RAI. Leases, Tenants and Maintenance (A44 03 of 04)

Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents RAI Leases A44 RAI. Leases, Tenants and Maintenance (A44 03 of 04)

Leases for 50 Great. Russell Street, 52 Upper Bedford Place, and 21 Bedford Square. 1909-47.

Leases for 50 Great Russell Street, 52 Upper Bedford Place, and 21 Bedford Square. 1909-47. Includes much other material on tenants and maintenance, relating to 21 Bedford Square.

The RAI’s offices and Library moved from 3 Hanover Square in 1908 to 50 Great Russell Street where it remained from 1909-24. From 1925-36 it was at 52 Upper Bedford Place and at 21 Bedford Square, 1937-71. The Library then moved to the Museum of Mankind (British Museum, Dept of Ethnography), 6 Burlington Gardens (where it was amalgamated with the Departmental Library in 1976) and the offices to 36 Craven Street. The latter then moved to 56 Queen Anne Street, and in 1988 to 50 Fitzroy Street of which it had acquired the freehold.


ABH Arthur B. Hayward, Architect and Surveyor, Adelphi Estate Office

H&M Hayward & Maynard [Arthur B. Hayward and D.C. Maynard], ARIB, Architects and Surveyors, Adelphi, WC

AK Sir Arthur Keith, FRS, FRCP (1866-1955), Master, Buckstone Brown Research Farm, Royal College of Surgeons; RAI President, 1913-16

RWW Robert Wood Williamson (1856-1932), author of The Mafulu Mountain peoples of New Guinea, 1912, The social and political systems of central Polynesia, 1924 etc. RAI Hon. Treasurer, 1912-20

A44/5/242    FS to Elliott, Son & Boyton, 12 June – has passed his request for a reference to the Hon. Treasurer, who will reply very soon (tpc.)

243    Elliott, Son & Boyton to RAI, 13 June – surprised at the contents of the RAI’s letter [/5/242]; should the clients lose the property thanks to delay, things could ‘serious’ (tp.)

244    D.H.F. Wilson to Elliott, Son & Boyton, 14 June – apologises for delay; would consider A. Macleod & Partners as suitable tenants in every way (tpc.)

245    FS to A. Macleod, 29 June – has told Mr Wilson his proposal regarding temporary occupation of the second floor; he has agreed continuing occupation, on a monthly basis only (tpc.)

245a    T. Walter Howland to FS, 2 July – refers to underlease to Mr H. St John Harrison (tp.)

246    Macleod & Partners to FS, 7 Sept. – encloses invoice for work done on dormer window (tp.)

 .1    invoice for work done on window [enclosed with /5/246] (printed and autogr.)

 .2    FS to D.H.F. Wilson, nd – note concerning the invoice (autogr.)

247    Allsop & Co., to RAI, 13 Sept. – Mr St John Harrison no longer wishes to proceed with proposed tenancy of second floor rooms (tp.)

248    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 14 Sept. – sends draft underlease to Mr H. St John Harrison; underlease cannot be used until RAI has a new lease from Bedford Estate (tp.)

249    D.H.F. Wilson to T. Walter Howland, 18 Sept. – informs him that Mr St John Harrison no longer wants the premises; presumes that the sublease would be suitable for any other tenant; anxious to get the new lease from the Bedford Estate as soon as possible (tpc.)

250    D.H.F. Wilson to FS, 18 Sept. – encloses correspondence with Kimber Bull [presumably /5/248, /5/249] (tp.)

251    A. Macleod to FS, 19 Sept. – on the possibility of renewing his lease; were there to be a change of government, the position of the building trade would be considerably improved (tp.)

252    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, ibid. – sorry that the underlease to Mr St John Harrison has ‘gone off’; hopes that Allsop & Co. will find a new tenant soon; the draft will be suitable to a large extent to another tenant (tp.)

253    Allsop & Co. to RAI, 21 Sept. – they have received an offer from Mr A.W. Croser to lease the second floor (tp.)

254    FS to A. Macleod, 27 Sept. – discusses details of his renewed tenancy of the second floor; present arrangement will end on 24 Oct., new one will begin on 25 Oct.; terms of the lease are for five years (tpc.)

255    FS to Allsop & Co., ibid. – informs him that Messrs Macleod & Partners have renewed their tenancy; therefore RAI not in a position to consider Mr Croser’s offer (tpc.)

256    Allsop & Co. to FS, 28 Sept. – note the renewal of tenancy of Messrs Macleod & Partners (tp.)

257    A. Macleod to FS, 1 Oct. – is in agreement with contents of her letter of 27 Sept. [/5/254]; encloses cheque for rent (tp.)

 .1    rough notes on A. Macleod’s tenancy (autogr.)

258    9 Oct. – extract from Minutes of meeting, regarding tenants (tp.)

259    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 10 Oct. – encloses counterpart lease and bill (tp.)

260    FS to T. Walter Howland, 11 Oct. – reports on the tenants on the second floor; returns draft underlease prepared for Mr Harrison (tpc.)

261    FS to D.H.F. Wilson, 17 Oct. – refers to suggestions made early in the year about sliding scale of rent; encloses the relevant papers; asks if it is now relevant to their one sub-lease (tp. with tp. answer at bottom – papers returned for files)

 .1    rough note querying where papers should be filed (autogr.)

262    notes on formulating a sliding scale for rent, headed ‘Telephoned to Mr. D.H.F. Wilson, 23.1.51’. [enclosed with /5/261] (tp.)

263    M.L. Tildesley to D.H.F. Wilson, 28 Feb. 1951 – quotes from a letter from her brother about varying rent clause which he has invented; on charges to be paid at end of a lease under head of ‘dilapidations’ [enclosed with /5/261] (tp.)

264    D.H.F. Wilson to M.L. Tildesley, 8 Mar. 1951 – RAI is at present negotiating the major lease; after that, attention will be turned to sub-leases when her points will be discussed (tpc.) [enclosed with /5/261]

265    T. Walter Howland to FS, 18 Oct. – has received counterpart lease duly executed, plus fees (tp.)

266    Ibid., 30 Oct. – encloses new lease to RAI; also licence to underlet the second floor (tp.)

267    Ibid., 2 Nov. – encloses underlease for sealing by RAI (tp.)

268    FS to T. Walter Howland, 5 Nov. – acknowledges his two letters (tpc.)

269    Kimber Bull & Co. to RAI, 8 Nov. – invoice for charges relating to underlease (tp.)

270    A. Macleod to FS, 27 Dec. – has agreed to cancel arrangement for a five year lease; suggests alternative (tp.)

271    W.B. Fagg to A. Macleod, 15 Apr. 1952 – on charges for electric fires not registered through the meter (tpc.)

272    T. Walter Howland to D.H.F. Wilson, 24 Apr. – sends bill regarding underlease (tp.)

273    A. Macleod to W.B. Fagg, 14 May – ibid. (tp.)

274    D.H.F. Wilson to A. Macleod, 25 July – apologises for delay in answering; explains further the situation regarding the electric fires (tpc.)

275    A. Macleod to D.H.F. Wilson, 13 Aug. – encloses cheque for rent and £8 for electricity (tp.)

276    Mrs A.C. Bowe, Secretary to the Officers, to A. Macleod, 19 Aug. – encloses receipted bill; thanks him for cheque (tpc.)

277    Ibid. to T. Walter Howland, 21 Nov. – refers to letter of 27 Oct. [not held]; concerning underlease to Messrs Macleod; other financial matters (tpc.)

278    Lieut. Col. J.D. Gage-Brown, Secretary, The Oriental Ceramic Society, to W.B. Fagg, 26 Mar. 1954 – the Society is looking for accommodation; wonders whether RAI can help (tp.)

 .1    Circular describing the object of the Oriental Ceramic Society (tp.)

279    N. Gee to D.H.F. Wilson, 27 Apr. 1955 – Dr Rapoport has been enquiring about a room to have occasional meetings in; he will visit on Friday to see Mr Wilson and Mr Fagg (tp.)

280    Robert N. Rapoport, Belmont Hospital, to W.B. Fagg, 31 May – asks that Council consider the request to rent a room; suggests an initial period of six months beginning in June; group could be known as ‘Nuffield Belmont Family Study’ (tp.)

281    D.H.F. Wilson to Dr Rapoport, 14 June – Council willing to let his group have the use of the room; they could not bind themselves beyond six months; would re-examine the position in Nov. (tpc.)

282    Dr Rapoport to D.H.F. Wilson, 16 June – thanks him for letter; summarises details of the arrangement (tp.)

283    B.J. Kirkpatrick, RAI Librarian 1948-76, to W.B. Fagg, 1 Nov. – refers to renewal of Nuffield Belmont Family Study’s tenure of room; the room is the only possible place in which to house the manuscript collection; describes where shelving could be put up (tp.)

284    Dr Rapoport to W.B. Fagg, 25 Nov. – shall not require the office after the end of the year (tp. with autogr. notes)

285    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Dr Rapoport, 16 Dec. – thought his letter had been acknowledged; Hon. Secretary has noted that the room will not be required after the end of the year (tpc.)

286    W.B. Fagg, 4 May 1956 – note on furniture set out on the top floor (autogr.)

287    Marian W. Smith, Hon. Secretary 1956-61, to John Kusel, Kimber Bull & Co., 28 Feb. 1957 – gives details he needs in order to draw up a service agreement in respect of the occupation of the top floor flat by Mrs Diana Vallance Owen (tpc.)

288    Draft of ibid. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections by MWS)

289    John Kusel to Miss Joan Anderson, RAI, 22 Mar. – returns two copies of the service agreement (tp. with autogr. notes at the bottom)

290    Joan Edwards to L. Ayling, Steward, Bedford Estate Office, 5 Aug. 1958 – RAI has agreed to let two rooms on the second floor to Mr S. Rowland Pierce; includes his referees; he would like to move in about the 20 Aug. (tpc.)

291    Leonard Ayling to Joan Edwards, 15 Aug. – points out breaches in covenants in the lease which must be remedied before he can deal with the application; itemises these (tp.)

292    Marian W. Smith to Leonard Ayling, 20 Aug. – answers the points he made with regard to the breaches. 2 leaves (tpc.)

293    Leonard Ayling to Marian Smith, 22 Aug. – answers her points regarding breaches; is prepared to grant licence for subletting to Mr Pierce (tp.)

294    Taylor & Humbert to ibid., 25 Aug. – encloses draft licence for subletting [to Mr Pierce] (tp.)

295    Marian Smith to Leonard Ayling, 28 Aug. – has approved the draft licence and has returned it to Taylor & Humbert (tpc.)

296    Ibid. to Taylor & Humbert, ibid. – confirms that the draft licence has approval of RAI (tpc.)

297    General Secretary, The British Institution of Radio Engineers, to RAI, 2 Nov. 1960 – enquires whether RAI has any available office space (tp.)

 6/    Repairs and maintenance, 21 Bedford Square, 1943-70

  1    Wm Shurmur Ltd. to RAI, 6 May 1943 – invoice for works done. 3 leaves (tp.)

  2    FS to L. Baker, Wm Shurmer Ltd, 4 Feb. 1946 – the flat is let; suggests that repairs be done as soon as possible (tpc.)

  3    Mar. 1949 – Specification of Works for the Repair of War Damage

  4    Wm Shurmur & Sons, Ltd. to RAI, Apr. 1949 – individual invoices for works done, Feb. 1945-Apr. 1949. 23 items (tp.)

  5    Ibid., ibid. – invoice for work done Oct. 1945-Dec. 1946. 3 leaves (tp.)

  6    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. for work done June-July 1948 (tp.)

  7    Ibid., ibid. – ibid. for work done Jan.-Feb. 1949 (tp.)

  8    Ibid., ibid. – summary of account (tp. with autogr. notes)

  9    Macleod & Partners to FS, 17 Aug. – encloses cheque for £400 relating to claims submitted to War Damage Commission; encloses covering letter

 .1    War Damage Commission to Macleod & Partners, nd – encloses cheque for £400 [enclosed with /6/9] (tp. copy)

 10    War Damage Commission to RAI, 23 Sept. – encloses cheque for £183.3s.10d (printed and autogr.)

 11    Macleod & Partners to FS, 6 Oct. – encloses statement received from Wm Shurmur & Sons [presumably /6/8]; also encloses individual invoices for repairs executed [presumably /6/4] (tp.)

 12    FS to Macleod & Partners, 24 Oct. – encloses £30 fee for their services (tpc.)

 13    FS to Shurmur & Sons Ltd., ibid. – encloses cheque for £775.12s.8d. in respect of work carried out (tpc.)

 14    Macleod & Partners to FS, 26 Oct. – attaches receipt for the £30 fee (tp.)

 .1    Receipt attached to /6/14

 15    FS to Macleod & Partners, 29 Nov. – asks him to approach the Bedford Estate on the matter of repairs to be carried out; seeks assurance that the work carried out should be recognised as fulfilling everything to which RAI is liable; as lease expires in summer 1951, if the house were rehabilitated during the coming year it should be accepted as full discharge of obligations (tpc.)

 16    FS to D.H.F. Wilson, 6 Jan. 1950 – encloses letter from Allsop & Co. [/7/31]; Mr Doll, the Bedford Estate architect, satisfied with specification so far as it related to war damage; other work identified which needs doing (tpc.)

 17    Ibid., 17 Jan. – on repairs to be carried out, depending on whether the lease is renewed or not; Mr Doll requires two copies of specification drawn up by RAI surveyor; if Council felt unable to carry out the Estate’s requirements, it was open to the RAI to try and negotiate a compromise (tpc.)

 18    Ibid., 8 Feb. – on finding money for repairs required; the Steward might be willing to come to a compromise (tpc.)

 19    Ibid., ibid. – sends a few notes on what the RAI is required to do to the house; on the sum the War Damage Commission has agreed to expend; on additional work required by Mr Doll; Maple & Co. called to prepare an estimate for the additional work (tpc.)

 20    FS to D.H.F. Wilson, 27 Mar. – Mr Porter of Macleod & Partners reported to her on a meeting with Mr Doll, who has approved the specifications for dilapidations; after receipt of specifications, no reason not to proceed; on two separate specifications; on structural work which is a condition of the renewal of the lease (tpc.)

 21    Leonard Ayling to D.H.F. Wilson, 28 Mar. – has received report on the specifications of alterations etc.; approval can be given as soon as agreement for lease has been entered into; on the cost of the work (tp. copy)

 22    FS to ibid., 29 Mar. – encloses letter from Bedford Estate [/6/21]; raises questions about some of the points in the letter (tpc.)

 23    Ibid. to Macleod & Partners, 31 Mar. – contractors can now be instructed to proceed with war damage repairs; structural work remains outstanding while negotiations between RAI and Bedford Estate continue (tpc.)

 24    Macleod & Partners to FS, 4 Apr. – asks for money on account for fees to date; could be treated as a contra account against rent due (tp.)

 25    FS to the Secretary, the Association of Certified & Corporate Accountants, 22 Bedford Square, 6 Apr. – builders will need access to their roof when repair work starts (tpc.)

 26    Ibid. to Messrs Cecil-Williams & Co., 20 Bedford Square – ibid. (tpc.)

 27    The Secretary, the Association of Certified & Corporate Accountants, to FS, 13 Apr. – builders will be allowed access (tp.)

 28    Macleod & Partners to FS, 14 Apr. – enclose note of sum due for professional fees. 2 leaves (tp.)

 29    Leonard Ayling to D.H.F. Wilson, 19 Apr. – specification without items relating to permanent improvement would satisfy responsibility of RAI under existing lease; would like to hear as soon as possible decision of RAI regarding offer of a new lease (tp.)

 30    Ibid. [to FS?], 26 Apr. – note on fees (autogr.)

 31    FS to Macleod & Partners, 28 Apr. – encloses cheque for fees; would prefer to keep rent payment separate (tpc.)

 32    Ibid. to Leonard Ayling, ibid. – Council will communicate as soon as possible regarding the lease (tpc.)

 33   Macleod & Partners to FS, 1 May – acknowledge receipt of cheque for fees; enclose cheque for rent (tp.)

 .1    Receipt [enclosed with /6/33] (printed and autogr.)

 34    Macleod & Partners to FS, 16 June – works are well in hand; contractors need a payment of £750 on account; have issued certificate to War Damage Commission (tp.)

 35    Ibid., 23 June – enclose cheque received from War Damage Commission (tp.)

 36    FS to Macleod & Partners, 27 June – acknowledges cheque from War Damage Commission (tpc.)

 37    Ibid., ibid. – in response to letter of 16 June, asks how cheque should be sent (tpc.)

 38    Macleod & Partners to FS, 28 June – cheque to be sent to Maple & Co. (tp.)

 39    Ibid. to Accounts Department, Maple & Co., 29 June – encloses cheque for £750 (tpc.)

 40    Macleod & Partners to FS, 24 July – Maple & Co. have requested another payment of £750 (tp.)

 41    FS to Maple & Co., 8 Aug. – encloses cheque for £750 (tpc.)

 42    Macleod & Partners to War Damage Commission, 6 Nov. – War Damage repairs now completed in accordance with approved specification; presents final claim for complete reinstatement (tp. copy)

 43    Ibid. to FS, 14 Nov. – enclose cheque received from War Damage Commission; ask for cheque for fees (tp.)

 44    Ibid. to RAI, 20 Nov. – invoice for fees (tp.)

 45    Ibid. to FS, 13 Dec. – enclose final account [not held] (tp.)

 46    FS to Macleod & Partners, 29 Dec. – encloses cheque in payment of account (tpc.)

 47    Macleod & Partners to [D.H.F.] Wilson, c/o FS, 4 July 1951 – concerning estimate for alteration to dormer window (tp.)

 48    D.H.F. Wilson to Macleod & Partners, 12 July – asks him to proceed with work of alteration to window (tpc.)

 49    Macleod & Partners to D.H.F. Wilson, 15 July – on repair to the window (tp.)

 50    Macleod & Partners, [Oct. 1952] – report on the condition of the valley gutters (tp.)

 51    Ibid., Oct. – specification for the renewal of valley gutters and clearing of all gutters. 3 leaves (tp.)

 52    Macleod & Partners to FS, 17 Oct. – enclose report on valley gutters; enclose estimate of cost of renewal of gutters (tp.)

 53    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Macleod & Partners, 21 Nov. – asks him to begin the work on the gutters as soon as possible (tpc.)

 54    Macleod & Partners to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 24 Nov. – on the work on the gutters; on woodworm in the cottage (tp.)

 55    Macleod & Partners, Dec. – specification of work necessary to eradicate woodworm. 2 leaves (tp.)

 56    Macleod & Partners to the Secretary, RAI, 1 Jan. 1953 – reinstatement of lead valley now complete; enclose contractors’ account; defect discovered to lead flat roof; enclose specification of works regarding woodworm (tp.)

 57    Ibid., 2 Jan. – enclose three tenders regarding works in connection with woodworm (tp.)

 58    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Macleod & Partners, 6 Feb. – accepts one of the estimates; asks them to investigate defect to roof; payment for work to the roof will be made after authorisation by Executive Committee (tpc.)

 59    Macleod & Partners to Mrs A.C. Bowe, 10 Feb. – on work on woodworm; on investigation of defect to flat roof; on washing the painted surfaces of the building (tp.)

 60    Ibid., 17 Mar. – enclose contractors’ account in respect of works on woodworm; on work required in relation to dry rot (tp.)

 61    nd – notes for Agenda item 2 (b), repairs to the Institute (tp.)

 .1    Photographs showing extent of dry rot, referred to in /6/61. 5 items

 62    E.R. Leach to Hon. Treasurer, 6 May – note on building more shelves for books (tp.)

 63    Mrs A.C. Bowe to Macleod & Partners, 13 May – on building shelves for books (tpc.)

 64    10 Jan. 1954 – RAI House Memorandum on supporting shelves on walls of flat (tp.)

 65    W.R. Catchpole to RAI, 29 Apr. 1959 – estimate for external painting (tp.)

 66    Marian Smith to Leonard Ayling, 10 Sept. – on external painting; on colour of railings (tpc.)

 67    Druce & Co. to Marian Smith, 21 Sept. – enclose estimate and specification for painting. 3 leaves (tp.)

 .1    Notes on sums quoted in estimate (autogr.)

 68    Leonard Ayling to Marian Smith, 22 Sept. – on colour of railings (tp.)

 69    Marian Smith to W.R. Catchpole, 1 Oct. – thanks them for good service; as they have not provided an estimate for interior decoration, the contract has been placed elsewhere (tpc.)

 70    Druce & Co. to Marian Smith, 2 Oct. – on additional charge omitted from estimate (tp.)

 71    Marian Smith to Druce & Co., ibid. – accepts estimate; refers to alterations to ground floor lobby (tpc.)

 72    Ibid., 9 Oct. – on damage done by builders (tpc.)

 73    Callinghams Ltd. to Mrs Akehurst [Marian Smith], 23 Nov. – estimate for decorating work. 2 leaves (tp.)

 74    Marian Smith to Druce & Co., 12 Jan. 1960 – on deduction for broken pane of glass [see /6/72] (tpc, with autogr. note)

 75    Wolfe & Hollander to Marian Smith, 13 Jan. – estimate for laying carpet (tp.)

 76    Druce & Co. to Marian Smith, 14 Jan. – on amount deducted; enclose receipt for cheque (tp.)

 77    Marian Smith to Accountant, ibid. – asks for cheque for Druce & Co. (tpc.)

 78    Wolfe & Hollander to Marian Smith, 16 Jan. – on laying carpet (tp.)

 79    Callinghams Ltd. to Mrs Akehurst, 29 Jan. – estimate and specification for building cupboards and decoration; schedule of colours. 4 leaves (tp.)

 80    W.R. Catchpole to RAI, 4 Nov. 1961 – on replacement of boiler and related works; estimate of cost (tp.)

 81    North Thames Gas Board to [RAI], 15 Nov. – ibid. (tp.)

 82    Sun Insurance Office to Administrative Secretary, 28 Nov. 1961 – encloses surveyor’s report (printed and autogr.)

 83    Ibid., 24 Nov. – report on the boiler (printed and tp.)

 84    Rachel M. Lloyd, Clerk to the Officers, to Sun Insurance Ltd., 29 Nov. – thanks them for surveyor’s report (tpc.)

 85    Pyrene Company Ltd., 22 June 1962 – rental maintenance agreement [for fire extinguishers] (printed)

 86    Ibid. to RAI, 2 July – enclose copy of signed agreement for record (tp.)

 87    Anthony Christie, Hon. Secretary 1961-70, to Rachel Lloyd, 5 July – note about boiler (autogr.)

 88    Pyrene Company Ltd. to RAI, 14 Aug. – in view of valuable books on premises, recommend additional extinguishers be supplied (tp.)

 89    Anthony Christie to Pyrene Company Ltd., 28 Aug. – on installation of additional extinguishers. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 90    Pyrene Company Ltd. to Anthony Christie, 30 Aug. ibid. (tp.)

 91    Ibid. – inspection certificates from 1962-68. 7 items (printed and tp.)

 92    S.M. France, Clerk to the Officers, to W.R. Catchpole, 2 Jan. 1963 – on the boiler; on a leaking roof (tpc.)

 93    Anthony Christie to W.R. Catchpole, 17 May – on building operations still waiting to be done (tpc.)

 94    Ibid., 7 Oct. – ibid.; is ‘in despair’ (tpc.)

 95    Leonard Ayling to Anthony Christie, 6 May 1964 – on defective plinth to front railings (tp.)

 96    Anthony Christie to Leonard Ayling, 8 May [wrongly dated 8 Apr.] – is arranging for plinth to be repaired (tpc.)

 97    Ibid. to W.R. Catchpole, ibid. – on repair of plinth; asks that he come to talk about some other jobs (tpc.)

 98    Pyrene Company Ltd. to RAI, 14 Sept. 1964 – on invoice due; on inspection of extinguishers (tp.)

 99    Anthony Christie to W.R. Catchpole, 3 Feb. 1965 – enquires whether they still wish to undertake general maintenance work; on outstanding jobs; due to repaint building inside and out; wonders whether the firm still wants to work for RAI (tpc.)

100    Gerald Shenstone & Partners to RAI, 11 Oct. – acting for Bedford Estate and the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants in connection with additions to 22 Bedford Square; work will commence in a week’s time (tp.)

101    Mullen & Lumsden to Anthony Christie, 1 Feb. 1966 – submit estimate for redecoration to cottage (tp.)

102    Clerk to the Officers to Mullen & Lumsden, 4 Feb. – accepts estimate; lists required colours (tpc.)

103    Bedford Office, 5 Apr. – receipt for £2 paid for deposit on key for Bedford Square Garden (printed and tp.)

104    nd – agreement concerning use of Bedford Square Garden. 2 leaves (tp.)

105    Rules and Regulations concerning use of Bedford Square Garden (printed)

106    Gerald Shenstone & Partners to RAI, 7 July – acting for the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants in connection with a fire escape; enclose drawings (tp.)

107    Drawings relating to proposed fire escape. 2 items

108    Anthony Christie to Gerald Shenstone & Partners, 13 July – on the proposed escape stair; queries one point; consent given on the understanding that any damage incurred will be made good (tpc.)

109    Gerald Shenstone & Partners to Anthony Christie, 18 July – confirms that client will be responsible for any damage incurred (tp.)

110    Ibid. to Leonard Ayling, 22 Nov. – on estimated values for fire insurance; not impressed by general maintenance; on inferior partitioning which may not be licenced (photocopy)

111    Leonard Ayling to Anthony Christie, 23 Nov. – encloses copy of letter from Gerald Shenstone & Partners; asks him about the partitioning (tp.)

112    Anthony Christie to Leonard Ayling, 24 Nov. – Institute is due for redecoration; he ‘inherited’ the unlicensed partitioning; would be happy to remove it but thought it was part of the structure leased from the Trustees (tpc.)

113    Leonard Ayling to Anthony Christie, 29 Nov. – perhaps best to remove the partitioning before redecoration (tp.)

114    [RAI] to John Kusel, Kimber Bull & Co., 30 Jan. 1967 – encloses letter from Gerald Shenstone & Partners [not held] (tpc.)

115    Anthony Christie to Gerald Shenstone & Partners, ibid. – on reciprocal right of escape; hopes this letter will clear up misunderstanding (tp.)

116    Ibid. to John Kusel, 31 Jan. – Institute needs rewiring; asks whether Bedford Estate can be called upon to bear the cost (tpc.)

117    Ibid. to Mullen & Lumsden, 13 Mar. – asks for estimate for work on rain water pipe and repair of inside wall damage (tpc.)

118    Mullen & Lumsden to RAI, 23 Mar. – submit estimate for repairs mentioned (tp.)

119    Anthony Christie to Mullen & Lumsden, 28 Mar. – accepts estimate (tpc.)

120    Mullen & Lumsden to RAI, 29 Mar. – propose to carry out the work during the coming week (tp.)

121    Ibid., 13 Apr. – submit estimate for external painting. 2 leaves (tp.)

122    Anthony Christie to Mullen & Lumsden, 24 Apr. – accepts estimate (tpc.)

123    Mullen & Lumsden to RAI, 11 May – invoice for gaining access (tp.)

124    Lund-Roberts (Engineers) Ltd. to RAI, 24 July – Messrs S. Rogers & Co. have agreed that Lund-Roberts will take over all existing contracts (tp.)

125    Ibid., 31 July – statement (tp.)

126    16 Aug. – RAI House Memorandum regarding work on back steps (tp. with autogr. note)

127    Lund-Roberts (Engineers) Ltd. to RAI, 5 June 1968 – on rewiring; enclose tender for the work (tp.)

128    Ibid., ibid. – tender and specification for rewiring. 5 leaves (tp.)

129    Ibid. to Anthony Christie, 10 July – on supplying and fixing a nine light pendant (tp.)

130    Ibid. to RAI, 12 Sept. – confirmation of verbal instruction to carry out additional work (tp.)

131    Mullen & Lumsden to RAI, 7 Nov. 1968 – confirm that the right hand flank wall of the cottage structurally sound; discolouration of internal wall due to condensation (tp.)

132    Ibid., 28 Nov. – advise of increase of charge for drain and gutter cleaning (tp.)

133    Ibid., 1 Dec. 1970 – ibid.