Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Honorary Officers Correspondence and Papers A95 HONORARY OFFICERS’ CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS (A95 – 01 of 05)

Correspondence and papers. 1934-67, 1970, 1973.

This archive is the surviving correspondence at the RAI of the Hon. Officers: the President, the Hon. Secretary, and the Hon. Treasurer.


AHC A.H. Christie (d. 1994), RAI Hon. Secretary, 1961-70

AIR Dr Audrey I. Richards, RAI President, 1959-61

ARR-B Prof. A.R. Radcliffe-Brown, FBA (1881-1955), University of Sydney, later Prof. of Social Anthropology, Oxford University; RAI President, 1939-40

BJK Miss B.J. Kirkpatrick, MBE, RAI Librarian, 1948-76

BMB Miss Beatrice M. Blackwood (1889-1975), Demonstrator in Ethnology, Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford; RAI Council 1939-63 passim, Vice-President, 1957-60

CDF Prof. Cyril Daryll Forde, Council 1934-44, Vice-President 1945-7, President 1947-9

CFCH Prof. Christopher F.C. Hawkes, FBA

CGS Prof. Charles Gabriel Seligman M.D., F.R.S. (1873-1940), Council 1905-7, 9-10, 13-15, 19-21, Vice-President 1916-18, President 1923-5

COB Charles Otto Blagden, Council 1916-18, 22-4, 29-31; Vice-President 1926-8, 1931; Hon. Secretary 1932-5

EJL Dr Ethel John Lindgren (d. 1988), Hon. Editor, 1938-47; RAI Vice-President, 1947-50

ERL Prof. Sir Edmund R. Leach, FBA (1910-89), Council, 1946-67 passim, Vice-President, 1964-6, 1969-70, Chairman, Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee, 1945-9, Chairman, Executive Committee, 1948-55, President, 1971-5

FS Miss Felicia Stallman, Assistant Secretary, 1942-52

GCT Dr Gertrude Caton Thompson, FBA (1888-1985), RAI Vice-President, 1943-6, 1960-3; Council member, 1930-60 passim; Huxley Medallist, 1946

GDH George Davis Hornblower, Hon. Treasurer 1928-34, Council 1935, 1939-41, 44-7, Vice-President 1936-8

HJB Hermann Justus Braunholtz (1888-1963), Keeper, Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum; RAI Hon. Editor, 1925-34, President, 1941-3

HJF Prof. H.J. Fleure, FRS (1877-1969), formerly Prof. of Geography, University of Manchester, RAI President, 1945-7

IS Prof. I. Schapera, Prof. of Social Anthropology, LSE; RAI President, 1961-63

JLM Prof. Sir John Linton Myres, OBE, M.A., D. Litt., D.Sc., F.S.A., F.R.G.S.(1869-1954), Wykeham Prof. of Ancient History, Univ. of Oxford; Council 1896-9, 1925-7, Hon. Secretary, 1900-3, Vice-President 1922-5, President, 1928-31; founder and Editor of Man

KMM Miss K.M. Martindell (d. Jan. 1942), Assistant Secretary, 1914-41

RWF (Prof. Sir) Raymond W. Firth, FBA (1901-2002), Prof. of Anthropology, University of London; Council 1934-5, 40-1, Hon. Secretary 1935-9, President, 1953-5

WBF William Buller Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Keeper, Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum, 1969-74; RAI Hon. Secretary, 1939-56; Acting Hon. Secretary while AHC was in hospital in 1962; Hon. Editor of Man 1947-66; Hon. Secretary-Treasurer, Dining Club, 1939, 1959-65; Council, 1956-69 passim, 1973-5; Vice-President, 1969-72; Hon. Librarian, 1977-92

Contents :

1 1934-5. Draft prospectus

2 1936-7. General

3 1938. General; Lady Frazer

4 1938-40. Measurement of Militiamen/Army recruits

5 1939-Jan. 1941 General; Impact of War and Air Raid Precautions (ARP); Mass-Observation

6 1940. General

7 1940. Jan.-Apr. WBF and EJL

8 1940. June-Dec. WBF and JLM

9 1940. Appeal to Fellows

10 1941. General

11 1941. Jan.-Oct. HJB to WBF

12 1941. Apr.-Oct. WBF and JLM

13 1941-6. Wartime Guest Members

14 1942. Jan.-May, Nov. HJB to WBF

15 1942. May-Dec. Prof. W.E. Le Gros Clark’s resignation

16 1942. General

17 1942-3. Possible amalgamation of the RAI with the Institute of Sociology and other correspondence

18 1943. General

19 1945. General

20 1945-8. British Control Commission, Germany

21 1946. General

22 1947. General

23 1947-8. Appeal to the Chancellor of the Exchequer

24 1948. General

25 1948-9. Appointment of a physical anthropologist at the British Museum (Natural History)

26 1948-9. Library policy

27 1949. Mar.-Dec. Man review policy and Library accessions

28 1950. General

29 1950. Scheme to facilitate sale of offprints

30 1951. General

31 1952. General

32 1953. General

33 1953. 2 June, Coronation of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II

34 1953. June – Nov. International Conference on Celtic Folklore (5-13 Oct.)

35 1954. General

36 1954. Mar.-Apr. Kikuyu unrest (Mau Mau)

37 1955. General

38 1955. May. Annual Report

39 1955. Nov.-Dec. Resignation of Hon. Secretary and his replacement

40 1956. General

41 1956. Mar.-May. Resignation of Hon. Treasurer and his replacement

42 1957. General

43 1958. General and British Colombia’s centenary, totem pole, Mungo Martin and the copper

43.1 1959. General

44 1960. General

45 1961. General, the appointment of Joint Hon. Secretaries and the death of the Hon. Secretary

46 1962. General and the appointment of Hon. Treasurer

47 1962. Alterations to the By-laws, Standing Committee composition and Man’s finance

48 1963. By-laws, Standing Committee, Importance of archaeology, Council meetings, General

49 1964. Ioma Evans-Pritchard Scholarship and Committee on Social Studies

50 1965. Combining JRAI and Man

51 1965-7. International Folk Music Council

52 1970. [1973]. General

1/ 1934-5. Draft prospectus

Council minutes records on 20 Nov. 1934, f. 252 that the draft of a new prospectus was referred to H.S. Harrison (President, 1935-7), G.D. Hornblower (Hon. Treasurer, 1928-34) and Dr G. Caton Thompson (Vice-President, 1943-6, 1960-3)

1 H.J.E. Peake to COB, 19 Nov. 1934 – unable to attend Council; suggests amendment to clause 2 of the proposed prospectus (autogr.)

2 Lord Raglan to COB, 19 Jan. 1935 – draft too long; suggests omitting name of President (tp.)

3 GCT, Cannes to GDH, 21 Feb. – regrets delay; has been in North Africa; comments on Prof. Fleure’s and Lord Raglan’s suggestions (autogr.)

4 HJB’s suggestions recorded on existing prospectus. 1 p. (printed, autogr.)

5 Miss M.E. Durham’s draft prospectus (mimeo.)

6 WBF’s draft prospectus (autogr.)

7 HJF’s notes (autogr.)

8 New draft based on current one (tp., annotated)

9 Lord Raglan’s draft (mimeo.)

10 Draft of a new prospectus. 3 leaves (mimeo., annotated by WBF)

11 GDH to COB, 13 Mar. 1935 – recommends original draft with proposed amendments should be placed before Council; encloses amendments. 3 leaves (tpc., annotated by GDH)

12 Current prospectus (printed)

13 Earlier prospectus (printed, annotated)

Council decided on 28 May, f. 265 that the proposed prospectus should be left to the Officers, that it should consist of one page, the list of Presidents should be omitted, and mention should be made of films.

2/ 1936-7. General

1 JLM to RWF, 27 May 1936 – Dr A. Farquharson called; thinks he can obtain a small subsidy for possibly a study of race and culture contacts; made suggestions for procedure (autogr.)

2 Prof. R. Ruggles Gates to RWF, 5 June 1937 – gives his views on the next President (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 25 May, 8 June 1937, ff. 304, 306

3 JLM to RWF, 28 June – regrets cannot attend the Annual General meeting or the dinner; pays tribute to Dr Harrison’s services to the RAI (autogr.)

4 Lord Onslow to RWF, 15 Oct. 1936 – suggests a more central meeting place for lectures and the extension of facilities (tp.)

5 Dr James Hunt’s portrait (d. 1869)

.1 Mrs Margaret C. Hunt to RAI, 8 Sep. 1937 – father-in-law from an old Devon family; regret cannot help (autogr.)

.2 A.G. Hunt to HJB, 18 Oct. – thinks he is unrelated to James Hunt (tp.)

.3 CGS to HJB, 27 Oct. – thinks Hunt may have been a relative of someone he knew well; makes suggestions (tp.); see Council Minutes, 10 Sep. 1937, f. 311

6 HJB to RWF, 21 Dec. – on overdue books, the revised appeal draft to be considered by Council, financial matters, and the By-laws (autogr.)

3/ 1938. General; Lady Frazer

1 J.H. Driberg to RWF, 24 Jan. 1938 – regretfully resigns his seat on Council (tp.)

2 JLM to RWF, 19 Feb. – on the loan of anthropometric instruments to James Stewart for work in Cyprus and later to Michael Rix (autogr.); see Executive Committee Minutes, 8 Feb. 1938, f. 163; Council Minutes, 22 Feb. 1938, f. 321

3 RWF to HJB, 2 May – reports Lord Harlech cannot be present at the [Annual General] meeting on the 28th; suggests Lord Onslow (autogr.)

4 HJB to RWF, 3 May – agrees Lord Onslow instead of Lord Harlech; reports approval of grant applications to the Rivers Fund and the British Museum Trustees (A.T. Marston’s agreement required; see Executive Committee Minutes, 8 Mar. 1938, f. 165); mentions Lord Moyne’s exhibition (autogr.)

5 Ibid., 10 May – nominations of Officers for 1938/9 due; hopes he and H. Coote Lake will stand for re-election; gives reasons why he does not wish to continue as President (autogr.); all three continued in office, 1938/9; see Council Minutes, 25 May, 8 June 1937, ff. 304, 306

6 Prof. V.G. Childe, University of Edinburgh to HJB, 25 May – could not attend Council yesterday; notice of meeting only received today; protests at lack of notice (autogr.)

7 H.S. Harrison to W. Page Rowe, 5 Oct. 1938 – thanks him for copy of his proposal; very disappointed at result of recent appeal; gives views (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 25 Oct. 1938, f. 333

8 W. Page Rowe to President, HJB, 6 Oct. – encloses proposals for greater financial stability, and Dr Harrison’s letter (/7 above and /9 below) (tp.)

9 Page Rowe proposals. 4 leaves (tp., annotated by H.S. Harrison)

10 W. Page Rowe to HJB, 11 Oct. – makes suggestions for raising subscription (tp.)

11 Gwen Anderson, London School of Economics to RWF, [early Nov.] – city firms and medical practitioners interested in Africa and the East find RAI publications do not cover practical problems; encloses contribution to stimulate an RAI interest in practicalities (autogr.)

12 Ibid., 11 Nov. – refers to the publication of Lord Hailey’s African Survey; encloses two added lists of firms (not present) (autogr.)

13 (Sir) H.H. Dale, Medical Research Council to RAI, 29 Dec. – Dr Worms (formerly of Berlin) called to present the case of Prof. Heinrich Poll, dismissed from his university post in Berlin, anxious to leave Germany; has made an analysis of finger-print patterns; recommending that Dr Worms present the case to the RAI (tp.); there is no reference to the case in Council Minutes

14 Lady Frazer. Mar. 1938

.1 Lady Frazer to HJB, 20 Mar. – on the publication of a manuscript by Sir James Frazer; grateful for the sympathy of H. Coote Lake and HJB; is presenting Sir James’s The Fasti of Ovid to the Library; encloses leaflets (see .2-.5 below). 14 pp. (autogr., annotated by HJB); Sir James Frazer died in 1941

.2 Frazer on totemism, review of Totemica by B. Malinowski, Nature, 19 Mar. 1938, pp. 489-91 (printed)

.3 Totemica by Sir James George Frazer, advertisement. 4 pp. (printed)

.4 The Fasti of Ovid, specimen pages. [12] pp. (printed)

.5 The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion, vol. 3 book-jacket

4/ 1938-40. Measurement of Militiamen/Army recruits

1 R. Kerr, Hon. Secretary, Scottish Anthropological and Folklore Society to RAI, 27 June 1938 – asks for views on the desirability of an anthropometric survey of Great Britain; proposed by a member, A.G. Pape (tp.)

2 Prof. H.J. Fleure to RWF, 8 June 1939 – suggests that Committee on the Measurements of Militiamen should include Dr Elwyn Davies (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 13 June 1939, f. 352

3 R. Kerr to RAI, 6 July – acknowledges letter of 4 July giving RAI views on an anthropometric survey (tp.)

4 Prof. R. Ruggles Gates to WBF, 9 Nov. – unable to attend Council to report on the Committee; War Office in a letter wrote that while interested it was impossible to take measurements due to shortage of doctors (tp., annotated by WBF); see Council Minutes 14 Nov. 1939, f. 358

5 A.G. Pape to ARR-B, 22 Mar. 1940 – encloses copy of letter (/6 below) on Army Anthropometric Survey, 1940 to be signed by the President, Sir Arthur Keith and Prof. John Ryle and then sent to The Times (tp., annotated by AGP)

6 Army Anthropometric Survey, 1940. 2 leaves (tp.)

7 WBF to A.G. Pape, 10 Apr. – acknowledges letter on behalf of the President; referred to Dr G.M. Morant, Secretary of Sub-Committee for the Measurement of Militiamen (autogr. copy)

8 G.M. Morant to WBF, 14 Apr. – has had previous dealings with A.G. Pape; Sub-Committee will not suggest that the RAI should support scheme; letter sent to Prof. R. Ruggles Gates (autogr.)

9 Ibid., 21 Apr. – encloses A.G. Pape’s letter; has written to ARR-B and Sir Arthur Keith advising them not to sign the letter (autogr.)

10 Prof. R. Ruggles Gates to WBF, 21 June – on the Sub-Committee for the Measurement of Militiamen, War Office favourably inclined but rapid change in war situation has prevented action; will meet Official concerned; sailing for USA in late July (tp.)

11 Ibid., 2 July – Army Medical Services has promised facilities and co-operation to carry out anthropometric measurements; applying for funds; have three men in view to make the measurements; Dr Morant will deal with any further arrangements (tp.)

12 The war time uses of anthropological surveys. 8 leaves (tpc., autogr. corrections by G.M. Morant)

5/ 1939-Jan. 1941 General; Impact of War and Air Raid Precautions (ARP); Mass-Observation

1 RWF to HJB, 18 Mar. 1939 – tenders resignation as Hon. Secretary; willing to stay until Annual General Meeting (tp.); see Council Minutes, 21 Mar. 1939, ff. 345-6

2 Prof. (Sir) Wilfred E. Le Gros Clark to RWF, 27 Apr. – thanks him for Council’s suggestion that he should stand again for Council; prevented by the lack of time; physical anthropology should be represented (tp.); Prof. Le Gros Clark was elected Vice-President, 1939-42

3 GCT to RWF, 8 June – agenda item on the Prehistoric Society for next Council (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 13 June 1939, f. 352

4 RWF to W.G. Wilsher, [19 June] – asks him to serve as Hon. Treasurer; GDH, Acting Hon. Treasurer, wishes to retire in Oct. (tpc.)

5 W.G. Wilsher to RWF, 22 June – appreciates honour offered; wishes to consult GDH (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 3 Oct. 1939, f. 355; W.G. Wilsher was Hon. Treasurer from 1939-41

6 Impact of War and Air Raid Precautions (ARP)

.1 Cuthbert Lake & Sutton, chartered surveyors to RAI, 25 Apr. 1939 – on ARP and structural problems. [4] leaves (tpc.)

.2 GDH to RWF, 21 May – encloses proposals on ARP (/.5 below)(tp.); see Council Minutes, 25 Apr., 23 May 1939, ff. 348, 349, 28 Jan. 1941, f. 218

.3 Recommendations for ARP. 2 leaves (tpc.)

.4 Dr Margaret Mead to EJL (extract), 23 Oct. – on impact of war on anthropological work (tpc.)

.5 EJL to WBF, 9 Nov. – encloses extract (/.4 above)

.6 WBF to ARR-B, 3 Dec. – on informing students of their eligibility to join the RAI (abstract) (autogr. draft)

.7 WBF to J.H. Driberg, 4 Dec. – ibid., and need to replace resignations (autogr.)

.8 WBF to Dr Margaret Mead, 31 Dec. 1939 – on the RAI and its activities, the Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum, anthropology in the country and the impact of war. 4 leaves (autogr.)

.9 Alterations to By-laws, Attendance rule. 3 leaves (autogr. by WBF); see Council Minutes, 19 Mar. 1940, f. 380; see also Man, Dec. 1940, Item 216 on slight bomb damage to RAI premises and Council Minutes, 18 Feb. 1941, f. 381

.10 Dr W.L. Hildburgh to WBF, 22 Jan. 1941 – on ARP in Bedford Square; encloses details (/.11 below)(autogr.)

.11 Bedford Square Fire-Bomb Fighting Scheme. 5 pp. (mimeo., annotated by WBF); see Executive Committee Minutes, 28 Jan. and 7 Oct. 1941, ff. 218, 226

7 Mass-Observation

.1 Tom Harrisson (TH) to RAI, 18 Mar. 1940 – sets out aim of Mass-Observation (/7.2 below); asks for co-operation in providing information on the effects of the war (tp.)

.2 Mass-Observation information (tp.)

.3 TH to RAI, 2 Apr. – grateful information is to be considered by Council (tp.); see Executive Committee Minutes, 9 Apr. 1940, f. 206

.4 WBF to TH, [July] – meetings referred to in Man; comments on the adverse financial position, numbers attending meetings, paper restrictions; RAI premises open, Library ‘in full operation’ (autogr. draft)

.5 TH to WBF, 23 July – thanks him for valuable information (tp.)

6/ 1940. General

1 Resignation of H.S. Harrison as Chairman of the Executive Committee, Jan.-Feb.

.1 H.S. Harrison to WBF, 2 Jan. 1940 – owing to illness submits his resignation as Chairman (autogr.)

.2 WBF to H.S. Harrison, 7 Jan. – hopes the Committee will agree to appoint an Acting Chairman; sure the Committee will not wish to be deprived of his services; gives details of the Census of British Anthropologists (see A71) (autogr. draft); see Executive Committee Minutes, 9 Jan., f. 199

.3 Ibid., 14 Jan. 1940 – Executive Committee did not accept his resignation; sent wishes for his speedy recovery (autogr. draft)

.4 H.S. Harrison to WBF, 20 Feb. – honoured by Committee’s confidence but feels he must stand by his original intention (autogr.);his resignation was accepted with regret; see Executive Committee Minutes, 5 Mar. 1940, f. 203

2 WBF to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 27 Feb. – on Cambridge meeting and membership of the Cambridge University Anthropological Club (see Council Minutes, 19 Mar. 1940, f. 365); Council’s times of meetings to meet war-time conditions; circulation of Council Minutes and agenda (see Council Minutes, 20 Feb. 1940, f. 364 (autogr. draft)

3 WBF to KMM, 14 May – is writing up Executive Committee minutes; refers to discussion after CDF’s paper and EJL and the JRAI (autogr. draft)

4 Ibid., 19 May – will give her the agenda notes for the Executive Committee minutes; refers to advertisements for Man (autogr. draft)

5 KMM to WBF, 25 May – has done to Executive Committee minutes; has agenda for Council; will add names to CDF’s paper (autogr.)

6 CDF to WBF, 27 May – regrets unable to attend Council; records his votes for Council vacancies (tp.)

7 GCT to ARR-B, 2 June – regrets inability to attend Council; advised to remain in the country (autogr.)

8 WBF to Louis C.G. Clarke, Director, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 3 June – asks him to reconsider his refusal to be nominated for Council; his experience and influence would be invaluable (autogr. draft)

9 Louis C.G. Clarke to WBF, 5 June – willing to stand for Council (autogr.)

10 WBF to Prof. Dorothy A.E. Garrod, 6 June – hopes she will reconsider her refusal to be nominated for Council; a reasonable possibility of attending only required; asks her to contact EJL for details of war-time Council meetings (autogr. draft)

11 WBF to Dr G.M. Morant (GMM), 6 June 1940 – informs him he has been elected again to Council; hears he has been transferred to the cable section of censorship; discusses GMM’s sale of foreign stamps for RAI; asks for note on the Militiamen Committee for Annual Report (autogr. draft)

12 GMM to WBF, 8 June – confirms transfer to cable section of censorship; discusses sale of stamps and Militiamen Committee; army medical authorities considering request to examine recruits; if granted next step to apply for financial aid; hopes Prof. R. Ruggles Gates will give an account of present situation. 4 pp. and envelope (autogr.)

13 Secretary, International African Institute (IAI) to WBF, 8 June – asks for list of specialists in colonial subjects other than Africa for Prof. H. Labouret (tp., annotated by WBF); see also /14 below

14 WBF to IAI, 24 June – lists names of specialists (autogr. draft)

15 Election of Officers and Council … 1940-1941, balloting list, 25 June (printed)

16 WBF to RWF, 9 July – explains delay in informing him of the award of the Rivers Medal (see Council Minutes, 23 Apr. 1940, f. 370); comments at length on KMM and W.G. Wilsher, Hon. Treasurer; refers to dire financial situation, membership, Anthropological Research memorandum, Census of Anthropologists, help received from HJB, JLM and EJL; informs him of his election to Council; wishes him a safe return from Malaya. 4 pp. (autogr. draft)

17 ARR-B to WBF, 20 Sep. – thinks it advisable to suspend RAI meetings (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 22 Oct. 1940, f. 378

18 KMM to WBF, 2 Oct. – agrees unwise to leave the Library unattended at night; refers to the Davis’s care-takers of the building, damaged windows and difficulty of travel to the RAI (autogr.)

19.1 CFCH to WBF, 22 Oct. – regrets unable to attend Council meetings; protests at sending notices with 2½ d stamps and lateness of notice of Council meetings; hopes he will take appropriate action; encloses envelope (autogr.)

19.2 WBF to CFCH, 26 Oct. – explains difficulty KMM has in reaching RAI and postal problems; refers to bombs on the British Museum. 4 leaves (autogr. draft)

19.3 CFCH to WBF, 14 Nov. 1940 – thanks him for his letter; understands the circumstances (autogr.)

20 ARR-B to WBF, [c. 19 Oct.] – will be at Council meeting [22 Oct.]; wishes to suggest suspension of meetings (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 22 Oct. 1940, f. 378

21 Council, Executive Committee and Ordinary Meetings notes, 22 Oct.-10 Dec., draft letters to KMM, Royal Asiatic Society, T.K. Penniman, National Book Council on Book list on Anthropology (see Council Minutes, 11 June 1940, f. 374)(booklet, autogr.)

22 Circulation of Council minutes. 3 leaves (autogr.)

23 WBF to ARR-B, 3 Nov. – reports his transfer to the Board of Trade at Bournemouth; discusses problems of being out of London; refers to W.G. Wilsher and his successor. 5 pp. (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 10 Dec. 1940, f. 379 for W.G. Wilsher’s resignation as Hon. Treasurer and appointment of Dr W.L. Hildburgh

24 ARR-B to WBF, 6 Nov. – asks him to remain at present as Hon. Secretary with HJB’s help; RWF expected back in England, may be willing to take on Hon. Secretaryship; refers to W.G. Wilsher and KMM (autogr.)

25 Statement on the position of the Hon. Secretary by WBF, [c. 17 Nov.] – on his transfer from the British Museum to the Board of Trade and evacuation to Bournemouth (autogr. draft); see Executive Minutes, 19 Nov. 1940, f. 214 for statement made to the Committee

26 HJB to WBF, 18 Nov. – grateful for suggestion on By-laws; discussing matters with EJL; refers to KMM, the successful lecture by Dr Edith Stiassny chaired by Miss Durham and to the bombs on the British Museum (autogr.)

27 KMM to WBF, 27 Nov. – refers to Dr Stiassny’s lecture, Huxley Lecture, Council, Dinner/Dining Club, JRAI &c. (tp.)

28 WBF to HJB, 3 Dec. – EJL has reported on the Executive Committee; outlines ARR-B’s views of the future; not anxious to resign despite absence from London; importance of consolidation of position with Fellows; possibility of RWF succeeding him; gives views on size of the JRAI and Man (autogr. draft)

29 Suggested form of amendment to the By-laws (autogr. draft); see Council Minutes, 10 Dec. 1940, f. 380

30 HJB to WBF, 3 Dec. 1940 – thanks him for his proposed amendments to the By-laws; ARR-B suggested that RWF could act in your place; RWF refused; ARR-B has his own views on the Executive Committee and election of Hon. Fellows; refers to possibility of Dr W.L. Hildburgh as Hon. Treasurer, KMM, the Davis’ as caretakers, next President and other matters. [8] pp. (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 10 Dec. 1940, ff. 379-80

31 CDF to WBF, 6 Dec. – regrets inability to attend Council; outlines difficulties; offers to resign if it would help (autogr.); CDF remained on Council

32 Powers of Executive [Committee] and Modification of the By-laws (autogr. draft); see Council Minutes, 10 Dec. 1940, f. 380

33 KMM to WBF, 13 Dec. – on Dr Hildburgh and the Book List Committee and ARR-B and Local Correspondents (autogr.)

34 Ibid., 24 Dec. – on amendment to the By-laws, cost of paper, Dr Hildburgh and the Book List Committee (autogr.)

7/ 1940. Jan.-Apr. WBF and EJL

Items 1-14 are photocopies; it appears from a letter dated 15 Sep. 1980 from EJL’s assistant that WBF intended to edit his war-time correspondence with EJL; photocopies 1-14 were the first batch.

1 WBF to EJL, 11 Jan. 1940 – asks her to attend meeting of sub-committee on ‘questionnaire for propaganda’ (autogr.); see Census of British Anthropologists, A71 and Council Minutes, 24 Oct., 14 Nov. 1939, 20 Feb. 1940, ff. 357, 358, 364

2 EJL to WBF, 13 Jan. – glad to be at meeting; mentions unreliability of train from Cambridge; has written to JLM about Man reviews (tp.)

3 WBF to EJL, 14 Jan. – gives date of sub-committee; her ‘presence indispensable’ (autogr.)

4 EJL to WBF, 16 Jan. – Proceedings [list of Ordinary meetings] for 1939 just received for JRAI; suggests reporting in a less old-fashioned way; confusion between Man and JRAI (tp.); EJL was Hon. Editor of the JRAI, 1938-47

5 WBF to EJL, 16 Jan. 1940 – mentions the possibility of an International Affairs Committee and possible members; refers to [Prof.] C. von Fürer-Haimendorf’s internment, to Dr W. Kissling’s complaint and to the complications about Man reviews. 2 leaves (autogr.); see also /7/2 above

6 EJL to WBF, 1 Feb. – sends a copy of Cultureel Indië and asks him to show it to HJB; JLM has agreed to her suggestions for description of editors and associate editors of JRAI and Man; asks why L.J.P. Gaskin’s name as Hon. Librarian does not appear in Council list (tp.); EJL’s letters of 27, 29, 31 Jan. are not of special interest and have not been retained

7 Ibid., 2 Feb. – comments on Miss R.M. Fleming, JRAI and By-laws, Dr Margaret Read (tp.)

8 WBF to EJL, 2 Feb. – mentions Cultureel Indië, omission of L.J.P. Gaskin’s name, suggests small unofficial committee to revise lay-out and style of names of Hon. Officers and Council; mentions International Affairs Committee (autogr.)

9 EJL to WBF, 5 Feb. – refers to L.J.P. Gaskin’s opinion on Cultureel Indië and omission of his name, revision of Hon. Officers and Council list and JLM, International Affairs Committee and lack of co-operation from KMM (tp.)

10 Ibid., 7 Feb. – understands Dr Margaret Read is willing to serve as Secretary of the Colonial Section of the revived Applied Anthropology Committee, will back Dr Read; refers to the International Affairs Committee and the JRAI’s despatch (tp.)

11 WBF to EJL, 8 Feb. – refers to JRAI’s despatch and KMM; has discussed problem with HJB; Dr Read as Secretary of the Colonial Section; loath to accept her refusal of secretaryship of the International Affairs Committee, asks for her candid views on the committee, emphasises its co-ordination function, would not impinge on Cambridge School of Social Psychology; G.M. Morant seems adamant in his refusal of secretaryship; mentions J.H. Driberg (autogr.)

12 EJL to WBF, 10 Feb. – glad to hear of JRAI’s despatch; suggests printers should despatch JRAI; refers to Dr Read’s secretaryship; to social psychologists and Prof. Sir Frederic Bartlett; not enthusiastic about International Affairs Committee, RAI lacks sufficient members who know about foreign affairs; refers to revival of Applied Anthropology Committee by ARR-B, Dr Audrey Richards and Dr L.P. Mair; ARR-B prefers international affairs to be handled by Applied Anthropology Committee; refers to Dr W. Kissling and J.H. Driberg. 5 leaves (tp.)

13 WBF to EJL, 11 Feb. 1940 – encloses note on despatch of JRAI for the record; will wait to hear from Dr Richards; mentions ARR-B and committees and secretaryships (autogr.)

14 EJL to WBF, 12 Feb. – mentions Dr Richards and Applied Anthropology Committee (tp.)

15 Ibid., 23 Feb. – deals with list of Council for JRAI and Man; despatch of JRAI; BBC; social psychologists; suggests the Abbé Breuil as Huxley Lecturer; Census of British Anthropologists’ forms; Council election and Dr Read and Dr Mumford (tp. and separate autogr. note); the final page is missing

16 Ibid., 27 Mar. – refers to the British Joint Committee for Anthropological Teaching and Research at length; to the Committee on Collection of Anthropological Data and Allied Training (CCDAT) and JLM (tp., with autogr. corrections); the final page is missing

17 Ibid., 29 Mar. – reports on W.G. Wilsher’s difficulties with KMM. 4 pp. (autogr.)

18 WBF to EJL, 21 Apr. – thanks her for memorandum and greatly improved Census form; will send latter to printers; reports at length on the Colonial Sub-Committee and Prof. J.H. Hutton, JLM, ARR-B’s roles and CGS’s dismay at not being informed by the latter; revised draft [memorandum on anthropological research in the British Colonies to be presented to HM Secretary of State for the Colonies] satisfactory; reports on the House List and voting for Council; gives his views on possible nominations; Miss Galla Pfeffer and overdue books, Lord Raglan had written to the Home Office, some books recovered; refers to Finance, Joint Committee, war-time paper restrictions, typing difficulties and Prof. A.C. Haddon’s death, see Council Minutes, 23 Apr. 1940, f. 368. 6 pp. (autogr.); see Executive Committee Minutes, 5 Mar., f. 203, 9 Apr., f. 205, 7 May 1940, f. 207; Council Minutes, 19 Mar., 23 Apr., 28 May 1940, ff. 366-7, 369, 372-3

18.1 The Paper Crisis by K. De Courcy (photocopy)

19 WBF to EJL, [c. Apr.] – repeats invitation for her to stay from his mother; going away in early May (autogr., letter incomplete)

20 Ibid., 25 Apr. – letters hurried due to early last post; against retyping the draft for the Joint Committee; refers to ARR-B and Council, to CGS and W.G. Wilsher and change of auditors, ARR-B and Prof. Haddon’s death and the Colonial Sub-Committee draft. 4 pp. (autogr.)

21 Ibid., 27 Apr. 1940 – discusses the colonial draft, ARR-B’s views, its present underlying emphasis on social anthropology and the latest draft; has discussed the latter with H.N.C. Stevenson who made suggestions; will need to take lessons from JLM on committee-craft. 7 leaves (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 23 Apr., f. 369, 28 May 1940, ff. 372-3