RAI. Leases, Tenants and Maintenance (A44 01 of 04)

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Leases for 50 Great. Russell Street, 52 Upper Bedford Place, and 21 Bedford Square. 1909-47.

Leases for 50 Great Russell Street, 52 Upper Bedford Place, and 21 Bedford Square. 1909-47. Includes much other material on tenants and maintenance, relating to 21 Bedford Square.

The RAI’s offices and Library moved from 3 Hanover Square in 1908 to 50 Great Russell Street where it remained from 1909-24. From 1925-36 it was at 52 Upper Bedford Place and at 21 Bedford Square, 1937-71. The Library then moved to the Museum of Mankind (British Museum, Dept of Ethnography), 6 Burlington Gardens (where it was amalgamated with the Departmental Library in 1976) and the offices to 36 Craven Street. The latter then moved to 56 Queen Anne Street, and in 1988 to 50 Fitzroy Street of which it had acquired the freehold.


ABH    Arthur B. Hayward, Architect and Surveyor, Adelphi Estate Office

H&M    Hayward & Maynard [Arthur B. Hayward and D.C. Maynard], ARIB, Architects and Surveyors, Adelphi, WC

AK        Sir Arthur Keith, FRS, FRCP (1866-1955), Master, Buckstone Brown Research Farm, Royal College of Surgeons; RAI President, 1913-16

RWW    Robert Wood Williamson (1856-1932), author of The Mafulu Mountain peoples of New Guinea, 1912, The social and political systems of central Polynesia, 1924 etc. RAI Hon. Treasurer, 1912-20

 1/    50 Great Russell Street, 1909-21

  1    Mrs C.B. Hayward and another to the RAI from 24 June 1909 for 21 years – offices on first floor dated 22 Sept. 1909 (autogr. annotations by RWW)

  2    Memorandum and Articles of Association with certificate of exemption from rates, 11 Feb. 1910 – stamped Registry of Friendly Societies, Central Office and signed by the RAI President, Hon. Secretary, and Hon. Treasurer

  3    Mrs C.B. Hayward and another to the RAI from 25 Mar. 1910 for 20 years and 3 months – lease of offices on second floor dated 12 Apr. 1910 (autogr. annotations by RWW)

  4    H&M to RWW, 2 Feb. 1916 – on the RAI’s decision to vacate the premises, offers to reduce the rent considerably (tp.)

  5    RWW to H&M, 4 Feb. – draft reply; RAI has been offered a building with more convenient accommodation; an offer of a substantial reduction may induce Council to remain (autogr.)
   A44/1/6    H&M to RWW, 5 Feb. 1916 – A.B. Hayward (now in H.M. Forces) very anxious for the RAI to remain; suggests meeting to discuss details (tp.)

  7    Ibid, 9 Feb. – offers to meet him in Witley, Surrey, RWW’s home (tp.)

  8    RWW to H&M, 12 Feb. – will be attending Council; suggests meeting in London (tpc.)

  9    Ibid, 17 Feb. – sets out terms proposed at their meeting, matter discussed at Council; would like to have proposal in writing; asks him not to alter proposals as they face some disapproval (tpc.)

 10    H&M to RWW, 21 Feb. – has met A.B. Maynard who is willing to agree to proposed terms (tp., with autogr. note by AK urging acceptance)

 11    RWW to H&M, 24 Feb. – accepts terms on behalf of Council (tpc.)

 12    H&M to RWW, 25 Feb. – acknowledges letter of 24 Feb.; is glad matter is settled (tp.)

 13    E. & S. Smith, Auctioneers, Valuers, etc. to RWW, 17 Feb. 1919 – on rental value (tp., with autogr. annotation by RWW)

 14    ABH, 10 Mar. – on revised rent following meeting with RWW (tp., with autogr. annotation by RWW)

 15    Draft reply by RWW to ABH, 12 Mar. – asks for slight amendment to agreement (autogr.)

 16    ABH to RWW, 13 Mar. – agrees to amendment. (autogr.)

 17    Draft reply by RWW to ABH, 19 Mar. – on behalf of Council accepts agreement with amendment (autogr.)

 18    ABH to RWW, 20 Mar. – acknowledges receipt of letter of 19 Mar. (autogr.)

 19    RAI and Miss Lilian E. Elliott – tenancy agreement for a back room from 1 Oct. to 31 Dec. 1921 and on a monthly basis thereafter

 2/    52 Upper Bedford Place, 1924-6

  1    Rate demands from Metropolitan Borough of Holborn due 6 Oct. to 11 Dec. 1924 – 2 claims (one revised) and receipt (3 items)

  2    Consent to alterations, 31 Dec. 1924

  3    Memorandum of agreement between RAI and the Eugenics Education Society, 12 Oct. 1925 – annual tenancy agreement for one room from 29 Sept. 1925 (tp.)
  4    E.N. Fallaize, RAI Hon. Secretary to (Prof.) J.C. Flugel, 24 June 1926 – letter of agreement between RAI and the British Psychological Society on the use of the RAI lecture room and the care of the latter’s library from 30 Sept. 1926 (tpc.)

 3/    21 Bedford Square, 1928-47

  1    His Grace the Duke of Bedford, KG to the Incorporated Secretaries Association Ltd from midsummer day 1928 for 23 years, expires midsummer day 1951 (printed, annotated)

  2    Extracts from lease of 21 Bedford Square, WC1, [7 Sept. 1928] (tp., annotated)

  3    Licence as to user of premises, 8 Nov. 1928 (tp., annotated)

  4    Incorporated Secretaries Association Ltd to Arthur William Kenyon and Stanley Gage Livock, 29 Sept. 1931 – [sub-] lease of cottage known as Secretaries House

  5    Ibid – copy (tp., annotated)

  6    Licence permitting sub-letting of building in the rear, 28 Sept. 1931 (tp., annotated)

  7    Abstract of the title of the Incorporated Secretaries Assn Limited (in liquidation), Apr. 1937 (tp., annotated); additional clauses attached (autogr.)

  8    The Liquidators of the Incorporated Secretaries Association and the RAI – enquiries arising on the draft for sale and purchase of 21 Bedford Square, 25 Sept. (printed and tp.)

  9    Incorporated Secretaries Association in Liquidation and the RAI – requisitions on title, 27 Oct. (tp.)

 10    Assignment of lease, 11 Nov. (tp.); receipt for registration attached

 11    Notice of the assignment of the lease to the RAI, 16 Nov. 1937 (tp. attached to /10 above)

 12    Ibid (tpc. copy)

 13    Licence as to user of premises, 29 Nov. (tp.)

 14    Licence to underlet two rooms on the second floor to the British Numismatic Society and the Royal Numismatic Society, 22 Apr. 1938 (tp.)

 15    RAI to British Numismatic Society, 27 Apr. – counterpart lease (tp.)

 16    Memorandum of tenancy agreement between the RAI and the British Numismatic Society (tpc. attached to /15 above)
 17    RAI to Messrs A.W. Kenyon and S.G. Livock, 31 Oct. 1938 – counterpart lease of cottage for seven years (tp.)

 18    Licence to underlet premises at rear [the cottage], to the Historical Association 2 July 1945 (tp.)

 19    Memorandum and articles of association of the Historical Association (printed)

 20    Licence to let two rooms on second floor to Norbert Dutton, Industrial Design Consultant, 29 Sept. 1945 (tp.)

 21    RAI to the Historical Association, 20 Nov. 1945 – counterpart lease of cottage (tp.)

 22    RAI and Norbert Dutton, 4 Dec. – lease of two rooms on second floor and Norbert Dutton to RAI, 24 Dec. 1947 – surrender of lease (tp.)

 23    Licence to underlet two rooms on second floor to Messrs Snell & Partners, Quantity Surveyors, 11 Dec. 1947 (tp.)

 24    Draft underlease of room on second floor to Messrs Snell & Partners, 1948 (tp.)

 25    Underlease of second floor to Archibald Macleod Esq. & Miss Louise Alice Macleod, 1951 (tp.)

 26    Copy of /3/25 [without the front cover]. 3 leaves (tp.)

 27    Agreement between RAI and Mrs D.V. Owen for service occupancy of top floor flat, 22 Mar. 1957 (tp.)

 28    Draft licence to underlet a room on the second floor to S. Rowland Pierce, 1958 (tp.)

 4/    Refurbishment on purchase of the lease of 21 Bedford Square 1937-38

  1    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H.J. Braunholtz, 8 Sept. 1937 – agent of 21 Bedford Square has received an offer of £2,500 from a commercial organization; vendors would close with RAI if a similar offer were received. 2 leaves (tp.)

  2    nd – ‘Capital Expenses’ relating to 21 Bedford Square (tp.)

  3    nd – draft of /4/2. 2 leaves (autogr. by H. Coote Lake, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1934-38)

  4    nd – further notes relating to /4/2. 4 leaves (autogr. by H. Coote Lake)

  5    A.W.F. Fuller to the Secretary, RAI, 9 Sept. – cannot attend special Council meeting; disapproves of purchase price; considers the accommodation is not entirely suitable; encloses details of three other properties [not held]. 3 leaves (autogr.)

  6    W. Lock & Harold G. Cooper, Joint Liquidators, to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 24 Sept. – enclose list of furniture with prices [see /4/8.1]; would like to know whether RAI is interested in purchasing these items. 2 leaves (tp. copy)

  7    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to the Secretary, RAI, 28 Sept. – encloses copy of letter from Liquidators [/4/6] (tp.)

  8    W. Lock to RAI, 6 Oct. – acknowledges receipt of list of furniture and fittings which RAI is willing to purchase (tp.)

 .1    Schedule of furniture and fittings … proposed to be purchased by RAI. 3 leaves (tp.)

  9    Assistant Secretary, RAI, to W. Lock, 7 Oct. – acknowledges his letter of 6 Oct. (tpc.)

 10    W. Lock to the Secretary, RAI, 15 Oct. – is making arrangements for the personnel to vacate the premises; cost of furniture is £131; mentions some specific items (tp.)

 11    Harold G. Cooper to ibid., 25 Oct. – on additional payment for curtains; would be glad to receive a cheque during the week (tp.)

 12    [RAI] to Harold G. Cooper, 27 Oct. – on moving books into Bedford Square; this is on the responsibility of the RAI (tpc.)

 13    Hon. Treasurer to ibid., 29 Oct. – has made arrangements to pay for the furniture (tpc.)

 14    Anderson Angell & Co. to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 13 Nov. – tender for electrical work at 21 Bedford Square. 3 leaves (tp. copy)

 15    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 15 Nov. – will meet RAI Committee on 16 Nov., to discuss alterations to the building (tp.)

 16    Keith Blackman Ltd. to ibid., 17 Nov. – estimate for work on the boiler at 21 Bedford Square (tp. copy)

 17    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 18 Nov. – gives a list of proposed alterations and improvements to the building. 3 leaves (tp. copy)

 18    Hammond & Champness Ltd. to ibid., 20 Nov. – estimate for overhauling the hand power lift (tp. copy)

 19    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to Miss [Martindell], RAI, 27 Nov. – enclose copy of specification relating to proposed re-conditioning; enclose blueprint of inner light; enclose carbon of letter to Housekeeper (tp.)

 .1    Ibid. to Housekeeper, ibid. – asks that builders may be allowed access to prepare tenders (tpc.)

 .2    Blueprint of inner light

 .3    Specification of alterations and sundry works to be carried out. 16 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections)

 .4    H. Coote Lake to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, nd – refers to meeting on 14 [Nov.]; Council has approved the works; approves the specification with alteraltions as agreed (autogr.)

 20    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 2 Dec. – enclose three estimates for works; discuss some details; summarise costs including heating and electrical work. 3 leaves (tp.)

 .1    Estimates from T.W. Coffin & Sons; Thurman & White Ltd; and H.A. King & Son. 3 leaves (tp.)

 21    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, nd – floor plans of 21 Bedford Square

 22    Ibid. to H. Coote Lake, 18 Dec. – thank him for letter of 16 Dec. [not held] confirming approval of works to be carried out. 2 leaves (tp.)

 23    Ibid., 11 Jan. 1938 – give summary of progress of work. 2 leaves (tp.)

 24    Keith Blackman Ltd. to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 12 Jan. – submit quotation for installation of hot water storage cylinder (tp. copy)

 25    Ibid., 20 Jan. – understand that a temporary repair will be done instead (tp. copy)

 26    Anderson Angell & Co. to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, ibid. – estimate for electrical wiring work (tp. copy)

 27    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 21 Jan. – enclose estimate from Anderson Angell for electrical wiring work (tp.)

 28    Ibid., ibid. – on damage to the hot water cistern; enclose copy of Keith Blackman’s recommendations [not held]; on book racks for the library. 2 leaves (tp.)

 29    The Gas Light and Coke Company to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 25 Jan. – enclose specification for work. 2 leaves (tp. copy)

 30    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, ibid. – on electrical work being carried out; on redecoration of Housekeeper’s quarters. 2 leaves (tp.)

 31    H.A. King & Son to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 26 Jan. – submit estimate for repair and decorating work. 2 leaves (tp. copy)

 32    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 2 Feb. – enclose estimate from H.A. King & Son; on gas service; on cleaning wooden flooring. 3 leaves (tp.)

 33    H.A. King & Son to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 3 Feb. – submit estimate for timber work and decorating work (tp. copy)

 34    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 5 Feb. – have instructed H.A. King & Son to proceed with redecoration; enclose their estimate (tp.)

 35    Anderson Angell & Co. Ltd. to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 12 Feb. – submit quotation for electrical work (tp. copy)

 36    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 15 Feb. – enclose estimate from Anderson Angell & Co. Ltd. (tp. with autogr. PS)

 37    H.A. King & Co. to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 16 Feb. – submit estimate for decorating work (tp. copy)

 38    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 17 Feb. – enclose estimate from H.A. King (tp.)

 39    Ibid., 21 Feb. – reports progress on the work. 2 leaves (tp.)

 40    H.A. King & Son to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 3 Mar. – submit estimate for decorating work (tp. copy)

 41    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 4 Mar. – enclose summary of estimates (tp.)

 .1    Estimates from H.A. King & Son, Keith Blackman & Co. Ltd., Anderson Angell & Co. Ltd.; Gas Light & Coke Co., and Hammond & Champness (tp.) [enclosed with /4/41]

 42    Gas Light and Coke Company to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 4 Mar. – enclose agreement for hire of automatic check meter (tp. copy)

 43    H.A. King & Son to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, ibid. – ask for £100 on account for decorating work (tp. copy)

 44    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 5 Mar. – enclose copy of letter from Gas Light & Coke Co. [/4/42] (tp.)

 45    Ibid., 8 Mar. – enclose copy of letter from H.A. King & Son [/4/43]; payment may properly be made (tp.)

 46    H.A. King & Son to H. Coote Lake, 14 Mar. – on moving books from 52 Upper Bedford Place; acknowledge receipt of cheque (tp.)

 47    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to ibid., 30 Mar. – enclose certificate on account of work by Keith Blackman & Co. Ltd (tp.)

 48    Keith Blackman Ltd. to RAI, 31 Mar. – on payment of their account (tp.)

 49    H.A. King & Son to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 1 Apr. – submit estimate for external paintwork. 2 leaves (tp. copy)

 50    S.W. Francis & Co. Ltd to H. Coote Lake, 7 Apr. – estimate for enamel name plaque (tp.)

 51    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 12 Apr. – enclose certificate on account for payment to H.A. King & Son (tp.)

 52    Jones & Higgins Ltd to RAI, 14 Apr. – acknowledge order for curtains; enclose sample of material (tp.)

 .1    Sample of curtain fabric

 53    H.A. King & Son to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 20 Apr. – submit estimate for making blinds and for timber work (tp. copy)

 54    Anderson Angell & Co. Ltd. to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, 23 Apr. – estimate for electrical work. 3 leaves (tp.)

 55    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 26 Apr. – on near-completion of works; itemise expenditure to the various firms involved; enclose copy of H.A. King & Son’s statement of day work. 3 leaves (tp.)

 56    H.A. King & Son to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, ibid. – statement of day work [enclosed with /4/55] (tp. copy)

 57    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 9 May – enclose copy of letter from Gas Light & Coke Co. [not held]; on ventilation for gas cooker (tp.)

 58    H.A. King & Son to Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, ibid. – statement of day work carried out (tp. copy)

 59    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, ibid. – enclose copy of letter from H.A. King & Son [/4/58]; itemise balance outstanding; arrangements are approaching completion. 2 leaves (tp.)

 60    H.A. King & Son, 16 May – statement of works done and costs thereof. 17 leaves (tp. with autogr. annotation)

 61    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 19 May – itemise work completed to date; on work in progress since 26 Apr.; on financial matters. 3 leaves (tp.)

 62    Ibid., 23 May – Committee is to be congratulated on the accommodation acquired; on the advantages of the premises; cost of fittings has been low; RAI now has quarters worthy of its importance; on sub-lettings. 3 leaves (tp.)

 63    H.A. King & Son to RAI, 24 May – statement of work done and cost thereof (tp.)

 64    G.W. Clarke to Kenyon & Livock, 28 June – estimate for decorating work. 2 leaves (tp.)

 65    H.A. King & Son to RAI, 8 July – statement of work done and cost thereof. 3 leaves (tp.)

 66    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 19 July – enclose two schedules regarding work on library [not held] (tp.)

 67    G.W. Clarke to RAI, July – invoice for work done. 2 leaves (tp.)

 68    H.A. King & Son to RAI, 31 Aug. – statements of work done and costs thereof. 2 leaves (tp.)

 69    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to H. Coote Lake, 3 Oct. – submit final accounts outstanding in connection with reconditioning; includes summary of balances owing to various contractors. 3 leaves (tp.)

 70    4 Oct. – summary of balances outstanding (tpc.)

 71    H.A. King & Son to RAI, 14 Oct. – acknowledges receipt of cheque; regret that some sash lines were broken (tp.)

 72    nd – statement of expenditure on library. 3 leaves (tp.)

 73    nd – statement of expenditure on shifting stock, shelving etc. 2 leaves (tp.)

 74    Keith Blackman Ltd. to H. Coote Lake, 15 Nov. – having inspected hot water tank, submit estimate for installation of new cylinder (tp.)

 75    Cuthbert Lake & Sutton to ibid., ibid. – on Keith Blackman’s report on the water tank (tp.)