Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teachng and Research A58 BRITISH JOINT COMMITTEE FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL TEACHING AND RESEARCH (A58 04 of 05)

Letters, minutes and papers. 1914-63.

There were discussions at the British Association meeting at Birmingham on 12 Sept. 1913 on suggestions for a school of applied anthropology. At its meeting in 1914, the British Association appointed a committee to ‘devise practical measures for the organisation of anthropological teaching at the universities.’ The RAI Committee was associated with it and both Committees met under the chairmanship of Sir Richard Temple.

Following these discussions in 1914, the British Association at their meeting in Glasgow in 1922 recommended that there should be a central organization responsible for coordinating anthropological studies between universities, institutions, and societies and that the RAI should be asked to fulfil this role. The Joint Committee was appointed on 17 Apr. 1923 and the first meeting took place on 29 May 1923 with Sir Hercules Read as permanent Chairman. The last meeting of the Committee was on 11 Mar. 1947 and of the Sub-Committee on 16 July 1948. The Report of Council for 1947/8 records that no meetings were held; business was conducted by correspondence which seems to have been the case thereafter. The Report for 1948/9 records no meetings were held. There is no reference to the Committee in the Reports for the years 1949/50 – 1956/7, 1958/9 – 1964. The Report for 1957/8 records that the quinquennial appointment of representatives to the Committee was made and that it had been called ‘upon for a decision recommended to the Council by the Ethnographic Film Committee’ on recognition as a national committee (see CM/57/2, Item 4). The final reappointment of representatives to the Committee was for 1958/62. In a letter dated 16 Dec. 1963, the Hon. Secretary wrote that the Committee had been discontinued in early 1963 (see 58/2/25/11).

Papers of the Appeal and Research Committee (Chairman, Sir Arthur Keith) are also included for 1927/8 (see 58/2/7-9). This Committee was a Sub-Committee of Council not of the Joint Committee (see 58/2/8/7 for relationship) and was appointed to raise a capital fund for anthropological research ‘especially in the Dependencies of the British Empire’.

Sir John Myres prepared a file in June 1931 including papers from his personal file while he was President (1928-31). His file and subsequent papers are included in this archive.

A58/ (cont.)

See Man, [Nov.] 1913, No. 102, pp. 185-92, ‘Suggestions for a School of Applied Anthropology’ by Sir Richard Temple; Man, [Mar.] 1914, No. 35, pp. 57-72, ‘Anthropological Teaching in the Universities’; JRAI, Vol. 53, 1923, Report of the Council for 1922, pp. 5-6, ‘The Teaching of Anthropology and the Establishment of a Central Bureau’ which had been under consideration at the British Association meeting in Edinburgh, 1921; Man, July 1923, No. 70, ‘An Imperial Bureau of Anthropology and the Extension of Anthropological Studies’; and JRAI, Vol. 54, 1924, Report of the Council for 1923, pp. 5-6 ‘Central Bureau for Anthropology’. See also A56.


HB Henry Balfour, FRS (1863-1939), Curator, Pitt-Rivers Museum, University of Oxford; RAI President, 1903-4

BA British Association for the Advancement of Science

WBF William B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56

ENF E.N. Fallaize (d. 1957), RAI Hon. Secretary 1920-31

AK Sir Arthur Keith, FRS, FRCP (1866-1955), Master, Buckstone Browne Research Farm, Royal College of Surgeons; RAI President, 1913-16

PFK Percy F. Kendall (1856-1936), Prof. of Geology, University of Leeds

BM Bronislav Malinowski (1884-1942), London School of Economics, later Prof. of Anthropology, University of London

JLM Sir John L. Myres, FBA, OBE (1869-1954), Wykeham Prof. of Ancient History, University of Oxford; RAI President, 1928-31; founder and editor of Man

WJP W.J. Perry (1887-1949), Reader in Cultural Anthropology, University College London

GP-R Capt. G.H.L.F. Pitt-Rivers (1890-1966), owner and Director, Pitt-Rivers Museum, Farnham

CHR Sir (Charles) Hercules Read, FBA (1857-1929), Keeper of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography, British Museum; RAI President, 1899, 1917

CGS Prof. Charles Gabriel Seligman (1873-1940), RAI President 1923-25

GES Sir Grafton Elliot Smith (1871-1937), Prof. of Anatomy, University College London

RT Lieut.-Col. Sir Richard Temple (1850-1931)

A58/18/    1940. Reappointment of representatives for 5 years

  1    Circular letter on the appointment of representatives, Mar. 1940 (mimeo.)

         .1    Ibid. 2 leaves (autogr. by WBF)

         .2    Copy of letter of Apr. 1931 [2/15/3], [used as basis for 2/18/1]. 2 leaves (mimeo. with autogr. additions by JLM & WBF)

 2a    Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, 25 Jan. – Prof. Robert D. Lockhart appointed in place of the late Emeritus Prof. R.W. Reid (tp.)

  b    RAI, 14 Feb. – acknowledges letter of 25 Jan. (tpc.)

  3    University of Birmingham, 1 June – Prof. S. Zuckerman appointed (tp.)

  4    British Archaeological Association, 4 Apr. – Mrs A.R. Hatley appointed (autogr.)

  5    University of Edinburgh, 31 Mar. – Prof. V. Gordon Childe appointed (tp.)

 6a    Institute of Sociology, 5 Apr. – representative to be considered at Council (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 26 June – Alexander Farquharson appointed (tp.)

  7    University of Leeds, 22 Mar. – Prof. E.O. James appointed (tp.)

  8    Nuffield College, Oxford, 6 May – College not sufficiently developed to make appointments; hopes to do so at a later stage (tp. with autogr. annotation by JLM)

  9    Palestine Exploration Fund, 27 Apr. 1940 – Col. Stewart F. Newcombe appointed (tp.)

 10    Royal Geographical Society, 11 Apr. – Miss E.J. Lindgren appointed (tp.)

 11    Members of the Committee and institutions represented. 3 leaves (tpc.) [2 copies with different autogr. annotations]

 12    WBF to JLM, 26 June – at last Council meeting, read a list of societies eligible for representation; submits it to JLM for comment; on eligibility of museums; on missionary societies; Colonial Office ‘relieved’ that RAI are not to publish the Memorandum (‘A Memorandum on Anthropological Research in the British Colonies presented to HM Secretary of State for the Colonies’ on 23 May – see A43/13). 4 pages (autogr. draft) [see Council Minutes, 11 June 1940; A:10/4, f. 374]

 13    JLM to WBF, 29 June – returns list of societies; is open to conviction about some that he has rejected; on WBF’s ‘arrangement with Hawkes’; on the Memorandum to the Colonial Office; on Prof. Radcliffe-Brown’s address (autogr.)

 14    nd – list of societies referred to in 2/18/12, /13 (autogr. by WBF with autogr. comments by JLM)

 15    WBF, nd – draft of list [2/18/14]. 2 leaves (autogr.)

 16    Ibid. – partial draft of list [2/18/14] (autogr., with note ‘postpone’)

18a/    1943. Reappointment of representatives for 5 years

  1    [May 1943] – list of bodies at present represented on Joint Committee; additional bodies suggested for possible inclusion (tpc. with autogr. notes) [considered at Council meeting on 25 May; see CM/72/4, A:10/4/f. 419; the additional Societies invited to appoint representatives are listed in the Minutes]

  2    14 July 1943 – note referring to reappointments; ‘old form’ [2/15/3] enclosed, for alteration (tp.)

  3    nd – drafts regarding new appointments:

         .1    Draft of opening paragraph (autogr. by WBF)

         .2    Ibid.; instructions for completion of letter; text of final paragraph (tp.)

         .3    Draft letter (tpc. with autogr. additions by WBF)

  4    [14 July] – letter regarding new appointments [page(s) missing] (tpc.)

  5    Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, 23 July 1943 – refers to letter of 14 July [not held]; Prof. Robert D. Lockhart appointed (tp.)

  6    University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 22 Sept. – Prof. C. Daryll Forde reappointed (tp.)

  7    University of Birmingham, 4 Nov. – Prof. G. Thomson appointed (tp.)

 8a    University of Bristol, 21 July – informs of the death of Emeritus Prof. Fawcett; will write again with name of a new representative (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 24 Nov. – Prof. W.W, Jervis, Prof. of Geography, appointed (tp.)

  9    British Archaeological Association, 13 Oct. – Mrs A.R. Hatley reappointed (autogr.)

 10    BA, 27 July – Dr H.S. Harrison reappointed (tp.)

 11    University of Cambridge, 25 Aug. – Miss M[aureen] M[argaret] O’Reilly, Assistant Curator, University Museum of Archaeology and of Ethnology, [later the second wife of Prof. John Henry Hutton, RAI President 1943-45] appointed (tp.)

 12    University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff, 27 Oct. – Prof. William Rees appointed (tp.)

 13    University of Edinburgh, 20 July – Prof. V. Gordon Childe reappointed (tp.)

14a    Egypt Exploration Society, 5 Aug. – L.C. Wharton reappointed (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 12 Jan. 1944 – regrets to inform of the death of Mr L.C. Wharton; Miss V.C. Lafleur appointed in his place (tp.)

 15    Eugenics Society, 10 Aug. 1943 – Mr J.C. Trevor reappointed; it is unlikely that he will be able to take an active part before the end of the war (tp.)

 16    Geographical Association, 27 Oct. – Mr E.G. Bowen, Dept. of Geography & Anthropology, Aberystwyth, appointed (tp.)

 17    University of Glasgow, 21 July – Prof. D.M. Blair reappointed (tp.)

18a    India Society, 13 Oct. – refers to letter of 11 Oct. [not held]; will bring the matter to Council at the next meeting (autogr.)

18b    Ibid., 25 Jan. 1945 – refers to letter of 5 Jan. [not held]; Prof. Gordon Luce is in favour of the memorandum to the Burma Office [see A43/15]; however he does not wish to be a representative on the Joint Committee; Council will consider the matter (autogr.)

 19    Institute of Sociology, 24 Sept. 1943 – Alexander Farquharson appointed (tp. signed by Alexander Farquharson)

 20    International African Institute, 9 Sept. – Dr Read, Colonial Dept., Institute of Education, appointed (tp.)

21a    King’s College, University of London, 19 July – letter of 14 July will be considered at meeting in Oct. (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 26 Oct. – Prof. Thomas Nicol appointed as successor to Prof. R. Ruggles Gates (tp.)

  c    RAI acknowledgment of Prof. Nicol’s appointment (tpc.)

 22    University of Leeds, 26 July – Prof. E.O. James reappointed (tp.)

23a    University of Liverpool, 16 July – acknowledges letter of 14 July; Prof. Droop appointed until Dec. 1945; will ask Council to amend period of appointment (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 26 Oct. – Prof. J.P. Droop appointed (tp.)

24a    University of London, Senate House, 20 July – on successor to the late CGS; in Jan. 1942 it was decided to postpone the matter during the war; the matter will be raised again with the appropriate Committee after the vacation (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 19 Nov. – Dr R.W. Firth appointed (tp.)

25a    University of London, Institute of Archaeology, 26 Oct. – matter will be placed before the Management Committee (tp. signed by Kathleen Kenyon)

  b    Ibid., nd – Kathleen Kenyon appointed (tp. signed by Kathleen Kenyon)

 26    London School of Economics & Political Science, 17 July – the matter will be raised before Council in Oct.; meanwhile Dr R. Firth provisionally appointed (tp.)

 27    University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 16 Nov. – refers to letter of 11 Oct. [not held]; Miss [Margaret Mackeson] Green, Lecturer in West African Languages and Cultures appointed (tp.)

 28    National Institute of Economic & Social Research, 6 Nov. 1943 – refers to letter of 11 Oct. [not held]; hopes to appoint a representative soon (tp.)

 29    National Institute of Industrial Psychology, 4 Aug. – Dr C.S. Myers reappointed (tp.)

 30    University of Oxford, 16 July – letter will be brought before Hebdomadal Council in Oct. (tp.)

 31    Prehistoric Society, 1 Nov. – refers to notice of 13 Oct. [not held]; Dr Grahame Clark appointed (autogr. by Gertrude Caton-Thompson)

 32    Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 12 Nov. – Miss Kathleen Kenyon, Institute of Archaeology, appointed (autogr.)

 33    Royal Asiatic Society, 19 July –Mr R.E. Enthoven reappointed (autogr.)

34a    Royal Central Asian Society, 18 Nov. – Dr Hugh Scott appointed (autogr.)

  b    Ibid., 20 May 1946 – Dr Hugh Scott wishes to retire due to ill-health; Dr R.B. Serjeant, School of Oriental and African Studies, appointed in his place (tp.)

  c    24 May 1946 – RAI acknowledgment of change of representative (tpc.)

 35    Royal College of Surgeons of England, 29 July 1943 – AK reappointed (tp.)

 36    Royal Empire Society, 26 July – Mr Louis C.G. Clarke reappointed (tp.)

 37    Royal Geographical Society, 12 Oct. – Dr Ethel Lindgren reappointed (tp.)

38a    Dr E.J. Lindgren to Ivison Macadam, Secretary, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, 13 Oct. – on Chatham House electing a representative; on fields of work in which Chatham House and RAI overlap; names people involved in both organizations (tpc.)

         .1    Dr Lindgren to [?] – slip accompanying 2/18a/36a – ‘please tear it up’ (autogr.)

  b    Royal Institute of International Affairs, 25 Oct. – refers to letter of 11 Oct. [not held]; appreciates the invitation; prefers to leave it to Dr Lindgren to liaise between Chatham House and RAI (tp. signed by Ivison Macadam)

39a    University of St Andrews, 19 July – letter will be considered in Oct. (tp.)

39b    Ibid., 15 Oct. – Prof. Herbert Jennings Rose appointed (tp.)

 40    University of Sheffield, 20 July – Prof. F. Davies, Prof. of Anatomy, appointed (tp.)

 41    Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 16 Sept. – JLM appointed (autogr.)

 42    Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 17 July – asks whether C.F.C. Hawkes is a member of the Joint Committee (autogr. pc)

43a    Society of Antiquaries [of London], 15[?] July – acknowledges letter of 14 July (pc)

  b    Ibid., 4 Nov. – Mr C.F.C. Hawkes appointed, in place of the late Reginald A. Smith (tp.)

 44    University College London, 10 Sept. – Prof. C.B. Fawcett appointed (tp.)

18b/    1946-8. Revision of list of representatives; reappointment of representatives for 5 years

 1a    RAI to University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 12 Feb. 1947 – asks whether Prof. Forde is still their representative, as he no longer holds a post in the University; sends notice of meeting [on 11 Mar.]; asks whether an interim representative will attend (tpc.)

  b    University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 18 Mar. 1947 – Prof. E.G. Bowen, Dept. of Geography and Anthropology, appointed in place of Prof. Forde (tp.)

  2    RAI to China Society, 12 Feb. 1947 – no appointment has been notified; sends notice of meeting [on 11 Mar.]; asks whether a representative will be appointed (tpc.)

 3a    Ibid. to University College, Dundee, ibid. – gives notice of meeting [on 11 Mar.]; asks whether representative will attend (tpc.)

 3b    University College, Dundee, 3 Mar. 1947 – Prof. D. Rutherford Dow, Dept. of Anatomy, appointed (tp.)

 4a    RAI to University of Edinburgh, 12 Feb. 1947 – asks whether Prof. Childe is still their representative, as he no longer holds a post in the University; encloses notice of meeting [on 11 Mar.]; asks whether an interim representative will attend (tpc.)

  b    University of Edinburgh, 26 Feb. 1947 – Prof. Stuart Piggott, Prof. of Prehistoric Archaeology, appointed in place of Prof. V. Gordon Childe (tp.)

 5a    RAI to University of Glasgow, 12 Feb. 1947 – University was represented by the late Prof. D.B. Blair; has not received notification of a successor; sends notice of meeting [on 11 Mar.]; asks whether a representative will attend (tpc.)

  b    University of Glasgow, 15 Feb. 1947 – letter has been passed to Clerk of Senate (tp.)

  c    Ibid., 14 Mar. 1947 – Prof. William J. Hamilton, Prof. of Anatomy, appointed (tp.)

  6    RAI to University of Leeds, 12 Feb. 1947 – Rev. E.O. James no longer their representative; sends notice of meeting [on 11 Mar.]; asks whether a representative will be appointed (tpc.)

  7    Ibid. to University of London, Institute of Education, ibid. – has not received notice of any appointment; sends notice of meeting [on 11 Mar.]; asks whether an interim representative will attend (tpc.)

 8a    Ibid. to London School of Economics, ibid. – asks for confirmation that Prof. Raymond Firth is their representative (tpc.)

  b    London School of Economics & Political Science, 20 Feb. 1947 – confirms that Prof. Firth is their representative (tp.)

  9    RAI to University of Manchester, 12 Feb. 1947 – asks whether Prof. Fleure is still their representative, as he no longer holds a post in the University; sends notice of meeting [on 11 Mar.]; asks whether an interim representative will attend (tpc.)

 10    Ibid. to National Institute of Industrial Psychology, ibid. – their representative the late Dr C.S. Myers; asks for name of new representative; perhaps an interim appointment could be made before meeting [on 11 Mar.] (tpc.)

11a    Ibid. to University of Oxford, ibid. – asks whether Prof. Forde is still their representative, as he no longer holds a post in the University; sends notice of meeting [on 11 Mar.]; asks whether an interim representative will attend (tpc.)

  b    University of Oxford, 17 Feb. 1947 – Prof. Forde is representative until Dec. 1947, after which a new appointment will be considered (tp.)

 12    RAI to H.J. Braunholtz, Prof. Childe, Prof. Evans-Pritchard, Prof. Garrod, Prof. Hutton & Mrs Rishbeth, 9 Dec. 1946 – on appointment as RAI representatives on Joint Committee (tpc.)

 13    RAI to Dr Meyer Fortes, 12 Feb. 1947 – he has been appointed as representative of the RAI on the Joint Committee (tpc.)

 14    Ibid. to Royal India Society, ibid. – has not received notice of any appointment; sends notice of meeting [on 11 Mar.]; asks whether a representative will attend (tpc.)

15a    Ibid. to Royal [Scottish] Geographical Society, ibid. – Mr Robert Kerr has been their representative; asks if he is so still; encloses notice of meeting [on 11 Mar.] (tpc.)

  b    Royal Scottish Geographical Society, 14 Feb. 1947 – Mr Robert Kerr is still their representative (tp.)

  c    Robert Kerr, Royal Scottish Museum, 24 Oct. 1947 – he has been asked to report to his Society on any activities of the Joint Committee relating to geography; asks whether any meetings have been held recently and whether any geographical matters have been discussed (tp.)

  d    RAI to Robert Kerr, 6 Nov. 1947 – the Joint Committee has met very infrequently recently; one meeting was held in 1947, concerning the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences [see 2/13/11, /12; /3/23, /24, /25] (tpc.)

16a    Ibid. to Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 12 Feb. 1947 – as their representative Dr R.E. Mortimer Wheeler is in India, asks whether they would like to appoint a temporary representative to attend meeting [on 11 Mar.] (tpc.)

  b    Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 19 Feb. 1947 – a temporary representative will be appointed, whose name will be given in due course (tp.)

 17    RAI, [Nov. or Dec. 1947] – circular letter regarding appointment of representatives for the next quinquennium (mimeo.)

18a    Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, 8 Jan. 1948 – according to records, Prof. R.D. Lockhart appointed for five years from 31 May 1946; queries the change of date of the quinquennial revision (tp.)

  b    RAI to Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, 5 Mar. 1948 – there has been no alteration in date of revision; the last revision carried out very late due to war-time lack of staff etc. (tpc.)

  c    Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, 12 Mar. 1948 – Prof. R.D. Lockhart reappointed (tp.)

 19    University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 22 Jan. 1948 – Prof. E.G. Bowen reappointed (tp.)

 20    University of Birmingham, 5 Feb. 1948 – Prof. G. Thomson reappointed (tp.)

 21    University of Bristol, 20 Feb. 1948 – Prof. W.W. Jervis reappointed (tp.)

 22    British Archaeological Association, 29 Dec. 1947 – Mrs A.R. Hatley reappointed (tp.)

23a    BA, 22 Dec. 1947 – acknowledges letter [2/18b/16] (pc)

  b    Ibid., 16 Feb. 1948 – Dr H.S. Harrison reappointed (tp.)

24a    University of Cambridge, 23 Dec. 1947 – acknowledges letter [2/18b/16] (pc)

  b    Ibid., 2 Jan. 1948 [wrongly dated 1947] – asks how many meetings have taken place, and how many Mrs Hutton [see 2/18a/7] has attended (tp.)

  c    RAI, 12 Jan. 1948 – since Mrs Hutton was appointed there has been one meeting, which unfortunately she could not attend (tpc.)

  d    University of Cambridge, 26 Feb. 1948 – Mrs K[athleen] Rishbeth appointed (tp.)

 25    University College, Dundee, 21 Jan. 1948 – Prof. D. Rutherford Dow reappointed (tp.)

 26    University of Edinburgh, 23 Dec. 1947 – Prof. Stuart Piggott’s appointment extends to 31 Dec. 1953 (tp.)

 27    Egypt Exploration Society, 24 Feb. 1948 – Miss V.C. Lafleur reappointed (tp.)

 28    Eugenics Society, 30 Dec. 1947 – Mr J.C. Trevor reappointed (tp.)

 29    RAI to [Folk-Lore Society], nd – regarding reappointment of Miss B.M Blackwood (copy of 2/18b/16; with autogr. note ‘reappointed’)

 30    Geographical Association, 7 Jan. 1948 – Prof. Bowen reappointed (tp.)

31a    University of Glasgow, 9 Feb. 1948 – Prof. Hamilton will be resigning from the Chair of Anatomy in Mar. 1948; appointment of representative will be deferred until his successor has been appointed (tp.)

   b    RAI to University of Glasgow, 9 Mar. 1948 – there is no immediate meeting of Joint Committee, so appointment can wait (tpc.)

   c    University of Glasgow, 26 Oct. 1948 – Prof. George M. Wyburn, Prof. of Anatomy, appointed (tp.)

 32    International African Institute, 4 Mar. 1948 – Dr Audrey Richards appointed (tp.)

 33    University of Leeds, 25 Feb. 1948 – Prof. A.V. Williamson reappointed (tp.)

34a    University of Liverpool, 6 Jan. 1948 – letter [2/18b/16] will be submitted to University Council in Feb. (tp.)

..b    Ibid., 9 Feb. – Prof. J.P. Droop appointed (tp.)

 35    University of London, Senate House, 20 Nov. 1947 – Dr R.W. Firth reappointed (tp.)

36a    Kathleen Kenyon, University of London, Institute of Archaeology, 22 Jan. 1948 – asks for confirmation that her appointment was made by the University, not by the Institute (tp.)

  b    RAI to Kathleen Kenyon, 5 Mar. 1948 – apologizes for delay; refers to her last letter [2/18a/21b] in which she stated that the Management Committee of the Institute appointed her (tpc.)

  c    I.W. Cornwall, Institute of Archaeology, 10 Mar. 1948 – Miss Kenyon has been appointed Palestine Reader; as her successor as Secretary, if there is no objection, he will act as the Institute’s representative in her place; will seek official confirmation if required (tp.)

  d    RAI to I.W. Cornwall, 23 Mar. 1948 – acknowledges that he will be temporary representative pending confirmation (tpc.)

 37    University of London, Institute of Education, 24 Dec. 1947 – Dr Margaret Read reappointed (tp.)

 38    London School of Economics and Political Science, 23 Dec. 1947 – Prof. Raymond Firth reappointed (tp.)

39a    University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 23 Dec. 1947 – the matter will be raised at meeting of the Academic Board in Jan. 1948 (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 23 Jan. 1948 – Miss M.M. Green reappointed (tp.

 40    University of Manchester, 23 Jan. 1948 – Mr R.U. Sayce reappointed (tp.)

41a    National Institute of Economic & Social Research, 15 Jan. 1948 – will put the matter before Executive Committee at the end of the month; will then inform whether Mr E.A.G. Robinson’s appointment is renewed or not (tp.)

   b    Ibid., 2 Mar. 1948 – Mr E.A.G. Robinson reappointed (tp.)

 42    National Institute of Industrial Psychology, 24 Dec. 1947 – Prof. D.W. Harding reappointed (tp.)

 43    University of Oxford, 26 Nov. 1947 – Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, Prof. of Social Anthropology, appointed (tp.)

 44    Palestine Exploration Fund, 20 Feb. 1948 – Miss Kathleen M. Kenyon appointed (tp.)

 45    Royal Archaeological Institute, 21 Jan. 1948 – Miss Kathleen Kenyon reappointed (tp. at foot of copy of 2/18b/16]

 46    Royal Central Asian Society, 1 Jan. 1948 – Dr R.B. Serjeant reappointed (tp.)

 47    Royal Empire Society, 7 Jan. 1948 – Mr Louis Clarke reappointed (tp.)

 48    Royal Scottish Geographical Society, 23 Dec. 1947 – Mr Kerr reappointed (tp.)

 49    University of St Andrews, 13 Jan. 1948 – Mr W.M. Macmillan, Dept. of History, United College, appointed (tp.)

 50    University of Sheffield, 24 Dec. 1947 – Prof. F. Davies, Prof. of Anatomy, reappointed (tp.)

 51    Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 6 Feb. 1948 – JLM reappointed (tp.)

 52    Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 17 Jan. 1948 – Mr W.L. Grimes, London Museum, reappointed (tp.)

53a    Society of Antiquaries [of London], nd – acknowledges receipt of letter of 22 Dec. 1947 (pc)

  b    Ibid., 2 Feb. 1948 – Prof. C.F.C. Hawkes reappointed (tp.)

54a    University College London, 1 Jan. 1948 – the matter will be brought to attention of the College Committee (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 6 Feb. 1948 – Prof. C. Daryll Forde appointed (tp.)