Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teachng and Research A58 BRITISH JOINT COMMITTEE FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL TEACHING AND RESEARCH (A58 05 of 05)

Letters, minutes and papers. 1914-63.

There were discussions at the British Association meeting at Birmingham on 12 Sept. 1913 on suggestions for a school of applied anthropology. At its meeting in 1914, the British Association appointed a committee to ‘devise practical measures for the organisation of anthropological teaching at the universities.’ The RAI Committee was associated with it and both Committees met under the chairmanship of Sir Richard Temple.

Following these discussions in 1914, the British Association at their meeting in Glasgow in 1922 recommended that there should be a central organization responsible for coordinating anthropological studies between universities, institutions, and societies and that the RAI should be asked to fulfil this role. The Joint Committee was appointed on 17 Apr. 1923 and the first meeting took place on 29 May 1923 with Sir Hercules Read as permanent Chairman. The last meeting of the Committee was on 11 Mar. 1947 and of the Sub-Committee on 16 July 1948. The Report of Council for 1947/8 records that no meetings were held; business was conducted by correspondence which seems to have been the case thereafter. The Report for 1948/9 records no meetings were held. There is no reference to the Committee in the Reports for the years 1949/50 – 1956/7, 1958/9 – 1964. The Report for 1957/8 records that the quinquennial appointment of representatives to the Committee was made and that it had been called ‘upon for a decision recommended to the Council by the Ethnographic Film Committee’ on recognition as a national committee (see CM/57/2, Item 4). The final reappointment of representatives to the Committee was for 1958/62. In a letter dated 16 Dec. 1963, the Hon. Secretary wrote that the Committee had been discontinued in early 1963 (see 58/2/25/11).

Papers of the Appeal and Research Committee (Chairman, Sir Arthur Keith) are also included for 1927/8 (see 58/2/7-9). This Committee was a Sub-Committee of Council not of the Joint Committee (see 58/2/8/7 for relationship) and was appointed to raise a capital fund for anthropological research ‘especially in the Dependencies of the British Empire’.

Sir John Myres prepared a file in June 1931 including papers from his personal file while he was President (1928-31). His file and subsequent papers are included in this archive.

A58/ (cont.)

See Man, [Nov.] 1913, No. 102, pp. 185-92, ‘Suggestions for a School of Applied Anthropology’ by Sir Richard Temple; Man, [Mar.] 1914, No. 35, pp. 57-72, ‘Anthropological Teaching in the Universities’; JRAI, Vol. 53, 1923, Report of the Council for 1922, pp. 5-6, ‘The Teaching of Anthropology and the Establishment of a Central Bureau’ which had been under consideration at the British Association meeting in Edinburgh, 1921; Man, July 1923, No. 70, ‘An Imperial Bureau of Anthropology and the Extension of Anthropological Studies’; and JRAI, Vol. 54, 1924, Report of the Council for 1923, pp. 5-6 ‘Central Bureau for Anthropology’. See also A56.


HB Henry Balfour, FRS (1863-1939), Curator, Pitt-Rivers Museum, University of Oxford; RAI President, 1903-4

BA British Association for the Advancement of Science

WBF William B. Fagg, RAI Hon. Secretary 1939-56

ENF E.N. Fallaize (d. 1957), RAI Hon. Secretary 1920-31

AK Sir Arthur Keith, FRS, FRCP (1866-1955), Master, Buckstone Browne Research Farm, Royal College of Surgeons; RAI President, 1913-16

PFK Percy F. Kendall (1856-1936), Prof. of Geology, University of Leeds

BM Bronislav Malinowski (1884-1942), London School of Economics, later Prof. of Anthropology, University of London

JLM Sir John L. Myres, FBA, OBE (1869-1954), Wykeham Prof. of Ancient History, University of Oxford; RAI President, 1928-31; founder and editor of Man

WJP W.J. Perry (1887-1949), Reader in Cultural Anthropology, University College London

GP-R Capt. G.H.L.F. Pitt-Rivers (1890-1966), owner and Director, Pitt-Rivers Museum, Farnham

CHR Sir (Charles) Hercules Read, FBA (1857-1929), Keeper of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography, British Museum; RAI President, 1899, 1917

CGS Prof. Charles Gabriel Seligman (1873-1940), RAI President 1923-25

GES Sir Grafton Elliot Smith (1871-1937), Prof. of Anatomy, University College London

RT Lieut.-Col. Sir Richard Temple (1850-1931)

A58/19/    1949. Mid-term change of representatives

  1    Royal Geographic Society, 12 Jan. – Mr Louis C.G. Clarke appointed in place of Dr Ethel Lindgren (tp.)

  2    University of Liverpool, 19 Jan. 1949 – Prof. Droop has retired; inquires whether the University has the right to appoint a successor and for what term (tp.)

  3    RAI to University of Liverpool, 25 Jan. – an appointment can be made, until 31 Dec. 1952 (tpc.)

  4    Ibid to Royal Geographic Society, 29 Jan. – acknowledges letter of 12 Jan (tpc.)

  5    University of Liverpool, 15 Feb. – Prof. H.C. Darby appointed in place of Prof. Droop (tp.)

  6    Institute of Sociology, 19 Aug. – resignation of Alexander Farquharson; appointment of J.L. Peterson (tp.)

  7    University of Liverpool, 18 Nov. – T.G.E. Powell, Senior Lecturer in the Prehistoric Archaeology of Western Europe, appointed (tp.)

20/    1950. Mid-term change of representatives and other correspondence

  1    Circular on financial support for the meeting of the International Congress of Americanists to be held in 1952 under the auspices of the RAI, 12 Jan. (mimeo.)

 2a    University College London, 16 Jan. – Prof. H.C. Darby notifies his resignation as representative of the University of Liverpool (tp.)

  b    University of Liverpool, 27 Jan. – in reply to the RAI’s letter of 21 Jan, inquiring as to Prof. Darby’s successor, T.G.E. Powell appointed as notified on 18 Nov. [see 2/19/7] (tp.)

 3a    Editor, Mankind, Australian Anthropological Association, Sydney, 18 Jan. – wishes to increase circulation of Mankind; requests list of institutional members (tp.)

  b    RAI, 28 Jan. – list of institutions represented on the Joint Committee sent (tpc.)

  4    University College London, 5 Apr. – in reply to RAI’s letter of 4 Apr. inquiring as to Prof. C.D. Fawcett’s successor, Prof. C. Daryll Forde already appointed for 1948-52 (tp.)

  5    Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, 12 Apr. – further to letter of 16 Jan. [not held], regrets inability to make a donation (tp.)

21/    1952. Reappointment of representatives for 5 years and appointment to Permanent Council of the International Congress

 1a    Royal Geographical Society, 10 June – inquires as to whether Joint Committee still exists; if so wishes to appoint a new representative (tp.)

  b    RAI to University of Liverpool, 25 Jan. – an appointment can be made, until 31 Dec. 1952 (tpc.)

  c    Ibid. with note added by WBF (tp. copy with autogr. note)

  2    University of Leeds, 22 July – L.F. Henriques, Lecturer in Social Anthropology, appointed (tp.)

  3    Circular on the appointment of a British representative on the Permanent Council of the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, [Aug. 1952] – approval sought to confirm the proposal to appoint Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard in place of Prof. J.H. Hutton (mimeo.)

  4    Folk-Lore Society, 15 Aug. – Miss B.M. Blackwood, their representative, Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford approves changes (tp.)

  5    King’s College, University of London, 15 Aug. – Prof. Thomas Nicol, Hambleden Dept. of Anatomy, their representative, approves changes (tp.)

  6    Prehistoric Society, 16 Aug. – Christopher Hawkes, their representative, approves changes (autogr.)

  7    [University of St Andrews, Aug.] – Prof. H.J. Rose, their representative, approves (noted on circular)

  8    British Psychological Society, 10 Oct. – D.W. Harding, Bedford College, as their representative, approves (tp.)

  9    University of Cambridge, 29 Oct. – G.I. Jones appointed to Joint Committee (tp.)

 10    University of Liverpool, 18 Nov. – T.G.E. Powell reappointed to Joint Committee (tp.)

 11    University of Oxford, 16 Dec. – Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard, Institute of Social Anthropology, reappointed (tp.)

22/    1952-3. Reappointment of representatives for 5 years, 1953-7

  1    Marischal College, University of Aberdeen 9 Dec. 1952 – Prof. R.D. Lockhart appointed (tp.)

  2    University of Edinburgh, 25 Nov. 1952 – Prof. Stuart Piggott reappointed (tp.)

 3a    University College London, 25 Feb. – inquires if a representative is required (tp.); RAI replies matter delayed owing to Hon. Secretary’s absence in Nigeria

  b    Ibid., 19 June – repeats inquiry (tp.); RAI replies matter still delayed

  c    Ibid., 9 July – Prof. C. Daryll Forde appointed (tp.)

23/    1956. Nomination for British National Committee of the International Committee

  1    RAI to Miss B.M. Blackwood, Secretary of British National Committee, 28 May – appointment of replacement. of H.J. Braunholtz now retired (tpc.)

  2    Miss B.M. Blackwood, Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford, 29 May – has written to members of the Committee for their proposals (tp.)

  3    Ibid., 2 June – has received several suggestions; hopes these may be discussed before the Council meets (tp.)

24/    1957-8. Reappointment of representatives for 5 years, 1958-62

 1a    Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, 16 Dec. 1957 – appointment to be considered (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 20 Jan. 1958 – Prof. R.D. Lockhart appointed (tp.)

  2    University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 23 Jan. 1958 – Prof. E.G. Bowen reappointed (tp.)

  3    University of Birmingham, 12 Mar. 1958 – Prof. G. Thomson, Dept. of Greek, appointed (tp.)

  4    University of Bristol, 8 Feb. 1958 – Prof. R.F. Peel, Dept of Geography appointed (tp.)

  5    British Archaeological Association, 20 June 1958 – A.J. Hatley appointed (autogr.)

 6a    BA, 17 Dec. 1957 – appointment to be considered (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 13 Feb. 1958 – Prof. E.O. James appointed (tp.)

 7a    University of Cambridge, 3 Oct. 1957 – inquires as to next 5 year appointment (tp.); RAI replies, 14 Oct., giving details; Committee work conducted by correspondence throughout period

  b    Ibid., 15 Jan. 1958 – G.I. Jones appointed (tp.)

  8    University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff, 23 Jan. 1958 – Prof. J.S. Baxter, Dept of Anatomy, appointed (tp.)

 9a    University of Durham, 30 Jan. 1958 – in reply to RAI letter of 21 Jan. an appointment to be considered (tp.)

  b    Ibid., [Feb.] – Dr H. Meinhard appointed (tp.)

 10    University of Edinburgh, 22 Jan. 1958 – Prof. Stuart Piggott appointed (tp.)

11a    Egypt Exploration Society, 31 Dec. 1957 – appointment to be considered (pc)

11b    Ibid., 16 Apr. 1958 – Miss V.C. Lafleur appointed (tp.)

 12    Eugenics Society, 17 Dec. 1957 – Dr J.C. Trevor appointed (tp.)

 13    Geographical Association, 8 Jan. 1958 – Prof. E.G. Bowen reappointed (tp.)

 14    University of Glasgow, 25 Jan. 1958 – Prof. G.M. Wyburn reappointed (tp.)

 15    International African Institute, 19 Dec. 1957 – Dr Lucy Mair appointed (tp.)

 16    King’s College, University of London, 30 Jan. 1958 – Prof. Thomas Nicol appointed (tp.)

 17    University of Leeds, 1 Nov. 1957 – Dr L.F. Henriques appointed (mimeo.)

 18    University of Liverpool, 12 Nov. 1957 – T.G.E. Powell reappointed (tp)

 19    University of London, Senate House, 21 Nov. 1957 – Prof. (Sir) Raymond W. Firth appointed (tp.)

20a    University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 16 Dec. 1957 – successor to Miss M.M. Green will be considered (tp.)

   b    Ibid., 21 Jan. 1958 – Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf appointed (tp.)

21a    University of London, Institute of Archaeology, 6 Jan. 1958 – Prof. W.F. Grimes, Director, reports two possible representatives are away; will write again; (tp. with autogr. annotation by WFG on his own representation for both the Society of Antiquaries and the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies)

   b    Ibid., 24 July – Prof. W.E. Grimes reports that Prof. F.E. Zeuner has been appointed (tp. with autogr. annotation by WFG)

 22    University of Manchester, 20 Dec. 1957 – Prof. H.M. Gluckman, Prof. of Social Anthropology, appointed (tp.)

 23    National Institute of Industrial Psychology, 30 Dec. 1957 – Prof. D.W. Harding appointed (tp.)

 24    University of Oxford, 22 June 1957 – Prof. (Sir) E.E. Evans-Pritchard appointed (tp.)

 25    Ibid., Institute of Social Anthropology, 7 Mar. 1958 – Dr J.H.M. Beattie accepts invitation of 5 Mar. to be one of the six RAI representatives on the Joint Committee (tp.)

 26    Ibid., University Museum, Dept. of Human Anatomy, 5 Mar. 1958 – RAI invitation to Dr J. Weiner to be one of the six RAI representatives on the Joint Committee (tpc.)

 27    Prehistoric Society, 4 Jan. [1958] – Prof. J.D.G. Clark abroad but will probably be representative (autogr. pc)

 28    Royal Archaeological Institute 26 Mar. 1958 – Miss Kathleen Kenyon, FBA, appointed (tp.)

29a    Royal Asiatic Society, 20 Dec. 1957 – appointment to be considered (autogr. pc)

  b    Ibid., 14 Feb. 1958 – Dr H.G. Quaritch Wales appointed (autogr.)

 30    Royal Central Asian Society, 25 Apr. 1958 – Prof. Sergeant appointed (tp.)

 31    Royal College of Surgeons of England, 15 Jan. 1958 – considers it inappropriate to appoint a successor to AK as anthropological material is no longer retained in the College Museum (tp.)

 32    Royal Geographical Society, 21 Jan. 1958 – Miss J.B. Mitchell, Lecturer in the Dept of Geography, University of Cambridge appointed (tp.)

 33    Royal Scottish Geographical Society, 19 Dec. 1957 – Robert Kerr, OBE, reappointed (tp.)

34a    University of St Andrews, 16 Dec. 1957 – appointment to be considered (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 16 Jan. 1958 – Emeritus Prof. H.J. Rose appointed (tp.)

  c    Ibid., Queen’s College, Dundee, 16 July – Prof. D.R. Dow reports his successor in the Dept will be Prof. R.E. Coupland (tp.)

  d    Ibid., 20 Oct. – Prof. R.E. Coupland, Prof. of Anatomy, appointed (tp.)

 35    University of Sheffield, 17 Dec. 1957 – Prof. F. Davies appointed (tp.)

 36    Society of Antiquaries of London, 13 Jan. 1958 – Prof. W.F. Grimes appointed (tp.)

 37    Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 14 Jan. 1958 – Prof. W.F. Grimes appointed (tp.)

38a    University College London. 13 Feb. 1958 – inquires as to whether a representative is required for a further 5 years (tp.)

  b    Ibid., 5 Mar. – in reply to RAI letter of 26 Feb. Prof. C. Daryll Forde appointed (tp.)

 39    RAI, 13 Dec. 1957 – circular letter asking for name of representative for period Jan. 1958 to Dec. 1962 (tpc.)

 40    Ibid., [27 Feb. 1958] – list of institutions and their representatives (tpc. with autogr. additions)

25/    1963. Demise of Joint Committee

  1    Dr Jack Goody, University of Cambridge, to Anthony H. Christie, RAI Hon. Secretary 1961-70 (AHC), 18 Oct. 1962 – Faculty Board discovered that their representative had not been called to any meetings during the last ten years; asks if Committee has been wound up (tp.)

  2    AHC to Dr Jack Goody, 22 Oct. – has various statements from those who wish to have members on the Committee; he can find no evidence that the Committee ever did anything; proposes to raise the matter with the Standing Committee, then circularize those involved suggesting that the Committee be either revitalized or wound up (tpc.) [Standing Committee met on 4 Jan. 1963]

  3    Prof. Raymond Firth to AHC, 15 Jan. 1963 – questions the purpose of the Committee; thinks that the ASA and the RAI both serve as channels for ‘intercommunication’; suggests the Committee should cease (tp.)

  4    AHC to Sir George Allen, BA, 29 Jan. – Standing Committee of RAI is of the opinion that the Joint Committee should cease; asks if there would be any objection from BA (tpc.)

 A58/2/25/5    BA to AHC, 5 Feb. – imagines that proposal to wind up the Joint Committee entirely sensible; will consult representatives of the Anthropology Committee before giving a final reply (tp.)

  6    Ibid., 4 Mar. – there is no objection to winding up the Joint Committee (tp.)

  7    AHC, Mar. – circular letter on the cessation of the Joint Committee (tpc.)

  8    Dr Kenneth Little, University of Edinburgh, to AHC, 20 Mar. – his feeling is that the Joint Committee should be re-activated; gives his reasons, relating to integration of anthropology and sociology (tp.)

  9    [AHC] to Dr Kenneth Little, 8 Apr. – his letter was placed before Council; it was decided that the ASA was the appropriate body to discuss the matters raised (tpc.)

 10    University of Manchester, 10 Dec. – inquires as to representatives for 1963-7 (tp.)

 11    AHC to University of Manchester, 16 Dec. – reports the Committee was discontinued in early 1963; regrets lack of notification (tpc.)

 3/    Agendas, minutes, and official papers of the Joint Committee, 1923-48

  1    Minutes of the meeting, 29 May 1923, ff. 1-3; circumstances of Committee’s establishment outlined

  2    Ibid., 3 Mar. 1925, ff. 4-6; on anthropological training for Colonial civil servants; draft memorandum to be prepared by AK, ENF, BM, JLM, and CGS; funds for J. Roscoe’s East African expedition

  3 ‘The relation of anthropology to other subjects with special reference to history, geography, and economics’ by JLM, ff. 6-7; see Minutes, f. 5

  4    Minutes, 15 Jan. 1929, ff. 8-9; on appeal for funds for research; draft prepared by Appeal and Research Committee; alternative prepared by GES and WJP; funds received to be placed in Research Endowment Fund; Miss Tildesley’s memorandum on anthropometric methods

  5    Ibid., 14 Jan. 1930, ff. 10-11; on international cooperation in the study of linguistics; and the organization of international congresses on anthropology [for the Committee’s report to Council, see Council Minutes 21 Jan. 1930, A:10/4/2/4]

  6    ‘Memorandum on the Commission d’Enquête linguistique’ by Dr L.R. Lorimer, ff. 11-14; see Minutes, f. 10

  7    ‘Memorandum on International Organisation in Anthropology’, ff. 14-18; see Minutes, f. 10 [see 2/13/1.1 for original]

  8    Minutes, 17 Mar. 1931, ff. 19-20; signed and dated 26 May 1931 by JLM; on the International Congress of Anthropology and Archaeology; and the establishment of a central Oriental Institute [see pocket of bound volume for variant minutes]

  9    Agenda, 26 May, 1931, f. 20; signed by JLM

 10    Minutes, 26 May, f. 21; on International Congress; and training of Colonial civil servants

 11    Ibid., 23 June 1931, f. 22; draft report on training for Colonial civil servants considered; RAI and Society of Antiquaries to invite new Congrès international des Sciences préhistoriques et proto-historiques to hold its first meeting in London in 1932; RAI making preliminary inquiries towards a similar congress for anthropology and ethnology

 12    Agenda, 10 May 1932, f. 23

 13    Minutes, 10 May, f. 24; signed and dated 14 Mar. 1933 by JLM; RAI invitation to International Congress of Americanists to meet in London in 1934 supported

 14    Agenda, 14 Mar. 1933, f. 25

 15    ‘Memorandum for the meeting on 14th March, 1933’, f. 26; on developments for new congress for anthropology and ethnology

 16    Minutes, 14 Mar., f. 27; signed and dated 21 Nov. 1934 by Edwin W. Smith; RAI’s proposal to invite new International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences to hold its first meeting in London in 1934; resolution tabled on including all principal branches of anthropology in the new congress from Oxford University Committee for Anthropology; see also insert /5/1

 17    Agenda, 21 Nov. 1934, f. 28

 18    Minutes, 21 Nov., ff. 29-30; resolutions and recommendations from the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences considered

 19    Agenda, 30 April, 1940, f. 31

 20    Minutes, 30 Apr., f. 32; signed and dated by H.J. Fleure, 11 Mar. 1947 with pencil annotation by WBF; draft memorandum on the place of anthropology in Colonial studies considered [for the Memorandum as sent, see A43/13/97]

 21    Ibid., f. 34; unsigned

21a    ‘Note on the Joint Committee for Anthropological Research and Teaching’. 2 leaves (tpc.) [another copy of A43/13/98, which is marked ‘enclosed with Colonial Memo 1940’; see pocket of bound volume]

 22    Notice of meeting on 11 Mar. 1947; Agenda, f. 35

 23    Circular on cancellation of the third International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences in Prague, 11 Aug. 1947; and necessity of completing British membership of the Permanent Council, 7 Mar. 1947, f. 36; see Man, Vol. 47, Aug. 1947, Item 125

 24    Minutes, 11 Mar., ff. 37-8; on British membership of the Permanent Council; cancellation of the Prague meeting; and other business

 25    Minutes of the Sub-Committee appointed on 11 Mar. to consider British membership of the Permanent Council, 16 July 1948, ff. 39-40

 4/    Index, Committee members, and Institutions represented; see A58:3

  1    Index, ff. [i-xi]; note by JLM dated 20 May 1931: Indexed to f. 20 inclusive; there are later additions by another hand

  2    Members of the Committee, 1923, f. xii

  3    Institutions represented, 20 May 1931, 16 Dec. 1936 – Jan. 1937, ff. 97-100 (commencing with f. 100)

 5/    Inserts; see A58:3 [in pocket of bound volume]

  1    T.K. Penniman, Secretary, Committee for Anthropology, Oxford to RAI, 3 Mar. 1933 – conveys resolution by the Committee on including all principal branches of anthropology in the new Congress (tp.); see Minutes, 14 Mar. 1933, /3/16, f. 27

  2    Register of research in the social sciences – form sent to relevant bodies on the Joint Committee, Nov. 1942 (printed, annotated by WBF)

 6/    Lists of institutions, miscellaneous papers etc.

  1    Index cards listing representatives of various institutions, some with addresses and/or telephone numbers, various years 1937-52 (autogr. by Felicia Stallman, RAI Assistant Secretary 1942-52)

     .1    University of Aberdeen, 1937-42, 1043-47, 1948-52

     .2    University College, Aberystwyth, 1937-41, […]-1947, 1948-52

     .3    University of Birmingham, 1943-47, 1948-52

     .4    University of Bristol, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1948-52

     .5    British Archaeological Association, 1937-41, […]-1947, 1948-52

     .6    BA, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1948-52

     .7    University of Cambridge, 1937-41, 1943-47, 1948-52

     .8    University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff, 1937-41, 1942-47

     .9    China Society, 1942-47

   .10    University College, Dundee, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .11    University of Edinburgh, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .12    Egypt Exploration Society, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .13    Eugenics Society, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .14    Folk-Lore Society, 1937-41, 1945-47, 1948-52

   .15    Geographical Association, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .16    University of Glasgow, 1937-41, 1942-47, […]-1952

   .17    Institute of Sociology, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1949-52

   .18    International African Institute, 1937-41, […]-1947, 1948-52

   .19    Japan Society, 1937-41

   .20    University of London, King’s College, 1937-41, […]-1947

   .21    University of Leeds, 1937-41, 1942-4[5], 1946-47, 1948-52

   .22    University of Liverpool, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .23    University of London, 1937-41, […]-1947, […]-1952

   .24    University of London, Institute of Archaeology, 1942-47

   .25    [University of London], Institute of Education, 1948-52

   .26    University of London, London School of Economics, 1937-42, 1943-47, 1948-52

   .27    University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .28    University of Manchester, 1937-41, 1946-47, 1948-52

   .29    National Institute of Economic & Social Research, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .30    National Institute of Industrial Psychology, 1939-41, 1942-47, 1947-52

   .31    University of Oxford, 1937-41, […]-1947, […]-1952

   .32    Palestine Exploration Fund, 1937-41, 1948-52

   .33    Prehistoric Society, 1942-47

   .34    RAI, 1937-42, 1943-47

   .35    Royal Archaeological Institute, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .36    Royal Asiatic Society, 1937-41, […]-1947

   .37    Royal Central Asian Society, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .38    Royal College of Surgeons, 1937-41, 1942-47

   .39    Royal Empire Society, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .40    Royal Geographical Society, 1937-41, […]-1947, […]-1952

   .41    Royal India & Pakistan Society, 1942-47

   .42    Royal Scottish Geographical Society, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .43    University of St Andrews, 1937-41, […]-1947, 1948-52

   .44    University of Sheffield, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .45    Society of Antiquaries of London, 1937-41, 1942-47, 1948-52

   .46    Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 1937-41, […]-1947, 1948-52

   .47    Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1938-42, 1943-47, 1948-52

   .48    University of London, University College, 1937-41, […]-1947, 1948-52

  2    nd – list of institutions with addresses. 2 leaves & 2 pages (tpc. with autogr. additions)

  3    nd – list of appointed members, and other members to be appointed. 2 leaves (tpc. with autogr. additions)

  4    [Dr E.J. Lindgren] to Dr Margaret Read, 20 Mar. 1940 – refers to Council meeting [19 Mar.]; JLM mentioned the Joint Committee, which last met five years ago; WBF to find the list of members; reports on a discussion of the personnel involved in drawing up the document to be sent to the Colonial Office [see A43/13]; the Memorandum must also be approved by the Joint Committee; reports on other conversations and disagreements. 3 pages (tpc. with autogr. addition)

  5    ‘Courses of Study in Anthropology in English and Scottish Institutions of Higher Learning 1939-1940’. 6 leaves (tp. with autogr. corrections and note: ‘Drafted Spring 1940’)

  6    [Felicia Stallman] to Sir Hanns Vischer, Hon. Secretary General, IIALC, 29 Oct. 1942 – encloses letter from WBF addressed to representatives of the Joint Committee [not held]; as Rev. Edwin Smith, representative of the Institute, is away, asks that he might respond (tpc.)

  7    WBF to [?], 23 Jan. 1944 – on Joint Council of Professional Scientists; mentions its Chairman, Sir Robert Pickard; suggests liaison between Joint Council and Joint Committee (autogr. note)

  8    Colonial Office to WBF, May 1944 – encloses leaflet announcing Colonial Research Fellowships; Col. Oliver Stanley [Secretary of State for the Colonies] hopes to create a cadre of scientists with knowledge of environmental and social issues in the Colonies; asks for the scheme to be brought to the knowledge of those who might be interested (tp. with autogr. note by Felicia Stallman)

  9    Colonial Office announcement of ‘Colonial Research Fellowships; details of qualifications required, terms of award, etc. (printed) [enclosed with 6/8]

 10    nd – Colonial Psychological Research Group: ‘Report submitted to the Colonial Research Committee’. 11 pages (mimeo. with autogr. note ‘For Confidential Use’) [anthropology mentioned passim]

 11    [Oct. 1945] – WBF, Hon. Secretary, Joint Committee, to representatives, regarding request made to RAI by the Consultative Conference on Social and Economic Research, of which RAI has been invited to become a member; gives history of the matter; the Conference compiles the Register of Research in the Social Sciences in Progress or in Plan; RAI has agreed to circularize members of the Joint Committee to ask what research is being carried out in their institutions; encloses questionnaire [not held] to be returned by 6 Nov. 2 leaves (mimeo.) [The Consultative Conference’s Report on Co-Ordination of Social Sciences, 1945, and the RAI’s response to the report, 27 Nov. 1945, are held in the LSE Library, ref. FIRTH/7/10/21]

 12    Ibid. (tp. draft with autogr. corrections)

 13    WBF to Hon. Secretary of Society represented on the Joint Committee, nd – asks advice on a Government scheme to build a centre for Societies presently housed in Burlington House (unfinished autogr. draft)

 14    Ibid., nd – headed ‘Joint Committee on Anthropological Research and Teaching’; extracts from Minutes of meetings held on 29 May [1923], [3] Mar. 1925 [wrongly copied as 23 Mar.], 26 May 1931, 23 June 1931 & 21 Nov. 1934. 5 leaves (autogr. draft)