Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Honorary Officers Correspondence and Papers A95 HONORARY OFFICERS’ CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS (A95 – 04 of 05)

30/ 1951. General

1 WBF to Dr R.E. Mortimer Wheeler, 9 Jan. 1951 – Council grateful for his offer of assistance with paper supplies and welcomes opportunity of collaboration with the British Academy; RAI has in the past fallen within the scope of the Royal Society; Council feels it would be desirable to leave present arrangements undisturbed (autogr.)

2 ERL to WBF, 15 Feb. 1951 – asks again about Library finance; reduced Viking Fund grants referred to the Ways and Means Committee (autogr.); see Executive Committee minutes, 12 Dec. 1950, Item IIc and Council minutes, 9 Jan. 1951, Items Ia, 5(2c)

3 WBF to the Editor, The Times, 25 July – refers to Nigel Gosling’s admirable article on African art at the Art Gallery, Imperial Institute; need for an exhibition of ‘the best from all Africa’ (autogr. draft)

4 Ibid., to EJL, 6 Dec. – on the disposal of Library books (autogr., annotated on verso); see 51/5

5 ERL to WBF, 7 Dec. – refers to the Curl Essay; thanks him for his support for the Reading Room; proposes to raise, as a matter of principle, that the Executive Committee should consider library issues before they reach Council; congratulates him on the current issue of Man (autogr.); see Executive Committee minutes, 11 Dec. 1951 (Reading Room not recorded) and Council minutes, 8 Jan., 5 Feb. 1952, Item 5 and 1 respectively

6 WBF to F. Grisewood, BBC, 27 Dec. – suggests a thorough examination of European civilization on the Third Programme on the occasion of the five hundredth anniversary in 1953 of the fall of Byzantium (autogr.)

31/ 1952. General

1 The Ithaca Journal to RAI, 5 Feb. 1951 – an adviser on Indian extension, Cornell University has stated that he has been ‘appointed royal anthropologist to the King of England and racial adviser on India’; would like confirmation (tp.); WBF’s reply, 6 Apr., written on letter

2 Assistant Secretary to J.P. Mills, 21 Mar. – encloses for signature loyal address to the Queen and letter to Prof. Robert Heine-Geldern (tp.)

3 WBF to J.P. Mills, 19 Apr. – on Prof. M.F. Ashley Montagu and the UNESCO new statement on race; mentions staff changes (autogr.); see Man, 1952, No. 70 for Alfred Métraux’ letter and No. 96 for Prof. Ashley Montagu’s reply; see also Man, 1951, No. 255 and 1952, No. 3; and Council minutes, 9 Oct. 1952, Item 4e for his (Ashley Montagu’s) resignation from the RAI

4 Circular on meetings of the Institute by WBF, 30 Apr. (mimeo.)

5 Mrs B.Z. Seligman to WBF, 21 May 1951 – on the difficulty of allocating money specifically for the Library; had hoped her gift would put the Library ‘on a decent basis’ with money for book purchases and binding (tp.)

5.1 ‘A proposal for Fellowship nominations by the Council’ by WBF, 5 June 1952 (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 10 June 1952, Item 7c, f. 664; the proposal was withdrawn

6 Notice of Extraordinary General meeting on 24 June 1952 issued by WBF, dated 31 May (printed)

7 Miss M.L. Tildesley to WBF, 2 June – encloses letter and proposal (/8-9 below) to form a section on Biometry of the British Association; Dr Fraser Roberts and herself were the RAI representatives (tp.); see Council minutes, 8 Jan. 1952, Item 10

8 F. Yates, Rothamsted Experimental Station to Miss Tildesley, 26 May – covering letter to British Association’s proposal (tpc.)

9 Proposal to the British Association for the formation of a section on Biometry (mimeo.)

10 JLM to WBF, 9 June – on project for distinguished Fellows; suggests consulting on how the Society of Arts ‘fared in its campaign’ (autogr.) 7

11 ERL to WBF, 17 June – proposes to nominate two ‘non-house list’ candidates: RWF who will return to London next year and Kenneth Little who is interested in the Friends of the RAI (tp.)

12 [The Revd. Cyril M. Armitage] to J.C. Trevor, 6 June – on discovery at St Brides church of large number of coffins, skulls and bones; Prof. Sir William H. Collins visited the site with Prof. Frederic Wood Jones; the former suggested he, Dr Trevor, was the best person to examine the relics (tpc.)

13 J.P. Mills, RAI President to the Revd. Cyril M. Armitage, 17 June – at the last meeting Council learnt of the large collection of human remains; Prof. Wood Jones suggested Dr Trevor to undertake a proper investigation; Council decided to set aside £100 towards the undertaking (tpc.)

14 The Revd. Cyril M. Armitage to J.P. Mills, 20 June – thanks him for his letter and the financial help; hopes to obtain permission soon for Dr Trevor to undertake the work (tp.)

15 EJL to WBF, [June] 1951 – Miles Burkitt said he had been urging a conference of editors to divide the fields of publication and that you had refused; she took a ‘strong line in defence of inaction’; refers to other matters, mainly personal (tp.)

16 Ibid., [July] – suggests Dr McAleavy, Arthur Waley and E.B. Howell for Chinese items in Man (autogr.)

17 J.P. Mills to Mrs A.C. Bowe, Secretary to the Officers, 1 Sep. – mentions Blood Group Committee, Reading Room table and flowers for the window boxes (autogr.)

18 HJF to J.P. Mills, [Nov.] – refers to the Queen Mother unveiling a portrait of Sir Robert Hyde; suggests it should be mentioned at Council (autogr.); the unveiling is not recorded in either the minutes of Council on 13 Nov. or 3 Dec.

19 J.P. Mills to H.J. Newlin, 3 Dec. – heard of his great interest in the RAI from D.H.F. Wilson; suggests meeting for lunch (tpc.)

20 Ibid., to WBF, 9 Dec. – had to cancel lunch meeting with H.J. Newlin as he received no reply; refers to Prof. Fleure and meeting with I. Sieff (tpc.)

21 H.J. Newlin to J.P. Mills, 9 Dec. – thanks him for his invitation; unable to accept at present (tp.)

32/ 1953. General

1 Chancellor of the Exchequer’s official to J.P. Mills, 16 Jan. 1953 – acknowledges letter of 14 Jan. (tp.); letter on the export of works of art; for letter see Committee on the Export of Art, 81/3/6

2 Secretary to the Officers to GCT, 11 Feb. – invitation to accept nomination to represent the RAI at the centenary celebrations to honour Sir Flinders Petrie at University College on 17 June (tpc.); see Council minutes, 5 Feb. 1953, Item 5a

3 J.P. Mills to WBF, 27 June – expresses gratitude for his help during his Presidency; mentions a young man interested in archaeological excavations (autogr.)

4 Draft letter on Zimbabwe ruins from WBF addressed to the Manchester Guardian (autogr.)

5 WBF to the Editor, Manchester Guardian, 31 July – on Zimbabwe ruins (tpc.); published on 4 Aug.

6 ERL to WBF, [4 Nov.] 1953 – relinquishes post of Hon. Librarian; mentions Segy’s book (autogr.); for the former see Council minutes, 8 Oct. and 5 Nov. 1953, Items 8c and 1 respectively; see also Report of Council, 1952/3, JRAI, Vol. 83, p. 103

33/ 1953. 2 June, Coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth II

1 WBF to Minister of Works, 29 Apr. 1953 – inquires about the allocation of seats on stands to the RAI (tpc.); see Council minutes, 12 Mar. 1953, Item 11

2 Ministry of Works to RAI, 1 May – reports 2 tickets have been allocated (printed)

3 Ibid., 14 May – encloses two tickets (printed)

4 Ibid., – Advice to ticket holders (printed)

34/ 1953. June-Nov. International Conference on Celtic Folklore (5-13 Oct.)

1 Ian Whitaker, University of Edinburgh to WBF, 5 June 1953 – can give no official information about forthcoming Conference; believed to be organized by the British Council and the University of Glasgow; School of Scottish Studies has received no official intimation; possible conference may assume a nationalistic theme (tp., and autogr., autogr. note by WBF)

2 Draft letter to the British Council from WBF, 6 June (autogr.)

3 WBF to the British Council, 6 June – RAI has heard an International Celtic Folklore Conference is to be held shortly under the auspices of the British Council; no official intimation has been received; RAI takes seriously its obligation to examine credentials of such organizations; asks for the fullest details; ready to place advice at the disposal of the British Council (tpc.); see Council minutes, 11 June 1953, Item 9

4 British Council to WBF, 8 June – reports Conference sponsored by the University of Glasgow and the British Council with the cooperation of Scottish universities including the University of Edinburgh; delegates coming from Britain and overseas (tp.)

5 Ian Whitaker to WBF, 8 June – conference claims to be international; they have chosen the unorthodox method of selecting delegates instead of asking organizations to select delegates (autogr.)

6 Ibid., 11 July 1953 – telegram stating no delegates only nominees selected by conference committee (tp.)

7 Ibid., 11 July – heard he has been asked to attend conference; negotiated by the Secretary Archivist on the grounds that the School of Scottish Studies has a right to attend; seems as if the RAI has a strong claim (autogr.)

8 Ibid., 11 July – similar letter but names Scandinavians who have received invitations (tp.)

9 British Council, Glasgow to WBF, 18 July – encloses copy of draft programme (see /10 below); Progamme Committee would be prepared to welcome RAI delegates; delegates would be responsible for their own expenses (tp.)

10 Outline of programme and timetable (mimeo.)

11 EJL to WBF, 27 July – thanks him for suggesting that she should represent the RAI with Mrs Ellen Ettlinger; unable to accept; suggests Mrs Ettlinger should be sole delegate and carefully briefed; suggests close contact with Glasgow sponsored developments however ‘nationalistic’ they are reputed to be; conference seems reasonably well supported (tp.)

12 British Council, Glasgow to WBF, 21 Aug. – glad Mrs Ettlinger will be attending the Conference; has sent her all the necessary information (tp.)

13 Mrs Ettlinger to WBF, 24 Aug. – has today heard from the British Council, Glasgow; refers to reviews (autogr.)

14 WBF to EJL, 31 Oct. – encloses papers (not present); will make a brief report to Council; would welcome any confidential comments on the conference (autogr.); see Council minutes, 5 Nov. 1953, Item 5

15 EJL [to WBF], 3 Oct. – lists views at the conference which she thinks should be put to Council and to Mrs Ettlinger (autogr.)

16 Mrs Ettlinger to WBF, 15 Oct. – report on the conference (tp., autogr. notes)

17 British Council, Glasgow to Mrs Ettlinger, 3 Nov. – encloses minutes of the conference and the British Council’s report (/18-19 below)(tp.)

18 Minutes of the closing session of the conference in Oban, 13 Oct. and date of conference and other information, Appendix C-D. 5 leaves (mimeo.)

19 British Council report on the conference (tpc.)

20 Mrs Ettlinger to WBF, 6 Nov. 1953 – encloses /18-19 above; makes comments on the minutes (autogr.)

21 ‘Introductory paper on folk-music collection to be delivered at the International Conference on Celtic Folklore’ in Stornoway, Oct. 1953 by C.I. Maclean’. 9 leaves (mimeo.)

22 Report by Mrs Ettlinger on the conference for Man (tp.); the report did not appear in Man

35/ 1954. General

01 Union internationale des Sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques, 16 Jan. 1954. [4] pp. (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 1 Apr. 1954, Item 12, f. 719; it was agreed to apply for membership

1 J.S. Weiner, Reader in Physical Anthropology, University of Oxford to WBF, 27 Jan. – gives his views on a RAI conference in Oxford in July; thinks next year would be preferable; gives his reasons (tp.); see Council minutes, 1 Apr. 1954, Item 8

1.1 ‘Memorandum by the Hon. Editor [of the JRAI]’ by J.C. Trevor, 2 Mar. 1954, with a note on the conference on human biology and physical anthropology (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 4 Mar. 1954, Items 10, 13, f. 717

2 RWF to D.H.F. Wilson, Hon. Treasurer, 29 June – suggested to the Librarian the possibility of Library expansion; asked her to produce figures which he now encloses (not present)(tp.)

3 Lord Raglan to WBF, 3 Nov. – cannot attend Council tomorrow; refers to B.A.L. Cranstone’s excellent letter [Webs of fantasy] in Man (tp.); see Man, 1954, No. 98; see also Man, 1953, No. 152, ‘Anthropology and the study of ‘folk’ cultures’ by Ian Whitaker, and correspondence with the latter title, 1953, No. 229 by Lord Raglan, and later correspondence under the title of ‘Webs of fantasy’, No. 281 by Lucy Mair; 1954, No. 19 by Lord Raglan, No. 42 by J.H.M. Beattie, and No. 74 by Lord Raglan

4 William Brice to WBF, 12 Nov. – thanks him for his hospitality; reports that Prof. A.R. Radcliffe Brown thinks ethnology will keep anthropology united (autogr.)

36/ 1954. Mar.-Apr. Kikuyu unrest (Mau Mau)

1 ‘The Mau Mau rituals: tribal religion and witchcraft’ by Prof. Max Gluckman, Manchester Guardian, 19 Mar. 1954 (printed)

2 ‘The Mau Mau oaths’, leader Manchester Guardian, 19 Mar. 1954 (printed)

3 Colonial Office to RAI, 12 Apr. – encloses unpublished appendix on Mau Mau oaths to the Report by the Parliamentary Delegation to Kenya (/4 below)(tp.)

4 Appendix II: Memorandum on the Mau Mau oath ceremonies (Cmd. 9081)(printed)

5 Hansard oral answers, 28 July 1954 on Kenya. Columns 481-5 (printed); column 485 list of organizations sent the appendix

37/ 1955. General

1 Lapsed Fellows, 7 Feb. 1955 – Hon. Secretary encloses list of lapsed Fellows (/2 below)(mimeo.)

2 List of lapsed Fellows (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 3 Feb. 1955, Item 3h

3 Israel M. Sieff to WBF, 21 Apr. – pleased to accept nomination as Vice-President (tp.); see Council minutes, 5 May 1955, Item 6

4 Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts to WBF, 21 Apr. – ibid. (tp.)

5 Israel M. Sieff to WBF, 5 Oct. – on the short notice given of Council meetings (tp.)

38/ 1955. May. Annual Report

1 B.A.L. Cranstone to WBF, 6 May 1955 – draws attention to lack of figures showing losses and gains in membership; notes obituaries of Sir Arthur Keith and Père Paul Teilhard de Chardin will be published in Man, asks about other obituaries (autogr.); see Council minutes, 5 May 1955, Item 9

2 Mrs B.Z. Seligman to WBF, 6 May – on deletions and insertions on the Library (autogr.)

3 CDF to WBF, 9 May – comments on general comments to the relation of the RAI to industrialists and industry and financial aid to the RAI (tp.)

4 Dr J.S. Weiner to WBF, 10 May – comments on the reference to the Medical Research Council and the British Committee for the Standardization on Anthropometric Techniques (tp.)

5 J.A. Barnes to WBF, 11 May 1955 – suggests less emphasis on finance and the Friends of the RAI; encouragement of anthropological interest in industrial situations necessary (tp.); see Council minutes, 5 May 1955, Item 2d

6 Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf to WBF, 11 May – comments on the reference to finance and the Friends of the RAI (tp.)

7 Prof. Meyer Fortes to WBF, 14 May – mentions the reference to finance and the Friends of the RAI; some reference to the traditional interests and work of the RAI should be made (tp.)

8 Draft of the Annual General Report. 6 leaves (mimeo., autogr. annotations by ?H.J. Braunholtz)

39/ 1955. Nov.-Dec. Resignation of Hon. Secretary and his replacement

01 Memorandum on views of the Association of Social Anthropologists (ASA) to WBF by ERL with WBF’s reply; on the ASA’s need to a publication (with a covering note); see Council minutes, 3 Nov. 1955, Item 7(c), f. 769

1 Lord Raglan to WBF, 4 Nov. 1955 – thinks Council meeting went well (Council, 3 Nov.); refers to the Association of Social Anthropologists and a supplement to Man and proposed amendment of the By-laws X-XI (see Council minutes, 3 Nov. 1955, Items 6 and 7c, and 1 Dec., Item 1); had not realised he intended to resign (tp.)

2 WBF to Lord Raglan, [27 Nov.] – draft letter of resignation (autogr.)

3 Ibid., 28 Nov. – resigns from the Hon. Secretaryship (tpc.); see Council minutes, 1 Dec. 1955, Item 7, and 5 Jan. 1956, Item 7

4 Douglas H.F. Wilson (DHFW) to Lord Raglan, 2 Dec. – on RAI’s financial affairs and his resignation as Hon. Treasurer; refers to a meeting with I.M. Sieff; will hope to get the 1955 accounts audited early next year; refers to support he has had from Council and his fellow Hon. Officers (tpc.); see Council minutes, 5 Jan. 1956, Item 9; see also Council minutes, 1 Mar., 12 Apr., 3 May 1956, Items 2,2,2 respectively; Sir George Beresford Stooke was appointed

5 Lord Raglan to WBF, 4 Dec. – informs him DHFW intends to resign; refers to arrears in Man and postal ballot (tp.); see Council minutes, 3 Nov.,1 Dec. 1955, Items 6, 7b, 8b respectively

6 DHFW to Lord Raglan, 7 Dec. 1955 – refers to his forthcoming resignation and financial affairs (tpc.)

7 WBF to Lord Raglan, 11 Dec. – reports he knew of DHFW’s wish to resign; has done so several times before but has been persuaded to continue; has said for some years he only continues because he (WBF) does; refers to their disagreement over finance at the last Council, and to arrears in Man; reports on the Hon. Secretaryship and qualifications needed and mentions MWS as meeting those requirements (autogr. draft)

8 Lord Raglan to WBF, 12 Dec. – thanks him for his work on behalf of the RAI; refers to Dr Marian W. Smith (MWS) as possible successor and to DHFW, financial difficulties and local bank manager as fall back successor; mentions ERL, the ASA and link with Man (tp.); see Council minutes, 3 Nov. 1955, Item 7c

9 WBF to RWF, 15 Dec. – informs him of his appointment to committee to recommend a successor (Council minutes, 1 Dec. 1955, Item 7); asks him if he would approve the nomination of MWS; lists her many advantages (autogr. draft)

10 RWF to WBF, 16 Dec. – thinks MWS would be a good solution; CDF (also on the committee) will return from Germany soon (tp.)

11 CDF to WBF, 20 Dec. – encloses copy of his letter to Lord Raglan (/12 below); thinks MWS would be an excellent choice (tp.)

12 CDF to Lord Raglan, 20 Dec. – thanks him for his letter; also one from WBF stating he thinks MWS would be willing to serve and asking for views; thinks she would be an excellent choice; suggests delegating some duties to a deputy (tpc.)

13 Lord Raglan to WBF, 24 Dec. – has written to Bristol bank to ask about expenses (see /7 above), and to J.A. Barnes of the necessity of keeping the Committee on Anthropology in Industry in being; notes his comments on MWS but has not heard from Dr J.C. Trevor; expects the appointment of G.W.B. Huntingford can wait for next Council (as Hon. Editor, see Council minutes 5 Jan. 1956, Item 8)(tp.); for Dr Barnes’s resignation from Council and as Hon. Secretary, Committee for Anthropology in Industry on his emigration to Australia see Council minutes, 5 Jan. 1956, Item 10

14 Ibid., 29 Dec. – glad all agree on MWS; mention inadvisability of splitting the work; refers to Historical Association’s centenary and changing the date of April Council (tp.); Council was held on 12 Apr.

15 Letter to members of the Committee to consider a nomination for the Hon. Secretaryship stating the approval of all members of the nomination of MWS, 30 Dec. (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 5 Jan. 1956, Item 7

16 HJF to WBF, 31 Dec. – sees the resignation of Miss M. Wilman (Council minutes, 5 Jan. and 2 Feb. 1956, Items 3e and 1 respectively), suggests the RAI remits her subscription in view of her long service to anthropology in South Africa; distressed to think he and DHFW are considering resignation; suggests keeping one of his offices; Hon. Secretary or Editor of Man; expresses gratitude (autogr.)

17 [WBF] to MWS, 10 Jan. 1956 – writes to inform her officially that she was appointed Joint Hon. Secretary with himself until the AGM on 28 June; then she would be Council’s nominee for the Hon. Secretaryship; unsure whether to congratulate her but congratulates the RAI (tpc.)

40/ 1956. General

1 Prof. M. Gluckman to WBF, 3 Apr. 1956 – Association of Social Anthropologists have decided not to accept the offer of a special supplement to Man; thanks Council for the offer (tp.); see Council minutes, 12 Apr. 1956, Item 6b

2 Dr Jack R. Goody to WBF, 23 Apr. – prepared to stand for nomination to Council (autogr.)

3 IS to WBF and MWS, 10 [July] – voting at the June meeting indicated the RAI prefers old and trusted friends; thinks it a pity that more young people were not elected; submits his resignation in the hope the vacancy will be filled by someone not previously on Council (tp., annotated by MWS); see Council minutes, 3 May 1956, Item 6

4 Dr J.R. Goody to WBF, 28 July – has heard nothing since he agreed to stand for nomination to Council (/2 above); asks for the matter to be referred to Council and to be informed of procedures (autogr.)

5 Assistant to MWS, 16 Aug. – on procedures (autogr.)

6 MWS to Dr J.R. Goody, 27 Aug. – explains procedures for nomination and election to Council; glad to discuss any possible improvements (tpc.)

7 J.P. Mills to WBF, 31 Dec. 1956 – thanks him for his card; no longer likes visiting London; comments on I.M. Sieff’s efforts to raise money and the future of the RAI (autogr.); see Council minutes, 4 Oct., 1 Nov., 6 Dec. 1956, 3 Jan. 1957, Items 3b, 1, 1, 1 respectively

8 La “Lettre des ethnologues”, issued by Le Comité des Intellectuels contre la Poursuite de la Guerre en Algérie’ and dated 12 mars. 4 pp. (printed)

41/ 1956. Mar.-May. Resignation of Hon. Treasurer and his replacement

1 Israel M. Sieff to Lord Raglan, 5 Mar. 1956 – has discussed the matter with DHFW; made various suggestions for his successor (tpc., annotated by DHFW); see Council minutes, 5 Jan. 1956, Item 9

2 DHFW to I.M. Sieff, 17 Apr. – reports two of those suggested have declined; the third is interested and will give a decision later (tpc.)

3 Ibid., to Lord Raglan, 17 Apr. – reports ibid.; and suggests he should write to John Ryan and invite him to take on the Hon. Treasurership (tpc.)

4 Lord Raglan to DHFW, 18 Apr. – regrets he had so much interviewing; will write to John Ryan; at an informal discussion it was suggested GCT would be a good Treasurer (tp.)

5 John Ryan to DHFW, 24 Apr. – regrets he has to decline the post; gives his reasons (tp.)

6 Lord Raglan to DHFW, 25 Apr. – has heard from John Ryan; Prof. M. Fortes has suggested Sir George Beresford-Stooke; has written to the latter (tp.)

7 DHFW to Lord Raglan, 27 Apr. – was sorry John Ryan had declined but hopes to retain his interest through the Friends of the RAI; thinks the suggestion of Sir George Beresford-Stooke as Treasurer a good one; I.M. Sieff is planning to have another gathering at his flat; hopes to invite a further group of influential industrialists (tpc.)

8 Lord Raglan to RAI, 30 Apr. – reports Sir George Beresford-Stooke has accepted nomination as Hon. Treasurer; will propose this at Council (tp., autogr. annotations by Secretary to the Officers)

9 [MWS] to Sir George Beresford-Stooke, 7 May – writes formally to say that Council has nominated him for election as Hon. Treasurer; invited to attend next meetings of Council and the Executive Committee (tpc.); see Council minutes, 3 May 1956, Item 2c

42/ 1957. General

1 EJL to WBF, 13 Feb. 1957 – mentions Scottish ‘agitation’, Ian Whitaker and publicity for Scottish nationalism (see /34 above); encloses cutting (/2 below); refers to the Reindeer Council (autogr.)

2 ‘Uist range ‘over our dead bodies’’, The Scotsman, 5 Mar. 1957, p. 7 – cutting on the proposed rocket range; also on p. 7: ‘M.P.s “lobbied” for opinions’; ‘Messages of support: Sir Compton [Mackenzie] warns of evacuation’

3 Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard to WBF, 3 June – states most American anthropologists are unaware that they can join the RAI; suggests a note in the Am. Anthrop.; also suggests American libraries that subscribe to the Am. Anthrop. may consider subscribing to the JRAI and Man (tp.)

4 Israel M. Sieff to Lord Raglan, 9 June – resigns as Vice-President owing to the heavy demands on his time (tpc.)

5 Lord Raglan to WBF, 12 June – has written to I.M. Sieff on his resignation as Vice-President and thanking him for all he has done; mentions Princess Alice, the Royal Patron (tp.)

6 [MWS] to I.M. Sieff, 14 June – loathe to see him resign as Vice-President; despite his inability to perform his duties owing to pressure on his time his ‘presence among the officers is greatly appreciated’; trying to revive the Committee on Anthropology in Industry; would like his support and advice; suggests a meeting (tpc.); I.M. Sieff was Vice-President from 1955-8; see Council minutes, 6 June 1957, Item 5c

7 Administrative Secretary to WBF, 11 Dec. – asks him to prepare the Wenner-Gren report as MWS unable to do so; mentions Council matters including the Royal Patronage (tp.); see Council minutes, 7 Nov., 5 Dec. 1957, and 2 Jan. 1958, Items 8, 1, 9 and 1 respectively

43/ 1958. General and British Columbia’s centenary, the totem pole, Mungo Martin and the copper

1 Sir George Beresford-Stooke to WBF, 4 Mar. 1958 – reassured that H.E. Wadsworth’s views on general financial position accord with his own; mentions advisers to the Bank of England (autogr.); H.E. Wadsworth succeeded Sir George Beresford-Stooke as Hon. Treasurer in 1962

2 Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard to MWS, 3 Apr. – Sir Maurice Bowra had indicated that he did not want to take on additional commitments; likely to refuse nomination to Council (autogr.)

3 G.E.S. Turner (GEST), University Museum, Oxford to MWS, 2 June – encloses copies of letters from Prof. Charles S. Burchill and Dr Arthur Fontaine (/4 below) about Mungo Martin’s visit; he carved the totem pole to be presented to the Queen to mark British Columbia’s Centenary; outlines possible activities and asks if the RAI can help (tp., autogr. annotation); see Council minutes, 2 Oct. 1958, Item 7b

4 Prof. Charles S. Burchill, Victoria, BC and Dr Arthur Fontaine (extract) to GEST, 14 May – on Mungo Martin’s visit with his grand-daughter, Mrs Helen Hunt (tp. copies)

5 MWS to GEST, 9 June – sure the RAI can help with the visit; makes suggestions; acquainted with W.A. McAdam, Agent General, British Columbia (tpc.)

6 MWS to W.A. McAdam (WAMcA), 9 June – on Mungo Martin’s visit; RAI would be pleased to help; refers to the official uncovering of the totem pole and to the presentation of the copper (tpc.)

7 WAMcA to MWS, 11 June – have arranged for Martin to be presented after the presentation of the totem pole; refers to the copper; plans await more information about dates (tp.)

8 GEST to MWS, 23 June – still waiting to hear about dates; likes her suggestions; possibility of a television interview (tp.)

9 WAMcA to MWS, 25 June – encloses air travel arrangements (not retained); has been asked to arrange Martin’s itinerary once he arrives; apart from ceremony of totem pole on 19 July has no plans; refers to presentation of the copper (tp.)

10 MWS to WAMcA, 27 June – refers to arrangements at the University Museum, Oxford and the British Museum; can arrange for the presentation of the copper to the Royal Patron if necessary (tpc.)

11 GEST to MWS, 27 June – encloses copy of letter from Prof. Burchill (/12 below); understands the Queen will be at Windsor to receive the pole on 19 July (tp.)

12 Prof. Charles S. Burchill to GEST, 18 June – uncertainty in BC of Martin’s length of stay and the method of financing the visit; WAMcA will have charge of the arrangements; comments on Martin’s ‘immense personal dignity’ and his respect for royalty; he fully expects to present his copper to the Queen personally; mentions attitude at BC House (tp., copy)

13 GEST to MWS, 28 June – has written to WAMcA to ask about plans for Oxford; in writing to WAMcA mentioned ‘no doubt’ Martin would be present at Windsor on 19 July (tp.)

14 Deputy Agent General, BC to GEST, 30 June – notes invitation to Martin and Mrs Hunt to visit the Pitt Rivers Museum; MWS has offered to arrange Martin’s itinerary; thinks it best for one person to handle the arrangements (tpc.)

15 BBC Children’s Television to MWS, 2 July – so pleased to know Martin will appear on Children’s Television programme on 21 July; will send a car to pick up Martin and Mrs Hunt and take them back; would like to talk to both before the programme; likes MWS’s suggestion that the meeting should be at the RAI; inquires if a letter should be sent to Martin asking if he will take part, prefers the RAI to do so (tp.)

16 ‘Programme arranged by the [RAI] for the visit of Chief Mungo Martin and Mrs Helen Hunt’ and ‘Invitation list, 18 July 1958’ for the Sherry Party at the RAI. 3 leaves (tpc.)

17 RAI invitation to the Sherry Party (mimeo.)

18 WAMcA to MWS, 7 July – at the request of the Governor-General the Queen has agreed to accept Martin’s copper; will take place at the totem pole ceremony at Windsor Great Park (tp.)

19 Deputy Agent General, BC to MWS, 8 July – thanks her for the itinerary; confirms that they will settle the accounts; will be pleased to send RAI officials invitations to the ceremony (tp.)

20 GEST to MWS, 9 July – confirms day for visit to the Pitt Rivers Museum; outlines arrangements and itinerary; sure Prof. C.S. Burchill will be grateful for the RAI’s efforts (tp.)

21 Deputy Agent General, BC to RAI Administrative Secretary, 25 July – appreciates RAI’s letter of thanks on behalf of Martin and Mrs Hunt; gives thanks for all the RAI’s work and for all the arrangements going so smoothly (tp.); though this letter was read to Council there was no reference to it but see Council minutes, 2 Oct. 1958, Item 7b

22 GEST to MWS, 31 July – refers to pole carving; Queen Mother assured Mrs Hunt the copper will have a home in the Queen’s private museum; Martin and Mrs Hunt seemed very pleased with all that had been done for them; thanks the RAI for all its work (tp.)

23 WAMcA to MWS, 7 Aug. – thanks her for all the RAI did; quotes from a letter from the British Columbia Centennial Committee on Martin’s and Mrs Hunt’s visit (tp.)

24 MWS to Dr K.P. Oakley, 21 Aug. – sends a transparency of Martin and Mrs Hunt; comments on the transparency (tpc.)

25 Mrs Helen Hunt, Victoria, BC to the RAI Administrative Secretary, Joan Edwards, 25 Aug. – writes about the visit and their activities since returning (autogr.)

26 Prof. C.S. Burchill, Victoria, BC to Joan Edwards, 31 Aug. – thinks the Chief and Mrs Hunt had the most enjoyable official visit on record; expresses gratitude for all her help (tp.)

27 Dr K.P. Oakley to MWS, 11 Sep. – grateful for the coloured photograph of Martin and Mrs Hunt and her useful comments; will be recorded in the Anthropological Section of the British Museum (Natural History)(tp.)

28 GEST to Joan Edwards, 25 Sep. – encloses copies of letters received on the Kwakiutl ‘interlude’ (/29 below)(tp.)

29 Mrs H. Hunt and Prof. C.S. Burchill to GEST, 12 and 13 Aug. – both express thanks for visit (tp. copies)

30 Deputy Agent General, BC to MWS, 8 Dec. – on the RAI accepting the copper on permanent loan (tp.); see A70/1/12 for the return of the copper to the Royal Collection in Sep. 1999

31 MWS to Deputy Agent General, BC, 12 Dec. – will be pleased to accept the copper on permanent loan (tpc.)

32 ‘The centennial totem pole’. 4 leaves (mimeo.)

33 ‘The Royal totem pole’, British Columbia News Letter, July 1958 (printed); see Council minutes as /21 above

43/1959. General

1 Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts to Dr A.I. Richards, President (AIR), 11 Sep. 1959 – likely to be low attendance at Prof. R.R. Ruggles-Gates’s lecture; suggests changing the day (tp.)

2 AIR to MWS, Sunday [13 Sep.] – encloses letter [/1 above]; suggests postponing lecture; Dr Fraser Roberts cannot attend (autogr.)

3 MWS to AIR, 16 Sep. – Dr Fraser Roberts willing to chair meeting but cannot attend dinner; suggests postponing the dinner (tp.)

4 AIR to MWS, 16 Sep. – proposes extra person for the dinner if short; Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard suggested she should find out what Lord Hailsham requires; probably better than an RAI memorandum (tp.); see Council minutes, 5 Nov. and 10 Dec. 1959, Items 8, 1 respectively, and 6 Oct. 1960, Item 9k