Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teachng and Research A58 BRITISH JOINT COMMITTEE FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL TEACHING AND RESEARCH (A58 01 of 05)

Letters, minutes and papers. 1914-63.

There were discussions at the British Association meeting at Birmingham on 12 Sept. 1913 on suggestions for a school of applied anthropology. At its meeting in 1914, the British Association appointed a committee to ‘devise practical measures for the organisation of anthropological teaching at the universities.’ The RAI Committee was associated with it and both Committees met under the chairmanship of Sir Richard Temple.

Following these discussions in 1914, the British Association at their meeting in Glasgow in 1922 recommended that there should be a central organization responsible for coordinating anthropological studies between universities, institutions, and societies and that the RAI should be asked to fulfil this role. The Joint Committee was appointed on 17 Apr. 1923 and the first meeting took place on 29 May 1923 with Sir Hercules Read as permanent Chairman. The last meeting of the Committee was on 11 Mar. 1947 and of the Sub-Committee on 16 July 1948. The Report of Council for 1947/8 records that no meetings were held; business was conducted by correspondence which seems to have been the case thereafter. The Report for 1948/9 records no meetings were held. There is no reference to the Committee in the Reports for the years 1949/50 – 1956/7, 1958/9 – 1964. The Report for 1957/8 records that the quinquennial appointment of representatives to the Committee was made and that it had been called ‘upon for a decision recommended to the Council by the Ethnographic Film Committee’ on recognition as a national committee (see CM/57/2, Item 4). The final reappointment of representatives to the Committee was for 1958/62. In a letter dated 16 Dec. 1963, the Hon. Secretary wrote that the Committee had been discontinued in early 1963 (see 58/2/25/11).

Papers of the Appeal and Research Committee (Chairman, Sir Arthur Keith) are also included for 1927/8 (see 58/2/7-9). This Committee was a Sub-Committee of Council not of the Joint Committee (see 58/2/8/7 for relationship) and was appointed to raise a capital fund for anthropological research ‘especially in the Dependencies of the British Empire’.

Sir John Myres prepared a file in June 1931 including papers from his personal file while he was President (1928-31). His file and subsequent papers are included in this archive.

A58/ (cont.)

See Man, [Nov.] 1913, No. 102, pp. 185-92, ‘Suggestions for a School of Applied Anthropology’ by Sir Richard Temple; Man, [Mar.] 1914, No. 35, pp. 57-72, ‘Anthropological Teaching in the Universities’; JRAI, Vol. 53, 1923, Report of the Council for 1922, pp. 5-6, ‘The Teaching of Anthropology and the Establishment of a Central Bureau’ which had been under consideration at the British Association meeting in Edinburgh, 1921; Man, July 1923, No. 70, ‘An Imperial Bureau of Anthropology and the Extension of Anthropological Studies’; and JRAI, Vol. 54, 1924, Report of the Council for 1923, pp. 5-6 ‘Central Bureau for Anthropology’. See also A56.


HB        Henry Balfour, FRS (1863-1939), Curator, Pitt-Rivers Museum, University of Oxford; RAI President, 1903-4

BA        British Association for the Advancement of Science

WBF    William B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56

ENF    E.N. Fallaize (d. 1957), RAI Hon. Secretary 1920-31

AK        Sir Arthur Keith, FRS, FRCP (1866-1955), Master, Buckstone Browne Research Farm, Royal College of Surgeons; RAI President, 1913-16

PFK    Percy F. Kendall (1856-1936), Prof. of Geology, University of Leeds

BM        Bronislav Malinowski (1884-1942), London School of Economics, later Prof. of Anthropology, University of London

JLM    Sir John L. Myres, FBA, OBE (1869-1954), Wykeham Prof. of Ancient History, University of Oxford; RAI President, 1928-31; founder and editor of Man

WJP    W.J. Perry (1887-1949), Reader in Cultural Anthropology, University College London

GP-R Capt. G.H.L.F. Pitt-Rivers (1890-1966), owner and Director, Pitt-Rivers Museum, Farnham

CHR    Sir (Charles) Hercules Read, FBA (1857-1929), Keeper of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography, British Museum; RAI President, 1899, 1917

CGS    Prof. Charles Gabriel Seligman (1873-1940), RAI President 1923-25

GES    Sir Grafton Elliot Smith (1871-1937), Prof. of Anatomy, University College London

RT        Lieut.-Col. Sir Richard Temple (1850-1931)

  A58/1    Note by JLM on the preparation of the file, June 1931 (autogr.)

 2/    Formation and work of Committee

  1    Title of section by JLM (autogr.)

  2    1914

  1    HB to ENF, 30 Aug. – supports RT’s views on the teaching of anthropology and a central organization to coordinate the various centres involved. 5 leaves (autogr.)

  2    Extract from BA report, 1914 on the Teaching of Anthropology – report of Committee under the chairmanship of RT (tpc., with autogr. notes by CHR and JLM)

  3    Resolutions of RT’s Committee on Teaching of Anthropology (autogr. by JLM)

 3/    1922

  1    ENF to JLM, 15 Feb. – on possible names for the next Huxley lecturer; the BA, and a central coordinating organization (tp. with autogr. corrections by ENF)

  2    BA Conference on Organization of Anthropological Studies … at Burlington House, 23 May and the appointment of a Joint Committee – minutes (mimeo.)

  3    BA Council meeting, 2 June – report of the Conference on Teaching of Anthropology (mimeo., with autogr. marks and note)

  4    Ibid., Item 6 on appointment of Committee members (mimeo., with autogr. note by JLM) and attached note (autogr. by ENF)

  5    RAI Memorandum on the proposals of the BA Conference, 2 June (tp. with autogr. notes by JLM)

  6    JLM to ENF, 2 June – on BA Council meeting and its acceptance of the memorandum; see 2/3/5; and lack of funds for the BA Bronze Implement Committee (tp. and tpc.)

  7    Secretary, BA to [ENF], 6 June – on resolution on a central institution and that the RAI should be approached (tp. with autogr. note by ENF); see Council minutes, 27 June, f. 2

  8    BA Council meeting, 2 June – report of Conference on Teaching of Anthropology enclosed with 2/3/7 for reference to Items 4-6; see also 2/3/3

  9    ENF to Secretary, BA, 30 June 1922 – acknowledges letter of 6 June and reports RAI will consider suggestion (tpc.)

 10    Secretary, BA to [ENF], 4 Dec. – notification of meeting on 19 Dec. to consider draft report; see 2/3/14

 11    GES to JLM, 13 Dec. – glad to learn of BA’s proposal for a central institution, discusses W.H.R. Rivers’s keen interest in: greater provision for university teaching and research, greater RAI publication facilities, his views on the inadequacy of the Journal and Man, and his intention to start a new journal; GES comments on his view of ‘the British Museum party’, considers the RAI ‘virtually expelled’ him, and is sceptical of the RAI’s ability to undertake a central role. 10 leaves (autogr. with autogr. comments by JLM)

 12    ENF to JLM, 18 Dec. – returns GES’s letter, is familiar with his views; most Council members would welcome his return; considers RAI lacks ideas (tp. with autogr. note by JLM)

 13    GES to JLM, 18 Dec. – anxious to further anthropology, to discuss JLM’s aims, and to avoid friction (tp.)

 14    BA Conference on a Central Institution for Anthropology – report to the conference; first draft for consideration by the Joint Committee, 19 Dec. (mimeo.)

 15    Secretary, BA to JLM, 21 Dec. – notification of meeting, 9 Jan., on a central institution for anthropology (mimeo.)

 16    Report to the Conference from the Joint Committee appointed 23 May – minutes (enclosed with 2/3/15)

 4/    1923

  1    Circular letter from the Secretary, BA, 20 Mar. outlining the proposals for a central institution, the acceptance of the role by the RAI, and the forthcoming appointment of the Committee [on Anthropological Teaching and Research] [see Council minutes, 17 Apr., f. 14] (mimeo. with autogr. note by JLM)

  2    ENF to JLM, 30 Apr. – reports on Council meeting of 17 Apr. and appointment of a RAI Joint Committee on Teaching Anthropology to act with delegates of bodies responding to the BA’s letter of 20 Mar. (tp., incomplete); see 2/4/1

  3    Assistant Secretary, RAI to JLM, 10 May – on JLM’s appointment as a delegate and the committee meeting on 29 May (tp.)

  4    ENF to JLM, 11 May 1923 – on the proposed agenda for the meeting; possible bibliographical cooperation with the Library Association’s Index of Periodicals, reprinting of their anthropology section, and costs; suggests JLM should meet F.J. Richards on leave from India (tp.)

  5    JLM to ENF, 13 May – agrees on the desirability of a formal agenda; outlines suggestions; reports Mrs Barbara Aitken’s offer of bibliographical help (autogr. carbon)

  6    Agenda for RAI Joint Committee on Anthropological Teaching, 29 May (tp. with annotations by JLM); see Minutes, /3/1

  7    JLM to F.B. Jevons, Durham University, 29 May – inquires in what way the RAI Committee can be of use, need of institutions outside London to make their needs known (autogr. carbon)

  8    Ibid. to GES, ibid. – thanks him for his help at the meeting; regrets not meeting WJP (autogr. carbon)

  9    Ibid. to Sir John Cockburn, Royal Colonial Institute, ibid. – question of bibliography raised after he had left meeting; inquires about anthropological accessions to the Royal Colonial Institute Library, whether knowledge of other such holdings would be useful, and accessibility of its library to accredited students (autogr. carbon)

 10    Ibid. to Prof. R.W. Reid, Anthropology Museum, Aberdeen University, ibid. – hopes to raise soon what help the RAI can give to students from other centres working in London, and make known the acquisition of anthropological works in various centres (autogr. carbon)

 11    Ibid. to Dr E. Westermarck, Sociological Society, ibid. – raises question of access for students to the libraries of the constituent bodies and the interchange of facilities (autogr. carbon)

 12    Ibid. to ENF, 30 May – thinks there is risk of an overlap between RAI inquiry on facilities and university courses and BA Committee on Anthropological Teaching inquiry; suggests cooperation

 13    ENF to JLM, ibid. – encloses draft minutes and stresses importance of some aspects; suggests he should write to GES (tp.); see 2/4/18 and /3/1 for Minutes

 14    Ibid., 31 May 1923 – has notified Committee of Industrial and Scientific Research of RAI views; in future anthropometry to be included in the scope of the Committee’s work; suggests JLM should collect the information from universities and pass it on to him (tp.)

 15    F.B. Jevons to JLM, ibid. – his exclusive interest in securing anthropological teaching for students likely to become missionaries (autogr.)

 16    GES to JLM, 1 June – grateful for JLM’s letter; had to leave early to attend Professional Board meeting (autogr.)

 17    JLM to ENF, 3 June – has suggested some changes in the draft minutes [see 2/4/13]; suggests extra copies should be made for any new institution joining the Committee; encloses copies of his letters to Committee members and replies (autogr.)

 18    Minutes of the RAI Joint Committee meeting, 29 May, 6 leaves (tpc.); see also /3/1

 5/    1924. Archaeological maps

  1    Prof. H.J. Fleure, FRS (1877-1969) Hon. Secretary and Editor, Geographical Association; RAI President 1945-7 to ENF, 18 Dec. – on prehistoric atlas in France; international financial exchange rates presenting great difficulties; suggests meeting in Jan. (tp. with autogr. corrections by HJF)

 6/    1925. Archaeological maps and related matters

  1    ENE to JLM, 19 Jan. – expresses willingness to accept Lewis’s manuscript for publication (it does not appear to have been published) suggests GES may be trying to ‘sidetrack’ the RAI by raising money for a central bureau at UCL; will take advantage of publicity by GES by arranging for letters to be sent to The Times; asks JLM to write about BA’s activities (tp. annotated by JLM); see The Times, 4, 21-3, and 30 Jan., 11 Feb. for letters from GES, AK, CGS, JLM, HB, and T.A. Joyce respectively

  2    Draft letter to The Times by JLM (autogr.)

  3    Archaeological maps – outline of the Committee’s work by H.J. Fleure (autogr. annotated by ENE)

 3a    Dr R.R. Marett, FBA (1866-1943), Reader in Social Anthropology, University of Oxford and Rector of Exeter College, Oxford to ENF, 23 Jan. – resolution passed that the RAI should be the central advisory body on anthropology (autogr.)

  4    ENF to O.G.S. Crawford (OGSC) (1886-1957), founder and Editor of Antiquity, Archaeology Officer, Ordnance Survey, 27 Jan. 1925 – will sent copy of minutes of 8 Jan. meeting; outlines scheme for archaeological maps based on the Ordnance Survey (tpc.); see Minutes, /3/1, f. 3

  5    HB to ENF [?9 Feb.] – includes plate for Man; refers to his letter to The Times, 30 Jan., p. 8 and GES; RAI’s claim for funds for a bureau must be stressed (autogr.)

  6    ENF to HB, 11 Feb. – acknowledges plate for Man; suggests meeting of RAI Joint Committee on 3 Mar.; important to prepare for approach for government funds (tpc.)

  7    Ibid. to OGSC, 11 Feb. – inquires if a meeting of the Megalithic Committee to discuss maps is necessary; possibility of a paper on archaeological investigation from the air for the BA, and of flying over Stonehenge for some BA Committee members (tpc.)

  8    Ibid. to Miles C. Burkitt (MCB) (1890-1971), Lecturer, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University, 12 Feb. – reports RAI Sub-Committee formed to prepare series of maps; asks if he would help Reginald A. Smith, Keeper, Dept. of British & Medieval Antiquities, British Museum with the palaeolithic maps (tpc.)

  9    Ibid. to JLM, 12 Feb. – regrets delay in sending copy of minute on GES’s report; encloses copy; notes death of Ernest Chantre [see obituary by JLM in Man, Vol. 25, Apr. 1925, Item 30] (tp. annotated by ENF)

 10    Copy of minute on request to GES to prepare memorandum ‘on the relation of anthropology to the teaching of history and geography’ enclosed with 2/6/9 (tp.)

 11    ENF to PFK, 12 Feb. – reports RAI Sub-Committee formed to prepare series of archaeological maps; asks if he would undertake pleistocene conditions (tpc.)

 12    OGSC to ENF, 12 Feb. – acknowledges letter of 11 Feb. [see 2/6/7]; would be difficult to arrange flights over Stonehenge but suggests ways; considers it unnecessary to have a meeting of the Megalithic Committee; Ordnance Survey megalithic map designed to form part of a series and was started some years ago; finds himself on RAI Committee though he was not asked; does not approve of ‘badgering already overworked specialists’ (autogr.)

 13    ENF to E. Thurlow Leeds (ETL), Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 12 Feb. 1925 – hopes he will change his mind on attending BA meeting; reports RAI Sub-Committee, formed to prepare a series of archaeological maps; asks if he would assist Reginald A. Smith with the distribution of Neolithic pottery (tpc. autogr. correction by ENF)

 14    MCB to ENF, [13 Feb.] – expresses pleasure at assisting Reginald A. Smith (autogr. pc)

 15    ETL to ENF, 13 Feb. – states he is not prepared to attend BA meeting; has no objection to assisting RAS; asks Sub-Committee to define meaning of Neolithic pottery (autogr.)

 16    ENF to OGSC, 16 Feb. – replies to letter of 12 Feb. (2/6/12); does not think RAI Committee will interfere with Ordnance series; fears cost of flights over Stonehenge would be prohibitive (tpc.)

 17    Ibid. to JLM, 17 Feb. – encloses letter from Sir James Frazer (JF), OM (1854-1941), Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge (not present); has said he considers it undesirable to add to bodies dealing with anthropology as suggested by JF; wishes to increase support for RAI; discusses possibility of British Academy funds (tp. with autogr. annotation by ENF)

 18    JLM to ENF, 18 Feb. – feels he does not know enough about the BA but considers number of sections should be limited; does not know its policy on grants; would prefer government grant devoted to bibliography rather than distributed among sections; will try to see JF (autogr.); attached:

 19    Copy of part of a letter from Rev. J. Roscoe to JF, 16 Jan. – outlines the route of his expedition from Uganda to the Sudan to investigate the tribes bordering Abyssinia; cost about £5000 for two men (tp.); see Minutes, /3/2, f. 5

 20    Reginald A. Smith [see 2/6/8 for details] to ENF, 18 Feb. – regrets cannot attend meeting on 3 Mar.; has begun work on Stone Age map (autogr.)

 21    PFK to ENF, 19 Feb. – is considering proposal that he should undertake maps of glacial deposits; in view of difficulties of task will write again; is editing posthumous papers of F.W. Harmer (autogr.)

 22    ENF to JLM, 27 Feb. – glad he has seen JF; AK suggests the Royal Society’s committee should be revived; preferable to a new British Academy section; CGS ready to sit on the committee and to support efforts to raise funds for Roscoe [see 2/6/19]; stresses importance of increased recognition for RAI; outlines possible steps; regrets appointment of Frazer lectureship (tp.); the first lecture was given by E.S. Harland in Oxford in 1922

 23    Agenda for meeting of Joint Committee, 3 Mar. (tpc.); see also /3/2

 24    Signatures of those present at the Joint Committee meeting, 3 Mar. (autogr.)

 25    ‘The relation of anthropology to other subjects with special reference to history, geography, and economics’ by JLM – paper presented to the meeting, 3 Mar. (tp.); see also Minutes /3/2

 26    Ibid. (tpc.)

 27    ENF to AK (in the Chair), 4 Mar. – encloses draft minutes of meeting, 3 Mar. (tpc.) [see 2/6/28]

 28    Draft minutes of meeting, 3 Mar. enclosed with letter, 4 Mar. (tpc.)

 29    Draft minutes corrected by ENF and signed by the Chairman (tp., autogr. corrections by ENF)

 30    Minutes of meeting, 3 Mar. (tpc.); see also Minutes /3/2

 31    PFK to ENF, 8 Mar. – outlines in some detail the difficulties of the preparation of maps of glacial deposits; suggests ‘a little syndicate of experts’; should be limited to British evidence (autogr.)

 32    ENF to F.E. Weiss, President, British Ecological Society, 7 May Archaeological Maps Sub-Committee invites the cooperation of the Society in their preparation (tpc.)

 33    E.E. Weiss to ENF, 11 May – prepared to cooperate; letter forwarded to Dr E.J. Salisbury, the Secretary (tp.)

 34    ENF to JL.M, 26 June – has agreement on Memorandum of most Committee members; wonders if a small deputation to departments preferable or a direct approach to the Prime Minister; proposes to have revised Memorandum with all names printed (tpc. with autogr. corrections by ENF)
 7/    1927. Appeal and Research Committee

  1    Minutes of Appeal and Research Committee, 25 Oct. 1927 – object of Committee to raise a capital fund for anthropological research ‘especially in the Dependencies of the British Empire’ (tpc.); see Council Minutes, 28 June, f. 90, 22 Nov., f. 95

 8/    1928. Appeal and Research Committee

  1    Harold J.E. Peake, FSA (1867-1946), President 1926-8, 3 Feb, to JLM – refers to Appeal and Research Committee; has been in touch with government departments, especially Colonial Office and Foreign Office; mentions Indian Committee, Assam, and BM’s offer to start research meetings (tp. with autogr. annotations by JLM)

  2    JLM to ENF, 22 June – reports discussions with AK who had heard from BM; AK suggests merging of Joint Committee and Appeal Committee; considers suggestion impractical given different aims of the Committees; refers to BM’s possible projects; AK appears to prefer a small committee; JLM suggests keeping in touch by telephone or letter would achieve this; waiting for BM’s proposals; had heard from – Barnard, Cape Town about exploration in South Africa; regrets ENF had to leave BA Council but important to keep Lord Bledisloe and C.S. Myers for liaison (autogr.)

  3    ENF to JLM, 26 June – has met AK who suggested names of those who should attend the Committee considering action to be taken; encloses copies of agenda and covering letter (tp. with autogr. annotations by ENF and JLM)

  4    Agenda for Appeal and Research Committee, 3 July – to discuss appeal (tp.) (enclosed in 2/8/3)

  5    ENF to individuals, 27 June – invitation to Committee meeting; inquires whether he would be willing to serve on the Committee if co-opted (tpc.) (enclosed in 2/8/3)

  6    BM to ENF, 2 July – regrets cannot attend Committee meeting; willing to serve if co-opted (autogr.)

  7    Minutes of Appeal and Research Committee, 3 July – includes definition of relationships to Joint Committee and Council; appeal ‘best drafted with reference to actual projects’; GP-R to be asked to prepare draft (autogr. by JLM)

  8    ENF to JLM representing, BA, 5 July – notification of appeal; inquires as to research to be included in programme (tpc.)

  9    Copy of 2/8/8 sent to heads of constituent bodies (tpc.)

 10    JLM to ENF, 6 July – lists projects on behalf of BA (autogr. carbon)

 11    Replies from constituent bodies of Joint Committee as to projects (autogr. by JLM) (attached to 2/8/7)

 12    C.S. Myers, FRS (1873-1946), Director, National Institute of Industrial Psychology, later Director, Psychological Laboratory and Reader in Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge to ENF, 6 July – replies to letter of 5 July (2/8/8); Society does not conduct research (tp.)

 13    J.C. Brash, FRCS (1886-1958), Prof. of Anatomy, University of Birmingham to ENF, 6 July – replies to letter of 5 July (2/8/8) (autogr.)

 14    Prof. Arthur Robinson, University of Edinburgh to ENF, 9 July – replies to letter of 5 July (2/8/8) (autogr.)

 15    WJP to ENF, 16 July – has been ill; report sent to GES (autogr.)

 16    Secretary, British School at Athens to ENF, 18 July – replies to letter of 5 July (2/8/8); currently excavating Macedonian prehistoric sites (autogr.)

 17    CGS to Director, London School of Economics, 18 July – replies to letter of 5 July (2/8/8); reports on fieldwork by E.E. Evans-Pritchard in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, George Brown in Tanganyika and others (tp. copy) (enclosed with 2/8/18)

 18    Director, London School of Economics to ENF, 19 July – replies to letter of 5 July (2/8/8) by enclosing (2/8/17) (tp.)

 19    Secretary, Royal Scottish Geographical Society to ENE, 19 July – replies to letter of 5 July (2/8/8); no research under consideration (tp.)

 20    Secretary, Egypt Exploration Society to Dr Parker, 21 July – replies to letter of 5 July (2/8/8); prepared to consider proposals for affiliation of archaeological interests (tp.)

 21    Miles C. Burkitt to ENF, 29 July – reports on rock engravings in the Alpes Maritimes; will hand letter of 5 July to Chairman of the Faculty Board, Cambridge (autogr. pc)

 22    GP-R to ENF, 1 Aug. – draft appeal completed; BM agrees with it; has discussed it with GES (autogr.)

 23    Ibid., 4 Aug. 1928 – encloses draft appeal [see 2/9/1]; mentions International Union for Scientific Investigation of Population Studies; it has set up Commission on research on vital statistics of ‘primitive races’; Prof. Girni, Chairman; Italian government has subscribed 200,000 lira, the British nothing, USA provides most of the funds (autogr.)

 24    ENF to JLM, 13 Aug. – encloses GP-R’s draft appeal [see 2/9/1]; outlines his reservations (tp. with autogr. annotations by JLM)

 25    AK to ENF, 15 Aug. – inquires if paper by Miss M.L. Tildesley on international discrepancies in anthropological methods can be accepted for Man (published in JRAI, Vol. 58, 1928, pp. 351-61); asks for copy of GP-R’s appeal; will try to revise it (autogr.)

 26    JLM to ENF, 18 Aug. – considers GP-R’s draft good in parts but too long; has prepared revised draft incorporating some of GP-R’s points [see 2/9/2]; concise history of Joint Committee may be desirable; wonders if an informal meeting at BA meeting, Glasgow would be helpful; no reply from GP-R; prepared to talk to him (autogr.)

 27    ENF to GP-R, 21 Aug. – draft returned by JLM with his revisions; returns draft for consideration; suggests further consideration with AK and at BA meeting, Glasgow (tpc.)

 28    ENF to AK, 21 Aug. – encloses GP-R’s draft and JLM’s revision; asks him to consider both (tpc.)

 29    Ibid., 27 Aug. – reports GP-R, JLM, and himself decided on further revisions; two forms prepared as the result is too long; one short enough for letter to The Times [see 2/12/29] (tpc.)

 30    Ibid. to JLM, 27 Aug. – encloses draft of The Times letter; – Klercker would like an archaeologist to visit him in Sweden and has wired £25 to BA for expenses; asks for suggestions (tpc.)

 31    GP-R to JLM, 27 Aug. – cites Sir Bernard Mallet’s addition on population studies to the appeal; suggests Mallet (1859-1932), President, Eugenics Society, Commissioner of Inland Revenue, Registrar General, England should be asked to sign; RAI should be represented at the Pan-Pacific Science Congress; cites active anthropological support in Australia; suggests GES should outline research programme agreed there; in postscript suggests Sir Matthew Nathan (1862-1939), former Governor of the Gold Coast, Hong Kong, Natal, holder of many public offices, should be asked to support appeal as a former Dominion Governor etc. (autogr.)

 32    JLM to ENF, 28 Aug. – encloses GP-R’s letter (2/8/31); has suggested Mallet’s views should be addressed to the RAI direct rather than included in a public appeal; has insisted the scientific work of the RAI is distinct from the philanthropic and administrative; has asked GP-R to persuade GES to send his information to the RAI or to the Joint Committee (autogr.)

 33    AK to ENF, 28 Aug. – both GP-R and JLM’s appeals good but lack of general appeal; has revised both forms; hopes the former’s main points can be incorporated in his outline (autogr.)

 34    ENF to JLM, 29 Aug. – has asked GP-R to speak to Sir Matthew Nathan; glad he has written to former; International Union on population is not in ‘good odour’ with the press; will make inquiries as to the reason (tp.)

 35    ENF to GP-R, 29 Aug. – JLM has sent him GP-R’s letter [see 2/8/31]; asks him to approach Sir Matthew Nathan (tpc.)

 36    ENF to AK, 30 Aug. – acknowledges AK’s draft appeal; JLM limited by trying to retain as much as possible of GP-R’s draft; AK’s draft an improvement and of wider interest by including prehistory (tpc.)

 37    ENF to JLM, 30 Aug. – encloses AK’s draft [see 2/8/38]; AK considers GP-R’s draft too long; AK as Chairman of the Committee has dropped the latter’s; considers AK, JLM, and himself should discuss it at the BA meeting, Glasgow (tp.)

 38    AK’s draft appeal [enclosed with 2/8/37]. 6 leaves (tpc. with autogr. heading by JLM)
 39    GES to GP-R, 30 Aug. 1928 – has received ENF’s request of 5 July for programme of UCL research and has studied draft appeal [i.e. for The Times letter; see 2/8/30]; emphasises he has not been invited to any meeting of Joint Committee for 5 years; questions any proposal that. would confer power to direct research by RAI; no university could tolerate such interference; apart from this criticism considers draft ‘admirable’; further comments made to avoid misunderstanding; considers appeal should refer to the presence of anthropology departments in all Dominion universities; and attempts made to train civil servants in anthropology by their governments; UK universities should be enabled to cooperate with them; refers to the Pan-Pacific Congress in Tokyo, 1926; considers he and WJP have been subjected to ‘a vendetta of misrepresentation’ by the RAI; he wishes friendly cooperation. 4 leaves (tp., copy annotated by JLM and ENF)

 40    ENF to BM, 19 Sept. – encloses AK’s draft [see 2/8/38] of proposed appeal letter to The Times; inquires if he will accept it; others will be asked to write in support of specific points additional fuller appeal to be prepared for use through other channels (tpc.)

 41    Ibid. to WJP, 19 Sept. – letter similar to 2/8/40

 42    Ibid. to CGS, 19 Sept. – ibid.

 43    ENF to JLM, 20 Sept. – suggests dates for meeting with GP-R; encloses letter from — Klercker to H.J.E. Peake [not held] suggesting cave excavation in France should come under the BA, Section H; but Peake considers it would be more suitable under RAI. 2 leaves (tp.)

 44    WJP to ENF, 23 Sept. – outlines his criticism of the draft appeal; considers it too diffuse. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. annotations by ENF and JLM)

 45    CGS to ENF, 24 Sept. – prepared to accept draft letter [see 2/8/40] except stress on past successes; suggests modifications (tp. with autogr. annotation by CGS)

 46    JLM to ENF, 25 Sept. – encloses WJP’s letter (2/8/4); should be possible to meet his points; wishes WJP to provide an amended draft; lists his opinion of WJP’s points and view of draft as a whole (autogr.)

 47    ENF to GES, 25 Sept. – encloses draft appeal letter; is inviting criticism from several people; has received WJP’s which ENF thinks can be incorporated; refers to lack of meetings of Joint Committee for several years but hopes they will be resumed. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 48    ENF to WJP, 26 Sept. 1928 – thanks him for his criticism of draft appeal letter [2/8/44]; some of his points are a matter of tactics; refers to international assistance and confines of appeal; asks if WJP would prepare a draft for discussion. 2 leaves (tpc.)

 49    ENF to GP-R, 29 Sept. – suggests date for meeting; encloses draft letter for The Times; fuller document by GP-R would be for use through other channels; asks for his comments (tpc.)

 50    Ibid. to JLM, 3 Oct. – encloses letter from CGS [see 2/8/45]; WJP prefers the longer draft; L.W.G. Malcolm, Wellcome Research Institution implies Institution prepared to help liberally provided Museum specimens are produced. 2 leaves (tp. with autogr. annotations by ENE and JLM)

 51    JLM to ENF, 7 Oct. – returns WJP’s letter and awaits his comments; refers to the Dutch proposal to excavate in France [see 2/8/43]; does not think it advisable; agrees with CGS’s comments [see 2/8/45]; will try to include them in revised draft; considers Appeal Committee should meet; no reply from GP-R (autogr. tpc.)

 52    ENF to JLM, 18 Oct. – yesterday’s meeting produced nothing ‘formidable’; GES was not present; Sir Flinders Petrie stated the sum to be requested for the archaeological institute on university premises was too limited to leave space for anthropology; Sub-Committee appointed to consider application for an anthropological institution on similar lines (tp. with autogr. annotation by ENF)

 53    Ibid., 25 Oct. – encloses draft of general appeal for publication with the RAI special appeal (i.e. The Times letter) (autogr.)

 54    Draft by JLM of RAI Appeal (enclosed with 2/8/53). 4 leaves (autogr.)

 55    ENF to AK [similar letter to GP-R], 29 Oct. – asks for comments on enclosed draft by JLM of a letter to be used as a basis to support appeal (The Times letter) by Lord Onslow and others (tpc.)

 56    Draft of appeal letter (enclosed with 2/8/55). 5 leaves (tpc.)

 57    AK to ENF, 30 Oct. – considers JLM’s draft excellent; is sending the typescript of his Huxley Lecture (autogr.)

 58    ENF to GP-R, 8 Nov. 1928 – encloses GES’s letter; JLM wishes to give a detailed reply; ENF considers it wiser ‘to let the matter rest’; draft letter [see 2/8/49] intended to follow research appeal; meeting of Joint Committee desirable when draft of latter appeal is agreed (tpc.)

 59    Ibid. to JLM, 8 Nov. – considers it wiser not to reply to GES’s letter; refers to R.R. Marett’s letter and GP-R’s views on a subscription; joint meeting with Folk-Lore Society desirable (tpc.)

 60    GP-R to ENF, 20 Nov. – serious illness in the family prevented him from writing; encloses copy of GES’s letter [see 2/8/39]