CRP and AWB (autogr.)

172 Dr M.v. Roska, Cluj to Prof. L. Márton, Budapest (Conseil member), Jan/Feb. 1932 – outlines the intimidating tactics used against him as provincial museums organizer since the change of government and the appointment of the new director and assistants; cannot accept Romanian National Secretaryship (tp., translated by L. Márton); see also /5/3-4 above

173 Claude F.-A. Schaeffer [University of Strasbourg], to JLM [27 July 1932] – sends his note on Ras Shamra for Man, Dec. 1932, No. 330; sends good wishes for the Congress (autogr.)

174 Prof. C.G. Seligman, FRS, London School of Economics (Member, Organizing Committee), Oxford, 11 June 1931 to JLM – notes plans for proposed autumn meeting [held in Paris, 16 Oct.]; hopes to meet Prof. Eugen Fischer (tp.)

175 JLM to Prof. R. de Serpa Pinto, Universidade do Porto (Conseil member), 1 Jan. 1932 – sends invitation; invites him to be National Secretary for Portugal; asks for names and addresses of those likely to be interested; hopes to send him further details, (in French; autogr. carbon)

176 Prof. R. de Serpa Pinto to JLM, 12 Jan. – accepts Secretaryship; notes omissions from JLM’s list; mentions first notice of Congrès in their Trabalhos; will try to provide a list of anthropologists; requests circulars for distribution (in French; autogr. with autogr. annotations by JLM)

177 Reginald A. Smith, Dept of British and Mediaeval Antiquities, British Museum (Vice-President, Organizing Committee) to JLM, 14 Sep. 1932 – left papers and summaries with HSK including summary of Prof. W. Antoniewicz’s paper; comments on Man article (Sep. 1932) and group photograph; and on Oldoway skeleton; congratulates JLM on the success of the Congrès (autogr.)

178 Sidney Smith, Dept of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum (Member, Organizing Committee) to JLM, 25 Apr. 1932 – thinks Sir John Marshall cannot spare time to write article; makes suggestions (autogr.)

179 Ibid., 4 May – had hoped he had seen Marshall; suggests request through the India Office for a paper on the Indus Valley excavation; Marshall would be appointed (autogr.); see also /88-9, 178

180 [Soviet representation]. JLM to the Soviet Ambassador, M.G. Sokolnikoff, 27 Dec. 1931 – asks his advice on ensuring the USSR is officially represented and Russian colleagues able to participate in open sessions; encloses details; outlines arrangements for representation (autogr. carbon); see also /5/52-3

181 Soviet Embassy, London to JLM, 13 Jan. 1952 – suggests invitation should be sent through the British Embassy, Moscow (tp.)

182 [Soviet representation]. JLM to the British Ambassador, Moscow, 4 Feb. – sends papers; advised to send formal invitation through the British Embassy; outlines desiderata; hopes governments of Soviet Republic will be represented; mentions Ukraine, Georgia and Siberia. 3 pp. (autogr. carbon)

185 Ibid. British Embassy, Moscow to JLM, 4 Mar. – invitation will be forwarded to the Soviet Government (tp.); there was no Soviet representation

184 Prof. V. Suk, Masaryk University, Brno to JLM, 16 Oct. 1931 – sends names and addresses of those he may not know (tp.); and attached autogr. note by JLM

185 Prof. A. Taramelli, Director, Museo e Scavi di. Antichità, Cagliari (Comité d’Honneur) to JLM, 6 Jan. 1931 – mentions correspondence with V. Gordon Childe and CFCH; concerned about Italian representation and Comité d’Honneur (in Italian; tp. with autogr. annotation by JLM); see also /5/57-9

186 Prof. Julio C. Tello, Lima (Conseil member) to JLM, 20 Feb. 1932 – acknowledges invitation; makes suggestion for representatives (in Spanish; autogr.)

187 JLM to Prof. J.C. Tello, 18 Mar. – glad he is willing to assist; anxious for representatives from museums; sends circulars; requests names and addresses (in French; autogr. carbon)

188 Miss M.L. Tildesley, Royal College of Surgeons, London to JLM, 4 Apr. 1932 – she omitted Prof. H. Vallois’ name by an oversight; asks for him to be sent details (autogr.)

189 Ibid., 21 Apr. – with Sir Arthur Keith’s approval she is pleased to accept the Secretaryship of the Human palaeontology section; refers to proposed constitution of the Research Committees (autogr.)

190 Ibid., 18 May – lists additional names to whom notices should be sent (autogr. pc.)

191 Ibid., 24 May – ready to offer hospitality to one or two visitors; has already invited Prof. V. Suk to stay (autogr.)

192 Ibid., 26 May – reports Suk thinks he will be unable to come; mentions other who are doubtful on account of expense; Sir Arthur Smith Woodward writing to ask if hospitality would make a difference (autogr. pc.)

193 JLM to the Rector, Imperial College [Sir Henry Tizard], 11 Nov. 1931 – asks if Imperial College would allow sessions of Congress to be held there and members to reside in the College Union; outlines requirements (autogr. carbon)

194 Prof. 0. Tschumi, Bernisches Historisches Museum (Conseil member) to JLM, 4 June 1931 – thanks him for his remarks on the Berne Conference (28 May) and his gift (autogr.)

195 Prof. Chr. Tsountas, Athens (Comité d’Honneur) to JLM, 5 Jan. 1932 – expresses his pleasure at his nomination for the Comité d’Honneur; suggests two scholars for the Conseil permanent (in French; autogr.)

196 Dr Wilhelm Unverzagt, Berlin (Conseil member) to CARR, 4 Sep. 1931 – expects to be at the Paris meeting on 16 Oct. (in German; tp.)

197 Prof. J.L. de Vasconcellos, Lisbon (Comité d’Honneur) to JLM, 4 Jan. 1932 – expresses pleasure at his nominations for the Comité d’Honneur (in French; autogr. pc.)

198 Prof. M.M. Vassits, Belgrade (Comité d’Honneur) to JLM, [c. 24] May 1932 – gives titles of his two papers (in German; autogr.)

199 JLM to Prof. Vassits, 27 May – informs him that his two papers have been accepted (autogr. carbon)

200 Prof. Vassits to JLM, 9 July – regrets he cannot attend Congress; suggests name of colleague to read his papers; will write after the Congress (in German; autogr.)

201 JLM to Prof. Vassits, 14 July – regrets he is unable to attend; will arrange for his two papers to be read unless he prefers a member of the Serbian Legation in London to do so; looks forward to his book on Vin?a (autogr. carbon)

202 Ibid., 15 Aug. – reports on success of Congress; his two papers were read; he (JLM) showed some slides on the Vin?a excavations to show their importance; as a result of his and other appeals for cooperation an International Committee of the Congress has been established (autogr. carbon)

203 Prof. R. Vaufrey (RV), Institut de Paléontologie humaine, Paris (French National Secretary) to JLM, 9 June 1931 – establishment of new Congress has not had an unfavourable response in France; Comte Bégouen is content to be nominated for the Comité d’Honneur; comments on other reactions (in French; tp.)

204 JLM to RV, 30 July – reports on the first meeting of Organizing Committee; will not be published until Sep. to avoid unfavourable comments from the IIA; has not received list of Conseil permanent members from Prof. P. Bosch-Gimpera (see /32-3 above); asks his advice on the sections and notes preliminary divisions; Committee agreed communications should be limited in number and of high quality and importance; will have to rely on advice of National Secretaries; suggests a meeting of the Conseil permanent in Oct. 3 pp. (autogr. carbon)

205 RV to JLM, 1 Aug. – thanks him for his letter of 30 July (/204 above); will give him all the support he can; comments on Bosch-Gimpera, the sections and date and place of Oct. meeting; sends copies of the last note in L’Anthropologie; has made small changes in the Réglement to avoid any unpleasant responses; distinguished colleagues agree on the advisability of these changes; asks for any definitive information decided; will publish it in L’Anthropologie; sends offprint for Miss M.L. Tildesley; will be meeting Prof. Obermaier in Spain and will seek his advice; has heard of possible new anthropological Congress; comments on French attitudes. 4 pp. (in French; tp.)

206 JLM to RV, 15 Aug. – thanks him for his offer of help; send,; draft of French version of invitation, asks him to make it idiomatic, vigorous and cordial; will be issued after the IIA Session to avoid unfavourable comments; notes 16 Oct. as only possible date for meeting of the Conseil permanent; asks if Institut de Paléontologie humaine could provide meeting place; leaves decision to him and his colleagues; wonders if invitations should go out from the French Conseil members; outlines business of Oct, meeting; notes CARR will probably be in Paris in Sep. and would arrive on 15 Oct.; has not heard from Bosch-Gimpera; asks for RV’s addresses of foreign colleagues; first invitation will not ask for communications; British government will communicate invitations officially to other governments etc. 4pp. (autogr. carbon)

207 RV to JLM, 25 Aug. – sends revised draft of French version; considers it will be helpful to name the National Secretaries; 16 Oct. date convenient and the Institut de Paléontologie humaine as the venue; looking forward to meeting CARR; mentions additions to list of names in L’Anthropologie; will send names of main French prehistorians on return to Paris; R. Lantier (second French National Secretary) will send list of protohistorians; asks for copy of definitive letter of invitation (in French; tp.)

208 Ibid., 3 Sep. – sends letter received from T.J. Arne (Stockholm; Conseil member; see /5/5 above); has asked J. Brønsted (Copenhagen; Conseil member) and A.M. Tallgren (Helsinki; Conseil member) to send lists as soon as possible; has also written to L. Franz (Prague; Conseil member) and J. Breuer (Brussels; Belgium National Secretary) (in French; tp.)

209 JLM to RV, 5 Sep. – grateful for Arne’s letter and for action he has taken; no correspondence yet from Bosch-Gimpera but has written to all names on his lists to consult them on sections etc.; hopes he will meet Miss Dorothy A.E. Garrod (Member, Organizing Committee) at Congress; CARR will call to see him after 20 Sep. (autogr. carbon)

210 RV to JLM, 15 Sep. – will be away for Congress; will return to Paris before 20th; K. Friis Johansen (Conseil member) will supply Danish list (in French; tp.)

211 Ibid., 5 Oct. – J. Hamal-Nandrin (Liége) having refused Conseil membership (later accepted) proposes Prof. H. van de Weerd and Mile Leclercq as Belgium National Secretary; mentions meeting or hearing from overseas colleagues; has he (JLM) heard of the unanimous vote by members, including Marin, to amalgamate the old Prehistoric Congress with the IIA? will make appropriate comment in L’Anthropologie! (in French, tp.); see also /5/42-3

212 JLM to RV, 23 Oct. – comments on his report in L’Anthropologie (Vol. 41, 1931, pp. 95-100; see also pp. 305-15); thanks him for making the Paris meeting such a success (autogr. carbon)

213 RV to JLM, 27 Oct. – Bersu and Unverzagt not pleased with result of the meeting, will try again; Boule’s destructive nature is difficult to handle; he considers the IIA better in the tradition of the old Congress; notes in the vote, six of those against are of a German background, plus Rellini (Italy) while seven others, including Tschumi (Switzerland) are from a more western background; comments on the section titles (in French; tp.)

214 JLM to RV, 29 Mar. 1932 – returns Rellini’s letter at CARR’s request; a great help in clarifying Italy’s representation (see /167 above); has had a friendly letter from Paribini in response to official letter (autogr. carbon)

215 RV to JLM, 7 Apr. – also thinks solution to Italian representation satisfactory; intends to present a paper and take part in the Cambridge visits; comments on French attendance; hopes Boule will contribute a paper with Vallois; asks JLM to send personal letter to Boule asking for his active involvement (in French; autogr.); see also /216, 224-6

216 JLM to RV, 13 Apr. – is arranging for a complimentary invitation to be sent to Boule from Sir Arthur Smith Woodward President of the Human Palaeontology section; glad to hear he will read a paper; papers are beginning to come in (autogr. carbon)

217 RV to JLM, 5 Sep. – acknowledges report of Congress to appear in Man (Oct. 1931, No. 20) identifies further photographs of members (see Man, Sep. 1932); is surprised that Prof. W Antoniewicz’s contribution is not mentioned and asks the reason for its omission; sends in return for Man offprint, one from L’Anthropologie, (Vol. 42, 1932, pp. 525-45) (in French; tp. with autogr. notes by JLM)

218 JLM to RV, 24 Sep. – has ascertained from VGC that Antoniewicz’s paper was received very late, it was announced in daily list of supplementary notices; omission from Man JLM’s fault, list prepared without much help from secretary of Section 2 and is defective; grateful for his identification of names in Congress photograph; success of Congress owes much to his initiative and that of others (autogr. carbon)

219 Prof. A.J.B. Wace (Member, Organizing Committee) to JLM, 31 Oct. 1931 – regrets he could not attend Society of Antiquaries meeting; received a notice about the Congress; would have been glad to take an active part (autogr.)

220 JLM to Prof. Wace, 11 Nov. – name should have been on list of Organising Committee; will be added; anxious for his help with ‘monde ancien’ section; much British work of high quality; reports on his ideas on recent Macedonian work (autogr. carbon)

221 Prof. Franz Weidenreich, Institut für Physische Anthropologie, Universitat Frankfurt to JLM, 19 July 1932 – thanks him for the hotel reservation (in German; autogr.)

222 JLM to Sir Arthur Smith Woodward, FRS (ASW) (Vice-President, Organizing Committee), 12 Nov. 1931 – invites him to preside over the human palaeontology section, the unanimous wish of the Organizing Committee; also wish to have his advice before appointing the secretary to the section; list of Questions posées issued but leaves open topics to be suggested (autogr. carbon)

223 ASW to JLM, 19 Nov. – glad to preside over human palaeontology section; suggests L.H. Dudley Buxton as secretary (autogr.)

224 JLM to ASW, 13 Apr. 1932 – has heard M. Boule with Vallois is preparing a paper on the skeletons from the Bougie site; R. Vaufrey thinks a friendly invitation to make some communication to the Congress would be worthwhile; asks if he would send such a letter (autogr. carbon); see /215-16 above

225 ASW to JLM, 16 Apr. – has written to the ‘erratic’ Boule, also to the ‘erratic’ Dubois; both great friends of his (autogr.)

226 Ibid., 25 Apr. – Boule will be away and cannot attend; Dubois is interested but has had no papers; asks JLM to send papers (autogr.)