Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teachng and Research A58 BRITISH JOINT COMMITTEE FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL TEACHING AND RESEARCH (A58 03 of 05)

Letters, minutes and papers. 1914-63.

There were discussions at the British Association meeting at Birmingham on 12 Sept. 1913 on suggestions for a school of applied anthropology. At its meeting in 1914, the British Association appointed a committee to ‘devise practical measures for the organisation of anthropological teaching at the universities.’ The RAI Committee was associated with it and both Committees met under the chairmanship of Sir Richard Temple.

Following these discussions in 1914, the British Association at their meeting in Glasgow in 1922 recommended that there should be a central organization responsible for coordinating anthropological studies between universities, institutions, and societies and that the RAI should be asked to fulfil this role. The Joint Committee was appointed on 17 Apr. 1923 and the first meeting took place on 29 May 1923 with Sir Hercules Read as permanent Chairman. The last meeting of the Committee was on 11 Mar. 1947 and of the Sub-Committee on 16 July 1948. The Report of Council for 1947/8 records that no meetings were held; business was conducted by correspondence which seems to have been the case thereafter. The Report for 1948/9 records no meetings were held. There is no reference to the Committee in the Reports for the years 1949/50 – 1956/7, 1958/9 – 1964. The Report for 1957/8 records that the quinquennial appointment of representatives to the Committee was made and that it had been called ‘upon for a decision recommended to the Council by the Ethnographic Film Committee’ on recognition as a national committee (see CM/57/2, Item 4). The final reappointment of representatives to the Committee was for 1958/62. In a letter dated 16 Dec. 1963, the Hon. Secretary wrote that the Committee had been discontinued in early 1963 (see 58/2/25/11).

Papers of the Appeal and Research Committee (Chairman, Sir Arthur Keith) are also included for 1927/8 (see 58/2/7-9). This Committee was a Sub-Committee of Council not of the Joint Committee (see 58/2/8/7 for relationship) and was appointed to raise a capital fund for anthropological research ‘especially in the Dependencies of the British Empire’.

Sir John Myres prepared a file in June 1931 including papers from his personal file while he was President (1928-31). His file and subsequent papers are included in this archive.

A58/ (cont.)

See Man, [Nov.] 1913, No. 102, pp. 185-92, ‘Suggestions for a School of Applied Anthropology’ by Sir Richard Temple; Man, [Mar.] 1914, No. 35, pp. 57-72, ‘Anthropological Teaching in the Universities’; JRAI, Vol. 53, 1923, Report of the Council for 1922, pp. 5-6, ‘The Teaching of Anthropology and the Establishment of a Central Bureau’ which had been under consideration at the British Association meeting in Edinburgh, 1921; Man, July 1923, No. 70, ‘An Imperial Bureau of Anthropology and the Extension of Anthropological Studies’; and JRAI, Vol. 54, 1924, Report of the Council for 1923, pp. 5-6 ‘Central Bureau for Anthropology’. See also A56.


HB Henry Balfour, FRS (1863-1939), Curator, Pitt-Rivers Museum, University of Oxford; RAI President, 1903-4

BA British Association for the Advancement of Science

WBF William B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56

ENF E.N. Fallaize (d. 1957), RAI Hon. Secretary 1920-31

AK Sir Arthur Keith, FRS, FRCP (1866-1955), Master, Buckstone Browne Research Farm, Royal College of Surgeons; RAI President, 1913-16

PFK Percy F. Kendall (1856-1936), Prof. of Geology, University of Leeds

BM Bronislav Malinowski (1884-1942), London School of Economics, later Prof. of Anthropology, University of London

JLM Sir John L. Myres, FBA, OBE (1869-1954), Wykeham Prof. of Ancient History, University of Oxford; RAI President, 1928-31; founder and editor of Man

WJP W.J. Perry (1887-1949), Reader in Cultural Anthropology, University College London

GP-R Capt. G.H.L.F. Pitt-Rivers (1890-1966), owner and Director, Pitt-Rivers Museum, Farnham

CHR Sir (Charles) Hercules Read, FBA (1857-1929), Keeper of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography, British Museum; RAI President, 1899, 1917

CGS Prof. Charles Gabriel Seligman (1873-1940), RAI President 1923-25

GES Sir Grafton Elliot Smith (1871-1937), Prof. of Anatomy, University College London

RT Lieut.-Col. Sir Richard Temple (1850-1931)

A58/2/13a/61    Joan Evans (later Dame Joan Evans, d. 1977) to JLM, 22 May 1931 – is sorry she cannot attend the meeting of the Joint Committee [on 26 May]; is interested in the draft report on the training of Colonial civil servants; gives her view as to what is important. 3 pages (autogr.)

 62    T.C. Hodson to Miles Burkitt, 23 May – suggests that probationers for the Indian civil service have the same training in anthropology as Colonial probationers; suggests obligatory examinations in anthropology; always willing to discuss plans, but dislikes misrepresentation and inaccuracy (tp.)

 63    Lord Raglan to JLM, 25 May – thinks the report is ‘admirable’; makes a few minor amendments (tpc.)

 64    JLM to Lord Raglan, 26 May – informs him that things ‘did not go well’ at the meeting of the Joint Committee; the report has been referred back; he withdrew the report until a meeting in June; on the next steps for the drafting committee; it was suggested that the Colonial Office send a representative to the Joint Committee; on future meetings (autogr. carbon)

 65    Lord Raglan to JLM, 27 May – sorry that there was trouble at the meeting; would seem to him to be a mistake to invite representative from Colonial Office onto Joint Committee; on dates for meetings (tp.)

         .1    JLM to Colonial Office, nd – confirms that a representative may be appointed; precedent furnished by Joint Archaeological Committee (autogr. draft)

 66    JLM to Miles Burkitt, 31 May – encloses minutes of Joint Committee meeting on 26 May [see 2/13/5, /3/10]; asks for information regarding teaching anthropology to Colonial civil servants at Cambridge; on a conference in Berne regarding the Congrès internationale des sciences préhistoriques [see 2/15/26c, /30c, & A65]; on hommes fossils (autogr. carbon)

 67    Ibid. to [R.R. Marett], 31 May – encloses minutes of Joint Committee meeting on 26 May [see 2/13/5, /3/10]; asks for information regarding teaching anthropology to Colonial civil servants at Oxford; on asking Colonial Office to send a representative to Joint Committee; on the Berne conference (autogr. carbon)

 68    Ibid. to Lord Raglan, 1 June – thanks him for letter of 27 May; is collecting information about the universities; agrees with him about a Colonial Office representative (autogr. carbon)

 69    Lord Raglan to JLM, 2 June – takes issue with a phrase from T.C. Hodson’s letter [2/13a/62]; describes what he thinks the aim of the report should be (tp.)

 70    R.R. Marett to ibid., 2 June 1931. – shall be glad to have a chat with him, but cannot make any statement about the arrangements for teaching anthropology to Colonial probationers; suggests others who are involved with the subject (tp.)

 71    C.W. Hobley to ibid., 10 June – regarding deliberations on his Memoranda of Sept. 1930, expresses thanks but also some disappointment; refers to Lord Raglan’s ‘ill-timed’ Memorandum which drew analogy with military history [see 2/13a/15, /16]; he prefers analogy with the practice of medicine; emphasises the importance of practical application of theory; suggests enlisting help of Lord Lugard, head of IIALC; also mentions Mr G.J.F. Tomlinson of the Colonial Office 3 leaves (tp.)

 72    JLM to CGS. 11 June – asks him to look at letter from C.W. Hobley [2/13a/71]; asks what alterations in the draft report would satisfy Hobley (autogr.)

 73    Ibid. to G.J.F. Tomlinson, Colonial Office, 12 June – on the Committee considering anthropological study for Colonial civil servants; asks what provision in now made for this; RAI would value the opportunity to discuss the question with the Colonial Office before making any formal suggestions (autogr. carbon)

 74    Sir Halford Mackinder to JLM, 12 June – cannot attend meeting; enclosed letter gives the position of the Royal Geographical Society on the two subjects discussed at Committee meeting of 26 May [for Minutes see 2/13/5, /3/10] (tp.)

 75    Secretary, Royal Geographic Society, to Sir Halford Mackinder, 10 June – has discussed his letter of 3 June [not held] with the President; the Society not inclined to incur any financial responsibility for the proposed Congress of Prehistoric Anthropology; the universities should come to an agreement before asking a learned society to join a deputation [enclosed with 2/13a/74] (tp.)

 76    JLM to [T.B.] Williamson, Colonial Office, 13 June – on the Committee considering anthropological study for Colonial civil servants; R.R. Marett refers JLM to him for information (autogr. carbon)

 77    R.R. Marett to JLM, 19 June – is in general sympathy with the draft report; if too much is asked for the Colonial Office might be ‘frightened’; describes the existing scheme at Oxford for probationers and for officers on leave; is in favour of extending the system cautiously; on shortage of good teachers. 4 pages (autogr.)

 78    JLM to BM, 19 June 1931 – refers to BM’s memorandum presented to Joint Committee [2/13a/59] suggesting that universities which teach anthropology should agree about what is wanted; asks what London University has done ‘in this direction’; BM had mentioned meeting of the Board of Studies (autogr. carbon)

 79    C. Otto Blagden, School of Oriental Studies, London, to JLM, ibid. – cannot attend meeting [on 23 June]; makes a few points regarding the training of Colonial civil servants; describes the courses he offers; the courses are primarily language courses but he also includes other information; on the possibility of adding anthropology to these courses; raises other practical issues; current teaching offered to probationers should be ascertained before any approach is made to the Colonial Office; fundamental question is what sort of teaching is wanted. 6 pages (autogr.)

         .1    Ibid., nd – notes on courses (autogr.)

 80    CGS to JLM, 19 June – encloses Miss [Dorothy] Brackett’s account of ‘doings’ of IIALC [not held; Miss Brackett was the Institute’s first Secretary]; on meeting C.W. Hobley; encloses letter from Van Sickle [not held] (tp.)

 81    Prof. V. Gordon Childe (1892-1957), Prof. of Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, later Prof. of Prehistoric European Archaeology and Director, Institute of Archaeology, University of London to ibid., 22 June – cannot attend meeting [on 23 June]; no decision has been reached as to representation of Oxford University on deputation to the Colonial Office, but support is likely; describes the facilities at the university (autogr.)

 82    BM to ibid., 22 June – was unable to consult Board of Studies at their last meeting; will bring decision of Sub-Committee of the Board to the Joint Committee meeting [on 23 June]; as he is leaving London soon, CGS will take over from him (tp.)

 83    Miles Burkitt to ibid., [24 June] – refers to ‘the enclosed’ [not held]; includes a private note on the action of the RAI in the matter of the Colonial Probationers; there is a view in Cambridge that the RAI is ‘interfering’; advises him to be ‘gentle’ (autogr.)

 84    Lord Raglan to ibid., 23 June – understood that he was to call a meeting for today; has had no notice from RAI so has decided not to come (autogr.)

A58/2/13a/85    JLM to Lord Raglan, 24 June 1931 – apologizes for leaving the question of Lord Raglan’s attendance at the meeting [on 23 June] until the last moment; there has been correspondence and informal discussion; mentions Miles Burkitt and BM; the report has been accepted as a general statement of aims, to be taken further by RAI; R.R. Marett and C. Otto Blagden have sent helpful comments [see 2/13a/77, /79]; refers to a letter from Hobley [see 2/13a/71]; JLM will contact Colonial Office; he fears the delay means nothing can be done before the summer holidays (autogr. carbon)

 86    Ibid. – 25 June – their letters crossed; omission to call the ‘Hobley Committee’ was his; he did not receive documents in time to circulate them, so decided not to summon the committee (autogr. carbon)

 87    Lord Raglan to JLM, ibid. – on crossed letters and a telegram which went astray (autogr.)

 88    JLM to Miles Burkitt, 26 June – thanks him for ‘Absolon’s letter’ [not held; Karel Absolon (1877-1960, Czech archaeologist]; his letter [2/13a/83] puts the matter of the Colonial civil servants in a new light, contradicting Driberg’s statements about Cambridge opinion; the Joint Committee and the universities were intended to act in liaison; asks that any grievances be submitted in writing (autogr. carbon)

 89    Miles Burkitt to JLM, [27 June] – has sent documents to Hodson; acting as a go-between is a thankless task; suggests JLM and Hodson meet to discuss things; on Minns’s attitude (autogr.)

 90    T.C. Hodson to Miles Burkitt, 29 June – gives the background to the relations between the Colonial Office and the RAI, beginning ‘a year ago’ when the Colonial Office prepared a scheme of organization of the examination for their probationers; a protest was prepared but not submitted; on the course he runs at Cambridge; the RAI had the chance to take action yet did not do so; with regard to the draft report which has been prepared, no member of the faculty at Cambridge was consulted. 2 leaves (autogr. copy by JLM)

 91    Miles Burkitt to JLM, [30 June] – sent the papers to Hodson; encloses his reply [2/13a/90]; repeats that JLM and Hodson should meet to talk; on anthropological training to be given to Indian Colonial Service probationers; on the creation of a new Section of the BA, devoted to prehistory; suggests that JLM is the ‘man to take the lead in this matter’; feels that he should send the dossier of correspondence to Driberg, as his name has been frequently mentioned (tp. with autogr. PS)

 92    JLM to Colonel T.C. Hodson, 3 July – Miles Burkitt has sent on some of his letters regarding the training of Colonial probationers; there seem to be some misconceptions regarding the attitude of the RAI; asks if they might meet to discuss the matter; suggests some dates (autogr. carbon)

 93    Ibid. to Miles Burkitt, ibid. – thanks him for the trouble he is taking about anthropological training and the relation of prehistory and anthropology; returns Hodson’s letter [2/13a/90]; does not think anything would be gained by showing his [JLM’s] letters to Driberg; spells out what happened ‘last year’ when RAI was asked by Driberg to write to the Colonial Office about the classification of anthropology; nothing was heard from Cambridge; Council did not feel able to take action, as the universities were not in harmony; he ascertained that the right time to make a representation was this spring; refers to Hobley’s memoranda and the ‘Raglan Committee’; his [Burkitt’s] and BM’s opposition have made it too late for effective intervention; the Colonial Office now annoyed because it has not received the memorandum; it has been ‘a very great disappointment’; his letters to Burkitt were for his , personal information, and Hodson’s. 3 pages (autogr. carbon)

 94    Anthony Bevin, Colonial Office, to the President, RAI [Thomas Athol Joyce (1878-1942), President 1931-3], 15 July – is directed by Lord Passfield to acknowledge receipt of letter addressed to Mr Tomlinson [2/13a/73] regarding training in anthropology for Colonial probationers; Lord Passfield interested to learn of the RAI Committee on the subject; describes existing arrangements undertaken by Colonial Office; would consider favourably the proposal that discussion should take place; makes it clear that the universities of Oxford and Cambridge should also be party to the discussion; asks for any provisional conclusions. 3 pages (tp.)

 95    JLM to Lord Onslow, 16 July – refers to his telegram [not held]; he only had time to send the papers with a covering note; the draft Memorandum [2/13a/55] has been accepted by Council; however the next steps have been held up ‘most regrettably’ by BM and Miles Burkitt, and by failure of Colonial Office to send a copy of existing regulations; the project of sending in the memorandum and seeking an interview with the Colonial Office has been frustrated; he devoted part of his Presidential Address on 30 June to the subject of anthropological training; this will be published in due course; sends a copy of Lord Raglan’s memorandum to his Committee [2/13a/16] (autogr. carbon)

 96    CGS to JLM, ibid. – the position of the Colonial Office is that few new men are going out; the teaching which RAI says is desirable is already being done; he thinks the best thing is to let the matter drop; understands that JLM might be annoyed that nothing comes of all the trouble taken (tp.)

 97    JLM to CGS, 17 July – on Lord Onslow’s asking for the draft report; on Colonial Office asking for provisional conclusions [see 2/13a/94]; has also sent to Lord Onslow a copy of Lord Raglan’s memorandum to his Committee [2/13a/16] and a copy of his own address (autogr. carbon)

 98    Lord Onslow to JLM, ibid. – thanks him for the papers; will bring the matter before the East Africa Committee (tp.)

 99    JLM to Lord Onslow, 18 July – has now had a note from the Colonial Office [2/13a/94] which tells him ‘much less than we already knew’; letter asks about provisional conclusions; will send a full account of procedure hitherto (autogr. carbon)

100    Ibid. to Anthony Bevin, ibid. – thanks him for letter [2/13a/94]; asks him to convey thanks of RAI to Lord Passfield for his interest; describes the relation between the RAI and the universities; his letter of 12 June [2/13a/73] written on behalf of both RAI and Joint Committee; describes the Joint Committee; gives brief history of the present enquiry; refers to address by Lord Lugard published in Man, Dec. 1930 [pp. 213-15] and C.W. Hobley’s article in Man, Feb. 1931 [see 2/13a/33]; these and other documents referred to a Committee, whose recommendations were referred to the Joint Committee; on the need to communicate with the Colonial Office; will soon send a copy of the draft memorandum; will also send, if possible, a copy of his own Presidential address. 3 pages (autogr. carbon)

101    Lord Onslow to JLM, 24 July – thanks him for letters; has written a memorandum which he has forwarded to the Drafting Committee of the East African Committee (tp.)

102    JLM to Anthony Bevin, 29 July – encloses a copy of the Memorandum on the Anthropological Training of Colonial Civil Servants [2/13a/55]; encloses a copy of his own address, which will be published in the RAI’s Journal next month (autogr. carbon)

103    Colonial Office to JLM, 7 Aug. – acknowledges his letter (printed and autogr.)

104    Margery Perham, St Hugh’s College, Oxford, to JLM, 3 Sept. – returns the ‘collection’ he lent her; feels that RAI and IIALC are duplicating activities a little; would like to meet him again (tp.)

14/    1931. Joint Committee. Associated printed papers

  1    ‘International Congress and Institut international’ by JLM. Man, Feb. 1931, Item 20 (offprint with preliminary page addressed to selected addressees asking for their views, dated 24 Jan. 1931)

  2    ‘National provision for the study of Indian and other Oriental cultures’ by JLM. Man, Apr. 1931, Item 62 – memorandum by JLM to the Joint Committee with the resolutions of the Joint Committee, 17 Mar. 1931 (offprint) [see also A26/2]

  3    ‘International congresses, anthropological or prehistoric’ by JLM. Man, Apr. 1931, Item 63 (offprint)

15/    1931. Reappointment of representatives for 5 years from April and matters arising

  1    Heading of section by JLM (autogr.)

  2    List of universities, societies, and institutions by JLM (autogr.)

  3    Circular letter on the appointment of representative, Apr. 2 leaves (mimeo.)

 4a    Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, 23 May – appointment must be considered by senate (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 23 May – Prof. R.W. Reid, FRCS appointed

  c    Ibid., 31 Oct. – inquiries if Prof. Reid is their representative (tp.)

  d    Ibid., 31 Oct. – senate approves the provision of courses for Colonial civil servants (tp.)

 5a    University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 30 Apr – Prof. C. Daryll Forde appointed (tp.)

  b    Ibid., Prof. C. Daryll Forde, FBA (1902-73), later Prof. of Anthropology, University College London; Director, International African Institute; President, RAI, 1947-9 to JLM, 24 May – will attend International Congress in 1932 but cannot yet say if the University wishes to be associated; will urge the University to provide training for Colonial civil servants (autogr.)

 6a    University of Bristol, 27 Apr. – appointment to be considered by senate (tp.)

 6b    Ibid., 22 May 1931 – Prof. Edward Fawcett, FRS, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine appointed

 7a    British Archaeological Association, 11 May – unable to find a representative was ever appointed; Council in sympathy with Joint Committee’s aims; asks for further information (tp.)

 7b    JLM to ibid., 16 May – no financial liability, current expenses borne by RAI; outlines the history of the committee and recent matters of concern such as the preservation of Hadrian’s Wall, etc. (autogr. carbon)

  c    British Archaeological Association to JLM, 5 June – thanks him for letter; Thomas W. Bagshawe, FSA appointed (tp. with autogr. annotations by JLM)

  d    Ibid., Thomas W. Bagshawe (1901-76) Vice-President, RAI, 1952-5 to JLM, 20 June – notifies his address (tp.)

  8    BA, 12 June – Dr A.C. Haddon, FRS, (1855-1940) Reader in Ethnology, University of Cambridge; RAI President, 1901-2 appointed (tp.)

  9    University of Cambridge, 28 Apr. – M.C. Burkitt appointed (tp.)

 10    University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff, 7 May – Prof. C.M. West appointed (tp.)

 11    University College, Dundee, 9 Mar. – appointment to be considered by Council (tp.)

 12    University of Durham, 22 May – Dr J.W.H. Harrison, FRS (1881-1967), Prof. of Anatomy, King’s College, University of Durham, later University of Newcastle appointed

 13    University of Edinburgh, V. Gordon Childe to JLM, 21 May – regrets cannot attend meeting; Royal Scottish Geographical Society has not considered International Congress matter but likely to have moral support of Society; will urge University to join deputation on training (autogr.)

14a    Egypt Exploration Society, 24 Apr. – appointment to be considered by Committee (tp.)

14b    Ibid., 4 Mar. 1933 – Mr L.G. Wharton appointed

 15    Eugenics Society, 7 May – GP-R appointed

16a    Folk-Lore Society, 24 Apr. – appointed to be considered by Council (autogr. by H. Coote Lake)

16b    Ibid., 21 May 1931 – Miss Joan Evans appointed (autogr. by H. Coote Lake)

 17    University of Glasgow, 1 May – Prof. T.H. Bryce, FRS appointed (tp.)

 18    Imperial Institute, London, 25 Apr. – Capt F.B.H. Drummond, MC, appointed; wishes to cooperate in every way (tp.)

19a    Institute of Sociology, 11 May – Alexander Farquharson appointed (tp.)

  b    Ibid., Alexander Farquharson, 25 June – apologies for absence from last two meetings; approves the training of Colonial civil servants; and supports proposed International Congress (tp.)

20a    IIALC, later International African Institute, 24 Apr. – appointment to be considered by Committee (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 19 June – Rev. E.W. Smith (1876-1957), RAI President, 1933-5 appointed (tp.)

21a    Japan Society, 22 Apr. – appointment to be considered by Council (autogr. by Col. John C. Somerville)

  b    Ibid., 20 May – appointment not yet considered (tp.)

  c    Ibid., 3 July – Mrs Brenda Z. Seligman appointed (tp.)

 22    King’s College, University of London, 11 May – Prof. R. Ruggles Gates, FRS (1882-1962), Prof. of Botany, King’s College, University of London appointed (tp.)

23a    University of Leeds, Prof. J. Kay Jamieson, Prof. of Anatomy and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, 20 May – cannot attend meeting; little archaeological or anthropological coverage at university; would have to rely on local societies for co¬operation; considers ‘outlier’ services, i.e. applied, only justification for continued existence; willing to join committee (autogr.)

  b    Ibid., Registrar, 22 May – Prof. J. Kay Jamieson appointed (tp.)

  c    JLM to Prof. Jamieson, 23 May – replies to helpful letter of 20 May; comments on International Congress and RAI’s continuing role of collecting and sorting; Joint Committee’s role of liaison; meetings, discussions and role of the RAI Library (autogr. tpc.)

24a    University of Liverpool, Prof. T.E. Peet to JLM, 28 May 1931 – no Liverpool representative on Committee hitherto; he and others interested to have one; inquires whether one of the three interested could attend depending on which of the three was free; if not could matters be handled by correspondence (tp.)

  b    JLM to Prof. T.E. Peet, 31 May – replies to letter of 28 May; most of the Joint Committee’s business conducted by correspondence; will raise point of a changing representative; meetings only held for special questions (autogr. tpc.)

  c    Edward Carey, Registrar, University of Liverpool, 16 June – Prof. T.E. Peet appointed (tp. with autogr. annotation by Edward Carey)

  d    Prof. T.E. Peet to JLM, 18 June – accepts membership on the understanding that one of his colleagues may attend in his place if necessary (tp.)

25a    University of London, South Kensington, 23 Apr. – acknowledges communication (pc)

  b    Ibid., 18 June – CGS appointed (tp.)

26a    London School of Economics and Political Science, 11 May – BM appointed (tp.)

  b    BM to JLM, 27 May – apologises for having to leave meeting; considers most important function of Joint Committee is to stress need for cooperation in teaching; a representative on the Committee from the Colonial Office would help to avoid misunderstandings; asks for exact wording of his two proposals (tp.)

  c    JLM to BM, 31 May – replies to letter of 27 May; encloses unconfirmed minutes; if a Colonial Office representative attends, hopes universities and other teaching institutions will know what their institutions are doing; Berne conference agreed unanimously to inaugurate an International congress [see A65] (autogr. tpc.)

27a    National Institute of Industrial Psychology, 14 May – Dr C.S. Myers appointed (tp.)

  b    C.S. Myers to JLM, 20 May – regrets cannot attend next meeting; agrees with draft report on training of Civil servants; hopes it will be adopted; does not think his Institute would wish to take part in deputation (tp.)

 28    University of Oxford, 11 May – Dr R.R. Marett appointed

29a    Palestine Exploration Fund – address noted by JLM (autogr.)

29b    Ibid., 22 Apr. 1931 – appointment will be considered by Executive Committee (autogr.)

30a    Royal Archaeological Institute, 12 May – Christopher F.C. Hawkes appointed (tp.)

  b    Ibid., C.F.C. Hawkes (from Dept of British and Mediaeval Antiquities, British Museum) to JLM, 21 May – congratulates JLM on his grandson; his Council likely to follow Society of Antiquaries’ view on International Congress; as Secretary will get powers to act during long vacation; his Council likely to support training for Civil servants (autogr.)

  c    JLM to C.F.C. Hawkes, 22 May – Society of Antiquaries will invite International Congress if asked; RAI would like to be associated with the invitation if desired; comments on the position of the Institut international d’Anthropologie and its relationship to the old congress, i.e. Congrès international d’Anthropologie et d’Archeologie prehistoriques (autogr.)

 31    Royal Asiatic Society, 25 Apr. – Dr C.O. Blagden appointed (tp.)

 32    Royal College of Surgeons of England, 15 May – AK appointed (tp.)

33a    Royal Empire Society, 13 May – Sir Godfrey Lagden appointed (tp.)

  b    Royal Empire Society, 15 Nov. 1934 – refers to letter of 9 Nov. [not held]; Mr L.C.G. Clarke appointed (tp.)

 34    Royal Geographical Society, 5 May – Sir Halford Mackinder appointed (tp.)

 35    Royal Scottish Geographical Society, 22 Apr. – Prof. V. Gordon Childe appointed [see 2/13a/81 for details] (tp.)

36a    University of St Andrews, 27 Apr. – asks for further information as to costs (tp.)

  b    JLM to University of St Andrews, 30 Apr. – replies to letter of 27 Apr.; outlines history and procedures of the Joint Committee (autogr. tpc.)

  c    University of St Andrews to JLM, 2 May – Prof. David Waterston, Prof. of Anatomy, appointed (tp.)

37a    University of Sheffield, 23 Apr. – inquires as to representative (tp. with autogr. annotation)

  b    Ibid., 21 May – asks for a reply to letter of 23 Apr. (tp. with autogr. annotation)

A58/2/15/37c    Ibid., 16 June – Prof. C.J. Patten, Prof. of Anatomy, (tp. with autogr. annotation by JLM)

  d    Ibid., 27 Nov. 1935 – Prof. C.J. Patten has retired; Dr M.A. MacConaill appointed in his place (tp.)

 38    Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 6 May 1931 – JLM appointed. 2 leaves (autogr. by B.S. Page)

 39    Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 22 May –Dr R.E.M. Wheeler appointed (tp. with autogr. annotation by JLM)

 40    Society of Antiquaries of London, 25 Apr. – Reginald A. Smith appointed (tp.)

41a    University College London, 22 Apr. – representative to be considered (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 2 June – GES appointed (tp.)

 42    University of Manchester, 30 May 1932 – Mr H.J. Fleure appointed (tp.)

16/    1934. Establishment of the Dept of Anthropology, Free Church College, Edinburgh

  1    G. Robert Gair later Gayre, Head of Dept to JLM, 24 July – outlines the developments leading to the establishment of the Dept within a divinity school; names the staff and projects in progress; wishes to cooperate with the development of teaching in anthropology. 4 leaves (autogr. with autogr. annotation by JLM). See Council minute, 11 Dec. 1934, f. 254 for reference to the Institute of Anthropology, Edinburgh. See also A98, and Council minutes, 1 Mar., 5 Apr. and 3 May 1962, CM/91/6-8 and Man, May 1962, No. 110 for the libel action brought by R. Gayre, editor of Mankind Quarterly, against the RAI arising from a letter by Božo Škerlj published in Man, Nov. 1960, No. 215

17/    1936-37. Reappointment of representatives for 5 years and other correspondence

  1    Miles C. Burkitt, University of Cambridge, to JLM, [5] Feb. 1936 – refers to his appointment [see 2/15/9]; the Faculty Board will now be making nomination; asks that communications now be addressed to the Faculty Board; hopes this will not contravene the constitution of the Joint Committee (autogr.)

  2    JLM to Miles C. Burkitt, 8 Feb. 1936 – answers his question; hitherto nominations have been personal (autogr. copy)

  3    Ibid. to Raymond Firth, 8 Feb. 1936 – the ‘enclosed’ [presumably 2/17/1 & /2] should be laid before Council for confirmation; on difficulty of correspondence being monopolized by addressees (autogr.)

  4    Leeds University, 21 Mar. 1936 – Prof. E.O. James, Prof. of the Philosophy and History of Religion, appointed in place of Prof. Jamieson (tp.)

  5    Circular letter on the appointment of representatives, 16 Dec. 1936 (mimeo.)

  6    Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, 19 Jan. 1937 – Emeritus-Prof. R.W. Reid appointed (tp.)

  7    University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 22 Jan. 1937 – Prof. C.Daryll Forde reappointed (tp.)

  8    University of Birmingham, 5 Feb. 1937 – Prof. R.D. Lockhart appointed (tp.)

  9    University of Bristol, ibid. – Emeritus Prof. E. Fawcett appointed (tp.)

 10    British Archaeological Association, nd – Mr T[homas] W. Bagshawe reappointed (autogr.)

 11    BA, 18 Feb. 1937 – Dr H.S. Harrison, Horniman Museum, appointed (tp.)

 12    University of Cambridge, Museum of Archaeology and of Ethnology, ‘19th’ – J.H. Driberg appointed (autogr.)

 13    University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff, 21 Jan. 1937 – Prof. C.M. West appointed (tp.)

 14    University of Durham, 11 Feb. 1937 – Dr J.W. Heslop Harrison, Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, reappointed (tp.)

 15    Egypt Exploration Society, 30 Jan. 1937 – Mr L.C. Wharton appointed (tp.)

 16    Eugenics Society, 15 Feb. 1937 – J.C. Trevor, Galton Laboratory, University College London, appointed (tp.)

 17    Folk-Lore Society, 22 Jan. 1937 – Dr Joan Evans appointed (autogr. by H. Coote Lake)

 18    University of Glasgow, 22 Jan. 1937 – Prof. D.M. Blair appointed (tp.)

 19    Imperial Institute, London, 23 Dec. 1936 – Capt. F.B.H. Drummond no longer employed at the Institute; it is not desired to renew representation (tp.)

 20    Institute of Sociology, 5 Nov. 1937 – regrets delay in answering letter of 20 Sept. [not held]; Mr Alexander Farquharson re-elected (tp.)

21a    IIALC, 23 Dec. 1936 – letter of 16 Dec. [2/17/5] will be brought before the Bureau, which will not meet until spring; suggests that Rev. E.W. Smith be regarded as representative until that time (tp.)

21b    Ibid., 22 June 1937 – Rev. E.W. Smith appointed (tp.)

 22    Japan Society, 5 Mar. 1937 – Mrs Brenda Z. Seligman appointed (tp.)

 23    King’s College, University of London, 27 Jan. 1937 – Prof. R.R. Gates appointed (tp.)

 24    University of Leeds, 19 Feb. 1937 – Prof. E.O. James appointed (tp.)

 25    University of Liverpool, 18 Dec. 1936 – Prof. J.P. Droop appointed (tp.)

 26    University of London, 21 Jan. 1937 – CGS reappointed (tp.)

 27    London School of Economics and Political Science, 22 Jan. 1937 – BM appointed (tp.)

 28    University of Manchester, 13 Jan. 1937 – Prof. H.J. Fleure reappointed (tp.)

 29    National Institute of Industrial Psychology, 28 Dec. 1936 – Dr C.S. Myers reappointed (tp.)

 30    University of Oxford, 18 Dec. 1936 – [Dr R.R. Marett] reappointed (tp.)

 31    Royal Archaeological Institute, 13 Feb. 1937 – Mr C.F.C. Hawkes reappointed (autogr.)

 32    Royal Asiatic Society, 20 Feb. 1937 – R.E. Enthoven appointed, to replace Dr C. Otto Blagden (tp.)

 33    Royal College of Surgeons of England, 14 Jan. 1937 – AK reappointed (tp.)

 34    Royal Empire Society, 28 Jan. 1937 – Mr Louis C.G. Clarke reappointed (tp.)

 35    Royal Geographic Society, 14 Jan. 1937 – their President HB appointed (tp.)

 36    Royal Scottish Geographic Society, 17 Feb. – Mr Robert Kerr, Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, appointed in place of Prof. V. Gordon Childe (tp.)

 37    University of St Andrews, 19 Dec. 1936 – Prof. David Waterston appointed (tp.)

 38    University of Sheffield, 15 Feb. 1937 – Dr M.A. MacConaill appointed (tp.)

 39    Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 19 Feb. 1937 – JLM appointed (autogr. pc)

 40    Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 18 Jan. 1937 – Dr R.E. Mortimer Wheeler appointed (tp.)

 41    Society of Antiquaries of London, 22 Jan. 1937 – Mr Reginald A. Smith appointed (tp.)

 42    University College London, 3 Feb. 1937 – Prof. E.H. Woollard appointed (tp.)