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8/ 1940. June-Dec. WBF and JLM

1 WBF to JLM, 2 June 1940 – wishes to discuss developments at last Council; on house list, common seal, colonial draft, Joint Committee and book reviews. 4 pp. (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 28 May, f. 273, 2 July 1940, f. 376

2 Ibid., 9 June – informs him he, WBF, may be transferred to another branch of the Civil Service; discusses possible successor; Council accepted in principle his proposals for book reviews which he lists. 4 pp. (autogr.)

3 JLM to WBF, 10 June – discusses the possibility of WBF’s transfer and book reviews (autogr.)

4 WBF to JLM, 20 Sep. – on CGS’s death; asks if he will represent RAI at funeral and write his obituary; no word from ARR-B, may be abroad; has asked Edith Stiassny to give her lecture on ‘The history of women’s costume in Crete and Mycenae’, hopes he can help her with the slides (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 22 Oct. 1940, f. 377

5 JLM to WBF, 23 Sep. – on CGS’s death and loss to RAI; mentions ARR-B; will help Edith Stiassny with slides; distribution difficulties of JRAI and reviews (autogr.)

6 WBF to JLM, 24 Oct. – mentions Council agreement to reduce Man to 6 bimensual issues; Council accepted a compromise formula for lecture and Council meetings; refers to Edith Stiassny’s lecture; suggests members of the Hellenic Society should be invited (autogr.); see Council Minutes, 22 Oct. 1940, f. 378

7 JLM to WBF, 26 Oct. – on Edith Stiassny’s slides and the Hellenic Society; discusses Man and economies, draft circular for insertion (/13 below); refers to Edith Stiassny’s lecture and the Hellenic Society, and to JRAI and EJL (autogr.)

8 Ibid., 31 Oct. – discusses Man; mentions Dr W.L. Hildburgh’s article (autogr.)

9 Ibid., 31 Oct. – discusses Man and number of copies to be printed (autogr.)

10 WBF to JLM, 11 Nov. 1940 – discusses the Hon. Secretaryship and his transfer to the Board of Trade and evacuation to Bournemouth; refers to J.H. Driberg’s lecture; to Man and draft circular, number of copies to be printed, Dr Hildburgh’s article and to JRAI and references; ARR-B suggests RWF as Hon. Secretary if he returns. 6 pp. (autogr.)

11 JLM to WBF, 14 Nov. – refers to JRAI; discusses problem of Hon. Secretary and WBF’s suggestions until RWF is available; T.T.S. Hayley’s letter and Dr Hildburgh’s article (autogr.)

12 Ibid., 8 Dec. – spoke to ARR-B about reduction in page size for Man and JRAI; hopes Hon. Fellows will continue to be elected; mentions WBF’s and HJB’s help in present difficulties, and shortage of articles for Man (autogr.); see Executive Committee Minutes, 7 Oct., f. 225, 19 Nov. 1940, f. 214; Council Minutes, 10 Dec. 1940, ff. 379-80, 17 Feb. 1941, f. 382

13 Circular on subscriptions to Man, 1941 inserted in Nov. and Dec. 1940 issue (printed); see also Man, Dec. 1940, Item 217 and Jan./Feb. 1941, Item 7

9/ 1940. Appeal to Fellows

1 Notes by WBF on:

.1 Abolition of entrance fees for the duration of the war (autogr.); no action was taken see Council Minutes, 28 Oct. 1941, f. 387

.2 Provision of funds for expansion after the war; appeal for payment of subscriptions and payment by banker’s order (autogr.)

2 Memorandum on maintenance of services and activities. 2 leaves (tp.)

3 WBF to ARR-B, [Jan. 1940] – on an appeal to Fellows. 3 leaves (autogr.); the letter was not sent; see Council Minutes, 23 Jan. 1940, f. 362

4 Drafts of appeal

.1 First draft by WBF. 5 leaves (autogr.)

.2 Draft by WBF (autogr.)

.3 Ibid., drafted 17 Dec. 1939. 4 leaves (autogr.)

.4 Draft of a circular to be sent to all Fellows. 2 leaves (tpc.)

.5 Ibid. 2 pp. (mimeo.)

5 Council members’ response

.1 Miss M.E. Durham to WBF, 24 Jan. 1940 – encloses suggestions (tp.)

.2 Miss Durham’s suggestions. 2 leaves (tp.)

.3 EJL to WBF, 27 Jan. – makes suggestions (tp.)

6 Revised appeal: A message to all Fellows

.1 First draft by WBF. 2 leaves (autogr.)

.2 Revised draft by WBF. 8 pp. 2½ x 4½ in. (autogr., corrected)

.3 Ibid., 3 pp. (autogr., corrected)

.4 WBF to ARR-B, [23 Dec.] – sends draft appeal; outlines difficulties of timing and revision of original appeal; asks if he will sign the appeal. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.5 Dr W.L. Hildburgh to WBF, 25 Dec. – draft appeal received; thinks it should be signed by the President and himself; makes alterations to draft (see /6/.6 below); comments on the suggestions that he should be Hon. Treasurer; will write again about the latter (autogr.)

.6 Draft with Dr Hildburgh’s alterations (tpc., autogr. corrections)

.7 WBF to Harrison & Sons, printers, [26 Dec.] – encloses appeal; in view of the delays asks for the printing to be a ‘rush job’; comments on their ‘generous and helpful attitude’ with the JRAI (autogr.)

.8 WBF to KMM, 26 Dec. – comments on office matters; refers to Local Correspondents and the President’s letter abolishing the position; has written urgently to the printers; considers timing of the appeal better now than the earlier date; has signed it provisionally; President may wire his readiness to sign. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.9 EJL to WBF, 28 Dec. – approves wording; mentions Dr Hildburgh and ARR-B; thinks he, WBF, should sign appeal (autogr.)

.10 WBF to HJB, 29 Dec. 1940 – mentions Adrian Digby; encloses copy of revised appeal; signatures to be added; comments on Dr Hildburgh as possible Hon. Treasurer and also as Dining/Lunch Club treasurer, Q.E. Kastrati as a possible lecturer, book list circular, JLM and Hon. Fellows. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.11 A message to all Fellows, signed by WBF, dated 31 Dec. 1940 (printed)

10/ 1941. General

1 KMM to WBF, 3 Jan. 1941 – no telegram from ARR-B about signing the appeal (see /9.4 above); Eyre & Spottiswoode premises (Man printers), destroyed by fire-bomb; estimate received for making basement and Library safer (tp. and autogr.)

2 Prof. J.H. Hutton to WBF, 7 Jan. – refers to Dr W.L. Hildburgh and the Executive Committee, election of Hon. Fellows, Cambridge RAI meeting, and war damage in Cambridge (autogr.)

3 Miss E.J. Coote Lake to WBF, 11 Jan. – is doubling subscription in reply to Message to All Fellows (autogr., annotated by WBF and EJL); on verso: WBF to Miss Coote Lake, 16 Mar. – her letter not forwarded until end of Feb. due to an error; mentions other donors; expresses gratitude (autogr.)

4 KMM to WBF, 11 Jan. – Eyre & Spottiswoode report Man, Jan./Feb. destroyed, will reset as soon as possible; refers to Q.E. Kastrati’s lecture, Appeal, safety of the building and fire-bomb watchers (autogr.); see Executive Committee Minutes, 28 Jan. 1941, f. 217

5 WBF to KMM, 12 Jan. – refers to Q.E. Kastrati’s lecture, Miss M.E. Durham and Miss M.L. Tildesley; the Executive Committee’s agenda and ‘that it sits in place of the Council’, Hon. Fellows, J. Wijesekera’s letter (see /7 below), and Eyre & Spottiswoode (autogr.)

6 WBF to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 12 Jan. – informs him of his transfer to the Board of Trade and his election to the Executive Committee now generally meeting in place of Council with powers to act; mentions nominations for Hon. Fellowship, the lecture programme and the averted ‘putsch’, ARR-B and Oxford meetings, and to Cambridge meetings (autogr.); see Executive Committee Minutes, 19 Nov. 1940 and 28 Jan. 1941, ff. 214-5, 217

7 KMM to WBF, 14 Jan. – mentions Eyre & Spottiswoode, J. Wijesekera’s letter, ARP, Q.E. Kastrati’s lecture and J. Reid Moir’s prospectus (autogr.)

8 WBF to ARR-B, 2 Feb. 1941 – asks about another RAI Oxford meeting (autogr.)

9 ARR-B to WBF, c. 4 Feb. – can arrange a meeting in Mar. (autogr.)

10 WBF to KMM, 5 Feb. – sorry to hear of her illness; refers to RWF’s lecture (autogr.)

11 KMM to WBF, 8 Feb. – refers to Bedford Square ARP Committee (autogr.); see /5/6.11 above

12 ARR-B to WBF, 26 Feb. – thinks the Oxford meeting should be postponed in view of difficulties (autogr.); see /9 above

13 KMM to WBF, 7 Mar. – mentions admission of citizens of Allied countries as guest Fellows and their privileges, Appeal to Fellows, subscriptions, circular letter to Local Correspondents, JRAI and Man, sympathetic letters from American Fellows, and ARP. 6 pp. (autogr.); see Executive Committee Minutes, 29 Apr. 1941, f. 223

14 Ibid., 21 Apr. – windows blown in and roof tiles broken; now being repaired; Man stocks protected, bomb shelter for the Davis family (caretakers) (autogr.)

15 Ibid., 9 May – mentions guest Fellows, copies of the Appeal to Fellows, despatch of annual report and accounts in view of delay in JRAI publication (autogr.)

16 J.H. Driberg to WBF, 1 June – it seems important for the future of anthropology that information should be obtained on the fate of continental anthropologists; suggests that Council should consider the matter (autogr., annotated by WBF)

17 KMM to WBF, 6 June – refers to parcels of periodicals evacuated to Lord Raglan, election to Council, Eyre & Spottiswoode bombed again; JLM to find new printers (autogr.); see Executive Committee Minutes, 7 Oct. 1941, f. 225

18 Ibid., 11 July – mentions guest Fellows, the Colonial memo, invitation to Sir John Marshall to give a lecture and the evacuation of the Library (tp.)

19 Ibid., 16 July – refers to Sir John Marshall, removal of the Library, stock held of Man and JRAI, and Man delay (tp.)

20 EJL to WBF, 3 Aug. – as a means of attracting new Fellows, suggests inviting recent graduates to a lunch before the Annual Meeting and providing other services (autogr.)

21 Prof. H.J. Fleure to KMM, 4 Aug. 1941 – offers two photographs of Sir James Frazer to the RAI (tp.)

22 WBF to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 1 Oct. – recently has been rearranging photographs of past Presidents; much regrets his letter offering two photographs of Sir James Frazer has not been answered; wishes to accept them if still available (autogr., with tears)

23 WBF to G.M. Morant, c. 6 Oct. – asks him to give a lecture, hears his stamp scheme is to be discontinued, hopes he will continue and encloses a collection of stamps (autogr.); letter marked ‘not sent’

24 G.M. Morant to WBF, 8 Oct. – supports H.S. Harrison as Chairman of the Executive Committee; not prepared to give a lecture, has no material for Man, gives suggestions for reviews; refers to sale of stamps (autogr.)

11/ 1941. Jan.-Oct. HJB to WBF

All letters are from HJB and are autographs.

1 2 Jan. 1941 – sorting H.G. Beasley collection from the Cranmore Museum, latter destroyed but little damage to objects, to be distributed according to H.G. Beasley’s wishes with some pieces remaining with Mrs Beasley; refers to revised version of the Appeal to Fellows, Dr Hildburgh and the accounts, election of Hon. Fellows, will nominate J.C. Tello, Miss R.M. Fleming’s pension grant, Eyre & Spottiswoode’s bombed premises, Adrian Digby, incendiaries on the British Museum, RWF and Leonhard Adam in an Australian internment camp. 4 pp.; see Council Minutes, 17 Feb. 1941, ff. 381-2

2 21 Jan. – includes his nomination of J.C. Tello as an Hon. Fellow; mentions British Council book list, Beasley collection, Adrian Digby, Miss Fleming’s pension, Dining Club, Dr Hildburgh, Q.E. Kastrati’s lecture and report of Man. 4 pp.

3 23 Jan. – fire watching rota system at the British Museum, Executive Committee, and Q.E. Kastrati’s lecture (incomplete)

4 30 Jan. – Bedford Square fire fighting scheme, mentions KMM and British Museum; see Council Minutes, 17 Feb. 1941, f. 381

5 6 Feb. – mentions KMM, RWF’s lecture, Hon. Fellows and J.C. Tello, Bedford Square and fire fighting scheme, possibility of evacuating more valuable periodicals from the Library and Q.E. Kastrati’s lecture; see Council Minutes as above and 29 May, 28 Oct. 1941, ff. 383-4, 386

6 19 Feb. 1941 – raises again evacuating periodicals and cost, and mentions RWF’s excellent lecture

7 6 Mar. – EJL proposing Diamond Jenness for the Rivers Medal (he was awarded the Medal), mentions other backers, proposals for the Wellcome Medal, RAI meetings, Lord Raglan willing to store selected periodicals. 4 pp.; see Council Minutes, 27 May 1941, f. 385

8 14 Mar. – refers to Jenness proposal and to estimates for moving the periodicals (postcard)

9 19 Mar. – refers to the Jenness proposal, Miss Durham’s operation, Miss B.M. Blackwood’s lecture, and EJL’s opposition to evacuating more books

10 21 Mar. – refers again to Jenness proposal for the Rivers Medal and Miss Durham’s operation, Executive Committee and Miss Blackwood’s lecture, some disagreement about evacuating more books, Miss Fleming’s pension

11 22 Apr. – may be late for Executive Committee; sent the Jenness proposal to ARR-B but no reply

12 23 Apr. – asks if foreigners (guest members) are being nominated for temporary free Fellowship, proposes August Muhlenfeld; mentions further evacuation approved by Executive Committee; possible proposal by Mrs Seligman to elect him (HJB) to a second Presidency, very averse to it on principle, mentions other names (postcard); see Council Minutes, 27 May 1941, f. 383

13 13 May – no serious damage to the Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum or RAI in latest air raids (postcard)

14 9 June – has asked Dr Audrey Richards to lunch; must agree time of Annual Meeting; first load of RAI books have now gone; Dr Hildburgh negotiated a reasonable price with the carriers; has also booked storage with Mrs Aimée Lloyd, Cynghordy, books selected by G.M. Morant, EJL and himself

15 23 June – not proposing to propose a vote of thanks to outgoing President; not normally done by incoming President (postcard); HJB was appointed President for the second time in 1941

16 11 July – refers to article in The Times on colonial development; Colonial Office should be reminded of RAI and the memorandum of last year; see 43/13

17 15 July – ARR-B sent the original draft of the Colonial memorandum; revised version required, one copy only at RAI, having copies made; should be sent to Lord Moyne; refers to books for evacuation

18 17 July 1941 – refers to Colonial memorandum and evacuation of the Library

19 24 July – refers to Royal Society grant for JRAI, evacuation of the Library and H.S. Harrison; see Executive Committee Minutes, 7 Oct. 1941, f. 226

20 2 Sep. – mentions lecturers and times of meetings, Executive Committee, ARR-B willing to approach Lord Moyne over Colonial memorandum; refers to British Museum matters. 4 pp.

21 8 Sep. – offers WBF a bed for the night; invites him to lunch

22 1 Oct. – refers to Dr E. Henderson Hunt’s lecture (he lectured on 27 Oct.); Colonial memorandum; date of Council; I.C. Peate and the National Museum of Wales, JLM and Prof. H.J. Fleure had written in support (see Executive Committee Minutes, 7 Oct. 1941, f. 226); and the evacuation of the Library

12/ 1941. Apr.-Oct. WBF and JLM

1 JLM to WBF, 9 Apr. 1941 – refers to H.H. Coghlan and his paper for Man; reviews in Man and RWF’s book sent for review (autogr.)

2 WBF to JLM, 11 May – refers to papers for Man; in view of JRAI’s publication delays, KMM suggests Annual Report should be circulated before the Annual meeting; could provide a summary for Man; lectures should be summarized by the speaker; H.H. Coghlan’s lecture and discussion afterwards; general discussion of Man; HJB and W.L. Hildburgh. 6 leaves (autogr.)

3 JLM to WBF, 26 May – refers to the necessary war damage insurance; Annual Report and summaries of lectures in Man (autogr.)

4 WBF to JLM, c. 10 Oct. – problems of Man discussed (see Executive Committee Minutes, 7 Oct. 1941, f. 225), encloses draft notes for possible insertion (/5 below); no action recommended to Council over I.C. Peate (see /11/22 above and /5 below) (autogr.)

5 Two draft notes by WBF for insertion in Man and JRAI: To users of the Library …, An important message to readers of the Journal (autogr.)

6 JLM to WBF, 14 Oct. – especially glad to know Executive Committee endorses continued publication of Man; sent two notices to EJL; mentions lectures and Mrs E.L.R. Meyerowitz’ piece for Man (autogr.)

13/ 1941-6. Wartime Guest Members

See Executive Committee Minutes, 29 Apr. 1941, f. 223 and Council Minutes, 27 May 1941, f. 383


1 Draft invitation by WBF to Guest Members (autogr.)

2 WBF to Commandant Jean Escarra, 11 July 1941 – invitation to accept election as one of the first three Guest Members; Guest Members are entitled to all privileges of Ordinary Fellows except the right of voting (tpc.); invitations also sent to August Muhlenfeld, Ministerie van Koloniën, London W1, and C.S.A Schaeffer, Free French Navy

3 August Muhlenfeld to WBF, 18 July – accepts invitation with thanks (tp.)

4 Commandant Jean Escarra, Forces Françaises Libres to WBF, 20 July – ibid. (autogr.)


5 WBF to Dr Alf Sommerfelt, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Education, 8 Apr. 1942 – informed of election as a Guest Member (tpc.)

6 Dr G.M. Morant to WBF, 24 May – suggests Dr I. Zollschan as a Guest Member (autogr., annotated by WBF for EJL)

7 EJL to WBF, 29 May – responds to seeing above letter (/6); strongly supports Dr Zollschan; mentions Prof. Sir Frederic Bartlett and FS (autogr. note)

8 WBF to Dr I. Zollschan, 30 June – informed of election as Guest Member (tpc.)

9 [HJB to WBF, c. 20 Oct.] – suggests Pangeran Ario Soejono as a Guest Member; mentions possibility of sending JRAI and Man to Sweden (autogr.)

10 His Excellency Pangeran Ario Soejono, Netherlands Minister without Portfolio to WBF, 7 Dec. – accepts invitation with thanks (tp.)

11 Dr Jacques Soustelle, Commissioner for Information, Fighting French National Committee to WBF, 8 Dec. – ibid. (tp.)


12 Dr Margaret Mead, Office of War Information, American Embassy to FS, 18 Oct. 1943 – ibid. (tp.)

13 Prof. T. Sulimirski to WBF, 16 Nov. – ibid. (tp.)

14 Dr Alf Sommerfelt to EJL, 23 Nov. 1943 – asks if Dr Birger Bergersen could attend meetings; explains his position (tp.)

15 EJL to FS, c. 25 Nov. – on Dr Bergersen; suggests Guest Membership (autogr. note)

16 Dr Alf Sommerfelt to FS, 10 Dec. – gives Dr Bergersen’s curriculum vitae and brief list of publications (tp.); letters of 1 Dec. to Drs Bergersen and Sommerfelt not retained

17 FS to Dr Alf Sommerfelt, 13 Dec. – will put his letter (/16 above) before Council in Jan.; gives information about lecture (tp.); see Council Minutes, 25 Jan. 1944, f. 426


18 Miss M.L. Tildesley to WBF, 30 Mar. 1944 – gives details about Dr George D. Williams, US Army; suggests him for Guest Membership (tp., annotated by WBF); an invitation was sent to Dr Williams and to M. René Pleven, Commissioner for the Colonies, French Committee of National Liberation, Algiers; see Council Minutes, 25 Jan. 1944, f. 426


19 FS to Prof. B. Bergersen, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Supply, 20 July 1946 – with the war over Guest Membership ‘may now be considered to have come to an end’; hopes he will take Fellowship; RAI would welcome continued association (tpc.); similar letters sent to: Prof. Jean Escarra, M. René Pleven, M. Jacques Soustelle, and Lieut.-Colonel George D.W. Williams; letter also sent to Dr I. Zollschan, 22 July; see Council Minutes, 15 Jan. 1946, f. 462

14/ 1942. Jan.-May, Nov. HJB to WBF

All letters are from HJB and are autographs.

1 24 Jan. 1942 – on Japanese theories on Inca origins; has asked (Sir) Eric Thompson to be RAI delegate to the Americanist Congress in Santiago, Chile (postcard); see Council Minutes, 20 Jan. 1942, Item 9

2 30 Jan. 1942 – co-ordination of social science institutions by the British Association; RAI asked to send representative; not anxious to be representative; EJL thinks he should as a general anthropologist and Past President; asks WBF’s opinion; suggests additional names of Fellows who might be sent appeal for private subscriptions; mentions letter to The Times on Japanese fallacy; personal tribute to T.A. Joyce appears not to have been published; see Council Minutes, 20 Jan. 1942, Item 9

3 2 Feb. – just seen the notice of KMM’s death, mentions funeral and family, will write letter of sympathy; proposes to ask Prof. H.J. Fleure to be RAI delegate on British Association Committee; mentions Japanese fallacy again (postcard); see Council Minutes, 20 Jan., 24 Mar. 1942, Items 5, 7 respectively

4 12 Feb. – refers to gift of £100 from the American Anthropological Association; and to application for a grant to the Royal Society; mentions KMM Fund and cheque sent; letter of thanks from the Peruvian Legation for his letter on the Japanese fallacy; JLM suggests FS for Assistant Secretary

5 20 Feb. – agrees AAA gift should be noted (see Report of the Council, JRAI, Vol. LXXIII, 1943, p. 122); KMM Fund, appeal to Fellows and RAI post-mortem obligations (see obituary in Man, May/June 1942, No. 35 by H.S. Harrison and note by M.E. Durham, and Report of the Council, JRAI, LXXII, 1942, pp. 72, 73); agrees with JLM about seeking a permanent Assistant Secretary, Miss Wendy Grant cannot stay beyond summer; discusses appointment in detail; refers to British Association and social science institutions. 4 pp.

6 27 Mar. – gives date of sub-committee to appoint Assistant Secretary; see Council Minutes, 24 Mar. 1942, Item 9

7 17 Apr. – refers to book list, Royal Society application, FS’s application for Assistant Secretary, and H.S. Harrison’s refusal of the Huxley Medal for 1943. 2 pp. with separate note; see Council Minutes, 19 May 1942, Item 10

8 4 May – reports FS has accepted post of Assistant Secretary; see Council Minutes, 19 May 1942, Item 5c

9 5 May – refers to Royal Society application and possibility of Prof. H.J. Fleure as President; see Council Minutes, 19 May 1942, Items 6, 9a

10 11 Nov. – discusses letter to The Times and H.S. Harrison’s views; not the role of the RAI to defend the Empire; mentions anthropology and its teaching in schools

15/ 1942. May-Dec. Prof. W.E. Le Gros Clark’s resignation

All letters are carbon or typescript copies of the originals.

1 Prof. W.E. Le Gros Clark (WELeGC) to RAI, 21 May 1942 – tenders his resignation; unable to fulfil responsibilities on Council and as Vice-President; cites increasing specialization of physical anthropology and his need to maintain contact with all its branches; feels future of RAI will be the social and cultural aspects of anthropology

2 WBF to WELeGC, 25 Oct. – his wish to resign was sufficiently important to be considered by Council (see Council Minutes, 16 June 1942, Item 3); decision to ask him to reconsider, serious effects which his withdrawal would have on RAI’s ‘position as a fully representative body on British anthropology’; despite increasing specialization Council’s view, contrary to his, was that the RAI should cover all aspects; RAI fully conscious of its inability to carry out its functions in war-time; outlines policy of JRAI and lectures; hopes he will not insist on his resignation

3 WELeGC to WBF, 24 Nov. – thanks him for his kindly letter; may be incorrect in thinking the RAI covers too much ground; thinks some anthropologists limit themselves by concentrating on too many aspects; many scientific societies have found it necessary to split up; gives view of Prof. Raymond Dart’s article in JRAI; hopes his resignation will not effect help he may be able to give in future

4 WBF to WELeGC, 28 Nov. (first part lower half of /3 above) – regrets he has not changed his mind; thanks him for his clear exposition of his views; proposes to bring his views unofficially before the Officers; later will invite him to give his views to Council; note by WBF on correspondence and representation of physical anthropology in the RAI, dated 28 Nov.

5 FS to WBF, 4 Dec. – is circulating correspondence to President, EJL and Dr G.M. Morant; feels organization of RAI closely connected with scientific matters; sets out views on the proper functioning of the RAI

16/ 1942. General

1 WBF to Lord Raglan, 19 Jan. 1942 – replies to Lord Raglan’s complaint about lack of notice of Council meetings; illness of KMM and her financial situation; temporary Assistant Secretary, Miss Wendy Grant; gives date of next Council meeting (autogr. draft); see Council Minutes, 20 Jan. 1942, Item 5

2 FS to WBF, 27 May – refers to WELeGC’s letter of resignation (autogr. note); see /15/1-5 above

3 Ibid., 28 May – refers to Council Report and Annual General Meeting; mentions WELeGC’s letter of resignation and action taken (tp., autogr. note); see as above

4 Insertions for Council Report, 1941-2 by WBF (autogr.)

5 FS to WBF, 5 June – on defaulting members and method of dealing with them (tpc.)

6 Ibid., 8 June – dealing with Council Report; numbers of Fellows only approximate, no system in office apparent (tpc., with autogr. note)

7 Ibid., 17 June – mentions death of Prof. G.A. Reisner of Harvard University, date of Wellcome Medal, Rivers Medal, WELeGC’s resignation, ‘Polish/Malinowski affair’ (see Council minutes, 27 Oct. 1942, f. 404), Dr Alf Sommerfelt’s lunch (tp.)

8 Ibid., 7 July – reports death of Hon. Fellow, Dr Fritz Sarasin; asks about Local Correspondents (see A34) and Dr R.R. Marett’s sponsorship of H. Sterndale Stovold’s Fellowship (tp., autogr. note)

9 Ibid., 30 July – mentions Local Correspondents, Royal Society, Bedford Estate and rent reduction, August closure, and list of ‘best books’ (tp.)

10 Ibid., 29 Sep. – refers to restocking envelopes for Man and JLM’s view about Man’s future (tp., autogr. note)

11 Ibid., 30 Nov. – sends letters for signature to new Guest Members, Dr Jacques Soustelle and His Excellency Pangeran Ario Soejono; difficulty in contacting K. de B. Codrington (tp., autogr. note)

12 Ibid., 3 Dec. – refers to correspondence with WELeGC and to K. de B. Codrington (tp., autogr. note)

13 Ibid., 11 Dec. – refers again to K. de B. Codrington who has been ill; letter of thanks from Dr Soustelle and His Excellency Pangeran Ario Soejono; E. de Chair’s complaint about lack of facilities for Africans (tp., autogr. note)

14 JLM to WBF, 25 Dec. 1942 – refers to FS and her capability, to his reply to WELeGC and the importance of making physical anthropologists welcome in the RAI; expects the Physical Anthropology Committee (probably British Committee for the Standardization of the Techniques of Physical Anthropology, A106) and that of Applied Anthropology to resume meetings as early as possible (autogr.)

15 FS to WBF, 29 Dec. – refers again to E. de Chair and facilities for Africans and concern of Colonial Office and Listowel Committee (tp.); many letters of a routine nature from FS to WBF for 1942 have not been retained